Manpower Planning - SRS: July 20
Manpower Planning - SRS: July 20
Manpower Planning - SRS: July 20
Planning SRS
July 20
Software Requirements
specifications for Manpower
Planning System to be
employed at the organization.
Approval Block
Organizational responsibility
This document has been created by
Arushi Paliwal
Divyansh Gupta
Tripteesh Kaur
Mr Raj Kumar
Mr Nitin Sagar
Table of Contents
Objective and Background...................................................................................7
Definitions, acronyms and terminology................................................................7
OVERALL DESCRIPTION...........................................................................................8
Product Perspective.............................................................................................8
Product Functions................................................................................................8
Assumptions and Dependencies..........................................................................9
SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................10
Division of Users................................................................................................10
Description and priority..................................................................................10
Functional requirements.................................................................................10
Display Details..................................................................................................11
Description and Priority..................................................................................11
Functional requirements.................................................................................11
Add Details........................................................................................................12
Description and Priority..................................................................................12
Functional Requirements................................................................................12
Edit details........................................................................................................13
Description and Priority..................................................................................13
Functional requirements.................................................................................13
Description and priority..................................................................................14
Functional requirements.................................................................................14
Changing password...........................................................................................14
Description and Priority..................................................................................14
Functional requirements.................................................................................14
EXTERNAL INTERFACES.........................................................................................15
User interfaces..................................................................................................15
Hardware Interfaces..........................................................................................19
Objective and Background
The objective of this document is to list the requirements specifications for the Manpower
Planning software system. The functional requirements have been categorized into a set of
features to be provided by Manpower Planning software system.
The document shall be applicable to the manpower planning Software system.
There are 3 users: Master user, admin, and Reader (employee).
The software incorporates the display of various projects and groups (and their details),
skills currently active in the organisation.
It displays the contribution of each group in any project and also the contribution of an
employee within the group.
The software allows adding new projects and groups as needed.
There is also a module present: Edit which allows to delete / modify the
project/group/skills details.
Definitions, acronyms and terminology
Product Perspective
The product allows the company officials and employees to view various projects
undergoing in the company and various groups also along with the contribution of each
employee in his/her respective group.
This will allow the officials to re-allocate manpower i.e. resources from one
project/group to another according to their skills if they appear to be present uselessly
in the group.
This software helps to efficiently analyze and utilize the manpower.
Product Functions
Manpower planning software system is broadly responsible for the following functions:
Division of users:
There must be 3 possible users viz. Master user, Admin (for each group), and reader
Display details:
The software must have a module for displaying details of various designations in
company, employees, projects, groups and skills present in the organisation.
Add details:
The module must be able to add new entries in all of the aforesaid fields.
Edit details:
The module must be able to edit the employee details, projects, groups, skills and
The module must be able to map a given group to a given project.
Password Changing:
Only the master user has the liberty to change the passwords for various logins.
The Manpower Planning software functionality can be divided into following set of
Division of users
Display Details
Add Details
Edit details
Password Changing
Division of Users
Description and priority
FR 1 *:
Master User:
The Master user has the liberty to view and edit every single entity present in the
FR 3 *:
User Reader (employee):
The reader is any employee who can only view the various details and cannot
edit/modify/add anything.
Display Details
Description and Priority
A high priority module visible to all 3 users. It displays various details of projects, groups,
skills, employees and designation present in the organisation.
Functional requirements
FR 4 *:
Display Designation Details:
It displays all the designations available in the organisation and the corresponding name of the
FR 5 *:
Display Employee details:
shows the names of all the employees against their staff number.
FR 6 *:
Display Group Details:
Displays the details of all the groups present in
It shows the employees in the corresponding group and their contributions in various fields.
FR 7 *:
Display Project Details:
Displays the details of all the projects present in
Add Details
Description and Priority
FR 9 *:
Add Employee Contribution:
Allows to add the contribution of an employee to a given group and a given project where
group, project and employee name are all selected from a drop down menu.
FR 10 *:
Add New Designation:
Allows to add new designation against the designation ID.
FR 11 *:
Add new employee:
this module has entries staff no. , employee name, group name and designation name.
FR 12 *:
Add new group:
adds any new group entry(name) and the group ID.
FR 13 *:
Add new project:
adds any new project name, project ID and Director name.
Edit details
Description and Priority
This module allows us to modify the employee details/project/group/skills details. This module
can be accessed by master user and the admin only.
Functional requirements
FR 15:
Edit employee contribution:
edits the contribution of an employee in a given group corresponding to a given project.
FR 16:
Edit designation details:
edits the designation name for corresponding designation Id and sets the flag accordingly.
FR 17:
Edit employee details:
allows to edit all the details including name, staff no., group name, designation and sets the flag
FR 18:
Edit group details:
Edit the group ID and the Group Name, and the flag.
FR 19:
Edits project details:
Edit the Project details and the project ID with the flag.
FR 20:
Edit skill details:
allows to edit the skill detail descriptively corresponding to the skill name.
Functional requirements
FR 21 *:
Add mapping:
Asks for the project name and the group name for the mapping to be done. The names appear in
a drop down menu.
Changing password
Description and Priority
This module can be accessed by only Master User. The master user is allowed to view and
modify the passwords for all the 3 categories of users.
Functional requirements
FR 22 *:
Change Password:
Asks for the user category name, current password and the new password. Accessed by master
user only.
User interfaces
The interface between the software product and the master user may appear somewhat as
Login page
Home Screen
Add Module
Mapping Page
Edit Page
Changing Password
Hardware Interfaces
<Describe the supported device types, nature of data & control interactions between the
software and the hardware.>
Software interfaces
<Describe the connections between this product and other specific software components
(name, version etc.), including databases, operating system, tools, libraries & integrated
commercial components. >
Safety requirements
It must be handled by a single master user, admin,user and must ask for a password
every time they log in.