PT Toolkit Table of Contents
PT Toolkit Table of Contents
PT Toolkit Table of Contents
38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64.
Lumbar Radiculopathy or Sciatica Multiple Sclerosis Myocardial Infarction Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Parkinson's Disease Peripheral Neuropathy Peripheral Vascular Disease Piriformis Syndrome Plantar Fasciitis Post-Poliomyelitis Syndrome (PPS) Pressure Ulcer Management and Prevention Pulmonary Disease Renal Disease - End Stage (ESRD) Rheumatoid Arthritis Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Scleroderma Shoulder - Adhesive Capsulitis Shoulder Arthroplasty Shoulder-Hand Syndrome Post Stroke Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Shoulder Rotator Cuff Repair Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tendonitis and Tears Spinal Cord Injury Stroke/CVA Urinary Incontinence - Prevention and Treatment Vertebral Compression Fracture
Functional Mobility Handouts Adaptive Equipment 1. Adaptive Equipment for Bathing *** 2. Adaptive Equipment for Bed Mobility 3. Adaptive Equipment for Mobility 4. Adaptive Equipment for Toileting *** 5. Adaptive Equipment for Transfers Ambulation 6. Using a Cane - Going Down Steps 7. Using a Cane - Going Up Steps 8. Using a Standard Walker - Going Down Steps 9. Using a Standard Walker - Going Up Steps 10. Using a Walker - Going Down a Curb or Single Step 11. Using a Walker - Going Up a Curb or Single Step 12. Walking with a Cane 13. Walking with a Standard Walker - Non-Weight Bearing 14. Walking with a Standard Walker - Partial Weight Bearing 15. Walking with a Standard Walker - Toe-Touch Weight Bearing 16. Walking with a Wheeled Walker Bed Mobility 17. Bridging* 18. Getting In and Out of Bed Following Hip Surgery *** 19. Getting In and Out of Bed - Left Hemiparesis *** 20. Getting In and Out of Bed - Right Hemiparesis *** 21. Getting Into Bed Towards Your Left Side *** 22. Getting Into Bed Towards Your Right Side *** 23. Getting Out and Into Bed with Help, Towards the Left Side *** 24. Getting Out and Into Bed with Help, Towards the Right Side *** 25. Getting Out of Bed Towards Your Left Side *** 26. Getting Out of Bed Towards Your Right Side *** 27. Moving Side-to-Side *** 28. Rolling to the Side *** 29. Scooting Up in Bed *** Transfers 30. Getting Down on the Floor 31. Getting Up From the Floor *** 32. Sit-Pivot - Moving to the Left *** 33. Sit-Pivot - Moving to the Right *** 34. Sit-Pivot with Help, Moving to the Left *** 35. Sit-Pivot with Help, Moving to the Right *** 36. Sitting Down *** 37. Sitting Down Following Hip Surgery *** 38. Standing Up *** 39. Standing Up Following Hip Surgery *** 40. Standing Up with Help *** Copyright 1997-2012 Cheryl Hall LLC. All right reserved.
41. Stand-Pivot with Help, Moving to the Left *** 42. Stand-Pivot with Help, Moving to the Right *** 43. Transfer Board - Moving to the Left *** 44. Transfer Board - Moving to the Right *** 45. Transfer to Tub Using Bath Seat (back up, left) *** 46. Transfer to Tub Using Bath Seat (back up, right) *** 47. Transfer to Tub Using Bath Seat (left leg, right leg, sit) *** 48. Transfer to Tub Using Bath Seat (left leg, sit, right leg) *** 49. Transfer to Tub Using Bath Seat (right leg, left leg, sit) *** 50. Transfer to Tub Using Bath Seat (right leg, sit, left leg) *** 51. Transfer to Tub Using Bath Transfer Bench (left) *** 52. Transfer to Tub Using Bath Transfer Bench (right) *** 53. Transfers In and Out of a Car *** 54. Transfers Wheelchair to Tub Using Bath Transfer Bench (left) *** 55. Transfers Wheelchair to Tub Using Bath Transfer Bench (right) *** Wheelchair Mobility 56. Wheelchair Mobility ***
Therapeutic Exercise Handouts Back/Core Exercises 1. Core Exercises - Back Muscles 2. Core Exercise Guidelines 3. Core Exercises - Pelvic Muscles 4. Core Exercise - Stomach Muscles 5. Low Back Stretches 6. Stability Ball Exercises - Back Muscles 7. Stability Ball Exercise Guidelines 8. Stability Ball Exercises - Pelvic Muscles 9. Stability Ball Exercises - Stomach Muscles 10. Trunk Active ROM Exercises Balance Exercises 11. Balance - Ankle Sway Exercise *** 12. Balance Exercise Guidelines *** 13. Balance - Leg Exercises *** 14. Balance - Standing Exercises *** 15. Balance - Stepping Exercises *** 16. Balance - Walking Exercises *** 17. Sitting Balance Exercises *** Diagnosis Specific Exercise Programs 18. Above Knee Amputation Exercises 19. Below Knee Amputation Exercises 20. Femur Fracture Exercises 21. Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome Exercises 22. Hip Replacement Exercises 23. Knee Replacement Exercises 24. Lumbar Surgery Exercises 25. Mastectomy Exercises *** 26. Osteoporosis Extension Exercises *** 27. Parkinsons Exercises 28. Piriformis Syndrome Exercises 29. Plantar Fasciitis Exercises 30. Pulmonary Exercises 31. Tibial Plateau Fracture Exercises Exercise Guidelines 32. Exercise Guidelines for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 33. Exercise Guidelines for Arthritis 34. Exercise Guidelines for Diabetes 35. Exercise Guidelines for Multiple Sclerosis 36. Exercise Guidelines for Orthopedic Conditions *** 37. Exercise Guidelines for Post-Poliomyelitis Syndrome 38. Exercise Guidelines for Renal Conditions 39. General Exercise Guidelines General Exercises Copyright 1997-2012 Cheryl Hall LLC. All right reserved.
40. Arm Cycle Guidelines *** 41. Cool-Down Stretches 42. Exercise Log One-Week 43. Exercise Log Two-Week 44. My Physical Activity Plan 45. Passive ROM Exercises *** 46. Passive ROM Exercises - Left Hemiparesis *** 47. Passive ROM Exercises - Right Hemiparesis *** 48. Pelvic Floor Exercises 49. Total Body Exercise Program 50. Walking Guidelines 51. Warm-Up Exercises Lower Extremity Exercises 52. Ankle and Foot Active ROM Exercises 53. Ankle and Foot Isometric Exercises 54. Ankle and Foot Strengthening Exercises 55. Ankle and Foot Stretches 56. Calf Stretches 57. Hip and Knee Exercises Lying 58. Hip and Knee Exercises Seated 59. Hip and Knee Exercises Standing 60. Hip Stretches 61. Resistance Band Leg Exercises 62. Thigh Stretches Neck Exercises 63. Neck Active ROM Exercises 64. Neck Isometric Exercises 65. Neck Strengthening Exercises 66. Neck Stretches Pre-Gait Exercises 67. Pre-Gait Arm Strengthening Exercises 68. Pre-Gait Exercise Guidelines 69. Pre-Gait Hip and Knee Strengthening Exercises 70. Pre-Gait Mat/Bed Exercises 71. Pre-Gait Standing Exercises Upper Extremity Exercises 72. Active Movement of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand *** 73. Arm Strengthening Exercises 74. Dowel Exercises Lying *** 75. Dowel Exercises Seated *** 76. Elbow, Forearm and Wrist Active ROM Exercises *** 77. Elbow, Forearm and Wrist Strengthening Exercises *** 78. Elbow, Forearm and Wrist Stretching Exercises *** 79. Forearm and Wrist Active ROM Exercises *** 80. Forearm and Wrist Strengthening Exercises *** 81. Forearm and Wrist Stretching Exercises *** 82. Hand Active ROM Exercises *** Copyright 1997-2012 Cheryl Hall LLC. All right reserved.
83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106.
Hand Strengthening Exercises *** Nerve Gliding Exercises *** Pendulum Exercises - Left *** Pendulum Exercises Right *** Resistance Band Arm Exercises *** Scapular Mobilization and Strengthening - Left Hemiparesis *** Scapular Mobilization and Strengthening - Right Hemiparesis *** Scapular Strengthening Exercises *** Shoulder Active-Assisted Exercises Right *** Shoulder Active-Assisted Exercises Left *** Shoulder Active ROM Exercises *** Shoulder Isometric Exercises Left Seated *** Shoulder Isometric Exercises Right Seated *** Shoulder Isometric Exercises Left Standing *** Shoulder Isometric Exercises Right Standing *** Shoulder Passive ROM Exercises Left *** Shoulder Passive ROM Exercises Right *** Shoulder Rotators and Deltoid Strengthening Left *** Shoulder Rotators and Deltoid Strengthening Right *** Shoulder Strengthening Exercises Left *** Shoulder Strengthening Exercises Right *** Shoulder Stretching Exercises Left *** Shoulder Stretching Exercises Right *** Tendon Gliding Exercises ***
Educational Handouts Cardiopulmonary 1. Active Cycle of Breathing 2. Activity Guidelines Following Cardiac Surgery *** 3. Activity Guidelines Following a Heart Attack *** 4. Cardiac Precautions for Exercise *** 5. Causes of Respiratory Panic and Distress *** 6. Controlled Cough Techniques 7. Diaphragmatic Breathing Technique *** 8. Energy Conservation Principles *** 9. Postural Drainage 10. Postural Drainage Positions 11. Pursed Lip Breathing Technique *** 12. Respiratory Panic and Distress Control Technique *** 13. Self-Monitoring Your Heart Rate *** 14. Sternal Precautions *** Lower Extremity Amputation 15. Care of Your Residual Limb *** 16. Donning Your Prosthesis and Socks *** 17. Equipment Care - Prosthesis and Socks *** 18. Phantom Limb Pain *** 19. Positioning Your Residual Limb *** Miscellaneous 20. Healthy Bladder Habits *** 21. Measuring Your Arm Following Mastectomy *** 22. Positioning in Bed to Minimize Pressure *** 23. Pressure Relief *** 24. Prevention and Control of Lower Extremity Lymphedema *** 25. Prevention and Control of Upper Extremity Lymphedema *** 26. Skin Inspection *** Neurological 27. Facilitating Movement Using Cognitive Strategies *** 28. Positioning in Bed Left Hemiparesis *** 29. Positioning in Bed Right Hemiparesis *** 30. Proper Positioning When Sitting - Left Hemiparesis *** 31. Proper Positioning When Sitting - Right Hemiparesis *** 32. Protecting Your Arm - Left Hemiparesis *** 33. Protecting Your Arm - Right Hemiparesis *** Orthopedic 34. Body Mechanics *** 35. Edema Control of the Arm *** 36. Edema Control of the Leg(s) 37. Hip Precautions - Posterior Approach *** 38. Proper Posture *** 39. Spinal Precautions *** Copyright 1997-2012 Cheryl Hall LLC. All right reserved.
40. Superficial Cold*** 41. Superficial Heat *** Safety 42. Daily Foot Care and Foot Safety *** 43. Dont Let a Fall Get Your Down *** 44. Fall History Questionnaire *** 45. Home Safety and Functional Safety Assessment *** 46. Medical-Alert Systems *** 47. Using Your Walker Safely *** 48. Using Your Wheelchair Safely *** *** these handouts are also included in the OT Toolkit but they have a Occupational Therapy Toolkit header