Introduction To Digital Library
Introduction To Digital Library
Introduction To Digital Library
each and every library is slowly getting digitized. A digital library(DL) compries digital collections, services and infrasturcture to support life long learning,research,sicholarly communication as well as preservation and conservation of our recorded knowledge. It is also a process of democratization of information. 1.WHAT IS DIGITAL LIBRARY? The concept of digital library is coming for digitalzation.The digitization is a process in which making and electronic version of a real worldobject or event, enabling the object to be stored displayed and mainpulatedona computer and disseminated over networks and the world wide web. Basically DL is nothing but a large database for the people who are working on hypertext enveroment. it is an environment which support the full life cycle of creation, storage, perservation, dissemination and use of data, information and knowledge. digital library is a combination of - A service. -An architecture. - A set of infor. resources, databases of text,graphics,sound, video. - A set of tools and capabilties to locate, retrieve and utilite the information resoureces available. According to Arms ''A DL is a managed collection of information of infor. with associarted services,where the infor. is stored in digital formated and accessible over a network. According to DLF( digital library federation) defien that DL are organizations that provide the resources, including the specilized sttaf, to select structure, offer intellectual access to interpret, distribute,preserve the integrity and ensure thepersistence overtime of collections of digital works so
that they are readily and economically available for use by a defined community or set of communities. Therefore the whole concept describe that DL is -A collection of documents in organized electronice form,available on the internet or on CD ROM disks,depending on the specific library, a user may be able to access magazine articles, books or other documents. - Organized collection of multimedia and other types of resources. - Resources are avaiable in computer processable form. - The function of acquistion, storage,preservation,retrierval is carried out through the use of digital technology. - Access to the entire collection is globally available directly or indirectly cross a network. - support users in dealing with information. 2. WHY WE NEED DL? Befor e we proceed, we know about the major factor or resons why we need the dl in our education system. Basically time is a major factor or each mordern user of the library for which the traditional library is known as digital library. The basice resions are _ Easy to understand. Shifting of the environment. Multiple fuction of same information. Information explosion. Information retival Growth of education. Growth of distance learning. To procure online publication. Develop the information technology. Searching problem in traditional library. Low cost of technology. New generation need.
3 .BENEFITS OF DL. The benefits of the DL incude the reduction in the physical storage of information less wear and tear on objectives. The ablity for several people to view the same item at the same time. The ablity to view the contents in the home,office or othen non library location and for increased cost-effectivenss. Amonge the possible costs are for digitalzation and to create metadata and retrival tools. It offers new levels of access to broader audiences of users and new opportunties for library and information science field to advice broth theory and practice. DL increase the portablity, efficiency of access, flexiblity, availability and presration of content DL can help move the nation towareds realizing the enormously powerful vesion of anytime,anywhere access to the best and latest of human thought and culture so that no ceass form knowledge resoures.
4.DIGITAL LIBRARY SOFTWARE The DL software is known as the open source s/w. Open sources s/w is a computer software for which the human readable source code is made available under a copyright licence. The proper definition of open sources s/w is a s/w which permits the users to use, change and improve the s/w and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified form. It is often developed in a public collaborated manner. The aim of open sources is to let product more understandable, modifiedable, duplicatable, reliable, simple accessible while it still marketable
There is much DL software available, proprietary as well as open source, and most of them conform to international standards. Some of the popular open sources softwares for DL are Dspace,Eprints, Greenstone and fedora etc i: Greenstone Digital Library Software (GSDL) It is produced by Newzland digital library project at the university of Waikat to and development and distributed incoporation with Unesco and Human information NGO. It is an open sources software distributed under the term of GNU public library linces. Greenstone provides a way of building, maintaining and distributing digital collections. opening up new possibilities for organizing information and making it available over the internet or cdrom. Greenstone is its commitment to lower the bar for construction of practical DL yet at the same time leave a great deal of facility in the hands of the users. ii. Eprints It is an open source software packages for building open access repository that provides with the open archive imitative protocol for metadata harvesting. Basically it is creates online archives. An Eprint archive can be adapted for many more purpose. Basically it is achieved a good platform in an academic institution. It has been developed at the university of Southampton in relation to a variety of project. The latest recommenended version is Eprints-2.3.11. in India NCSI has been conducting workshops and training programs for installing and customizing Eprints software.
iii. Dspace It is an open sources software package that provided the tools for managements of digital aspects and is commonly used as the basic for an institutional repository. Dspace is jointly developed by Hawlett Packard and MIT libraries collaborating over two years. Dspace provides the basic functionality equipment to operate an institutional digital repository and is intended to serve as a base for future development to address long term preservation and access issues.
5. PROCESS OF DIGITALIZATION. Digitalization is the central component of digital resources. Basically it is a process to shifting the traditional document to digitalized format. The process of digitalization is dealing 3 major components. Those are: 1-image creation 2-file management. 3-image delivery. 1.Image creation : Basically documents or information are available in two formats. That is born digital or e-document and creates digital. Born digital is already in a digitalized in time of publication. Those are not in digital form it is know as create digital. It deals with the initial capture on conversion of a document or object into digital form, typically with a scanner or digital camera broad classes of processing include image editing(scaling, compression, sharpening etc.) and metadata creation. 2.File management : It refers to organised, storage and maintain such images and relevant metadata.
3.Image delivery : It incorporates the process of getting to the users &includes networks, display devices &printers. It also incudes issues associated with creating delivering images. All those process is run successfully to the help of digital software. 6. DIGITAL LIBRARY ENVIROMENT. Just as the literature identifies a number of activities that together make up digital libraries, it also shows that the development of DL is having some factors . DL is successfully run to the support of: Own internet or intranet site. To support integrated access to resources. Digitalization of materials. Available E-publications. E-document delivery. Resource sharing. Cooperative end users.
A library is identified to be a Digital library when it renders information services required by the users in a digital form. Through some process the traditional library is shifted to a digital library. These process or activities are described below. Automation of entre library activities: The preliminary set up the digitalization process is automation or computerized the library. Through this process the work of
library and staff of library and also user are routine in a semi digital environment . On line public access catalogue(OPAC) : It is retrieval system in a very effective semi digital format. Under this system a particular resource may be searched with the title author publisher, call number, accession number etc. The function of opac is 1. Access to remote users. 2. Interlibrary loan is possible. 3. Access to resource throughout the world. 4. Knowledge sharing possible on all over the world. Internet connectivity(ic): Internet is basic element of DL. The internet of computer connected to each other for the purpose of sharing information. IC is like brain of DL.With out IC, DL can not work. Dissemination of resources through CD/DVD mirror server network technology : A library which moves digitalization should also utilise the technology of CD/DVD mirror server network. The whole concept is concerned mirror images of the contents of cd/dvd are crated and stored in the specialised Hardware & configurations using networking facilities. By using OPAC search engines facility required contents of CD/DVD can be accessed as per-priority of the users.
Online journals subscription: The DL should have access to online journals which are available free of cost. It is more useful to the users to browse the information from the online. It is very fast and very import to scholars.
Online database subscription: The databases will cover more no of web based publications like journals and magazines. And it provides the effective bringing subject wise publication in the web free of cost and free copyright problems. Procurement of E-books: The books are available in the web based languages. These books have the unique facility of multiple accesses. Any person form any part of the world at any time can access these resources with out facing any problem. Developing library information portal: The information portal is the entrance through which subscribed and free subscribed online journals and online databases and it can be stored under the name of digital library. Multimedia library services: It means providing library services using various digital technology. When the uses get these services he can feel more satisfied in addition to normal satisfaction level he attains while reading a traditional or printed books. In this services include semi-digitalisation services, subscriptions of online journals and databases, providing user education programme etc. Converting printed resources into digital resources During the process of conversion of printed copies into digital formats in order to develop the digital objects. It is possible through hadware (scanner, camera, CD/DVD, etc.) and software (any
suitable library software). It must take careful effort that the copyright act is not violated. Library web pages: In the process of digitalization itwould be more appropriate to develop a library web pages before starting subscription of digital resources and digital library.the library web page should be viable to access the web opac,all library resources and should collect all the ejournals, e-boooks,databases under the caption of the DL. It also add the information about the library, staff of library,all rules and regulation of library and new arrivals in book selection. Staff of library: The library work through a librarian. In creation of the digital library. It will be successful only when the librarian and staff or library supported by the management with reqired fund, positive approach etc. The staff of library should motivates the users to utilize the dL resources to its full extent. When the librarian and staff of library gets hundred percent utility form the side of the users, the digital library becomes successful. 8.CHALLENGES OF DIGITAL LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA. To creating a effective digital libraries process is a serius challenges. Because it will not be is a single, completely digital system that provides instant access to all information for all sectors of society,from any where in the world. Without any building, without any rules, and without problem. This is simple unrealistic. Some basic issues facing the development of DL are outlined below: Lack of prper information & communication technology infrastructure. Lack of proper planning &integration of information resoures. Barrio in proper copyright issues. Problem in flied of publication and publishers policies.
Lack of ICT polices. Problem in technical architecture. Lack of proffessionalisim in flied of library and information science. Lack of trained personnel in library. Barrier to information access and use. Lack of funding. Issue in preservation of digital information or materials. Lack of efficiency.
CONCLUSION The above disscution describe that digitalization is acomplex process requiring managerial and technical skills. But proper planning and management help in keeping the successful complication of a digital library.