Moodle Course Development Guide
Moodle Course Development Guide
Moodle Course Development Guide
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What Is Moodle?
Moodle is the learning management software we use to build and manage online courses or course materials. It is a flexible, scalable, open-source product that allows the administrators to easily add, remove, or develop components that enhance the teaching & learning experience.
Where to Begin . . .
Things to Consider:
Your Goals Dallas ISD's Expectations Site Monitoring & Evaluation
Moodle Roles
In Moodle, there are six default levels of access: 1. The Administrator, who has access to all courses and determines the look of the entire site. The admin can also put messages of general interest on the Moodle login page. All Moodle users receive these messages in their email. The admin creates courses and user IDs. 2. The Course Creator is a kind of super teacher who has the right to create courses. 3. The Teacher has full control within his/her course(s) for course building, management and for teaching, but cannot create student IDs. 4. The Nonediting Teacher has no editing rights. This means they can teach using the course and its tools, but they cannot change the tools or course materials. 5. The Students can use Moodle for learning purposes only, most of the options open to teachers remain hidden to them. 6. Guest access is limited to seeing, but not touching. To elaborate, the Teachers access includes: Controlling the course settings, including the enrollment key Adding and removing tools or activities in the course Enrolling or removing students Adapting the deadlines and grading scales for the different activities Supervising and evaluating student activities and coaching the students Posting group and course events in the calendar
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Administration Block
In the Administration Block, you will find:
1. Enrollment Key make sure you change your enrollment key to something you will remember. 2. Theme you may change the look of your moodle here.
Groups: 1. Set up your groups (periods), along with the enrollment key for each group.
Navigation Bread Crumb Tells you where you are in the course and allows you to easily get back to the main course page Blocks Adds features to the course. Blocks can be collapsed or expanded, hidden or added. Content Area The content area is where you add your course content. It is typically
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organized by topic or weeks. Navigating the Course Bread Crumb Click on the course name to get back to the main course page Switching Rolls Click on the course name to get back to the main course page Editing Buttons Turn editing on to access additional tools to edit your content and blocks
Blocks Add features to the course such as Upcoming Events, Recent Activity, Calendars, etc. Be sure to turn editing on to be able to adjust blocks.
b) Hide / Show - While in edit mode, instructors can hide or show blocks to participants.
in the block. Add additional blocks by selecting a block from the right hand side pull-down menu.
e) Activities Quick link to assignments, forums, and resources for the course
g) Latest News Announcements h) Recent Activity Shows recent uploads and additions to the course
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You will see many different icons appear on the page. The Editing icon is the little hand with a pencil in it. Click on it to open the editor for the topic summary.
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Moodle Icons
Below are some icons that you will see in Moodle.
The face in profile means that Guests may enter a course or The key means that users will have to know an enrollment key to enter a course.
Uploading Handouts
Below are the steps for uploading a handout. Follow these same steps to upload any MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, or any file you want in your topic. You can even upload video and audio but there is a better way to present those to the learner. If you wish to add audio or video, let me know. 1 Uploading a file is considered adding a RESOURCE. So select Link to file or Web Site
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2 You will need to fill out the Name for your file (i.e. 2008-2009 Syllabus) 3 Do not fill in the summary
4 In the Link to file or web site section, click the Choose or upload file button. 5 A new window will open. This is where you store your files. You can create folders to separate the files into units, lessons, or however you wish.
7 Click BROWSE to find your syllabus. Locate your file on your computer. 8 Click UPLOAD THIS FILE when you have selected your syllabus
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10. Your file name will show up in the Link to a file or web site section.
11. Choose New Window in the Window section. This makes it easier to print.
12. Make sure the file visibility is set to Show so people can see the link. 13. Click SAVE AND RETURN TO COURSE
Your syllabus is now ready for download! Notice that Moodle knows it is a MS Word file.
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Scroll down to the Location box. Enter the web address in the box.
2. The easiest way to create the link is to paste or type the web site address in the Location box.
3. Choose New Window in the Window section so the web site opens in a new window. This makes it easier to print the document and get back to the PLC.
4. Make sure the file visibility is set to Show so people can see the link. 5. Click SAVE AND RETURN TO COURSE
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Adding an Assignment
Moodle allows you to add assignments for participants to complete and turn in electronically through the course site. There are two common types of assignments that you can create. 1. Upload a single file Participants will do the assignment and upload a single file 2. Advanced Uploading of Files Allows participants to upload multiple files as part of the assignment.
Assignment Settings
1. Assignment Name Give the assignment a name that is descriptive 2. Description Write the assignment directions in this box. 3. Grade Set it to No Grade unless you want to assign points
4. Available From / Due Date set the dates the assignment is available 5. Prevent Late Submissions Choose if you want to allow participants to be able to submit a late submission.
6. Allow Resubmitting Select if you will allow students to submit an assignment after the initial submission. 7. Email Alerts Select whether or not you want an email sent to the teacher(s) of the course when an assignment is submitted. 8. Maximum Size- Leave set at 500MB (the largest possible)
9. Visible Leave it set to Show unless you are not ready to have participants see the assignment.
1. Allow Deleting This will allow participants to delete a file they have uploaded but have not submitted the assignment for scoring.. 2. Maximum Number Set the maximum number of files needed to complete the assignment 3. Allow Notes Notes allows the students to explain what they have done for the
assignment. 4. Hide Description If set to yes, it will hide the description of the assignment before the official available date. 5. Enable Send for Marking If set to yes will allow the students to submit files over time without being scored. When the assignment is finished, the participant sends it to be scored at which time no more changes are permitted.
Moodle has some tools to help you organize your Topic to make easy to find your information and understand its purpose.
Adding Labels
Labels allow you to group similar resources/activities or add additional information about the resources/activities.
Select Insert a Label from the Add a resource drop down menu. This will bring up the
This editor is like the other editors. You can format the text similar to MS Word. You can create a single line of text to act as a subheading or you can create a new set of instructions for the learner.
When youre done creating your label, be sure it is set to SHOW and click Save and Return to Course. Clicking the Right Arrow icon or the Left Arrow icon will increase or decrease the indent space for that resource/activity. This helps the learner find your information quickly and easily.
Moving a Resource/Activity
Moving a link to a resource to the left or right is pretty straight forward. Moodle also allows you to move them up and down in a few clicks of a mouse.
Click on the Move icon (Up/Down arrows) next to the resource/activity you wish to move.
The page will reload and you will see a series of place holders represented by rectangular boxes with dashed lines.
Click on the place holder where you wish to move the resource/activity. The page will reload and the resource/activity will be in the position you chose.
You will now be able to create the discussion forum. Creating the discussion forum A discussion forum allows user to participate in an asynchronous (not at the same time) chat. For the purposes of the ELC, we will want to allow the teachers to create discussion topics and reply to each others discussion threads. There are many options to use for this but we will want to use the default options in our discussions. There are several different types of forum to choose from: A single simple discussion - is just a single topic, all on one page. Useful for short, focussed discussions. Standard forum for general use - is an open forum where any one can start a new topic at any time. This is the best general-purpose forum. Each person posts one discussion - Each person can post exactly one new discussion topic (everyone can reply to them though). This is useful when you want each student to start a discussion about, say, their reflections on the week's topic, and everyone else responds to these. Q And A Forum - The Q & A forum requires students to post their perspectives before viewing other students' postings. After the initial posting, students can view and respond to others' postings. This feature allows equal initial posting opportunity among all students, thus encouraging original and independent thinking.
1. Forum Name Type a name for your forum 2. Forum Type Usually leave as default, Standard forum for general use. Click the yellow help bubble for a description of the other types. 3. Forum Introduction This is a Rich Text Editor box that is similar to MS Word. Here you will type the question/topic you wish the teachers to discuss. It is good practice to utilize the BOLD face type, create bulleted lists and to break up the information into chunks if you have a lengthy question. 4. Force everyone to be subscribed? When a person is subscribed to a forum it means that they will be sent email copies of every post in that forum (posts are sent about 30 minutes after the post was first written). Keep this set at NO but request the teachers choose to subscribe to this forum when they post a discussion topic. 5. Read tracking for this forum? Leave this as the default, Optional. It will display the unread postings for the teacher to help find the new messages faster. 6. Maximum attachment size Teachers can attach a copy of a lesson plan they make or any other file they want to share. This is a great way to encourage the sharing of information. The file size can be changed to a maximum of 20 MB. The default is 500KB which is ok for most Word documents without a lot of pictures. If you know youll need larger than 500KB, you can choose a larger size.
1. Grade -Leave it as the default 2. Post threshold for warning / blocking This will set a limit on how many posts a teacher can submit. The warning level will give the teacher a message they are getting close to the blocking point. The blocking point will prevent further discussion in this forum 3. Time period for blocking: Will set how long the teacher will be blocked. Leave at 0 4. Group Mode: Leave as no groups unless you know what Groups are and how to manage them. 5. Visible: This will SHOW the teachers the forum. You can choose to HIDE the forum if you dont want them to see it yet. 6. ID Number - Leave it blank Click SAVE AND RETURN TO COURSE when you are done.
The success of any online discussion lies in the quality of the responses. Facilitating an online discussion requires the teacher leader to be more active in the discussion and encourage participation. Provide a discussion prompt that is open-ended and will require some thought. When appropriate, ask the participants to share specific classroom experiences of the concept being discussed or upload a lesson plan, an outline, or an example of the new skill which incorporates the ideas of the lesson on which they are reflecting. Require participants to post a message and reply to at least two other participants. Have the participants choose to subscribe to the forum so they will be emailed when people post responses.
Encourage participation and deeper reflection by asking follow up questions. We want to avoid the one sentence response. You can use some of the following examples. o I like your example of XXX. How would you apply that in your classroom? o When you say, XXX, what do you mean? o Can you share with the other participants some ways you have used this strategy in your classroom? o Its good that you agree with that point. Can you provide some details about what aspect(s) are most important to you?