U.S. Biodiesel Trade: A Dynamic Gravity Panel Approach: Osei Yeboah, Saleem Shaik, and Ismail Mintah
U.S. Biodiesel Trade: A Dynamic Gravity Panel Approach: Osei Yeboah, Saleem Shaik, and Ismail Mintah
U.S. Biodiesel Trade: A Dynamic Gravity Panel Approach: Osei Yeboah, Saleem Shaik, and Ismail Mintah
North Carolina A&T State University and North Dakota State University
1.0. INTRODUCTION The U.S. alone consumes over 140 billion gallons of gasoline a year, or over 20 percent of the global total. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), under the Energy Independence and Security Act 2007, is responsible for revising and implementing regulations to endure that gasoline sold in the U.S. contains a minimum volume of renewable fuel. The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) calls for 36 billion gallons of biofuels produced by 2022. This means that a significant market is being created for transportation of biofuels. Biofuels are renewable fuels made from biomass that can be used to supplement or replace fossil fuels, including petroleum and diesel (Monash University, 2009). The two main biofuels that are currently used are ethanol and biodiesel. But there are also biofuels such as methanol, and biomass. Biodiesel is produced from vegetable oils, recycled cooking grease and animal fats (Krishna, 2008). The increase in biofuels mandate from the European Union and the United States has called for an international market for biodiesel. Currently, 90% of all biofuels produced are consumed domestically (EurAtiv.com, 2008). In Europe 2% of all transportation is fueled by biofuels, mostly biodiesel whiles in the United States the total biodiesel sold amount to less than of 1% of all petro-diesel on the road (Ecacofonix, 2006). Until 2004 biodiesel production in the United States was minimal due to high cost. The United States Congress decision to award subsidies to biodiesel producers has had a profound impact on the production and export of biodiesel from the US to Europe despite criticism from European producers of biodiesel. Since Congress passed a law to subsidize the production of biodiesel in the United States, production has increase because of decrease in cost to the farmer or producer. In the United States, biodiesel blend produced in the United States can receive a US government subsidy of $300.00 dollar per ton
(Phillips, 2008). This subsidy breaks down to $1 per gallon for biodiesel blended with diesel fuel. The increase in government support for biodiesel production coupled with export subsidies enjoyed by US producers has encouraged more producers from the United States to produce more and to export their biodiesel to Europe. The EU and U.S. biofuel policies have also stimulated production in countries with rich agricultural lands, cheap labor and suitable weather for biofuel feeds countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Columbia, Uruguay, and Ghana which are currently engaged in biodiesel trade with the U.S. (Fisher, 2007). Biofuels has gained the momentum for discussion on the issues of clean energy since the beginning of the 21st century. The growing concern of oil prices with recent memory of gas prices in the summer of 2008 has caused many governments to strive for energy independence and has increased the interest in biofuels. In addition, fossil fuel, which traditionally has been the energy used in powering cars and trucks is struggling due to lack of abundance. The probability of finding new oil deposits are diminishing and the exploration and production cost of tapping sources like oil shale are rising (Hubbard, 2008). The United States, the world number one consumer of gas spends billions of dollars a year importing oil and as such the stability of the United States economy depends sometimes on oil prices and is looking to curb it addiction on oil. In the case of the United States, oil imports accounts for almost half the U. S. trade deficit which has major impact on the economy and the creation of new jobs (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2000). Interest in biofuels is also fuelled by the idea of creating green jobs to grow the economy. Environmental concerns are also another major reason for interest in biofuels. Fossil fuels release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere destroying the environment. The fear is that global warming is on the rise and if nothing is done generations to come will suffer the consequences has propelled
this policy during the last two years. Biofuels can also help reduce poverty and set developing countries on course to improve their standards of living. For example, eighteen countries in Africa imports 100% of its oil (Hubbard, 2008). Developing countries with such small GDP have to forgo investment in facilities to import oil. The current study analyzes U.S. biodiesel trade under the 2005 Biofuel Subsidy Policy and the Energy Independence and Scurrility (EIS) Act 2007which calls commercial production of 36 billion gallons of biofuels by 2022 using a dynamic gravity panel approach. We use a panel data set of annual bilateral trade flows of twenty-seven countries including the U.S. over the last nine years (2000-2008). The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 discusses the literature review on existing static gravity and dynamic gravity panel models; Section 3 describes the specification of the dynamic panel gravity model; Section4 discusses the data and estimation procedures; Section 5 discusses the results; and Section 6 provides conclusion of the study. 2.0. LITERATURE REVIEW This section of the paper provides information on several studies that provide background information on static gravity and l dynamic panel gravity models. The articles reviewed in this study serve as a selective set of articles by the authors. 2.1. Static Gravity Models Originally inspired by Newtons gravity equation in physics, the gravity model has become common knowledge in regional science for describing and analyzing spatial flows, and was pioneered in the analysis of international trade by Tinbergen (1962), Poyhonen (1963) and Linneman (1966). The model works well empirically, yielding sensible parameter estimates and explaining a large part of the variation in bilateral trade. The gravity model provides a strong
empirical approach in explaining bilateral trade patterns. Contributions in the contemporary literature have enhanced respectability and sparked a revival in applied gravity research. Developments in the empirical literature have underscored the value of using panel data to mitigate bias arising from failure to fully control for country heterogeneity. This literature has also addressed many other statistical issues, such as endogeneity bias and zero trade flows, which have often led to model misspecification and incorrect interpretation of empirical results (See Mtys, 1997; Egger and Pfaffermayr, 2003; Linders and de Groot, 2006; Westerlund and Wilhelmsson, 2006; Silva and Tenreyro, 2006; and Baier and Bergstrand, 2007). However, it has long been disputed for a lack of theoretical foundation. In conjunction with the expanding theoretical literature on the gravity model, a number of recent contributions have addressed issues concerning the correct specification and interpretation of the gravity equation in empirical estimation. These deal with, for example, the specification of panel gravity equations, the estimation of cross-section gravity equations, and the correct interpretation of the distance effect on patterns of bilateral trade Matyas, (1998). Overall, these developments have improved our understanding of the gravity equation as a tool to model and analyze bilateral trade patterns. Over the years several authors have used various additional variables that enhance or resist trade (e.g. population, distance, per capita income, producer or consumer subsidies, and other variables), in order to enrich the analysis of trade between paircountries. It has also included dummy variables in order to capture contiguity effects, cultural and historical similarities, distance, common language, regional integration, and patents right, to name a few.
For example, Koo and Karemera (1991) revised the conventional gravity model into a commodity-specific gravity model to determine factors affecting trade flows of wheat. The authors also used panel data instead of only cross-sectional data in estimating the model. The results from the analysis revealed that all the independent variables, including production capacities, income, input and export unit values, price of wheat, inflation and exchange rates in respective countries and trade policies relative to wheat trade play an important role in determining trade flows of wheat. The gravity model has also been used to estimate trade flows for countries within a trading block and others outside the trading block. This helps determine whether a trade agreement has resulted in trade creation or trade diversion. Martinez and Nowak-Lehmann (2003) applied the gravity trade model to assess Mercosur European Union trade and trade potential following the agreements between both trade blocks. In this model, the authors included a number of variables such as infrastructure, income differences and exchange rates to the standard gravity equation and 2.2. Dynamic Gravity Panel Models Although, early empirical studies used cross-sectional data to estimate gravity models (Aitken. 1973; Bergstrand, 1985), most researchers nowadays use panel data (De Grauwe and Skudelny, 2000; Wall, 2000; Glick and Rose, 2001). One reason is that the extra time series observations result in more accurate estimates. Moreover, in a cross-section analysis unobserved country-pair specific time invariant determinants of trade are necessarily captured by the disturbance term. As these variables are likely correlated with observed regressors, the usual least squares estimator is inconsistent. In contrast, with panel data the effects of such unobserved determinants can be modeled by including country-pair individual effects, so that the source of
inconsistency just mentioned is avoided. Matyas (1997) and Wall (2000) stress the importance of including country-pair specific. Existing gravity models based on panel data, however, ignores the most important aspect of trade, namely dynamics (the only exception is De Grauwe and Skudelny, 2000). For countries those trades a lot in the past, businesses have set up distribution and service networks in the partner country, which has led to entrance and exit barriers due to sunk costs. In addition, consumers have grown accustomed to the partner countrys products through probably habit formation. It is very likely that the current bilateral trade between countries is also high (Eichengreen and Irwin, 1997). Hence, lagged trade affects current trade. Ignoring this may lead to incorrect inference. Eichengreen and Irwin (1997) therefore add lagged trade as a regressor to their gravity model and show that lagged trade is indeed important. However, they use a cross-section model. This implies the estimate for lagged trade represents not only dynamic effects, but also the impact of unobserved country-pair specific time invariant factors, as these factors are present in both current and lagged trade. 3.0. SPECIFICATION OF THE DYNAMIC GRAVITY PANEL This section illustrates how we extend the static model into a dynamic panel model to permit for the trade dynamic in the conventional gravity model. 3.1. The Empirical Model According to the gravity framework, the unidirectional trade flow between two countries can be explained by supply conditions at the origin, demand conditions at the destination, and economic forces either assisting or resisting the movement of bilateral trade. The basic gravity model is often expressed as follows: (1) tf ij ,t = f ( Gi ,t , G j ,t , dij ,t )
where tf ij ,t , the value of trade between countries i and j, is a positive function of Gi ,t and G j ,t , the income i and j, and a negative function of dij ,t , the distance separating the two trading partners signifying transaction costs of commercial activity. By assuming Cobb-Douglas and CES functions preferences and by making what is commonly known today as the Armington Association of the national differentiation to the origins of goods, Anderson (1979) transformed this Walrasian General Equilibrium Systems in (1) to a model that captures preferences over traded goods only. Following Anderson in 1985 is Bergstrand who posited like Anderson assumed CES preferences and accepted the Armington Assumption for traded goods to arrive at a reduced form for the estimation of the flow of goods between nations. This traditional static reduced form framework on the gravity model can be easily extended to the dynamic and accounting for the panel structure of the data. Since panel data used to estimate gravity models are faced with limited number of years and moderate number of cross-sections, the generalized method of moments (GMM) proposed by Arellano and Bond (1991), Arellano and Bover (1995), and Blundell and Bond (1998, 2000) is used. Also, since the GMM is consistent for finite number of years and moderate number of cross-sections, we use GMM methodology to estimate the dynamic gravity panel model. Consider the dynamic gravity panel model of the following general model: (2) where ; x variables include the intercept and the traditional variables of gravity model defined next. The ui and vt are cross-sectional and time series fixed (or random) effects, respectively. Arellano and tf ij ,t = l =1
max lab
tf ij ,( t l ) + k =1 xk ,it + ui + vt + wit
Bond (1991) show that it is possible to define conditions (moments) as well the use of lagged dependent variable as instrument that should still result in a consistent estimator. For the panel econometric projection of potential bilateral trade, researchers have concentrated on the random or fixed effects model. Here we extend the static gravity model to dynamic gravity panel model. This can be represented as: (3) tf ij ,t = l =1
max lab
The Heckscher-Ohlin (H-O) bilateral trade determinants can be formulated as the GDP of the exporting country, Git and that of the importing country, Gjt, and the Land-to-labor ratio of the exporting. Since U.S. imports more biodiesel than it exports, we designate Git for U.S. GDP and Git for the rest of the world (USITC). The Land-to-Labor variable, LAijt is also constructed as the ratio of land in farm over the labor and of course, Ejit is the exchange rate. The variable, BIOFUEL DUMMY represents the year of the biofuel subsidy. Years after 2005 (Policy year) denote 1, otherwise, 0. 4.0. DATA AND ESTIMATION PROCEDURES The current paper models U.S. biodiesel trade with twenty-seven countries in a dynamic gravity panel setting. We use a panel data set of N = 27 annual bilateral trade flows over T = 9 years (2000 to 2008). Data on real bilateral trade values (the sum of imports and exports of biodiesel) are from International Trade Center Interactive Tariff and Trade Data Web ( http://dataweb.usitc.gov/ . Real bilateral exchange rate of each countrys currency to the U.S.
dollar was obtained from the USDA Economic Research International Data Sets ( http://www.ers.usda.gov/data/macroeconomics/ ). Real GDP and population data for each country
were obtained from IMF World Economic Outlook Database for April 2008
land and labor came from the United Nations, Food and Agricultural Organizations FAOSTAT Resource STAT and Prod STAT databases ( http://faostat.fao.org/site/348/default.aspx). The
distances, measured in meters were obtained using GDA Vincenty Calculation Results (inverse) from Australian Geodetic Datum. (http://www.ga.gov.au/bin/gda_vincenty.cgi). Table 1 presents the means and standard deviation of the variable used in the empirical estimation. The mean of the trade flows across all the countries for the period, 2000 2008 is $22.5 million with a deviation of $ 0.12 million index. The deviation of exchange rate was almost five times as the mean exchange rate of 538 across all the countries of the same period. The average GDP of US and rest of the world is $11,859 and $884 with a standard deviation of $ 1,551 and $1,058 respectively for the same period across all the countries. The standard deviation of the distance between the countries was half of the average distance of 5,440 miles across all the countries. The average and standard deviation of land-to-labor ratio across all the countries and over time was 17.07 and 38.58 respectively. 5.0. RESULTS OF THE DYNAMIC GRAVITY PANEL To examine the importance of the exogenous and lagged endogenous variables of the dynamic panel model, equation (3) is estimated. The results of the dynamic panel model are presented in table 2. The significance on the lagged dependent variable is an indication that the traditional static gravity model is mis-specified. If the lagged dependent variable was insignificant then the traditional model would be appropriate. The elasticity of the of 0.426 indicates that a 1 percent increase in the value trade flows contemporary period will result in 0.43 percent increase in the trade value of the following period.
Real exchange rates are significant and negative at P<0.0001. The elasticity of -5.99 implies a 1 percent increase in a local currency unit relative to the dollar in the exchange rate, meaning a depreciation of the local currency, will lead to a 5.99 percent decrease in the value of biodiesel trade. In terms of incomes, biodiesel trade is driven by U.S. GDP. The GDP of U.S. is significant at P<0.0001 and positive. The elasticity of 0.308 indicates a 1 percent growth in U.S. GDP would increase the bilateral trade value of biodiesel by about 0.30 percent. GDP of the rest of the world is not significant as most these countries are small economies and they only export biodiesel which form very fraction of the GDP. The arable land to labor ratio is also significant (P<0.0001) and negative. Most of these biodiesels are processed from crops whose production are relatively land-intensive but the harvesting and through shipping to the ports are highly labor intensive. So with arable land held fixed and agricultural labor supply rising over the years, the ratio falls. Therefore a decrease in the ratio implies more biodiesel being processing for trade. The elasticity of -0.0556 implies 1 percent decrease in the land-to-labor ratio increases the value of biodiesel trade by about 0.055 percent. The strong significance (P<0.0001) negative sign of BIOFUEL DUMMY means after U.S RFS Policy and EU Biofuel Policy, indicates increase in domestic consumption especially in these two major consuming countries resulting in decrease in trade volume. As expected, distance is negative and significant at (P<0.0001). This result is consistent with several findings (Anderson 1979; Mtys, 1997; and Egger and Pfaffermayr, 2003) that most contributory factor of trade cost is distance.
The panel gravity model for trade was estimated taking into account the effects of past trade on current trade flow. Using yearly data of 243 bilateral values of trade flows between U.S. and E.U. and other developing countries from 2000 to 2008 we find that past trade flows has a significant effect on the contemporary trade flows. We also find that the traditional trade variables such as income, exchange rates, and distance, all have significant effects on trade flow. Most importantly, the U.S. and E.U Biodiesel Subsidy policies introduced in the few years have significantly reduced trade and spurred domestic consumption of biodiesel.
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Table 1. Mean and standard deviation of the variables, 2000 2008. Variable Trade flows Exchange rate LA_AGP Distance Biofuel Dummy GDP of US GDP of ROW Units N 243 243 243 243 243 243 243 Mean 22,487 539.70 17.07 5,440 0.44 11,859 884 Std Dev 121,190 1977 38.58 2,699 0.49 1,551 1,058
Table 2: Estimation results of the dynamic panel gravity model. Variable Intercept Lag(Trade flows) Exchange rate GDP of US GDP of ROW LA_AGP Biofuel Dummy Distance Estimate 0.0517 0.426 -0.0009 7.838 0.180 -0.055 -0.553 -8.103 Standard Error 0.008 0.016 0.0002 0.308 0.135 0.003 0.032 0.306 t Value 6.60 26.68 -5.99 25.42 1.33 -22.33 -17.04 -26.49 Pr > |t| <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.1847 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001