103 Jamnagar
103 Jamnagar
103 Jamnagar
Client: Bechtel France Owner Reliance Port & Terminal LTD Period: 2006 Owner: 2006-2008
Reliance Jamnagar Marine Terminal is situated in the Gulf of Kutch, State of Gujarat, I India, about 35 km west of the town of Jamnagar. The Marine Terminal was inaugurated in 1999, to serve the worlds lar largest grass roots refinery, having a capacity of 33 MMTPA. In 2006, after eight years of successful service, Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) has planned to increase the crude ed processing capacity of the refinery from 33 MMTPA to finery 64.6 MMTPA, as part of the Jamn Jamnagar Export Refinery Project (JERP). The aim of this is to maximising processing units and pr production of refined petroleum products as wel as addiwell tional petrochemical products for the export markets. The increase in capacity required an increase in the number of import and export lines and rea reallocation of some of the existing ones. To implement these changes there were also a requirement to modify the existing trestle stru plement structures and sleepers both onshore and offshore, and the construction of new structures. The marine facility for the existing refinery comprises of 2 SPMs for crude oil import and 4 Tanker rude Berths A, B, C and D for exporting products and a seawater intake facility for cooling water requir or water requirements. In addition the marine facility also includes a Ro-Ro facility and unloading platforms for handling he cility Project construction cargo. The product pipelines from the existing Jamnagar rom refinery were routed from Marine Tank Farm (MTF) re to Land Fall Point (LFP) on onshore RCC sleepers and steel frames. These then travel on pile supported RCC pile caps and steel frames along 1400 m l long shore link between LFP and Zero P Point (the interface point between the Shore-Link and the Approach Link Trestle). From the Zero Point (shore line) the existing crude and product pipelines were supported on lines 60 m span structural steel Approach T tural Trestle beams having total length of 3600m. These existing Approach Trestle beam were supported on steel Mono-pile structures socketed in hard restle beams pile rock for desired pile capacity. The lines run on the Approach Trestle up to the Knuckle and then along the Jetty Trestle to the Berths or the existing riser platform. In order to meet the cargo handling requirements for crude import and product export from the new o JERP, the marine facility needed an expansion by the addition of a crude import SPM and two product export SPMs. The additional product pipelines to the export SPMs will be routed thr through the existing facilities to the New Riser Platform at the end of the Jetty T ser Trestle.
Project main requirement was to take care that Tanker Berths A, B, C & D would be fully operational during construction of the new facilities. TECON has developed the multi disciplinary engineering, on behalf of Bechtel France, for the following disciplines: Electrical Instrumentation and Control Systems Safety and Loss Prevention Material Engineering Mechanical Piping Process Structural
The services developed were the following: a) Detailed design of the new lines from the MTF to the LFP b) Detailed design of the new lines from the LFP to the New Riser Platform or existing Berths c) Detailed design pf new lines from LFP to Y-Point via the Take-Off Point. d) Detailed civil/structural design of the additional level of piperack from LFP to the Zero Point e) Civil/structural design of modification to Approach and Jetty Trestles, Berth Heads and existing Riser Platform. f) Detailed design of new loading arm installation including associated facilities
g) Detailed design of new Riser Platform h) Detailed design of Auxiliary Mooring near Berth A i) j) Detailed design of new pig launcher area adjacent to existing pig launchers Detailed design of new piperack between MTF and LFP
k) Detailed design of infill areas from the LFP to the Take-off Point along the side of the haul road l) Detailed design of cause way from Take-Off Point to Y-Point