Havel Hakimi
Havel Hakimi
Havel Hakimi
Denition. The degree sequence of a graph is the list of vertex degrees written in nonincreasing order, as d1 dn . Denition. A graphic sequence is a list on nonnegative numbers that is the degree sequence of some simple graph. A simple graph with degree sequence d realizes d. Theorem. For n > 1, an integer list d = ( = d1 , . . . dn ) of size n is graphic if and only if d = (d2 1, . . . , d+1 1, d+2 , . . . , dn ) is graphic. Proof of suciency. Given a simple graph G whose degree sequence is d , we add a new vertex adjacent to vertices in G with degrees d2 1, . . . , d+1 1. Proof of necessity. Let G be a simple graph realizing d. Let w be a vertex of degree in G. Let S be a set of vertices in G having degrees d2 ,. . . ,d+1 . In N (w) = S, then we delete w to obtain G that realizes d . Otherwise, we claim that some vertex of S is missing from N (w)that is, there is a vertex in S that is not in N (w): if not, then any vertex of S in N (w), that is, S N (W ). Since |S| = |N (w)| = , we have S = N (w), contradiction. In this case, we can modify G to increase |N (w) S| N (w) = without changing any vertex degree. Repeating this converts G into another G that realizes d and has S as the neighborhood of w. From G we then delete w to obtain the desired graph G realizing d . To nd the modication when N (w) = S (which means N (w) S and S N (w)) we can choose x S \ N (w) and z N (w) \ S so that z w, x w. Since x S and z S, we have d(x) d(z). We claim that / there exists a vertex y adjacent to x but not to z: for if not, every vertex y adjacent to x is also adjacent to z. That is, N (x) N (z). Since w N (z) and w N (x), we have / d(z) = |N (z)| |N (x) {w}| = |N (x)| + |{w}| = d(x) + 1
which contradicts d(z) d(x) obtained above. Now we delete {wz, xy} and add {wx, wz} to increase |N (x) S|. Denition. A 2-switch is the replacement of a pair of edges xy and zw in a simple graph by the edges yz and wx, given that yz and wx did not appear in the graph originally. Note that xz and yw would be a 2-switch, too, provided that the new edges did not appear in the graph originally. Clearly, a 2-switch preserves all vertex degrees. Also if some 2-switch turns H into H , then a 2-switch on the same four vertices turn H H.
Theorem. If G and H are two simple graphs with vertex set V , then dG (v) = dH (V ) (that is, the two graphs have the same sequence degree) for every v V if and only if there is a sequence of 2-switches that transforms G into H. Proof. Suciency is obvious since every 2-switch preserves vertex degrees. Suppose, conversely, that dG (v) = dH (v) for all v V . If n 3, then for any d1 , . . . , dn there is at most one simple graph with d(vi ) = di (for n = 3 we have 211 and 222). We mean to use induction and n = 3 can be used as the basis step. Consider n 4, and let w be a vertex of maximum degree, . Let S = {v1 , . . . , v } be a xed set pf vertices with the highest degrees other than w. As we saw above, some sequence of 2-switches transforms G to a graph G such that NG (w) = S, and H is transformed into H with NH (w) = S. Now since NH (w) = S = NG (w), deleting w leaves simple graphs G = G w and H = H w with equal degree sequences: dG (v) = dH (v) for every vertex v. By the induction hypothesis, some sequence of 2switches transforms G to H . These transformations do not involve, and we know that w has the same neighbors in G and H applying these transformation to G and H (rather than to G and H ) transforms G to H . Since 2-switches are reversible, G G H H.
Denition. A partition of r is represented by a sequence = (1 , . . . , n ), where 1 + + n = r and 1 n 0. This convention is denoted by r Denition. The partition 2m is graphic if there is a graph G = (V, E), |E| = 2m, whose degree sequence d(G) = . Suppose = (1 , 2 , . . . , n ) 2m. Let = 1 and denote by 1 the sequence obtained by rearranging (if necessary) the integers 2 1, 3 1,. . . ,+1 1, +2 ,. . . ,n into nonincreasing order. If +1 1, then 1 2(m ): in fact, if +1 1, then 1 1,. . . , 1, and (2 1) + (3 1) + + ( 1) + (+1 1) + +2 + + n = 2m 1 = 2m 2 = 2(m ). Theorem (Havel-Hakimi). Suppose = (1 , . . . , n ) 2m. Then is graphic if and only if 1 is graphic. Proof. Suppose 1 is graphic. That is, there exists a graph H such that d(H) = 1 . We may assume that V (H) = {v2 , . . . , vn }, where dH (vi ) = i 1, 2 i +1 1 = 1 + 1, and dH (vi ) = , = 1 + 2 = +2 i n. Let G be the graph obtained from H by a new vertex v1 , and new edges v1 vi , 2 i + 1. Then d(G) = , proving that the condition is sucient. Conversely, suppose d(G) = , so that = 1 = (G). Let u V (G) be a vertex of degree . Let W be a set of vertices having degrees 2 ,. . . ,+1 . If NG (u) = W , i.e. if uw E(G) for all w W , then the graph H = G u satises 1 = d(H), and the proof is nished. Otherwise, there exist vertices w W and v W such that uv E(G) / and uw E(G). Suppose not: that is, for all z V (G), if wz E(G) then / vz E(G) which yields N (w) N (v). But since u N (v) and u N (u) / we have that d(w) = |N (w)| |N (v)| + 1 = d(w) + 1 which contradicts to d(v) d(w). Let G1 be the graph obtained from G by deleting edges uv and wz, and adding new edges vz and uw. Then V (G1 ) = V (G) and, because each vertex has the same in G1 as in G, d(G1 ) = d(G) = . The important dierence is that |W NG1 (u) | > |W NG (u)| which follows from the fact that W has not changed, and one vertex (w) that was not in N (u) from W was inserted into N (u). If NG1 (u) = W , then H = G1 u is a graph whose degree sentence is 1 . Otherwise another switch will yield a graph G2 with |W NG2 (u) | > |W NG1 (u)|. This process cannot be innite: vertices from N (u) that are not in W are being removed, and vertices from W that are not in N (u) are being inserted into W . At each step the vertex step of a new graph and its degree sequence do not change. Eventually we will get a graph Gk such that = d(Gk ), and NGk (u) = W . At this point the graph H = Gk u will be a graph with degree sequence d(H) = 1 .