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World War I

1. What wer the:.Gauses. of World War l? 2. Why did the United States enter the war? 3. WhCt.were some of the results of the war?

War I 0 military O technology O alliances I tension r) neuttal O Central Powers

O World O submarines

The late 1800s to the early 1900s was a time of great hope in Europe. Democracy was growing in some nations. The Industrial Revolution increased the food supply and helped people get jobs. Then in l9l4 AustriaHungary's Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife were shot by a person from Serbia. Suddenly many nations in Europe and other parts of the world were at war. This was the beginning of World War I. This war was also called the Great War. The war was fought all over Europe. It was fought in Africa and in the Middle East. People from more than thirty nations fought in World War I. Millions of people were killed or wounded. The deaths of the archduke and his wife were not the real causes of World War I. The four main causes began in the 1800s. Nationalism was one cause. People were united by pride for their nation. They wanted their nation to gain land, money, and power.

o poison gas
O trenches O surrendered

O Fourteen Points O Treaty of Versailles

t. League,of,-Nations

Archduke Francis

I I I t


Serbia Woodrow Wilson' .... Edith Gavell ,' Brussels

Airplanes were used for the first time in war during World War

rneoeatnsofAustria-Hungary'sarchdukeandhiswifesparked World War I in Lgt\.

Kaiser Wilhelm ll, the ruler of Germany during World War


French soldiers during a battle in World War


A second cause of World War I was an increase in military strength. Each nation wanted to be the strongest. The nations of Europe had built large armies. Germany had built the strongest army. Great Britain had built the strongest nar'y' But by 1898 Germany also had a stron-{ navy. This made Germany a danger to Great Britain. B,v 1914 nations all over Europe had neu,military technology' New ships and weapons made the nations ready for war' Imperialism was a third cause of World War I' The nations of Europe wanted more colonies. France was still angry that Germany had taken Alsace and Lorraine. France wanted these lands again' Serbia wanted land that was r"uled by Austria-Hungary' A fourth cause of World War I was that many nations had made alliances. This means that the nations had promised to fight for one another in a war. Austria-Hungary and Germany promised to fight for each other. Great Britain, France, and Russia also promised to help one another during a war' These four causes created anger and tension between nations in Europe. So when Archduke Ferdinand was killed, Austria-Hungary went to war against Serbia. Then Gemany promised to help


ffi W


Central Powers


l Neutral nations


alliances during World War L With which alliance was Bulgaria?

Women built weapons and machines during World War l.

Austria-Hungary fight. Russia said that it would help Serbia fight. So Germany declared war on Russia. Germany also declared war on its old enemy, France. Then Germany invaded Belgium. Belgium was a neutral country. It did not want to fight in a war. Germany's attack on Belgium made Great Britain angry. Great Britain declared war on Germany. Soon there was fighting all over Europe. The fighting spread to Africa and the Middle East. Germany and Austria-Hungary were the two main nations of an alliance called the Central Powers. Great Britain, Russia, France, Serbia, and many other nations were known as the Allies. There were also several neutral nations in Europe. The Central Powers and the Allies both thought that they would win the war quickly. But the war did not end quickly. It lasted four years. The German arrny fought in Russia and in France. In 1917 the Germans were winning in Russia. The Russians did not have enough guns. They did not have enough food. People in Russia had also begun a revolution. The Russians decided to stop fighting.

Soldiers from many nations fought in World War l' These Canadian soldiers are leaving a trench.


1917 the Russians signed a peace treaty with the Germans. Russia promised to stop helping the Allies. New military technology was used during World

German submarine

Soldiers wore masks to avoid poison gas.

War I. The Germans built new powerful ships called submarines. The German submarines could travel underwater to sneak up on and sink an enemy ship' The Germans also used poison gas to kill enemy soldiers. Airplanes, tanks, and new types of guns were also used for the first time in a war' German soldiers fought the Allies in France for a long time. Soldiers fought one another from trenches, or long, deep ditches. Although millions of German soldiers and Allied soldiers were killed, neither side could defeat the other' The war also continued in other areas of Europe and Africa' At first, Americans did not want to fight in World War I. Woodrow Wilson was the President of the United States during the war. He wanted the United States to be a neutral nation' But in 1915 Gerrrrany began to use its submarines to sink many ships that carried food and other goods to Great Britain' A submarine sank the Lusitania, a large British ship' More than a thousand people died, including 128 Americans. By IglT the Ger-rnan na\y had also sunk several American ships that were canying goods to the Allies. Americans also found out that Germany

Many cities were completely destroyed during World War

Woodrow Wilson

A German submarine sank the Lusitania in 1915.

had tried to get Mexico to declare war on the United States. Wilson called for war against Germany. The United States entered World War I in April 1,917. American soldiers helped the Allies win World War I. The Allies and the Americans fought against the Germans in France. They also fought AustriaHungary. At last in 1918, the Central powers surrendered to the Allies. The war was over. The Allies had won. Before the war was overr Wilson had begun to work for world peace. He had written a peace plan called the Fourteen Points. He wanted this plan to be used for the peace treaty after the war. These Fourteen Foints told how German soldiers should leave Allied lands. The plan also included ways to prevent future wars. The Allies used some of the Fourteen Points when they wrote the Treaty of Versailles at the end of World War I. The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany for its role in World War I. Germany had to pay billions of dollars to the Allies. Germany also lost some of its land and colonies. Another treaty punished AustriaHungary. Austria-Hungary lost most of its land and became Austria. Austria and Germanv were not allowed to have large armies and navies. The map on page 47 shows how Europe looked after World War I. The Treaty of Versailles also started the League of Nations. President wilson planned the League of

,f/edil*rian{in S'3s,

The size and names of many nations,changed at'the end of,the,war. Compare this map to the map,on'parge'44. What happened to the nation''of Austria-' ' Hungary? '

Leaders at the signing of the

Treaty of Versailles

Nations when he wrote the Fourleen Points. The League was a group of nations that worked for world peace. trt began in 1920 with 42 nattons. The United States did not join the League. Many Americans believed that by joining the League they might have to fight in another war. After World War I, the countries of the world faced new problems. Millions of people had been killed or wounded during the war. Some cities and towns had been completely destroyed. Many people in Europe were left without jobs, homes, or money. European countries needed money for new buildings and roads. But many nations had spent most of their money on the war, Many countries had borrowed money to pay for their weapons and armies. After the war, these nations could not pay back the money they had borrowed The Treaty of Versailles made many people angry. The treaty made the Gerrnans hate the Allies. The Germans wanted their nation to be strong again. Would the Germans live in peace with the Allies? You will find the answer in Chapters B and 9.

Edith Cavell (tSO 5-1915)

Women were not soldiers in World War I, but they played a very important part in the war. Many worked in factories to build weapons. Others became nurses to help care for wounded soldiers. One of the greatest World War I nurses was Edith Cavell. Edith Cavell was born in England in 1865. For her first job, she moved to Belgium where she cared for a familys children. While she was in Belgium, her father became ill. Cavell returned to England to help nurse her father back to health. Cavell reahzed that she enjoyed nursing. In 1895 Cavell was accepted by the London Hospital in England to be trained as a nurse. After that she worked as a nurse in England for several years. In 1907 Cavell became the head nurse in a teaching hospital in Brussels, Belgium. She started the nursing system in Belgium. Soon after World War I began, German soldiers took control of the city of Brussels. Edith Cave1l began working to help Allied soldiers escape from Belgium to Holland, a neutral nation. Cavell nursed injured soldiers and let them hide in the hospital until they were well enough to leave. Then the soldiers were given money and a guide to show them their escape route. Within a few months, Cavell had helped several hundred soldiers escape. HoweveS Cavell was caught by the Germans. On October 12,1.915, the Gerrnans executed her for helping the Allied soldiers. After the wa4 Cavell's body was brought back to England and buried there. A statue was built in London to honor Cavell. Many books have been written about Edith Cavell. People still admire this fine nurse for her courage during World War I.

Edith Cavell

Cavell with nurses during World War I

Using Vocabulary
Find the Meaning Write on the blank the word or words that best complete
each sentence.


The Central Powers was an alliance that included Austria-Hungary and


Britain Serbia


2. A neutral nation is a nation that does not want to fight in a war lose wlN
3. Soldiers in World War I fought in trenches, or long




4. To surrender means to





5. The League of Nations was a group that worked for


military technology


Read and Remember

Find the Answer Put a check (r') next to each sentence that gives one of the causes of world war I. You should check four sentences.


Nationalism was strong in many nations.

2. Many nations in Europe wanted to expand their empires. 3. The League of Nations was part of Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points. 4. Many nations had made alliances with one another. 5. The Industrial Revolution increased the supply of food and jobs. 6. German submarines sank the Lusitania.

Many nations were increasing their military strength with new technology.

Finish the Paragraphs

in dark print to finish the paragraphs below. Write on the correct blank lines the words you choose.
Use the words

Versailles neutral Ferdinand tension Allies Serbia

There was much

technology Gerrnany

between nations


1914. That is why

the deaths of Archduke

When Austria-Hungary declared war on

and his wife sparked World War I.

, the allies of the

two nations also began to fight. The two alliances in World War I were the
Central Powers and the
. New


included submarines, tanks, airplanes, and poison gas. At first, Americans wanted the United States to be Then in 191.7 the United States declared war on
. The

Americans helped the Allies win the war in 1918. The leaders of the Allies wrote
the Theaty of

which punished Germany.

Skill Builder
Reading a Historical Map A historical map shows information about events and places during a certain time period. The historical map on page 44 shows the Central Powers, the Allies, and the neutral countries in Europe during World War I. Study the map and the map key. Then write the answer to each question.
1. What color is used to show the Allies?

',,, i'

2. What were two nations that were part of the Central Powers?

3. What were two nations that were part of the Allies?

4. Was Romania a neutral country? 5. Was Switzerland allied with France?

Journal Writing &

Write a paragraph that explains why people honor Edith Cavell for her

Think and Apply

Cause and Effect A cause is something that makes something else happen. What happens is called the effect.



Japan did not want to be ruled by other nations. Japan decided to become a modern industrial nation.

Match each cause on the left with an effect on the right. Write the letter of the effect on the correct blank. The first one is done for you.


1. Each nation in Europe wanted to be the strongest, so b

a. many people in Europe did not

have homes after the war.

2. Russia did not have enough food

and weapons, so

b. the nations built strong armies and


3. German submarines kept sinking

American ships, so

c. in


it surrendered to the Allies.

d. the United States went to war

against Germany.

4. Germany knew it could not win World War I, so

e. after the war they could not PaY

back the money they had borrowed.

5. Many cities were completely

destroyed during World War I,

6. Nations had spent most of their
money during the waq so

f. it signed a peace treaty with


in 191,7.

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