Adv HC - Ministerial - 2012
Adv HC - Ministerial - 2012
Adv HC - Ministerial - 2012
Note:-i) The crucial date to determine age will be 15.11.2012. The candidates must fulfill all eligibility conditions and should be in possession of all certificates as on 15-11-2012 i.e. the last date of receipt of application. ii) Candidates not in possession of requisite educational, experience certificate or appearing in the examination/awaiting result need not to apply.
Relaxation: (a) There will be relaxation in age for SC/ST/OBC (i.e. 5 years for SC/ST & 3 years for OBC candidates). (b) The upper age limit up to 05 years is relaxable in case of candidates already in Govt. service. Govt. employees / servants claiming age relaxation should be in possession of certificate in prescribed format from their office in respect of the length of continuous service which should not be less than 03 years in the immediate period preceding the date of recruitment / closing date of receipt of application. They should continue to have the status of Govt. servant / employee till the time of appointment, in the event of their selection. The candidate will have to produce NOC from his parent department at the time of applying for the post / recruitment in SSB. However, departmental candidate may forward their application through proper channel from their head of offices. The concession will be admissible only where a Govt. employee has rendered not less than 3 (three) years regular and continuous service in Govt. Deptt as on closing date of application. (c) The Relaxation in upper age limit of 5 years shall also be admissible for the candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the state of J&K during the period from 01/01/1980 to 31/12/1989. The candidate will have to produce a certificate from the concerned District Collector to claim such relaxation in age. (d) Five years of age relaxation will also be granted to the children and dependent family members of those killed in the 1984 riots and 2002 communal riots of Gujarat. Children mean (a) Son (including adopted son): or (b) Daughter (including adopted daughter) Dependent family members mean: (a) Spouse; or (b) Children; or Brother or Sister in the case of unmarried Govt. servant who was wholly dependent on the Govt. servant at the time of his killing in the riot. The candidate will have to produce a certificate to the effect, issued by the concerned District Collector to claim relaxation in age. Children and dependent family members of those killed in the riots (1984 riots 2002 communal riots of Gujarat) will also produce a certificate from the concerned District Collector. (e) The above relaxation in age as mentioned in para 2 (b) to (d) is in addition to relaxation of 5 years in age for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates as per Govt. orders. Note: - Candidates claiming benefits under OBC category shall be in accordance with Castes notified in the Central List. The certificates should be in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority empowered for the purpose. No other certificate will be accepted as proof. DEFINITIONS / RELAXATION AND SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR EX-SERVICEMEN Relaxation to the extent of military service plus 3 years as provided in DOP&T Notification No.39016/10179-Rectt dated 15.12.1979. ii) Every Ex-Serviceman who has put in not less than six months continuous service in the Armed Forces of the Union, shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit by more than three years he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit. However, break in service should not be more than two years. iii) Ex-Servicemen holding the higher rank may also compete in this recruitment for lower post provided they fulfill the eligibility criteria and also they furnish their willingness in writing that in the event of their selection they will not claim the post equivalent to the rank they were holding in the Defence Forces. iv) Character certificate: Minimum requirement will be Exemplary/Very Good/Good category certificate v) Medical Category: A (AYE)/SHAPE-ONE, at the time of discharge. They should possess to pass the same medical standards prescribed for direct recruits. vi) Ex-servicemen means a person who has served in any rank(whether as a combatant or as a non-combatant ) in the Regular Army, Navy and Air Force of the Indian Union but does not include a person who has served in the Defence Security Corps, the General Reserve Engineering Force, the Lok Sahayak Sena and the paramilitary forces; and vii) Who has retired from such service after earning his/her pension; this would also include persons who are released/retired at their own request but after having earned their pension
or who has been released from such service on medical grounds attributable to military service or circumstances beyond his control and awarded medical or other disability pension or who has been released, otherwise than on his own request, from such service as a result of reduction in establishment; or who has been released from such service after completing the specific period of engagement, otherwise than at his own request or by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, and has been given a gratuity, and includes personnel of the Territorial Army, of the following categories, namely:(i) pension holders for continuous embodied services; (ii) pension with disability attributable to military service; and (iii) gallantry award winners 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION:
a) Pass in Senior Secondary School Certificate (10+2) examination or Intermediate Or equivalent examination from a Recognized board/University or Matriculation from a recognized board with three years Diploma in Secretarial Practice or Modern Office Practice or Commercial Practice from a recognized Board of Technical Education. b) Typing speed for General & OBC Category candidates: A minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English Tying or 25 words per minute in Hindi Typing on computer. Typing speed for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe category candidates: A minimum speed of 25 words per minutes in English Typing or 20 words per minute in Hindi Typing. c) Should have basic knowledge in Computer application. Note :- All Educational / Technical certificates other than State Board/Central Board should be accompanied with Govt. of Indias notification declaring such qualification equivalent to Matric /10th class pass or as the case may be, for service under Central Govt 4. PHYSICAL STANDARD FOR MALE CANDIDATES DESCRIPTION HEIGHT CHEST For all except the categories mentioned 167.5 Cms 81cms 86 cms below (Un(Exexpanded) panded) RELAXATION:- in respect of persons belonging to the races namely Garhwalis, 165 Cm 81 Cms 86 Cms Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Sikkimese, persons hailing from Leh and Ladakh, Kashmir Valley, North Eastern States and the State of Himachal Pradesh. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes 162.5 Cms 78 Cms 83 Cms including Mizos and Nagas FOR FEMALE CANDIDATES CHEST Not Applicable WEIGHT
DESCRIPTION HEIGHT For all except the categories mentioned below 157 cms RELAXATION:- in respect of persons belonging to the races namely Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Sikkimese, persons hailing 155 from Leh and Ladakh, Kashmir Valley, North Cms Eastern States and the State of Himachal Pradesh. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes 152.5 Cms including Mizos and Nagas
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
5. PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY TEST (PET):- Those who are found fit in the initial physical screening i.e. physical measurement, will be put through the following physical efficiency test:For Male 800 Mtrs race to be completed in 3 minutes. 11 feet long jump (three chances to be given) 3 feet high jump (three chances to be given) For Female 800 Mtrs race to be completed in 4 minutes. 8 feet long jump (three chances to be given) 3 feet high jump (three chances to be given)
6. MEDICAL STANDARD: I) Eye Sight- The minimum distant vision should be 6/6 and 6/9 of two eyes without correction i.e. without wearing of glasses. II) The candidates must not have knock-knee, flat foot, varicose vein or squint in eyes and they should possess high colour vision. They must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the duties. III) The selection board has the absolute discretion to reject or accept any candidate after considering the report of the Medical Officer/ board. 7. METHOD OF RECRUITMENT: - The selection process shall consist of following stages:I) Documentation II) Physical Standard Test ( PST) III) Physical Efficiency Test ( PET) IV) Written Examination V) Typing Speed Test VI) Test of Basic Knowledge in Computer Application VII) Final Medical Examination VIII) Review Medical Examination 7.1. DOCUMENTATION (CHECKING OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS / CERTIFICATES FOR ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA):All the candidates appeared for the recruitment test will be asked to produce original documents / certificates pertaining to age, education, Caste, experience, Hill Area certificate, NOC / Discharge Certificate (in case of Ex-Servicemen), Proof to avail age relaxation etc. The actual age of the candidate will be determined from his Matriculation / Higher Secondary School Certificate. The candidates must ensure that their name, fathers name and date of birth mentioned in all documents must be same as in the matriculation/Higher Secondary certificate. Candidates must bring all their original certificates and two attested copies of each with them. 7.2. PHYSICAL STANDARD TEST (PST):- The candidates who are found eligible in documentation will be put through Physical measurement as prescribed in the eligibility conditions i.e. para-4 above. 7.3. PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY TEST (PET) The candidates qualifying Physical Standard Test (PST) will be required to pass Physical Efficiency Test (PET) as per para-5 above, which is qualifying in nature :Note: PET will be qualifying in nature and a candidate must qualify in all the above events. Failure to qualify in ANY of the events of PET will render the candidate disqualified to appear in Written Examination. Ex-Servicemen are exempted from PST/PET. However, they will have to appear in Written Examination and Final Medical Examination. 7.4. WRITTEN EXAMINATION:-
Those candidates who qualify the PST and PET shall be eligible to appear in the Written Test to be conducted as under:Max. Marks Hindi/English 25 General Knowledge 25 Arithmetic 25 Clerical aptitude 25 Total 100
i) Candidates may note that no separate call letters will be issued for appearing in the written examination. ii) The written examination will be held on OMR based Answer Sheets. The duration of written examination will be 2 hours. Candidates will be required to record their answer in OMR sheet with blue/black ball point pen. iii) The OMR answer sheet of written test will be processed/scanned in an electronic machine. Any wrong entry of roll number, name, question booklet number, question paper series will render the OMR sheet invalid and the same will not be evaluated. The concerned candidate will be responsible for such mistake on their part. Minimum qualifying marks will be 40% for General, OBC & Ex-Servicemen and 35% for SC/ST candidates. Note: Candidates appearing in written test will not be allowed to carry electronic equipments like mobile phone, calculator, pager, digital wrist watch having calculator etc. Any candidate found indulging in any unfair practice will be summarily removed from the written test and will be debarred from further recruitment process. 7.5 TYPING SPEED TEST ON COMPUTER
The candidates who qualify the written test will be required to appear in the Typing Test on computer, which is only qualifying nature. A minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English Typewriting or 25 words per minute in Hindi Typewriting is for General / Ex-Servicemen Category candidates and OBC category candidates. A minimum speed of 25 words per minute in English Typewriting or 20 words per minute in Hindi Typewriting is for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes candidates. Note: - Failure to qualify the event of typing speed test will render the candidate disqualified for selection. 7.6. TEST OF BASIC KNOWLEDGE IN COMPUTER APPLICATION:
Those qualifying the typing speed test will be put through test of Basic Knowledge in Computer Application which will be qualifying in nature. Note: Recruitment Board will arrange computers for typing speed test and basic knowledge in computer application test. The Computer Test is qualifying in nature. The final result will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the written test out of 100 marks. FINAL MEDICAL EXAMINATION:Candidates who qualify Written Examination, Typing Speed Test and Test of Basic Knowledge in Computer Application will be put through detailed medical Examination strictly on the basis of merit of written examination as per the vacancies and average failure rate. Note:(i) The candidates will be called for medical examination over and above the number of vacancies advertised so that if some candidates high up in the merit list (category wise) do not make it through medical examination, candidates lower in merit list could be considered for appointment strictly based on merit. (ii) Being called for medical examination will in no way give any legal claim or right to any candidate being finally appointed. 7.8. APPEAL AGAINST FINDINGS OF MEDICAL EXAMINATION:7.7.
If a candidate is declared unfit in the detailed medical examination, the grounds for rejection will be communicated to him by the Chairman. The rejected candidate w i l l obtain F o r m 4, 5 & 6 from t h e Chair m a n concerned, if not satisfied with the findings of the Medical Officer, to prefer an appeal for Review-Medical Examination to Inspector General (Pers.), SSB Force HQ, R. K. Puram, New Delhi-110066, within 3 0 days from the date of issue of communication in which the findings of the Medical Officer is communicated to the candidate. The appeal should necessarily contain the following; (a) Review Medical Examination fee of ` 25/-(Rupees twenty five) only non refundable,
through a Bank Draft/ IPO in favour of PAO, SSB (MHA), New Delhi, (b) Appeal Form 4, 5 & 6 issued by the Initial Medical Board declaring the candidate as Unfit, (c) One self addressed envelope with ` 25/- postage stamp duly affixed on it. Certificate other than Medical Form 6 (provided by the Chairman of Recruitment Board to the Candidates) to submit appeal for Review Medical Examination will not be considered and rejected straightway. The fitness certificate on Form-6 is essential to consider their cases for review medical examination and not for any other purpose. The candidates whose appeal i s found in order will be issued call letters to appear for Review Medical Examination and their list will also be uploaded in the SSB Website They may keep in touch to know their date of appearing in review medical examination and venue by visiting our website. The decision of the Review Medical Board of SSB will be final and no 2nd appeal will be entertained as per Govt. instructions and also no reply of the correspondence/2nd appeal will be given/entertained. Note: - (a) It should, however, be clearly understood that the Selection board reserves absolute discretion to reject or accept any candidate after considering the report of the medical board. (b) No Physical efficiency test will be held for Ex-Servicemen. However, ExServicemen will be required to qualify Written Examination and requisite Medical Examination for the post. Their PST viz. height, chest, weight etc. will be recorded during Medical Examination. 8. FINAL SELECTION:-
The final selection list will be prepared in order of merit, category wise, after completion of Review Medical Examination. It is hereby emphasized that the candidates who merely secure the qualifying percentage marks and found medically fit, may not be considered for final selection since the cut off marks will be determined according to number of vacancies as well as after completion of whole recruitment process. Where equal marks have been obtained by candidates their merit will be fixed as per date of birth and the older candidate will be given preference. The result of provisionally selected candidates will be uploaded in SSB website i.e. as per availability of vacancies. The selected candidates will be issued offer of appointment. No further extension will be given except in deserving cases. The provisional appointment of the candidates will be subject to verification of their Caste and other Certificates related to recruitment through proper channel and if the verification reveals that the certificates are false at any stage, the candidates service will be terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action as may be taken under the provisions of Indian Penal Code for production of false Certificates. 9. APPLICATION FEE:-
Application fee will be ` 50/- (Rupees fifty only) Non-refundable for candidates belonging to General and OBC categories. They shall attach Bank Draft or Indian Postal Order (Nonrefundable) drawn in favour of Authority mentioned at para-10 at column No. 4 & 5 below. No application fee will be charged from SC/ST, Ex-Servicemen and Female candidates. 10. HOW TO APPLY:-
Eligible and desirous candidates should send their applications BY POST in the prescribed proforma given in Annexure-I and II with two attested passport size photographs duly affixed on application form and admit card at the space provided for the purpose, along with application fee of ` 50/- and attested copies of the testimonials as in Para-11. The applications should be typed or neatly hand written. Two self-addressed envelopes of 4x9 size with ` 25/- postage stamps duly affixed should also be attached with the application form. The candidates belonging to different States/UTs should send their application forms to the address as shown at Column No.3 of the table below on or before closing date. The envelope containing the application should be super scribed in block letters as APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF (NAME OF POST)and Code No... The
incomplete applications and applications received after the last date will not be entertained and will be summarily rejected. SSB will not be responsible for postal delay, if any. No correspondence will be entertained on this account. The details for sending the application are as under:Application Receiving Centre Bank Draft IPO should be and application should be should be prepared in addressed to the following prepared in favour of officer favour of 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. HC 01 The Dy. Inspector General, Accounts Accounts Officer, (Ministerial) Sector HQ., SSB Gorakhpur, Officer, SHQ, SSB Marketing Building, SHQ, SSB Gorakhpur (UP) FCI Complex, Gorakhpur (UP) P.O.-Fertilizer Factory payable at SBI Urbarak Nagar, Gorakhpur (UP) Gorakhpur Pin- 273007. Note: - (i) DDs / IPOs may be prepared in favour of addressee as above only. (ii) Application must be sent to above address only. (iii) Applications addressed to FHQ SSB or any other offices of SSB shall not be entertained at any stage. 11. a) b) c) ATTESTED COPIES OF DOCUMENTS TO BE ATTACHED WITH APPLICATION:Educational/Technical qualification Certificate(s). Date of birth certificate (Matriculation or 10+2 pass certificate). Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/OBC certificates should be on the format as AnnexureIII for SC/ST and Annexure IV for OBC prescribed in the Central Govt. order. (May also be down loaded from SSB Website Applications of candidates without OBC certificate on prescribed format will not be considered and summarily rejected. Ex-Servicemen must submit Photostat copies of discharge/release certificate in support of claim of Ex-Servicemen & Caste Certificate, if belongs to SC/ST/OBC on the format as prescribed in the Central Govt. order. Departmental/ candidates in Government service must enclose N.O.C. Demand Draft / IPO worth ` 50/- (Non-Refundable) 2 (Two) self addressed envelopes with postage stamps worth ` 25/- each. Certificate of bonafide/Domicile/Permanent resident of that State from designated revenue authorities not below rank of Tehsildar for verification of citizenship of India. West Pakistani Refugees settled in J&K are exempted to produce domicile certificate, they will produce certificate issued by the village Sarpanch/ Numbardar along with a copy of the Electoral Roll showing the name of the candidates in voter list for election to the Parliamentary Constituency. Annexure-V (if applicable for relaxation in height and chest) Annexure-VI IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: Applications submitted on a format other than published in this advertisement, are liable to be rejected summarily. Candidate should note that the Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation, 10+2 / Secondary Examination Certificate OR an equivalent Certificate on the date of submission of application, will be accepted. If the above documents are not submitted along with the application, it will be rejected summarily or at any stage of the recruitment process and no request for reconsideration will be entertained. Incomplete or unsigned applications, applications without attested photographs, applications received after closing date will be rejected summarily. All candidates in Govt. service whether in a permanent or in temporary capacity etc. will be required to submit their application through proper channel along with NOC. Application shall be rejected if received late or is not complete in all respect as provided in the rules. Any wrong attestation so as to mislead the Recruitment board or to gain access to examination would lead to criminal/debar action against the candidate besides cancellation of his candidature. Name of Post Post Code
e) f) g) h) i)
j) k) 12. i) ii)
iv) v)
No separate admit cards / call letter will be issued to the qualified candidates called for written examination, Typing Speed Test and final medical examination. The same will be apprised to the candidate by the recruitment board and the list of qualified candidates called for above test will be displayed on the notice board at the recruitment venue as well as uploaded in SSB Recruitment Website i.e. In case any candidate is found ineligible or suppressing facts on any ground after his selection/appointment, his services will be terminated without assigning any reason. The Government shall not be responsible for damage /injury/loss to the individual, if any, sustained during the recruitment process and journey. The DG SSB has full rights to make changes or cancel /postpone the recruitment without assigning any reason. Candidates canvassing in any form or bringing outside influence /pressure, offering illegal gratification, blackmailing or threatening to blackmail any person connected with recruitment will be declared disqualified. Candidates impersonating and submitting the fabricated/forged documents are also liable to be disqualified. It should, however, be clearly understood that the Selection board reserves itself, absolute discretion to reject or accept any candidate at any stage. As the applications are to be processed by a computerized system, it is essential that the application is strictly in accordance with the prescribed, format, is properly and completely filled and contains no correction/alteration/overwriting. Mere qualifying the entire prescribed tests in SSB recruitment does not confer the right of selection of the candidate but they should have to stand in merit keeping in view the available vacancies which are subject to change. The candidates provisionally selected for the above posts should qualify the training or courses as prescribed by the Director General, Sashastra Seema from time to time during probation period failing which services are liable to be terminated. NO TA/DA WILL BE ADMISSIBLE:-
However, TA for onward and return journey to SC/ ST candidates will be paid as per GOI instructions to those who appear in written test subject to production of rail/ Bus tickets, original cast certificate, non employment certificate from MP or MLA or any Gazetted Officer of the locality in case they are not employed in Central / State Government. 14. APPLICATION FORMS ARE LIABLE TO BE REJECTED SUMMARILY, IF THEY ARE:i) Incomplete. ii) Not on prescribed format. iii) Without IPO/Bank Draft/ Banker Cheque of ` 50/-. iv) Accompanied with under valued IPO/ Bank Draft/ Bankers cheque. v) Accompanied with IPO/ Bank Draft/ Bankers cheque drawn in favour of wrong paying authority or wrong address of IPO/Bank draft/ Banker cheque. vi) Received without attested copy of caste certificate and discharge certificate in case of ExServicemen. vii) Received without attested copies of educational certificate/testimonials. viii)Received without self addressed envelops and without postage stamps affixed on the envelopes. ix) Received without photograph. x) Received without signature & thumb impression of the candidate. xi) Received after last date of receipt of the application. xii) Without signature/seal of H.O.O. in case of serving candidates. xiii)Received with SC/ ST/ OBC certificates not on prescribed format. THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS GIVEN IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND SHOULD THEREFORE BE TREATED AS GUIDELINES ONLY
Paste a recent colour photograph of 3.5 x 4.5 cms. size with in the box attested by a Gazetted Officer
Name in BLOCK LETTERS (as recorded in Matriculation Certificate) FIRST NAME MIDDLE Fathers name (as entered in Matriculation certificate) SURNAME
Educational Qualification (Attach attested copy Education/Tech. Qualification & Typing etc.) Qualification certificate(s) etc. Aggregate Exam Name of School/ Board/ Subject Studied percentage Passed University/ Institute Marks
5. 6.
Sex: Male or Female Religion: Hindu Muslim Sikh Christian Buddhist Jain If others, specify
(If SC/ST/OBC attach true copy certificate as per Central Govt. instructions) Whether belongs to Garkhas Dogras Marathas Garhwalis Kumaonis
(Attach true copy of certificate) Whether belonging to North Eastern States, if so, specify (Attach attested copy of certificate)
Whether:Domiciled ordinarily in J&K Affected in 1984 Affected in 2002 communal riots of Gujarat during 1980 to 1989 riots (Attach attested true copy of certificate) (a) Whether Ex-serviceman, if so, indicate :-
(b) If, Ex-serviceman, mention following details. (Attach CTC Discharge) Date of Enrolment Date of Medical retirement/ category Discharge Award of Reasons for Education qualification Decoration release/ Civil Military discharge
Permanent address: Village/Town Post Office Tehsil Police Station District State Pin Code
Correspondence address: Village/Town Post Office Tehsil Police Station District State Pin Code
If so, mention following details. Name of present employer Date when since Post held Name and designation of authority issuing N.O.C
NOTE: Candidates should apply only if they fulfill all the physical standard & Educational / Technical qualifications as mentioned in the advertisement to avoid any disappointment at later stage. DECLARATION I, hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect or ineligibility being detected before or after the test, my candidature will stand cancelled and all my claims of the recruitment will stand forfeited. I also understand that if at any stage I am found by the Recruitment Board to have used unfair means in the written examination/test or have violated any of the Rules/Regulation governing the conduct of selection process; my candidature can be cancelled or be declared to have failed by the Recruitment Board at its sole discretion. I also declare that, I have never been arrested, prosecuted or convicted by any court of law for any criminal offence.
Signature of Candidate
ADMIT CARD (TO BE PRINTED/TYPED/WRITTEN IN SEPARATE PAPER) (Candidate will not be allowed to appear in the recruitment test without production of this admit card)
Affix your recent passport size photograph duly attested by the Gazetted Officer
To be filled by the candidate Name of candidate: Fathers Name: . Date of birth: ................................................ Sex . Name of post for which applied . Post Code:.
(Signature of Candidate)
With seal
This is to certify that Shri/Mrs/Ms/Miss_________________________________ Son/ daughter of Shri __ _______________________________of village/Town_______________________ District/ Division _____________________ of the State/Union Territory _____________________ belongs to the _____________ caste/Tribe which is recognized as a Schedule Caste/Scheduled Tribe under. The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) order, 1950. The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) order, 1950. The Constitution (Scheduled Castes)(Union Territory) order, 1951. The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Union Territory) order, 1951. (As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Modification) Order 1956, the Bombay Reorganization Act, 1960, the Punjab Reorganization Act, 1966, The State of Himachal Pradesh Act, 1970, the North Eastern Areas (Reorganization Act, 1971) and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes orders (Amendment) Act, 1976.) *The constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Caste Order, 1956; *The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes, 1959, as amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes orders (Amendment) Act. 1976; *The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes Order 1962; *The Constitution (Dadra & Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1962; *The Constitution (Pondichery) Scheduled Castes Order, 1964; *The Constitution (Uttar Pradesh) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1967; *The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Dieu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968; *The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1968; *The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970; *The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Castes Order, 1978; *The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1978; *The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Amendment) Act, 1990. *The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, (Amendment) Ordinance, 1991. *The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, (Second Amendment) Act, 1991. The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Ordinance, 1996 *2. This certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Certificate issue to Shri _____________________________________Father of Shri/Mrs/Ms/Miss _________________________ ______of village/town________________________ in District/Division _____________________ of the State/UT _________________ _____________who belong to the ____________ caste/Tribe which is recognized as a SC/ST in the State/Union Territory __________________________ issued by the _______________________________ ( name of the prescribed issuing authority) vide their No. ______________________________________ dated _____________ or Shri ____________ __________________ and or his/her family ordinarily reside(s) in Village/Town _____________of ____________ District/Division of the State/Union Territory of _______________. Place______________ Date_______________ Signature______________ Designation ____________ (With seal of Office) NOTE:- The terms ordinarily reside(s) used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950. in
3. Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar. 4. Sub-Divisional Officers of the area where the candidate and / or his/her family resides.
NOTE:- ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu State should submit caste certificate only from the Revenue Division Officer.
(G. I. Dept. of Per.& Trg. O. M. No.36033/28/94-Estt.(Res).dated 2-7-1997) This is to certify that son/daughter of . Village .. District/Division. In the State belongs to the.. Community, which is recognized as a Backward Class under: * (i)
Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution, No.12011/68/93-BCC (C), dated the 10 September, 1993, th published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section-I, NO. 186, dated the 13 September, 1993. Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/9/94-BCC, dated the 19 October, 1994, published in th the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section, No. 163 dated the 20 October, 1994. Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/7/95-BCC, dated the 24 May, 1995, published in the th Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 88, dated the 25 May, 1995. Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/44/96-BCC, dated the 9th March, 1996, published in the th Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 60, dated the 11 March, 1996. Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/44/96-BCC, dated the 6th December 1996, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 210, dated the 11th December 1996. Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/13/97-BCC, dated the 3rd December, 1997, published in th the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 239, dated the 17 December, 1997. Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/99/94-BCC, dated the 11th December 1997, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 236, dated the 12th December 1997. Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/68/98-BCC, dated the 27 Oct., December, 1999, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 241, dated the 27th Oct, 1999. Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/88/98-BCC, dated the 06th December 1999, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 270, dated the 06th December 1999. Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/36/99-BCC, dated the 4th April 2000, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 71, dated the 4th December 2000. Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/44/99-BCC, dated the 21st December 2000, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No. 210, dated the 21st December 2000. Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/44/99-BCC, dated the 6th September, 2001, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No.246, dated the 6th September, 2001
th th th
Shri..and/or his family ordinarily reside(s) in the . District/ Division of the State. This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the schedule to the Government of India, Department of Personnel, and Training, O. M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT), dated 8-9-1993.
Office Seal
Strike out which ever is not applicable
Certified that Shri/Mrs/Ms/Miss________________________ ______________Son/daughter of Shri _________________________ is permanent resident of village_______________________Tehsil/Taluka__________________________ District________ of ______ __State.
2. It is certified that:*Residents of entire are mentioned above are considered as (Garhwal, Kumauni, Dogras, Marathas, Sikkimies) for relaxation in height and chest measurement for recruitment in the Para Military Forces of the Union of India. *He/she belongs to the Himachal Pradesh/Leh & Ladakh/Kashmir Valley/North Eastern States and is considered for relaxation in height and chest measurement for recruitment in the Para Military Forces of the Union of India. *He/she belongs to_______________________Tribal/Adivasis Community and is considered for relaxation in height and chest measurement for recruitment in the Para Military Forces of the Union of India.
Place: Date:
Annexure-VI QUESTIONNARIE FORM 1. 2. 3. 4. Have you ever been convicted by any court of law or any other judicial institution? Yes/No Is there any case pending against you in any court of law? Has any FIR ever lodged and case is pending against you? Was any FIR ever lodged against in the past? a) If yes case No. and Section under which FIR was lodged? b) Name of Police Station where FIR was lodged? c) Was the case charge sheeted or returned in FIR? d) If the case charge sheeted, what was the outcome in Court? i) ii) iii) iv) v) 5. 6. Convicted Acquitted Compromised Compounded Any other, please specify Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
Have you ever been dismissed from any service under the Central or State Govt.? Have your services ever been terminated while on probation? If the answer to any of the above is YES then please provide complete details on a separate sheet.
UNDERTAKING I,_____________________________________________ declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in case information is found to be false or incorrect, my candidature is liable to be cancelled apart from any departmental or legal proceedings that may be initiated against me.
Place: Date: