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Lab 08

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Digital Design and Computer Architecture

Harris and Harris, Elsevier, 2007

Lab 8: MIPS Single-Cycle Processor

In this lab you will build the MIPS single-cycle processor using Verilog. You will simulate a simple program running on your single-cycle processor. By the end of this lab, you should thoroughly understand the internal operation of the MIPS single-cycle processor. Please read and follow the instructions in this lab carefully. In the past, many students have lost points for silly errors like not printing all the signals requested. The lab will involve several steps. First, you will copy most of the Verilog code for the single-cycle processor from the supplementary lab material on the textbook website in the Labs/Lab08 directory. You will add your ALU Verilog module (from Lab 5) to the project. You will then add the instruction memory to the processor and extend the capabilities of the processor. Before starting this lab, you should be very familiar with the single-cycle implementation of the MIPS processor described in Section 7.3 of your text, Digital Design and Computer Architecture. We give the single-cycle processor schematic from the text in Figure 1 for your convenience. This version of the MIPS single-cycle processor can execute the following instructions: add, sub, and, or, slt, lw, sw, beq, addi, and j. Our model of the single-cycle MIPS processor divides the machine into two major units: the control and the datapath. In this lab, we give you the control unit in Verilog. You will complete the datapath and extend both the datapath and control units for additional instructions. Each unit is constructed from various functional blocks. For example, as shown in Figure 1, the datapath contains the 32-bit ALU that you designed in Lab 5, the register file, the sign extension logic, and five multiplexers. One mux each selects the register to write, the data to write, and the input to the second source of the ALU. Two multiplexers are used to select the next PC.

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31:26 5:0

MemtoReg Control MemWrite Unit Branch ALUControl2:0 Op Funct ALUSrc RegDst RegWrite


CLK 0 1 0 1 PC' PC A RD Instr


CLK A1 A2 A3 WD3

CLK WE3 RD1 RD2 Register File 0 WriteReg4:0 1 SrcA Zero ALUResult A WE RD Data Memory WD ReadData 0 Result 1

Instruction Memory


0 SrcB 1


PCJump PCPlus4 4
27:0 31:28



Sign Extend

<<2 PCBranch



Figure 1. Single-cycle MIPS processor

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1. MIPS single-cycle module

We provide the Verilog single-cycle MIPS module given in Section 7.6.1 of the text. The project containing the module can be found in the supplementary lab material available from the textbook website. Copy the Lab08 folder to your own directory. Now open lab08_xx.ise from your local folder. Look at the top module of the processor, mips. This module instantiates two submodules, controller and datapath. We give you the Verilog description of the controller module. Take a look at the controller module and its submodules. It contains two submodules: maindec and aludec. The maindec module produces all control signals except those for the ALU. The aludec module produces the control signal, alucontrol[2:0], for the ALU. Make sure you thoroughly understand the controller module. Correlate signal names in the Verilog code with the wires on the schematic. Its probably a good idea to make several copies of the schematic on page 2 of this handout. You will need it multiple times, and if it starts getting messy, it will be useful to have an unmarked copy. After you have thoroughly understood the controller module, take a look at the datapath Verilog module. The datapath has quite a few submodules. Make sure you understand why each submodule is there and where they are located on the MIPS single-cycle processor schematic. The internals of the register file are not explicitly shown in the processor schematic, so you might find it useful to draw a schematic of the register file from the Verilog module. Be sure you understand how each piece of the datapath works and why it is needed. Thoroughly understanding it now will save you time when you need to modify it later. Youll notice that the alu module has a question mark by it in the Sources window in Xilinx. You will need to add your Verilog module from lab 5. Do so by choosing Project Add Copy of Source and add your alu module. Be sure the module name matches the instance module name, and make sure the inputs and ouputs are in the same order as in the alu module in the lab08 project. The high-level module, top, includes the instruction and data memories as well as the processors. Each of the memories is a 64 word 32-bit array. We describe two ways to create the instruction memory: (1) using a Verilog module or (2) using Xilinxs Core Generator. Choose whichever way you prefer.

Verilog Memory Modules

This method describes how to create the instruction memory module using Verilog. Follow HDL Examples 7.15 on page 431 of the text. You may include the imem module in the mipsmem.v folder (that already contains the data memory, dmem). Notice that the memory is a 64-word 32-bit array. Thus, the lower 2 bits of the address are not used to access the 32-bit words of data. Recall that bits [1:0] indicate the byte within the data word. Because your MIPS processor does not implement any byte accesses (lb, sb), it ignores bits [1:0] of the address. Also create a file called memfile.dat in the lab08 project directory that contains the machine code instructions of your program, given in Figure 2.

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20020005 20070003 2003000c 00e22025 00642824 00a42820 10a70008 0064302a 10c00001 2005000a 00e2302a 00c53820 00e23822 0800000f 8c070000 ac470047 Figure 2. Machine code MIPS program The machine code in Figure 2 corresponds to the assembly program given in Figure 3.
# test1.asm # 23 October 2005 David Harris David_Harris@hmc.edu # # Test MIPS instructions. #Assembly Code # Machine Code




addi addi addi or and add beq slt beq addi slt add sub j lw sw

$2, $7, $3, $4, $5, $5, $5, $6, $6, $5, $6, $7, $7, end $7, $7,

$0, $0, $0, $7, $3, $5, $7, $3, $0, $0, $7, $6, $7,

5 3 0xc $2 $4 $4 end $4 around 10 $2 $5 $2

0($0) 71($2)

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

20020005 20070003 2003000c 00e22025 00642824 00a42820 10a70008 0064302a 10c00001 2005000a 00e2302a 00c53820 00e23822 0800000f 8c070000 ac470047

Figure 3. MIPS assembly program: test1.asm

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This code can be found in the supplementary lab material provided on the textbook website under the Labs/Lab08 directory.

Xilinx Core Generator Memory Modules

You could also create the instruction memory using Xilinxs Core Generator. The instruction memory, imem, will be constructed as a CoreGen ROM that will hold the program (the instructions) to execute. You create the ROM by choosing Project->New Source. Select the source type to be IP(CoreGen and Architecture Wizard) and name your memory imem. You can use CoreGen to generate different kinds of modules. In this case, choose Memories and Storage Elements RAMs & ROMs Distributed Memory v7.1. Click Next Finish. It will now ask you to enter the component name (i.e. imem), depth (64), width (32) etc. Choose ROM type memory and make sure none of the inputs or outputs are registered. On the left side, a diagram of the symbol will be shown. A is the 6-bit address and SPO is the 32-bit data output. Notice that only a subset of the PC bits (PC7:2) will be used to address the memory. Be sure you understand thoroughly why only these subset of bits are used. When finished, you can click Generate on the lower left corner, and a memory component will be generated and listed in the Generated Modules in the CORE generator. At the same time, a symbol with the same name will be available for use in your Verilog files. To load the ROM with instructions, you need to use Memory Editor in the CORE generator interface to input the contents of the ROM. To do so, highlight your CORE generated module (i.e. imem) in the Sources in Project window in your main Project Navigator window. Then, under the Processes for Source window, expand the Coregen option and double-click on Manage Cores. Choose Tools Memory Editor, and you will see a window like the one shown in Figure 2. In the case of instruction memory, you will define a 64 word (although you will only use 16 of the available words) 32 bit memory.

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Figure 4. Memory Editor Interface Click on Add Block to enter the Memory Block Name. Name it imem. Enter the Depth as 64 and the Data Width as 32. Make sure the Radix for the Data is 16 (i.e. hexadecimal). Under Configure COE File Parameter Names, choose MEMORY_INITIALIZATION_RADIX for Radix and MEMORY_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR for Data. Now enter the instruction codes (given in Figure 2) into the contents of the ROM. For example instruction 20020005 is entered at Address 00 (Indicated as row 0, offset +0 in the window) in the ROM, instruction 20070003 is at Address 01, and so forth. The first three entries in the ROM are shown in Figure 4. When you finish entering all the machine instructions at the corresponding addresses, save your memory configuration by choosing File Save Memory Definition. Now choose File Generate to generate a .coe file that can be read by CoreGen. Click on the top option, COE File(s), and click OK. It should now inform you that defintion1_imem.coe has been generated. This file can be imported later to set up the complete 64 word 32 bit instruction ROM. Now close the Memory Editor. You can now exit from the Memory Editor window by choosing File Exit. The main Core Generator window should still be open. Click on the Generated IP tab in the main window. Now right click on imem and select: Recustomize Under Current Project Settings. Click Next twice. In the last window, select Load Coefficients, and click on Load File. This will bring up a window that will allow you to browse for your .coe file that holds the definition of your ROM contents. Highlight the file and click Open.

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Now complete the setting of the ROM by clicking the Generate button. By doing so, the ROM imem is created with the stored instructions you entered and a symbol with the same name will also be ready to use in Verilog files. When you view the imem module in your Processes in Source window, there should now no longer be a question mark next to it. If there is still a question mark, you need fix your errors. You can edit your core generated module by double-clicking on it. You can also look at the equivalent Verilog code by choosing CoreGen View Verilog Functional Model.

2. Synthesis
Synthesize the highest level module, top, and view the RTL schematic. If it does not look as you expected, fix the errors and resynthesize. Notice that the only necessary inputs to the highest level module are clk and reset. The other signals are there for verification purposes only.

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3. Testing the single-cycle MIPS processor

To simulate your processor, you will run the small program on page 5. The program is called test1.asm. The instructions are given in both assembly and machine code. Comment each line of the code for what should happen at each step. You will be turning in your commented code. After you have commented your code and understand what the code does, fill in Table 1 at the end of this lab handout. You are now ready to test your processor. Open the testbench module under the top module. This Verilog code is for testing your module only and is not synthesizeable. Instead of manually entering values into a Modelsim Testbench waveform, you can code the desired stimuli in Verilog in a testbench file, just as you did in Lab 5. Read through the testbench file and make sure you understand how it works. Now you are ready to test your mips computer. Make sure the testbench file is highlighted in the Sources window and click on ModelSim Simulator -> Simulate Behavioral Model. Now you can view your simulation. If it does not perform as you expected, check your Table 1 entries and see if you made a mistake. You can also check your coefficients file that you entered into the instruction ROM (imem). You can do so by opening the file in the memory editor. (To do so, highlight the file in the Sources window and choose Manage Cores in the Processes window. Now choose Tools -> Memory Editor. Now choose File -> Open Memory Definition. Edit the definition if needed.) If there are no errors in either your table or ROM, modify your Verilog code and fix any bugs. For debugging, you will likely need to make other signals from sub-modules visible in the higher-level module. However, in the final waveform that you turn in, only display the following signals in this order: clk, reset, pc, instr, aluout, writedata, memwrite, and readdata, in that order. You will likely need to view and print signals internal to the Verilog modules (i.e. signals that are not inputs or outputs to the module). Recall that to do so, begin by running your testbench on ModelSim. View the Workspace window in the main ModelSim window. Expand the hierarchy of the modules until you find the module that has the internal signal you would like to view. Double-click on the module and the corresponding Verilog file will open in the far-right window and an objects window listing all the signals will open. You will likely need to expand the objects window to be able to read the signal names. Click on the signal you would like to view in the waveform window and drag it to the waves window. After you have dragged the signals you would like to view to the waves window, you will need to resimulate. You can refer to previous lab handouts if youve forgotten how to do this.

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During debug, youll likely want to view several internal signals. However, on the final waveform that you turn in, show ONLY the following signals in this order: clk, reset, pc, instr, aluout, writedata, memwrite, and readdata. All the values need to be output in hexadecimal and must be readable to get full credit. After you have fixed any bugs, print out your final waveform.

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5. Modifying the MIPS single-cycle processor

You now need to modify the MIPS single-cycle processor by adding the ori and bne instructions. First, modify the MIPS processor schematic (on page 2) to show what changes are necessary. You can draw your changes directly onto the schematic. You might want to make multiple copies of the schematic before you begin. Next, modify the Verilog code as needed to include your modifications.

6. Testing your modified MIPS single-cycle processor

Enter the program, test2.asm, given in Figure 5 into your instruction memory (imem). You need to figure out what the machine code is for the instructions. Also comment each line of code of test2.asm. You can use PCSpim to help convert to machine code, but remember that PCSpim does not give the correct machine code for beq or bne. Also, youll need to modify the Verilog testbench to check for the correct Simulation Succeeded values at the end of the program. You might find it useful to create a table similar to that of Table 1.
# test2.asm # 23 March 2006 S. Harris sharris@hmc.edu # # Test MIPS instructions. #Assembly Code main: ori addi ori beq slt bne j here: sub ori there: add sub sw $t0, $0, 0x8000 $t1, $0, -32768 $t2, $t0, 0x8001 $t0, $t1, there $t3, $t1, $t0 $t3, $0, here there $t2, $t2, $t0 $t0, $t0, 0xFF $t3, $t3, $t2 $t0, $t2, $t0 $t0, 82($t3)

Figure 5. MIPS assembly program: test2.asm test2.asm can be found in the supplementary lab material on the textbook website under the Labs/Lab08 directory. Again, for debugging, you might find it useful to make other signals from sub-modules visible in the higher-level module. However, in the final waveform that you turn in, only include the following signals in this order: clk, reset, pc, instr, aluout, writedata, memwrite, and readdata, in that order. Make sure all your waveforms are readable and show values in hexadecimal.

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What to Turn In
Please turn in each of the following items, clearly labeled and in the following order: 1. Please indicate how many hours you spent on this lab. This will not affect your grade, but will be helpful for calibrating the workload for next semesters labs. 2. Your commented test1.asm and test2.asm, including machine code. 3. A printout of your Verilog code and RTL schematic for your modified MIPS computer (including ori and bne functionality): top.v Any Verilog files you modified in part 3. Highlight any changes you made.

4. A copy of your hand-drawn MIPS schematic from part 3 that adds the ori and bne instructions. 5. Simulation waveforms of: top.v for test1.asm top.v for test2.asm (with your modified single-cycle MIPS processor)

The simulation waveforms should give the signal values in hexadecimal format and should be in the following order: clk, reset, pc, instr, aluout, writedata, memwrite, and readdata. Do not display any other signals in the waveform. Be sure the waveforms match your expectations. Check that the waveforms are zoomed out enough that the grader can read your bus values. Unreadable waveforms will receive no credit. Use several pages as necessary. 6. A completed version of Table 1.

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Cycle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

reset 1 0 0 0

Pc 00 04 08 0C

Instr addi $2,$0,5 20020005 addi $7,$0,3 20070003 addi $3,$0,0xc 2003000c

branch 0 0 0

srca 0 0 0

srcb 5 3 12

Aluresult 5 3 12

zero 0 0 0

pcsrc 0 0 0

write data 0

Mem write 0

read data 0 0

Table 1. First fourteen cycles of executing assembly program test1.asm Remember, branch is asserted (1) when the instruction is a branch (beq) instruction. aluout is the output of the ALU at each cycle. zero is high (1) only if aluout is 0. pcsrc, a signal in the datapath, is low (0) when nextpc should be pc+4. pcsrc is high (1) when the nextpc should be the branch target address (pcbranch). You will notice that all of these signals are not available from the top-level module (mips). For debugging, you might want to be able to look at these signals and others.

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