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Planning And Scheduling In Apparel Industry :Garment manufacturing is the mass production of clothing.

Manufacturing garments entails a lot of planning and consciousness of schedule.The coordination of contractors and their timeliness plays a large role in meeting deadlines for your production.In most cases the production of garments is very time sensitive in order to ship goods to stores and boutiques for the upcoming season.Having a late order can reflect poorly on your business,so always try to add plenty of time in schedule.

To create a production schedule, start from end date and work backwards in order to determine a schedule that suits the needs. Keep a week or two of extra time to allow for any delays in the process. Following are the planning and scheduling for apparel industry : Supply Chain Planning Advanced Production Planner Assortment & Replenishment Planner Demand Planner Distribution Requirements Planning Master Production Scheduling Material Planning

Production Planning Principles:Production planning principles focus on two major aspects of manufacturing: production methods and product costing.Most companies review their operations and cost structure to determine the best way to manufacture products and apply production costs to products

JIT Manufacturing

Just-in-Time (JIT) manufacturing is a process where raw materials and labor are used right when products are ordered by distributers. Very little to no inventory or extra

workers are on hand when production is slow. This allows companies to incur manufacturing costs only when orders are placed, limiting excessive overhead costs and inventory holding costs. Additionally, JIT manufacturing forces companies to create solid processes that limit extra product costs. Lean Manufacturing

Lean manufacturing limits any amount of excess costs in the manufacturing process. While some inventory or extra labor is acceptable, companies focus on reducing any parts of their business operations that do not increase overall profitability. All aspects of a company are reviewed under a lean manufacturing process, including support services and administrative departments. Lean manufacturing creates a company-wide goal of reducing waste in any business department that does not materially impact business operations. Costing Methods

Properly applying manufacturing costs to products is an extremely important part of production planning. Production costs and cost drivers must be determined before any allocation process can begin. Cost drivers are any production activity that creates costs when manufacturing products; common cost drivers are machine hours, labor hours or number of orders received. Two costing methods for products are activity-based costing and process costing. Activity-Based Costing

Under an activity-based costing (ABC) system, labor and raw materials are usually applied to products by the amount of each item used in the production process. ABC cost allocations use cost drivers to allocate fixed overhead to manufactured products. Fixed overhead is determined by the total costs of the manufacturing process divided by the total amount of hours or units it takes to produce products. Process Costing

Process costing is a simpler costing method used for large batches of homogeneous goods. Labor and direct materials are easily determined by the amount of each item

used to create the batch of goods. Overhead is applied by each process the goods flow through in the manufacturing process. The cost of each process is divided by the number of units in each batch, allocating the overhead from the process to each product.

REACH Planner & Scheduler :

RPS is the advanced planning & scheduling software solution that will ensure the most efficient use of your capacities so that you can meet delivery dates for collections and quickly react to changes in trends such as new colors and styles.

RPS will help you plan 'start dates' for various orders, 'lines' on which different orders should be loaded and the schedule/sequence of orders to fulfill a customer requirement on a specific date.

RPS will also determine and display the manpower and machine requirement for various orders.

RPS will consider the various constraints of your manufacturing environment and suggest Available To Promise (APT) dates ('due dates') that can realistically be met.

Poor execution can undermine the best-developed plans. So RPS will also assist in execution by offering clear visibility of all orders and on-screen progress tracking of orders.

Benefits of using REACH Planner & Scheduler :

Achieve consistent quality output from your production lines by effective process control. Understand consistent problem areas. Provides a platform that will enable you to continuously improve your process capabilities. Retain your buyers. Win new buyers

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