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Satan Is Not Lucifer

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Satan is not Lucifer!

From the desk of Pope Robert Fraize

I would Like to being this article by Saying this Article is not by any means written to Offend any Satanist or Luciferian I decided it was time to educate the Occult community. How often do you Hear people talk about Satan being Lucifer or the genre of religion called Satanic Luciferianism? I hear about this Subject everyday and I give My Opinion

On it everyday. So I decided to write this article so that I would not need to type it all out everyday. Lets start this article Off by Explaining who Lucifer Is.

In a modern translation from the original Hebrew, the passage in which the phrase "Lucifer" or "morning star" occurs begins with the statement: "On the day the Lord gives you relief from your suffering and turmoil and from the harsh labour forced on you, you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon: How the oppressor has come to an end! How his fury has ended!"After describing the death of the king, the taunt continues: "How you have fallen from heaven,morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.' But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit. Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate: 'Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble, the man who made the world a wilderness, who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home?'"

I the morning star is pictured as a god,Attar, who attempted to occupy the throne of Ba'aland, finding he was unable to do so, descended and ruled the underworld original myth may have been about a lesser god Helel trying to dethrone the Canaanite high god El who lived on a mountain to the north. Similarities have been noted also with the story of Ishtar's or Inanna's descent into the underworld, ishtar and Inanna being associated with the planet Venus. The Babylonian myth of Etana has also been seen as connected. The Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible points out that no evidence has been found of any Canaanite myth of a god being thrown from heaven, as in Isaiah 14:12. It concludes that the closest parallels with Isaiah's description of the king of Babylon as a fallen morning star cast down from heaven are to be found not in any lost Canaanite and other myths but in traditional ideas of the Jewish people themselves, echoed in the Biblical account of the fall of Adam and Eve, cast out of God's presence for wishing to be as God, and the picture of the "gods" and "sons of the Most High" destined to die and fall.This Jewish tradition has echoes also in Jewish Mythos such as Enoch and the Life of Adam and Eve. The Hebrew term ( heylel) in Isaiah 14:12, became a dominant conception of a fallen angel motif[39] in Enochic Judaism, when Jewish pseudepigrapha flourished during the Second

period, particularly with the apocalypses. Later Rabbis, in Medieval Judaism, rejected these Enochic literary works from the Biblical canon, making every attempt to root them out. Traditionalist Rabbis often rejected any belief in rebel or fallen angels, having a view that evil is abstract. However, in the 11th century, the Pirqe de-Rabbi Eliezer, drawing on ancient legends of the fallen angel or angels, brought back to the mainstream of rabbinic thought the personification of evil and the corresponding myth. Jewish exegesisof Isaiah 14:1215 took a more humanistic approach by identifying the king of Babylon as Nebuchadnezzar II.

Early Christians were influenced by the association of Isaiah 14:12-15 with the Devil, which had developed in the period between the writing of the Old Testament and Even in the New Testament itself, Sigve K Tonstad argues, the War in Heaven theme of Revelation 12:7-9, in which the dragon "who is called the devil and Satan was thrown down to the earth", derives from the passage in Isaiah 14.Origen(184/185 253/254) interpreted such Old Testament passages as being about manifestations of the Devil; but of course, writing in Greek, not Latin, he did not identify the Devil with the name "Lucifer".Tertullian( who wrote in Latin, also understood Isaiah 14:14("I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High") as spoken by the Devil,but "Lucifer" is not among the numerous names and phrases he used to describe the Devil. Even at the time of the Latin writer

Augustine of Hippo(354 430), "Lucifer" had not yet become a common name for the Devil. But some time later, the metaphor of the morning star that Isaiah 14:12 applied to a king of Babylon gave rise to the general use of the Latin word for "morning star", capitalized, as the original name of the Devil before his fall from grace, linking Isaiah 14:12 with Luke 10:18("I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven") and interpreting the passage in Isaiah as an allegory of Satan's fall from heaven. However, Christians have continued to understand the mention of the morning star in Isaiah 14:12 as a metaphor referring to a king of Babylon. Theodoret of Cyrus(c. 393 c. 457) wrote that Isaiah calls the king "morning star", not as being the star, but as having had the illusion of being it. The same understanding is shown in Christian translations of the passage, which in English generally use "morning star" rather than treating the word as a proper name, "Lucifer". So too in other languages, such as French,German,Portuguese,[and Spanish. Even the Vulgate text in Latin is printed with lower-case lucifer(morning star), not uppercaseLucifer(proper name). In theNajmu thqibu (Ar."blazing star") may correspond to the morning star (He.heylel) of Isaiah 14:12. In Islam, the account of Iblis follows the Lucifer motif. Iblis is banished from heaven and becomes Satan by refusing to prostrate before Adam. Thus, he sins after the creation of

man. Satan then swears an oath of revenge by tempting human beings and turning them away from God. The Only Place In history Lucifer is connected to a devil is through the recreation of the old testament and twisting the tale around for the new Religion Christianity.

Now Lets talk about Who Satan is Satan(Hebrew ha-Satan, "the opposer",) is the supreme evil spirit and adversery to God and humanity, particularly in Abrahamic religions.It is the title of various entities, both human and divine, who challenge

the faith of humans in the Hebrew Bible.In Christianity, the title became a personal name, and "Satan" changed from an accuser appointed by God to test men's faith to the chief of the rebellious fallen angels ("the devil" in Christianity, "Shaitan" in Arabic, the term used by Arab Christians and Muslims).In Islam, a shayn is any evil creature, whether human, animal or spirit. With the definite article, the Shayn is Iblis, the Devil.

Shaitan ( )is the equivalent of Satan in Islam. While Shaitan ( ,from the root n )is an adjective (meaning "astray" or "distant", sometimes translated as "devil") that can be applied to both man ("al-ins", )and Jinn, Iblis (Arabic pronunciation [iblis]) is the personal name of the Devil who is mentioned in the Qur'anic account of Genesis. According to the Qur'an,Iblis(the Arabic name used) disobeyed an order from Allah to bow to Adam and as a result was forced out of heaven and given respite until the day of judgment from further punishment. When Allah commanded all of the angels to bow down before Adam (the first Human), Iblis, full of hubris and jealousy, refused to obey God's command (he could do so because he had free will), seeing Adam as being inferior in creation due to his being created from clay as compared to him (created of fire). It is We Who created you and gave you shape; then We bade the angels prostrate to Adam, and they prostrate; not so Iblis ; He refused to be of those who prostrate."

(Allah) said: "What prevented thee from prostrating when I commanded thee?" He said: "I am better than he: Thou didst create me from fire, and him from clay. Qur'an 7:1112 It was after this that the title of "Shaitan" was given, which can be roughly translated as "Enemy," "Rebel," "Evil" or "Devil". Shaitan then claims that if the punishment for his act of disobedience is to be delayed until the Day of Judgment, that he will divert many of Adam's own descendants from the straight path during his period of respite.God accepts the claims of Iblis and guarantees recompense to Iblis and his followers in the form of Hellfire. In order to test mankind and jinn alike, Allah allowed Iblis to roam the earth to attempt to convert others away from his path.He was sent to earth along with Adam and Eve, after eventually luring them into eating the fruit from the forbidden tree.

Satan is the name for advesery of the right hand path God. Over the years many Adveserys have come and many have gone. Now you may argue that lucifer was an Advesery of the right hand path God. This is not true he or should I say she, was added Later when the christian bible was being written. Lucifer was actually a female deity for a very long period and then men bastardized and raped her name and Image changing her into a common angel who was born to lose.

The original ADVESERY OF God can be traced to Sumeria to the original Satan, and this Satan is responsible for giving us life and the tools to thrive as individuals. Theistic satanists recognize this being as our God our creator. Lavey satanists are an adversary of the christian god and Bullshit of the world and this is what makes them Satan. A true Luciferian would be more so about enlightenment and they would not engage in Wars because it would be counter productive to their Faith. I do hope this article may have helped you understand Satan is not lucifer and if it did not then I can not help You.

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