Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling and Simulation Week 1: Dhafer Marzougui Pradeep Mohan
Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling and Simulation Week 1: Dhafer Marzougui Pradeep Mohan
Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling and Simulation Week 1: Dhafer Marzougui Pradeep Mohan
Kinematic constraint
Node to surface
Surface to surface Kinematic constraint
Distributed parameter
Surface to surface
Single surface
Rigid body
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Penalty Method
Normal interface springs between penetrating
node and contact surface
Tends to excite very little mesh hourglassing
Stiffness is prescribed as follows:
Contact Stiffness= (o K A
) / V
o is the penalty scale factor
K is the material b lk mod l s
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K is the material bulk modulus
A is the segment area
V is the element volume
Discrete Nodes Impacting a Surface
No segment orientation
Contact is set free if element fail
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Surface to Surface Contact
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Single Surface Contact:
Type 4 contact requires uniform normal
Type 13 contact
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Type 13 contact
Normal orientation may be random
Tied interfaces are allowed
Single Surface Projection
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Rigid Body Contact
May be used with deformable bodies
Arbitrary force-deflection curve
Special Case
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Kinematic Constraint Method
Based on impact and release condition of Hughes
et al, 1976
Momentum conservation is insured
Constraints are placed on the nodal displacements
of the slave nodes
Slave surface should be the fine mesh (to prevent
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Used for tied interfaces
Tied Interfaces
Constraints are imposed on the slave nodes
use coarsely meshed side as master surface
Good for mesh transitions Good for mesh transitions
Good for tying parts together
See also *CONSTRAINED options
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Tied Surfaces
tying surfaces with translational degree-of-freedom (DOF)
tying translational DOF of nodes to surface
does not transmit moments
tying both translational and rotational DOF
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normal and shear failure forces
normal and shear failure stress
Surface to Surface Constraint
Taylor and Flanagan constraint algorithm (1989)
interface nodes remain on or very close to the surface
elastic vibrations are insignificant
generally not applicable to rigid bodies
additional nodal constraints cause problems (e.g., spot
can only subject a surface to this constraint from one
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Distributed Parameter Method
Distribution of mass and pressure over the contact area
Constraints imposed on slave node acceleration and
l it t i t l th t f velocity to insure movement along the master surface
Used for sliding only
fluid structure
gas to structure
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Viscous Contact Damping
Damp oscillations normal to the contact surfaces
Damping as a percentage of critical (2me)
twenty percent damping = 20, not 0.20
m = min{m
, m
Natural frequency of interface is computed using
the contact stiffness
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Change Defaults for Contact Computation
Global scale factor for sliding interface penalties
Scale factor for rigid body with fixed rigid wall interaction
Initial penetration check
Consider shell thickness for
surface to surface and node to surface
Consider shell thickness changes for single surface
Fl b t i i d h ll thi k h
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Flag: membrane straining produces shell thickness changes
Penalty stiffness calculation method
Reorient contact segment normals
Contact searching frequency (Default = 10)
Other Contact
compute sliding interface energy dissipation
GLSTAT: global statistics
RCFORC: resultant contact forces
SLEOUT: contact energy
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INTFOR: contact interface data
Treat contact between deformable bodies &
geometric rigid body
Geometric Entities
cylinder, plane, sphere, toroid, ellipsoid, VDA
Improves performance
closed from contact calculation
Improves accuracy
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p y
surface is independent of finite element mesh
Applications for Contact Entities
Metal Forming: The punch and die surface
geometries can be input as geometric surfaces
which are treated as rigid
Treating contact between rigid body occupant
dummy hyper ellipsoids and deformable structures
such as airbag and instrument panels
Coupling with the rigid body occupant modeling
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codes, such as MADYMO and CAL3D
Airbag into steering wheel
Contact Guideline I
Contact type 13 is recommended
Perhaps the most efficient and reliable contact
1 large contact zone is not more expensive than several
small ones
Automatic contact input simplifies problem translation
Contact type 5 is simple and 100% reliable if the
master surface is closed surface, the same goes for
t 3 if b th t d l f l d
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type 3 if both master and slave surface are closed
advantage: contact forces can be monitored
advantage: individual contacts can be controlled
Contact Guidelines II
Uniform meshes improve results
Make master side with coarser mesh for one way
Contacts work best when master and slave sides
have similar mesh sizes and material properties
The soft constraint option may be appropriate
for the case of objects with highly different
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j g y
Avoid sharp corners
Contact Guidelines III
Avoid initial penetration at all cost!
They may cause stresses that exceed the yield stress and
ill i i i b kli i di l will initiate buckling immediately
Default values are good reference values
Contact normals must point to the opposing surface
except when noted otherwise
Undeformable or very stiff parts, whose kinematics
are determined by contact forces must be modeled
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are determined by contact forces, must be modeled
very fine since distribution over many nodes is
important to obtain realistic results
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Week 6
Element Formulation
Hourglass Control
Computer Session
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Element Selection Criteria
Structural Geometry
Loading Conditions
Model Assumptions
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Define elements using nodes
To organize and specify how elements behave,
elements are assigned to a part
Concentrated masses
Seat belts
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Thick Shells
Elements and Parts
Node 46 Node 47
Element 1
Node 46
Node 47
Node 48
Node 49
Part 1
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Material 4
Section 12
Hourglass 2
Relates part ID between elements, sections and materials
Organize elements into meaningful groups
Specify mathematical (element) formulation
Specify integration rule
Specify geometric properties not defined explicitly by the element
Specify material behavior (and properties)
Elements that require part IDs
beam discrete, seatbelt, shell, solid, tshell
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, , , ,
Elements that do not require part IDs
mass, seatbelt, accessories
Element type dependent
element formulation
integration rule
thickness or cross-section properties
Used in *PART
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Assign a lumped mass to a node
Required input
mass element ID (EID)
node ID
mass value
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Define springs and dampers
mounts, locks, hinges, simplified components away from
d i l d d li design area, lumped parameter modeling
Rotations are in radians
Required input
element ID
part ID
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part ID
2 nodal IDs (one can be ground)
orientation (N1 to N2 x-direction only, etc.)
scale factor on force
Discrete Elements
Force behavior is defined using material options
El ti tiff f (di l t) Elastic stiffness, f (displacement)
elastic and nonlinear elastic
general nonlinear
Maxwell (exponential decay of stiffness)
Damping constant, F(velocity)
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p g , ( y)
nonlinear viscous
Translation or rotation
Dynamic magnification factor
Tension/compression deflection limits
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Model long slender objects (10:1 ratios)
steering columns, suspension components, building
frames, rebar
Required input
element ID
part ID
3 nodal point IDs
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Element Formulation
6 degree-of-freedom
Hughes-Liu (default)
Belytschko-Schwer resultant
Belytschko-Schwer with full integration
Belytschko-Schwer tubular beam
3 degree-of-freedom
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Cross Section
rectangular, tubular, I, C, T, Z, arbitrary
areas or inertias (2nd moment and polar)
Model components that are discretized relatively
similar in size in three orthogonal directions
castings forgings radiators belts castings, forgings, radiators, belts
Proper mass and inertia representation
Required input:
element ID
part ID
nodal IDs (4, 6, 8 - tetrahedron, wedge, brick)
T t h d t l H l i b t ti t
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Tetrahedrons can control Hourglassing but timestep
becomes more difficult to control
Solid Element Formulation
Constant stress solid (default)
8-node brick 8 node brick
hourglass control with 1 1 1 integration
also valid for wedge and tetrahedron
Fully integrated S/R solid
8-node brick
2 2 2 integration (no hourglassing)
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g ( g g)
no locking due to selectively reduced integration
Solid Element Formulation
Fully integrated quadric with nodal rotations
8 node brick 8-node brick
14 integration points
rotational degrees of freedom
S/R quadratic tetrahedron with nodal rotations
4-node brick
5 integration points
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5 integration points
rotational degrees of freedom
Model components that are relatively thin in one direction
sheet metal, thin-walled structures, engines blades, cams g
crashworthiness, occupant simulation, sheet metal stamping,
impacts on aircraft, impulsive loading or missiles
Required input:
element ID
part ID
4 nodes for a quad 3 nodes for a tri
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4 nodes for a quad, 3 nodes for a tri
override default thickness at each node
Element Formulation
1. Hughes-Liu
2. Belytschko-Tsay (default)
3. BCIZ triangular shell
4 C triangular shell (recommended) 4. C
triangular shell (recommended)
5. Belytschko-Tsay membrane
6. S/R Hughes-Liu
7. S/R co-rotational Hughes-Liu
8. Belytschko-Leviathan shell
9. Fully integrated Belytschko-Tsay membrane
10. Belytschko-Wong-Chiang
11 F t t ti l H h Li
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11. Fast co-rotational Hughes-Liu
16. Fast Fully integrated
Can be set globally or for each part
Shell Element Parameters
number of through shell thickness integration points (default = 2)
thickness at each node thickness at each node
reference surfaces - top, mid, bottom surface (Hughes-Liu only)
treat degenerated quads as C
membrane straining causes thickness change
B-W-C warping stiffness for B-T
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element warpage warning
Shell Features
Finite strain are treated
Arbitrary and fixed through thickness integration
Sh ll l hi k d Shell element thickness update
Geometric properties are optionally specified on the
element card for complete generality
Fully vectorized and parallelized for SGI, Cray, HP
Constitutive subroutines are shared by all shell elements
Common local coordinates systems are used
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Common local coordinates systems are used
Hourglass control available to control zero energy modes
Shell Technology
Why only three and four-noded shell?
High frequency content in higher order shells drives the
time step size down
Contact algorithm are not set up to run with higher
order surfaces
Mesh generation and post-processing would have to be
further developed
Less robust than simpler elements under large distortion
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Less robust than simpler elements under large distortion
Shell Technology
Why multiple shell formulation?
Fully integrated for elasticity, metal forming Fully integrated for elasticity, metal forming
applications, airbags, or whenever accuracy is concern
Triangular elements for mesh grading since collapsed
quad are too stiff. Autosorting of tris in LS-DYNA
Belytschko-Tsay for speed!
Membran elements without bending or transverse shear
for very thin sheets
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for very thin sheets
Belytschko-Tsay Shell
The B-T shell element was developed by Belytschko
and Tsay in 1981, and improved by Belytschko, Lin
and Tsay in 1984 y
Based on a combined co-rotational and velocity-strain
Co-rotational portion of the formulation avoids the
complexities of nonlinear mechanics by an embedded
coordinate system in the element
The conjugate stress to velocity strain is the Cauchy
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The conjugate stress to velocity strain is the Cauchy
Shell kinematics assumes that nodes are co-planar
Co-Rotational Coordinates
Construction of element coordinate system
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Belytschko-Tsay Shell
This shell was implemented as a computationally
efficient alternative to the Hughes-Liu shell
With 5 integration points the B T shell requires 725 With 5 integration points, the B-T shell requires 725
mathematical operations, whereas the under-integrated
H-L shell requires 4066
Selective reduced (S/R) integration of H-L shell
requires 35,367 mathematical operations
Because of its computational efficiency, the B-T shell
element is usually the element formulation of choice.
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For this reason, it has become the default 4-node shell
element formulation
Belytschko-Tsay Shell
Lacks of Accuracy
B-T shell is fast but simplifications required for speed affects
T bl h ill i h i Two problems that illustrate its shortcomings
hemispherical shell problem with corner forces
twisted beam problem with end load
The B-T shell ignores warpage in geometry
Determining when and if the simplification are important is
nearly impossible unless another shell is available for making
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The B-T shell will eventually be phased out as new shells
gain acceptance
Belytschko-Wong-Chiang Shell
improved treatment of transverse shear
more accurate for warped element configurations
more costly than B-T
does not degenerate into a triangular shell
Alternative: B-W-C warping stiffness for B-T
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Triangular Shells
Tris are stiffer
Tris are more costly
reduction in time step reduction in time step
increased number of elements
Tris do not hourglass (advantage)
Tris are used for mesh transition regions
Tris are good for eliminating warped quads
Tris are good for curved geometry
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Avoid using stiff degenerated quads (use C
Shell Technology Cost Comparisons
Operation counts do not translate directly into
increased cost
Gather-scatter costs are identical for each formulation (30%)
Constitutive models are identical for each formulation (30%)
Considerable overhead in contact, rigid bodies, constraints,
and other elements, results in speed differences on real
problems being typical 15%
Main issue is whether the improved results in some
applications justify the added extra cost
Operation Count - example
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Operation Count - example
Relative Cost - example
Zero Energy Modes
shells shells
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Hourglass modes are a results of rank of deficiency in the
element stiffness matrix caused by insufficient integration
Zero Energy Modes Zero Energy Modes
These modes result in mathematical sates that are not
physically possible
Hourglassing can be controlled under certain
One point integration is much faster
so we accept the risk
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so we accept the risk
but always check energy balances to be safe
general rule: Hourglass Energy < 10% of Internal Energy
Hourglassing Control
Types and Their Limitations
Viscous forms
standard LS DYNA (default) standard LS-DYNA (default)
Flanagan-Belytschko (2)
Flanagan-Belytschko with exact volume integration (3)
Stiffness forms
Flanagan-Belytschko (4)
Flanagan-Belytschko with exact volume integration (5)
Th tiff f lt i tiff
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The stiffness form may result in stiff response
Flanagan-Belytschko behaves better for large rotations
Hourglassing Control
Stiffness form
more stable in many applications
preferred for vehicle crash and sheet stamping p p g
Viscous form sometimes works better
If hourglassing occurs in an area where it does not influence the
design area of concern, then it is admissible
Fully integrated elements have no hourglassing
Hourglass modes are orthogonal to the real deformation
Work done by hourglass control does not appear in energy equation
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Total energy will reduces slightly
Hourglass energy dissipation appears in GLSTAT and MATSUM
Hourglassing - Keywords
switch to have hourglass energy calculation (10% penalty)
set hourglass type (default is viscous)
can modify hourglass coefficient
set hourglass type and parameters to use for specific parts
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change global hourglass type and parameters for a specific
part by identifying a specific hourglass ID
Hourglass Prevention
The Flanagan-Belytschko (shape vector) formulation is
preferred since the increased cost is small and the default
base vector formulation interferes with the rigid body g y
modes of an element
Choice between viscous and stiffness force calculation is
not a real issue
stiffness formulation may reinforce the structure and low
coefficient should be used (0.01 to 0.02)
Hourglass modes are better avoided by mesh-refinement
If h fi t d t k it h f l ti
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If mesh refinement does not work, switch formulation
rather than tweak hourglass parameters
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Week 7
Material Models
Rigid Bodies
Computer Session
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Material Behavior and Properties
Material behavior and properties are possibly the
most difficult portion in developing useful
simulation results
Nonlinear material behavior is constantly being
updated through new research
Nonlinear material properties are not easily
C t ft d t b d l d ith
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Components often need to be modeled with
simplified geometry
Basic Material Behavior
Behavior Hardening Ideal Softening
Stability yes yes no
Uniqueness yes yes yes
Application metals,
crude steel,
dense sand,
concrete large def.
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As soon as 1 element reaches yield, all other
elements will unload elastically as the yielding
element proceeds forward (and downward) on the
stress-strain curve
Simple example - LPM with two springs
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Elastoplastic Complexities
minimum time step
plastic strain
failure stain
Strain Rate Effects
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Strain Rate Effects
Strain Rate Effect (dynamic effect) - SRE
quick loading of materials can cause changes in
material properties. Most notable in steels
strain rate = rate at which material deforms
laboratory testing is done quasi-statically, actual
applications are dynamic
SRE is most dominate at low strains (up to 5%) and for
mild steels
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Strain Rate Effects
scale the yield stress by stain rate dependent factor
scale the flow stress by an effective plastic strain rate factor
scale the yield stress by a strain rate dependent factor
curve: scale factor versus strain rate
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Strain rate dependent plasticity
curve: yield stress versus effective strain rate
Other Materials - Increased
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Material Types
F b i Fabric
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Common Materials
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Depart ment of Civil and Environment al Engineering The George Washingt on University
Define liner material
Beams, Shells, Solids, Thick Shells
Youngs modulus
Poissons ratio
Axial an bending damping for Bel-Schwer beam
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g p g
Defines a bilinear constitutive law
Beams, Shells, Solids, Thick Shells
density yield stress
Youngs modulus tangent modulus
Poissons ratio hardening
Cowper-Symonds strain rate effect
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p y
Element deletion based on failure strain
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Defines a bilinear constitutive law or an arbitrary stress
versus strain curve
Beams Shells Solids Thick Shells Beams, Shells, Solids, Thick Shells
density yield stress
Youngs modulus tangent modulus
Poissons ratio stress-strain curve
Cowper-Symonds SRE or arbitrary strain rate dependency
Element deletion based on plastic strain or minimum time
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Element deletion based on plastic strain or minimum time
Hyperelastic material
Response is path independent
Generally considered to be incompressible since the bulk Generally considered to be incompressible since the bulk
modulus greatly exceeds the shear modulus in magnitude
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Solids and Shells
Nearly incompressible continuum rubber
Poissons ratio is at 0.463
shear modulus
Suitable for polyurethane rubber
S d Pi l Ki h ff hi h i f d
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Second Piola-Kirchoff stress which is transformed
to Cauchy stress
Solid and Shells
Reduction of the Frazer-Nash rubber model
Poissons ratio (> 0.49 recommended) ( )
Two constants: A and B
Strain energy density function
W = A(I-3) + B(II-3) + C(III2-1) + D(III-1)2
I, II, III invariants of right Cauchy-Green tensor
C = 0.5A + B
D = [A(5v - 2)+B(11v - 5)]/2(1 - 2v)
2(A + B) = shear modulus of linear elasticity
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( ) y
If A = B = 0.0, then they are calculated using a least square fir from
uniaxial data via a load curve (A and B will be printed in d3hsp file)
Solid only
Modified from the hyperelastic constitutive law
described by Kedington (1988) described by Kedington (1988)
Poissons ratio: 0.49 < v <0.50
Strain energy functional
U = C
+ C
+ C
+ C
+ C
+ C
+ f(J)
I, J stress invariants
Input either constants or force versus change in gauge
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Input either constants or force versus change in gauge
Solids and Shells
Compressible foam
Poissons ratio is fixed at 0.25
Suitable for rubber like foams of polyurethane
shear modulus
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shear modulus
Solids only
General hyperelastic rubber combined with linear
i l ti it (O d 1984 Ch i t 1980) viscoelasticity (Ogden 1984, Christensen 1980)
Similar behavior but provide different parameter options
Poissons ratio > 0.49 recommended
Effectively a Maxwell fluid which consists of dampers and
springs in series
Results are nearly identical to Mooney-Rivlin (Mat 27) for
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y y ( )
large values of Poissons ratio
Crushable Foams
Energy dissipative
Response of these materials are path dependent
Soils and crushable foams represent materials that stiffen p
as they compress or compact
Soil, for example, has a specific stiffness while the empty space
exists between the grains. As the grains bridge in compression, the
stiffness of the material increases. Soils tend to unload linearly.
Soils do not hold tensile loads
Porous forms have similar behavior where the stiffness is
lower until the internal voids are compressed. Foams tend
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to unload along the loading path
Crushable Foams
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Crushable Foams
Foam components are usually very soft compared
to surrounding structure
Consequently, contact forces are likely to cause
hourglass in foam components, especially if they
are modeled coarsely
Therefore, fully integrated brick elements are best
used, eliminating hourglass problems from the
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Crushable Foams
It is important to check both uni-axial and tri-axial behavior of
the model before using it to represent a certain foam
Some of the more commonly used foams :
radiators, moving deformable barriers
seat cushions, padding on side impact dummies
energy absorbing foam found on certain crash dummies
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good general isotropic crushable foam
considers uni-axial and tri-axial test data
unloading is elastic (Poissons ratio set to zero)
Rigid Bodies
RB has six-degree-of-freedom
RB boundary conditions act on CG
Defining control to the nodes of a RB is risky and
not recommended
nodal constraints
prescribed motion
D3HSP contains mass calculation for RB
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RBOUT contains ASCII information
Rigid Bodies
Extensive capabilities to model rigid bodies (RB):
*MAT_RIGID (material 20) can be used to define a RB
from defined shell, solid or beam elements
Two RB can be merged into a single RB
Extra nodes for RB
A RB can be defined by a set of nodes
Joints connect RB
Material can be switched between rigid and deformable
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Material can be switched between rigid and deformable
Multiple contact treatments available
Inertial properties and initial conditions can be defined
Rigid Bodies
*MAT_RIGID (material 20) can be used to define a
RB from defined shell, solid or beam elements
i l i d b l i h material properties are used by contact algorithms
center of mass can be constrained (displacement and
inertial properties (CG, mass Is, initial velocities) can be
redefined through the *PARTS command
Two RB can be merged into a single RB
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Rigid Bodies
Extra nodes for RB
Nodal Rigid Body
a RB can be defined by a set of nodes
inertial properties
computed automatically from nodal masses and coordinates
ifi d CG I i iti l l iti
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user specified: CG, mass, Is, initial velocities
Joints Connecting RB
6 type of joint definitions
spherical, revolute, universal
l l i l planar, translational
Nodal pairs (1,2), (3,4) and (5,6) should coincide with
the exception of cylindrical and translational joints
Joints only apply to RB
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Deformable Switching
Materials can be switched between rigid and
switch deformable materials to rigid at the start
In a Restart file:
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Rigid Bodies - Contact
Sliding Interfaces
may be used with deformable bodies
bit f d fl ti arbitrary force-deflection curves
specify penalty for treating rigid wall to rigid body contact in
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Geometric Entities - *CONTACT_ENTITIES
Improve performance and accuracy
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Week 8
Analysis Tools
Output Options
Quasi-Static Analysis
Dynamic Relaxation
Cross-Section Analysis
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Cross Section Analysis
Analysis Tools
There are many things that could go wrong within a model
LS-DYNA3D tends to provide results even in cases where
the results are nonphysical
Some errors are simple: incorrect format
Some errors are subtle: duplicate nodes in a small region
Some errors are indirect: slight modification in one option effects
Some errors are complex: shooting nodes in contact region
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So e e o s a e co p e : s oot g odes co tact eg o
Some errors are frustrating: Floating Point Exception- core dump
It helps to have guidelines and strategies for uncovering
such errors
Analysis Tools
Critical Files: Input file and D3HSP file
Common Errors
Consistent Units
Ctrl+C Sense Switches
Interactive Graphics
The Post Processor
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The Input File
Everything wrong must be in the input file!
A brief scan through portions of this file can reveal much
Things to look for include:
********s being written where numbers should be
existence of material properties
incorrect material numbers for various element types
lack of boundary conditions on the node cards
all of the other major input sections
When experiencing a read error on DYNA3D startup the
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When experiencing a read error on DYNA3D startup, the
first thing to do is to make sure that the section where the
error occurred as well as the one before are defined
correctly and the appropriate control flags are set
D3HSP File
The d3hsp file echoes the input file and is also interesting reading
When something goes wrong, scan through the d3hsp file making
sure that all of the various options are exactly as you expected sure that all of the various options are exactly as you expected
d3hsp file also contains other useful information:
material and system mass properties
latest options that are not yet in the manual
100 smallest time step controlling elements
when an element fails
i i
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most error termination statements
CPU usage
When nothing goes wrong, scan through the d3hsp file anyway
Common Errors
Most error terminations provide info on the cause of the problem
input formatted incorrectly
odd inertial properties
initial contact penetration
load curve definitions
massless nodes
Floating Point Exception can be caused by several things
parts with zero density
parts with zero thickness
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over-constrained nodes
constrained nodes, contacts and rigid walls all occurring on the same
node at one time
ill-defined load curves
Common Errors
Sometimes runs terminate normally but still have
Material properties
Loads, boundary conditions, and initial conditions
Contact segment normals
Problem time and cycle number may explain a lack of
interesting output
element aspect ratios, angles, and warpage
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element aspect ratios, angles, and warpage
Duplicate nodes and elements
Cracks or holes
Material numbers
Consistent Units
Mass Length Time Force
kg m s N
kg mm ms k
ton (1000kg) mm s N
slug ft s lbf
/in in s lbf
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lbf s /in in s lbf
The Sense Switches
Ctrl+C interrupts execution and prompts for a sense
sw1 A restart file is written and LS-DYNA3D terminates
sw2 LS-DYNA3D responds with time and cycle info
sw3 A restart file is written and LS-DYNA3D continues
sw4 A plot state is written and LS-DYNA3D continues
sw5 Interactive graphics
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g p
sw6 Stop Sequencing Interactive Graphics
The Sense Switch
The items which are printed include:
Kinetic Energy gy
External Work
Internal Energy
Total Energy
X, Y, and Z Momentum
C lli El N b d T
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Controlling Element Number and Type
Current Time Step and Controlling Element
The Sense Switch
If the time step is too small, then the mesh may contain a
disproportionally small elements. And with a minor modification to
the input, it can be eliminated, allowing an order-of-magnitude
increase in time stepp
A rapidly decreasing time step can be the result of a badly applied
load or boundary condition. It can also be the result of mesh pattern
that is unfavorable for the deformation or bad material data. Most of
the remaining causes are signaled by the energy conservation printout
For most of impact problems, simulations are started with an initial
kinetic energy. Normally, no external work is applied. The kinetic
ill d th i t l ill i d th t t l
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energy will decrease, the internal energy will increase, and the total
energy should remain constant. If the total energy takes some big
jumps, the model has an error. It is time to recheck everything, but
especially contact and fracture. Use SW4, to output a graphic state
before the problem crashes.
The Sense Switch 2
Another piece of good debug information is the
momentum printout. For impact problems, this tells you
immediately if the projectile is going in the right direction immediately if the projectile is going in the right direction,
Dividing by mass of the moving body tells you if the
object has the correct velocity. The changes in the
momentum vector should be compatible with what is
expected of the system
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Analysis Tools - Conclusions
You can never be too thorough
When all of the above fails, there is the possibility
of an LS-DYNA3D code error
Mathematics can play marvelous tricks on physics
Depart ment of Civil and Environment al Engineering The George Washingt on University
ASCII Output Files
Obtain specialized output in ASCII format for x-y
Platting can be done in using
LS-TAURUS (phase 3)
Desired output must be specified
*DATABASE option
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_ p
Option = desired output type
requires time interval between output
Some options require additional data
ASCII Output Files
Airbag Statistics *DATABASE_ABSTAT
pressure pressure
internal energy
mass flow
output mass flow rate
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Boundary Nodal Forces *DATABASE_BNDOUT
boundary condition nodal forces and energies when discrete
forces are applied at a boundary
ASCII Output Files
Discrete Element Data *DATABASE_DEFORC
forces and moments for discrete elements:
springs and dampers springs and dampers
global x,y,z
requires *DATABASE_HISTORY_option
beam or a set of beams
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shell or a set of shells
solid or a set of solids
ASCII Output Files
Element Data (continued)
axial resultant force
strain axial resultant force
resultant s-shear and t-
resultant s-moment and t-
toroidal resultant
solids (bricks)
global stress
global strain
global shear strains
lower and upper surface strain
global stress
global shear stress
l ti t i
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global stress
global shear
effective shear
effective stress
yield function
plastic strain
integration points
ASCII Output Files
Global Statistic *DATABASE_GLSTAT
global energy information
total energy gy
initial energy/total energy
kinetic energy
internal energy
hourglass energy
stonewall energy
spring and damping energy
system damping energy
Depart ment of Civil and Environment al Engineering The George Washingt on University
sliding interface energy
external work
global x, y, z velocity
time step
*CONTROL_ENERGY required to get hourglass, stonewall, sliding
ASCII Output Files
Geometric Contact Entities *DATABASE_GCEOUT
global forces and moments global forces and moments
resultant forces and moments
Material Energies *DATABASE_MATSUM
material information for each part
kinetic energy
internal energy
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internal energy
hourglass energy
global momentum
global velocity
ASCII Output Files
Nodal Contact Forces *DATABASE_NCFORC
global forces
component analysis
global forces
displacements and rotations
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velocities and angular velocities
acceleration and and angular accelerations
requires *DATABASE_HISTORY_(nodes or a set of nodes)
ASCII Output Files
displacement and rotation
l i d l l i velocity and angular velocity
acceleration and angular acceleration
Resultant Interface Forces *DATABASE_RCFORC
global forces of defined contacts
Rigid Wall Forces *DATABASE_RWFORC
normal forces
Depart ment of Civil and Environment al Engineering The George Washingt on University
normal forces
global forces
ASCII Output Files
Cross Section Forces *DATABASE_SECFORC
global forces and moments
l f d resultant forces and moments
dimensional center
specify element to element nodes on the cross section
applies to beams, shells, solids springs and dampers
Sliding Interface Energy *DATABASE SLEOUT
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g gy _
ASCII Output Files
global forces and momnets
Spotweld/Rivet Forces *DATABASE_SWFORC
axial force
shear force
applies to all rigid nodal constraints
Depart ment of Civil and Environment al Engineering The George Washingt on University
ASCII Output Files
Specialized output for various post-processing
Deformed Geometry *DATABASE_DEFGEO
this option also creates a Nastran Bulk Data File (NASBDF)
can be read into many pre-processors
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Quasi-Static Analysis
Inertial forces are insignificant
Material properties are independent of time
Implicit solvers do not converge for large systems
of equations
Convergence is not an issue with explicit solvers
Possible time duration is inherently small with explicit
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0.001 seconds to 0.100 seconds
Several methods for quasi-static solutions
Quasi-Static Analysis
Dynamic Relaxation
prescribed geometry
Initial loading
Time Scaling
Mass Scaling
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Dynamic Relaxation
Prescribed Geometry
Nodal x, y, z displacements and rotations
Initialization Initialization
Linear analysis
Specify stress initialization file on the excution line
m = sif
File format is I8,6E15
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dynamic relaxation flag = 2
Dynamic Relaxation Loading
Specify initial loading (*DEFINE_CURVE) p y g ( _ )
Apply load curve to initialization
Apply load curve to initialization and analysis
dynamic relaxation flag = 1
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Dynamic Relaxation
Iterations between convergence check
(default=250) (default=250)
Dynamic relaxiation factor (default = 0.995)
Optional termination time (default = infinity)
Scale factor for computed time step
Convergence tolerance
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Dynamic Relaxation
The computed velocity is multiplied by the
dynamic relaxation factor y
No solution exists when kinetic energy is
discounts motion control
allow pressure, force, and thermal loads
Kinetic energy limit
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Kinetic energy limit
Papadrakakis automatic control option is based on
critical damping
System damping or mass damping
= M
- F
+ H
equivalent to putting structure in a viscous environment
Raleigh damping or stiffness damping
pulls energy out from within an element
analogy: a structure heating up
Critical damping = 2 * e
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p g
define mass weighted nodal damping that applies
globally to the nodes of deformable bodies globally to the nodes of deformable bodies
mass weighted damping to specified parts
damps all motions including rigid body motions
preferred for low frequencies
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Rayleigh stiffness damping
orthogonal to rigid body motion
preferred for high frequencies
Restart a simulation
Allowable changes:
termination time
output intervals
add nodal boundary conditions
delete contacts, parts, elements
switch from rigid bodies to deformable
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switch from deformable bodies to rigid
The ability to stop and restart a simulation is
extremely useful
reset output intervals reset output intervals
delete contact surfaces
delete elements and parts
change boundary conditions
switch between deformable bodies and rigid bodies
control time step and termination
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control time step and termination
change damping options
The restart LS-DYNA file is similar to the original
input file
ls dyna3d r=d3dump I=restart k ls-dyna3d r=d3dump I=restart.k
ls-dyna3d (ls940) execution command for LS-DYNA
d3dump complete state dump of the simulation at t
he time you want to restart
restart.k keyword format restart deck
For keyword format, some versions of LS-DYNA
require all output to be re-specified (*DATABASE
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require all output to be re specified ( DATABASE
Cross Section Analysis
Define cross sections through various parts of a structure
transmission forces (interface force or section forces)
centroid location
All above quantities are functions of time
Overall view of how a structure is performing
Individual components can be analyzed to see how and
when they transmit loads, crush and absorb energy
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y , gy
throughout an event
Verify model accuracy
Defining Cross Sections
Define cross sections by specifying:
the nodes of the cross section
the element to be used to calculate the forces at those nodes the element to be used to calculate the forces at those nodes
The sign of the forces transmitted are determined by which
side of the nodes the elements lie on
User specified
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Specify desired output frequency
Force Calculation
In general, the load is comprised of two components: element
stiffness and mass inertia. The equilibrium equation of a node
on a cross section can be written as Newtons 2nd Law:
F + f = Mass * Acceleration
F = nodal force due to stress in the cross section elements
f = interface forces
This equation is a vector, resulting in global x, y, and z forces
Mass is allocated to ensure equal and opposite forces when
choosing elements on one side of the nodes versus the other side
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Accelerations for each node and stresses for each element are
calculated throughout a simulation, thus computing cross section
information is relatively inexpensive