Protecting Your Online Identity
Protecting Your Online Identity
Protecting Your Online Identity
Handout 2 A- Work in pairs and answer these questions: What is online identity? Have you got an online identity? Is it different from your real life identity? B- Read the article below.
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Check yourself. Maybe, youve aready checked your "digital footprint" nearly half of all online users do. Type your screen name or email address into a search engine and see what comes up. That's one way to get a sense of what others see as your online identity. Take it offline. In general, if you have questions about the trail you're leaving online, don't be afraid to ask a trusted adultto help you.
Your online identity and reputation are shaped in much the same way as your real-life identity, except that when you're online you don't always get a chance to explain your tone or what you mean. Thinking before you post and following the same rules for responsible behavior online as you do offline can help you avoid leaving an online identity trail you regret. Reviewed by: Steven Dowshen, MD
C- Vocabulary Look at the highlighted words in the text. Match them to their definition.
an internet forum invented _________________________ _________________________
hiding your identity take action, do something about found, extracted display in a public place internet nickname remove, erase feel repentance Destroy Deliver Send
_________________________ _________________________
Settings not specified by the user (x defecto) Tormented by cosntant intimidation or interference Retractions marks or signs you leave as you move put into a specified state
programmes that search information using key words A copy of what you see on a screen Enter a site Protect
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D1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Comprehension How does Ashley protect her online identity? What is her advice? When do you create your onlineID? Does your online ID have to be the same as your real life ID? How can you protect yours? Name 4 tips you think are most important.
should Shouldnt
When we think something is not a good idea or the right thing to do we use
Read the text again and fill in the chart below .
Imagine one of your friends is having with his / her digital ID an online reputation. Give him / her some advice.
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