Lecture Notes Unit 2
Lecture Notes Unit 2
Lecture Notes Unit 2
3.1 Introduction
3.2.2 Classification Primary pollutant these are those emitted directly in the atmosphere in harmful form like CO, NO. Secondary pollutant these may react with one another or with the basic components of air to form new pollutants.
3.2.3 Control Measures 1. Source control Use only unleaded petrol Use petroleum products and other fuels that have low sulphur and ash content
Environmental Science and Engineering Lecture notes for unit 3 (Environmental Pollution) Plant trees along busy streets because they remove particulates and carbon monoxide and absorb noise. Industries and waste disposal sites should be situated outside the city centre. Use catalytic converters to help control the emissions of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. 2. Control measures in Industrial centers Emission rates should be restricted to permissible levels Incorporation of air pollution control equipments in the design of the plant lay out.
Environmental Science and Engineering Lecture notes for unit 3 (Environmental Pollution) The administration of water pollution should be in the hands of state or central government. Industrial plants should be based on recycling operations, because it will not only stop the discharge of industrial wastes into natural water sources but by products can be extracted from the wastes. Plants, trees and forests control pollution and they acts as natural air conditioners. Highly qualified and experienced persons should be consulted from time to time for effective control of water pollution. Basic and applied research in pubic health engineering should be encouraged.
Environmental Science and Engineering Lecture notes for unit 3 (Environmental Pollution) Production of natural fertilizers Proper Hygienic condition Public awareness Recycling and Reuse of wastes Ban on Toxic chemicals.
Environmental Science and Engineering Lecture notes for unit 3 (Environmental Pollution) It affects health efficiency and behavior. In addition to serious loss of hearing due to excessive noise, impulsive noise also causes psychological and pathological disorders. Brain is also adversely affected by loud and sudden noise as that of jet and aero plane noise. 3.6.3 Control and preventing measures Source control acoustic treatment to machine surface, design changes, limiting the operational timings. Transmission path intervention- the source inside a sound insulating enclosure, construction of a noise barrier or provision of sound absorbing materials. Oiling Proper oiling will reduce the noise from the machines.
3.7.2 Effects of thermal pollution Reduction in dissolved oxygen Increase in Toxicity Interference with biological activities Interference with reproduction Direct mortality Food storage for fish.
3.7.3 Control measures of thermal pollution Cooling towers - This is used as a coolant wet cooling tower, dry cooling tower. Cooling ponds and spray ponds. Artificial lakes The heated effluents can be discharged into the lake at one end and the water for cooling purposes from the other end.
Environmental Science and Engineering Lecture notes for unit 3 (Environmental Pollution) The radiation hazard in the environment comes from ultraviolet, visible, cosmic rays and micro wave radiation which produces genetic mutation in man. 3.8.1 Sources of Nuclear Hazards Natural Sources This is in space which emits cosmic rays. Man made Sources (Anthropogenic sources) these are nuclear power plants, X-rays, nuclear accidents, nuclear bombs, diagnostic kits. 3.8.2 Effects of Nuclear Hazards Exposure of the brain and central nervous system ot high doses of radiation causes delirium, convulsions and death within hours or days. The use of eye is vulnerable to radiation. As its cell die, they become opaque forming cataracts that impair sight. Acute radiation sickness is marked by vomiting; bleeding of gums and in severe cases mouth ulcers. Nausea and vomiting often begin a few hours after the gastrointestinal tract is exposed. Infection of the intestinal wall can kill weeks afterwards. Unborn children are vulnerable to brain damage or mental retardation, especially if irradiation occurs during formation of the central nervous system in early pregnancy. 3.8.3 Control measures Nuclear devices should never be exploded in air. In nuclear reactors, closed cycle coolant system with gaseous coolant may be used to prevent extraneous activation products. Containments may also be employed to decrease the radio active emissions. Extreme care should be exercised in the disposal of industrial wastes contaminated with radio nuclides. Use of high chimneys and ventilations at the working place where radioactive contamination is high. It seems to be an effective way for dispersing pollutants.
Environmental Science and Engineering Lecture notes for unit 3 (Environmental Pollution) Bio medical wastes Anatomical wastes, infectious wastes. 2. Industrial wastes Sources Nuclear power plants generates radioactive wastes Thermal power plants produces fly ash in large quantities 3. Chemical industries Produces large quantities of hazardous and toxic materials 3.9.2 Steps involved in solid waste management Reduce, Reuse and Recycle of materials raw materials re usage should be reduced, reuse of waste materials should be reduced and recycling of the discarded materials into new useful products should also be reduced. Discarding wastes Land fill: Solid wastes are placed in sanitary landfill system in alternate layers of 80 cm thick refuse, covered with selected earth fill of 20cm thickness Incineration: It is a hygienic way of disposing the solid waste. It is a thermal process and is very effective for detoxification of all combustible pathogens Composting: It is another popular method practiced in many cities in our country. In this method, bulk organic waste is converted into fertilizing manure by biological action. 3.9.3 Role of an individual in prevention of pollution Plant more trees Help more in pollution prevention than pollution control Use water, energy and other resources efficiently Purchase recyclable, recycled and environmentally safe products Reduce deforestation Remove NO from motor vehicular exhaust Use of eco friendly products. 3.9.4 Case studies Effluents treatment at MRL, Chennai The Bhopal gas tragedy Arsenic pollution in ground water Soft drink bottling unit Mercury wastes Palar river pollution The miniamatta epidemic (marine pollution) 3.10 DISASTER MANAGEMENT Hazard It is a perceived natural event which threatens both life and property.
Environmental Science and Engineering Lecture notes for unit 3 (Environmental Pollution) Disaster A disaster is the realization of this hazard It is defined as the geological process and it is an event concentrated in time and space in which a society or subdivision of a society undergoes severe danger and causes loss of its members and physical property. Types Natural disasters refers to those disasters that are generated by natural phenomena. Man made disasters refers to the disasters resulting from man made hazards. 3.11 FLOODS Whenever the magnitude of water flow exceeds the carrying capacity of the channel within its banks the excess of water overflows on the surroundings causes floods. 3.11.1 Causes of floods Heavy rain, rainfall during cyclone causes floods Sudden snow melt also raises the quantity of water in streams and causes flood Sudden and excess release of impounded water behind dams Clearing of forests for agriculture has also increased severity of floods.
3.11.2 Flood Management Encroachment of flood ways should be banned. Building walls prevent spilling out the flood water over flood plains. Diverting excess water through channels or canals to areas like lake, rivers where water is not sufficient. Optical and microwave data from IRS is also used for flood management. Flood forecasts and flood warning are also given by the central water commission. 3.12 CYCLONES It is a meteorological process, intense depressions forming over the open oceans and moving towards the land. Cyclone is measured by Saffir-Simpson scale.
Environmental Science and Engineering Lecture notes for unit 3 (Environmental Pollution)
Fig.3.1 Saffir Simpson scale 3.12.1 Effect The damage depends on the intensity of cyclone the damage to human life, crops, roads, transport, could be heavy. Cyclone occurrence slows down the developmental activities of the area. Table 3.1 Classification of cyclones based on their speed
Environmental Science and Engineering Lecture notes for unit 3 (Environmental Pollution) 3.12.2 Cyclone management Satellite images are used by meteorological departments for forecasting the weather conditions which reveal the strength and intensity of the storm. Radar system is used to detect the cyclone and is being used for cyclone warning. 3.12.3 Case studies Cyclone in Orissa 1999 Two cyclones in Orissa occurred on 18th and 29th October 1999.In the coastal area of Orissa, a powerful cyclone storm hit with a wind velocity of about 260 km/hr. Nearly 14-30 districts of Orissa were in severe damage. It has been reported that nearly 15 millions of people were affected and 90-95% of the crop yield was affected. About 11,500 local schools have been damaged. 3.13 LAND SLIDES The movement of earthy materials like coherent rock, mud, soil and debris from higher to lower region to gravitational pull is called land slides. 3.13.1 Causes Movement of heavy vehicles on the unstable sloppy regions. Earthquake, shocks, vibrations and cyclone. 3.13.2 Effects of landslides 1. Block roads and diverts the passage. 2. Soil erosion increases. 3. Causes damages to houses, crops and live stock. 3.14 EARTH QUAKES An earthquake is a sudden vibration caused on earth surface with the sudden release of tremendous energy stored in rocks under the earths crust. 3.14.1 Causes 1. Disequilibrium in any part of the earth crust 2. Underground nuclear testing 3. Decrease of underground water level. 3.14.2 Severity of an earthquake: Generally it is measured by its magnitude on Richter scale. Richter Scale Severity of earthquake Less than 4 Insignificant 4- 4.9 Minor 5- 5.9 Damaging 6- 6.9 Destructive 7- 7.9 Major More than 8 Great 3.14.3 Effect Damage the settlements and transport systems
Environmental Science and Engineering Lecture notes for unit 3 (Environmental Pollution) Collapses houses and their structures Deformation of ground surface Tsunami
3.14.4 Earthquake Management Constructing earthquake resistant building Wooden houses are preferred Seismic hazard map should give the information about the magnitude of intensity of anticipated earthquakes. 3.15 TSUNAMI A tsunami is a large wave that is generated in a water body when the seafloor is deformed by seismic activity. This activity displaces the overlying water in the ocean. 3.15.1 Causes of tsunami Seismic activities like earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, explosions, can generate tsunami. Deformation of the sea floor due to the movement of plates.
Fig.3.1 Formation of Tsunami 3.15.2 Concept of Tsunami A tsunami is not a single wave but a series of waves like the ordinary waves which we see on seas. 3.15.3 Effects on Tsunami
Environmental Science and Engineering Lecture notes for unit 3 (Environmental Pollution) Tsunami attacks mostly the coastlines, causing devastating property, damage and loss of life. Tsunami can kill lot of human beings, livestocks. Tsunami may also spread lot of water borne diseases.
3.15.4 Tsunami Management Earthquakes under the water are monitored by sensors on the floor of the sea. The sensors send the information of floating buoys on the surface, whenever they detect any changes in pressure of the sea. The information is then relayed to satellites, which passes it on to the earth stations. Finally the country make the people alert through the media to take all necessary precautions. 3.15.5 Case studies Tsunami- Japan 2011, India 2004.