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Blue Book Resistance Tables

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The new Blue Book

The new Blue Book of member resistances to EC3 is nearing completion. David Brown, Deputy Director of SCI introduces some of the significant features.
The Blue Book is known throughout the steel world, and the instantly recognisable, (and usually well-thumbed) publication is found on the desks of many designers. The Blue Book is about to be made available after a full Eurocode makeover, and this article describes some of the significant comparisons between the versions to BS 5950 and EC3. Eurocode resistances, but for UK use only! The original idea that a Eurocode would represent an absolutely common standard across the whole of Europe became watered down somewhere along the 30 year development programme. Now, limited national choice is available over certain aspects of the Eurocode and these are described in the National Annex to each Eurocode Part. The relevant National Annex is the one for the country where the structure is to be constructed, so the UK National Annexes must be used for structures to be built in the UK. Thus, the Eurocode Blue Book will be appropriate for UK structures, but not necessarily in any other countries. This same problem applies to other publications that slightly different versions could exist for use in different countries. An emblem has been developed for the suite of publications that indicates their scope the ring of stars indicates that its a Eurocode guide, and the UK indicates that the guide adopts the UK National Annex values. BS5950 A Z S Ix Iy EC3 A Wel Wpl Iy Iz BS5950 P Mx V H J EC3 N My V Iw It BS5950 py pb pc r i EC3 fy

Flexural Buckling Figure 1 shows part of the table for UKC resistances. It looks mostly familiar, with resistances for the major axis (Nb,y,Rd) and the minor axis (Nb,z,Rd) presented for different buckling lengths. A third row is presented for Beams, Columns and Channels which provides the resistance to torsional buckling, Nb,T,Rd. An article which explains torsional buckling, with illustrations of the phenomena, was published in New Steel Construction in April 2006. Torsional buckling of beam and column sections will only be critical if the flanges are not equally restrained in the minor axis; in most cases, torsional buckling will not be the critical mode.

Figure 1: UKC compression resistances, S355, from the new Blue Book Table 1 shows a comparison for some typical members, to BS 5950 and EC3 Section Properties The values have not changed (other than possibly the display of significant figures), but the nomenclature certainly has. Member axis, major dimensions and section properties all adopt the Eurocode terms, and are shown in the new Blue Book. Major changes are shownat the top of the next column. Some have a sound logic modulii are always W for example, and issues connected with stiffness are always I. The importance of the subscripts becomes clear, as these define the particular property, for example whether the modulus is elastic or plastic.
34 NSC June 2008

Minimum Resistance (kN) Member 203 UKC 60 203 133 30 UKB 114 5 CHS 150 150 5 SHS Grade S355 S355 S355 S355 Length (m) 6 5 6 4 BS 5950 862 272 133 794 EC3 844 268 132 756

Table 1: Comparison of resistances to flexural buckling The technical reason for these modest differences is that the Eurocode has a slightly shorter plateau in the strut buckling curves than BS 5950, and the curves themselves are slightly different (those

page 36


interested can compare values between Clause in BS EN 1993-1-1 and Annex C of BS 5950). At larger values of slenderness, the values are very close, as expected. Elliptical hollow sections For the first time, the new Blue Book includes resistances for elliptical hollow sections. Although section properties have been provided in previous publications, there had been insufficient development to allow resistances to be prepared. Following work at Imperial College, resistances in compression, bending and shear have been provided. In some cases, particularly in combined bending and compression, the resistances for elliptical hollow sections will be conservative. This is because the section has been classified on the basis of the compression alone, and this (sometimes more onerous) classification has been used when calculating the bending resistance. If an elliptical section is found to be class 4, two options are possible: Calculate the resistance based on an effective area, or Calculate the resistance based on the full area, but using a reduced design strength so that the section remains Class 3. In compression alone, the resistances are based on the higher result from either approach. In combined bending and axial compression, only the second approach is used, and furthermore, the same reduced design strength and elastic modulus is used when calculating the bending resistance. Lateral-torsional buckling Figure 2 shows part of the table for UKB resistances. Although the resistances are tabulated against lengths, the resistances also depend on the C1 factor, shown in the second column. In fact, the Eurocode does not mention C1 at all, but simply defines that the resistance is based on slenderness, and in turn the slenderness depends on the elastic critical buckling resistance, Mcr. No expressions are offered in the Eurocode for the calculation of Mcr. The value can be calculated using software, or by expressions found in various sources of non-conflicting complementary information (NCCI). The value of Mcr depends on the shape of the bending moment, as can be seen in the expression for non-destabilising loads (taken from Access Steel):

Mcr = C1

2EIz L2

Iw Iz

L2GIt 2EIz

The C1 factor accounts for the shape of the bending moment diagram, allowing for the fact that a uniform bending moment diagram is the most onerous situation anything else is less onerous. The same physics is allowed for in BS 5950 by the use of the equivalent uniform moment factor mLT from Table 18. In BS 5950, the calculation of mLT is independent of the calculation of the lateral torsional buckling resistance, Mb and so only one row of resistances needed to be shown for each steel section. In the Eurocode approach, the lateral torsional buckling resistance incorporates the effect of a non-uniform bending moment within the calculation, and so resistances for various shapes of bending moment diagram (manifest as different values of C1) are provided. Some designers will recall the 1990 version of BS 5950, where non-uniform bending moments were dealt with by the equivalent uniform moment factor m or by the slenderness correction factor n. Whereas m was independent of the calculation of Mb, the influence of n was included in the calculation. The complementary Blue Book at the time (the fourth edition) had to show resistances for various n factors, rather like the Eurocode version. Table 2 shows the differences in the codes. BS 5950:1990 Basic equation Approach M = mMA BS 5950:2000 Mx < Mb m LT using mLT EC3 Med Mb.Rd < 1.0

using m or n (MA depends on n) Rows required for values of n

using C1 Mb,Rd depends on C1 Rows required for values of C1

Blue Book

Single value of Mb

Table 2: Approach to non-uniform bending moments The C1 factors can be found from Access Steel at http://www.access-steel.com Typical cases are shown in Table 3. Loading and support conditions Bending moment diagram C1 1.127 2.578 1.348 1.683 Table 3: Typical values of factor C1 The lateral torsional buckling resistances are generally increased (often significantly so) compared to BS 5950, as the following example demonstrates. page 43

Figure 2: UKB bending resistances, S355, from the new Blue Book


NSC June 2008

Technical The new Blue Book


Assuming a 7m pin-ended beam, S355, with a UDL. According to BS 5950, the resistance of a 533 210 92 UKB is 262 kNm (taken from the 7th edition blue book). From Table 18, m LT is 0.925. Thus the maximum applied moment is 262/0.925 = 283 kNm For a UDL, C1 is 1.127 From Figure 2, the resistance is 319 kNm when C1 = 1 445 kNm when C1 = 1.5 Interpolating, when C1 = 1.127, the resistance is 351 kNm This is some 24% greater than the BS 5950 resistance. Conclusions This article has looked at the new Blue Book, expected soon, and what are possibly the two most used tables compression and bending. The compression resistances are as simple to use as they always have been, with very similar results. The lateral-torsional buckling tables generally demonstrate the very significant advantage of using the Eurocode, with increased resistances. The requirement for a C1 factor may be a complication (the use of C1 = 1.0 is conservative), but is not very onerous. If there is sufficient demand, it is possible to make tables available at the standard C1 values, for example with C1 = 1.127 for the common case of a UDL on a pin-ended beam. In addition to the Blue Book, a new Red Book will be available, as well as an on-line version. All three should be available soon after the National Annex is published by BSI. Future articles will look at other tables, including those for combined bending and compression.

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