Amao Faq 2011-12
Amao Faq 2011-12
Amao Faq 2011-12
Q: What are the Annual Measureable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs)? A: AMAOs are measures that gauge the effectiveness of English Language Development programs in helping students attain English language proficiency. AMAOs are: State-defined targets for achievement in English language proficiency as demonstrated on the State English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA). Based on state English language proficiency standards and baseline data derived from ELPA. Used to evaluate the effectiveness of English Language Development (ELD) programs. Four key elements comprise the AMAOs. These elements highlight different aspects of attainment of English language proficiency. AMAO 1: Describes the annual increase in progress in learning English. The target for 2011-12 is 57%. This target increases yearly. The target for the 2012-2013 school year is 61%. AMAO 2: Describes the annual increase in attainment of English language proficiency using two separate calculations. AMAO2A measures the total number of ELL students in a district obtaining proficiency, while the AMAO2B measure applies only to students who have been in the program for five or more years. Districts must meet both AMAO2A and AMAO2B to be considered meeting. These targets also increase annually. The target for AMAO2A in 2011-12is 17% and is set to increase to 19% in 2012-13. The target for AMAO2B in 2011-12 is 26.5% and is set to increase to 29% in 2012-13. AMAO 3: Is the federal requirement that school districts make Annual Measurable Objectives (formerly Adequate Yearly Progress) for their ELL students in reading/language arts and math. Toward this end, ELL students are required to take the yearly OAKS assessment.
Q: What is the Oregon Department of Educations mission for English Language Learners? A: The ultimate goal is to have ELL students progress toward attainment of English proficiency, while at the same time meet challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards. The ODE strives to provide information on ELD program effectiveness through the AMAOs to help school districts gauge program success. The ODE provides academic content standards for ELLs, research on best instructional practices, accountability monitoring, professional development, and
information to the public to address the needs of our English Language Learners and their communities. Q: How is student proficiency measured? A: All Oregon students identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP) in grades K-12 are required to participate annually in Oregons English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA). This online adaptive assessment measures student proficiency in the areas of speaking, writing, reading, and listening. ELPA is the primary state measure for determining ELL students English language proficiency. When students complete their ELPA tests, they receive a score that identifies where they fall in five levels of English proficiency (beginning, early intermediate, intermediate, early advanced, and advanced). Students are considered proficient when they receive an advanced score on ELPA and are identified by the school district as having a sufficient mastery of English to succeed academically in a classroom setting. Exited students are monitored for a couple of years after completing the district ELD program to ensure they are maintaining proficiency. This is the sixth year that Oregon has used one standardized test to allow for better assessment and comparisons across the state. The uniform test allows the state and school districts to better identify which programs are delivering the best instruction for students and which programs may need improvement. The ELPA will be updated and improved through the recently funded ELPA21 initiative. Q: Must all districts provide services to English Language Learners (ELLs)? A: Yes. A combination of state and federal laws govern the services that public school districts must provide to students who are not proficient in English. Some of those laws are mandatory for all districts while others apply only to districts that receive certain funding. Although those laws share the same goal (ensuring that English language learners benefit from their education), there are some differences in how they seek to achieve it. Specifically, all districts must comply with ORS 336.079, which requires schools to provide specific courses to teach speaking, reading, and writing of the English language. Q: What happens if a school district fails to meet the overall AMAOs? A: In order to meet the federal requirement, school districts must meet the targets in all three AMAOs. Districts failing to meet the overall AMAOs for two or more consecutive years are required to submit a plan of improvement to the Department of Education. ODE reviews school district ELL programs on a three year rotation through the state Title III monitoring process aimed at facilitating program improvement. Currently, there are 79 school districts in improvement status based on their performance on the 2011-2012 AMAOs. Q: Are there sanctions for being in Title III Improvement status? A: Yes. If districts fail to meet AMAOs for two or more consecutive years, they must submit an improvement plan and ODE works with the district to address areas of needed improvement. Areas of focus could include but are not limited to instruction, curriculum, or professional development. The improvement plan is geared toward addressing the needs of the particular school district and the particular factors that kept it from meeting the AMAOs. If a school district has failed to meet AMAOs for 4 or more consecutive years, Title III funding could be withheld and the state could require the school district ELL program staff to be replaced.