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WoD - Daemon

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Third Edition

Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon than the Word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind. - Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason


Written, Edited and Designed by Frank Torkel

Special thanks to Joshua Fairfield for urging me to write the first edition of Daemon, Geoff Tiu for the eternal pestering, and Matthew Vernon Xavier Willemain, who stole my only printed copy of Daemon and didnt return it for a year. Thanks to everyone else who supported this work, from those first few people who spread Daemon across the Web, to those who based their own unofficial supplements off this one.

Contact Information: ankh@mendax.org

Disclaimer: Daemon 3rd Edition is copyright () 1995-1998 Frank Torkel. Its design is based on and is developed from the original first edition rules of Daemon, copyright () 1995 Frank Torkel and Joshua Fairfield. Any and all material written after the first edition rules, including the first edition supplement The Luring, is copyright () 1995-1998 Frank Torkel. These works may be copied and distributed as long as this notice remains here and the document(s) remain unchanged. The Outlanders logo and concept accompanying the first two editions are copyright () 1995 Frank Torkel. The Storyteller System, Vampire: the Masquerade, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Mage: the Ascension, Wraith: the Oblivion, Changeling: the Dreaming, and A World of Darkness are all trademarks of White Wolf Game Studios and the use of these trademarks is without their permission. The mention of or reference to any companies or products including White Wolf Game Studios and their respected products is not a challenge to the trademarks or copyrights concerned. This work is designed rather to add to the world they have created, and to increase consumer interest in their products. The art used in this edition was found in various Internet archives, used without permission from the artists. Since many of these artists were not mentioned in the archives their works were found in, proper credit cannot be awarded. Thanks go to Boris Vallejo, Wizards of the Coast, TSR, and others whose works were borrowed. Note: Please keep in mind that this is a game, a game that discusses mature themes. This work presents real-life beliefs, facts and legends, but is in no way designed to be taken as Satanic propaganda or occultist lore. If you are offended by such subject matter then please stop reading. Reader discretion is advised. History: The World of Darkness as presented in various White Wolf rulebooks portrayed the supernatural creatures of this word in unique and comprehensible ways. However, the lack of information in such rulebooks regarding the ever-popular demonic hordes in legend, art, and history gave me reason enough to begin writing a semi-complex supplement for playing such creatures. In early 1995, I downloaded various net supplements for the WoD detailing both angels and demons. Intrigued by such works and others, yet unsatisfied with the way they were presented, I came together with a friend to write Daemon, presenting demons the way we thought they should be. Researching demon lore and legend, Daemon was written and released to the public on the Internet, originally posted on the alt.games.whitewolf newsgroup. Around June of 1995, Daemon became a sensation, and I received e-mail by the hundreds, many people interested in obtaining a copy of my work. Some say Daemon is rivaled only by the famed Highlander supplement for the WoD by Hank Driskill and John Gavigan, Regardless, Daemon has spread throughout the U.S., Great Britain, Europe and Australia. It has had at least four other unofficial supplements based off it, and has been posted on the WWW and in various other archives including FTP and non-Internet archives. Since its first edition, Daemon has become a leading unofficial supplement to the WoD roleplaying community. Although not officially excepted by White Wolf Game Studios, the majority of the WoD roleplaying community uses Daemon to stage demon characters in their chronicles. This third and most likely final edition of Daemon includes the information previously released in Daemon (both first and second editions), its first edition supplement The Luring, the Daemon FAQ, as well as other information new to this version. The rules and story line clarified, Daemon will hopefully continue to serve as a useful tool in many a chronicle to come.

Welcome, dear child. You look weak. Granted, your soul is now mine, and when you die, you will accompany me to this hellish place, but that is no reason to frown so. Think of tomorrow; you will find your bank account filled with credit and your ex-wife dead by the hands of her own lover. That is what you wanted, is it not? Whats that? You said you wanted to be rich, not that you wanted cash. Dont fret; your credit will be available in 50 years. And as for your ex, what better way to show someone what its like to lose all ones worldly possessions, than to die? Dont look at me like that. Its not my fault you didnt phrase your wishes properly. I make come true what you tell me. Implied? No, it doesnt work like that. I suppose it could, were I to spend the time bothering to learn your ridiculous tongue. Enough of this, I have things to show you. Look there, beyond the pit of fire. That castle will be your home one day. Well, actually, the small tower on the left will be your home. I treat my succubus well, however, so dont despair. Youll be given adequate time to think about your decisions. Torture? You sold your soul, didnt you? Im only kidding. Youll have to learn some humor if you intend to live the rest of your life in peace. Of course, if you cant live with yourself anymore, I can arrange for your housing sooner Theres a lot you dont know about this place, and what youve done. Yes, there are those like me who would take you and have you beaten for years on end. Pain is a way of life here, and to many succubae, their very belief in Hell becomes a pale comparison to what happens to them here. That is why you must stay close to me, and never disobey me. I wont punish you as others do, but bring me too far, and Ill give you to my colleagues. Nice place, isnt it? Yes, the landscape could use some work, but its decent. My fathers father built that castle when this land was yet young. The Vim was strong here, then, but its left a path to the East. Hel is large, child, and youll soon learn that not all of it is as barren as here. Hot? Yes, the fires burn throughout Hel, but arent always visible. There are parts of Hel as cold as your Antarctic regions, and others as petrified as your deserts. This is where I rule, you see. No, not all of it, but the land before you, at least. There is no ruler of Hel; we are a scattered people, fighting to regain its lordship. It is the place of the great Quash, the battleground of the warring Ilks, where the Daemons wage their wars. Yes, we are creatures of corruption, stalking the living and undead alike. We want only one thing from them, of course: their souls. That is why I appeared to you that night, when you sat depressed with a gun to your head. Those like you are easy targets; you would have done almost anything to end your misery, and anything just happened to include selling your soul. When the wolfsbane blooms or when the virgin wakes, we are there to devour their essence. We always have been, throughout the ages, since the beginning of time. We grant them love, power, or wealth. Such things mean nothing to us; we treasure only their souls. From hidden caves we watch them, and from the streets, striking when we wish. No one is safe, not the Kindred, Garou, Magi or Fey. We stalk the Umbra and Shadowlands too, corrupting all those who cross our paths. We slay our enemies and betray our friends; we respect only our own, for we are the true creatures of corruption, 4

we are the Daemon. Oh yes, there are other foul creatures that walk the earth. Spend enough time with me, and youll see all that youve missed, and what events go on around you without gathering your attention. Evil? Yes, there are those of us who embrace what they think they have become, walking the earth and spreading their corruption. Not all of our kind are evil however, this you must know. There are those among us that the mortals call holy. Indeed, we have many names in the human tongue, and not all are as vile as some would hope to make them. Demons, spirits, angels, gods; these words mean little, and soon you will see that there is a fine line between them all. We are the Daemon, and that is all. Our forefathers committed great sins, and so we live here, in Hel, punished for their deeds. While there are those who would live up to our ancestors crimes, there are others who seek penance for their deeds. Until we may once again be judged, what we do here, and on earth, means little. No one knows how to rectify our situation. There are many conflicting theories and guesses, many of which are followed fanatically by the Ilks. Thes beliefs will fuel our wars until the Quash is won. Then, the judgement day will come, and we will regain our positions as great lords of man, sitting beside our cousins, Angels once more. Listen closely as I tell you these things, child. One day they may save your life, or maybe even your soul. For that is all you will become once you die. Your mortal shell is but a capsule to walk with; you think, live, and are a soul. The Luring is near, child, do not think it is not. That is why I have recruited you, and why my investment in your death is necessary. Our children fight on, and soon only one Ilk shall remain. Then, we will lead the other Daemons onto earth, and destroy the wretched fools who hinder us. First, however, we must conquer Hel, and beat the other creatures into submission. With their help we may take earth, and make it into an even darker world. Frightened? Yes, most new recruits do. For today, our lesson is done. Tell anyone? Then you will die sooner, rather than later. Though I dont necessarily need you yet, an extra succubus in the field can come in handy. And if the field is already packed, I can always use a new toothpick. Go now, and live your life to its fullest. When the time comes, we will see each other again, this I guarantee.

N - Contents - N
Prelude: The Unholy Angels Book One: Birth of a Daemon Book Two: The True Demon Book Three: Daemon Magick Book Four: Infernal Aeons Book Five: Denizens of Hel

Prelude: The Unholy Angels

Destroy yourselves, you who are desperate, and you who are tortured in body and soul, abandon all hope. There is no more solace for you in this world. - Antonin Artaud, Selected Writings Greetings mortal...

o not fear me, I know who you are. I am Arcadian, a Daemon of immense power. For years I have watched you studying the arcane and necromancy. Power is what you want, and this power I can give you. Do what I ask, and you shall have what you desire. Immortality you say? No problem. I will make you as immortal as the Kindred, or as powerful as the Garou. There is a price, however. Your soul will be mine, but that is not important now. We call ourselves the Daemon, demi-gods and rulers of Hel. In the past we Daemons have given power to many mortals and immortals alike. Anything you want to know or have can be yours. But remember: you must tell no one of our meetings or you will die effortlessly. For now that is all you must know. Well then, let's get down to business...

Destruction, hence, like creation, is one of Natures mandates. - Marquis de Sade, Philosophy in the Bedroom

elcome to Daemon, a sub-campaign for the World of Darkness. This source book is in no way intended or designed to start a whole new campaign. In fact, Daemon is meant to be played alongside a previous campaign to enlighten the chronicle or add a bit more "flavor" to it. Daemon is a source book designed to create or add a new character to the game, a demon character whose main purpose in the game is to add souls to his army of the damned. This game is based on that facet of White Wolfs World of Darkness that has previously only briefly been gone over in a few source books. Now, Daemons can be used to enhance a story and bring forth a whole new element to the Storyteller system. Designed alongside the concepts of mythical and religious demons, the Daemons described herein supplement those described in various World of Darkness source books. Such books of note include The Book of Madness, and The Storytellers Guide to the Sabbat. In Daemon, various things must be kept in mind. The demons of most religions are stereotypically evil creatures whose main purpose is to defile and corrupt others. This is not so however, which is shown in many early myths. In fact, in many earlier civilizations, including Pagan mythology, there were things spoken of that resembled demi-gods, creatures from beyond who had great powers. These creatures popped up throughout history and influenced humanity in many ways. Whether good or evil, the beings of Hel, a place shrouded in secrecy, were creatures that played an even larger masquerade than even the Kindred. These creatures hid their true selves in such secrecy, that most other supernatural creatures barely know more than a few tidbits of knowledge about the Daemons. In the World of Darkness, Daemons play a larger role in peoples lives than they have in the past. Vampires, Mages, and many other denizens of the World of Darkness are in search of quick and easy ways of obtaining mass power. This is what the Daemons offer, and they do so for good reason. Whenever a power or object is granted to a character, that character loses part of their soul, which, upon death, becomes a slave of the Daemon. This soul can be shaped into many things, among them a weapon that the Daemons use to wage their own war, which they call the Quash.

In Hel, the domain of the Daemons, status is measured by how much power one possesses. The Quash, an exhibition of such power, is a great ploy similar to the Vampire's Jyhad, in that it deals with conquering ones opponents. The souls of the Daemon's victims are used in Hel as soldiers, used to gain rank and status in Hel, and eventually in the real world. The latter is known as the Luring, a time when Daemons will rule the earth, when a new leader in Hel has been appointed. In many ancient tapestries, battles are shown between demons and angels, metaphors of the great Luring. As the Kindred have clans and the Garou have tribes, so do the Daemons have Ilks. These groups define what kind of Daemon the characters in a chronicle are dealing with. These Ilks, once peaceful with one another, have entered a phase of war, the Quash, a war that will end in a single Ilk's member becoming ruler of Hel. Until the Luring, when one Daemon and his Ilk prevails, when the living world is under the foul corruption of the Daemons and their is no light left in the world, the children of Lucifer will forever fight on.

Take away our history. Take away our heroes. Take away our values. And leave us here with nothing. We were in the garden of Eden. Just as children mess around. We only leant against the tree. And the apple came tumbling down. - New Model Army, A Liberal Education

he true history of the Daemons is shrouded in mystery, much like Hel, their place of origin. According to Daemon lore, however, the ancestors of the Daemons were once graceful creatures, angels who abided by God's every word. These angels, five in total, were lead by their leader, Lucifer. Being a proud group of angels, these mighty creatures wanted more than they had, turning into rebels. Lucifer at this time proclaimed himself king of Babylon, an act that was selfish and full of greed. After being banished from heaven by God, these creatures took up a new home in the Deep Umbra. Lucifer seized this Umbral Realm now known as Hel,, and the few natives of the Realm either fled or hid from the Fallen Angels. Lucifer harnessed the Realm's power with his perverted Faith, and ruled Hel for millennia. For following Lucifer and betraying God, each of the

five Fallen Angels received powers from Lucifer, the eldest and most powerful among them. The five Fallen Angels each began their own Ilk, Lucifer having granted them each the power to create offspring. Thus was formed the Luciferentes, the Ilk of leadership begun by Lucifer himself. Shaitan gathered his powers and created the twisted Raksasas, and Astaroth too created progeny - the Asuras. Beelzebub looked on, and finally forged the Daimone with his great powers. Then came the last Ilk to be formed, as Beherit uneasily created the Djinn. Later came the Diabolos and Faustus too, joining the other Ilks in their eternal war - the Luring. The combined powers that God gave these Fallen Angels, and those powers given to them by Lucifer who harnessed the raw energy of Hel, warped and mutated the Fallen Angels, increasing their power, but destroying their immortality. However, the Fallen Angels, the first Daemons, would rule Hel for ages. These combined powers, however, flowing through the offspring of the Fallen Angels, grew dim as more Daemons were created. Like the Kindred, the further the Daemon's blood was from their Ilk's founder, the weaker the Daemon was. For many years, Hel was a mating grounds for the Daemons, each of them learning the magick their sires taught them. Hel was a thriving Realm, and led by Lucifer, all went well until the prophesy. This prophesy foretold a time when the Messiah would arrive and destroy Satan, the Catholic name given to Lucifer. The Daemons thought nothing of this idle threat until one day, a bright light entered the depths of Hel. The Daemons sensed its presence and prepared for battle. The light blinded the elder Daemons, rendering all others unconscious. The Fallen Angels panicked, warning their leader of the glowing, spherical mass approaching the very depths of Hel. The legend becomes unclear at this point, but it is said that Lucifer stormed out of his domain to approach the sphere. The sphere hovered before him, five tentacled arms reaching out around his body. Lucifer unleashed his full fury, a rage that could have decimated whole cities, but in all his greatness, he could do nothing. Lucifer yelled in pain as the orb absorbed his power, his entire essence being drained into the stem of the fingers holding him tight. In a flash of blinding light, the sphere was gone, and Lucifer with it. In their place was left behind a sparkling light, forever marking the destruction of the sire of all Daemons. The Fallen Angels, fearing for their own lives, left Hel, promising to return one day, a day marked as the end of the Luring. Lucifer and the Fallen Angels gone, a war soon broke out among the Ilks, a war that continues to drag on to this day; a war fought for the domination of Hel, known as the Quash. This war, fought on the battlefields of Hel and earth both, are the beginning of a long reign, where only one Daemon and his Ilk shall rule.

The Necronomicon...
Lucifer also has died with God, and from his ashes has risen a spiteful demon who does not even understand the object of his venture. - Albert Camus, The Rebel

ucifer and the Ilks he led believed in the importance of their history. To preserve this knowledge, he and the other fallen angels wrote a physical text that they entitled the Necronomicon. This text they duplicated; five in total were written, one for each Ilk. This text contained the history of their origin, the basis of their powers and the rites and rituals used to contact, and even control them. All the weaknesses and strengths of the Daemons were contained in this text, so that every Daemon would learn how best to use his powers, and how not to. A selection of the Necronomicon was read aloud every thirty-five days during an Ilk's meeting. Each Daemon's duty was to learn the rules of the Necronomicon, a task that became impossible after the destruction of Lucifer and the splitting of the Fallen Angels. Each copy of the Necronomicon was initially buried in it's Ilk's temple, removed only when it was needed to be added to. After the destruction of Lucifer, the Fallen Angels, feeling threatened, sought out all five Necronomicons. These texts holding the only information of how to control, summon, and destroy the Daemons, were all burnt in the magical fires of Hel, although one was saved, and hidden on earth. After the Fallen Angels left Hel, many Daemons sought out this Necronomicon, for all knew that much of their sire's power was described within. All search was in vain however, and the book was never found. Until a mortal known as Abdul Alhazred (the "Mad Arab") discovered the Necronomicon, most younger Daemons had not even known it existed. This mortal, whose real name is said to be unknown, knew the ancient language of Sumer, in which the text was written. This mortal, a powerful Mage, read the book, slowly became insane as he read on. He called forth unspeakable powers of destruction, but was not destroyed by the curses placed on the Necronomicon. The tale says that Abdul Alhazred became a marauder not soon after, garnering much of Hel's powers at the price of his insanity. He lived as a powerful man, though a man he was, and driven mad by such powers he soon disappeared, never to be seen from again. It was decided that the Necronomicon, recovered by the eldest of the

Daemons, was to be hidden, for destroying such a treasure would be sacrilegious. The Mad Arab's fate was obvious, a mortal in another's world. It is said by the younger of the Daemons that the foolish mortal had summoned the Fallen Angels themselves, and they in turn destroyed him. Only the eldest Daemons know what had become of this mortal for sure, and few have witnessed the last expressions on the mortal's face. The marauder did leave traces of the Necronomicon behind however, copying many parts and sending them to various places. Mortals discovering these pieces formed their own legends and stories to go with the strange artifacts. Many Daemons have recovered such pieces, but it is said that many more are out there, in the Umbra and elsewhere. It must be understood however, that many such tales are nothing but lies, and many fake Necronomicons are in existence, only few of them containing any real evidence of the true Book of the Dead. As the legend goes, the eldest of the Daemons proclaimed themselves protectors of the Necronomicon, naming themselves Keepers of the Luring, and constructed a huge temple within the very pits of Hel. One Daemon from each Ilk joined this elite group, including the infamous Orobas, then the leader of the Luciferentes. With him went Amduscias of the Asuras, Ukobach of the Djinn, Eurynome of the Daimone, Ronwe of the Diabolos, Xaphan of the Faustus, and Shaddai of the Raksasas. The temple, surrounded by the magickal fires native to Hel, became the home of these Daemons, who have only been seen seldomly since their departure. The temple still stands to this day, constructed of sheer power. No Daemon has yet ventured into this temple and returned, for the custodians of the Necronomicon do not wish to be seen, and they hold power over all Daemons. They believe the Fallen Angels have been destroyed by the very power that destroyed Lucifer, and in their opinion, that makes them the rulers of Hel.


Book One: Birth of a Daemon

True demons, also called devils, satans, daemons... - The Book of Madness

ike the other denizens of the World of Darkness, the Daemons have a goal for themselves. Every Daemon wishes to conquer Hel and eventually wishes to begin the Luring. To do this, they must gain power in many ways. Once born, young Daemons are weak creatures physically, but make up for it by learning Boons, the magickal energies that empower all Daemons. When a Daemon grows in power, however, his physical form alters as well. The more power he amasses, meaning the greater his Dark Seed, the greater his physical stature becomes. Daemons have their own organizations that they call Ilks. In Daemon there are seven Ilks. These Ilks were once secret councils, all having pledged their allegiance to their ruler, Lucifer himself. As the Bible tells, there would come a time when Satan would be banished by the Messiah. In apocalyptic cosmology too, Satan would inevitably fall after prevailing in the former age. In the World of Darkness, Lucifer has been slain by such mysterious or unknown forces, and the Ilks have risen up for full control of Hel. Seven Ilks fight in the Quash: Asuras: Masters of elemental control and corrupters of humanity, these fiends have been banished from Hel for defying the ancient laws of the Necronomicon and revealing too much of their lore. Daimone: Manipulators of humankind, the Daimone dream of a day where they may once again masquerade as demi-gods to the naive humans. Diabolos: These strange creatures mastered the Umbra even before the Fallen Angels came to Hel. Native to Hel, the Diabolos were mutated into Daemons by the powers of Lucifer himself. Djinn: Jinni's and tricksters that live in the desert, fooling mortals wherever they go. These pranksters mock Daemon society, respected only because


their elders control vast armies of souls. Faustus: Daemons supposedly created by the mistakes of the Raksasas, the Faustus are the youngest Ilk, yet powerful nonetheless. Luciferentes: Once the greatest Ilk when Lucifer still ruled, the Luciferentes now wish to be pardoned from the sins of their forefathers, walking on a path of enlightenment. Raksasas: These monstrosities are prime evil, twisted by their own powers. The Raksasas are known for their foolishness, yet known for their rage in battle as well. See ILKS later on for a more detailed description of these Daemon organizations.

Character Creation...
Pity the man who has a character to support... - Henry David Thoreau, Journal 28 April 1841

o create a Daemon character, one can use the included character sheet at the end of this source book, or modify an existing character sheet from any of the Storyteller Games to create a Daemon character. Character creation is explained more in-depth in the Storyteller books by White Wolf Game Studios. For more information on attributes, abilities, etc., please refer to the respected books. The small box drawn at the bottom of the character sheet labeled Souls is where one would write down the amount of souls that the Daemon has to manipulate. The Advantages of the Daemons are their Boons, with varying maximum ratings, depending on the knowledge still available. Instead of a blood pool, Daemons have a Vim pool, used to empower their Boons, rituals, etc. A full list of Natures and Demeanors can be found in any of the main rulebooks of any of the White Wolf Storyteller campaigns. Pllayers are urged to select such traits, and they work the same in Daemon as in any other Storyteller game. After filling out the characters name, the players name, chronicle, nature, demeaner, etc., one should select which Ilk the Daemon will belong to. A list of Ilks can be found above, and a detailed description of each one is described later on. Attribute ratings start at 9-4-3, and appearance begins at zero, not at one. This is to show that most Daemons remain hideous, the reason much of our folklore of demons depict large, nasty looking creatures. This rating can be

improved for any Ilk except for the Raksasas. Ability ratings begin at 20-1510, but ratings such as those for medicine, computer, politics, etc, should not be taken, unless the player can give a logical explanation for it. Remember that Daemons are creatures that very rarely interact or need to interact with human culture, as they only come into contact with single humans, only to buy their souls. A Daemon would, for example, have no use for the finance ability or the medicine ability. Such human trifles are unimportant to creatures that manipulate the living. For knowledges, see the various Player's Guides, or other source books for many of the lore knowledges. A short list of new abilities is given below. New talent: Mimicry This talent allows the character to masquerade as something or someone the character is not. Daemons, when possessing an individual, must learn to pretend how to be that person in all aspects. This goes beyond acting where you play the main part of someone, but rather you learn all there is to know about the object or person you are mimicking in order to be really persuasive in your role. Level (1): Can pass as a lonely street bum and get some welfare. Level (2): You can imitate other's voices and some signatures. Level (3): You can make a bank believe you're their customer, and make a deposit. Level (4): You can pass as a famous entertainer, maybe getting a gig or two. Level (5): You can fool the Secret Service into believing you're the president, and have them arrest "that impostor."

New Knowledge: Daemon Lore With this knowledge, the character knows more than just folklore about demons. This knowledge is not possessed by many other than true demons, and with it, one can easily contact a Daemon and find gateways to Hel.

Level (1): You've read a little 'bout 'em. Level (2): You know all about their folklore. Level (3): You know what the Luring is, and the steps to achieve it. Level (4): You know much of the true history of the Daemon. Level (5): You have read portions of the real Necronomicon.

A Daemon's Willpower begins at five, but can of course be increased. The seven regular health levels are present for a Daemon character, but for every other Dark Seed the Daemon increases, she gains one extra health block, which counts as another bruised level, therefore taking no dice penalties. Penance, a meter ranging from one through 10, tracks the amount of repentance a Daemon has achieved. Lower levels imply the Daemon remains twisted and cruel, where higher levels imply the Daemon has achieved a sort of enlightenment, on the path to a greater phase, to one day rejoin the Angels in all their Glory. This equals the amount of Vim a Daemon starts out with each day after rest, without having to visit Hel or a Helgate. If you're familiar with Campire, consider Penance similar to Humanity.

Every philosophy is tinged with the colouring of some secret imaginative background, which never emerges explicitly into its train of reasoning. - Alfred North Whitehead, Science and the Modern World

aemon characters have advantages not unlike those of other characters. The same backgrounds would apply, plus those below. Backgrounds such as resources, however, like many knowledges, would be useless to a Daemon, and therefore should not be taken unless it furthers the story. Storytellers should discuss which backgrounds may be chosen from those listed in other campaigns with the player. Daemon characters have five points to spend in backgrounds during character creation. Dark Seed: Dark Seed is a background similar to generation for vampires. This background determines how close to the original Fallen Angels the Daemon is, therefore explaining how much power is at the character's disposal. A Daemon character initially starts the game at level eight Dark Seed, which can be raised up to level three. Depending on the Dark Seed, the character has more or less Vim to spend. A character with no rating in Dark Seed begins with five Vim, and is considered sterile and impotent. Such Daemons with the eighth Dark Seed are weak, and are looked down upon by their peers. No Daemon has yet gone beyond the Second Dark Seed besides the Keepers of the Luring. It is


believed however, that upon achieving the first Dark Seed, the Daemon has the power of its ancestors, the Fallen Angels. Dark Seed can only be raised by extremely potent magick found within the Necronomicon. Obviously such segments aren't just lying around either!

Level (1): Seventh Dark Seed; 10 Vim. Level (2): Sixth Dark Seed; 15 Vim. Level (3): Fifth Dark Seed; 20 Vim. Level (4): Fourth Dark Seed; 25 Vim. Level (5): Third Dark Seed; 30 Vim. Level (6): Second Dark Seed; 40 Vim.

Infernal Ranking: Infernal ranking, like status in other World of Darkness games, allows the character special rights and information inaccessible to other characters. For every level of Infernal Ranking the character has, she has a certain amount of souls and land in Hel available to her. Unless the character has this background trait, she is considered an Imp, a Daemon that garners no respect. Until this Imp has bought 10 souls for her Ilk, she will remain an Imp. Otherwise the Imp's stature grows, and her Infernal Ranking will increase. For storytelling sake, a Daemon character beginning the game as an Imp has 10 souls left to buy (having bought none in the past) until she advances in rank. Continued ranks go up to 10, where the character has garnered huge amounts of respect, and controls great spans of land in Hel. These ranks above five can only be gained by role-playing. The Daemon cannot have this background trait if she does not posses the Boon Investment with a rating of at least three, since Infernal Ranking is reflected in the amount of souls the Daemon has bought for herself, not her Ilk. Remember that it is extremely rare for a player character to have an Infernal Ranking over five, and should be very hard to achieve. People don't just sell their souls outright, and land isn't given away. It is known that non-Daemons have achieved some form of Infernal Ranking in the past, either receiving it for aiding Daemons in their struggles or purchasing it as an Investment. In any case, no such being has ever ranked above the level three Infernal Ranking. Any level of this background trait given to a non-Daemon is an honor nearly unheard of, and although rare, can be given out through role-playing. Note that some Baali elders have achieved such status, only furthering their dealings with the Daemon elders.

Level (1): Rank one Daemon, 10 souls in her army, no land. Level (2): Rank two Daemon, 25 souls in her army, about an acre of

land. Level (3): Rank three Daemon, 50 souls in her army, about five acres of land. Level (4): Rank four Daemon, 100 souls in her army, about 15 acres of land. Level (5): Rank five Daemon, 200 souls in her army, about 30 acres of land. Level (6): Dark Knight, 300 souls, about 50 acres of land. Level (7): Baron of Hel, 500 souls, 100 acres of land and a Helgate. Level (8): Lord of Hel, 1,000 souls, a territory in Hel, and two Helgates. Level (9): Warlord, 2,000 souls, a city in Hel, and five Helgates. Level (10): Overlord, 5,000+ souls, few cities, and many Helgates.

In early times every sort of advantage tends to become a military advantage... - Walter Bagehot, Physics and Politics

dvantages in Daemon consist of one more special ability. The Daemon believe that it was the first Fallen Angels who gave them their magical powers, and so they have named them Boons. There are eight different Boons available to choose from, most Ilks having mastered a specific one. The Boons that are frequently used by Daemons are: Arms of Ordnance: Lethality of one's body. Corruption: Corrupting an object, person, etc. Elemental Influence: Controlling the elements of nature. Investment: Buying the soul of a creature in exchange for their souls. Itinerate: Moving through the Umbral worlds, the Shadowlands, etc. Metamorph: Altering one's appearance. Ordain: Similar to Vampire's Dominate; mind control. Possession: Possessing a person or an object.

A Daemon character may start out with five points to use for Boons, three of which must be used for Boons of the Daemon's Ilk; the other two for any Boon(s).


Freebies and Experience...

Experience. The wisdom that enables us to recognise in an undesirable old acquaintance the folly that we have already embraced. - Ambrose Bierce, The Devils Dictionary

aemon characters begin with 21 freebie points, and may raise their statistics by spending the following: Abilities: 3 Attributes: 5 Backgrounds: 1 Boons: 7 Penance: 2 Souls: 4 Willpower: 2 Experience costs are as follows: Abilities: Current Rating x3 Attributes: Current Rating x5 Boons of the Daemons Ilk: Current Rating x6 Boons of anothers Ilk: Current Rating x7 Penance: Current Rating x3 Willpower: Current Rating x2 Note that Backgrounds and souls cannot be purchased after character creation.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. - Bible: New Testament, 1 Peter 5:8


lks are groups of Daemons once assembled in common interest and history. Bred for centuries, Daemons are born into such Ilks, constantly fighting for control of Hel in the legendary Quash. Most Ilks are led by a leader, the most powerful Daemon of his respected Ilk, known as the Overlord. Only the Diabolos and the Faustus have no Overlord, being the youngest of the Ilks, and not descended solely from Lucifer and his cronies. Rather, these two Ilks have a Grand Council, including the eldest and most powerful of their brethren. These council members act as a single Overlord when combined, ruling as an entity. Although at war with one another, the seven Daemon Ilks do hold meetings with one another, either to settle land disputes, or occasionally to ally against a common enemy. A s u r a s : These creatures have made their new homes on the wastelands and deserts of earth. Outcasts of Hel, these Daemons fight the Quash from earth, giving them a stronger hold on the inevitable Luring. Masters of weather control and all things human, they plan on conquering Hel after gaining steady holds on earth. In early times they would cause droughts and turbulent winds to destroy crops and structures. In exchange for good weather, the humans would sell their souls for the continued existence of their kind. If they did not agree to this exchange, the Daemons would destroy whole colonies, thus the formations of uninhabitable deserts. By doing so they made their presence aware by the humans, and so the other Daemons, in an act of protection, barred them from Hel. Until an Asuras has achieved a level three in Infernal Ranking, they may not enter the inhabited regions of Hel unless they wish to risk their lives. The Garou speak of the Asuras in very ancient legends, considering them Wyrm incarnate, and despise the Asuras for destroying Gaia's earth. The Asuras Overlord Asmodius, although much of his holds in Hel taken away, is believed to have control over whole nations on earth. His

Helgates are those that lead to the barren lands of Hel, far away from inhabited colonies and cities belonging to the other Ilks. Perhaps the only Overlord living on earth, Asmodious is believed to be living out his immortal life high upon an unknown mountain, destroying his adversaries and intruders with fierce storms and lightning bolts. Boons: Elemental Influence, Possession Character Creation: Social Attributes are primary and Mental Attributes are Secondary. Quote: "The others think we are beaten, but as they further their sacred Quash, we further our holds on earth. Here we are immortal, and when the Luring begins, we shall be ahead." Stereotypes:

Daimone: "They are like us, only they have not been punished for the envy of our peers." Diabolos: "Their origin is a mystery, we do not trust them." Djinn: "They steal our lands in Hel and are opposed to us. They must all die." Faustus: "These fools are the product of idiocy, watch them however, for they are strong." Luciferentes: "The only brethren who stand up for us. Their stature means nothing anymore however, and they cannot help us." Raksasas: "These monstrosities deserve nothing more than death."


D a i m o n e : These proud Daemons once masqueraded as demi-gods to the naive populaces of earth. The Daimone, like their name implies, were the first true demons, the first Daemons to manipulate the humans to their will. Pretending they were true gods, the Daimone used their powers to garner riches and property on earth. For many years the Daimone would befriend the humans and act as rulers. Many sacrifices and statues of them still exist today from many early civilizations. Until they were threatened by the expansions of Kindred domain, they lived on earth among the Asuras. Now they have retreated back to Hel, where they plan their goals for the inevitable Luring. Shax, the Overlord of the Daimone, lives out his existence in Hel, using his powerful skills of Ordain to warp the minds of his mortal followers. His army of mortals is the greatest of those controlled by the other Ilks, and is worshipped by more mortals than any other Overlord. Boons: Ordain, Possession Character Creation: Social or Mental Attributes are primary. Quote: "Mankind was created to serve our species. We are their rulers, and they are our slaves. " Stereotypes:

Asuras: "Fools, they are not as manipulative as we, and for their folly, we are watched. " Diabolos: "Strange Daemons, we ally ourselves occasionally. " Djinn: "They are good at lying, and we respect that. " Faustus: "Hmph. " Luciferentes: "Once our leaders, they walk the wrong path. " Raksasas: "They are disillusioned beasts. "


D i a b o l o s : The Diabolos are a strange lot indeed. They were seldom spoken of in early myths and even today seem to hide their true motives. For this reason the Greeks called them "diabolos", meaning deceiver. The Diabolos were once stranger creatures however, few in number who once inhabited what is now Hel. When the Fallen Angels came upon these strange creatures, they spread their corruption, mutating these natives and breeding with them after, forming the Diabolos. Before the departure of the Fallen Angels, the Diabolos intermixed with the other Ilks, only later forming their own Ilk, apart from the others to strengthen their powers. Not true Daemons by definition, the Diabolos still live among Daemon society and are now accepted by their companions. Throughout the ages, as breeding among the Daemon took place, the Diabolos mixed blood with the other Daemon, no longer very distinguishable from the other Ilks. The Diabolos are the true princes of lies and deceit and wage their Quash with secrecy. Founders of the Itinerate Boon, the Diabolos are the reason the Daemons have learned to travel through the Umbra and Shadowlands. How they came upon this power is unknown, and the Diabolos have never told anyone exactly how they discovered it. The other Daemons respect the Diabolos for their magickal powers, but fear them as well. Even the great Luciferentes are threatened by them, and believe they come from elsewhere... Moloche, the mysterious Warlord of the Diabolos, lives not in Hel or on earth. Rather, he lives somewhere deep in the Umbra, taking over Umbral Realms as if they were nothing. The only Warlord of the Ilk, Moloche meets with the Diabolos' Grand Council in his own Umbral Realm, which he calls "Hades." The only Ilk to own lands outside of earth and Hel, Moloche strives to empower his Ilk through the knowledge and power of other Umbral planes. Upon achieving the level five Rank of Infernal Ranking, Moloche grants his followers an Umbral Realm, where their desires come true. The Grand Council is composed of Moloche, and six Lords of Hel. These Lords of Hel each live in their own Umbral Realm, although not nearly as big as Hades. Although Moloche doesn't have much more power than the others in the Grand Council, he is the most respected amongst his Ilk, and serves as the diplomat between the other Ilk"s Overlords.

Boons: Itinerate, Metamorph Character Creation: Social or Mental Attributes are primary. Quote: "There is more to existence than conquering Hel and earth. Look to the Otherworlds, and see the lands that are ours for the taking. " Stereotypes:

Asuras: "Besides the Raksasas, these Daemons are the stupidest of all. " Daimone: "One of the only worthy Ilks." Djinn: "Those who struggle with the Asuras are just as unworthy. " Faustus: "Honorable foes. " Luciferentes: "They are cautious around us, yet friendly as well. " Raksasas: "Dont get me started. "

D j i n n : The Djinn have been in contact with the humans of the Middle East for quite some time. The humans have given them a name, the Jinni, and many myths shroud their true natures. The Djinn have taken the desert as their homes and in this have many conflicts with the Asuras. They have steady domains in Hel as well, and are masters of Investment. These Daemons usually have high traits in appearance to trick the humans into believing that they are friendly. Only when it is too late, will the human know what she has truly done. The Djinn Overlord has so many souls even he doesn't know how many he truly has. The Djinn, with great dungeons in Hel, holding thousands of souls each, owe their allegiance to Thamuz. Known to carry a Soulforge of an estimated thousand souls, Thamuz destroys his victims but with a single blow. The most lenient Overlord in terms of sending lesser Djinn through his Helgates, Thamuz often orders these Djinn to continuously plague a mortal until his soul has been bought. If these acts endanger the Djinn or if the mortal remains uncorrupted by the Djinn, he will be hunted down by these same Daemons. As a gift to all his followers, upon achieving a Rank three Infernal Ranking, Thamuz gives away a Soulforge of 10-20 souls.

Boons: Metamorph, Investment Character Creation: Social Attributes are primary. Quote: "It is not who is stronger or smarter, rather it is who controls more souls. " Stereotypes:

Asuras: "They must all die for their betrayal. " Daimone: "Their ways are not too unlike our own. " Diabolos: "These freaks are not to be trusted." Faustus: "They should not have been allowed to spawn. " Luciferentes: "We honor the Ilk that once led us. " Raksasas: "Their time will come... "

F a u s t u s : The Ilk Faustus has a strange history behind it. The youngest of the Ilks, the Faustus trace their origin to a mortal, a human. This human now known only as Faust, was a master of the arcane arts and soon led his experiments to the fields of necromancy. The Daemons saw this, and the Ilk Raksasas believed that he would be a worthy creature to corrupt. Contacting Faust they offered him anything he wanted. Unafraid, he asked them for infinite knowledge, and in turn, they told him that they could only give him what they knew. This knowledge was far beyond that of any mortal, but Faust was not satisfied. He asked them not only for all their knowledge, but also for immortality. They thought this over for two days, and when those two days had elapsed, they told him that in turn, his soul and those of his bloodline would be theirs for eternity. He agreed, and after seemingly becoming one of the most powerful Mages of all time, he disappeared after spending his immortal existence on earth for many years. Where he went is still unknown, but the Raksasas never did get their souls. They searched the earth for years, but never once did they encounter the soul of Faust. Many years later, a group of lesser Daemons, unassociated with any Ilk, challenged the elders of the Ilk Raksasas. These lesser Daemons claimed

they were the children of Faust and called forth their own Quash. They formed their own Ilk, naming it after their father. The Raksasas, outraged at this, called war against the Faust, but the Faust fought back. Thousands of souls were slain at this time, but the Faustus were never conquered. Still today, they are as powerful as any other Ilk. Having no official Overlord, the Faustus have formed a Grand Council like their brethren the Diabolos. Although made up of only five Lords of Hel,, this Grand Council seems the most efficient, using more of a strategy in combat than all out war. Boons: Arms of Ordnance, Investment Character Creation: Physical or Mental Attributes are primary. Quote: "War is our destiny, and in this, we shall undoubtedly prevail. " Stereotypes: Asuras: "They should not suffer for the sins of their fathers. " Daimone: "Their way is dishonorable, unlike our own. " Diabolos: "The second youngest Ilk, we look up to them for their knowledge. " Djinn: "We do not choose their side in their struggle with the Asuras. " Luciferentes: "They accept us, and for that we honor them. " Raksasas: "They are responsible for our existence, yet they deserve nothing. "


Luciferentes: The Luciferentes were the main Ilk when the former ruler of Hel, Lucifer, still ruled. Favoring this Ilk, Lucifer granted them large fifes in Hel. The Luciferentes of today do not wish complete eradication of the other Daemons. Instead they wish only to rule them and bring them upon the path of enlightenment. The Luciferentes fear no one except the strange force that they have nicknamed the "Hands of God." They wish to discover the force behind it, not to avenge the death of their former leader, but to repent for the sins of their ancestors. They believe that they can undo their curse and return to the land of Angels, for they believe the death of Lucifer was a sign. The eldest known Daemon that is still known to live is the ruler of this Ilk. This powerful Daemon, Mephistopheles, has unbelievable powers. Although his beliefs are not always reflected by those of his Ilk, he remains a looming shadow over the actions of the other Daemons. Leaving Hel many times for unknown reasons, Mephistopheles entrusts the leadership of the Luciferentes to the Overlord known as Maltheus. Maltheus, eager to return to the land of Angels, urges all his followers to follow the way of light. A great warrior in Hel, Maltheus is known to have slain great leaders from opposing Ilks. Boons: Itinerate, Ordain Character Creation: Mental Attributes are always primary. Quote: "Our ultimate goal is to reform the other Ilks to our path, or destroy them. " Stereotypes:

Asuras: "They deserve not the punishment they have been given. "

Daimone: "They lie like nothing else. " Diabolos: "We are weary around them, they know something..." Djinn: "Their path is changing for the worse. " Faustus: "We must protect our siblings, and the Faustus are the youngest among us. " Raksasas: "The Raksasas are our opposites: they are the illogical, while we are reasonable. "

R a k s a s a s : These Daemons are prime evil. They wish nothing more than to destroy everything. They believe that they are the true rulers of Hel and that everyone and everything must bow down before them. They do not accept incompetence and would slay their brethren if they did not have the same morals as they did. These Daemons are the reason why most humans have given the Daemons an evil stereotype. These Daemons are so hideously deformed in their evil that they may never improve their appearance rating of zero. The Raksasas are so twisted, that they even eat the flesh of their victims after their souls have been lost. They wish to avenge the death of Lucifer, and destroy the other Ilks so that they may alone rule Hel, and eventually earth. It is perhaps ironic then that the Raksasas, in all their irrationality, have gotten furthest in winning the Quash. Their ties to major organizations, septs, cults, etc. on earth have merely made their war easier. The leader of the Raksasas, the Daemon known as Belial, has even established a Kindred bloodline specifically designed to aid him in his future plans to conquer earth during the Luring. Perverting the blood of these Kindred with infernal ties to Hel, the Raksasas have granted the Baali bloodline powers that enable them to call forth Daemons without the need of Helgates or the Itinerate Boon. Boons: Corruption, Arms of Ordnance Character Creation: Physical Attributes are nearly always primary. Quote: "It is our destiny to rule! "


Asuras: "Fools. " Daimone: "More fools. " Diabolos: "Don't make us laugh. " Djinn: "You're kidding, right? " Faustus: "Argh, they will die for their existence! " Luciferentes: "They wish to lead us to destruction. Pansies, all of them! "

Culture and Society...

aemon society is very different from our own, although the actual hierarchy can easily be comprehended. Daemons are naturally violent creatures, especially the younger ones. They are true beasts, monsters incarnate. Many are irrational like the Raksasas, while others are cool-headed and philosophical. All Daemons however, have a yearn for war, a society of peace and harmony goes against their worldview. To them, there is no peace - there can be no peace, ever. It is for this reason that young Daemons are treated harshly by their elders, where respect is a law of life, as well as honor. Rites of initiation are held multiple times, as younger Daemons are repeatedly tested by their elders and family members. Even the elders themselves are challenged quite frequently, although such an act that fails is punishable by death. This law is nothing new to the Daemons, one of the few concepts rescued from the Necronomicon. Death to the Daemons is a way of life, and in their belief, one Daemon's death is another's reincarnation. Because of the mystical energies of Hel, when a Daemon is born, it is created from not only the lifeblood of the Daemon's family, but a combination of that and the harvested energy of Hel. When the Daemon dies, the energy is returned to Hel, where it is believed it is recycled into the next born Daemon. Many elders actually claim that a Daemon's powers, memories, etc. remain with the mystical energy, which could possible be accessed with the right rituals and/or powers in a younger Daemon. If this were true, then countless aeons of knowledge could be accessed to the Daemon's benefit. However, many dispute this, for the younger a Daemon is, the less power he has due to his Dark Seed. The various Ilks and their members follow both theories, and no true answer is known. In any case, death is not mourned when a Daemon dies, and no funeral per-say is given. Daemons reproduce as mammals do, usually having only one child per birth, Like humans however, they do occasionally give birth to twins, triplets,

etc. The sexual organs of the Daemon are not only identical to those of humans, but are compatible with them as well. (These children, known as Half-Demons, are described in Book 4.) Most of Daemon society is based on the lifestyle prescribed before the death of Lucifer. At this time, the Dark Ages were just ending, and the dawning of the Renaissance was at hand. Not willing to change, or perhaps incapable of adapting to a more scientifically-based lifestyle, Daemon culture remained in a state of Medieval flux, where great castles were built in Hel and where merchants roamed the streets to sell their trinkets. Not all Daemons are warriors after all, and although all can fight if need be, many choose to live their lives with minimal strife. Though, most Daemons occasionally go into the depths of Hel to battle mysterious monsters and such, to alleviate themselves of the rage they have amassed. These quests of sorts, are like vacations for the Daemon, where their family pressures are put aside, where their primal nature takes over. Life at home is rigorous for a young Daemon. Constantly faced with impossible tasks set upon by his family, the young Daemon must struggle to survive. Daemon children are often beaten for misbehaving, conditioning the youth for a harsh life of war and battle. Disrespect to the family is considered a great crime to the family in question, whereupon the youth may be punished harshly, or even destroyed. Most older Daemons have anywhere from 10-20 children, although only about five actually survive to adulthood. Daemons that are weak and feeble are killed outright, as only the most noble and powerful of Daemon blood is raised. Female Daemons take on a lesser part in Daemon society. It is considered humiliating to give birth to more girls than boys, and the excess are destroyed upon being born. Those that do survive are brought up to maintain the future houses of their lair-mates, while a few are trained in the areas of political education. Now more than ever, more female Daemons have taken on the ruling of many cities in Hel, and since they themselves do not battle when there is war, the city may maintain it's political wealth and power when war comes into play. Generally speaking, more men are birthed than women, which means that only a few members of a bloodline (traced through the male's blood) will actually carry on their legacy. Many bloodlines die out this way, as Daemon males are increasingly protective of their lair-mates. Daemons do not marry in the religious sense. Their bond comes from a vow each member gives to their family, and their partner's family, in a great meeting. Each house or pack at this point, if the members are of opposite ones, sign a treaty of some sort, so war will not split the lair-mates apart. Land grants, money, weapons, trinkets, etc. are all exchanged at this point, whether to the newly bound couple or to the organizations in question. In almost every case, the man will ask the woman's guardian if he may have her hand,

whereupon various things may take place. If the guardian believes the man to be worthy, he may accept, or decline if otherwise. Many times the man will have to prove himself to the guardian, either by fulfilling a quest, battling some opponent, accomplishing a political feat, or whatever the guardian believes to be fair. If the guardian finds the request an insult to his family however, he may attack the man. The latter is not uncommon. Daemon society works in such a manner that the most powerful Daemon in a dispute is usually given the benefit of the doubt. Rarely is a more powerful Daemon accused of a crime by a lesser Daemon, and rarely is one challenged. A verbal challenge is just as offensive as a physical one, and most often than not, blood will spill. Occasionally however, a Daemon will challenge another over some position he holds, or for the possession of his lair-mate. More often than not, the lair-mate has little to say, and unless she can kill her new mate, she must submit. Usually the former does not happen however, as most women are given little to no combat training. Women in power usually hold their positions through selective bodyguards and henchman, usually led by her lair-mate. These members are at her side at all times, and no challenge can be offered to a woman in power, rather, the challenge must go out to her protectors - all of them. Women are not treated as objects in Hel, although that is what it at first seems like. True they have little power over their family as a whole, but independently they have as much power and freedom as everyone else. In her own family, the female Daemon holds much power, and keeping her happy is a prime objective to her lair-mate. If she walks out on him, he must kill her or lose his honor. Either way though, he will be looked badly upon for some time. Daemon children have little to no entertainment throughout their youthful years. They are allowed to walk the streets when not needed working or when not in school. Most games played are combat oriented. Games of tag develop into games of outright battle, and a Daemon child coming home with torn flesh or broken bones is not uncommon at all, rather, the exception is more rare. In a bloody culture as in which the Daemons thrive, any form of battle is deemed not only common, but also appropriate. Children realize early on that being able to wound another Daemon in an attempt to gain some form of power is looked highly upon by one's parents, and thus actively attempted. It is only when children fight for no reason other than to fight out of fun that they are punished, many times in a manner far worse than the beating resulting from the fight itself. Obviously, some Ilks have opposing views to this, such as the Raksasas, where nearly all forms of entertainment are savage acts of bloody slaughter, where children actually kill each other in such disputes, where simple fighting is considered okay whether or not there is anything to gain. However, such acts of violence is not looked highly upon by the other Ilks, and so in towns controlled by more than one Ilk, the offender is best to watch out. Just

as the Raksasas are an example of such activities brought to the extreme, other Ilks take the traditional practices less seriously, and some, like the Luciferentes, would rather see their children make up or discuss their problems, than fight for a resolution. Schooling consists of basic training in combat and some political knowledge. This being basic training, the Daemon knows very little of both, as would a child who has gone through elementary school. Afterwards, the individual Daemon enters another school, one specifically directed towards a particular job, such as politics, war, business, etc. Basic knowledge in the Boons is learned from one's family, only after final initiation into adulthood. It is then that the Daemon learns of the more mysterious powers of their kind, and begins to actively use these powers. Another facet of the basic education of Daemons is the knowledge they gain of earth and its denizens. Much of this is just basic knowledge, although nearly every Daemon learns some form of earth-based language before specializing in any area of his education. The Daemon language, referred to only as The Language, consists of complex tones and mutterings sounding like long incantations in our language. A human cannot speak the Daemon language, as they do not possess the proper vocal chords and frequencies. Note that knowledge of the Daemon language does not require an extra point in the language knowledge, as a starting Daemon character automatically knows it in addition to one earth language.


Book Two: Daemon Magick

The passion for destruction is also a creative passion. - Mikhail Bakunin, Reaction in Germany

aemons have three powers that allow them to work their evil. Boons, being the first of these powers, give Daemons the ability to channel Vim through their bodies and do many things, just like vampires use blood to empower their disciplines. Once there were many more Boons, although such knowledge has slowly been lost. Few Daemons still possess such knowledge, although there are some other Boons still in use. It is believed that some Overlords possess such knowledge, teaching their direct followers these powers. Mephistopheles is in fact known to be able to kill mortals with but a thought, and send meteors tumbling down upon the earth. The second power the Daemons have is their odd rituals, which allow them to basically do what their Boons cannot. Like Boons, few rituals are still widely known to the Daemons, since most were written in the Necronomicon. The last set of powers are those that all Daemons instinctively know, automatic powers which they have at their disposal. These powers, although not extremely powerful, do benefit the Daemon in a variety of ways.

When I go to hell, I mean to carry a bribe: for look you, good gifts evermore make way for the worst persons. - John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi

oons are those powers that make Daemon characters as powerful as they are. Boons are activated by means of one's Vim, the power Daemons receive from Hel itself. A detailed list of the Boon powers is explained below. For every level of Boon used, a Vim point must be spent; i.e. level five Investment = 5 Vim points.


Arms of Ordnance: This Boon is a powerful gift allowing the Daemon to form weapons out of various body parts. Each weapon gained through this Boon does aggravated damage, allowing the Daemon to conquer almost any foe. Along with Metamorph, this Boon can be even deadlier.

Level (1): The Daemon may grow a tail to grasp or whip at opponents or objects. This tail does Str. + 1 damage. Level (2): Razor talons and fangs may be grown doing +2 aggravated damage. Level (3): The Daemon's jaws are remarkably powerful and can stretch to swallow small children and animals. Along with the fangs from level two, the Daemon does Str. + 3 damage. Level (4): Body armor worth + 2 soak may be formed. A row of spikes down the Daemons spine may also be grown. Level (5): Short spikes protrude certain part of body which can be launched.

System: These gifts need only be activated by Vim, lasting for the remainder of the scene. Note that all such effects may be ungrown and the Daemon may revert back to her normal form. Also note that no projectile weapons may be created until achieving level five. Corruption: The Boon of Corruption is a deadly Boon to be stricken with. Note that like Thaumaturgy, Corruption is a universal power, that is organized into various paths. Many of these paths have been lost however, since most were written within the Necronomicon. Storytellers and Players should feel free to create other paths, as those below are mere examples.

Level Level Level Level Level

(1): The Daemon may learn up to a level one path. (2): As above for a level two path. (3): As above for as level three path. (4): As above for a level four path. (5): As above for a level five path.

System: For the respected paths level, only the required amounts of Vim must be spent.

Elemental Influence: This Boon gives the user control over the weather, and certain elementals associated with the four most basic elements- air, water, earth and fire. Level (1): Predict the weather. Level (2): Summon fog and water elemental. Level (3): The Daemon can command lightning and rain. Air elemental may also be summoned. Level (4): The Daemon can now control minor storms such as monsoons and summon earth elemental. Level (5): Now hurricanes, floods, etc. may be controlled. Fire elemental may also be summoned at this point.

System: For every success, the influence lasts for one hour. Level one is automatic except for the Vim point. All rolls are E.I. + Strength. Level two is a difficulty of four, level three a difficulty of six, level four a difficulty of seven, and five eight a difficulty of eight. Investment: This is the Boon most demons in folklore are known for having. This is the power that allows a Daemon character to sign away a person's soul. By doing so, the Daemon furthers her place in the Quash, and earns respect for herself. The actual art of "signing away" a soul, is described later on. The most powerful Daemons in Daemon society are expected to have this Boon. Level six cannot be purchased with just freebies or experience, but must be learned. Note that this level is extremely rare, and only the Keepers of the Luring are believed to have attained this power.

Level (1): Buy a soul for your Ilk. Only minor powers may be sold, and they may only be sold to animals. Level (2): Same as above, but now the souls of mortals may be bought as well. Level (3): Now the Daemon may buy a soul for herself. Major powers may be granted but only to animals. Level (4): Same as above, but the Daemon may now buy the souls of mortals and immortals alike. Level (5): The Daemon may now purchase the souls of an entire bloodline, for extraordinary powers, above and beyond mere

immortality. This is limited to the bloodline of ordinary mortals however. Level (6): The Daemon may purchase whole bloodlines of souls from vampires and other supernatural creatures, and may extend his Investment skill to include entire groups of creatures. System: Find a willing character and spend the required amount of Vim points. Characters receiving powers grow a "witches nipple," a small elevation on a chosen part of the skin where the powers of Hel are brought unto the person. Rules to actually sell the powers are described later on. Itinerate: The Itinerate Boon, founded by the Diabolos, was the first Boon allowing the Daemon to travel to other areas, once off-limits to the Daemon. This Boon also allows the Daemon to get around on earth better than usual. Level (1): The Daemons land speed is doubled. Level (2): The Daemon may swim at a speed equal to the running speed of the Daemon (without level one bonus.) Level (3): The Shadowlands and any Umbral realm may now be entered from earth. The Daemon cannot yet travel to Hel in this manner. Level (4): The Daemon can now travel to Hel in two turns when in the Umbra and vice versa. The Daemon is mystically pulled towards Hel when in the Umbra and travels at great speeds. No other Daemon may accompany him however. The Daemon may also sprout wings at will, and achieves the capability of full flight. Level (5): The Daemon may now travel to Hel in one turn, taking two others with her. The Daemon may also teleport to any location within a 50 foot radius.

System: All rolls are automatic except for the Vim. At level three however, to enter a hidden or secret Umbral Realm, the Daemon must role Itinerate + Wits, difficulty of seven, or the Realms Gauntlet rating, whichever is higher. At level four, the Daemon needs to have in her possession a flask containing the Magickal fires of Hel which the Daemon stares into, making a Primal Urge + Wits roll, difficulty seven. At level five, the same roll is made to travel to Hel, but all that is needed is a reflective object such as a mirror that has been washed in the Magickal fires of Hel. Teleportation is done with a roll of Dexterity + Itinerate, difficulty eight.

Metamorph: This Boon grants the Daemon the use altering her appearance, allowing for better secrecy or manipulative tactics. It is believed that the Tzimisce power Vicissitude is a result of Investments with a Daemon who mastered Metamorph. Level (1): Organic materials may be reproduced; i.e. the eyes. Level (2): Skin tones may be altered and changed. Level (3): Flesh may be shaped. Level (4): Bone structure can be altered. Level (5): The Daemon can now fully alter her form, but no mass can be gained or lost. Flesh may however be converted into bone or other similar substances, and vice versa. Level (6): Daemons with this power may shrink or increase their size by one cubic foot per success. Also, level five will now permit them to transmute any of their matter to another substance, i.e., wood or silver.

System: All rolls require Metamorph + Body Alteration with a base difficulty of seven. Lost appendages and limbs may be regrown at level five with a base difficulty of eight. Otherwise, no mass may be gained or lost until level seven, known only to be possessed by the Keepers of the Luring. Ordain: Ordain, similar to mind control powers such as the Dominate of vampires, allows the Daemon to control the minds of others. Supernaturals may spend Willpower points to override the effects of Ordain, just as they might to resist Dominate. Level (1): The Daemon may give simple orders or requests of one word. More words will confuse the victim however. Level (2): The Daemon may now engrave ideas into anothers mind, making them continually think about the request. Level (3): An ordinary mortal may now be controlled as if the person was a small child. Level (4): Many followers may be controlled by "stamping" a thought into their minds. A single supernatural may be controlled as well.


Level (5): At this point, a Daemon may make a regular person willingly sell part of their soul. More than one supernatural may also be controlled.

System: Ordain + Wits must be rolled against the following difficulties for each level, respectively; five, six, seven, eight and nine. At level five, one point worth of the soul may be bought per success. A botch renders the person immune to effects of Ordain for the remainder of the story. Also, just like Dominate, this power may not be employed on Daemons of a higher Dark Seed than the caster. Possession: Possession, like Investment, is one of the Boons the Daemons are known for. It is this Boon that allows a Daemon to assume the roll of another individual, actually being the individual in a way. The character being possessed merely becomes a host in its own body, knowing what is happening, but being powerless to do anything against it.

Level (1): Incomplete possession; the characters voice and appearance seem distorted and evil Level (2): The possession was successful, the victim seems normal. Level (3): The Daemon can utilize the characters entire memory. Level (4): The Daemon is capable of possessing supernatural creatures. Level (5): The Daemon can now posses almost anything, including objects, allowing the Daemon to travel in a book or stone. The Daemons dice pool may be split amongst more than one individual or object, possessing more than one thing at a time. No trait that had any dots in it may be below one for this to work, however.

System: For each possession, a roll of Possession + Perception must be made. For each success at a difficulty of the characters Willpower, the Daemon may inhabit the body for one hour. At the end of this time, the Daemon must reroll at a difficulty of the characters Willpower minus one. If the Daemon gets five successes or more, the Daemons Attributes and Abilities are added to those of the individual for as long as that possession remains in effect. Otherwise the Attributes and Abilities are taken from the victim. Hel's Boon:

The ancient Necronomicon told of a great Boon created by Lucifer himself. This Boon was made to adapt to the powerful realm of Hel, and its powers made use of this. Four large fragments of the Necronomicon were found in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. These told of the basis of the Hel's Boon, and those elder Daemons who mastered other Boons were able to learn the lesser levels of this one. Knowledge of this Boon is considered sacred, and no weak Daemon should possess it. No beginning character should start the game with this Boon, rather extensive role-playing should be done, and experience points spent after such a time. Fragments of the Necronomicon must surely be found to learn this Boon, or else the Daemon must study from an elder Daemon. This Boon is a mere example of the hidden powers granted to Daemons that have been lost throughout the course of time.

Level (1): The Daemon can call forth the magical fires of Hel. Level (2): The Daemon can exchange Quintessence for Vim. Level (3): The Daemon can bring another creature to Hel.

System: All rolls are done with Wits + Primal Urge with a difficulty of six. For level one, each success allows the standard cubic foot to be summoned. For level two, each success allows one point of Quintessence to be altered into Vim and vice versa.

The Paths...
There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same. - Chinese Proverb. Path of Dark Faith:


This is the path taught by Lucifer to his children. This power basically allows Daemons to work miracles and fight back others with True Faith. Consider each level to be a level of ordinary True Faith, and each level works similar to True Faith in mortals. The main difference however, is that this Dark Faith neutralizes out the True Faith in mortals. So if a mortal with a True Faith of five encounters a Daemon with a five in his Dark Faith rating, each is considered to have a faith rating of zero. Otherwise, if the mortal has a True Faith of, lets say six, that same Daemon has an effective Dark Faith of zero, and the mortal a True Faith of one. This mortal may now use her True Faith of one normally, and the Daemons Boons are reduced by one level. So if the same Daemon has five dots in the Itinerate Boon, the effective rating is reduced to four. Note that if the Daemon had a Dark Faith of zero to begin with, her Boons would just be canceled out, and shed be virtually helpless. Luckily there are few creatures with True Faith, and even fewer with a high True Faith. Path of Darkness: This path is like the Kindreds Obtenebration, in that it deals with controlling the very nature of darkness itself. Level (1): The light in an area may be diminished. In an enclosed space, it will seem like night, and outside in the sun, it may seem like evening. Level (2): The Daemon may summon a dark mass, pitch-black like the ink of an octopus. Almost nothing can see through this mass, but other senses function normally. Level (3): As level two, but whatever steps into this dark mass will "smell of the Wyrm" afterwards for one hour per success rolled. Level (4): As level three, but all inanimate objects within the cloud will begin to crumble and decompose.


Level (5): As level four, but now all living creatures within the cloud will begin to take aggravated damage.

System: All rolls are Strength + Corruption, and one cubic foot of the mass is summoned per success. The cloud remains in effect per turn for every additional Vim point spent other than the required ones. If the level one effect is used outside in the sunlight, Kindred may survive within it without taking damage. Path of Evilseek This path allows the Daemon to sense the weaknesses of others. It is a also a quick way to identify supernaturals. (Hes vulnerable to silver, he must be a shapeshifter!)

Level (1): Weak areas upon the physical body may be seen; i.e., organs for humans, heart for vampires, etc. Level (2): Elements that hurt various creatures will be made knowledgeable to the Daemon; i.e., fire for vampires, silver for Garou, iron for Changelings. Level (3): The desires of the one being "evilsought" is discovered by the Daemon, making the Daemon aware what the creature wants or desires. Level (4): As level three, but the Daemon is made aware of what the evilsought does not want. Level (5): The Daemon may try to summon the very things the "evilsought" wants or does not want; i.e., fire or silver may be summoned.

System: Perception + Corruption is to be rolled with a difficulty of eight. For level five, Strength + Corruption is rolled, with a difficulty of 10. Only inanimate objects may be summoned by these means, with one cubic foot of the substance being summoned per success. Therefore, the Daemon cannot summon the evil Marauder Mage the Daemon discovered the Brujah was afraid of with level four. Path of Wyrm Stench: This twisted path enables the Daemon to corrupt others so they are considered "of the Wyrm." This is especially deadly against Garou.

Level (1): The Daemon may seek out Wyrm minions by sensing them. Level (2): The Daemon may control minor minions of the Wyrm. Level (3): As above for average minions of the Wyrm. Level (4): As above for major minions of the Wyrm. Level (5): The Daemon may remove successes from an individual and may curse objects, causing them to remove successes from individuals holding them.

System: Roll Primal Urge + Corruption, difficulty seven. For levels two through four, the Daemon must have more successes than the Wyrm's minion does, and if not, the minion may still make willpower rolls. For level five, each success equals the amount of successes that may be removed from the victim. This lasts for as many rounds as the Daemon spends additional Vim, other than the Vim that must be spent. If this is done on an object, the extra Vim spent is used to tell how big the cursed object may be. Per Vim point spent, the object may be one cubic foot per success. The object remains cursed for as many years as equal to the Daemons Vim pool. Note that the amount of extra Vim spent must be constantly led into the object per week, making huge objects undesirable to curse. Cursed objects have no effect on Daemons.

Any serious attempt to try to do something worthwhile is ritualistic. - Derek Walcott, Interview in Writers at Work

he Daemons do in fact have rituals much like other supernatural creatures. At one time there were many rituals used for many purposes. However, many of these ancient rituals have been lost by time and are only recovered when a fragment of the true Necronomicon is found. Souls are almost always used in the ritual process, as are the magical fires of Hel. Many rituals were even made to simplify the art of learning paths, and discovering Rituals is much easier than discovering lost Boons. Players and Storytellers should feel free to create their own Rituals, with the Storytellers permission of course. A brief list of Rituals follows:

B o n d o f B l o o d : This ritual was designed to annoy Kindred in early times. It is like a blood bond, but is really a dirty trick used on many vampires. A Daemon will hereby sneak his blood into that of another vampire, perhaps posing as its retainer. The Daemon will then do the same to another vampire, taking blood from each of the two and mixing them within a bowl. The Daemon will then forge a single soul into the blood of the two Kindred, and return to the two Kindred, giving each half of the blood of that in the bowl, once again acting as perhaps a retainer. This must be done within two days of the original meet. The blood bond between the two Kindred is now in progress, each of the Kindred bonded to each other and the Daemon for as long as each Kindred gets blood from the Daemon once every four days. This is a dangerous trick for the Daemon, but if done successfully the Daemon may purchase the soul of one of the Kindred for the exchange of freedom. H e l g a t e F a b r i c a t i o n : The true ritual of Helgate Fabrication has been lost in the last Necronomicon, and it can now only be done by finding a Node or Caern. The seized grounds must have a circle of stones erected around it (similar to Stonehenge.) Whether the land is enclosed in stone or not makes no difference. At this point, 100 souls must be forged into the Helgate, and the land must then be cleansed with the magical fires of Hel. The Daemons stay here, chanting the ancient words of the Fallen Angels for five days and six nights. Once this is completed, a Daemon must travel through the Helgate to Hel, losing its life. Why this is so is unknown, but the first Daemon to go through the gate is destroyed. Always the Daemon goes willingly, and is usually a Daemon of great age who will soon perish of age anyhow. I n t r u d e r s B a n e : This ritual allows the caster to "feel" if there is someone within a fifty-mile radius who is searching for a Daemon. A pool of blood, from any creature, is extracted into a vile. The blood is cleansed with the magical fires of Hel and is then forged with a soul. The blood is poured on the ground and chanted over, and as the blood slides across the floor, it will form a picture of the closest thing searching for a Daemon, and may even spell out that persons current name. It is believed that some powerful Daemons have even discovered the True names of Mummies in this manner, plaguing them indefinitely. L a i r o f t h e D a e m o n : Cast on any permanent home of a Daemon that has reached the level one Rank of Infernal Ranking, upon being killed

on earth or some Umbral Realms, the Daemon is mystically sent to her Lair, where she will remain unconscious until her wounds are healed. Ten souls are needed in this ritual, all of which were bought by the Daemon herself. An area of the Lair about the size of the Daemon is lit on fire with the magickal fires of Hel. A follower of the Daemon is hereby ritually executed on earth, her blood brought to Hel and poured upon the spot in question. Speculation exists as to why this works, but it is rumored that the very forces of Hel within the Daemon are matched with those in a specific area of Hel. When the Daemon is seemingly killed, his form is dispersed as the forces "switch." After a certain period of time, the Lair's energy will run out, whereupon the Daemon can no longer reappear in his realm when killed on earth. L i f e s p a r k : This ritual gives any inanimate object a temporary form of life. Five souls are used and forged into the object in question. A short chant is then exercised and for every success on the Intelligence + Rituals roll, the object will "come alive" for one hour. This is useless when done on things such as books, as they may only jump about and tumble to the floor. It is most useful when done on a corpse, as it will come alive again. All things with the Lifespark are under the Daemons power. This ritual takes one hour to complete. System: All ritual rolls must be done with an Intelligence + Rituals roll with a base difficulty of eight. Naturally the storyteller may make up more rituals as these are mere guidelines. Always remember however that every ritual needs a number of souls to work. M o l d t h e W a t c h e r : This ritual has been lost throughout the ages, and was once used to create huge monolithic guardians who protected the Helgates from destruction. Since the loss of this ritual, many Daemons have searched for a way to reproduce the ancient magick, all to no success. A minor form of this old ritual has been created however, and for the time being goes by the same name as its predecessor. This ritual works in that a stone, approximately one foot in height, is taken and cleansed by the magical fires of Hel. Ten souls are then forged into this stone, and one day and one night of chanting follows. The stone is hereby given life, and will continue to live as long as it is given two points of Vim per day. This is fine, since the Watcher is meant to guard a Helgate, which is a receiver of Vim anyway. The Watcher will have the combined Attributes of the two most powerful souls given to it during its creation. The Watcher cannot leave the expanse of land it was created to guard, and if it tries, it will seem to walk into an invisible wall.

Automatic P o w e r s . . .
However great an evil immorality may be, we must not forget that it is not without its beneficial consequences. - Karl Wilhelm Von Humboldt, The Limits of State Action

henever a Daemon desires, his skin may singe anything it touches, including opponents. This alone does three die of damage for every turn the Daemon touches the skin of his opponent. This will be painful, and all normal physical attacks such as punching have a damage of plus one when this power is in progress. Clearly this power does aggravated damage to Kindred. Vim, being the source of a Daemons powers, fuel their appearance trait as well. Most Daemons other than the Raksasas have two forms, their True Form, and their False Form. The True Form is the form of the Daemon when the appearance trait is zero, which a Daemon can revert to whenever she pleases. The False Form is the disguised form of the Daemon, which costs one Vim point to turn into. In Hel, all Daemons are expected to be in their True Form, as a human form is looked down upon when not used in manipulation tactics. The art of shaping souls is another power of the Daemons. Shaping souls, the very things which give Daemons status and power among their peers, allow Daemons to improve their wealth greatly. Without the Investment Boon however, a Daemon cannot get a soul to shape, unless one is given to the Daemon. Also, the Daemon has the power to heal like a Garou, in that every round the Daemon heals a health level. Also, Daemons only suffer aggravated damage from True Faith attacks. Daemons also receive physical advantages when in their True Form. Since most Daemons have fangs, claws, etc., their attacks can be more varied and lethal. The last of these powers, is the power of immortality. Although Daemons are not actually immortal, they are in a sense. In Hel, Daemons age, although on earth and in some Umbral Realms they do not. When killed in such places, the Daemon does not actually die, rather they become incorporeal, as their body fades out of existence, only to reappear in Hel within their Lair. In Hel and many other Umbral Realms however, when killed, the Daemon is killed for good. If a Daemon has no followers or souls, and has not yet undergone the Lair of the Daemon Ritual, the Daemon is sent to her Ilks Universal Lair, a place set up where slain Daemons reappear. This is humiliating for

Daemons, and many are scorned if sent here. For this reason, few risky acts are done on the Daemons part when on earth or in the Umbra, until his own Lair has been set up. A sort of baptization occurs after a Daemons birth, when the infant is connected to her Ilks Universal Lair. This Lair, usually placed in any city held by that Ilk, is connected to a huge web of similar lairs, redirecting that Daemons energy to a single, specified Lair. Without this baptization, when a Daemon is killed on earth, she disperses and reforms in a random location in Hel after a period of hours, days, months, or years, depending on the severity of the damage done.


Book Three: Infernal Aeons

hen one looks at the convoluted past of the Daemons, it becomes obvious how much of it is based on legend, and how little on fact. Even the eldest of Daemons do not know exactly how long their kind has existed, although none would admit to such. The Keepers of the Luring perhaps know more, although it could very well be that even they are multiple generations removed from what has come to be known as the Fallen Angels. Whether such creatures at one time existed at all, remains a mystery, similar to the way younger Kindred perceive the existence of their Antediluvian forefathers. In any case, there is a great deal of history in which Daemon culture can be clearly defined. This history runs back to about the time of Lucifers fall, back when Daemon hordes continued to traverse the earth in roving packs, where a baron or lord on earth was a Daemon leading his people astray. These were the days of old, the days of yore, those which the elder Daemons continue to reminisce about.

Daemon Hierarchy...

he Dark Ages could be considered the time in which the majority of Daemon activity on earth occurred. Everything that took place before this time becomes cloudy, as legends and facts become interlinked, and the truth dwindles. Here then is where Lucifer ruled with an iron fist, when the Ilks were in relative peace with one another and the distant future filled with dreams of the Luring. The Quash was at this time not even in existence, as open warfare outside the Blasphemies was declared punishable by destruction. In fact, the Blasphemies, the only true defined laws of Hel, were carried out and enforced by all of Lucifers minions. Written within the Necronomicon, the Blasphemies were the basis of all law and order in Hel. Generally speaking, each Ilk operated differently than their modern counterparts, although many of the main characteristics carried through to this day. Lucifer, who as far as the average Daemon knows, could have simply

been an arrogant, powerful Daemon, set up the Hierarchy of Daemon society. Of course, none would openly say this, but the fact that a demi-god existed and ruled their lands a few hundred years ago seems unlikely, yet the elders continue to say nothing. The government consisted of the five established Ilks at the time, namely the Asuras, Daimone, Djinn, Luciferentes, and Raksasas. Each Fallen Angel ruled their respective Ilk, coming together to hold meetings in the legendary city of Dis. Here, in the highest tower, overlooking the lands of Tartarous from the highest peak of the Kur mountains, sat each Fallen Angel at a great table, the Great Pentacle. The Great Pentacle was a perfectly round table, made from a single crystal of Pluto, with a giant pentacle drawn on its surface. At each point there sat the ruler of one Ilk, Lucifer at the main point, Shaitan and Beelzebub to his right and left respectively, Astaroth beside Beelzebub and Beherit beside Shaitan. The setup was simple, and yet here every decision concerning Daemon-kind as a whole was made, in the legendary Tower of Dis. Dis itself served as the largest city in all of Hel, controlled by no single Ilk yet flourishing with each of them. There was no strife here, a sort of vampiric Elysium for Daemons. The largest market here, Daemons from throughout Hel would come to sell their goods, as politicians came from every city to discuss treaties and deals. Virtually every Helgate, every Daemon cult, organization or area of land owned by a Daemon on earth was accounted for in the great libraries of Dis. The greatest combat arenas and academies, the greatest political schools and wise-men all existed in Dis, the home of Daemon glory. Outside of Dis there of course existed many other cities, in many other lands of Hel. Many cities controlled by individual Ilks also prospered, although none so as much as Dis. In Pluto for example, the great crystal palaces of the Daimone lords flourished off the steel and crystal trades, equipping each Ilk with weapons and armor. In fact, the trade was so good there, trade with those of earth occurred as well, and although illegal, turned a fine profit of souls to the sellers. Those lands that reached far and wide, where Vim was weak or where it

was deemed unsafe to travel alone, lived those of the Trinity. Despised by the Daemons these brigands and thieves found power in their unity, a unity lost long ago. At that time however, it was decided that without an alliance, the three factions of Trinity could not exist alone, being hunted by the Daemons. When the Trinity was established no one truly knows, as its founding took place farther back than Daemon facts go. As far as most Daemons know and remember however, the Trinity was the basic opposition of the Daemons, devised from the simple Rogues, the Sol, and the Succubus. The Rogues were those Daemons that had left Daemon society for one reason or another. They were basically exiled or running from Daemon law, but in any case, they were the outcasts of daemon society. Alongside them, there lived those who called themselves the Diabolos clan, the largest faction of NearDaemons that every existed. The Sol made up the second part of Trinity, although the Sol of today and the Sol of then were very different creatures. Whether or not they are even related can be disputed, although the breeding ground of both has not changed. At the time of the establishment of Trinity, up until the death of Lucifer and slightly beyond, the Sol were great fire beasts. Fought off by elder Daemons with ancient Boons now lost, the Sol had developed a complex government based around a tribal hierarchy. Seemingly intelligent then, able to speak the Daemon tongue in a limited form, the Sol of that time seemed to disappear after Lucifers death. The third Trinity faction was the Succubae, consisting of the Daemonites, Pariah, and the Faustus. At the time however, the Faustus had just begun organizing themselves into a complex clan-like structure, until eventually they surpassed the Succubae as a whole and became what they are today. A simple mockery of the Great Pentacle, members of Trinity carved a triangle into their victim's foreheads and flesh. The same symbol was carved into the walls of conquered cities, castles, etc., although the actual act of conquering them was rare - even rarer without some form of hunt afterwards. Of course, the message was obvious: the Daemon's enemies were multiplying and unified, which would eventually become a great threat to the Daemons. When Lucifer fell, it was only too obvious that war would result.


resent day Hel is quite a bit different than it once was. With the addition of the Diabolos and Faustus into Daemon society, much has changed. Although


many of the cities have remained the way they are, the fall of the Daemons leaders influenced Hel as it would never have been imagined. The way things now stand in terms of government, is more of a chaotic world-scheme than anything else. If it were up to the Raksasas, there would be open war, although the other Ilks know this is not possible. Too much would be at stake, and although the Quash and its inevitable final battle must one day happen, the political leaders wish to prolong the time until that day as long as possible. Dis remains a city unconquered, ruled by all Ilks. Since Lucifer's fall, however, less and less of Dis remains the Eysium it once was. Instead, much of Dis has become split into areas of land, each part controlled by one of the Ilks. The fact that Dis offers the political esteem it does, persuades every Ilk to maintain its holds on the ancient city. Recently run down, however, battles and skirmishes spring up nearly every day, as more and more cities fall to one Ilk or another.


n the World of Darkness, Hel is the place where the Daemons roam. It is not unlike the rest of the Umbra, for in fact, that's where it is. Hel exists within a sort of Umbral "bubble." Protected and empowered by the Vim within, Hel cannot be accessed by anyone that doesnt have a link to it. In other words, unless empowered by Vim by some means or another, there is no way you can get in. Period. It's not as if one could get there in the first place though, as Hel lies in some area of the Deep Umbra, beyond those ever mapped out or traveled to by most spirits. There are no routes there, no paths or loopholes. Only those with a connection to Hel can get there and back. In fact, even if a daemon wishes to take someone, they must have a connection to Hel in some way, either through Daemon blood in their system, through some past investment, etc. Getting to Hel, even for a Daemon is tough, and getting out even more so. It is perhaps the Succubae which have the most knowledge of those realms immediately outside of Hel, although there are few there, and mostly just a dark void between. Still part of the Deep Umbra, very few travel there come back alive. Of course, there are very few that actually have the necessary powers to get there anyway. The farther "down" one goes here, the nastier it gets. Hel, the utmost extreme of this are of blackness, is the true home of the Daemons. Here is the only place where the Daemons can age, and it is for this reason that the Daemons travel to earth, a place where they cannot grow old. Why this is so is unknown, but even if a Daemon lives its entire life in Hel, it can only live for

a about five hundred years, plus one hundred for every Dark Seed point that Daemon has. (Most Daemons are considered to be an adult at about one hundred years of age, although a few are accepted in Daemon society as leaders below that age.) Hel is not necessarily a burning wasteland as described in many myths, although it is in many parts. Parts in Hel could be a cold, barren wasteland, or a burning wasteland with mountains. Although most parts of Hel are usually one of these two extremes, there are forests, lakes, etc. The fires that make up these hot zones are magickal in nature, and give aggravated wounds to nearly any creature. Daemons are one of the exceptions to this rule, as the fires of Hel do not hurt them, it actually pleases them. These fires, like Daemons, need Vim to empower them. It is for this reason that these fires may not exist in any one place for long. Unless a Daemon constantly replenishes the supply of Vim to the fire, it will burn out if it is anywhere but in Hel. For damage purposes, consider the fires of Hel stronger than a chemical fire, and depending on the concentration of it, the fires of Hel will do more damage or equal damage to such a fire. It should also be known that Daemons do not take damage from normal fire either; it does not please them, or hurt them in any way. Keep in mind that fire is the true elemental of the Daemons. The powers of Daemons are derived from Hel, and whenever a new Daemon is born, part of Hel's powers are diminished. Sacrificing souls in Hel may only return such power, whereupon they will release new energy, and fuel Hel once more. Many souls purchased for one's Ilk are used for this purpose. It should be kept in mind that Hel cannot be reached by any known way by direct travel through the Umbra, unless of course the Daemon possesses the Itinerate Boon. Otherwise, a Helgate must be found, or, if the Daemon is a Raksasas, a powerful Baali with the level seven discipline of Daimoinon may summon him to earth, if he so wills. There are various lands in Hel, each with its own geography, some mountainous, cold, fiery, or any other landscape you could possibly imagine. However, most of Daemon society is built upon the lands of Tartarus, home of the city of Dis and the Mountains of Kur, perhaps the two most known areas of Hel. In Tartarus, there are multiple landscapes, most of which are more or less a desert in the flatter regions, which become more fertile the closer one gets towards the Mountains of Kur. There are of course other geographical areas as well, such as rivers, lakes, etc., all up to the Storyteller's whim. Some of the

more unpleasant areas are the Chambers of Decay, a mountainous land with little to no Vim left; Gehenna, the stereotypical Hell of Christianity,; Phlegethon, the second greatest land next to Tartarus; Pluto, rich and flourishing land of the Daimone,; Nifelheim, borderland of Pluto and the unmapped regions of Hel, as well as many others.

The gates of Hell are open night and day; Smooth the descent, and easy is the way: But, to return, and view the cheerful skies; In this, the task and mighty labour lies. - Virgil (tr. by John Dryden), Aeneid

ravel to and from Hel is made possible by either the Itinerate Boon or by Helgates. For those Daemons who do not possess the Itinerate Boon, however, Helgates are the premium choice for travel to and from Hel. Travel by means of such Helgates is made possible in two turns by merely walking into the burning fires of such a sacred area. These gates, like Caerns and Nodes, serve the Daemons as Vim receivers as well as gates to travel to and from Hel. In Hel, a Daemon receives three Vim points per hour, whereas near Helgates a Daemon receives two Vim points per hour. These Helgates, originally constructed by the Fallen Angels, are not widely placed throughout the world. Huge monolithic statues known to the Daemons as Watchers protect them. These sentinels are without a single ruler, their only

masters are the Daemons as a whole. Many Daemons have tried to buy them off to ambush other Daemons but have done so to no avail. These creatures are loyal to no single Daemon, and live only to guard the Helgates they have been instructed to. Rituals that have been salvaged from minor pieces of the Necronomicon aid in constructing new Helgates. The rituals how to make another Watcher however, are completely lost. Nearly all Helgates are owned by Daemon elders, so unless a Daemon has some mission of great importance, the Daemon will normally not be allowed to travel to earth. This is a great restriction on Daemons, but also is a great motivation for Daemons to increase in power. Legendary Helgates include Etna, an ancient Helgate within the mouth of a volcanoe and Leviathan, a sacred Helgate traveling straight to Dis from a great cave in Europe shaped like a dragon's mouth. Many lost Helgates exist as well, waiting to be refueled with Vim, like the one in lake Avernus in Italy, or the Helgate lost beneath the sea in Jerusalem, as well as one lost there in some unknown wilderness, once traveling to the land of Gehenna.

Goods and Trade...

rade routes make their way throughout Hel, interconnecting the many cities of Hel and the various lands of the Daemon. It is not surprising to find in such a vast geographical area such as Hel various goods that cannot be found elsewhere. Aside from the magickal fires which exist in Hel, there are other goods well in demand in Hel and otherwise. Soulforges are great tools and weapons, utilized in nearly everything imaginable. Although the buildings and such in Hel are made out of real rock and stone, soulforged materials are utilized in many weapons and gear available to warriors and merchants alike. (For more information, see Soulforges in Book 4.) Plutonian Crystals is another form of trade in Hel. Used as weapon blades, substituted for glass, etc., the crystals of Pluto are a huge industry in

Hel. Like glass in nearly all aspects, it is however stronger and more durable. A simple sword made out of the material, although expensive, could easily have a difficulty of six and a damage of strength plus six. Aside from the crystals of Pluto, Plutonian Steel is another product made by the Daimone. Stronger than normal steel by about five times and half as heavy, it makes an incredible building material. Due to its hardness however, the ore itself takes a while to mine, making the price for a simple steel blade very expensive. Sols, more commonly considered pests by the denizens of Hel have also become a useful tool. In a process invented by the Djinn, Sols can actually be forcefully bound to weapons via the expenditure of souls. For each Sol involved in the process, the strength rating increases, although there is a limit on the amount of Sols that can be bound, depending on the size of the object. Such a weapon does aggravated damage to all supernaturals, as the flesh is cut and then singed shut as soon as the weapon is removed from the area in question. For the next three rounds of play, that damage is once again applied to the victim, as the fires which surround the blade continue to burn inside the victim, until they go out.

The Blasphemies...

he Blasphemies were the ancient laws that governed the Daemons during the time of Lucifer, and probably well before recorded history of the daemons begins. There were six parts to the Blasphemies, each with four sub-parts. The way this was designed, was that each Ilk proposed a law, the one it deemed most important, and each other Ilk would further define it. Although unchanged since their writing, the Blasphemies have been lost in parts of the Necronomicon. Although it is believed that they have been recovered in their entirety, the translations from the originals may vary slightly. The Blasphemies as they exist now, summarized, stand below.


Thou shallt remain loyal to thine Ilk [Luciferentes] 1.1) Thou shallt honor the wishes of thine Ilk 1.2) Though shallt show thine allegiance to thine Ilks eldest representative 1.3) Thou shallt give thine life for thine Ilk 1.4) Though shallt know that thine Ilks enemy, art thine enemy as well Thou shallt not savage Hel or earth [Asuras] 2.1) Thou shallt not reform the cities of Hel


Though shallt not destroy the lifeblood of earth 2.3) Though shallt not plunder the fruits of Hel of earth 2.4) Though shallt not make thyselves openly known 3) Thou shallt battle with honor [Raksasas] 3.1) Thou shallt do battles with thine souls alone 3.2) Though shallt reform what thou hast conquered 3.3) Thou shallt destroy what thou dost not reform 3.4) Thou shallt show no mercy to thine enemy 4) Thou shally not share thine powers with Others [Djinn] 4.1) Though shallt not forge the powers of hel unto others 4.2) Thou shallt not teach thine rituals to Others 4.3) Thou shallt teach thine Boons to only the most worthy amongst thee 4.4) Thou shallt keep the greatest of thine powers secret 5) Though shallt uphold the laws of Hel [Daimone] 5.1) Though shallt keep thine Helgates protected 5.2) Thou shallt bring Others not to Hel 5.3) Thou shallt not breed with Others 5.4) Thou shallt ask thine Ilk before thou wish to breed 6) Thou shallt uphold the Blasphemies of Lucifer and thy Founders


Book Four: Denizens of Hel

(and beyond)

Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven. - John Milton, Paradise Lost, bk. 1.

Oh, that? Just the fine print - those boring little details so itll hold up. Ipso facto, quid pro quo, you know. Congratulations - you did the right thing - The Storytellers Handbook

he Daemons know much of the other denizens in the World of Darkness. They have watched them since the first established cities sprouted and since the Garou have been protecting the land. Know that the powers of Investment are derived from the powers of the Fallen Angels, creatures who would once grant mortals free from disease and give success to many. Investment has since become a perverted power used for the Daemons own gain, and not for another's. Many creatures wish for easy power, and Daemons are what they call for when they want it. The Path of Evil Revelations, as explained in The Storyteller's Guide to the Sabbat, explains much of this path and many gifts the Daemons may bestow upon others. Characters may feel free to create their own powers to sell, but remember, Daemons only need to grant a few gifts. Once the soul is bought, the Daemon's job is over. A simple chart for Investment purposes is in the Storyteller's Guide to the Sabbat as well. Only when a Daemon has "sold" 10 points worth of Investments does the soul belong to him or his Ilk. If the character dies before the 10 points have been bought, the character was lucky and goes on into the afterlife. Most Infernalists however, are so power hungry that they will not care about their souls and will take as many Investments as they can. The smartest of the Infernalists will however, take only a few Investments, perhaps adding up to seven. The Daemon may at that point, offer a gift that is worth more than three in an attempt to take the soul more quickly even though it is not necessary. However, the Raksasas know what happens if a Daemon grants

someone too much power. Their foolishness with the Ilk Faustus and its founding member has made their Ilk a laughing stock for hundreds of years, and has threatened their very existence. This point system for Daemons is obviously not considered a series of points in the World of Darkness. Instead, the point system is used mainly for role-playing, so that players know what they're getting into. Ingenious Storytellers may not want to tell their players at all about the point system, and use the Daemon NPCs to buy a "part of" the characters soul. Finally when a player has purchased powers to the limit, the storyteller may announce that the soul has been completely bought. Play should still continue at that point, and the player's descent to Hel should be played out when and if the character dies. At this point, the soul may wish to bargain with its mentor, to perhaps be resurrected to maybe kill an enemy of the Daemon. After the soul of a character has been bought, the Daemon will sometimes hunt the character down to kill him, thus gaining the soul immediately. Technically this is fair play, unless it is so explained on the Investment "Contract." Many times an Infernalist will wish for immortality, and this is what the Daemon enjoys giving. After the Contract has been signed, the Daemon will hunt down the immortal and slay him. After all, even "immortals" can be killed... An Investment Contract is not a physical object. Instead, it is a verbal agreement, working only if the character truly meant it. For gaming purposes, if a character agrees to have his soul bought, or gifts purchased from the Daemon, the deal is considered closed, and the Investment points are to be written upon the buyer's character sheet. To make the deal more formal, so players do not argue amongst each other, players may wish to sign a fake written contract, like the one at the end of this source book. Whatever is done, it should be clear that the deal took place, so no one holds a grudge. Note that the souls of animals may be purchased in a similar way, as long as the animal truly agrees; no powers can be granted to anything if the victim does not want them. Animals instinctively shy away from Daemons, so although it can be done, few animals will sell their soul. Even if a Daemon has a friend, no Investment may be given for free. The Daemon has no control over this, and if bargaining for his life, at least one Investment point must be used. The reason for this is that the powers originate from Hel, and whenever a Daemon grants a power, it is taken from the powers of Hel. Purchasing soul fragments fuel Hel, and the sacrificing of such Souls return Hel's powers.


Look at my eyes - you know what it is. I want you, I want you. - New Model Army, Sex (The Black Angel) ouls that have been bought by Daemons can be shaped into a variety of things. Usually however, a Daemon leaves the soul be, and enlists it into its army of the damned. This soul has very little power of its own and must do whatever its master wills. All Physical Attributes are carried over from the mental, so a character with a Perception of three, would have a Strength of three. Just slide the Mental Attributes over to the left. The Old Physical Attributes become obsolete, as does the Appearance Attribute. Charisma and Manipulation however, remain the same. Souls can however do things on their own when not under their masters immediate will, and then may do whatever they please, unless they have been shaped. Shaped souls are souls that basically suffer the final, utmost death, and their essence becomes an object, or part of an object that the Daemon has under his control. Many Daemons shape captured souls into weapons that can be used within the Umbra or elsewhere. These artifacts are known as Soulforges, and are discussed later on. All Daemons instinctively know how to shape souls, and when an honorable act is accomplished, the Daemons Ilk may give him a soul as a reward, which may be shaped as the Daemons desires. Buying Souls for one's Ilk is also considered a worthy act and certain benefits are derived from it. So even if a Daemon has lesser levels of the Investment Boon, good can still come of it. Daemons without the ability to purchase Souls for themselves usually use given Souls as servants or messengers.

Most people sell their souls, and live with

a good conscience on the proceeds. - Logan Pearsall Smith, Afterthoughts

aemons sometimes shape captured souls into material objects that can be used virtually anywhere, including in Hel (the Umbra) and on earth. These objects, usually weapons, are known to the Daemons as Soulforges. They are very powerful, and depending on how many souls used per weapon, the weapon can do great damage, not only aggravated but as much as 10 times as much damage as such a regular weapon would. For example, a regular axe with a difficulty of seven, will do strength +5 damage. The same weapon being a Soulforge would have the same base difficulty, increased by one for every five souls used in its creation. The damage remains strength plus the number of souls used in its creation. Therefore, a Soulforge axe made with 10 souls would have a difficulty of nine (base, plus 10 divided by five) and a damage of strength +15. Obviously such weapons are of great power, and if more souls are used in such an axes creation, an elder Daemon could posses a Soulforge doing strength +50 damage with a difficulty of ten since the maximum difficulty is ten. Such a weapon however would require 50 souls in its creation, and this would be almost impossible. To prevent such weapons in a story, Daemon characters must role-play the act of buying someone's soul. Fifty souls having been bought would be ridiculous in any story, and a Daemon would much rather further his position in Hel than to create such a weapon. However, for every ten souls used, the size of the weapon grows considerably. An axe forged of 50 souls would be huge, larger than even a battleaxe. It is for this reason that extra souls may be put into the concealability trait, and for every five souls used, the concealability is lowered by one level. Note that these souls are not related to the souls used in the lethality of the weapon. For example, the axe mentioned above has no concealability at all. If an extra five souls are put into the concealability trait, the axe may suddenly decrease in size when not in use, so that it can be hidden in a trench coat. When activated by the Daemon, the weapon suddenly increases in size and is once again non-concealable. Therefore, by this rule of thumb, 40 extra souls used in the weapons creation makes the axe concealable inside a pocket. This would probably be a little fist sized handle, that when activated enlarges into the true form of the axe. Forty souls must be used because the 50 souls used in the weapons damage rating enlarges the axe by five times (50 divided by 10.) To once again make the axe non-concealable (a must) the axe needs five souls per increased level. The axe was increased five times, and must be brought to the non-concealable level, so five souls must be used per

increase in size (five times five.) The number we now have is 25, added to the 50 in the weapons damage rating, this weapon needs 75 souls to actually do the strength +50 damage. The extra 15 souls added to make the axe concealable within a pocket is added to the 25 and we have our target number of 40. Another negative thing about the Soulforge is that the maximum number of souls used in the Soulforges creation divided by 10, is the amount of points worth of Vim that must be spent every time the Soulforge is activated. In the above case, 90/10 equals nine, therefore nine points of Vim must be used to activate the Soulforge whenever it is used. Soulforges may seem confusing at first, but with a little practice, it will seem secondhand to you. The rules are pretty simple, and if you do not understand, just reread the above paragraphs one or two more times. Remember that weapons are not the only things that can be made, armor and tools can also be forged, with similar bonuses. However, firearms and technological devices may not be forged. Also, Soulforges may not be added onto. Once made, no more souls may be added, and so all souls must be present if the Soulforge is to be made. Ninety souls used in the above weapon (50 plus 40) is a lot of souls, and would do the Daemon more good if the 90 souls are used as soldiers. After all, others will attack the Daemon. More dice increases the chances of botching anyhow, and besides, would you rather face off a Methesulah by yourself, or would you rather have 90 soldiers backing you up?

I was not content to believe in a personal devil and serve him, in the ordinary sense of the word. I wanted to get hold of him personally and become his chief of staff. - Aleister Crowley, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley


lso known as Incubus, the Succubus are creatures living in Hel who masquerade as Daemons to the mortals and other denizens of earth. They are souls who have been bought by Daemons and have finally been released after showing their loyalty to their masters. These creatures are rare and only by going to great lengths to serve their masters, do they receive their freedom. The Succubus are of neither gender, as they are only released souls. Many Succubae remember the gender they once had in life, and take on this gender in acting. Unlike their masters, the Succubus are immortal, and do not age on earth or in Hel. The mortal conception of a "love-demon" is derived from the Succubae's tendency to befriend other creatures, and sometimes gain this friendship through sexual favors. Succubae are not accepted in Daemon society, and so form their own settlements in Hel. They do not become physical creatures when they leave the Umbra, unlike the Daemons. Their masters usually teach these creatures one or two Boons before they are freed. It is very rare, however, to discover a Succubus with more than five points worth of Boons. Succubae are responsible for many myths of demons and can materialize to humans by traveling to earth in a spirit-like body. They cannot purchase souls for Ilks, for they belong to none. Instead they would buy the soul for their former master, to perhaps please him. It is rare to find a Succubus with souls of his own, although not impossible. Succubus are much weaker than their former masters but are motivated enough to grow to sufficient power. When Kindred or mortals speak of dealing with demons, many times it was a Succubus they dealt with. If such talk gets out, many Daemons will hunt down the Succubus for endangering them. The Raksasas believe that the Ilk Faustus was actually a group of powerful Succubus at one time, but the Faustus obviously claim otherwise... There are two main groups of Succubus who have organized their own Ilks, although they receive no respect from their former masters. These Ilks are not accepted in Daemon society, and are known basically only to the Succubae themselves.

D a e m o n i t e s : These Succubae are the most powerful of all the Succubus, and are perhaps the only creatures (aside from themselves) respected by the Daemons. These Succubus have mastered much of the Daemon magick, and have even created their own set of Boons, known to them as the Blessings. This magick is theirs, and they guard them jealously. The Daemonites are the Succubus that call themselves demons when mingling with humans or other creatures of earth. The Daemon do not mind this, as it masks much of their true identity. Like all other Succubus, the Daemonites do not have physical bodies when in the real world. On earth they must appear as visions in dreams or as spiritual masses. This however they can push aside, for their Blessings make it possible to interact with others. This is a benefit to them since such Boons as Possession are not that reliable. P a r i a h : The Pariah are truly outcasts as their name implies. Although freed by their former masters, they are damned as any child of darkness is damned. They have almost nothing, aside from the few Boons taught to them. They travel to the real world rarely, and leave Hel after being freed. They make their homes near Hel however, in the deep Umbra where few Daemons need to travel. These Succubae encounter many creatures in the Umbra however, and band together for protection. The Pariah are, for this reason, the most knowledgeable of the Succubus, and hide their knowledge from others. They possess no Blessings however, unlike their cousins the Daemonites. The Pariah do not resent them for this, but learn to avoid them, and the Daemons as well. Playing a Succubus in a chronicle is slightly confusing, as they can rarely interact with anything or anyone in the real world. However, it can be done, although usually a Succubus will be an NPC. For creation purposes, since their Physical and Mental Attributes are equal, there is no Physical attribute rating. For attributes they therefore have 5-5, where none may be spent on Appearance. Remember however, that the Strength must equal the Perception, the Dexterity the Intelligence, and so forth. The Succubus have virtually no Abilities, so give them 9-9-5.

Judge none blessed before his death. - Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus 11:28


he Blessings are the magick of the truly skilled Succubus. They are similar to Boons as they require Vim to be spent. All Succubae, upon being freed from their masters have an automatic Vim pool of 10, that can never be enlarged. Regaining Vim is the same for the Succubus as for the Daemons, yet Succubus cannot age in Hel, or elsewhere. Blessings are actually one extra Boon, known only as the Blessings. It has five levels, and can only be learned by Succubus. It is unknown how the Daemonites discovered this Boon, but it is said that a lone Succubus, possessing a mortal, discovered a piece of the true Necronomicon. This piece supposedly contained the basis of the Blessings, and to this day the Succubus hide the fragment from all.

Level (1): Scream of Banshee: lethal beam of energy doing strength +3 aggravated damage. Level (2): Fire Fiend: Succubus becomes a fire beast in the real world. Level (3): Ghost Form: Succubus may appear as a human; blurry in appearance. Consider them as Kindred with Protean seven (Form of Ghost.) Level (4): Form of Demon: The user can now become as a Daemon with an appearance of zero, resembling a Raksasas. Level (5): Soul's End: The Succubus may end its eternal existence...

All levels of Blessings must roll Wits + Blessings, difficulty of seven. It is very rare to discover a Daemonite with a level above four, although not impossible. At level five, the soul may wish to end its existence and go on (becoming a wraith?). This role is only made possible by gaining all successes, and once the Daemonite has succeeded, it will perish in a cloud of flames. It is said by the Daemons, that such an act would transform the Daemonite into a wraith, and that it must go on in the mortal world, not sure of how it died and oblivious to the fact that was a Succubus. Who knows? At level four, the Daemonite may become a physical creature on earth, for one hour, per success. The same works for levels two and three, although they are not physical (ghost and fire form.)

Vive le sol: pure, shameless, total. We are not responsible. - William Burroughs, The Adding Machine

he Sols are annoying little creatures that live in Hel, probably made by the Fallen Angels long ago. Many Daemons say they were made by accident, when backlashes of Paradox-like energy warped the sacred fires of Hel when the Fallen Angels were experimenting with their powers, while others say that the Sols have been in Hel forever, native to the region. No one knows for sure, but all of the denizens of Hel despise these creatures. The Sol have no real thought, they cannot be manipulated, nor truly educated. They are creatures of fire, and manipulate fire at their will. They have the mind of animals, doing what they want, whenever they want. They can talk however, having picked up this little trick long ago. They are watchers, very rarely attacking anything. Their lives are simple, living in Hel, sometimes traveling to earth. They live in small family units, usually extended families with up to eight Sols living together. There is no known way to kill them, for they are made up of the fires of Hel. A new Sol is made selectively, only when one Sol dies, may another be made, although this is extremely rare. This is the custom of the Sols, and all abide by it. A Sol can also be made if an old Sol achieves a great feat, and is thereby honored by creating another of its kind. This is done in Hel, where a group of Sols travel to a burning section of Hel, and transform its great fires into a small creature, less than a foot high - another Sol. Any power related to fire is at the Sols disposal. Here Storytellers can be imaginative, a little creature that can do anything with fire, including summoning the magical fires of Hel. The Sol use Vim as do Daemons, with a pool of up to 15. The Sol can live almost anywhere, but cannot exist in such places as the cold regions of Hel. If a Sol loses all Vim in its pool, its light will slowly fade. Such a Sol would become depressed, and lose its flame altogether within a matter of days. They then look like small, black creatures, like a thin, black shadow. Nephandus Daemons... The sun shineth upon the dunghill, and is not corrupted. - John Lyly, Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit


he True Nephandus are not mortals, nor are they Magi. Instead, they are Daemons uninterested in Daemon politics. They basically leave their Ilks and join this Sept, masquerading as evil and corrupt Magi. These Daemons are uninterested in the Luring or Quashes fought in Hel, and just want to destroy everything. Usually, it is these Daemons worshipped by many Nephandi Mages. The Boon Corruption comes naturally to them, and it is with this that they wage their unearthly wars with other supernaturals. They master only corruption actually, and seldom use or need to use anything other Boon. In fact, they have mastered Corruption so well, that they have discovered alternate ways of using it. The seven Ilks however, actually hunt the Nephandus Daemons because they want a place to control after the Luring, whereas the Nephandus Daemons wish to turn earth into a shriveled up, insignificant pile of dirt. This is why the Nephandus Daemons have left Hel altogether, and live their immortal lives on earth, where age cannot kill them. Here they masquerade as Magi, and may actually learn some technology. For this they are even more hated by the Ilks, and are not favored by many creatures. Of course they do not reveal their true natures to anyone, even they understand that they can eventually be killed. A Nephandus Daemon must have an appearance level of at least one, and must spend at least three of its Boon points for the Boon Corruption. Nephandus do mingle with mortal society so it would not be uncommon to have a Nephandus Daemon with, let's say, the security or repair skill. This is a contradiction to the original rule, and such a character should not be played. It would be like playing a Sabbat vampire that follows the Path of Evil Revelations. It can be done, but is not advised. Such Daemons are obviously not welcome in Hel, and this makes their powers weak. Few Helgates are actually controlled by these creatures, making it even harder to fuel their powers. Remember: such a Daemon is hunted by its own kind, giving powers away almost for free to its fellow corrupt Magi. After all, no Nephandus Daemon lasts for long, especially if hunted by a Raksasas...

Keepers of the Luring...


I am my brother's keeper, and he's sleeping pretty rough these days. - Archbishop Derek Worlock, London Observer 16 Dec. 1990

he Keepers of the Luring have not been seen for some time. Their temple still lies in the very fiery pits of Hel, and is obviously kept up. Whether or not The Keepers of the Luring still live there, however, is unknown, for it is believed by many that they have been destroyed by the Hands of God too. If they still live, then why have they not come to join their respective Ilks in the Quash? If the Necronomicon finds its ways into the hands of one of the Ilks, the Quash would surely end.

Hands of God...
I see Thy Hand, O God - Rudyard Kipling, McAndrews Hymn

he Hands of God is the name given to the strange white orbs that occasionally travel to Hel. The name is derived from the visual effect of the sphere when it explodes, seeming to shoot five tentacled fingers around its victim. These spheres are the very same as described by the elder Daemons, the orb which destroyed Lucifer. It is believed that the Hands of God actually destroyed the Fallen Angels as well, and perhaps the Keepers of the Luring too. Perhaps that is why neither have shown themselves for so long. It has been observed however, that whenever a Hand of God destroys a Daemon, a shimmering white light is left behind which never fades. This white light is a result of a lack of Vim in the section of Hel, and Daemons within this white light receive no Vim. Depleted areas of Hel that have run out of Vim carry this same effect. About a hundred years ago, three Hands of God descended upon the temple of the Keepers of the Luring, each exploding in their regular fashion. Since then, the common white light has been hovering around the temple, and Daemons fear that if they travel into the temple and get trapped there, that they will find no Vim and die. Most Daemons believe that the Hands of God are a continued punishment from God, and others feel the Necronomicon has fallen into the wrong hands

Those who consider the Devil to be a partisan of Evil and the angels to be warriors for Good accept the demagogy of the angels. Things are clearly more complicated. - Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting

hey are the ancestors of all Daemons, the very beings whose powers are far beyond that of any other creatures known by the supernatural world; or so is said. The Fallen Angels, perversions of such creatures could easily conquer Hel, yet these beings have long since left Hel, and have probably been destroyed. The kin of these beings, the Angels themselves surely share such power, although their presence has not been made aware of for millennia. Many younger Daemons even doubt such creatures exist, believing them mere tales and legends. If not for the Hands of God, such creatures could possibly be ruled out as existing at all, although many Daemons wish to once again achieve the ranks of these noble creatures. All sightings and rumors of Angels are investigated by Daemons, thinking that such knowledge could bring them closer to knowledge of their origins, or possibly the Enlightenment they seek to achieve. Every Ilk, with the exceptions of the Diabolos and Faustus, also mark the time when their founding Fallen Angel will one day return. Whether this will happen or not cannot be said, but if such a being did return, it would surely mark the end of the Quash, as hordes of Daemons would be trampled by such a great entity.

True Faith and Holy Ground...

I daresay anything can be made holy by being sincerely worshipped. - Iris Murdoch, The Message to the Planet

rue Faith, the universal destroyer of Daemons. This strange power, unless neutralized with Dark Faith, can be a dangerous thing indeed. When applied against a Daemon, True Faith does twice its amount in damage. A wielder of such power, must merely extend his holy symbol in the direction of

the Daemon, making a Faith roll as he does this (difficulty of the Daemons Willpower + Penance rating, max. 10.) The number of successes rolled equals the radius of an invisible barrier, therefore determining the number of steps backward the Daemon must take. If five or more successes are rolled, the Daemon either flees, or if this is impossible, suffers Banishment. Any holy item placed upon the Daemon's flesh causes the opposite effect of that which happens when someone touches a Daemon's native skin. The Daemon is hereby singed, causing aggravated damage. For each success on the appropriate roll, the Daemon takes twice that amount of damage. Any Daemon wishing to enter holy ground or passing the barrier formed by wielders of True Faith must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 6 + holy grounds/users Faith rating, minus Daemons Dark Faith rating, maximum 10.) When in such a radius, the Daemons powers are reduced by one for every point of True Faith the site/wielder has. If the Faith rating of such an entity equals at least ten, the Daemon is instantly Banished.


he Kindred of both the Sabbat and Camarilla hunt down Daemons whenever they get the chance. Even they know how much damage a Daemon can do to their sect, and this is not permissible. The Black Hand and Inconnu try to stay away from demons, and do this with much success. Many Daemons however wont take no for an answer, and will continually pester a vampire until they loose interest. In the immediate past, many Sabbat elders have begun following the Path of Evil Revelations. These Kindred cannot resist the power they receive for something they believe will not happen to them - die. Like most other supernatural creatures, the Kindred do not know the true motives of the Daemons, and misunderstand their lore and history, still calling them the slang demon. Daemon blood leaves no sustenance for vampires, and actually corrupts blood already inside the vampires system. The Daemon blood corrupts the Kindred vitae at a two-to-one ratio. So when a vampire with two blood points tries drinking from a Daemon to get more blood, a single blood point of the Daemon corrupts the two blood points already in the vampires system. At this point, the vampire has three worthless blood points that cannot be used for disciplines or anything else, and remain in the vampires system until the blood is literally bled out. Note that once a Daemon blood point has corrupted two

others, the three blood points do not continue to corrupt the Kindreds blood. Instead they are considered to be neutral, and just lye dormant within the vampires body. If a Kindred was foolish enough to try to drink a Daemon to death, keep in mind that a Daemon's bloodpool equals his Vim pool. There is one bloodline, the Baali, which the Raksasas have taken a distinct liking to. The Baali are continuously manipulated to do the bidding of the Raksasas, and occasionally receive rewards for their loyalty. The Baali are however considered expendable by the Daemons, and are used as spies in Kindred society. The Succubus too have made pacts with the Baali, although it is the Daemons who have taken more notice to the Baali, for their discipline Daimonion seems to stem from lost rituals and powers from within the Necronomicon. The Setites are also closely watched by the Daemons and their bloodline founder, Set, could have been an Infernalist, and perhaps this is why his childer have such an affinity with corruption, matched only by the Baali. Daimoinon: Level Six: Ignore the Searing Flames Although the Baali is immune to normal fire, The fire of Hel still have the same effect on the vampire which normal fire used to. Level Seven: Summon the Herald of Hell Baali with this power may summon any younger Raksasas. At this point, the Raksasas in question is "drawn" to earth, although the Daemon may refuse the call and decide to remain in Hel. Daemons above the level five Rank of Infernal Ranking may not be summoned in this manner, since their ties to Hel are too great. Any Succubus may also be summoned in this manner. New Level Eight: Travel to Hel The Baali, upon serving his Daemon mentors for some time, may purchase an Infernal Ranking level, upon which the Baali may enter Hel. Outside his territory however, he risks destruction, although he may lay in torpor here in safety for as long as this land still belongs to the Raksasas. Level Nine: Call the Great Beast The Baali may now summon a Raksasas above the level five Rank of Infernal Ranking.


he Garou, in an attempt to stay pure, do not consort with demons of any sort. Considering them to be "of the Wyrm," the Garou would slay any Daemon they encounter. Only those who eventually fall to the Wyrm even consider calling for a Daemon's gifts. Elders amongst the Daemons however speak of long forgotten Infernalists within the Shadowlords Tribe, and many younger Daemons believe that their elders have some agenda with these Garou, who seem to worship the totem Grandfather Thunder, an incarnate spoken of in fragments of the Necronomicon.


any Magi and mortals alike have tried summoning Daemons. Rarely does their magic work against Daemons however, and the Daemons find this greatly amusing. However, an enraged Mage who encounters a Daemon is a powerful force to reckon with. Even with the Daemons magickal resistance, a Magi can still effect them to some extent. The Nephandi Mages have made many pacts with Daemons in the past, and for this, the Daemons are grateful. The alliance between the Nephandi Mages and the Nephandus Daemons however, merely cause more anger from the Daemons. Any Magick used directly against a Daemon has a difficulty of two higher than normal, whether the magick would benefit the Daemon or not. Like Garou, no Mage has ever entered Hel on his own. There are no spirit paths or otherwise leading to Hel, and even the Void Engineers have not yet even come close to discovering it. Note that Helgates may be drained like Caerns, and Vim transfered to Quintessence after doing so.

Demon Summoning: Correspondence 2, Entropy 2, Forces 1, Spirit 3 Without the appropriate magicks of the Necronomicon, Daemons can only be summoned with this rote. Three successes are needed to call a Succubus, whereas five are needed to actually summon it. If it is called, it may choose to accept the calling or not. Daemons may be called with seven successes, and may be summoned with thirteen. Note that powerful Daemons with a Dark Seed below five cannot be summoned without the Necronomicon, rather, they can only be called.


he Kithian like their elder brethren the Fey, have had little to do with Daemons in the past. It is said however, that when the gates to Arcadia were open, some Fey entered Hel many times. Many supposedly survived, but none have ever enjoyed it. Neither the Fey, nor their Changeling brethren consider Daemons fun. Daemons on the other hand have mixed feelings about them. After all, many a Fey has fallen to a Daemon in Faerie's guise. It is said by some elder Daemons that they do occasionally form alliances with the Red Caps, yet then again, can you trust brethren of the Diabolos?


he Rom know little of Daemons but do know that they exist. In much of their old folklore are stories of powerful Daemons, trying to corrupt the Rom or their allies. If they discover a Daemon however, they will most surely tell their brethren Garou, Kindred, Fey or Magi. It should be known that almost no Gypsy is strong enough to tackle a Daemon, no matter how powerful that Rom may be.


he Mummies, in their many lifetimes, have stumbled upon Daemons various times. Even they however, do not, like the rest of the denizens of the World of Darkness, know the true lore behind the Daemons. Daemons rarely consort with Mummies as the Mummies find no need for too much power, since they have lifetimes to amass it for themselves. It is unknown to many what would happen if a Daemon has bought a Mummies soul, for once the Mummy dies, it is reborn. What then? According to Daemon elders, a section in the Necronomicon states that a Mummy who has sold his soul will forever walk the earth, powerful and enraged. Such an adversary would become evil, a monstrosity that even the Daemon would find twisted. Such a creature could corrupt even its creators... The bane mummies are a possible outcome of such dealings, although it is Set himself who is said by the Daemons to have been an Infernalist, who most likely created these beings with the power he received from his dealings with Daemons.

Sample Fake Investment Contract...

Characters Name: Buying the Following Powers: Players Signature: Daemons Name: Soul Points Bought: Daemons Signature:


- Daemon Name: Player: Chronicle: Nature: Demeanor: Concept: Lair: Ilk: Dark Seed:

Strength Dexterity Stamina



Charisma OOOOOOOO Perception OOOOOOOO Manipulation OOOOOOOO Intelligence OOOOOOOO Appearance OOOOOOOO Wits OOOOOOOO



Acting Alertness Athletics Brawl Dodge Empathy Intimidation Leadership Primal Urge Subterfuge



Animal Ken Etiquette Firearms Mediation Melee Research Security Stealth Survival Technology



Computer Cosmology Culture Enigmas Investigation Linguistics Lore Occult Rituals Science





Other Traits






Vim Pool




Age: Apparent Age (False Form): Sex: Notes on Physique (i.e. - horns, claws): Maneuver Diff. Bite 5 Claw 6 Horns * - w/Singe +1 (A) - Aggravated Damage Damage* Str. + 1 (A) Str. + 2 (A) 7 Str. + 3 (A)

Bonus 1 Bonus 2 Bonus 3 Bruised Hurt (-1) Injured (-1) Wounded (-2) Mauled (-2) Crippled (-5) Incapacitated Souls:

Item Difficulty Damage


Words from the Author About four years ago, I sat down with my good friend Joshua Fairfield and discussed the possibility of writing a supplement to stage demons in the World of Darkness. At the time, I never thought Daemon would become as monumental as it did. The second edition of Daemon was a necessary one, casting a shadow thats lead people to call Daemon a lost, out-of-print WoD book, and has coined the name Daemon: the Luring. Past praise aside, Daemon was what earned me a small name in the RPG community, and carved me a niche for future projects. In many ways, I look back and wish that I spent more time on Daemon, or that I had gotten to the other supplements that Daemon was supposed to be the first of. As the idea of an Outlanders series faded, so did my involvement in the WoD community. Nowadays, I still keep tabs on the WoD and run a game now and again, but Im no longer the sage I used to be. If it hadnt been for the sudden reemergence of Daemon fans, I would have never completed this third edition. After coming across Daemon in the most peculiar of places, and after receiving enough e-mail to convince me, I decided to pick up my original third edition edits and bring it to some sort of closing. By no means is what youre now reading my original intention for Daemon 3rd Edition. In fact, many of my notes and miscellaneous files didnt make it into this document, and a thorough rewrite wasnt possible as intended. Instead, this document is my attempt to clean up some of the rough editing, and bring Daemon to a decent closing. Though I may one day return to Daemon and bring it into the perspective that I first envisioned, Im simply too busy right now with other projects. Hopefully, for now, this 3rd edition will be adequate. Again, thanks for your praise, and keep in touch. - Frank Torkel, 1998


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