Ramadan Kareem
Ramadan Kareem
Ramadan Kareem
A Summarized version of the book: Sifah Saum an-Nabee By Shaikh Saleem al-Hilaalee & Shaikh Alee Hasan al-Halabee
Translated from Urdu and Published by Centre for Islamic Studies (CIS), Bangalore
In the name of Allaah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful First Edition: September 2008 Copies: 2000 Second Edition: August 2009 Copies: 8000 Third Edition: August 2010 Copies: 2000
The Prophet said: Whoever fasts the month of Ramadhaan due to Eemaan (correct belief) and hoping for reward (from Allaah) will have his previous sins forgiven.1
Bukhaaree # 1951
Publishers note Introduction Definition of Saum (fasting) Obligation of fasting Excellence of fasting I. Virtues of fasting in general II. Virtues of fasting in Ramadhaan Warning against failing to fast in Ramadhaan At the approach of Ramadhaan The Intention The time for beginning and ending the fast Suhoor - the pre-dawn meal Actions that are to be avoided while fasting Actions that are permitted while fasting Those exempted from fasting Breaking the fast (Iftaar) Actions which nullify the fast Atonement (al-qadaa) - making up
Pg. 6 8 10 10 11 12 14 16 20 22 27 31 34 40 46 52
for the missed fast Expiation (al-Kaffaarah) Recompense (al-Fidyah) Lailatul-qadr (the night of decree) Taraaweeh prayers The Witr prayer Generosity in Ramadhaan Recitation of the Quraan Zakaatul Fitr Some weak Ahaadeeth quoted often in the month of Ramadhaan Appendix 1: Voluntary fasts Appendix 2: the Eid prayer
55 58 59 60 64 68 72 72 73 77 79 85
All Praise is for Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds and may the Peace and Security of Allaah be upon the Noble Prophet, his family and upon all of his companions. Alhamdulillaah, before you is the English translation of a Summarized version of the Arabic book Sifah Sawm an-Nabee by two of the foremost students of Shaikh al-Albaanee rahimahullaah. It will InshaAllaah serve as a beneficial book for all those who do not give precedence to anyone above Allaah and His Messenger .Books of this nature are long overdue in the English language, as English speaking Muslims have been deprived of authentic books based on the methodology of the Pious Predecessors. Instead they have had to rely on poorly researched books full of unauthentic Ahaadeeth, and innovated practices. We hope that this book helps the reader to perfect his
fast so that it may be acceptable to Allaah and of benefit to us on the Day of Resurrection. Finally, if you find any errors in the book please inform us so that we may correct them in future editions. The Research Division CIS
Note: All references have been extracted from Arabic sources unless otherwise stated. The chapters, footnotes and the appendices added by the publisher have been checked as well as all the Ahaadeeth quoted in the book have been verified to be authentic by Shaikh Tariq Saudagar Madani.
Verily all praises are for Allaah, we praise Him, we seek His aid and ask for His forgiveness, and we seek Allaahs refuge from the evils of ourselves and from our evil actions. Whomsoever Allaah guides then there is none to misguide him, and whomsoever Allaah misguides then there is none to guide him. I testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allaah alone, having no partner, and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger. To proceed: O brother, may Allaah unite us upon love of Him and upon following the Sunnah of His Messenger .The status of fasting and its place in Islam will become clear to us and also the great reward awaiting the one who fasts seeking the Face of Allaah2, and how
Meaning: seeking to see Allaah on the Day of Judgement. cf. Al-Quraan 75:22-3 and 76:9
that reward increases or decreases depending on its closeness to the Sunnah of the Messenger .As was indicated by the best of the children of Adam who said: Perhaps a person fasting will receive nothing from his fasting except hunger and thirst.3 Therefore, we must know the characteristics of the Prophets fast; its obligatory duties, its manners and related supplications - and then put that into practice (in order to achieve the desired benefits of fasting).
Fasting is the 3rd most important pillar of Islam. It was made obligatory in the 2nd year of Hijrah. Allaah said: The month of Ramadhaan5 in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong). So whoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramadhaan
4 5
i.e. is present at his home), he must observe Saum (fasts) that month....6
1. Fasting acts like a shield from desires in this world and from the Hell-fire in the Hereafter.7 2. Fasting enters a person to paradise.8 3. The people who fast are rewarded with an immense reward.9 4. For the fasting person there are two times of joy; when he breaks his fast and when he meets his Lord (in the Hereafter).10 5. The smell coming from the mouth of the fasting person is better with Allaah than the smell of musk.11
6 7
Al-Quraan 2:185 Bukhaaree # 1904, Ahmed # 396, 397 8 Ibn Hibbaan # 3425 9 Bukhaaree # 1904 10 Bukhaaree # 1904 11 Bukhaaree # 1904
6. Fasting intercedes for a person on the Day of Judgement.12 7. Fasting is an expiation for various sins.13 8. A gate in paradise Ar-Rayyaan is exclusively for those who fast.14
Along-with these, (i.e. the above-mentioned virtues), fasting in Ramadhaan has additional excellence and virtues like: 1. Forgiveness of Sins It has been related on the authority of Abu Hurairah that the Prophet said: Whoever fasts the month of Ramadhaan due to Eemaan (correct belief) and hoping for reward (from Allaah) will have his previous sins forgiven.15
12 13
Ahmed # 6626 Al-Quraan 2:196, 4:92, 5:89 14 Bukhaaree # 1896 15 Bukhaaree # 1901
2. Supplications answered and Freedom from the Hell-fire The Prophet said: There are in the month of Ramadhaan in every day and night those to whom Allaah grants freedom from the fire, and there is for every Muslim a supplication which he can make and will be granted.16 3. A person will be amongst the Siddeeqeen (truthful followers of the prophets) and Shuhadaa (martyrs) Amr bin Murrah al-Juhanee said: a man came to the Prophet and said: O Messenger of Allaah ,what if I testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allaah and that you are the Messenger of Allaah, and I observe the five daily prayers,
Ahmed # 4/254
and I pay the Zakaah, and I fast and stand in prayer in Ramadhaan, then amongst whom shall I be? He said, Amongst the Siddeeqeen and the Shuhadaa.17
said: I heard
Whilst I was sleeping two men came to me and took hold of my arms and brought me to a steep mountain and said: climb, so I said: I am not able to. So they said: We will make it easy for you. So I climbed until I came to the summit of the mountain where I heard terrible cries, so I said: what are these cries? They said: That is the howling of the people of the fire. Then they took me further on until I came to a people who were strung up by their hamstrings, with their
jawbones torn and flowing with blood, so I said: who are these. He said: Those who break their fast before the time at which they may do so.18 19 (i.e. in spite of knowing the obligation of fasting in Ramadhaan they would not keep it).
Ibn Hibbaan # 1800 Another Hadeeth worth noting is that the Prophet said: Let his nose be smeared in dust ...the one who gets the month of Ramadhaan and it comes to an end without him being forgiven in it... Tirmidhee # 927
It is the 8th month of the Islamic Calendar and comes before Ramadhaan 21 Bukhaaree # 1959
Messenger said: Do not pre-empt Ramadhaan by fasting a day or two before it, except for a man fasting his usual fast then let him fast.22 Which means that a person who regularly fasts on Monday, Thursday or fasts in the manner of Daawood (fasting every alternate day) can fast during these days as well (but not anyone else). Ammaar said: Whoever fasts the day about which there is doubt has disobeyed Abul-Qaasim23 42. The day of doubt is the 30th day of Shabaan while the moon has not been sighted on the 29th.
22 23
Sighting the Moon The beginning and ending of Ramadhaan depends on sighting the crescent (new moon) or by completing 30 days of that month. The Prophet said: Fast when it is seen, and cease fasting when it is seen and perform the rites of Hajj based upon that and if it is hidden by clouds then complete thirty (days), and if two witnesses testify, then fast and cease fasting.25 Even the witness of a single person who has seen the moon is acceptable. Ibn Umar said: The people looked out for the new moon, so I informed the Prophet that I had seen it, so he fasted and ordered the people to fast.26
25 26
The person who gives the witness should be a Muslim who is pious, just and has a good vision. Note: One of the benefits that can be derived from the above-mentioned Ahaadeeth27 is that in the Shariah28, a month does not have 31 days.
27 28
For the obligatory fast, it is obligatory upon every Muslim to intend to fast in the night itself before the Fajr prayer. The Prophet said: He who does not resolve to fast before it is Fajr, there is no fast for him.29 The necessity of having the intention before the Fajr itself is particular to obligatory fasts (and not supererogatory fasts). This is since the Messenger used to come to Aaishah radhiallaahu anhaa at times other than Ramadhaan and say: Do you have any food? If not, then I am fasting.30 From this we know that it is not obligatory to intend in the night for supererogatory fasts.
29 30
Note: The place for the intention is the heart, and to pronounce this upon the tongue or reading the Duaa Allaahumma asoomu ghadan-laka faghfirlee maa qaddamtu wa maa akhhartu is not established from the Prophet and therefore is an innovation and a misguidance.
The fixed timing of the fast, till the day of resurrection, is from true dawn until sunset. Since every Muslim is not able to discern these timings, the Adhaan is used as a indication to inform the people about the beginning and the end of the timings of the fast. It should be noted however that the Adhaan, in and of itself, does not represent the prescribed time limits. Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajr rahimahullaah complaining about his time i.e. the 8th century A.H said: One of the new things that the people nowadays have invented is that they give the Adhaan about 20 minutes before the actual time of the true dawn begins giving it the name of precaution which in fact is an open misguidance and a clear innovation. And it is this same precautionary attitude that has caused them to wait and give the Adhaan a few minutes after the sunset. In this way they delay breaking the fast and take Suhoor34
Pre-dawn meal
early which is in clear contradiction to the Sunnah35 and it is for this reason that there is little good and much evil found in the people.36 37 This was the condition of the people 6 centuries ago. As for our times, then Allaahs refuge is sought. Notes: 1. The rulings of fasting are connected to the seeing with the naked eye. One should not burden himself with seeking out the moon by means of newly invented astronomical devices or by timetables provided by the people of astronomy. This has caused the people to go farther away from the Sunnah of
Prophets way This is due to their deliberate opposition to the command of the Prophet :The people will not cease to be upon good as long as they hasten in breaking the fast. Muslim # 1093 37 Fathul-Baaree # 4/199
36 35
Prophet Muhammad . 2. It is found that the administrators of many Masjids depend on calendars based on astronomical calculations which are decades old and due to which they end up making the Suhoor early and delay the breaking of the fast which is in contradiction to the Prophets Sunnah. The correct way always is to deduce these timings based upon the beginning of Fajr and sunset. 3. Regarding the sighting of the new moon, the most correct opinion is that all the Muslims of the world agree on one universal sighting and begin and break the fast together so that their unity is maintained and manifested for indeed this is from the primary objectives of the Islamic Shariah. But in some countries and cities a few people accepting the sighting of other countries in contradiction to the Muslim brothers in their own city or country, goes against the very purpose of this ruling. Indeed this is
erroneous and unwise. Shaikh Al-Albaani rahimahullaah said in Tamaamul Minnah on pg. no. 398: Until such a time comes when all the countries in the world agree on one universal sighting, let every country be with their people and by accepting the sighting of other countries while going against the people of their own city, keeping the fast a day before or after, let them not increase the differences amongst themselves as is seen in some Arab countries. Wallaahul Mustaaan.
do not leave it.40 And it is clear that the Suhoor is a blessing since it is an act that is in compliance with the Sunnah. Perhaps the greatest blessing for those who take the Suhoor is that Allaah, the Most High, covers them with His forgiveness and sends His mercy upon them. Abu Saeed al-Khudree said that the Prophet said: The Suhoor is a meal of blessings, so do not leave it, even if one of you just takes a (gulp) of water, since Allaah sends mercy and His angels seek forgiveness for those who take the Suhoor.41 Delaying the Suhoor It is recommended to delay the Suhoor until just before Fajr. The Prophet said: Three things are from the manners of the
40 41
Prophets: hastening in break the fast, delaying the Suhoor, and placing the right arm upon the left in prayer.42 Amr bin Maimoon al-Awdee rahimahullaah said: The companions of Muhammad were the earliest of people in beginning the Iftaar and latest in taking the Suhoor.43 Using dates for Suhoor The Prophet said: How excellent are dates as the believers Suhoor.44 The Ruling of Suhoor Allaahs Messenger
gave an emphatic
order for one who is fasting that he should take Suhoor. He said: Whoever wishes to fast then let him take something as Suhoor.45 He also said: The distinction between our fasting and the fasting of the People of the Book is the taking of the Suhoor.46 He forbade us from leaving the Suhoor, saying: Do not leave it (i.e. the Suhoor), even if one of you just takes a gulp of water.47 Hence, taking Suhoor is Sunnah Muakkadah (highly emphasized Sunnah) & almost reaches the level of Waajib (obligatory).
Mighty and Majestic has no need that he should leave his food and drink.48 2. Ignorant and indecent speech The Prophet said: Fasting is not (merely abstaining) from eating and drinking, rather it is (abstaining) from ignorant and indecent speech, so if anyone abuses or behaves ignorantly with you, then say: I am fasting, I am fasting.49 A severe warning has come from the Prophet for one who commits these acts. He said: Perhaps a person fasting will receive nothing from his fasting except hunger and thirst.50
The reason for this is that one who does these things does not fulfill the purpose of fasting which Allaah has made obligatory on us.
If it were not that I would be putting my nation to hardship I would have ordered them to use the Siwaak along with every Wudhoo.54 The Messenger did not exclude the fasting person from this. So the fasting person can use the Siwaak anytime in the morning or evening, whether it is fresh or dry. This includes the use of toothpaste as well. 3. Washing the mouth and nose55 The Prophet used to wash his mouth and nose while fasting, but he prevented the fasting person from doing it strongly. He said: and breathe water into your nose strongly unless you are fasting.56
Muslim # 252 Note: The use of nasal drops or inhalers do not affect the fast as long as they do not provide nourishment to the body 56 Tirmidhee # 788
55 54
4. Blood testing57 and injections which do not provide nourishment These things do not nullify the fast.58 5. Cupping/blood-letting purposes Ibn Abbaas said: The Prophet fasting.59
6. Tasting Food etc. Ibn Abbaas said: There is no harm for a person to taste vinegar or anything whilst fasting as long as it does not enter his throat.60
This also includes blood donation if it does not weaken a person 58 Majmu Fataawaa Ibn Baaz # 15/258 59 Bukhaaree # 1938 60 Bukhaaree in muallaq form , Baihaqee # 4/261
7. Using Kuhl61 or medicine which enters the eyes such as eye-drops These are things which do not break the fast whether or not they produce a taste in the throat. Imaam al-Bukhaaree says in his Saheeh62: Anas bin Maalik , Hasan Basree and Ibraaheem Nakhee rahimahumullaah did not see any harm in the use of Kuhl for the fasting person.63 8. Pouring cold water over the head or taking a bath The Prophet used to pour water over his head whilst fasting due to thirst or the heat.64
A black substance applied to the rims of the eyelids. It is known as Surma in Urdu. 62 Referring here to Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree 63 Bukhaaree # 451 64 Abu Daawood # 2365
Imaam Bukhaaree rahimahullaah brought a chapter in his Saheeh: Chapter: A fasting persons taking a bath: And Ibn Umar soaked a garment in water and put it over himself whilst he was fasting, and Imam Ash-Shabee rahimahullaah65 entered the bath-house whilst he was fasting, and Imaam Hasan said: There is no harm in rinsing the mouth and cooling ones body with cold water when fasting.66 9. Embracing and kissing ones wife Aaishah radhiallaahu anhaa said: Allaahs Messenger used to kiss and embrace (his wives) while he was fasting, and he had more power to control his desires than any of you.67
May Allaahs mercy be on him 66 Bukhaaree: See chapter preceding Hadeeth # 1930 67 Bukhaaree # 1927
However, this is something disapproved of for younger men in particular, not for old men, since Abdullaah Ibn Amr Ibn al-Aas reports: We were with the Prophet when a youth came and said, May I kiss whilst I am fasting? He said: No. Then an old man came and said, May I kiss whilst I am fasting? He said, Yes. So we began looking at one another, so Allaahs Messenger said, The old man is able to control himself.68
Ahmed # 2/581
These Ahaadeeth71 show that one has a choice to either fast while travelling or leave the fast. However, it is better that one leaves it due to the Hadeeth where the Prophet said: Indeed Allaah loves to give allowances, just as He loves to give His obligations.72 Abu Saeed al-Khudree said: And (the Companions of Prophet Muhammad )used to hold that one who had the strength and fasted - then that was good, and that he who was weak and refrained from fasting - then that was good.73 Thus, if fasting on a journey produces hardship for the believer, then it is not from
righteousness, rather it is better and more beloved to Allaah that he breaks his fast. The Prophet said: It is not righteousness that you fast on a journey.74 And this ease that has been granted to the traveller is applicable till the Day of Judgment irrespective of how comfortable ones journey is nowadays. The person who criticizes the one who leaves the fast while on journey is in fact criticizing the allowance given by Allaah Himself. 2. The Ill Allaah has allowed the sick person to refrain from fasting as a mercy from Him, and a convenience. The illness which allows a person to break his fast is that which will, if he fasts, cause harm to him, increase in
Bukhaaree # 1946
severity, or be prolonged by it and Allaah knows best. See Al-Quraan 2:185. The missed fasts should be made up later. 3. Menstruating women and women having post-natal bleeding Menstruating women and women having post-natal bleeding are not allowed to fast and it is obligatory to compensate by making up for the days later on.75 4. The frail elderly man and woman Ibn Abbaas recited the verse: And as for those who can fast (with difficulty) they have (a choice either to fast or) to feed a poor person (for every day).76and said: It is the old man who is
75 76
unable to fast, so he refrains from fasting and instead feeds a poor person with half a Saa77 of wheat.78 Anas Ibn Maalik became too weak one particular year, so he prepared a large dish of Thareed79 and invited thirty poor people who came and ate their fill.80 5. The pregnant and the breast-feeding woman If such women fear for their or their childs life and health, then they can leave the fast and for every missed fast, they should feed one poor person and they are not required to compensate for the missed fasts by fasting later on. Once Ibn Umars wife asked him
A Saa is a measure equal to four times the quantity held by the two outstretched hands which is equivalent to 2 kg 40 gm 78 Bukhaaree # 4505 79 A broth of crumbled meat and bread 80 Daaraqutnee # 2/207
about this, so he replied: You leave the fast, and for every day missed feed one poor person and there is no recompense due on you.81
Daaraqutnee # 1/207
brought the Iftaar before him and the Prophet did his Iftaar. He then pointed in the direction of the West and said: When you see that the night has started from here, the fasting person should do his Iftaar.83 EXCELLENCE
Hastening in Iftaar brings about good Sahl Ibn Saad narrated that the Prophet said: The people will not cease to be upon good as long as they hasten in breaking the fast.84 Hastening in Iftaar is the Sunnah of Allaahs Messenger Sahl Ibn Saad
83 84
said: My Ummah will not cease to be upon my Sunnah as long as they do not await the stars in breaking the fast.85 Hastening in Iftaar is from the manners of the Prophets Abud-Dardaa said that Allaahs Messenger said: Three things are from the manners of the Prophets: hastening to break the fast, delaying the Suhoor, and placing the right arm over the left in prayer.86 Hastening in Iftaar is in opposition to the Jews and Christians and a cause for the dominance of Islam Abu Hurairah said that the Prophet said:
85 86
The religion of Islam will not cease to be uppermost as long as the people hasten to break the fast, since the Jews and the Christians delay it.87 There is a great lesson in this Hadeeth for the people who, in the name of precaution, oppose the Sunnah by delaying the Iftaar. They need to take a second look into their dubious precaution!!! With what should one break the fast? Anas Bin Maalik said: The Prophet used to break the fast with fresh dates before praying (the Maghrib Salaah), and if not with fresh dates then with older dates, and if not with dates then with some mouthfuls of water.88 Thus every Muslim should try to follow this
87 88
same order of preference. What should a person say upon breaking the fast? The Prophet said: Indeed there is for the fasting person, when he breaks his fast, a supplication which is not rejected.89 It is upon every Muslim to opportunity and call upon Allaah that he will be answered, and Allaah does not respond to an heart. seize this being sure know that inattentive
The Prophet used to make the following Duaa upon breaking the fast:
Tirmidhee # 804
(Zahabaz-Zamau wabtallatil urooqu, wa sabatal ajru InshaaAllaah) Which means: The thirst is gone, the veins are moistened and the reward is certain, InshaAllaah.90 Note: The Hadeeth which mentions the Duaa Allaahumma laka sumtu wa bika aamantu..... is Daeef (weak and therefore unauthentic). Providing food for a fasting person to break his fast The Prophet said: He, who gives food for a fasting person to break his fast, will receive the same reward as him, except that nothing will be reduced from the fasting persons reward.91
90 91
2. Making oneself vomit One who has an attack of vomiting there is nothing upon him, for the Prophet said: Whoever has an attack of vomiting, then no atonement is required of him, but whoever vomits intentionally then let him make atonement94 for it.95 3. Menstruation and after-birth bleeding If menstruation or after-birth bleeding take place during the day time of fasting, then the fast breaks and the atonement of that fast becomes obligatory.96 4. Injections containing nourishment Giving nourishment intravenously in the form of glucose or saline solution so that it reaches
i.e. to fast another day in its place 95 Abu Daawood # 2380 96 Muslim # 79, 80
the intestines breaks the fast.97 Also if the injection does not reach the intestines but reaches the blood-stream then it likewise breaks the fast. This is since it is being used in place of food and drink. 5. Sexual intercourse in the day Allaah said about the night of fasting: So now have sexual relations with them and seek that which Allaah has ordained for you (i.e. offspring).98 Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said in Zaadul Maaad (2/60): The Quraan shows that sexual intercourse breaks the fast, just like eating and drinking no disagreement is known concerning this.
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Should the days be made up together in a sequence? It is not obligatory to make up the days together (i.e. in succession). Ibn Abbaas said: There is no harm if he fasts them separately.101 Atonement on behalf of the dead person One who dies and had to make up for missed fasts, then for every day that he had missed, a poor person will be fed. However, if he had not kept a fast which he vowed (nadhr) to keep, then in this case his heir should fast it on his behalf due to the Hadeeth: Whoever dies and there is a fast remaining obligatory upon him - then his heir should fast for him.102
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This atonement is due only on those fasts which had been vowed by the deceased and who did not keep them. Ibn Abbaas said: If a man becomes ill in Ramadhaan and dies having refrained from fasting, then food should be given on his behalf and no making up of the days is due, and if a fast due to a vow was obligatory upon him, then his heir should fast on his behalf.103 And this is the view of Aaishah radhiallaahu anhaa also.104
103 104
Whoever nullifies his fast with sexual intercourse is required to make up the fast with another day (qadaa) and also to expiate as follows: 1. Free a slave if he is able, if not, 2. Fast for two months continuously; If he is not able to do this then, 3. Feed 60 poor people. If he is not capable of doing any of the above three things, then the obligation of expiation is removed from him.105
Muslim # 1111
Fidyah is obligatory on the following people: 1. The old man or woman who does not have the ability to fast. 2. An ill person who has no hope of regaining health or recovering from his illness. 3. A pregnant or breast-feeding woman who fears for herself or her child. These three kinds of people can leave the fast and shall be required to give Fidyah which is that one poor person is given half a Saa of grains (one Saa is equivalent to 2 kg and 40 gm).106
Daaraqutnee # 1/17
best, is that it occurs in the odd nights of the last ten nights of Ramadhaan. Allaahs Messenger while doing Itikaaf109 in the last ten days of Ramadhaan used to say: Seek out Lailatul-Qadr in the (odd nights) of the last ten of Ramadhaan.110 That is, the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th and the 29th night. And the Prophet said: And if one of you is too weak or unable then let him not allow that to make him miss the final seven.111 That is the 25th, 27th and the 29th night. How should a Muslim seek Lailatul-Qadr? The Prophet said:
Whoever stands (in Prayer) in LailatulQadr out of Eemaan (correct belief) and seeking reward then his previous sins are forgiven.112 It is recommended to supplicate a great deal in it with the Duaa:
Allaahumma innaka affuwwun tuhibbul afwa fafu annee. Which means: O Allaah, You are the One who pardons greatly, and loves to pardon, so pardon me.113 During these nights, to stay awake in prayer, to instruct ones family the same and to stay
112 113
away from ones wife is from the Sunnah of the Prophet 411.And the Prophet used to exert himself more in the last ten nights of Ramadhaan than he would at other times.115 The Signs of Lailatul-Qadr The Prophet said: On the morning following Lailatul-Qadr the sun rises not having any rays, as if it were a brass dish, until it rises up.116 And he said: Lailatul-Qadr is calm and pleasant, neither hot nor cold, the sun rises on its morning being feeble and red.117
114 115
Bukhaaree # 2024 Muslim # 1174 116 Muslim # 762 117 Ibn Khuzaimah # 3/23
It is important first of all to know that Taraaweeh (resting), Tahajjud (from hajada: remained awake at night), Qiyaamul-lail (standing at night),119 {Salaatul-Lail (the night prayer) and Witr (odd-numbered)}, all refer to the same prayer.120 121
It was the practice of the Prophet to pray an odd number of rakahs after the Ishaa prayer in the last third part of the night. Nevertheless it may be prayed anytime from after the Ishaa prayer until before the dawn of Fajr. See also the next chapter on Witr. See Irwaa ul Ghaleel # 2/158 and Bukhaaree # 996 119 Some people think that Tahajjud is a night prayer different from Qiyaamul-lail or Taraaweeh. Others think that Nafl (supererogatory) prayers at night are only recommended during Ramadhaan. Thus, it is important to clarify these misunderstandings, and emphasize what was mentioned above, i.e. that there is only one Nafl prayer at night, with different names used to describe it. Even though Taraaweeh is most commonly used to describe it in Ramadhaan, this does not make it a different prayer. (The Night Prayer, Jibaaly Pg 7-8) 120 Witr has two meanings in the Sunnah. It usually refers to the last one or three rakahs of the night prayer. But it
Its Prescription in Congregation According to the long Hadeeth of Aaishah radhiallaahu anhaa, Allaahs Messenger led the congregation in Qiyaamul-lail for three nights and the people participated in it with a great amount of zeal and enthusiasm. Then he ,due to the fear that this night prayer would be made obligatory upon the people stopped leading the people in the night prayers.122 It is from this Hadeeth that we get the proof for performing the Taraaweeh prayer in congregation. And based upon this action of the Prophet , Umar revived this Sunnah of praying the Taraaweeh prayer in congregation during his caliphate since the fear of the Prophet that
sometimes means all of the night prayers because, collectively, they are odd-numbered. 121 Words in flower brackets added by the Publisher 122 Bukhaaree # 1129
this prayer may become obligatory upon the people was removed with his passing away.123 The Number of Rakahs124 Aaishah radhiallaahu anhaa said: Allaahs Messenger did not increase upon eleven Rakahs in Ramadhaan, or outside of it. 125 And the righteous Caliph Umar , when he revived the Sunnah of praying the Taraaweeh in congregation, he instructed Ubay Bin Kaab and Tameem ad-Daaree to lead the people in 11 Rakahs of Qiyaamul-lail.126 And the prayer of Allaahs Messenger was
123 124
Bukhaaree # 2010 Plural of Rakah unit of prayer 125 Bukhaaree # 2010 126 Muwattaa Imaam Maalik # 1/115
well-spaced - meaning, that his bowing, prostration and his standing would be of similar length and his prostration would be as long as it would take to recite 50 verses of the Quraan.127 And his recitation of the Quraan would be with proper pronunciation and a slow pace. Those who hasten in their recitation, their bowing and prostration should learn a lesson from this.
Bukhaaree # 1123
This chapter has been added by the Publisher Bukhaaree # 994 130 Muslim # 1754 131 Nasaaee # 1700 132 Bukhaaree # 998 133 Abu Daawood # 1340
only.134 2. Performing two rakahs individually with Salaams (salutations), and then one rakah with Salaams.135 Note: The Prophet forbade praying a three-rakah Witr prayer like the Maghrib Salaah which has two tashahhuds.136 If one is praying more than three, He may perform every two rakahs individually with Salaams (salutations) and then pray one rakah with Salaams.137 Qunoot in Witr (Supplication during the prayer while in the standing posture) After finishing the Quraanic recitation in the
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The Night Prayer, Jibaaly Pg 101 The Night Prayer, Jibaaly Pg 101 136 Tahaawee and Daaraqutnee; cf The Night Prayer, Jibaaly Pg 107 137 The Night Prayer, Jibaaly Pg 101
last rakah of Witr, before going to the rukoo, one should sometimes supplicate with what the Prophet taught his grandson Hasan :
Allaahumma ihdinee feeman hadayt; wa aafinee feeman aafayt; wa tawallanee feeman tawallayt; wa baariklee feemaa atayt; wa qinee sharra maa qadayt; fa-innaka taqdhee wa-laa yuqdhaa alayk; innahoo laa yazillu man-waalayt; [wa-laa yaizzu man aadayt]; tabaarakta rabbanaa wa taaalayt.
Which means: O Allaah, guide me with those whom You have guided; protect me with those whom You have protected; befriend me with those whom You have befriended; bless for me what You have bestowed (on me); shelter me from the evil of what You have decreed. Indeed, You decree, and none can dominate You; he whom You befriend will never be humiliated, [nor will Your enemy ever be honored]. Blessed are You, our Lord, and exalted.138 For an in-depth understanding of the Night prayer of the Prophet one should refer to the excellent book, The Night Prayers, Qiyaam and Taraaweeh by Shaikh Muhammad al Jibaaly.
To be very generous during the month of Ramadhaan is from the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad .Ibn Abbaas said: The Prophet was the most generous of people, and in the month of Ramadhaan he would increase in his generosity as if it were a wave of a pleasant cool wind.139
Its Ruling The Prophet made it obligatory upon every Muslim, the young and the old, the male and the female, and the free and the slave.141 However, it is not obligatory upon the child in the mothers womb. What should be given as Zakaatul-Fitr? Anything which a person uses as his food one Saa142of it should be given, such as barley, dates, dried curds, raisins or rye.143 If wheat is being given, then only half a Saa due to the saying of the Prophet : Give a Saa of wheat or wheat grain for two people.144
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Muslim # 984 One Saa is equal to 2 kg and 40 gm 143 Ibn Khuzaimah # 4/80 144 Musnad Ahmed # 5/432
On whose behalf should a man give? The Muslim gives it for himself and for those whom he takes care of, young or old, male or female, free or slave. Ibn Umar said: Allaahs Messenger ordered SadaqatulFitr on behalf of the young and the old, and the free and the slave whom you provide for.145 To whom should it be given? The poor and the needy are the people entitled to it. The Prophet allocated this as food for the needy.146 There are some people who think that Zakaatul-Fitr can be given to all eight
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categories who can receive Zakaah but this has no proof. How it should be given It is from the Sunnah that there should be a person with whom it is gathered just as the Prophet entrusted Abu Hurairah who said: Allaahs Messenger entrusted me to look after the Zakaah of Ramadhaan.147 When it is to be given It is to be given before the people go out for the Eid prayer. It is not permissible to delay it until after the prayer, nor to give it in advance, except by a day or two as is reported from the practice of Ibn Umar .148 Also whoever gives it after the prayer, it is merely
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a Sadaqah.149 To give money instead of Zakaatul-Fitr Zakaatul-Fitr is legislated to be given only in the form of food grains. To give money instead of food grains is a clear opposition of the Sunnah. However, a person may give the amount of money required to procure the grains to a person who will purchase it on his behalf and is in-charge of distributing it.150 Its Wisdom and benefits 1. It is a means of purification for those who fasted, from mistakes and indecent talk. 2. It makes for an excellent provision for the needy. 3. The poor are saved from begging on the blessed day of Eid.151
Abu Daawood # 1622 150 Majmu Fataawaa Bin Baaz # 14/208 151 Ibn Maajah # 1872
3. Fast and you will be healthy.154 This Hadeeth is Daeef and Munkar (weak and rejected) 4. He who abandons fasting during a day of Ramadhaan without a valid excuse, or illness then even if he were to fast forever it would not make up for it.155 This Hadeeth is also Daeef.
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The month after Ramadhaan according to the Islamic Calendar. 157 Muslim # 2750 158 The last month of the Islamic Calendar 159 The ninth of Dhul-Hijjah
Messenger of Allaah was asked about fasting the day of Arafah, whereupon he said: It is an expiation for (the sins of) the previous (year) and the following (year).160 3) The fast of the Day of Aashooraa including the day before or the day after Abu Qataadah Al-Ansaari said that the Messenger of Allaah was asked about fasting on the day of Aashooraa161, whereupon he said: It expiates the sins of the preceding year.162 Ibn Abbaas narrated:
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Muslim # 2739 The 10th of Muharram which is the 1st month of the Islamic Calendar 162 Muslim # 2739
That the Prophet came to Madeenah and saw the Jews fasting on the day of Aashooraa. He asked them about that. They replied, This is a good day, the day on which Allaah rescued the Children of Israel from their enemy. So Moosa fasted this day. The Prophet said, We have more claim over Moosa than you. So, the Prophet fasted on that day and ordered (the Muslims) to fast (on that day).163 And Abdullaah Ibn Abbaas also reported that the Messenger of Allaah had said: If I live till the next (year), I would definitely observe fast on the 9th (along with the 10th of Muharram).164 4) Fasting most of Shabaan Aaishah radhiallaahu anhaa said:
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I never saw him observing (voluntary fasts) more in any other month than that of Shabaan. He observed fast throughout the month of Shabaan except a few (days).165 5) The fast of (every) Monday and Thursday. The Messenger of Allaah said: The deeds (of the son of Aadam) are presented (before Allaah) (every) Monday and Thursday, and I like it that my actions are presented whilst I am fasting.166 And when he was asked about fasting (every) Monday, he said: That is the day on which I was born, and (the day) on which revelation was sent down upon me.167
6) Fasting the 13th, 14th and 15th of every month Abu Hurairah said: The Prophet advised me about three things to offer Salaat-ud-Duhaa (forenoon prayer), to pray Witr before sleeping and to fast three days in a month.168 Also the Prophet said: The fast of three days every month, from one Ramadhaan to another are equivalent to fasting perpetually.169 7) The fast of Prophet Daawood fasting every other day. The Messenger of Allaah said: The most beloved fast to Allaah is the fast
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, i.e.
of Daawood , and the most beloved prayer to Allaah is the prayer of Daawood . He used to sleep half the night and stand for prayer for a third of the night and used to sleep a sixth of the night, and he used to fast every other day.170
Muslim # 2731
Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood # 1134 Bukhaaree # 974, As-Saheehah # 2408 &2115
It is recommended to take a bath and adorn oneself for the occasion of Eid.173 It is recommended to eat something especially dates before the Eid prayer on the morning of Eid ul Fitr. As for Eid ul Adhaa, it is recommended to eat from the meat of sacrifice after the Eid prayer.174 The Sunnah is to pray the Eid prayer in the Musallaa175 (open field) and not in a Masjid.176 One should pronounce the takbeer in an audible manner on the way to the Musallaa up until the Imaam stands up to lead the people in the Eid prayer.177 It is from Sunnah to take one path for going
Irwaa ul Ghaleel Ar. 146, Musannaf Abdur-Razzaak Ar. 5753, As-Saheehah Ar. 1279 174 Saheeh Ibn Maajah # 1756, Tirmidhee 175 Also known as Eidgaah in Urdu 176 Bukhaaree # 956 177 Irwaa ul Ghaleel # 650
to the Eid prayer and another path while returning.178 It is also from the Sunnah to walk to the Musallaa179 unless the place is too far to be reached in reasonable time on foot. The Eid prayer should be held in the morning and the best time to pray it is shortly after sunrise.180 There is no prayer before or after the Eid prayer.181 The Eid prayer is not preceded by the Adhaan or the Iqaamah.182 In the Eid prayer the Imaam leads the people in praying two rakahs.183
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Bukhaaree # 986 Ibn Maajah # 1295 180 Ibn Maajah #1317 181 Bukhaaree # 989 182 Bukhaaree # 960 183 Nasaaee # 1420
The Eid prayer consists of two rakahs and it has additional takbeers as described: The takbeers should be made before the recitation. There should be seven takbeers in the first rakah and five in the second. 184 After the prayer, the Imaam delivers a Khutbah (sermon) in which he exhorts the people to fear Allaah and to give Sadaqah (charity).185 A Muslim has the choice either to sit for the Khutbah or to leave.186 If one misses the Eid prayer, then let him pray two rakahs as qadaa (atonement).187
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Irwaa ul Ghaleel # 639 Fath ul Baaree # 978, Mishkaat # 1397 186 Abu Daawood # 1155 187 Bukhaaree, Chapter if one misses the Eid prayer then let him pray two rakahs.
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