St. Joseph's October 14, 2012 Bulletin
St. Joseph's October 14, 2012 Bulletin
St. Joseph's October 14, 2012 Bulletin
Mailing Address: PO Box 948 Arma, KS 66712
Weekly Bulletin
Saint Joseph Parish Mission Statement: The faith-filled parishioners of Saint Joseph Catholic Church of Arma, built in the trinity of Jesus Christ, value tradition and prayer. We are committed to strong leadership, responsive community service, and forming caring, welcoming, intimate relationships with our fellow brothers and sisters. We seek to become a more diverse, vibrant, active church family. Notes from the Pastor: Welcome to the Year of Faith! Finally another outpouring of Gods grace is afforded us in this universal celebration. I hope and pray that all of us will be able to avail of this opportunity to change ourselves through daily and constant conversion of ourselves to God and renew ourselves with rejuvenated faith in Him. In our parish level, we will continue to emphasize it in our liturgical celebrations at mass intentions and universal prayer, and adorations. May the grace of our faith in Him strengthen our relationship with God and to one another. Talking about relationship, one word that best describes us as a church is communion. First we are united with God. But God chose His representatives in this earth to guide His church and protect the purity of faith that is entrusted to her. Based on this premise, we can never truly be a Church if we are not in communion with our bishop. Ever since the beginning of Christianity this has been part of the structure of the church that Christ built. Let all follow the bishop as Jesus Christ follows His Father Let no one do anything concerning the Church in separation from the bishop.(from Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Ad Smyrna 8.1) This is also what the devil wants to destroy in us, that we will be divided. He tempted Adam and Eve to be disconnected from God. Through the ages, because of humanities pride, heresies and schisms occurred, causing division in the Church. In our modern times, the temptation continues, that when we see something we dont like, we tend to run away and separate. Whether we like the bishop or not, he is a major part of us as he is ordained and consecrated in the name and in the power of Christ for that position. Besides the personality of our present bishop is so affable that it would be easier for us to relate with authority! Next Sunday(10/21/2012) 8:00 AM Joseph Polhlopek Joe Polhlopek & Henry Ashbacher Joan Black Ron Pommier Mary Sayre & Barbara Doue
Next Saturday (10/20/2012) Altar Servers: Ushers 4:00 PM Grant Waterman Frank Esposito & Wally Rons Tracey Bogina Anna Meyer Margaret Setina & Gay Kranker
4:00 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM Sunday 10:00 AM 7:00 AM Monday 5:30 PM Tuesday Wednesday 6:30 PM 8:00 AM Thursday 8:30AM-3PM 7:00 AM Friday 8AM-6PM 4:00 PM Saturday 5:30 PM 8:00 AM Sunday 10:00 AM Saturday
This October 15 to 18, priests from all over the Diocese of Wichita will converge at the Spiritual Life Center for our annual Fall Clergy Conference. The gathering aims at providing ongoing formation of priests, an opportunity for reflection/recollection, and at improving camaraderie among the clergy with the bishop. Because of this we have no weekday masses this Tuesday and no mass and adoration on Thursday! We will resume our weekday schedule the following week. Our PSR starts this Sunday 9:15 to 10:15! We thank again our volunteer catechists Christie Goodman and Lucinda Bonine. We are still in need of one more catechist. For now we have to group our 17 kids into two combined classes from Pre-K to 3rd grades and from 4th grade to 8th grades. I hope you will consider helping us in teaching our kids. Let me know or contact any of our catechists! Finally, dont forget to say the rosary! May the Blessed Mother pray for us! God bless you all! Fr. Roger Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive K of C will be having their tootsie roll drive on October 12-14. Proceeds go towards helping people with intellectual disabilities.
$1,497.00 $4,464.10
Parish Pastoral Council Officers: Pat Westhoff Betty Rons, Dustin Ashmore, Joe Broyles, Debbie Amershek Secretary Karen Pryer Worship Committee: Chair Karen Pryer Lectors Marcel Normand E.M.Es Joann Black Music Jan Harman Ushers/Greeters Bill Harman Sacristan Larry Pronier Altar Society: Judy Smerchek Chair Members at Large Parish Finance Council: Fred Bogina Bill Harman, Judy Wingebach, Linda Broyles
The extremes to defend life in the womb and protect an innocent babys right to be born. Fr. Lumbre said, in a recent bulletin, A legal system that violates the basic right to life on the grounds of choice, is basically flawed. We couldnt agree more, for those who claim to be pro-choice are actually wanting a choice, but they dont want the child in the womb to have that same choice! Being pro-choice implies that were free to choose whether to have the child or not. So, pro-choice means that you wouldn't oppose abortion if that option were chosen. Are pro-choicers saying that human life is not worth protecting? They speak of the right to privacy, but does that right extend to giving people the privilege to act in private against the rights of others, namely, the unborn child? How can a moral wrong be a civil right? The answer is that it cannot. Some cry for their rights because that could excuse them from their responsibilities of an unborn child. A real problem is that we have few moral standards today that would prevent unwanted pregnancies. Many teens are given way too much freedom which can lead to a lack of self-control, especially when drugs/alcohol are involved. But when high government officials in all three branches of the federal government advocate abortion and support it, it becomes tough for young people to make decisions that they wont regret. If the womb had windows, NO ONE would have an abortion. The Life Chain was held last Sunday afternoon with a nice crowd of some 140 individuals testifying for life for an hour on Pittsburgs Broadway. Most of them were high school and college students from Pittsburg with a few adults from nearby towns also participating. We really should be proud to be a part of this effort to save the unborn because we are on the right course. We have God on our side! The Rosary: Who Needs It? October has traditionally been held by the Church to be the month of the Rosary, perhaps because the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is October 7. Throughout the history of the Church, Mary has often emphasized the importance of the rosary. In the 12th century, during a great heresy, she appeared to St. Dominic and asked him to preach and pray the rosary. He did so and France and the Church were saved! In the 16th century, when the Turks were overrunning Europe, Pope Pius V asked Christians to say the rosary, and on Oct. 7, 1571m, as the Christians were set to battle the Turks, the wind changed suddenly and Christian Europe was saved. Thus began the tradition for the feast of the Holy Rosary on that date. Mary appeared at Lourdes, France, in 1858, with the rosary. She let the beads slip through her fingers as Bernadette said the prayers. And during World War I, the Blessed Virgin became visible at Fatima, Portugal, on Oct. 13, 1917, again urging the world, through the three children who witnessed her, to pray the rosary. Her exact words were: I am the Lady of the Rosary. Pray it everyday. And we should, in light of the times in which we live. The rosary is our encyclopedia of faith. With it we carry the outline of our faith from A to Z through the four sets of mysteries and the meditations of each decade. In some places these days, it has become commonplace to regard the rosary as outmoded or irrelevant. We should ask: Is it outmoded or irrelevant to adore the Holy Family, or Mary at the foot of the Cross, or our Lord at the glory of His Resurrection? Serious Catholics dont think so! The rosary is a powerful prayer, a priceless treasure from Mary to use now and at the hour of our death. Who needs the rosary? Everyone!
Chair Members
St. Joseph PSR Classes Our Sunday PSR starts October 14th at 9:15 in the morning at the rectory and ends at 10:15. We are still in need of at least one more catechist. Please contact Lucinda or Cristie at the following: Cristie Goodman cell: (620)875-4332, anytime between 8AM and 8PM or email: Lucinda Bonine cell: (620)249 -2671, call or text, weekdays, after 5PM, weekends anytime, or email Would You Demonstrate For a Bald Eagle? Surveys show that some Americans would be willing to march in a demonstration of solidarity to preserve the American bald eagle. No doubt, the same results are true of whooping cranes. Some fanatics have even broken into laboratories, risking their lives to rescue animals used for testing. This is not to say that bald eagles or whooping cranes arent worth saving. However, because we have just observed Respect For Life Week, we should take the time to ask if these same folks would go to