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Drone Program Aims To Accelerate

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Stone, Andrea.

Drone Program Aims To 'Accelerate' Use of Unmanned Aircraft by Police [Politics] Huffington Post, May 22, 2012. www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/22/drones-dhs-program-unmanned-aircraft-police_n_1537074.html Politics

Drone Program Aims To 'Accelerate' Use of Unmanned Aircraft by Police

By Andrea Stone
Huffington Post, May 22, 2012

WASHINGTON -- The Department of Homeland Security has launched a program to "facilitate and accelerate the adoption" of small, unmanned drones by police and other public safety agencies, an effort that an agency official admitted faces "a very big hurdle having to do with privacy." The $4 million Air-based Technologies Program, which will test and evaluate small, unmanned aircraft systems, is designed to be a "middleman" between drone manufacturers and first-responder agencies "before they jump into the pool," said John Appleby, a manager in the DHS Science and Technology Directorate's division of borders and maritime security. Appleby provided program details to a friendly audience at the Counter Terror Expo here last week. Just days before, the Federal Aviation Administration had issued new rules to streamline licensing for government agencies seeking to operate lightweight drones. The DHS program "is meant to aid the user community in making informed decisions" about buying drones, said a DHS spokeswoman. She said the department can help law enforcement agencies "better understand what this technology can contribute in areas such as real-time law enforcement operational support; special event response; crime scene situational awareness; border security; fire/wildfire detection; and disaster evaluation and initial response." Appleby said he hopes to invite vendors to participate in field tests of sensors and other drone capabilities at a military base somewhere in the Southwest this summer. Later this year, the FAA plans separate tests that will focus on how to safely and efficiently integrate unmanned aircraft into the same airspace with piloted airplanes. It may be a few years before these automated eyes fill the sky, but privacy advocates, lawmakers and civil liberties groups are already worried about potential abuses. "If DHS is going to serve as a Consumer Reports for local authorities that are interested in buying drones and help them figure out which drones perform well and appropriate for their needs, that's great," said Jay Stanley of the American Civil Liberties Union. "At the same time, we do know that DHS institutionally has had a role in pushing local governments to increase their surveillance through grants. I would hope they would not use this program to encourage unnecessary surveillance." Most people likely wouldn't consider the use of unmanned aircraft to find missing children, locate lost hikers or detect forest fires as "unnecessary" surveillance. But given that fewer than 400 of the 1

nation's 18,000 law enforcement agencies currently have aviation units, the FAA has chosen a goslow approach with a focus on safety. Initially, law enforcement agencies will be just licensed for training and performance evaluation. Only when a department has shown that it is proficient will it be granted an operational license. Patrick Egan, a Sacramento, Calif., consultant who heads the Silicon Valley chapter of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, an industry trade group, said the DHS program has merit. "Somebody needs to do it," he said. "There's too much room for problems. If they dont educate police departments, there will be a backlash to this technology." Indeed, an ACLU report released this past December said, "Our privacy laws are not strong enough to ensure that the new technology will be used responsibly and consistently with democratic values." It warned of a coming "'surveillance society' in which our every move is monitored, tracked, recorded, and scrutinized by the authorities." A preview of that came in 2007 when Houston police not so secretly tested an unmanned aircraft that the department hoped to use, among other functions, in issuing speeding tickets. More recently, a police SWAT team in Grand Forks, N.D., deployed a borrowed DHS Predator drone to assist in making the first arrest of an American using pilot-less airborne surveillance. The FAA has already authorized police in a handful of cities -- including Seattle; Arlington, Texas; North Little Rock, Ark.; Gadsden, Ala.; and Ogden, Utah -- to fly drones. But with those numbers set to soar, at least two pundits have suggested an individual who shot down a surveillance drone would become a "hero" to some. Once "the bottleneck has passed and every police department does indeed have eyes everywhere, our notions of privacy under the Fourth Amendment and reasonable searches will need to be reevaluated," wrote University of North Dakota aviation law professor Joseph Vacek in a 2010 law review article, "Big Brother Will Soon Be Watching--Or Will He?" "It seems the state will have the power, both constitutionally and technologically, to continually monitor its citizens from above." The FAA rules allow government agencies to operate drones weighing from a few ounces to 25 pounds, small enough to fit in a backpack or the trunk of a police cruiser. Because most drones cannot detect and avoid other aircraft themselves, for now they must fly no more than 400 feet off the ground and within sight of the operator. Currently, only U.S. Customs and Border Patrol will be operating the big Predators, stationed along the country's southern and northern borders. Nonetheless, Amie Stepanovich of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, an advocacy group, pointed out that small, unmanned aircraft are "more maneuverable and quieter than" helicopters and piloted aircraft, and are capable of carrying gigapixel cameras, infrared and thermal imaging technology, automated license plate readers and, soon, facial recognition technology. And some drones have cameras able "to track 65 separate targets over a large radius," she said. While DHS may be "easing the burden" on police departments with its new program, it is "not providing these agencies with best practices to protect privacy and civil liberties, nor is the agency 2

mandating transparency or accountability in the operation of the drones that it funds" through a separate program, Stepanovich said. "This means that those affected by the proliferation of drones in their communities have no method to discover what drones have been licensed in their area, to whom, or how they are being used." Such criticisms were very much on Appleby's mind when he spoke about the program at the Counter Terror Expo. The DHS official said government must explain the costs and benefits of the new technology in order to win over a skeptical public already annoyed by increasingly ubiquitous surveillance cameras. "We have a very tall challenge to change public perception. Otherwise, we'll be stopped cold in our tracks if we don't do this thoughtfully," he said. "We have to bring the public along every step of the way" and convince them "we will not be watching backyards." Yet even as he acknowledged critics, Appleby beamed over a recently tested wide-area surveillance system that would allow federal border agents to see the entire city of Nogales, Ariz., down to the street level. He called such sensors the "kinds of tools that could be game changers" in dealing with violence along the border. That sort of persistent ongoing surveillance concerns Egan, the industry consultant. He said defense contractors, faced with a shrinking military market, are lobbying hard to provide "counterinsurgency applications" to local police in order to keep sales up. The question remains whether the DHS test program will prove little more than an enabler. "Police departments are going to make a big mistake. I don't think the American public is ready for what I call the 'Taliban treatment,'" Egan said. "This is still America." Andrea Stone andrea.stone@huffingtonpost.com

irish8663 (6:05 AM) When is Enough, Enough ? Isn't this how the Terminator Movies started out ? History will look back at this as the The Paranoid Years. Watching everyone and everything ! Needing Insurance for everything, Health Life Cars House boats animals..It just never stops. Back to My Question,, When is Enough ? Enough. ccsysglf (5:50 AM) question the question PAINT THEM UN BLUE... Dennis Higgins ( 5:49 AM) Use of torture won't be far behind...we owe all this to Bush/Cheney. ccreekwater ( 5:43 AM)

I see a whole new industry. I call it DDaD (drone detection and destruction). I'll start up a company that makes equipment capable of detecting any drone within a 5 mile radius and then fire a laser at it, effectively blinding or destroying it ... Who wants in on the ground floor? rodoner ( 5:36 AM) There is no doubt in my mind that it will be abused. More government control in our lives at our expense..... We won't be able to plant an apple tree without the activity being recorded. Just imagine the audience, sunbathing women, will have sr25fullauto ( 5:34 AM) I can see where this would be beneficial in locating lost hikers and such but when the use of drones reaches the point where they un-necessarily invade privacy I predict there will be an uptick in sniper rifle sales. As of now, they have not publicised a penalty for shooting one of these drones down. Bertrand T Russell (4:54 AM) Get ready for ''1984'' folks.......... The Government is WATCHING you!!!!! florencebrady ( 3:36 AM) The drones are a unique and (IMHO) excellent way to attack our enemies without risking our troops. But using them to monitor our population? Anybody read 1984 recently? When I read it (circa 1967) it was a terrifying sci fi story. Now, it could be prescient of future society? sossity (3:34 AM) Blasting Al-Qaeda & Taliban? Hell Yes. Hovering in American Neighborhoods?? Fck NO!! But, must protect the Homeland Uber Alles! sgtriker55 ( 2:53 AM) More government looking into peoples lives. sgtriker55 (2:52 AM) Privacy is being turned into a privilege that only the rich and right-on may enjoy: http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/brendanoneill2/100159109/privacy-is-being-turned-into-aprivilege-that-only-the-rich-and-right-on-may-enjoy/ jrp1947 ( 2:46 AM) One more thing. Watch the movie "Blue Thunder" made around 1977 about an attack chopper and the kind of men behind it. The ones in our government are far worse than what was in the movie. That movie was a warning of what was to come in this country. jrp1947 (2:44 AM) This will ultimately result in a severe reduction of personal and neighborhood privacy mainly because drones fly silently compared to manned helicopters and they are feeding into law enforcements paranoid ideas concerning the public. this is potentially way to much power in the hands of law enforcement that has already been proving over the last year it's willingness to shoot unarmed civilians across the country because some paranoid cop thought his life might be in danger. A civilian does this and they go down for murder. What kind of double standard will be applied when an adverse action happens as a result of what a drone sees. how long before they are armed? Obama wants deadly force in place before the elections. horrorfan1866 ( 2:43 AM) I'm sorry but if I see one by my house and I'm able to reach it, it's coming down. Next thing you know, all houses and apts will have mandatory video cameras installed in them. Where does it end? Are there THAT many terrorists out there? Leoganz ( 4:21 AM) That's why drones work..you never know that they are overhead. 4

DeceptionIsReality ( 2:19 AM) I always feel like somebody's watching me, I got no privacy. elizabethlee ( 2:16 AM) Thank you, washington for enlightening my life. Drones, f15 fighter planes, sharp-shooters on all buildings. Whatever you do, it will never shut me down or stop me from saying what I believe that washington is all about control and power whether it be democrat or republican. Screw you, washington, and your absolute need to control. A life-long Chicagoan, and still fighting the system after 69 years at times it seems futile but I am feisty enough that the politicians are namby-pambys, in their $6,000 suits and million $'s vacations to know that that the voters have been had....over and over again. Too bad the voters are insipid. So have at it washington, I am here and try and change my mind. You not smart or cunning enough as I will meet you on every issue you spew. firestorm5045 ( 2:06 AM) This is incredibly alarming. Americans have no idea how bad this will be. Think of the tazer. It was supposed to be a non lethal way to subdue an armed criminal. I think we all know how that has turned out with police use. I always say government of the people by the people for the people. That is what this country is supposed to be about. This whole drone buisness, that to me is a HUGE warning sign that this government is about to turn against the people. WE HAVE TO STOP THIS NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! PEOPLE DIED TO MAKE SURE THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN! THEY PAID IN BLOOD FOR FREEDOMS WE SACRIFICE EVERY DAY! IF WE THE PEOPLE ROLL OVER AND LET THIS HAPPEN FOR THE GREATER GOOD, WE WILL SPIT IN THE FACES OF HEROES WHO DIED FOR US! DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN! ALL ACROSS AMERICA WE NEED TO STAND UP FOR OUR SELVES! WAKE UP BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE PEOPLE! RRdblU ( 2:01 AM) You people talk like you will just sit back and accept this. Stand up for our rights. This is ridiculous. MirageRF (1:56 AM) Technology does violate your rights, the "Patriot Act" does as would those who love it so. GrimReverb (1:48 AM) Privacy is just a "hurdle" now. Great. james9995 (1:45 AM) Someone with a shot gun with 3" nitro magnum high base or 30cal rifle. or even a 22 would do it ... Vulnerable at 400ft! But then you would have to be responsible if it landed on me ... then reverse force would be used on the one who shot it down. rd9xu (4:36 AM) If someone could come up with an inexpensive mini-radar that could be made out of parts purchased from a Radio Shack or similar electronics store, that might be something to contemplate. But the bloody things are so small and quick, how are you going to know where they are to shoot 'em down? dstiebs (1:29 AM) lawmakers and civil liberties groups are already worried about potential abuses. You know for a fact this will happen. I believe they will be shot down and cause Air transportation accidents. It is a bad mistake to use drone to spy on our own people. No good will come from this. DeceptionIsReality There's nothing more American than a Revolution ( 2:20 AM) Facism is fun soon we will have clever arm bands. Florencebrady ( 3:37 AM) 5

If you don't mind, could you wait about a decade. I won't be around then, I really don't want to see it. rjp0331 ( 1:20 AM) Welcome to the continuation of big brother. Keep going and we will all be wearing cameras and microphones so that big brother can watch us 24 hours a day - after all it is for our own safety. Congratulations are in order to GWB and the Patriot act writers. All it takes is a bit of fear put into society and what do we do - give up our rights. Sure it starts small but it always escalates and will continue to escalate. I for one am looking forward to being watched 24 hours a day - how about you? lex19999 ( 3:16 AM) Really? well not me. Wow. HUFFPOST SUPER USER Micheal Anderson When the Rebels become the Tyrants 691 Fans 5 hours ago ( 1:18 AM) Fences don't just keep people out. Anything we use against them will be used against us. Remember that next time you want to limit someone elses civil rights based on your personal ideology. Permalink | Share it florencebrady 431 Fans 3 hours ago ( 3:38 AM) Hi Michael: Very well said. Thank you Permalink | Share it paledevilll 4 Fans 5 hours ago ( 1:09 AM) I humbly submit this thing weighs more than 25 lbs. Looks like its armed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzrS0BVJynM Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Dael Sumner Gogito Ergo Opine 120 Fans 5 hours ago ( 1:45 AM) Very convincing photoshop........ Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER 6

publius12 57 Fans 5 hours ago ( 1:09 AM) How about ramming them with radio controlled toy planes? Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER publius12 57 Fans 5 hours ago ( 1:08 AM) Does the second amendment allow citizens to shoot them down? Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

ok3apples It's all interesting 245 Fans 4 hours ago ( 2:12 AM) maybe in Stand Your Ground states... I'd feel pretty threatened if I saw something like this hovering over me. Permalink | Share it lex19999 42 Fans 3 hours ago ( 3:22 AM) As an official USA tax payer, thou is authorized to do whatever thou feels is necessary. as USA tax payers, WE ARE the govt. We the people, we the people, GET that threw all the heads of the people that do not understand it. Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER jsand96876 73 Fans 5 hours ago ( 1:05 AM) This is the beginning of the end. Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Nincomp00p 18 Fans 5 hours ago ( 1:05 AM) 7

the makings of a PRISON SOCIETY where everyone will be monitored and every move/action recorded...the future is now, and it's not pretty. Permalink | Share it sdn966 42 Fans 6 hours ago (12:46 AM) Will we be able to purchase defensive home anti-aircraft weaponry? Our government is becoming more and more surreal; I generally don't agree with the NRA's policies, but it looks like a Second Amendment remedy may be in order. samdogdamndog2 110 Fans 6 hours ago (12:41 AM) I can't wait for the home-version heat seeking missile sales on E-Bay! Permalink | Share it

ejackhai27 11 Fans 6 hours ago (12:35 AM) They should only be used for the border, that's what needs surveillance most. But mainly, its about money and the pitches made by the salesmen to police departments like selling the hell out of tazers. Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER viking1969 1649 Fans 6 hours ago (12:22 AM) If you wsnt to know what losing your freedom looks like this program is it. Permalink | Share it

landslowrance Karma, it's everywhere you are! 120 Fans 6 hours ago (12:16 AM) Say what you want, but it will sure seem that we are living in a scifi movie once these things start flying around. In the mean time, What do you think of the "Pariot Act" now? Permalink | Share it

schnellsalem 27 Fans 6 hours ago (12:10 AM) O great ! looks like my skinny dipping days are over lol Permalink | Share it

Lauren MacIntosh 0 Fans 7 hours ago (11:58 PM) When one has a good thing one tends to abuse that good thing not matter who it is,Like the TSA all their people are now on macho standard of we are right your wrong, all in the name of security: That was the theory and standard for OSS/CIA , If we think your doing something wrong by Our standards then your doing it wrong: Permalink | Share it

Dfghkxg 0 Fans 7 hours ago (11:52 PM) I smell grounds for the Seond American revolution. Permalink | Share it brkvll6 39 Fans 7 hours ago (11:36 PM) Not a good idea. remember when seat belt laws went into effect,"we cannot stop you for no seatbelt,only for an infraction speeding etc." Then the law was changed after a few years to we can stop and cite you for not wearing a seatbelt. Continued encroachment on our civil liberties. Permalink | Share it rjp0331 6 Fans 5 hours ago ( 1:37 AM) Exactly. While I agree that virtually all adults should wear seatbelts it shouldnt be a law for anyone over 18 years old or perhaps over 21 years old. At the same time if the drinking age is 21 then so should be the military age requirement. Seems to be if you arent old enough to drink then you arent old enough to be in a war location. The should both be 18 or both be 21. Permalink | Share it brkvll6 39 Fans 28 minutes ago ( 6:02 AM) When I was in the military I was permitted to take lives,possibly have mine taken,operate weapons that could wipe out large numbers of persons and property but was not "mature" enough to consume an alcoholic beverage. Permalink | Share it 9

cebu98 NOBAMA 2012 194 Fans 7 hours ago (11:32 PM) How many points for shooting them down? They should be worth at least ten points each. Permalink | Share it samdogdamndog2 110 Fans 6 hours ago (12:43 AM) Just be careful its infra-red eye isn't looking your way when you pull the trigger. 5-O will be all over you within seconds! Permalink | Share it ibeyour1 101 Fans 5 hours ago ( 1:02 AM) I'm thinking the guys that fly RC planes can have some gr8 dog fights Permalink | Share it

cebu98 NOBAMA 2012 194 Fans 7 hours ago (11:28 PM) Before long, we won't be able to take a dump, or diddle our wives in private. Permalink | Share it

cebu98 NOBAMA 2012 194 Fans 7 hours ago (11:22 PM) Its already bad enough, when walking around in downtown Orlando, one is on camera at nearly every intersection, so soon we'll be followed by these things too? Well, it will give the rednecks something to shoot at! Permalink | Share it


samdogdamndog2 110 Fans 6 hours ago (12:44 AM) Sometimes I think the video cameras are there because jurors cannot say if a person is guilty or innocent without them. Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program cmcclarty 260 Fans 7 hours ago (11:19 PM) PC speech coming next You have been charged 1 credit for violation of the verbal morality code! Scary but soon. Permalink | Share it This comment has been removed due to violations of our [Guidelines] Permalink |Show replies(1) squirt280 26 Fans 7 hours ago (11:16 PM) Those conspiracy theorist were right the whole time. Permalink | Share it

cebu98 NOBAMA 2012 194 Fans 7 hours ago (11:08 PM) Armed? So idiots running from the police are blown away? That would be a good thing. Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER viking1969 1649 Fans 6 hours ago (12:23 AM) are you serious? Look at all the collateral damage from the use of drones in the war zones. Permalink | Share it Sableknows Button Pusher 259 Fans 7 hours ago (11:06 PM) Little drone=Big Brother MANOFCOMMONSENSE 11

Bush Mission Accomplished? I Screwed up our Countr 525 Fans 7 hours ago (11:06 PM) Police abuse??? lol Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Dongflopper Floppin for decades! 116 Fans 7 hours ago (11:01 PM) I don't know about anyone else. If it's a crime (they haven't said yet), I might get busted. Everyone who shoots loves moving targets! Where's Robocop? Permalink | Share it

schnellsalem 27 Fans 6 hours ago (12:14 AM) No need for anymore clay targets lol Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER David Hundley Deep In The Heart of Taxes 273 Fans 8 hours ago (10:41 PM) Why do they insist on wasting money(borrowed Money). Tell Washington, "It's About The Economy, Stupid". I Voted For The Un-Electable Candidate. This Country is Not For Sale.! I couldn't I have possibly wasted my vote, on the next Republican nominee. Ron Paul, and everybody else I vetted myself, no incumbents. That will shake them up. Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER jdollinter 147 Fans 12

8 hours ago (10:39 PM) The birth of Sky Net and killer robots, a storm is coming.. Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program cmcclarty 260 Fans 7 hours ago (11:12 PM) Thats for sure! Strange that the ACLU or Naacp are not jumping all over this I dont think they will be flying the drones over Beverly Hills or Belair.Another reason this bunch needs too be gone.Hope the courts take this case up real fast. Permalink | Share it

RRWILLIS 3 Fans 8 hours ago (10:37 PM) Thinking about selling everything and moving to Russia. I would have more privacy. Drones now camera's in your bedrooms next. Permalink | Share it

schnellsalem 27 Fans 6 hours ago (12:15 AM) I think since the Berlin wall was torn down by Reagan the Russians have more freedom than we do now Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Ed Vermeulen 114 Fans 8 hours ago (10:33 PM) Good, I'm glad their using them..or will be soon I hope. Permalink | Share it Bblue 1 Fans 13

7 hours ago (11:03 PM) Sarcasm, right? Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Mr Blutarski was it over when the germans bombed Pearl Harbor? 197 Fans 8 hours ago (10:33 PM) Not to worry,the President has promised they will only be used for security over George Clooneys house,,,es..................................... Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

rocketski 142 Fans 8 hours ago (10:25 PM) If any of you want to see a projected vision of your future read George Orwells 1984. Big Brother is creeping into every aspect of our lives! Permalink | Share it BellaTerra66 13 Fans 8 hours ago (10:17 PM) Anyone old enough to remember reading Orwell's book, "1984" in high school? For the past 5 years, I've been researching life in other countries, and I'm moving out of The US as soon as possible. Yes, every country has its problems these days, but where I am moving to doesn't have this and won't have until LONG after I'm dead. What is the matter with us??!! Why are we letting things like this happen to us?? Who can possibly believe that the stripping of our civil rights is for our 'security' and 'protection'?! Permalink | Share it squirt280 26 Fans 8 hours ago (10:50 PM) I couldnt of said it better. Permalink | Share it

cebu98 14

NOBAMA 2012 194 Fans 7 hours ago (11:11 PM) Depending upon your income, check out Australia and New Zealand, beautiful in both, and terrific people. On a budget, the Philippines, lived there myself for a few years and loved it, especially Davao City. Permalink | Share it jamesnic 21 Fans 8 hours ago (10:05 PM) The people are sick and tired of the wars and want them ended. It's ignored. The people think the wealthy should have a modest tax increase. Forget about it. The people do not want domestic drone surveillanace. Too bad, its coming. The people need to retire a bunch of incumbents in November. Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

Johnoneone1999 78 Fans 8 hours ago (10:04 PM) So-o-o, if kids point lasers at them is that a crime? Oh...OOh! Have not you heard, the "tea party" GOP'ers are saying we gotta stop spending? Liberal, Dem Pty simply say Stop Stupid Spending by Stupids. Gotta agree with libs on this one, Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program setanta54 200 Fans 8 hours ago (10:43 PM) dems said stop spending ? guess you haven't yet seen the obama ad with the mythical "julia" and her life... Permalink | Share it ggradkiss 7 Fans 8 hours ago (10:04 PM) Chaos is a very profitable profession ... and the current position of the Sun in relationship to the Earth and all it's inhabitants is actually very relative to the events we are seeing today.(Physics) The current members of Congress will eventually step down from their over-ruled positions even though an election will not be what removes them. Their age will catch up with them. The popular recommendation, is to just ignore their stupidity if any is actually observed. Mankind had a good beginning upon Earth and that will always establish what the future is to 15

behold.The past has always predicted the future, and it is great to see what actually happens and never reduce yourself to their level... Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Andy Schneider 80 Fans 8 hours ago (10:00 PM) I have mixed emotions about this one. I'm generally supportive of law enforcement but we need to be sure these things are used for the right reasons and in the right manner. They could be quite useful in hostage situations. If they're used for regular routine patrols of high risk public areas that might be OK. If they're used to observe specific suspects or places I'd say they should have search warrants first. Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program countj62 2580 Fans 7 hours ago (11:08 PM) It could go either way. High crime areas or banks and traffic to monitering spy purposes. I see trouble coming. The spy complex in Utah that will be tied to all Government agencies along with the TSA and probably affiliated with this also. There is a limit here and they will probably exceed what the public expects. States like Indiana and soon others are waiving warrants on business's and other locations that will be left wide open for Law Enforcement to just walk in whenever they want. You look like a smart man and you know what that looks like. Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

cshae89546 254 Fans 9 hours ago (10:00 PM) Big brother is watching, or soon will be. Permalink | Share it

HUFFPOST SUPER USER Jt John Memento Mori 175 Fans 7 hours ago (11:09 PM) Big brother has been watching us since 2004. 16

Permalink | Share it

cebu98 NOBAMA 2012 194 Fans 7 hours ago (11:13 PM) Already is, one can barely take a leak without being on camera. I sometimes wonder than! Permalink | Share it

consultingpbh 267 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:55 PM) Eisenhower warned us... "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist" (a prophet). Now we must guard against a paramilitary police industrial complex as well... The need for drones and tanks by our city police is overstepping the needs and costs of such endeavors. The prohibition on what a small % of the people will pay whatever to get will not be curtailed by military arms but by lagalization that will make the "profits" vanish for the criminal element. Oh, but what to do with the huge force that fights the endless "War on Drugs?" Put them on the border to fight the endless "War on Illegal Immigration," a few years in the desert and they will look for other work. Sua Sponte 75th Regiment Company O 3rd Brigade 82nd Airborne (66 -73) nherent Subversivist. 286 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:55 PM) No constitutional or moral dilemma here, really.........move along, nothing to see. Permalink | Share it lunar eclipes 13 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:54 PM) This spying business is out of control and we the tax payer's suffer once more. Permalink | Share it Truth-Justice-Equality 14 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:53 PM) What is the true use of these drones? I feel it's one more chess move into the strike of our freedom, like the massive detention centers they are building in Colorado. I think it's a international ban of 17

guns by the UN, you will summit to their power or become a traitor. They are preparing for the masses that will not go quite into the night..Rage rage against the dying of our rights! Give Me Freedom Or Give Me Death! They are counting the majority thinking that only criminal should worry, Permalink | Share it JMD400 71 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:51 PM) Waste of money. Permalink | Share it

TakebackCalifornia 9 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:49 PM) Hmmmm....Not liking it myself..... reminds me of ther book 1984....the British used barrage balloons during WWII. Balloons with cables hanging to entangle enemy planes flying through at low altitude. Wonder if they,ve taken that into consideration before spending millions on drones. Especially since they're limited to attitudes under 400 feet. Big brother here we come. Permalink | Share it rolse 48 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:46 PM) They have already rewritten the definition of crime. A crime now has become whatever the government says it is at any given moment. Actions that were lawful when taken have later been declared illegal and resulted in prosecutions; clearly contradicting the constitutional prohibition of ex post facto laws. Police no longer have as their primary function the investigation of actual crime, instead concentrating their efforts on acting as snoops seeking made up crimes. They give particular attention to snooping where they feel that they can sieze property for profit, even if evidence of crime is totally absent. We are far, far, along the way down the slippery slope to the world of George Orwell's 1984. Permalink | Share it Una Bubba 20 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:41 PM) This is wholly unacceptable. How a constitutional lawyer can consider this is beyond the pale. There is now zero possibility of me voting for Obama if he continues to pursue this. Permalink | Share it dwuzze 647 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:37 PM) who is paying for it ? Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER 18

behumane 83 Fans 8 hours ago (10:27 PM) You are. Permalink | Share it

bkintermedia 7 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:34 PM) Thousands of teachers laid off with budget cuts. Homeland security increases grants for airborne drone surveillance. Oh beautiful, for spacious skies... Permalink | Share it bwana17 23 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:26 PM) Big brother has arrived. Permalink | Share it

roncline59 9 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:21 PM) At 400ft I bet I could drop one with a 12ga with a 3''mag full of 00 buckshot Permalink | Share it

jayde1313 USAF Gunfighter By Profession 226 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:57 PM) A 12 GA as a launcher, fitted with a hunting arrow fitted with an explosive tip would work well. I've already experimented with launching the arrow, and the tip is as easy as a CO2 cartridge filled with black powder with an inverted rifle primer in the contact end. Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program cmcclarty 260 Fans 7 hours ago (11:16 PM) WARNING Dont even get caught trying to YOU have been warned lol. Permalink | Share it


HUFFPOST SUPER USER Just-the-truth 77 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:20 PM) Will they fly over public areas and streets....or over someome's backyard? Anything flying over my yard may get shot down. Permalink | Share it

homer68 19 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:12 PM) Our privacy and freedoms are being stripped form us piece by piece. Our government wants complete control of us. History repetes it's self very reliably. This will not end well. Permalink | Share it less of the two eviles 9 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:12 PM) 20 years from now we will have other things to complain about, drones will be like , TV with antennas, Cars with no GPS, Cars with no satelite Radio. And the previous and now generation we can complain about, and Obama and Mitt will be a Fart in the wind. Heard all this 50 years ago about technology we have today.but we love it now, have to LOL at some people. Permalink | Share it Alpha4535 8 Fans 8 hours ago (10:02 PM) GPS doesn't watch you for law enforcement purposes, neither do televisions or satellite radios, far as we know. Even futurists and technologists 50 years ago (Sagan, Bradbury), or 75-100 years ago (Orwell, HG Wells) pointed out the potential danger of crossing certain lines. Permalink | Share it

Allen Clark 117 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:08 PM) This is a dangerous dangerous position to take. where does it stop. I just keep thinking about all those sci-fi movies where the drones take over the world. I used to laugh, but now, I tip my head and wonder. You never know who is driving that drone when its up there watching. Hitler would have loved that technology. Permalink | Share it

jayde1313 20

USAF Gunfighter By Profession 226 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:59 PM) It doesn't end until WE force it to. ectullis 136 Fans 10 hours ago ( 9:01 PM) If the cops operate the drones they will drop like flies. They are lucky they can open a box of doughtnuts. Permalink | Share it less of the two eviles 9 Fans 10 hours ago ( 8:59 PM) Ask most high ranking Military and they already know this is the wave of the future in war situations, No man power just machinery, given commands by the manpower. You can rebuild or make new drones , but once you kill a person, no rebuilding them. High crime areas this will be good, if your not a crook dont worry, if you are start to worry. Permalink | Share it

Allen Clark 117 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:10 PM) I have no problem using it in war. But I did not think that there was a war on US soil. Permalink | Share it jetbtkng 19 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:24 PM) yup there goes our constitution & our privacy, so how much of your liberties are u willing to give up for the sake of false security hmmm, its sheep like u who would give up our rights for your so called security..... Permalink | Share it less of the two eviles 9 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:50 PM) Yea heard that all before 50 years ago, and everything in technology is ok today. If your not a crook dont worry, if you are be worried. Come to Chicago you will change your mind , or new york or la, new orleans.Your security is breached by not to be able to walk the streets at night. Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All


HUFFPOST SUPER USER parabq 148 Fans 10 hours ago ( 8:59 PM) Great target practice !!! A little heat seeking missle !!!!! I love it ! Permalink | Share it

whatsit2yadudes Veni, Vidi, Dormivi 467 Fans 10 hours ago ( 8:58 PM) It's time to call your local Congress people and tell them to put the kibosh on this deal. I know I will!!!! Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program countj62 2580 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:34 PM) They will smooth you over and blow you off. I have tried that. Good luck. Permalink | Share it less of the two eviles 9 Fans 10 hours ago ( 8:54 PM) They will work well on the East side of Chicago, If your not a criminal I dont think you have to worry. But if you are a criminal start digging tunnels to get around town. If anybody knows how bad it is here in Chicago, Obama knows he was trained here, I dont like Obama , will not vote for him, but this one is good for a high crime area, wont be much good in Iowa. Permalink | Share it

Allen Clark 117 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:11 PM) 22

If your not a criminal you have nothing to worry about. that all depends on how you define criminal and who is writing the definition. Nobody would have thought that not wearing a seat belt would be a crime. With the drones, what will be next. Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program countj62 2580 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:39 PM) Tuff area that's for sure. Anything is possible there. If they are used in a specific way and area of that nature that's fine. Permalink | Share it less of the two eviles 9 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:52 PM) Thats the point. Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All turnkey44 Support your local Animal Shelter 320 Fans 10 hours ago ( 8:48 PM) The government will tell us that the drones are for spotting hungry people, but when they spot them they won't have the means to feed them. Permalink | Share it

TexasTreader My other dog is a gator 1003 Fans 10 hours ago ( 8:45 PM) The cool thing about these is you don't even have to take them to the taxidermist. Permalink | Share it reeltime07 Is this really the playground? 255 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:21 PM) Yeah but you have to cook them at above 400 degress or they won't soften up enough for them to be chewable. Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program


thetxsndn Man Plans. God laughs. 407 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:45 PM) Maybe one of those oven bags would make 'em more tender. Permalink | Share it

cebu98 NOBAMA 2012 194 Fans 7 hours ago (11:24 PM) Maybe in the slow cooker with the right seasonings. Permalink | Share it This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program

thetxsndn Man Plans. God laughs. 407 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:43 PM) Yeah but you can't BBQ 'em either ! Permalink | Share it

whatsit2yadudes Veni, Vidi, Dormivi 467 Fans 10 hours ago ( 8:45 PM) Sounds like the 21st century version of the...Gestapo. Permalink | Share it

RDKNG 2 Fans 10 hours ago ( 8:43 PM) It's time the average American steps up & takes a stand against government interference in our everyday lives. Cameras everywhere, police stopping you because you look suspicious, new laws 24

passed under the radar. Where did our freedom go ? It's time we all stand up & say, I won't take it anymore!! Permalink | Share it EdfromMD 39 Fans 10 hours ago ( 8:43 PM) Outfit them with tasers and while the cops are perving through peoples windows they could zap them too. Permalink | Share it

drocket747 0 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:09 PM) the new saying "DONT DRONE ME BRO"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Permalink | Share it

Allen Clark 117 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:13 PM) That would have worked great in chicago with the Occupy movement. Lets go for it. Send drones to start to tazer them into submission. Were does it stop? Permalink | Share it EdfromMD 39 Fans 9 hours ago ( 9:45 PM) In the year 9595 if God ain't made it back by then we'll probably all be gone anyway... Permalink | Share it

whatsit2yadudes Veni, Vidi, Dormivi 467 Fans 10 hours ago ( 8:42 PM) When Big Brother starts to push Lil' Brother...then game-on! The Feds underestimated the American citizen during the Prohibition days. Haaaaaaaa! Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER rpokeytruck 142 Fans 10 hours ago ( 8:39 PM)


I think theres going to be a big industry geared to defeat those flying peeping toms. People dont like being watched. Permalink | Share it

cebu98 NOBAMA 2012 194 Fans 7 hours ago (11:26 PM) Here in FL, those things will make good target practice. Permalink | Share it bernieboom 3 Fans 10 hours ago ( 8:37 PM) drones will capture many criminals in the act of rubbing one out in the privacy of their home. Permalink | Share it colloc 29 Fans 10 hours ago ( 8:37 PM) I remember as a kid there was a bunch of pictures showing how the "watchbirds" were watching when ever you did something wrong. As I remember they were black and scary since they could swoop down on you. Well, now the cops have watchbirds. Can you cay Big Brother in the sky and 1984 has gotten here. We are already under surveillance all the time. Pretty soon you won't be able to do anything without some government agency watching you. I don't know about the rest of you but this is getting too communistic and it scares the hell out of me. Personally I hate the thought of these things being around. Permalink | Share it dbmcc100 5 Fans 10 hours ago ( 8:30 PM) Shoot them down!!! Copyright 2012 TheHuffingtonPost.com, Inc.


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