To Eat/To Drink: Semantic Fields 1
To Eat/To Drink: Semantic Fields 1
To Eat/To Drink: Semantic Fields 1
to eat to take in through the mouth and swallow to feed to cause to eat and drink to drink to take in through the mouth and swallow (liquids) to eat/drink up to eat/drink quickly, in order to finish to imbibe to drink to drain to drink all of to take to introduce into the body through the mouth to have to eat, drink or take into the body to get down to swallow, usually unwillingly to go down to be swallowed, pass down to the stomach to keep down to keep in the stomach after swallowing to dig in//to tuck in to start eating to put away/to tuck away to eat to peck at to eat in small amounts, usually without much interest to finish off to eat until nothing is left to polish off to finish off to toss off to swallow (a liquid) quickly to knock back to drink quickly, usually in a single movement to scoff (sometimes pejorative) to eat eagerly and fast to consume to eat or drink, take into the body to nourish to cause to stay alive or grow by giving food, water, etc to bite to cut, crush or seize with the teeth to chew to move and crush in the mouth with the teeth to masticate to chew to crop (said of animals) to bite off and eat the tope of grass, plants... to gnaw to bite steadily and continuously, rubbing with the teeth to nibble (at) to bite gently, with small movements of the mouth to munch to chew with strong movements of the mouth to swallow to cause to or let sth. go down the throat to bolt to eat or swallow very or too quickly to gobble to eat greedily, noisily and quickly to guzzle to drink greedily, noisily and quickly to wolf to eat quickly and greedily, like a wolf to gorge to fill oneself with food to suck to draw liquid from sth. into the mouth, through closed or tightened lips to sip to drink a little at a time to lick to pass the tongue over, to consume by doing this to lap up to lift up with the tongue
to foul ensuciar (dogs in streets) to befoul ensuciar (dogs in streets) to grime ensuciar to begrime ensuciar, tiznar
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to be covered with dust estar cubierto de polvo. to stain manchar, teir to blot emborronar, manchar de tinta to tarnish deslustrar, perder brillo to muck estercolar, ensuciar to mess ensuciar, desordenar to daub pintarrajear, embadurnar to smirch mancillar to smut tiznar to smudge emborronar, correrse (ink, paint...) to drabble manchar con barro to draggle manchar con barro to spatter salpicar, manchar to splash salpicar, rociar to slobber babear, manchar de saliva to blur manchar de tinta, emborronar; ("rain, blurs window panes"empaar); ("blurred photograph"foto movida) to smoke ahumar to grease engrasar to clog atascar, embarrar to bemire encenagar
to look (at) mirar to see ver to watch observar to gaze mirar con la mirada perdida to stare (at) mirar fijamente, fijar la mirada en; "to stare unto space"mirar a las musaraas to look down on (fig.) despreciar mirar por encima del hombro to glance echar un vistazo to gape mirar con la boca abierta to squint bizquear to blink parpadear to wink guiar to goggle (at) con los ojos desorbitados to peep mirar de mirn; "peeping tommirn to glimpse vislumbrar, entrever (tambin "to get a glimpse") to scan escudriar to peer acercarse o acercar algo para ver mejor to glare mirar airadamente to look up to (fig.) admirar to peek mirar a hurtadillas, echar una ojeada to ogle comer con la mirada to leer mirar impdica o maliciosamente to regard considerar; mirar (anticuado)
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to shout gritar to shriek chillar to scream vociferar to screech chillar (con voz aguda) to yell decir a gritos to wail gemir, lamentarse to howl aullar, gritar, vociferar (sonido viento, tambin retumbar animales) to boom tronar, retumbar (ej.: que te chille el jefe) to whine decir lloriqueando, gair (animal) to bellow bramar (toro, vaca), vociferar to yelp gair (animal), dar un grito
to smile sonrer(se) to laugh rer(se) tu grin sonrerse con una mueca to chuckle rerse para s mismo, entre dientes, para adentro to chortle rer entre dientes, ahogadamente to giggle rerse tontamente nerviosamente to snigger rerse disimuladamente to titter rerse disimuladamente to snicker rerse disimuladamente to smirk rerse afectadamente to beam sonrer (con sonrisa radiante) to burst with laughter reventar de risa to burst out laughing estallar en carcajadas to sneer rerse burlona o sarcsticamente
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to speak hablar to lisp cecear to stutter tartamudear to stumble balbucear to whisper susurrar to murmur murmurar to grumble gruir to growl decir refunfuando to groan gemir, quejarse to moan gemir, quejarse to short decir con un bufido
to pinch mangar, birlar to swipe afanar, limpiar to lift mangar, birlar (cosas de pequeo tamao) to pilfer sisar, hurtar (cosas de pequeo tamao y de poco o ningn valor) to snitch birlar (arrebatar rpidamente cosas de poco o ningn valor) to rip off quitar (cosas de poco valor) (llevado a cabo por persona aparentemente honesta)
to take tomar to catch coger to seize agarrar, asir, coger (sudddenly and forcibly) to grasp estrechar, asir, comprender (sudddenly and forcibly and holding tightly what we take); to clutch agarrar, asir (suddenly, forcibly and holding it tightly as we are eager to keep it); "A drowning man will clutch at a straw":"Agarrarse a un clavo ardiendo" to snatch arrebatar, , robar (suddenly, forcibly and quickly) "purse snatchers": tironeros to hold sostener to grab asir, coger, arrebatar (suddenly, forcibly, roughly) to clasp agarrar, sujetar con fuerza to grip agarrar, apretar, estrechar (hands), captar la atencin
to tap dar un golpecito to slap dar una palmada to tickle hacer cosquillas to strike pegar, golpear (to strike struck struck/stricken) ta stroke acariciar to caress acariciar to hit golpear
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to amble in a relaxed way to strut in an excessively proud way to stride with big steps to stroll pasearse to saunter in an unhurried way to tramp to walk long distances, with heavy steps to plod like policemen, ploughmen, with very heavy, slow steps to stalk con aires, majestuosamente to tiptoe de puntillas to limp cojear to stagger con pasos vacilantes (drunk people) to shuffle arrastrar pies (="to drag one's feet"; tambin "hacerse el remoln") to toddle como un nio, dar los primeros pasos to trudge pesada o cansinamente to waddle como los patos to wander sin rumbo fijo to hop a la pata coja to mince andar mal con los tacones (tambalendose) to ramble go for a walk to roam callejear, vagar to hobble cojear (limp) to march marchar, desfilar to hike ir de excursidn, ir a pie to run correr to crawl arrastrarse to dawdle andar despacio, perdiendo el tiempo to lag rezagarse, quedarse atrs (involuntarily) to linger rezagarse, quedarse atrs (on purpose) to loiter callejear, holgazanear, entretenerse, perder el tiempo
to employ to use sb. as a paid worker to hire to employ sb. for a time for payment to engage to arrange to employ to take on to hire to appoint to put in or choose for a position or job to recruit to get as a new member to staff to supply with workers; provide the workers for to fill to put sb. in a job to dismiss to send sb. away from employment to discharge to dismiss an. from a job to disband to break up and separate (said of a group) to sack to dismiss sb. from work to get the sack, to be sacked to be dismissed from work to fire to dismiss sb. from work to lay off to stop employing sb. for a period in which there is little work
Semantic Fields to retire to cause to leave a job, usually because of age to sign on to join a work force to leave to stop doing work at a place to quit to stop doing sth. and leave to give up to stop having or doing (a job) to resign to give up a job or position to vacate to give up a job or position to promote to advance sb. in position or rank to upgrade to raise in rank, position or importance to transfer to move from one job or place of job to another to assign to appoint to a job or duty to second to move sb. from usual duties to a special duty, usually for a limited time, to delegate to give part of one's power to another for a certain time to demote to lower sb. in position or rank to downgrade to lower sb. in position or rank to reduce to lower sb. in position or rank to earn to get money by working to gain to obtain, to make a profit to make, to get, to profit to gain, to earn to bring in to produce as profit or earnings to file to put papers or letters in a file to dictate to say words for sb. else to write down to copy to make a copy of to strike to stop working because of disagreement to picket to surround a place with or as pickets to stop work or activity