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Computer Network: Answer Question I and Any FOUR From The Rest

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6th Semester Examination, 2006

Computer Network
Paper code: IT-601 Time: 3 hours Branch: IT Full Marks: 100

Answer Question I and any FOUR from the rest I. There are 30 multiple-choice questions, each with ONE correct answer. Write just correct answer number (A, B, C or D) in your answer script. 2*30 = 60 1. A group of N stations share 56-kbps pure ALOHA channel. Each station outputs a 1000-bit frame on an average of once every 100 sec. What is the maximum value of N? (A) 56 (B) 28 (C) 1000 (D) 2800 2. What is the baud rate of the standard 10-Mbps Ethernet? (A) 10,000 samples/sec (B) 80,000 samples/sec (C) 160,000 samples/sec (D) 20,000 samples/sec 3. Consider building a CSMA/CD network running at 1 Gbps over a 1-km cable with no repeater. The signal speed in the cable is 200,000 km/sec. What is the minimum frame size? (A) 46 bytes (B) 64 bytes (C) 80 bytes (D) None of the above 4. An IP packet to be transmitted by Ethernet is 60 bytes long, including all its headers. If LLC (Logical Link Control) is not in use, is padding needed in the Ethernet frame, and if so, how many bytes? (A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) None of the above 5. The networks might use an error correcting code instead of error detection and retransmission, where (A) more reliable transmission is required (B) bit error rate is high (C) propagation delay is very long compared to transmission time (D) both B and C 6. Sixteen-bit messages are transmitted using a hamming code. How many check bits are needed to ensure that the receiver can detect and correct single bit errors? (A) 5

(B) 16 (C) 21 (D) can not be determined 7. A bit string 1101011011 is transmitted using CRC. The generator polynomial is x4+x+1. The checksum field of the bit sting is (A) 1110 (B) 1010 (C) 10011 (D) 11100 8. A network on the Internet has a subnet mask 0f What is the maximum number of hosts it can handle? (A) 4094 (B) 4096 (C) 256 (D) 16 9. The IP address is assigned to (A) none (B) www.google.com server (C) www.yahoo.co.in server (D) www.becs.ac.in server 10. The protocol field of Ipv4 header is meant for (A) transport protocol (B) network protocol (C) application protocol (D) DLL protocol 11. Which of the following performs best in very high load (A) ALOHA (B) 0.5 persistent CSMA/CD (C) 0.001 persistent CSMA/CD (D) 1 persistent CSMA 12. Which one of the following is false (A) Internet is a heterogeneous computer network (B) A computer network may connect homogeneous computers (C) Error detection and correction is the only task of data link layer (D) Error correction is an important task of transport layer 13. Computer A has an IP address of Computer B can access the file server, Computer A cannot. Which of the following statements best identifies the problem? (A) The subnet mask of the file server is set incorrectly (B) The network portion of the IP address of computer A is set incorrectly (C) The subnet mask on computer A is set incorrectly (D) The network portion of the IP address of file server is set incorrectly 14. The maximum length of IP datagram in bytes is (A) 20 (B) 60

(C) 65535 (D) none of the above 15. What is the length of the three-byte token for a 4 Mbps token ring LAN? The speed of propagation is 2*108 m/s. (A) 800 m (B) 1000 m (C) 1200 m (D) none of the above 16. In a token ring LAN, operating at a speed of 16 Mbps, a station has 3 frames each of 8 KB. The token holding time is 10 ms. How many of these frames can the station send after it has captured a token? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) cannot be determined 17. A and B are the only two stations on an Ethernet. Each ahs a steady queue of frames to send. Both A and B attempt to transmit a frame, collide and A wins the first back-off race. At the end of this successful transmission by A, both A and B attempt to transmit and collide. The probability that A wins the second back-off race is (A) 0.5 (B) 0.625 (C) 0.75 (D) 1.0 18. Number of transitions is higher in Manchester encoding scheme than differential Manchester encoding scheme in the bit-stream (A) any sequence of 0 and 1 (B) 1111 (C) 0000 (D) cannot be determined 19. Two computers C1 and C2 are configured as follows. C1 has IP address and netmask C2 has IP address and netmask Which one of the following statements is true? (A) C1 and C2 both assume they are on the same network (B) C2 assumes C1 is on the same network, but C1 assumes C2 is on different network (C) C1 assumes C2 is on the same network, but C2 assumes C1 is on different network (D) C1 and C2 both assume they are on different network 20. Which of the following is false? (A) Both switch and router selectively forward data packets (B) A switch deals with IP address while router deals with MAC address (C) A switch builds up its routing table by inspecting incoming packets (D) A router can connect a LAN with a WAN 21. A collection of five routers is to be connected in a point-to-point subnet. Between each pair of routers, the designers may put a high-speed line, a medium speed

line, a low-speed line, or no line. If it takes 100 ms of computer time to generate and inspect each line, how long will it take to inspect all of them? (A) 20 ms (B) 40 ms (C) 10 ms (D) cannot be determined 22. Which of the following is false? (A) UDP is connectionless protocol (B) TCP is connection oriented protocol, and so a dedicated physical link between source and destination is mandatory (C) TCP may fragment user data (D) telnet utilizes TCP 23. Choose the best matching between Group 1 and Group 2. Group 1 Group2 P. Data link layer 1. Ensures reliable transport of data over a physical point-to-point link Q. Network layer 2. Encodes/decodes data for physical transmission R. Transport layer 3. Allows end-to-end communication between two processes 4. Routes data from one network to the next (A) P-2, Q-4, R-1 (B) P-1, Q-4, R-3 (C) P-2, Q-3, R-1 (D) P-1, Q-3, R-2 24. Choose the best matching between Group 1 and Group 2. Group 1 Group2 P. ARPANET 1. Initially connect 5 IITs and IISc Q. ERNET 2. Predecessor of todays Internet R. ALOHA 3. Requires broadcast channel S. Token bus 4. Bus topology (A) P-2, Q-4, R-1, S-3 (B) P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4 (C) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4 (D) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3 25. Which of the following is false? (A) Packet switching uses store-n-forward method (B) A dedicated path is established in virtual circuit switching method (C) Packets may follow same path in datagram switching method (D) Packets arrive in order in virtual circuit switching method 26. In a 5-node network, which is using distance vector routing, the number of columns in the routing table of a node is (A) 3 (B) 5

(C) 8 (D) none of the above 27. Leaky bucket algorithm works in (A) Transport layer (B) Network layer (C) Data link layer (D) Physical layer 28. Maximum number of networks that are supported by class A IP address is (A) 7 (B) 128 (C) 126 (D) cannot be determined 29. The maximum length of a token ring frame is (A) 1526 bytes (B) 46 bytes (C) 72 bytes (D) unlimited; depends on token holding time 30. The subnet mask for a particular network is Which of the following pairs of IP addresses could belong to this network? (A) and (B) and (A) and (B) and


Compare ISO-OSI reference model and TCP/IP reference model. How can multi-bit error be detected in CRC method? 5+5 Write short notes on i. ARP ii. DQDB Compare various CSMA protocols with graph. How is the length of pad determined in an Ethernet LAN? Write short notes on i. Repeater ii. Hub iii. Switch iv. Router v. Gateway








What is non-adaptive routing? Describe a non-adaptive routing technique. What is count-to-infinity problem? 5+5 Describe Ipv4. What are the basic differences between Ipv4 and Ipv6? 7+3


B.E. 6th Semester Examination, 2007

Computer Network
Paper code: IT-601 Time: 3 hours Branch: IT Full Marks: 100

Answer any SEVEN Questions TWO marks are reserved for neatness

31. a. A bit stream 10011101 is transmitted using the standard CRC method. The generator polynomial is x3+1. Show the actual bit string transmitted. b. Suppose for the above problem, the third bit from the left is inverted during transmission. Show that this error is detected at the receivers end. c. What are the applications where error correcting code is preferable than error detecting code? d. A channel has a bit rate of 4 kbps and a propagation delay of 20 msec. What should be the minimum frame size such that the sender will be busy in transmission at least 80% of total time? 4+3+3+4 32. a. Prove that the maximum throughput of slotted ALOHA is twice that of pure ALOHA. b. What is the difference between CSMA and CSMA/CD? c. Consider a CSMA/CD network running at 1 Gbps over a 1-km cable with no repeater. The signal speed in the cable is 200,000 km/sec. What is the minimum frame size? d. What do you mean by round-trip propagation delay? 5+2+4+3 33. a. Sketch the Manchester encoding and differential Manchester encoding for the bit stream: 0001110101. Assume that the line is initially in the low state. b. A and B are the only two stations on an Ethernet. Each has a steady queue of frames to send. Both A and B attempt to transmit a frame, collide and A wins the first back-off race. At the end of this successful transmission by A, both A and B attempt to transmit and collide. Find the probability that A wins in the second back-off race. c. What is the length of 3-byte token for a 4 Mbps token ring LAN? Speed of propagation is 2*108 m/s. d. Each station in a 100 km FDDI ring running at 100 Mbps transmits a frame of exactly 1000 bytes. Calculate the maximum number of frames that can exist on the ring at any time. Speed of propagation is 2*108 m/s. 4+4+3+3

34. a. A machine has 4 network interface cards. The configuration of the cards are shown below: Destination Subnet mask Interface Eth0 Eth1 Eth2 Default Eth2 Two packets addressed to destination and are generated. On which interfaces will the machine forward the packets? b. Consider the following network: B D A

E C Suppose the node A wants to send a packet to node D using Flooding technique. How many packets will the node D receive? Explain your answer. c. Suppose for the above network, the cost of communication between the nodes of the pairs (A,B), (A,C), (A,D), (B,D), (B,C), (C,E), and (D,E) are 1, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, and 2 respectively. Consider that the network is using the Distance Vector Routing technique. Find the routing table for node A. 4+5+5 35. a. You have the supply of HUB and Switch and you are asked to establish an Ethernet LAN among few computers. Out of these two devices (Hub and Switch), which device will you prefer to establish the LAN? Explain with reason. b. What are the tasks performed by Data Link Layer, Network Layer and Transport Layer? c. What is MAC address? What is the length of MAC address? What does it signify if all bits of the MAC address are 1? 4+6+4 36. a. Suppose that host A is connected to a router R1, R1 is connected to another router, R2, and R2 is connected to host B. Suppose that a TCP message that contains 900 bytes of data and 20 bytes of TCP header is passed to the IP code at host A for delivery to B. Show the Total length, Identification, DF, MF, and Fragmentation offset fields of the IP header in each packet transmitted over three links. Assume that link AR1 can support maximum frame size of 1024 bytes including a 14-bytes header, link R1R2 can support a maximum frame size of 512 bytes, including an 8-byte frame header, and link R2B can support a maximum frame size of 512 bytes including a 12-bytes frame header.

b. In an IP header, the content of Header length field is 0111. What is the length of optional fields of the IP header in bytes? c. What is ARP? What is its importance in Internetworking? 8+3+3 37. a. A network node connected with 4 communication channels, 3 for incoming and 1 for outgoing, has a buffer size 4 MB. The incoming data rate for each of the 3 channels is 10 kbps and the outgoing data rate is 20 kbps. Consider the packet size for the network is fixed and it is 100 kB, and the network is using Leakey Bucket algorithm for congestion control. Initially two packets are stored in the buffer. Calculate how many packets will be lost in 1 hour, when the network is highly loaded. b. A large number of consecutive IP address are available starting at Suppose that four organizations, A, B, C, and D, request 4000, 2000, 4000, and 8000 addresses, respectively, and in that order. For each of these, give the first IP address assigned, the last IP address assigned, and the subnet mask in the w.x.y.z/s notation. c. What is the length of IP address for IPv6? How many classes of IP addresses are there in IPv6? 6+6+2 38. a. What are the features of TCP for which it is called as connection-oriented protocol? b. Both UDP and TCP use port numbers to identify the destination entity when delivering message. Give two reasons for why these protocols invented a new abstract ID (port numbers), instead of using process IDs, which already existed when these protocols were designed. c. What is three-way handshaking? What are the values of flags of TCP header while three-way handshaking is performed? d. What is the length of UDP header? 3+3+6+2 39. a. Can you construct a Computer Network in a single layer? If yes, what are the disadvantages to do that? If not, state the reasons. b. Compare ISO OSI reference model with TCP/IP reference model. c. Compare circuit switching with virtual circuit switching? 4+6+4

B.E. (IT) 6th Semester Examination, 2008

Computer Network
Paper code: IT-601 Time: 3 hours Branch: IT Full Marks: 70

Answer any FIVE Questions

40. a. A bit stream 10011101 is transmitted using the standard CRC method. The generator polynomial is x3+ x +1. Show the actual bit string transmitted. b. In CRC method, what kind of problem may be faced if generator polynomial is not a primitive polynomial? c. Four-bit messages are transmitted using a Hamming code. How many check bits are needed to ensure that the receiver can correct single bit as well as double bit errors? d. A channel has a bit rate of 4 kbps and a propagation delay of 20 msec. What should be the minimum frame size such that the sender will be busy in transmission at least 80% of total time? e. The following data segment occurs in the middle of a data stream for which the byte stuffing algorithm is used: A B ESC C ESC FLAG FLAG D. What is the output after stuffing? 4+2+3+3+2 41. a. What is ALOHA? Prove that the maximum throughput of slotted ALOHA is twice that of pure ALOHA. b. Consider a CSMA/CD network running at 1 Gbps over a 1-km cable with no repeater. The signal speed in the cable is 200,000 km/sec. What is the minimum frame size? c. What do you mean by round-trip propagation delay? d. A large number of consecutive IP address are available starting at Suppose that four organizations, A, B, C, and D, request 4000, 2000, 4000, and 8000 addresses, respectively, and in that order. For each of these, give the first IP address assigned, the last IP address assigned, and the subnet mask in the w.x.y.z/s notation. 5+3+2+4 42. a. What do you mean by baud rate and bit rate? Is there any relation between these two? b. A machine in Ethernet LAN has a frame of size 1 KB to be transmitted. Consider the baud rate for the LAN is 20 mega symbols per second. How much time is required to transmit the frame? c. Sketch the Manchester encoding and differential Manchester encoding for the bit stream: 0001110101. Assume that the line is initially in the low state.

d. A and B are the only two stations on an Ethernet. Each has a steady queue of frames to send. Both A and B attempt to transmit a frame, collide and both then participate in back-off race. However they again collide. Find the probability that A and B will also collide in second back-off race. e. Why pad field is required in Ethernet frame format but is absent in Token ring frame format? 3+3+3+3+2 43. a. A router has the following (CIDR) entries in its routing table:

Address/mask default

Next hop Interface 0 Interface 1 Router 1 Router 2

For each of the following IP addresses, what does the router do if a packet with that address arrives? i. ii. iii. iv. v. b. Consider the following network: B

E C Suppose the node A wants to send a packet to node D using Flooding technique. How many packets will the node D receive? Explain your answer. c. Suppose for the above network, the cost of communication between the nodes of the pairs (A,B), (A,C), (A,D), (B,D), (B,C), (C,E), and (D,E) are 1, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, and 2 respectively. Consider that the network is using the Distance Vector Routing technique. Find the routing table for node A. d. What is count-to-infinity problem? 5+3+4+2


44. a. Can you construct a Computer Network in a single layer? If yes, what are the disadvantages to do so? If not, state the reasons. b. What are the tasks performed by Data Link Layer, Network Layer and Transport Layer? c. An IP packet to be transmitted by Ethernet is 60 bytes long, including all its headers. If LLC (Logical Link Control) is not in use, is padding needed in Ethernet frame, and if so, how many bytes? d. How many addresses are normally used in a computer network? Can you construct a computer network with a single type of address? If yes, what kind of problem can be faced? If no, give reasons. 3+5+3+3 45. a. What do you mean by computer network? Can any device other than computer be a part of computer network? b. Suppose that host A is connected to a router R1, R1 is connected to another router, R2, and R2 is connected to host B. Suppose that a TCP message that contains 900 bytes of data and 20 bytes of TCP header is passed to the IP code at host A for delivery to B. Show the Total length, Identification, DF, MF, and Fragmentation offset fields of the IP header in each packet transmitted over three links. Assume that link AR1 can support maximum frame size of 1024 bytes including a 14-bytes header, link R1R2 can support a maximum frame size of 512 bytes, including an 8-byte frame header, and link R2B can support a maximum frame size of 512 bytes including a 12-bytes frame header. c. In an IP header, the content of Header length field is 0111. What is the length of optional fields of the IP header in bytes? d. What is ARP? What is its importance in Internetworking? e. Write a short note on Peer-to-Peer network. 2+5+2+2+3 46. a. What do you mean by connection-oriented protocol? Explain with example. b. Port numbers must be same in client and server for a specific application. Why is this so important? c. What is socket? d. Imagine that a two-way handshake rather than three-way handshake were used to set up connections. In other words, the third message was not required. Are deadlocks now possible? Give an example or show that none exist. e. Show the fields of TCP header and UDP header with diagram only. 2+2+2+4+4


B.E. (IT) 6th Semester Examination, 2009

Computer Networks
Paper code: IT-601 Time: 3 hours Branch: IT Full Marks: 70

Answer any FIVE Questions

47. a. What do you mean by address resolution? b. Consider two computers A and B are attached in an Ethernet LAN. The IP address and hardware address of computer A are and 0A:07:4B:12:82:36 (in Hex), whereas the IP and hardware addresses of computer B are and 0A:9C:28:71:32:8D respectively. Computer A broadcasts an ARP message to know the hardware address of computer B, and computer B replies to computer A. Show with help of a suitable diagram the ARP messages sent by computer A and computer B. c. Suppose computer A wants to send a message of length 2000 bytes (including transport and application headers). What will be the content of following fields of IP datagram? version Total length Identification DF, MF Fragment offset 2+6+6 2. a. A channel has a bit rate of 4 kbps and a propagation delay of 20 msec. The stations attached with the channel follow Stop-and-Wait protocol. What should be the minimum frame size such that the sender will be busy in transmission at least 80% of total time? b. A system uses the Stop-and-Wait ARQ protocol. If each packet carries 1000 bits of data, how long does it take to send 1 million bits of data if the distance between the sender and receiver is 5000 km and the propagation speed is 2*108 m/s? Ignore transmission, waiting and processing delays. Assume no data or control frame is lost or damaged. c. Repeat the above problem using Go-back-N ARQ protocol with a window of size 7. Ignore the overhead due to the header and trailer. d. Bit stuff the following data: 000111111100111110100011111111111000011111 e. What is the minimum overhead to send an IP packet using PPP? Count only overhead introduced by PPP itself, not the IP header overhead. 3+3+4+2+2


3. a. Create a system of three LANs with four bridges. The bridges (B1 to B4) connect the LANs as follows: i) B1 connects LAN1 and LAN2 ii) B2 connects LAN1 and LAN3 iii) B3 connects LAN2 and LAN3 iv) B4 connects LAN1, LAN2 and LAN3 Choose B1 as the root bridge. Show the forwarding and blocking ports after applying the spanning tree procedure. b. In an FDDI with 100 stations, the token has been lost between the station 52 and 53. At what station and how will this loss of token be detected? c. In a 100 Mbps and 100 km FDDI, the speed of propagation is 2*108 m/s. Calculate the physical length of a bit. d. A DQDB MAN has six stations A, B, C, D, E and F connected in that order. Three stations become ready to transmit and send requests in order of C, E and B. Construct the virtual queue table and explain how they are made to transmit in order. 4+2+2+6 4. a. A network node connected with 4 communication channels, 3 for incoming and 1 for outgoing, has a buffer size 4 MB. The incoming data rate for each of the 3 channels is 10 kbps and the outgoing data rate is 20 kbps. Consider the packet size for the network is fixed and it is 100 kB, and the network is using Leakey Bucket algorithm for congestion control. Initially two packets are stored in the buffer. Calculate how many packets will be lost in 1 hour, when the network is highly loaded. b. A large number of consecutive IP address are available starting at Suppose that four organizations, A, B, C, and D, request 4000, 2000, 4000, and 8000 addresses, respectively, and in that order. For each of these, give the first IP address assigned, the last IP address assigned, and the subnet mask in the w.x.y.z/s notation. c. What do you mean by internetworking? d. Write short notes on Frame Relay and X.25 networks. 4+4+2+4 5. a. Which fields of TCP header are involved during three-way handshaking? Show the values of those fields during the handshaking. b. How does TCP achieve reliability though the underlying communication is unreliable? c. In a TCP header the header length field is reading 1001 and the total length field is reading 00001000 00100100. Calculate the length of application data. d. What is the length (in bytes) of an IPv6 header? e. How can the route between two hosts be traced using ICMP? Explain 4+2+2+2+4


6. a. Discuss about the architecture of IP router. b. In case of hierarchical routing, like CIDR, is it possible to design a router that computes the next hop in hardware instead of looking at routing table? If yes, propose the outline of such design. If not, state reason. c. In a 6-node network having nodes A, B, C, , F, there are 9 paths AB, BC, CD, DE, EF, AF, AC BE and CE, each of distance 1. Construct the network, and find the routing tables at nodes A, D and F by distance vector routing. d. To solve the count-to-infinity problem, following scheme (split horizon) can be adopted: A node does not advertise the cost of a destination to its neighbor N, if N is the next hop to that destination. Does this scheme work for all kind of network? 3+4+4+3 7. a. A slotted ALOHA network transmits 200-bit frames using a shared channel with a 200 kbps bandwidth. Find the throughput if the system (all stations together) produces: i. 1000 frames per second ii. 500 frames per second iii. 250 frames per second b. Data link protocols almost always put the CRC in a trailer rather than in header. Why? c. Write short notes on VLAN and Switch. d. A network on the Internet has a subnet mask of What is the maximum number of hosts it can handle? 6+2+4+2


B.E. (IT) 6th Semester Examination, 2010

Computer Networks
Paper code: IT-601 Time: 3 hours Branch: IT Full Marks: 70

Answer any FIVE Questions

48. a. What are the properties of virtual circuit networks? b. Draw and explain the frame format of Frame Relay. c. Draw a diagram to show the ATM cell header. d. Discuss about virtual channels and virtual paths. 3+4+3+4 49. a. Draw the header format of IPv6. b. Consider two computers A and B are attached in an Ethernet LAN. The IP address and hardware address of computer A are and 0A:07:4B:12:82:36 (in Hex), whereas the IP and hardware addresses of computer B are and 0A:9C:28:71:32:8D respectively. Computer A broadcasts an ARP message to know the hardware address of computer B, and computer B replies to computer A. Show with the help of a suitable diagram the ARP messages sent by computer A and computer B. c. Suppose computer A wants to send a message of length 2000 bytes (including transport and application headers) using IPv4. What are the contents of following fields of the datagram, if MTU of the network is 1500 bytes? version Total length Identification DF, MF Fragment offset 2+6+6 3. a. Consider a CSMA/CD network running at 1 Gbps over a 10-km cable with no repeater. The signal speed in the cable is 200,000 km/sec. What is the minimum frame size? b. In an FDDI with 100 stations, the token has been lost between the station 52 and 53. At what station and how will this loss of token be detected? c. In a 100 Mbps and 100 km FDDI, the speed of propagation is 2*108 m/s. Calculate the physical length of a bit. d. A DQDB MAN has six stations A, B, C, D, E and F connected in that order. Three stations become ready to transmit and send requests in order of C, E and B. Construct the virtual queue table and explain how they are made to transmit in order. 3+3+2+6


4. a. What do you mean by internetworking? b. Why does count-to-infinity problem not appear in Link State Routing? c. What are the advantages of flooding? d. Write short notes on i. RIP, ii. NAT, iii. DHCP 2 + 4 + 2 + (2 + 2 + 2) 5. a. Which fields of TCP header are involved during three-way handshaking? Show the values of those fields during the handshaking. b. How does TCP achieve reliability though the underlying communication is unreliable? c. In a TCP header the header length field is reading 1001 and the total length field is reading 00001000 00100100. Calculate the length of application data. d. Draw the header format of UDP. e. How can the route between two hosts be traced using ICMP? Explain 4+2+2+2+4

6. a. Can you construct a Computer Network in a single layer? If yes, what are the disadvantages to do so? If not, state the reasons. b. How many addresses are normally used in a computer network? Can you construct a computer network with a single type of address? If yes, what kind of problem can be faced? If no, state the reasons. c. In case of hierarchical routing, like CIDR, is it possible to design a router that computes the next hop in hardware instead of looking at routing table? If yes, propose the outline of such design. If not, state reason. d. A and B are the only two stations on an Ethernet. Each has a steady queue of frames to send. Both A and B attempt to transmit a frame, collide and both then participate in back-off race. However they again collide. Find the probability that A will win in second back-off race. 3+3+4+4 7. a. A token ring LAN running at 16 Mbps, has a THT of 10 ms. It has two frames ready for transmission, one having the length of 1056 bytes, and the other of 555 bytes. Can it send any one or both frames in the THT? b. Show (diagrammatically) the Token Ring frame format. c. Why does a bridge constantly update its entries, and purge an entry even if it is only a few minutes old? d. How is collision avoided in a switched LAN? e. A network on the Internet has a subnet mask of What is the maximum number of hosts it can handle? 4+2+3+3+2


B.E. (IT) 6th Semester Examination, 2011

Computer Networks
Paper code: IT-601 Time: 3 hours Branch: IT Full Marks: 70

Answer any FIVE Questions

50. a. Station A needs to send a message consisting of 9 packets to Station B using a sliding window (window size is 3) and go-back-n error control strategy. All packets are ready and immediately available for transmission. If every 5th packet that A transmits gets lost (but no ack from B ever gets lost), then what is the number of packets that A will transmit for sending the message to B? b. An organization has a class B network address and wishes to form subnets for 64 departments. What would be the subnet mask? c. Consider three IP networks A, B and C. Host HA in network A sends message each containing 180 bytes of application data to a host HC in network C. The TCP layer prefixes a 20 byte header to the message. This passes through an intermediate network B. The MTUs of networks A, B and C are 1000, 100 and 1000. Assuming that the packets are delivered correctly, how many bytes, including headers, are delivered to the IP layer at the destination for one application message, in the best case? d. How can you distinguish the IGPs (Interior Gateway Protocols) from EGPs (Exterior Gateway Protocols)? Give examples of IGPs. e. The BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) does not maintain the Cost column in the routing table. Why? 3+2+3+3+3 51. a. The Transport layer in Internet controls the flow and error of data and provides reliability to the application processes. There is, however, no Transport layer in the X.25 network architecture. How is the reliability provided to the application processes in X.25 networks? b. A solution to the count-to-infinity problem follows the following rule: A node does not advertise the cost of a destination to its neighbor N, if N is the next hop to that destination. Show an example with proper diagram where this solution fails. c. A router in WAN floods LSPs (Link State Packets) every 30 seconds nonstop without going down. Each LSP maintains a 32-bit sequence number (SN),


which is unique in the network. Calculate the number of years after which the SN will wrap around. d. Whenever a router goes down and then comes up again, it does not remember the old SN and starts from 0. So, there is a chance that a SN is used by two LSPs. How does the Link State Routing technique avoid such situation? 3+4+3+4 52. a. Diagrammatically show the connection establishment between a TCP client and a TCP server using three-way handshaking. Your diagram should show the values of required flags and fields. b. Describe the retransmission policy of TCP. c. Suppose computer A wants to send a message of length 2000 bytes (including transport and application headers) using IPv4. What are the contents of following fields of the datagram, if MTU of the network is 1500 bytes? version Total length Identification DF, MF Fragment offset 4+4+6 4. a. Show diagrammatically the frame format of Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) LAN. b. To keep the frame format unchanged in 100 Mbps Ethernet, what are the changes required to be made in the LAN. Here, you need to find the maximum cable length and round trip propagation delay. Assume that signal propagation speed is 2*108. c. A 100 Mbps FDDI has a TTRT (Target Token Rotational Time) of 200 ms. A station has a TRT of 150 ms and has an allocation of 10 ms for the synchronous traffic. How many bytes of packet data can the station transmit? d. In a switched LAN, how does the switch forward a frame to the proper destination? e. Write short note on HUB. 2+3+3+3+3 5. a. A slotted ALOHA network transmits 200-bit frames using a shared channel with a 200 kbps bandwidth. Find the throughput if the system (all stations together) produces: i. 1000 frames per second ii. 500 frames per second


iii. 250 frames per second b. Data link protocols almost always put the CRC in a trailer rather than in header. Why? c. Consider G(x) = x5 + x2 + 1 as the generator polynomial of CRC. Diagrammatically show how the CRC can be calculated with shift register. d. Prove that the Binary Exponential Backoff algorithm can reduce the chance of collision. 5+2+3+4


a. A network node connected with 4 communication channels, 3 for incoming and 1 for outgoing, has a buffer size 4 MB. The incoming data rate for each of the 3 channels is 10 kbps and the outgoing data rate is 20 kbps. Consider the packet size for the network is fixed and it is 100 kB, and the network is using Leakey Bucket algorithm for congestion control. Initially two packets are stored in the buffer. Calculate how many packets will be lost in 1 hour, when the network is highly loaded. b. How does TCP control congestion? c. A DQDB MAN has six stations A, B, C, D, E and F connected in that order. Three stations become ready to transmit and send requests in order of C, E and B. Construct the virtual queue table and explain how they are made to transmit in order. d. A network on the Internet has a subnet mask of What is the maximum number of hosts it can handle? 3+3+6+2

7. a. How can you find the path MTU between a source and destination? Describe the steps. b. What do you mean by address resolution? c. How does a router in Internet normally resolve the addresses? d. Write short notes on Frame Relay and NAT. 4 + 2 + 2 + (3 + 3)


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