Script For Role Play
Script For Role Play
Script For Role Play
today. Welcometo this mesmerizing show. I am Adam Borhan, your chairperson for todays forum.Before we start on with our discussion, let me introduce our 3 gorgeous panelists over here. I am sure that our audience too cant wait to know our panelist here. Wellrightbeside me is Dr Tan Ai Poh, who is the chief of Malay Studies Faculty in UniversityMalaya. Next to her is a very sweet lady in her baju kurung, Dato Noranati. She is theChief Minister of National Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage of Malaysia. Our last panelistfor today is a cute lecturer from University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Professor EmeritusMaalini. Well...i am sure that all of you eager to know the topic for today. Our topic for today is actually quite interesting. Its about One Malaysia open house. Ok. Dr, what doyou feel about our topic today? Can you share some of your thoughts with us? Dr.Tan Ai Poh: Thank you Mr. Chairperson. A very good morning to everyone here. As we talk about open house in Malaysia, generally we will be thinking of traditional foods of multiracial such us rendang, ketupat, lemang, muruku, rise cake and many more. Plus, nowadays open house concept is getting familiar in Malaysia. Before that, let medefine the meaning of open house. An "open house" is an event held at an institution whereby its doors are open to the general public. This is to allow them to become familiar with that institution and gain information on it. In United States and Canada, open house are normally held at schools and universities to attract students and their parents with facilities, meet others, or to open informal communication channels between school staff, students and parents. Furthermore,
typical guests at an open house usually include friends, relatives, and acquaintances of the graduate and the family. Chairperson: Wow! It was well said. I hope everybody is clear about the term of open house now. Next, we will proceed to Dato Noranati. Dato, what are the features of an open house?
Dato Noranati : Thank you Mr. Chairperson. A very good morning to everyone here.Basically, open house always got connected to decorations. The normal decorationusually we can see at an open house is are balloons, ribbons, cloths and also banner of an event.
The second feature is food. Food of some form is usually served. Some openhouses offer only cake and ice cream, whereas others are fully catered. Common foodsinclude rice, noodles, chips and other "picnic" type foods. Meanwhile, BBQ also servedat some open houses. The food served at each open house will reflect the ethnicity or background of an individual. In addition, there will be also an area with tables and chairsset up for people to eat, drink, and socialize. Area for children is also provided,complete with games such as musical chair to make the event merrier. Chairperson: Thanks Dato, for your very brief explanation regarding the features of anopen house. There are many features actually right! Lastly we will move on to our cutelecturer, Professor Emeritus Maalini. Before this, our two panelists have mentioned indetail about the concept and features of an open house generally. Now, can you tell usabout one Malaysian open house? Professor Emeritus Maalini: Thank you Mr. Chairperson. A very good morning toeverybody. Malaysia is a multiracial country and throughout the year there are manycelebrations and festive seasons celebrated, such as Hari Raya Puasa, Chinese NewYear, Deepavali, Christmas and also Hari Raya Haji. All this festive seasons clearlyshow us the concept of one Malaysia as our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib alwaysmentioned. Commonly, whenever these festive seasons arrive, surely there will be anopen house. During the festival of Hari Raya Aidilfitri by the Muslims to mark theculmination of Ramadhan, the holy month of fasting, various type of delicacies such asketupat, lemang, serunding, satay are served.
Muslims hold "open house" throughoutthe festive month, where friends and neighbours of every race are invited. Nowadays,the Malaysia government will also hold "open house" on a national scale whereMalaysians of all race and religion will come and celebrate the joyous season. Whereas,Chinese New Year is the time for family reunion, lion dance, ang pow, firecrackers,mahjong and much more. During the open house, there will be the Yee Sang ceremony.Yee Sang is a mixed food with all kind of vegetables. Everyone will gather to mix the
food before they eat using chopsticks. This is the main concept of open house for Chinese. Meanwhile. Deepavali is the festival of Lights celebrated by the Hindus, as for me too. We can see small oil lamp, and also coloured grains are decorated in front of the porch. Whenever open houses are held during this festival, different races andreligions are invited for scrumptious Indian delicacies such as muruku, roti jala and ricepudding. Open house is celebrated differently in various occasions. For example, duringthe Christmas celebration, the open house is mainly focused on
decorations. Thehouses will fill with Christmas tree and gift. Visitors will also bring their gift andexchange with house members. Chairperson: Thank you Professor Emeritus Maalini for your wonderful explanation onone Malaysia open house. I am sure audience here would have started to image their respective festival seasons. So ladies and gentlemen, I hope by now all of you can get aclear input regarding our topic today which is One Malaysia open house. Last word fromme, everyone should not miss to attend any open houses held near our residential areaduring festival seasons. This is because it can enhance the relationship bond within thesociety. Till then, see you again in another show. Warm regards from me, AdamBorhan. Bye