Homecoming For Church Anniversary Ideas
Homecoming For Church Anniversary Ideas
Homecoming For Church Anniversary Ideas
1. Advertise in the church bulletin, radio, and local weekly newsletter, FB, church web site, SWO weekly newsletter all for free. 2. Have a potluck dinner inviting old staff and pastors of the church and members 3. Print a bulletin as a keepsake of the church history, fun facts, future plans, special programs, and quotes from members. 4. Make a huge wall mural exhibition of every picture you can get your hands on of church events, ect. A good project for the youth to take on. 5. Show a PowerPoint presentation of old and new pictures of church events people, and pastors. 6. Set up a display table of albums of church pictures. 7. Invite some speakers to give brief excerpts of when they were there and points of interest. Share things like first baby baptized, first wedding, ect. Be sure to invite those people if they are living, too! 8. Decorate lots downstairs using lots of poster pictures (individuals from the past and present) , balloons, ect 9. Have a special singer(s) 10. Send our lots of invitation to all past charter members, pastors, staff, leaders 11. Provide individuals to direct parking and wear t-shirts that are colorful and match 12. For people who may be traveling, provide a special singer for after the dinner. Be sure to dismiss for the Sunday evening service in consideration to people and the events of the day. 13. Have youth lead in upbeat music for opening the service then graduate to more traditional with song leader 14. Give special guest speaker suggestions of topics to share about memories such as the Sunday school, Prayer, Church Dinners., Culture changes. Be sure to give them an allotted time. 15. A sermon title and topic related to Homecoming Our God is Able, Homecoming in Fairborn, ect 16. Obtain a list of old church members. Send in vitiation well in advance. 17. You may ask someone who writes to write a poem about the history of the church. 18. Put together a small book to handout asking old members to submit articles of past events, or memories to be added to this pamphlet. Make a cover, table of contents, and list all contributors. 19. Have a church member share up-to-date things on the church presently happening. It is good to not only talk about the old in an event like this but to share the present. 20. Close in a communion providing a spiritual exercise. 21. Have a contest creating banners between groups or classes to hang up. 22. Have a cleaning day to make sure the buildings are in top shape for tours of the whole place. 23. Testimonies from selected individuals on what the church has meant to them. 24. Tribute to a couple who was married the most years in attendance. 25. Tribute to the couple married the same year as the founding of the church. 26. Recognize oldest couple in attendance of anniversary. 27. Reactivate old members.
28. Provide a Happy Anniversary cake with year church was founded on the cake and serve.
Newspaper AD Example Annual Homecoming Program at Wright View Church of the Nazarene Wright View Church of the Nazarene will be celebrating their _____ Homecoming program Sunday, September 19, 2012 at 10:45 a.m. Everyone is welcome to come and help share in this day of celebration as we the members of Wright View take time out to welcome all of our members to come back home: Past, Present, and Future members. The speaker(s) for this event will be Pastor _____________. Come one, come all. Dinner will be served after service. Church address, Vernon Hurles, Sr. Pastor. Research Jeanne McIntosh 2012