Insurance: Name-Mukta Wadhwa Class - Roll No. - 52 Topic - Bancassurance
Insurance: Name-Mukta Wadhwa Class - Roll No. - 52 Topic - Bancassurance
Insurance: Name-Mukta Wadhwa Class - Roll No. - 52 Topic - Bancassurance
I am very much glad to Prof. Kanchan for giving us such a knowledgeable project.
It was an immense pleasure to work on this project. In this project I got to know about Bancassurance.
I am also hoping for such good and knowledgeable projects in future also.
Thanking you
Contents What is Bancassurance? Origin and Evolution of Bancassurance. Regulations under RBI and IRDA Benefits and Demerits of Bancassurance Models of Bancassurance Benefits to- Banks, Insurers and Customers About SBI Life Insurance Products offered by SBI SWOT analysis of Bancassurance Bibliography
With the opening up of the insurance sector and with so many players entering the Indian insurance industry, it is required by the insurance companies to come up with innovative products, create more consumer awareness about their products and offer them at a competitive price. Since the banking services, insurance and fund management are all interrelated activities and have inherent synergies, selling of insurance by banks would be mutually beneficial for banks and insurance companies. With these developments and increased pressures in combating competition, companies are forced to come up with innovative techniques to market their products and services. At this juncture, banking sector with it's far and wide reach, was thought of as a potential distribution channel, useful for the insurance companies. This union of the two sectors is what is known as Bancassurance. There was a time in the past when insurance policies were meant for a small part of public who were financially strong. Today the scenario has completely changed wherein insurance policies reach every person in almost every corner of our nation. This change in the financial horizon was ushered in with the birth of bancassurance in India. Banks which were meant for deposits, loans and transactions are allowed to provide insurance policies to people and this feature of bank is called bancassurance.
Bancassurance Evolution
Pressures on banking sector -Customer retention in the face if competition -Staff retention and motivation -Universal banking-approach to provide all financial products under one roof; a broader relationship approach -Optimum utilization of infrastructure and resources-maximise revenue Pressures on insurance sector -Channel diversification from traditional direct sale -Access to a high quality customer base -Achieve the geographical reach within minimum time and cost -Ensure higher probability of success in the sales process
Bancassurance- A win-win situation 1. Bank- customer retention, satisfaction of more financial needs under the same roof, revenue diversificatiom, more profitable resourse utilisation, enriched work environment, establish sales orientated customers. 2. Insurance company- revenue and channel diversification,quality customer access, quicker geograpical reach, creation of brand equity,leverage service synergies with bank, establish a low cost acquisation channel
Regulations under RBI and IRDA:The Reserve Bank of India and the insurance development and regulatory authority have a set of guidelines for companies that couple to form bancassurance. Based on the equity a bank should hold in joint venture, the highest allowable value of equity, the type of banks and insurance companies that can couple together and the operation of bancassurance are all the factors that are regulated by RBI and IRDA. The IRDA has very recently drafted guidelines to promote open architecture in bancassurance. Currently a bank has a tie-up with only one life insurer and one non-life insurer. But in the new model the banks necessarily have to have multiple tie-ups. The country is divided into zones and every bank has to choose multiple insurers within the zones. With this the customer will have a wider range of insurance products offered by different insurers. It will also lead to a deeper penetration in the selling of insurance products.
Benefits of Bancassurance:1. It encourages customers of banks to purchase insurance policies and further helps in building better relationship with the bank. 2. The people who are unaware of and/or are not in reach of insurance policies can be benefitted through widely distributed banking networks and better marketing channels of banks. 3. Increase in number of providers means increase in competition and hence people can expect better premium rates and better services from bancassurance as compared to traditional insurance companies.
Demerits of bancassurance:1. Data management of an individual customers identity and contact details may result in the insurance company utilizing the details to market their products, thus compromising on data security. 2. There is a possibility of conflict of interest between the other products of bank and insurance policies (like money back policy). This could confuse the customer regarding where he has to invest. 3. Better approach and services provided by banks to customer is a hope rather than a fact. This is because many banks in India are known for their bad customer service and this fact turns worse when they are responsible to sell insurance products. Work nature to market insurance products require submissive attitude, which is a point that has to be worked on by many banks in India.
Bank Referrals- There is also another method called 'Bank Referral'. Here
the banks do not issue the policies; they only give the database to the insurance companies. The companies issue the policies and pay the commission to them. That is called referral basis. In this method also there is a win-win situation everywhere as the banks get commission, the insurance companies get databases of the customers and the customers get the benefits.
Utilities of Bancassurance
For Banks Product Diversification Building close relations with the customers
For Insurance Companies Stiff Competition High cost of agents Rural Penetration Multi channel Distribution Targeting Middle income Customers
To Banks From the banks point of view: (A)By selling the insurance product by their own channel the banker can increase their income. (B) Banks have face-to-face contract with their customers. They can directly ask them to take a policy. And the banks need not to go anywhere for customers. (C) The Bankers have extensive experience in marketing. They can easily attract customers & non-customers because the customer &non-customers also bank on banks. (D) Banks are using different value added services life-E. Banking tele banking, direct mail & so on they can also use all the above-mentioned facility for Bankassurance purpose with customers & non-customers. (E) Productivity of the employees increases. (F) By providing customers with both the services under one roof, they can improve overall customer satisfaction resulting in higher customer retention levels. (G) Increase in return on assets by building fee income through the sale of insurance products. (H) Can leverage on face-to-face contacts and awareness about the financial conditions of customers to sell insurance products. (I) Banks can cross sell insurance products E.g.: Term insurance products with loans.
To Insurers From the Insurer Point of view: (A)The Insurance Company can increase their business through the banking distribution
channels because the banks have so many customers. (B) By cutting cost Insurers can serve better to customers in terms lower premium rate and better risk coverage through product diversification. (C)Insurers can exploit the banks' wide network of branches for distribution of products. The penetration of banks' branches into the rural areas can be utilized to sell products in those areas. (D)Customer database like customers' financial standing, spending habits, investment and purchase capability can be used to customize products and sell accordingly. (E)Since banks have already established relationship with customers, conversion ratio of leads to sales is likely to be high. Further service aspect can also be tackled easily. (F)The insurance companies can also get access to ATMs and other technology being used by the banks. (G)The selling can be structured properly by selling insurance products through banks. (H) The product can be customized as per the needs of the customers.
Distribution Channels
Career Agents Special Advisers Salaried Agents Bank Employees / Platform Banking Corporate Agencies and Brokerage Firms Direct Response Internet E-Brokerage Outside Lead Generating Techniques
2) SBI Life - Lifelong Pensions: It is a pension plan wherein the policyholder gets the flexibility to meet the post retirement financial needs. It also provides tax benefits. The policyholder also has the option of withdrawing a lump sum amount up to particular limit. 3) SBI Life - Immediate Annuity: SBI Life - Immediate Annuity Plan is introduced for Pension Policyholders. This product provides annuity payments immediately from payment of purchase price. It has been specially designed to cater to the annuity needs of existing policyholders (SBI Life Lifelong Pensions, SBI Life - Horizon II Pension, SBI Life -Unit Plus II Pension) at the vesting age. C . Pure Protection Products 1) SBI Life - Swadhan: This is a Traditional Term Assurance Policy with guaranteed refund of basic premium .Life cover is provided at no cost. Tax benefits also provided. There is also a rebate on high sum assured. There is also flexible benefit premium paying mode. 2) SBI Life - Shield : It offers the customers with the life insurance cover at the lowest cost for a selected term. Tax benefit is also provided. There is also rebate on modes of premium payment. 3) SBI Life Shield as a Keyman Insurance Policy: A Keyman insurance policy is taken to protect the organization against the reduction in profit resulting from the death of theKeyman. As per IRDA circular only Pure Term Assurance Products may be used as a Keyman Insurance. The SBI Life Insurance provides SBI Life Shield as a Keyman Insurance Policy. D.Protection cum Savings Products 1) SBI Life Sudarshan: SBI Life - Sudarshan is an Endowment Policy designed to provide savings and protection to the policyholder and their family. They can save regularly for the future. Thus at the end of the plan, he will receive a substantial amount of savings along with the accumulated bonuses declared. At the same time, his family will be protected for death risk for the full Sum Assured. 2) SBI Life - Scholar II: Twin benefit of saving for the child's education and securing a bright future despite the uncertainties of life. Option to receive the installments in lump sum at the due date of first installment of Survival benefit. E .Money back scheme products 1) SBI Life - Money Back : It is a Traditional Saving Plan with added advantage of life cover and guaranteed cash inflow at regular intervals. The plan has a number of money back options specially suited to the customers needs. The cover is available at competitive premium rates.
2) SBI Life - Sanjeevan Supreme: It is a Traditional Saving Plan which offers a life cover for the term of the customers choice at the same time does not burden him with liability to pay premiums for the entire term and also provides cash flows at regular intervals.
For brokers SBI life- saral ulip Group products Group employee benefit products Retirement solutions SBI life-capassure gratuity scheme SBI life- capassure Superannuation Scheme SBI Life - CapAssure Leave Encashment Scheme SBI Life-group immediate annuity SBI Life-golden annuity SBI Life-dhanrashi SBI Life-swarna jeevan SBI Life- Group Gratuity cum Life Cover Scheme SBI Life-group superannuation scheme SBI Life provides SBI Life - Group Leave Encashment cum SBI Life - SWARNA GANGA
SWOT analysis
Strengths Vast untapped market Huge pool of skilled professionals
Weakness Lack of networking among bank branches Saving ability of middle class
Threats Human resourse challenges, Non-response from the target groups can also pose challenge.
Opportunites Datamining- banks have a huge customer database which has to be properly leveraged. Target sagments should be identified and tapped. Wide distribution networks of banks. Exploit the corporate customers and tie-up for insurance of the employees of corporate clients