Santa Monica High School 11 College Prep - American Lit Course Syllabus 2012-2013
Santa Monica High School 11 College Prep - American Lit Course Syllabus 2012-2013
Santa Monica High School 11 College Prep - American Lit Course Syllabus 2012-2013
Teacher: Ms. Justine Sorensen Room T219 Phone # (310) 395-3204 ext. 71219 Email: Course website: Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday during lunch; afterschool by appt.
Course Overview: In this course, students will read, discuss, analyze, and write responses to significant works of American literature and non-fiction texts. The objective of this course will be to help all students become effective writers, critical thinkers, attentive readers, and engaging presenters. We will analyze and discuss how authors employ language to convey meaning, examine the literary techniques authors use, and read with a special focus on understanding theme. We will study and master the skills necessary for students to succeed on the California Standards Tests (CSTs), and college preparation exams, like the PSAT and SAT. All year, we will make progress toward mastering the California English/Language Arts Standards for eleventh grade. Throughout the year we will develop skills in persuasive writing, response to literature, and research. We will also examine the concept of The American Dream and explore this idea and the ways in which authors address this idea throughout the texts we read. All year we will read poems, short stories, fulllength plays and novels, in addition to numerous non-fiction texts. Texts can be obtained from the schools textbook room, and some of the texts will photocopied and distributed to the class or made available to print online. Required Materials: Single subject notebook OR composition book Single folder/OR three-ring binder with English section (for various handouts) blue or black pens; highlighters are recommended 3x5 cards for vocabulary practice all assigned readings and handouts in the current unit of study Student Evaluation / Grading Scale: Throughout the course, students will be assessed in a variety of ways: short, informal assignments, class presentations, in-class writing assignments, tests, and longer process writing pieces. Evaluation will be cumulative over the semester. Semester grades for the course will be computed in weighted categories, to reflect the importance and emphasis of varying assignments and assessments. Categories and their weights are as follows: 20% Tests and Quizzes (including vocabulary quizzes) 20% Homework and Classwork
Writing (including in-class, on demand essays and process pieces) Participation and Work Habits Final Exam
Students should contact Ms. Sorensen immediately in the event of an illness or unforeseeable emergency to obtain makeup assignments, and to receive an extension if needed. No penalty will be assessed if students ask for extensions 48 or more hours before the assignment is due. Since homework and process assignments (i.e., rough drafts) pertain to the lesson of the day, students earn no credit if they do not submit those assignments on the due date. Assignments of 20+ points will receive a 10% point deduction for each day late. All late work is due at the beginning of the period. If a student repeatedly abuses the late work or extension privilege, both the students parents and his/her advisor will be notified so that we can help the student to manage his/her time more effectively. Students who are absent should check the course website to obtain the homework assignment and handouts, OR they can check the class notebook and folder for the agenda and handouts distributed while they were absent. Students should also contact their peers to stay up to date with assignments and classwork. If a student attempts to complete an assignment, but receives a failing grade, a minimum F will be earned (50%), to help reward effort and ongoing improvement, so that a few poor assignments will not overly affect a students grade. The grading scale for all assignments is as follows:
A+ 101% or greater A 93-100% A- 90-92% B+ 88-89% B 83-87% B- 80-82% C+ 78-79% C 73-77% C- 70-72% D 60-69% F 50-59% Z 0% (not submitted)
Typical Assignments Independent Reading: Throughout the year, students will read two books per semester on their own in addition to the texts we study as a group. Each semester students will read 2 books of their choosing and complete a short assignment after completing each book. I will provide guidelines, assignment sheets and models in class for these assignments. Seminars and Discussion: We will often participate in Socratic Seminars and other types of class discussions and students will need to complete assigned readings and prepare for these discussions. Students who are absent on discussion days must contact me for a makeup assignment; extensions for presentations or group projects MUST be requested in advance. Additionally, students may be required to participate in online discussion forums; more information regarding these discussions will be given at a later date. Formal Papers and Projects: Requirements, format, and scoring guides for papers and projects will vary; therefore, students will receive the guidelines and scoring for each paper/project well in
advance of the due date. Formal papers must be typed and submitted to A password and user ID will be given in class. On-Demand Essays: Writing essays on demand is a skill that needs to be practiced, practiced, and then practiced again. These essays may be graded either on the 1-6 scale used by the College Board on the New SAT Test or the CSU Essay scoring guide. The scoring guidelines for all in-class essays will be shared with students before the essays are given. Daily Assignments and Portfolio: Students will be required to record all journal entries or warmups in a single-subject or composition notebook. Throughout the year, I will collect and grade these notebooks. Additionally students should keep all work for the semester in a three-ring binder or a single folder explicitly for their English class. Students will need to keep all drafts, final products, notes, handouts, tests/quizzes, timed writes, reading responses, etc.
Behaviour Expectations: Students are to be prepared to learn and to display courtesy at all times. A description of class rules and consequences will be given in class. Plagiarism/Cheating Policy: Academic integrity is essential to this course and to future success in college and the workplace. If students are caught cheating or are suspected of plagiarism, they will be asked to redo the assignment. Repeated infractions will be handled according to Samohis Academic Honesty Policy. Computer Issues: Computer trouble is NOT a valid excuse for late work. In addition to the computers at the school and public libraries, I have a computer students may use outside of class time should they need to complete or print assignments. Please print all assignments before class; students may not use class time to print an assignment. Additional Help: Course updates, announcements, homework, and handouts may be reviewed and downloaded from our course website, My office hours are on Tuesdays and Thursdays during lunch and afterschool by appointment only. I can be reached by email anytime at for questions and additional help. I make my best effort to respond to emails sent by 9 pm. I will do all that I can to help each student succeed in this course. E-mail Etiquette: Students are encouraged to email often for clarification or guidance on assignments. Questions sent to me via email should follow appropriate email/correspondence etiquette, otherwise I will not respond. Please include a salutation (Dear Ms. Sorensen), a detailed explanation of your question or request that is phrased in grammatically correct, academic English, and an appropriate closing that includes your first and last name. Also, kindly acknowledge that you did receive my response with a thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please complete, detach, and return this page of the syllabus to Ms. Sorensen by Friday, 08/31/12
Ms. Sorensen - Santa Monica High School - 11th College Prep English
We, the undersigned student and parent/guardian, have read and fully understand the expectations and requirements of this course. Student Name (PRINT): __________________________________________ Period: ________ Parent/Guardian Name (PRINT): __________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________ Date: __________ Phone Number: ___________________________________ Best time to be reached:__________ Parent E-mail Address:___________________________________________________________ Back to School Night is Tuesday, September 11th 2012 at 7 pm. I hope to see you there, and I look forward to meeting you!