United States Bankruptcy Court District of Delaware: 824 Market Street, 3rd Floor Wilmington, DE 19801
United States Bankruptcy Court District of Delaware: 824 Market Street, 3rd Floor Wilmington, DE 19801
United States Bankruptcy Court District of Delaware: 824 Market Street, 3rd Floor Wilmington, DE 19801
To: Raymond Howard Lemisch Benesch Friedlander Coplan & Aronoff, LL 222 Delaware Avenue, Suite 801 Wilmington, DE 19801
Please be advised that the United States Trustee's Office has filed a "Request to Schedule Section 341 Meeting". The 341 Meeting for the abovementioned case is to be scheduled on 4/25/12 at 11:30 a.m. , J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building, 844 King Street, Wilmington DE 19801. Please prepare the "Notice of Commencement of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case, Meeting of Creditors, and Fixing of Certain Dates" (341 Notice). An electronic version of this form is available from the Court's website: www.deb.uscourts.gov. Should you want to make changes to this notice, you must contact David D. Bird, Clerk of Court, for approval prior to mailing.
Please mail the Notice to all creditors, in addition to the five (5) agencies listed below on or before 4/4/12 and file the Notice and Certificate of Service with the Court no later than 4/11/12.
Securities & Exchange Commission Secretary of Treasury 100 F Street, NE Washington, DC 20549 Securities & Exchange Commission New York Regional Office Attn: George S. Canellos, Regional Director 3 World Financial Center, Suite 400 New York, NY 102811022 Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 7346 Philadelphia, PA 191017346
Secretary of State Division of Corporations Franchise Tax P.O. Box 898 Dover, DE 19903 Secretary of Treasury P.O. Box 7040 Dover, DE 19903
Date: 4/3/12
United States Bankruptcy Court District of Delaware In re: FastShip, Inc. Debtor
District/off: 0311-1
User: Lesa Form ID: van472 Page 1 of 2 Total Noticed: 1 Date Rcvd: Apr 03, 2012
Notice by first class mail was sent to the following persons/entities by the Bankruptcy Noticing Center on Apr 05, 2012. db +FastShip, Inc., 1608 Walnut Street, Suite 501, Philadelphia, PA 19103-5446 Notice by electronic transmission was sent to the following persons/entities by the Bankruptcy Noticing Center. NONE. TOTAL: 0 ***** BYPASSED RECIPIENTS ***** NONE. Addresses marked + were corrected by inserting the ZIP or replacing an incorrect ZIP. USPS regulations require that automation-compatible mail display the correct ZIP. TOTAL: 0
I, Joseph Speetjens, declare under the penalty of perjury that I have sent the attached document to the above listed entities in the manner shown, and prepared the Certificate of Notice and that it is true and correct to the best of my information and belief. Meeting of Creditor Notices only (Official Form 9): Pursuant to Fed. R. Bank. P. 2002(a)(1), a notice containing the complete Social Security Number (SSN) of the debtor(s) was furnished to all parties listed. This official court copy contains the redacted SSN as required by the bankruptcy rules and the Judiciarys privacy policies.
District/off: 0311-1
The following persons/entities were sent notice through the courts CM/ECF electronic mail (Email) system on April 3, 2012 at the address(es) listed below: Raymond Howard Lemisch on behalf of Debtor FastShip Atlantic, Inc. rlemisch@beneschlaw.com, jsmith@beneschlaw.com;jhoover@beneschlaw.com;docket@beneschlaw.com;ehein@beneschlaw.com Rust Consulting/Omni Bankruptcy sewing@omnimgt.com United States Trustee USTPREGION03.WL.ECF@USDOJ.GOV TOTAL: 3