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哈佛大学开放课程 幸福课 (积极心理学) 视频英文字幕下载 (1-12集) (网易公开课提供)

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----------------------- 1----------------------Positive Psychology CLecture 1 Tal Ben-Shahar . I'm Hi Good morning. It's wonderful to be back here.

. Wonderful to see you here

teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as is a class you an undergrad wish to be here. This does not mean it

taught, nor does it mean that it is the right class for you. But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you ca n decide whether or not it is for you. I came here in 1992 And then I had a mini epiphany half way through my sophomore wonderful place with year. I realized that I was in a

wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers. I was doing well academically. I was doing well in time. I was doing athletics. well I was playing squash at that

socially. Everything was going well. Except for the fact. That I was unhappy. And I didn't understand why. It w as then in a matter of moments, that I decided that I had to find out why and become hap pier. 311 ----------------------- 2----------------------And that was when I switched my concentration from computer science to philosoph y and psychology with a single question: how can I become happier? Over time I did become happier. What contributed most to my happiness was when I encountered a new emerging field But essentially r within the field of positive psychology. ideas to my life Positive research that falls under o


studying it,

applying the

has made me significantly happier. It continues to make me happier. And it was w

hen I realized the impact that it had on me that . That's I decided to share it with others

when I decided that I wanted to be a teacher and teach in this field. So this is positive psychology, psychology relatively new and 1504. And we'll be exploring this new,

fascinating field. And hopefully, we will be exploring more than the field ourse lves. When I first taught this class that was back in 2002, I taught it at a sem inar and had eight students. Two dropped out. That left me with six. The year after, the class became slightly larger. I had over three hundred students. And then third year w hen I taught it he class, point the ia became which was the last making it at that largest course interested. at time, Harvard. I had And 850 that's students when the in t med

Because they wanted to understand why. They wanted to understand this phenomenon that "here you have a class, that's larger than Introduction to Economics". How could that be? So I was invited er it was newspapers, by the media for interviews, wheth

radio, television. And I started to notice a pattern during those interviews. So I would walk into the interview. We would have the interview. And afterwards, the produc er or the interviewer would walk me out and say something to the effects of "well than k you Tal for the interview. But you know I expected you to be different". And I would ask, as nonchalant as I could of course. I didn't really care but had to ask anyway, "how different?" And they would say, "Well you know, we expected you to be more outgoing." nterview, same thing. "Thank you for doing I expected you to be the Next interview, But the you end of know the Tal, i


312 ----------------------- 3----------------------different." And once again, nonchalant of course. "Well you know, we expected yo u to be less, ifferent?" less introversit." "Well, you Next interview, same thing. "How d

know, more extroverted. More outgoing." Next interview. "Well, you know, less sh y." Coz I get very nervous in interviews. Interview after ore cheerful. Less interview, literally dozens. More outgoing, m

introverted, more extroverted. And on and on. But here is the best one. So this is one of the local channels here around Boston. I was going to the interview. We had a quite long at interview, which I the end of the thought was actually pretty good. And

interview, the interviewer is a very jolly guy. He walks me out and puts his han ds on my shoulder, and says, "thank you very much for doing the interview." And then t he usual comes. "But you know Tal, I expected you to be different." And I said, "Ho w different?" Just so you understand, by this time, my self-esteem is short. But s till with some resemblance of nonchalance I asked, "how different?" And he looks at me and says, "Well I don't know Tal. I expected you to be taller." Taller? What? Five s even, well ok five six and a half is not enough to teach happiness? And I thought abou t it. I thought about it a lot. The whole pattern from the beginning. had And I think I understand why they expected someone different. You see they

to explain to themselves as well as the audience, "how come this lecture is larg er than the Introduction to Economics?" And the way to explain it must be that the teach er is very outgoing, extremely charismatic, very cheerful and extrovert and of course,

tall. Well, there is one L missing there. But... Yeah. If only. So the problem though is that they were looking in the wrong place for the explanation. In other words, they w ere looking at the messenger. What they needed to look at was the message. Now how d o I know that? You see because classes on other I see other positive psychology

campuses around the country and around the world. ive There are over 200 hundred campuses here in United States that teach posit 313 ----------------------- 4----------------------psychology. On almost every campus where this class is taught, it's either one o f the or the largest class. It's about the message. I see more and more organizations taking up positive psychology in their, as consultant companies, some of them the lead ing big consultant companies high schools are are taking it on. More and more

introducing positive psychology class. ***** Elementary schools are introducing it. The governments around the world are expressing interest in this new emerging fi eld. Why? Because it works. whole realm on life flourishing, dominated on by happiness, the Because it on really works. has been You see this recently



self-health movement. What do we have in the self-health movement? We have books that are very interesting, speakers who are very outgoing, nto these very charismatic workshops, that and are very accessible. We have i

tall, attracting

the masses

seminars and lectures. But, there is a very big "but" here. Many of these books, many of these workshops and seminars lack substance. Very often,

overpromising under-delivering.


So these are five things you need to know to be happy. The three things to be the great leader. The one a perfect love life. secret of success, happiness and

Overpromising. Under-delivering. On the other hand, we have academia. What do we have in academia? We have a lot of rigor, a lot of substance. We have datas anal yzed, reanalyzed and meta-analyzed. Things that actually work, good stuff. But, and th ere is also a very big "but" here. Very few people read refereed academic journals. I m ean Think about it: how many people outside this room of course have read the last t welve issues of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology? Most people don't ev en know what that means. The head of my PHD programs actually estimated the average academic journal article is read by seven people. You know... And that includes the author's actually mother. So really sad. you know I say half in jest but it's

Because...certainly sad for me, as an academic. Because these things are good. T hey are important. These things make a difference, can even make more of a differenc e. 314 ----------------------- 5----------------------But not accessible to most people. And this is where positive psychology comes i n. And this mandate is also where of positive this class this class comes is to in. The create the a explicit bridge s

psychology as well as of between Ivory tower and mainstreet. In other words, ubstance, the empirical

it is to bring

rigor, the

foundation, the science from academia and merge it with accessibility of the sel

f-help or New Age movement. In a way the best of both worlds. And this explains the popularity of the field of positive psychology: science that works. This class will be taught on two levels . The first level it will be taught logy or any of the classes you've taken here. You'll o research, to rigorous as any other here class in psycho t

be introduced

to studies,

academic work. You'll be writing paper, academic paper. You'll be taking exams. Just like every other class. But then it will also be taught at the second level, whi ch is for every paper that you'll read, every paper that you'll write, you'll always be th inking, "Ok, how can I take these ideas and apply them to my life? How can I apply them to my relationship? How Two levels. The did the can not I apply just them to my community?" it's in

academic. Applied. I the readings or in



lectures ideas just because they are interesting for the sake of the idea. It is always an idea that is both rigorous and can be applied. Just a few words about housekeepi ng. you Some of the questions before the class that I have already received from

started. So this, unfortunately, is the last time that I am teaching positive ps ychology or any other class for that matter at Harvard. Hopefully within two years, proba bly not next year, but within two years, there will be positive psychology class offered , but I certainly cannot ns. If you have guarantee any it. About feedback and questio

questions, anything that's not clear, if you agree or disagree with something, e mail me or email your TF (Teaching Fellow at Harvard, just like TA at other schools) and we'll

always respond. Sometimes if the question is asked by enough people, we'll respo nd 315 ----------------------- 6----------------------to it publicly. Always anonymously. Unless you specified specifically that your name can and be mentioned. Sometimes then half way you may be There listening is to a lecture that yo

through it there is an u really have to ask,



something that cannot wait. In that case, please just put your hand up. Coz it's just like when you have to go to the bathroom. Just can't stop. Can't wait. And when you g otta go, you gotta go. So we'll take a positive psychology break for that. And just s top me half way through as the and I'll answer any question. All the power points, as well

videos of the classes will be online. Will be available within couple of days. W ell the power points will be available before, say for this lecture it will be before so that you can use them in class. The videos, unfortunately, cannot be made available befor e. We tried. Couldn't figure it out. So it will be available within a day or two after . attend And the reason why they are up there. First of all, I do prefer that you

lecture. I do prefer that you are physically here. You get things in the energy of the room with so many students so you wouldn't just get from your computer. The reas on why I do put them up is so that you have the opportunity if you want to see it a gain or if you have to miss a class. That's perfectly fine. And also because, and this i s also the reason why the power points are always available, I want the you to be engaged in

material. I want you to be engaged in whatever it is that we are discussing in c

lass. Not necessarily that I say on remembering u to take thinking paper, about getting down everything. every I word want yo

everything, rather than


passive notes of writing down what is on the power point or every word that I sa y. I'd like you to take active notes. And that means being engaged with the material. For example, if you heard something and idea and you say, "Oh, that's interesting." Star it. Write it down. Or "Ok I think I'll start applying this." Write it down. "Or I wa nt to tell my mom about this later." Or "I want to talk to my roommates or my team about th is idea." Write note-taking reasons. 316 ----------------------- 7----------------------First of all, as I said, this class is a class about making a difference i n people's lives. I would not be teaching the class just for its academic beauty, although there is a lot of academic beauty in this field. So write down if you have an idea that you think you can apply. The ause you'll remember second reason why we should that is bec it down. for two Active note-taking is opposed to passive

more. Better attention, better understanding of the material if you are actively engaged, as opposed to just taking class, starting next week, we'll "time-outs". down passive notes. as class Throughout opposed and you the to lo

take what I called, it's like a we

"time-ins" stop the

time-out. It's the time where ok inward. And this is literally a time of silence in a class.

I will stop for a minute or two. And you'll have a chance either to just s tare at me

or anyone else, or think about what we've just discussed, or have a guiding ques tion that I will provide you that The reason why I have you'll address during the class.

"Time-ins"... This is something that I am introducing this year for the first ti me. We didn't have it last time. It's because over the last two years since I last taug ht it, I've done a lot work in the area of silence. I've read a lot of research in this area about the importance of quiet times whether it's in a class, in a lecture, whether it is a t home, whether it is for a leader in the business, for relationship, for children start ing from pre-schools. Now "time-ins" if many you of you, as you are "Well, going is through this what these I'm

decide to take this class may think, paying 40,000 dollars a

year for? To sit a class and be quiet?" First of all, it will only be a minute o r two at a time, maybe once or twice a lecture. But second, it is maybe the most important thing you'll take from this class. The notion of embracing stillness. Let me read to y ou an excerpt from a study that was run by two MIT professors. By the way, all the nam es that I read and that are not on the power points, you don't need to remember or write down. This is just for your edification. So David Foster and Matthew Wilson. Both of them are from MIT. Indeed the 317 ----------------------- 8----------------------following study that I think confirms the importance of "time-in", time to look inside. What they did is they scanned the brains of rats while they were in a maze and a fter they went through the maze. And here's what they found. "What the results sugges t is

that while there certainly is some record of your experience as it is occurring. in other words when they were figure out: 'What was important? What should of quiet wakeful I doing keep the maze, and throw when away?' you during try to


introspection. What they show was rats who went through the maze and went throug h the maze again and again, learned far less than rats who took time aside, chille d out a little bit after a maze, ce stillness. This has had more margarita. Experience, embra

implications and they showed implications to human beings as well. Not only thos e of the rat race, all human beings. "replay might constitute a So what they say is that

general mechanism of learning and memory". Both learning, understanding, as well as memory, retention. When we reflect, when we replay the material, we are much mor e likely to retain, to remember what we have just been through. So the importance of time aside cannot be over-emphasized. alled In The his wonderful Courage to book of teaching, Parker Palmer-- it's c

Teach, says the following-- Words are not the sole medium of exchange in teachin g and learning. We educate with silence as well. Silence gives us a chance to refl ect on what lence we have said and is treated as a heard. In authentic education, si

trustworthy matrix for the inner work students must do, a medium for learning of the deepest sort." Silence is something that is missing from our culture. I know tha t many of you have probably read Robert M. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,

Pirsig. He had a second book out, less well-known, called Lila (Lila: an Inquiry into

Morals). And Lila is an anthropological study of Native Americans. And one of th e distinguishing characteristics their approach were between these two cultures is

silence. What he found was when he went and sat around with Native Americans. 318 ----------------------- 9----------------------They would sit around the fire and hang out for two, three hours without saying a word. Just sit around. Look at one another. Smile. Have a good time. Introspect. Just be there for hours. While he points out that in our culture we feel very uncomfo rtable with the absence of words, with the absence of sound or noise. We have to fill u p all the gaps. This is an important cultural difference. And we pay a price for this lack of stillness. A price that we'll talk about a lot, when I talk about relationships, when I talk about virtue and morality and when we talk about happiness and wellbeing in gene ral. Let me give a little bit background on positive psychology: how we came about an d how this class came about. In many ways, positive psychology is the brainchild, the product and the ve in humanistic grandchild a of humanistic to psychology. the existing What we ha

psychology is essentially s of the time. The



founders, considered the founders of humanistic psychology in fact called it "th e third force". Why the "third force"? inner), Because the first force was behaviorism. The work of Skinner (B. F. Sk

the work of Watson (John B. Watson), the work of Thorndik (Edward Thorndik). Thi s was The the first force. The work of Freud second force was psychoanalysis.

(Sigmund Freud), Jung (Carl Jung), Adler (Alfred Adler) to some extent. This was

the second as a force. And the third reaction to it. force, humanistic psychology looks a by box, reward. came at like

First it is a reaction to the human entity, at the

behaviorism. of

Behaviorism as

person as basically a collection a billiard ball knocked around by reinforcements, And what humanistic by

behaviors punishment,

psychology said was that we are much more than a billiard ball being knocked aro und. We have spirit. We have a soul. We have cognitions and thoughts that matter. It' s not just behavior that is important for understanding as well as improving life. And then psychoanalysis, the second force. The psychoanalysis is about basically understa nding mostly through the subconscious: it; that's how you improve there the quality of life. There are biological that's how are defense 319 ----------------------- 10----------------------instincts, neurosis-- and if forces, were better you understand these very often dark you understand mechanisms,

able to deal with life: understand as well as improve the quality of life. Humanistic psychology says human beings are much more than that. Much more than biological instincts, much more than neurosis, much more than the person wh o exists in a Newtonian reality to value much more the like a billiard ball. We need

human being. We need to give much more dignity and freedom to the person. There was a problem. The problem was humanistic psychology is said lacked the rigorous methodology. While it about the study of brought in many wonderful ideas, talked

well-being, talked about the study of optimism, of kindness, of morality, of vir tue, of

love, of relationships, of peak experiences, of self-actualization, of empathy. All these wonderful concepts that we'll talk about throughout the semester. It wasn't as r igorous about its epistemology, about how we form ideas and how we learn. And that's why , in many ways, largely, not completely but largely more of into the self-health move ment. Interesting ideas, good ideas, important ideas, certainly good intentions, but t o some extent, without the academic rigor. And that's why it lacked the impact on acade mia. That's why classes we don't have offered in partly very few any humanistic around. psychology And this

universities today. There are is why also a lot of it


became the New Age essentially. But still, it's humanistic psychology that has i n many ways fathered and mothered, So let's meet the grandparents. People like Rollo more than anyone, Abraham Maslow. nt. Was the Was the May. American road People like Carl Rogers. And Preside as we'll see, positive psychology.

Psychological here


professor just down the University). And he

at Brandeis


introduced this humanistic psychology in 1954. He wrote a chapter, called "Towar d the lso Positive research Psychology". kindness, 1954. In it he said we need to a

goodness and happiness and optimism. In many ways it was way ahead of his time. 320 ----------------------- 11----------------------Then if Maslow is the grandfather, then Karen Horney is the grandmother. Initial ly a psychoanalyst, trained through the works of Freud, she realized the focuses had been

too much on the negative-- on neurosis, on psychosis and said we also, not only but also have to focus on what is working on human organism. We have to work and loo k at the fine qualities and cultivate those. Because part of being human is being those things as toward well. In many humanistic ways, brought about psychology. the movement Aaron

psychology and through Antonovsky, the third

that-- positive

person I would consider the grandfather, brought in the idea of focusing on heal th. He has a new concept. Or he introduced a new concept. I'm still here. Don't worry. He introduced a new "salutogenesis". concept, which he called-- his own neologism,

Salutogenesis: saluto--(which is) health; geneis (which is) origin. The origin o f health. And this was an alternative model, to the conventional ways model of pathologies . So instead of just studying health or psychological pathologies whether it's in physical

health, we should also study the origin of health. In many ways that is what pre vented medicine is about. So this was a novel idea back in 1970s when he introduced it. And we'll talk a lot about Aaron Antonovsky. Now the parents. Martin Seligman, chology, network of scholars, was the considered the father Like of the Maslow, positive he psy too,

started the field in 1998. President of

American Psychological Association. And as his mandate, during his presidency, h e had two aims: the e accessible, -- in other the first aim-- to tower make and academic psychology This mor was

words-- bridge Ivory first aim of his


presidency. The second aim was introduce a positive psychology. A psychology tha t will look at also things that work, that were not just stu

dy-- depression,


schizophrenia and neurosis. A psychology a network of scholars who will focus on -love, relationships, well-being. And introduced these ideas m then. Before Martin self-esteem, he and it's motivation, all been resilience literally and

uphill fro

Seligman, this all happened in 1998 and we'll talk about it a little bit more ne xt time. 321 ----------------------- 12----------------------This all happened in 1998. Long before 1998, our very own professor Ellen Langer did research in all these areas, bringing the humanistic spirit and combining it with the academic scientific rigor. We'll be talking probably more than any other scholar about her of work in this class. the parents of psychology yesterday. was And another Stone, my this person who from Harvard, away two one year m

positive s ago,

Philip were

passed advisors, In me

Both Langer and Stone e to the field of positive I had

physicist research. Stone

introduced 1998 along when

psychology into the first positive

psychology summit, Professor him. I was a graduate student.



In 1999 he taught the first positive psychology class at Harvard, one of the first in the world. I was later, he taught it his teaching again. fellow. A couple of years

Again I was his teaching fellow. And then when I graduated, he suggested I take over his class. And here we are today. So this is 1504. Let me give you a sense of, i n the next half an hour and so, a sense of what you expect in this class. The first th ing is this class is not just about information, it is also explicitly about transforma

tion. What do I mean by that? You see most information. What is information? rmation is So we have a container, about of education is our today is mind. about And info


taking data, taking science, taking information and putting it inside the form. That is information. Now we are educated. information, more data, ust information that determines our ational level, wellbeing, the when More this Not success, of our form is filled, Because that's when it's not j

better. our

enough. our

self-esteem, our It's

motiv much m

relationship and the quality ore than information.


Transformation is about taking this form and changing it. Trans, (which is) chan ge, form, (which nsformation. is) shape. This is the Change the form. This is tra

distinction that I learned first from at the school. Professor Robert Kegan who taught about this. Information in and of itsel f is not 322 ----------------------- 13----------------------enough. Think about this example. You go for an athletic meet. Your aim is to ge t into the top What's three-- to be the analysis? a medalist. You come in number eight.

What's the interpretation? -- Terrible. I just failed. You feel deflated. Enerv ated. On the other hand, the exact same event. You came eight when op three. You ? I need can interpret it to work even more as "Ok, You so what learned you expected to be t have from I the learned exper

harder." You become ience. In other


words, the same objective information which is "I got eighth; I expected top thr ee". The same information, very different interpretation. One i

s a disaster,


other One leads to loss of ene

interpretation is an opportunity. rgy, the other one to

increasing energy. Or think about another very common example. We know of many people around the world who seemingly have everything, ho have more than they need. And yet they are unhappy. hey And then there are people around the world who have very little. And yet t who are doing well, w

never cease, never stop to celebrate life. And we have another way around as wel l. People who have everything and appreciate it and enjoy life. People who have ver y little and who see themselves as victim. In other words, it's not just the infor mation that goes in. It's also the shape, the interpretation, the perception, the focus . And that is determined realized when by the shape I was an of the form. This is what I

undergrad here. Seemingly, looking in from the outside, I had everything. Doing well (in) tion, sports, academics my focus, my and socially. And yet my percep

interpretation of life-- not that great. I wasn't happy. The interpretation matt ers very often a lot more as we'll see than the information that goes in. One of the sent ences that I'll repeat throughout the class is that happiness is much more contingent on our state of mind than our status count. And that's where transformation comes in. wellbeing. What that And or the state so of our bank for ac


why it's


will look like in practice is that we'll cover not so much information. We'll un cover much more and I don't mean that in the Berkeley (George Berkeley) sense of the w ord. 323 ----------------------- 14-----------------------

I mean that in the words, what we'll do

academic is







uncover potential that we have inside, that we have inside of us all along. Mayb e we just didn't see. Or maybe it's obscured by something or another. We'll uncover i t so that we can utilize it, so that we can focus on it, so that we can perceive it. Here is a story just to illustrate it. So this is Michelangelo. s most One day he was asked by a journalist of his time, "how did you create thi

amazing masterpiece, David?", to which Michelangelo responded, "it was easy. I w ent to the quarry. I saw this huge piece of marble. And in it I saw David. All I nee ded to do was to chip away the excess stone, to get rid of the marble that shouldn't ha ve been there. And when I got rid of this excess stone, there was David. " Not obviously easier said than done. But the story captured the metaphor of what this class very much is about. It's about chipping away the excess stone. It's about getting rid of limi tations, of barriers, whether it's the fear of failure, something that we didn't have as kids. But today most people in our culture have it. It's about chipping away perfectionism that is debilitating ability because maybe about some and often for success, we of are the hurts afraid us. It's about of success. chipping we away feel our guilty


things that we have in our life, and that in turn limits us. Maybe it's about ch ipping away the limitations on our relationships in while we don't thrive within them. re by This is what this class is mostly about. As Dero (?) says, "soul grows mo

subtraction than by addition", by getting rid of these limitations, limitations that are preventing us from fulfilling our potential. Because our potential is in there i

n nature. We talk a lot about human through God, whether it's nature. It's there whether it's

through evolution. We have a lot of potential that over time with we fix (?) sto ne of voices with being part of our culture that very often these limitations are put on top of us just like the excess stone. Lao Tzu, "In pursuit of knowledge every day somet hing is acquired. In pursuit ped." Knowledge is of wisdom, every day something 324 ----------------------- 15----------------------about information. Wisdom is about transformation. I was recently interviewed fo r a newsletter on coaching And the interviewer before a large conference on the topic. is drop

asked me, "So what tips, what tools can you give from positive psychology?" So I ortance of talked about some gratitude, the exercise. of "the greatest hits": the imp

importance of physical ime on

I talked about the importance of spending t

our relationships, about taking time aside and simplifying and so on and so on. As I was going through my long list, she stopped me and she said, "You know Tal, this is all good. The importance of stuff, . I am I know. But our readers already know that

looking for the Wow factor. Come on, surprise me. What can you tell our readers? " And I thought about this question for a minute and I realized that there is no W ow. And I told her that, "you know if there is a wow, the wow is that there is no wo w." That's it. Because the over-not-transformation emperor, the emperor of quick fix es has no clothes. It doesn't exist. it's over-promising and under-delivering. A life, a fulf illing life, a

rich life includes ups and downs, includes pain and getting up again, includes f ailure and getting up again. It includes success and celebrating it. Victories and loss es, ups and downs, as we'll talk about next week. It's not about this one secret. One Wo w to the good life. And many of this class, you've heard of the things you will learn in

before. Probably nothing new to you. You already know it inside of you. And you are going to say, "Well, it of it is common sense. However, it is Voltaire common." And this is once common said, sense." "Common And sense yes, is a not lot that

especially applies to application. So the aim of this class is to make common se nse more common, especially in the real world application. At the end of the class, here's what I am hoping for, at the end of the class, if you decide to take it. At the end of the semester, I don't thinkI am not expecting you to come and tell me, "Wow! Thank you for teaching me so many new things." That's not what I am 325 ----------------------- 16----------------------expecting. I don't think that is what will happen. What I hope will happen is fo r you to come hing and you say, rather would say than "thank you for teaching me", somet

"thank you for reminding me of something that I've already known". And this is w hat this class is about. of what It's constant reminder, twice a week. Constant reminder

you already know, of what is inside you. The David that is inside you. And what this class will hopefully do is to help you chip away some of these limitations, whet her it's limitation, cognitive limitations that prevent you from seeing what you already knew,

emotional limitations that are preventing you from deriving the benefits of what you already know, or behavioral limitations. The ABC: affect, behavior, and cognitio n that we'll talk about during the change week. So I'm making common sense more common. Information in and of itself is simply not enough. It's not enough and what we n eed in addition to our Transformation high fast Because re on information highway back next is roads, time, a to transformation come of through highway. the a

way, or transformation increasing pace. as we'll talk about the rise, rates of



anxiety are on the rise, not just in this country, globally. It's literally glob al epidemic. And to deal with it, more information will just not do. Just not enough. is Here is Archibald MacLeish. He was a poet, was a Harvard professor, "What discoveries of science-- information is

wrong is not the great always better than

ignorance, no matter what information or what ignorance. What is wrong is the be lief behind the information, the belief that information will change the world. It wo n't." Just adding it and filling up our containers with more and more stuff. More and more information, more and more data. It's just not enough. We need more than that. T his class will take a humanistic approach. Let me read you a quick excerpt by Abraha m Maslow who talks about this approach, "If one took a course or picked up a book on the psychology of learning, most of it, in my opinion, would be beside the point - that is, beside the 'humanistic' point. Most of it would present learning as the acqu isition of associations, of skills and capacities that are external and not intrinsic to the human 326

----------------------- 17----------------------character, to the human " External refers to personality, to the person himself.

information. Internal refers to the transformation, the changing of the form. An d when we talk about transformation, actually mean it quite literally-- changing of the form, changing of the brain as we'll talk about. We'll talk about meditation for insta nce. 8. A We know our brain today can actually change through MRI studies since 199 came up brain which is Neurogenesis It I also changes very or its often Neuroplasticity, form mean throughout it liter

new concept meaning our

actually changes our life. So

and transforms. I don't

just mean it metaphorically, ally. Abraham Maslow

continues, "Humanistic philosophy offers a new conception of learning, of teachi ng, and of education. Stated simply, such a concept holds that the function of educa tion, the goal of education the human goal, the humanistic goal, the goal so far as huma n beings of a are concerned person, the is ultimately the "self-actualization"

becoming fully human, the development of the fullest height that the human speci es can stand up to or that the particular individual can come to. In a less technical way, it is helping the person to become the best that he is able to become." And this was before the Ad came up for the army. That "Be all you ca n be." This is what the class is about. It's the humanistic approach. It's about f ulfilling our potential, chipping away those limitations. Now to many of you this may soun d naive, idealistic. Naive it is not. Idealistic, it is. And we'll talk about and discuss the importance of idealism and maintaining idealism if we are to


personal change, or community or the society good change. life and T

change, inter-personal his class is not

about providing answers, happiness. It is about


identifying the right questions. "Ask and ye shall you receive", say the Scriptu re. This class is what I think education is all about, which is that the quest for inform ation and transformation must begin with the question. Quest, question, there is no coinci dence that there is an etymological link between the two. In this class we'll be askin g, you'll 327 ----------------------- 18----------------------be asked many questions, questions that as you'll see, create reality. We'll tal k about it already next yourselves time. first The and importance of the questions you ask of

foremost, of your partner, of your students, of your parents, of your employees in the future, teammates and so on. Questions make a difference. Peter Drucker, DThe most common source of mistakes in management decisions Peter Drucker, considered of 20th century, the most important management scholar

just recently passed away, saying the biggest mistake is not asking the right qu estions. As we'll see next time, this is the biggest mistake in research potentially. Thi s is the biggest mistake in application. Not asking the right questions as well, whether it's in managing organizations, en I said that questions are ming from a whether it's answers managing matter our less, lives. I am Now. not Wh co

important and point of

relativism. I'm not a relativist. I think they are ... To some questions definit ive answers that are important to know. However, what I'm saying is that it's important, not

less important to focus on questions when it comes to education. marks The educator, Neil Postman once said, "The kids enter schools as question

and they leave as periods." My hope in this class is to bring up many more quest ion marks than periods. Once again, it's about chipping away the excess stone becaus e as kids, we are Let me show always asking you a questions. We are always curious.

quick excerpt from a video of one of my favorite psychologists, actually the com edian, Seinfeld. We will watch a lot of excerpts throughout the semester. Talking about what we were like as kids. See is this in your way "So, the first couple of years I m ade my own costumes which of course sucked: the ghost, the hobo... Then, finally, the t hird year, begging the parents, I got the Superman Halloween costume. Not surprisingl y. Cardboard box, self-made top, mask included. Remember the rubber band on the bac k of that mask? That was a quality item there, wasn't it? out That was good for about of that cheap little 10 seconds 328 ----------------------- 19----------------------staple they put it in there with. You go to your first house: "Trick or..." Snap !" It broke. I don't believe it!" "Wait up you guys! I gotta fix it! Hey wait up! Wait up!" K ids don't say "wait". They say "wait up! Hey wait up!" Coz when you are little your life i s up. Your future is up. Everything you want is up. "Wait up! Hold up! Shut up! Momma, clean up! Let me stay up!" Parents of course are just the opposite. Everything i s down. "Just calm down! Slow down! Calm down here! Sit down. Put that down!" So again before it snapped

this curiosity, this looking up, this opening up is opposed to closing down that kids have. This notion. This is what I hope will happen in this class. The one real o bjective of education is to leave a man in the condition of continually asking questions. So here is a longitudinal Carter. John Carter, study that was done by John

professor of leadership management of the business school across the river, came to Harvard in 1972, joined the faculty and started to follow Harvard class, MBA cla ss of 1973 and followed them through 20 years. And what he was interested in was to fi nd all the information he could about this class. What he found 20 years later, ear ly 90s when this study ended was these students were extremely successful, Or ex-studen ts were extremely successful, students were extremely successful, very wealthy, hav ing a lot of impact, whether mmunity. They did it's on the organizations, on the co

extremely well. But within the large he

group of highly successful Harvard MBAs,

found a small group that was extraordinarily successful, more successful than th e rest of group, whether in terms of income, whether in terms of impact, whether in ter ms of overall quality of life. ted to identify was Extraordinarily successful. What he wan

why-- what distinguishes this small group from the rest of the pack: very succes sful, but not quite as successful as that small group. And he found only two things. I t was not their IQs that made no difference whatsoever to their long-term success. had It was not where they came nothing to do from, pre-MBA, what they did

with it. Two and two things along mattered in terms of determining who will be t he 329

----------------------- 20----------------------extraordinarily successful s the extraordinarily and the rest: the first thing wa

successful groups really believe in themselves. They thought they could do well. They were driven. They were motivated. And we'll talk about it in future lecture as b elief in self-fulfilling prophecies. They thought "I'm going to make it. I'm going to suc ceed." That's the first thing. The sense of the confidence. The second thing that he fo und was this group, they were always asking questions, --always asking questions, initia lly of their boss, later of their employees, of their partners, children, parents, frie nds. They were always asking question. f curiosity. Always They were always at the state o

looking up, opening up, wanting to understand the world the more. They didn't sa y "Now I have my MBA. That's it. I know enough. " They were life-long learners. Th ey were tics always asking account for questions. These two distinguishing characteris

the difference between the extraordinarily successful and those who were success ful. The question that has guided me whether it's in writing the book, whether it's in creating this class, whether it's first and foremost my personal life is what I call "the question ourselves of the question", and others, and others which society become is "how become happy. can we Note about help that becomin

individuals, communities it is not about helping ourselves g happier. Why? and

happier?" It is

Because many people ask me, "So Tal, are you happy?" And I can't really answer t hat question. I don't know what it means. How do I determine whether or not I am hap py?

Is it compared to someone else? Is there a certain point beyond which I become h appy? Happiness appy or is not a binary I'm unhappy. either-or, zero-one-- either I'm h

Happiness resides on a continuum. So my answer to this question-- "am I happy?" is today I'm happier than I was 15 years ago when I started focusing on this pursui t. ss is 15 years from now I certainly hope to be happier than I am today. Happine

lifelong pursuit. Hopefully this class is part of that pursuit, but just part. Y ou'll not be happy at the end of class. many people sit here Hopefully you'll 330 ----------------------- 21----------------------during the lectures on talk explicitly about self-esteem, for example, or when we be happier. Cos

happiness, they say, "Wait. Do I have self-esteem?"-- Thinking to themselves. "D o I have high self-esteem or low self-esteem?" Irrelevant. Impossible to answer also . The question is "how ealthy self-esteem, can I not improve my self-esteem, my h

narcissism of course? How can I become happier?" That's an important question. A nd this is the question of questions. This class is not a survey of positive psycho logy. ent If you want a survey on positive psychology, I can recommend some excell by Lopez (Shane J. Lopez) or by Peter

textbooks whether it's son (Chris Peterson).

Great textbooks. There is also The Handbook of Positive Psychology which is a hu ge book with most what you can also use it in self-defense. Very useful k, very well-written, in want that to know respect. about But this a field. wonderful You boo

very accessible in the spirit of positive psychology. But this is not that. This is not a

survey of positive psychology. What it is is a selective exploration of the ques tion of the questions. In is in psychology that way, and it is eclectic. My background

philosophy. I studies organizational behavior. I worked as a consultant in busin ess for a few years. Still do some work there. I worked in the field of education, doing a lot of work in field of education. And I take from all these areas. ology in gy I also draw on not just from positive psychology. I draw on clinical psych this class. I draw on and so on. It's an cognitive psychology, social psycholo

eclectic class. Because my question, my guiding question was "what would contrib ute to happiness?" And if something within psychopathology I thought could contribut e to our wellbeing, I took that and used that. And if something from the field of con sulting in organizational behavior could contribute, that became part of the class, as m uch as I could fit in of course in eclectic. The class is not cross-cultural. for a few one semester. So the class is

I will bring in ideas from eastern thoughts. there. and Studied and continue 331 to

I lived in Asia study the eas

years. I worked tern philosophies

----------------------- 22----------------------psychologies. But my train primarily is in western psychology. And the focus of the class will be that. However that doesn't mean that positive psychology doesn't a pply to people from different places in the world. There was recently a meeting betwe en senior Paul scientists, psychologists Ekman, Richard from the west, people like

Davidson- some of the most important minds in the field of psychology meeting wi th

the Dalai Lama and some of his monks. how They were talking about the future of psychology, about the research, and

can you research meditation and so on. And one of the things they were talking a lot about is the cultural differences. And when that came up, the Dalai nly Lama sudde

seemed uneasy. And when Daniel Goleman who was writing about this whole event and it a said was held in India that he was not asked him what's wrong, Dalai Lam

comfortable with talking and emphasizing so much cultural differences. You can s ay many things about Dalai him is that he's Lama. One thing you cannot say about

culturally insensitive, arguably one of the most sensitive people alive. And yet he said we are focusing too much on cultural differences and he added not because there are no cultural differences. Of course there are and they are important. But there a re many more similarities than differences. And we shouldn't ignore those similarities. bit Daniel Goleman about surprised by the the Dalai Lama, "We were a little

Dalai Lama's seeming resistance to the notion of cultural differences. So I am w illing to introduce these ideas and people who are but A, because will do a it's much not my better training job t

focusing on han I do;

cultural differences and second,

because what I hope to look into is the universal, things are common across cult ures. So we'll study research in this area. But even more than that, we'll become even more particular than just talking the world. We'll study yourselves. n I put We are going this class to about go psychology that in this Now part why? of Whe


together, I didn't think to myself, "Ok, so what are the things that I need to i ntroduce

332 ----------------------- 23----------------------in order to please the participants in the class, the students?" that I That's not what I thought. What I thought about was "what was the class

would have wanted to take as an undergraduate here? What would help me become happier if I were sitting there?" In other words, thinking from my perspective f rom very rage personal perspective. you. about large In going this to class encourage I am you going to encou anythi

sample sizes. But I'm ng to look inside

more than

yourselves. To study yourselves. Whether it's through response papers that will be due weekly starting in 2 weeks; whether it's in your final project that will be a pr esentation that you won't have to give but out your you'll have to write out-- a presentation ab

favorite topic or the topic that matters most to you; whether it's in sections t hat you'll be talking about how can I apply these ideas to my life. them. The time-ins are about thinking about how can I take in the ideas and use

It's about studying ourselves. Because as Carl Rogers says, "What is most person al is most general." "What is most personal is most general." And as Maslow adds, "We must remember that knowledge also simultaneously of one's own deep nature is

knowledge of human nature in general." When we understand ourselves better, when we identify ourselves, thers. In fact, this we is are in better able to identify with o

many ways the source of empathy, of the healthy empathy. And there are some stud ies showing that people who themselves, who are know themselves, who study

self-reflective, display less egregious behavior, less immoral behavior toward o thers.

Behavior that would fall under say, racism. And it's counter-intuitive to some e xtent. "Wait. Don't you first can be more sensitive need to to it's study the not other It so is that you

others?" Yes, that too. But to also study ourselves,



because when we see our deep nature, what we encounter there is part of the univ ersal nature, the similarities among us all, regardless of where we are from. o it. And this was what Dalai Lama was talking about: not stop cross-cultural. D 333 ----------------------- 24----------------------Important. But at the same time, not ignore the self. Not ignore the universal w ithin each one of us. C.S. Lewis, "There is one thing and only one in the whole univer se which we know about that we could learn from external observation. That one thin g is ourselves. We have, so to speak, inside information; we are in the know." Now th ere are of 's not course enough biases when to just we study ourselves which is why it

study the self. It's important to counter it, to add to it, academic work, study ing others. That's why we'll do some as do some search-searching inside us. biases research or study research as well

Both are important. We shouldn't, just because there are

and mistakes that potentially can be made, it doesn't mean we need to throw out the baby with the bath water and stop studying ourselves. So we'll do that or rather you'll do that probably more than any other class on campus. eaning Finally this may be news to you, but this is not English 10A or Math 55, m

you'll not have to read as much as you will read for 10A or for a history class, and this

class is not as difficult as Math 55 so you rest. I'm sure there are some people here who took the class. This class at the same time is about rigorous fun. Fun...bec ause it's fun to study ourselves. Sometimes it hurts and sometimes we see things that we m ay not like, but overall it's fun. It's interesting. And at the same time it's rigo rous, based on research. Now many of the ideas that you'll encounter in this class are very simple, very accessible. Common sense. However they are simple, not simplistic. And here is the difference. Oliver Wendell Holmes-this court is attributed not give to him, not 100% a fig for the sure Holmes it's NOliver his-- said, Wendell "I would

simplicity on this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplici ty on the other side of complexity." ust What Holmes means simplicity, easy, here is that he doesn't care about j

off-the-cuff, whimsical ideas. What he does care about though is the simplicity that comes after. it, after We we have have chewed the idea, after 334 ----------------------- 25----------------------thought about it. Ideas if on the other side of that have been worked on. And we have digested

complexity we can read simplicity and common sense, that's great. That's what he 's interested rs that throughout on the in. That is we'll discuss the semester other side of also are positive interested psychology in. The researche simplicity

complexity. And there is a very big difference between these two simplicities, e ven though on the face of it, they may at times look similar. What this class requir es is a

very different kind of effort. to other class. Again it

A very different




doesn't require the effort that you'll need in 55 or in English 10A. The kind of effort that ing it does require is the into your life, of effort of application, of apply

introducing behavioral actual change to your life. And before we go into some of the technicalities of the class such as the syllabus, I want to end with a story abo ut Peter Drucker. Peter Drucker, tudy of management in modern times. Peter Drucker 94, passed away just a who lived I to quoted the earlier, father grand old age of of s

couple of years ago. Toward the end of his life while he was still 100% lucid, i t was more difficult for him to be mobile and to go into organizations. So what he did was invite people who wanted consulting from him, wanted to learn from him to come t o his home. And he had Presidents, Premier Ministers of countries. He had CEOs of Fortune 500 companies coming spend the weekend with him. And on Friday, this was how we started with every session, with every world lead er, whether in business, whether in non-for-profit, whether in politics. He would sa y to them the following, up and tell me "on how Monday I don't want you to call me

wonderful it was, "-- meaning how wonderful the weekend was, "on Monday I want you to call me up and tell ntly." At the end of the me what you are doing differe

semester or at the end of the lecture, if you enjoyed it, by all means tell me t hat you enjoyed it, that you had fun. But more important, it is what you are doing diffe rently, how this has an impact We are going to spend on a your life and that takes effort.

whole week talking just about change, nothing directly related to positive psych ology.

335 ----------------------- 26----------------------Just about Because we change. know Because most fails, it is so because change we along know with difficult to change. more individual our cognitive cha

organizational change nge fails. Unless

we introduce behavioral and emotional change.

Affect and cognition is not enough; behavior has to be there as well. What you a re doing differently. To do things differently very often takes courage. hey Some of your response papers that you'll hand in-- none of them are graded; t

are all just graded "pass/failed"-- you'll have to hand them in and then you'll pass. But some of them may be the written here. For some most difficult papers that you've

they'll be the easiest. And things will just flow out. That's about introducing change. That's about reflecting. t chipping away the That's about taking time-in. That's abou

excess stone. And it can only be done through this kind of effort. So if you rea lly want class to make a difference in your life, it's up to you. I'm going to introduce to you the material. I'm going to new field of positive introduce to you this wonderful

psychology. what is up to you is to then take it and apply it. I want to talk a little about the syllabus and the requirements. time for questions. But And I'll give you a little

before I do that, I would also like to welcome-- I know that some of you are wat ching this from home, to the extension school students, it's wonderful to have you her e. Do come and visit once a while. And you'll be working with obviously part of this c lass, but also with Deb Levy who is the, they had teaching fellow for the extension sc hool.


They had teaching fellow and I'd like just to a few be

for words,

the just

FAS to





invite him for just to you. And you'll



introduced to other TFs we have. We have an amazing team this year. This is Sean . Sean:Hey good morning. Can you guys hear me? Can you hear me now? Great. This is absolutely ogy again. honored to be Tal is too back teaching he positive is psychol

humble. This is not only extraordinary that time with us, but he's

sharing his

actually moved here back, moved his family back from Israel for the entire semes ter,-336 ----------------------- 27----------------------his wife and his two little children just so he can teach this class with us. An d this is absolutely an extraordinary opportunity for us to share this moment with them. A nd I'm really excited about it. Last time we taught this class, we did a survey to find out what type of people were sitting in this room-- they are just like yourselves-and find out why you'll be taking this class. Coz the comment that we get so often about this class is why would Harvard students possibly be unhappy? what do they have to be unhappy about? They thought everyone who'd be taking this class would be taking it because they are already really happy and they want to study about how amazing t hey are. And they'd like to learn things that they can tell the roommates so clearly that (?) themselves. But it turns ss last out actually over a third of people who took this cla

year took the class because they felt depressed. And they were trying to learn a bout the research about e they wanted to positive psychology. And another third becaus

learn about optimism. Another third did it for completely different reasons. I think. Additional third this year did it because Tal was on the Jon Stew art Daily Show. I am absolutely thrilled about this class. The syllabus which Tal is about to tell you about is.. Actually we learned a couple of other things about you guys. Did you know that of people who take positive psychology, 75% of you are officers of clu b, 35% of you are the highest ranking officers of club, which means that you think there are about 2000 clubs at Harvard, you are in club of three, and you happen to be the president. We learned e learned that the other reasons why you are not happy. w

average number of romantic relationships for people to take positive psychology in 4 years is between zero and one. Zero and one. (Tal: No! I don't believe it.) Don' t leave. - But that was before taking positive psychology class.\N- That was before takin g the class. We are going to test you afterwards. The average number of sexual partner s is between zero and .5. I have no idea what .5 sexual partners is. This class is go ing to be amazing. It was have extraordinary amazing in the past and Tal we actually

teaching staff here with us. It's a large teaching staff. 337 ----------------------- 28----------------------to be And Tal has actually already given us home works so the teachers are going

learning not only the material you are doing and talk you about which the expert s (?), but learning how to be to read. He's actually given us assignment. sense. In terms of It's the better a big teachers. He's given class us in books that


syllabus, it's going to be online. Tal just described now we've decided to go gr

een, so no trees are in making torium made of wood. of this class except the large audi

Sections-- we are going to try sections online next weekend. So we are going to get the numbers on Wednesday. On following weekend we will be doing sectioning that gives you a very short of turnaround time. But that way you can give me Monday t o change your section if you need to, which I hope you won't. And sections will st art the following week. Thank you very much. If you have any questions, send me an email . Ok, so... I think I don't here is one lecture in the need to explain to you why t

semester that I don't teach and Sean will teach it. And that is the lecture on h umor. Figure out why yourselves. I do think you'll have to walk and talk if you are te aching something. The syllabus. The class, is to introduce you to my thinking about the class, is what I call it, integrated class. What that means is that integrated vertical ly as well as horizontally. to the next Vertically class is means that every class connected

connected to every class throughout the semester around a spiral. So what we'll talk about next week, we'll revisit it again in lesson 7, lesson 17 and lesson 24. Ev erything is interconnected on the higher words will lead to deep understanding al. So it's and hopefully vertically horizontally level on a spiral-- in of the That other materi means

assimilation interconnected.

interconnected. It's also every part of the

class reinforces and influences the other part. The sections. lectures, Sections not enough, are do a lot of your you'll work in get your a lot more in very

mandatory. You'll much related to


response papers that many student claim the most important part of the class. Be cause 338 ----------------------- 29----------------------that's where you get the time-in. That's when you really get to chip away. Very much connected to the final project. The final project is a presentation that you'll write out. You don't actually give it but give it to a couple of friends just to get feedba ck. Not graded on that part. The final project is graded as a final paper, but just what you hand in, what you submit. And the reason why there is a final paper because the best way which is like a presentation, because the best way to learn is to teach. And you 'll be teaching these materials to other people -- any material that you are interested in your presentation. So the readings, very much connected and take you to the next leve l of understanding and assimilation. up? Any question So any questions before I finish

from you? Alright. So let me just say-- one second finishing words. I am very ex cited to be back here. My families are very excited to be back here. Looking forward t o a meaningful, pleasurable, enjoyable and happier semester with you. Thank you. 339 ----------------------- 30----------------------Positive Psychology CLecture 2 ld Hi. Good morning. I'm so glad that you came. I was worried that no one wou I'm glad you are Ok. Just a cou

show up in this weather. ple of announcements.

Questions that I received via email. A few things before we jump into the materi al. First of all, I was asked, who is this class for? Is it for people-- you know it's positive

psychology -- people that are very unhappy? Is it only for people who are depres sed? Who is is this class for?" Well, interested in Positive the class is for anyone who

psychology and anyone who wants to be happier. If you are extremely happy, you c an still be happier. If you are e happier. So the class very unhappy, you can still b

essentially is for anyone who's interested in the material. nd of And I would add someone who is really interested to work, to put the ki

effort that we talked about last time. Just not the kind of effort that we would require you to wreck your head about understanding certain concept, but it is effort in terms of applying these ideas to your lives. Now you may want to take this class, beca use you are interested on academic level in positive psychology that's perfectly fin e. And you'll get many-- we'll talk about numerous studies in every lecture, starting n ext time. We'll talk about study after t that element as well. study after study, so you'll ge

However, if you are thinking about taking positive psychology for personal benef its, you need to put the effort in. And I'll talk more about that today. So the clas s is for everyone. Anyone who's extremely happy and wants to be happier and anyone who's not happy and wants to be happier. Pass/fail-- perfectly fine. Again the idea about this class is first and f oremost for you. So I would urge you if you do take pass and fail to put in the work, and th at's why the one element of pass/fail is not negotiable is that all the response pape rs have to be submitted. Now the not graded. They are response papers, as you know, are

basically reflection papers. Will you reflect about the ideas about things that can be

340 ----------------------- 31----------------------applied to your life? em in, you pass. If But you they are required. So you hand th

don't hand them in, you fail. But other than that, by all means, if you want to take this class pass/fail, its perfectly fine. Third thing, you'll be exposed to many theori es, to many ideas in this class. Not everything would resonate of you. There's a wonder ful book just came out in 2008, just two weeks ago, called "The How of Happiness" by Sonja s a Lyubomirsky. And professor at there she talks about the concept-- she'

Riverside (UC), Harvard college graduate and went to Stanford for graduate scho ol she talks about the importance he fit between certain of finding fit, meaning t

technique, or tool, or idea, and yourself. Not every idea, not every study that you've heard about, d you will not every intervention practice that you actually practice an

interventions in your life, whether it's doing acts of kindness, whether it's ex pressing gratitude, whether it's ng. You will do all physical exercising, whether it's journali

these things throughout the semester. Not everything would be right for you. You 'll be exposed to it. You'll try it. And then you'll make up your mind, "yes, this is w hat I want to incorporate" or "no, this is just not relevant for me." So it's importan t to keep that in mind. Anything that I talk about is backed by research, but the research doesn't say its right for for many people; worked or it is working. recipient So again be an active participant in this class as opposed to passive everyone. It this has says it's for most people or

of a doctrine. And identify the things that work for you-- not everything. I gua rantee not everything will work for you, but a lot of things will. Your response papers that I just mentioned earlier: they get them by 5 pm on are due at 5 pm, sorry, you'll

Tuesday, starting next Tuesday. And they will be due at 5 pm on Sunday to your T F. Again the response papers are usually for most people fun, interesting and engag ing activities. Not graded, just basically for you to reflect, for you to grow throu gh them. Thesis writers. How many of you are thesis writers? Just so I get a show of hand here. Ok, I am sorry. No I'm kidding. Thesis writers: you'll not need to take the midt erms. I 341 ----------------------- 32----------------------know it's 'll not crunch time around that time- being through it myself here. So you

have to take the midterm. Your final will account for more. Unless you want to t ake the midterm, of course you'll more than welcome to. we won't throw you out of t he classroom. Your thesis cements online. Do check the f things. website on the Instead of writers may. There'll be many announ o

regular basis.

We communicate

a lot

sending you emails, we'll have the announcements. Check them regularly, about 6 7 times a day. Just kidding. Once a day or once every two days is more than enough . cture I'd like Before I do jump into the material and we have a very exciting le who is the head TF for extension

today, to invite Deb Levy school-- so extension

school students, I know there are a couple of you here, those of you at home-- h ere she is. Deb Levy. Deb Levy: Alright. I have about 20, 30 minutes to talk so I'm gonna

start with my childhood. I am just kidding. I am the head TF for the extension s chool and we are thrilled. We have 296 extension students taking this course online, w hich means they are going to students you'll be in sections n, there on are teleconference, gonna be watch When videos, people be a great and then extension call i Let's

are gonna opportunity.

teleconferences which is say hi to people out

going to

there in New Zealand. Hi. France. Kentucky. Lexington. It's really unbelievable. So the other thing is I want to take a picture actually. (Tal: No pictures in the c lassroom.) You'll take a picture Tal. So I am not going to do any lecturing. But since Tal and I have very similar systematic stuff, so if Tal is absent for any reason, I'll be doing the lecture for you. (Tal: Good.) The other is: people who are extension, I want to you be patient. We are going to get information out there as soon as we can. And you'll all be sectioned in next week or so. And feel thrilled to be here. Great. Thank you Deb . ears So I want to start with a story, something that happened to me exactly 2 y

ago, just about to the day, when was the last time when I taught positive psycho logy. As the semester started, it , my mentor, who I am was a very stressful 342 ----------------------- 33----------------------dedicating this class as , Philip well as all my future positive psychology class is to period also

Stone passed away just the day before the class started. Very stressful period. And I got sick. And I got very sick. Somehow I got through the class. I taught the Thu rsday class. That started 2 years ago. It started on Tuesday. So

I taught

on Tuesday. completely drugged. This lecture I made it t

Somehow Thursday, hrough somehow.

And I went to home and I couldn't fall asleep. I was in real pain. I went to the doctors. That was on Friday afternoon, just saying "you know I have to go. The medication I took didn't help." Went to the doctors. Had some blood tests. And finally after days I couldn't sleep because of night. In the midnight, pain, fell asleep. This was Friday

there was a phone call. I don't hear it. I am fast asleep. My wife picks it up. Tommy picks it up. It's the doctor. And the doctor says to Tommy, "the test results ju st came in. And Tal should get to the hospital now." She said to the doctor, "He just fell a sleep. He hasn't slept for days. Can it wait till tomorrow morning?" the And the doctor said, No. And he has to go to Beth Israel, because they have

best labs for what he needs right now." And she doesn't elaborate it any more. T ommy wakes me up, retells me the story of what's happening. Somehow I get up. She can 't take me to the hospital because David, at that time one year old, is asleep. We don't want to wake him up. So we get a cab to take me to Beth Israel. On the way-- so this was the year after (?), driving I was no longer resident tutors in Leverett. We were

down the Charles River. Up and drive and then next to Harvard. I look at Harvard . I look at the beautiful river. ight after a It's very quiet. Not help myself many cars just after midn but think, "what if

Friday night. And I can't there's something really

terrible going on?" I mean, why would they call me midnight to the hospital-- Be th Israel, insisting on just one specific hospital? There must be something really wrong.

And my mind begins to ave a year left? What



I say,



I only h

would I do in that year?" I become very sad because I think I won't see David gr ow up. I won't see-- I won't have any future children. Be careful up there. And I becom e very 343 ----------------------- 34----------------------wistful and sad. that And then I ask myself," Ok so professionally, what would I want to do in

last year?" So I know personally exactly what I'll do. I'll spend all the time t hat I can with my family. But professionally what do I want to accomplish in this year? An d my immediate response was I want to leave behind a coherent body of work, a coheren t course introducing people to positive psychology. While I arrived at the hospita l, I had some more checks. It ends up being nothing too serious. They put me on antibioti cs. And within a couple of days I am on the way to recovery. I want to share with yo u today though why. that time and today, sitive Why is still it a the most important thing for me at body of work about po

is to leave behind psychology, to


introduce you to this wonderful field? Why positive psychology? Why is it? Its o wn field? Why is it not--well, just study happiness, wellbeing as part of social ps ychology or clinical psychology? Why have so many scholars around the world united around this concept of positive psychology? So this is what I want to do today. . In the year of Davis Myers, from of 2000,a you research who've was done social by David psychology Myers may

Hope College-- some have read his


textbook, did research, looking at psychological abstracts. What he looked at wa s the ratio between "negative is what he found. From 1967 to year positive psychology of research" 2000- this and was "positive around research". the time Here when

started, what he found in the 33 years are over 5000 articles on anger, 5000 res earch articles on anger. He found over 41000 research articles on anxiety and over 500 00 articles on depression. And then he looked at the positive words, positive resea rch. He looked for research on joy. And he found staggering 415 studies. It does get bet ter. He looked at research on happiness and he found close to 2000 articles on happiness in 33 years. Life satisfaction came on top: over 2500 studies. Still, if you look a t that, the negative studies versus the positive studies, the ratio that you get is 21 to 1. For every 344 ----------------------- 35----------------------one article on some of life, wellbeing, positive aspect, some positive element

satisfaction, joy, happiness, you get 21 articles on depression, anxiety, schizo phrenia, neurosis and so on. Ratio of 21 to 1. Very depressing ratio, I must admit. In fa ct, it made me very angry and anxious. Studies focus on, primarily on what doesn't work , mostly on what doesn't work. And this is not a new phenomenon. Here is something from Abraham Maslow, who we mentioned last time, talking about has this phenomenon been far more in 1954: "The science of psychology

successful on the negative than on the positive side. It has revealed to us much about man's shortcomings, his illnesses, his sins, but little about his potentialities , his virtues,

his achievable aspirations as if psychology had







voluntarily restricted itself to only half its rightful jurisdiction and that da rker, meaner half." So what does concentrators here psychology study? I mean the psychology

know that, probably guess that. We study a lot of prejudice. We study a lot depr ession and anxiety. We study a lot about conformity. We study a lot about misjudgments and errors, very much focusing on this aspect and very little-- again, 21 to 1, very little-on the positive. And when I look at this ratio and I think about it, this is 195 4-- hasn't changed much since. And look into it, I think when that I think about it and I

psychology needs help. I really do. I mean think about it at a personal level. T hat if you had a person who 21 hours a day was depressed and one hour in a day felt goo d? Or one day feeling good and then 21 days feeling anxious and depressed? You woul d say that this k needs help. person would But the need help. And the field I thin

question becomes "is it the right analogy?" Should we look at it this way? Becau se the 21 ratio l level, is unhealthy, certainly but it reflects would be so on the individua

reality in many ways. Because what we are seeing today in more and more research showing that there is more and more depression around the world, that there is m ore and more anxiety, east, west, north, south-- around the world. And one could arg ue-people who argue for continuing to do research in this area, for doing less in p ositive 345 ----------------------- 36----------------------psychologies, -- well we should be doing even more than the 21 to 1 ratio, becau se we

want to alleviate the anxiety and depression that people experience. 0. Today depression is 10 Now part of it is times higher than it was in 196

because there's more awareness, because we measure better. But that's not all. I t's also simply because objectively there's more depression. And one way of knowing that is that the most objective "measure" that we have is unfortunately suicide. And num bers have risen significantly around the world, not just in the United States-- wheth er it's in China, whether it's Australia-- as well as here. The mean age for depression tod ay is less than 15. Kids at "information highway". very young age are introduced to the

And very often, they are not prepared, not able to deal with it in an effective way. So when we look at this data, we say we do need more research to help people overco me depression, to help people overcome anxiety. And I don't want to belittle that. That is important. It is extremely important. What I'm arguing, what I will argue for, i s the shift of the pendulum. So it's no longer 21 to 1. There are more, many more stud ies in positive psychology, -- not , but just shifting the to the exclusion of, not at all

pendulum. How about here? In our local village? This article, -- I couldn't find a study that is more recent, this was pub lished in 2004. Harvard Crimson (http://www.thecrimson.com/). This article says that, in t heir 6 months study of this, 80% of Harvard students experienced depression over the past year. Now we are not talking about the regular ups and downs that most people ha ve ten times a day-- I certainly do. We are talking about depression here. For an e xtended period of time. 47% of Harvard students, according to this, -- and grant it: thi

s is not academic study, but I will share with you academic study in a minute, published in a top-tier refereed journal. y that 47% Harvard students to the over point the past of not But year Crimson have has founded in its surve



functioning. So they couldn't leave home. They were really struggling to just ba sically 346 ----------------------- 37----------------------get through the day. 47%. Now when people look at this, they say "well of course , we need to focus more on psychopathology. 21 to 1-- not enough! 30 to 1 sounds more like it." We see it around campuses. This is not peculiar to Harvard. Not at all pec uliar to Harvard. Richard Kadison, who is the head of mental health services here, in the New England Journal of Medicine-- probably the leading journal in the field of Medic ine, recently published an t was done among 13500 college students universities, states article, where he talked different about kinds of a survey tha colleges,


schools, private schools. And what they found in this very significant study was that 45% of college students nationwide over the past year have experienced depressio n to the point of not functioning. was So The Harvard 45-- essentially Crimson found 47; nationwide, it

identical, no significant difference among the two. This is a nationwide phenome non. In this study, 94% of college students nationwide feel overwhelmed and stressed by everything that they have to do. 94% I mean these are supposed to be the best fo ur

years of our lives. Something is going on here. Now this is not unique to United States. I just recently came back from a tour. I was in-- spent time in Europe-- in the UK, France; spent a lot of time in China and some time in Australia. In every one of these places, the governments presidents are very are really concerned; university

concerned about the growing level of depression, anxiety and general mental diso rder, rise of suicide rates in all of these countries that global I mentioned. So we have a

epidemic here. And once again going back so: Is it the 21:1 ratio good? Is it im portant? Shouldn't it be increased? ing happiness and How can we even think about study

well-being and love and joy? Shouldn't we first deal with the real pressing prob lem of depression, anxiety, neurosis and so on? Some truth to that, but again what I'm going to argue for in this class is that we 347 ----------------------- 38----------------------do need to also, not only, not exclusively, not even necessarily primarily; we n eed to also focus on the positive. I am going to talk about three reasons why we should do that. The first reason is what works, because what that it is important to focus on

works or what we focus on rather creates reality. If we focus on what is working , we'll have more working in e working in our our world, more working in ourselves, mor

relationships. The second reason why positive psychology as an independent field of study being as a course in and of happy is not just the itself is important is that

negation of happiness. It doesn't mean just get rid of depression or anxiety tha t I am

experiencing, That's not

I spontaneously become how it






works. And finally, prevention which is very important today, the most effective way of preventing hardship, -- whether it's depression, whether it's anxiety, -- is actually by focusing on and cultivating ith you some studies the positive. Now I will share w

about this. So for these three reasons, we need positive psychology. uction Let me begin with the importance of focusing on what works. In the introd

to the Handbook of Positive Psychology, Martin Seligman who we talked about last time, considered the father scholars, says this: "The aim of positive in psychology from a of positive is the psychology, to catalyze worst things in network of


a change life to

preoccupation only with repairing also building the best

qualities in life." Note that he says also. He doesn't say exclusively or even p rimarily. It's important to focus on what works, -- whether it is in our relationship, whe ther it's in ourselves, whether it's whether it's in United in others, whether it's in Harvard,

States or the world-- in order to have more what works. Now the question is "how do we focus on what works?" And the answer to this question is through the question s that we ask. Let me illustrate through a case study. Psychologists, starting in the late 1940s, studied government at-risk money, population. More and more money--

university money, philanthropist money-- went into study in the cities or places where generally the kids were pping out of school, considered at risk-- more 348 ----------------------- 39----------------------prone to dro

more prone to later-on crime, teen pregnancy and so on. So this study they put i n a lot of money, a lot of effort into this. The question that the psychologists asked w as "why do these individuals fail? why does such a high percentage of students in that a s-risk population end up dropping out of school? Getting pregnant? Crime?" --And we'll talk about the statistics later on next week. "Why do so many of these individuals fa il?" Now an important question, good intentions of the psychologists, smart people, l ot of money, lot of resources Very going in. However, very little change was introduced.

little change came about as results of these studies. And the situation in many areas continued to exacerbate. the good intentions, Certain didn't get any better, despite

despite the resources, despite the brain power that twined into the researching into this question. ion, we Interesting answers-need better resources, well, but we need better educat

buildings, we need more y in practice came about. 1980s.

very little

change actuall

And then there was a paradigm, quite literally a paradigm shift in the I mentioned last time and I'll mention aga Antonovsky, different and other people like

Through the work of Antonovsky who in today, Ellen through Langer, the work other of

people like Alice Isen, ked by psychologists.



to be as

Instead of asking what did these individuals fail, positive psychologists starte d to ask what made es? Maybe some it individuals succeed despite unfavorable circumstanc

was the case that many failed, but not everyone. Some succeeded and succeeded bi g

time. And what psychologists started to do then was to ask why. What is it about them that is so de all the successful? difference. And The that, in the words aspects of of Frost, these ma ind

psychologists started to ividuals and studied



them in depth, starting to study the successful individuals, and identify elemen ts that they could then teach later in creating interventions based on what they had stu died. And suddenly, there were results, real results, tangible results, after decades of 349 ----------------------- 40----------------------virtually zero results, simply based on the question. And the main concept that came out at that who started time, through to ask the the research of these psychologists

positive question, started to focus on what is working on the successful childre n. The concept that came out was the concept of resilience. Now today everyone talks ab out resilience. We talk about resilience the job, in the bedroom. Everywhere resilience. y few people even However, at that in school, time in at the work, 1980s, in ver

talked about or knew what that means. When they studied resilience, which is def ined as a following, class of it made phenomena all the difference. Resilience,--

characterized by patterns of positive adaptation in the context of significant a dversity or risk. These kids, they look through longitudinal studies-- 5 kids who succeeded, who years succeeded-- ended later,10 up succeeding, years later, and the


were resilient. Initially, when they studied these kids, the assumption was thes e must be a super kids, extraordinary thousand- not really kids, one in a hundred, one in

replicable, therefore. However, what they found when they continued to study tho se people who work, those people who succeeded, despite the unfavorable circumstanc es, -- what they found was e were ordinary kids with For ordinary example, these were not that led super kids. to In fact thes

characteristics let me



share with you some of the things. These kids were optimistic, -- not optimistic in the detached Pollyannaish sense, -- optimistic n things that would work out well, and we'll talk interpretation style, in the work of Martin Seligman and Karen Reivich. l this They were optimistic in the sense of thinking, "well, it may not work wel a lot in about that they believe as an i


time. It will work out later. I have learned from what had just happened." They had faith and sense of meaning in life. Sometimes it was religious faith, not always . It was doing something that they really believed in. Many of them were idealistic. One of main topics we will idealistic is to be discuss in realistic, this class need, 350 ----------------------- 41----------------------experienced sense of meaning, whether it was meaning in terms of personal succes s and how munity I will make contributing, it, or sense of meaning in their com is that to need be for

because we have a real idealism. So these kids



something meaningful in sense of purpose. By the way, when I go through all thes e, these are no less important for any other person in the world. This resilience a s we mentioned earlier is just not important for the at-risk population. It's as impo rtant at

Harvard. And not just during exam period. It's important that resilience is asso ciated with wellbeing. play them. And So think about the these characteristics characteristics and they you can dis al

interesting thing about l be learned. that I'll

all these

mention here is that they can all be taught; In many ways, this class is about t hat. And when the psychologists identified these, they started to teach them and the indi viduals started to learn and that made all the difference. In addition to the faith and sense of meaning, pro-social behavior, from helplessness to helping One other of the people, things shifting that we'

helpfulness, they were significant. ll talk about is how

meaningful it is to help other people. And how much it doesn't just only help ot hers, it also helps us. And we f-help and other-help. enter an upward spiral between sel

Because when we help others, we are helping ourselves. re When we help ourselves, we help others. And so on and so on. So they we

pro-social. They were helping other people. They focused on their strength rathe r than primarily deficiencies. They did not ignore their weaknesses, but they asked, "w hat am I good at? What am I really, really good at?" And again, part of this course, you'll identify your strength, whether it's through online test, whether it's through r eflection papers, whether it's in section. You'll think about it whether it's through your readings. Identify the strength. for themselves. They What are they good at? They set goals

were future-oriented, not just thinking about how bad things ps, but

are today perha

also thinking about "this is where I wanna be 5 years or 10 years from now." We are

going to devote three classes to goal setting, very significant part of resilien ce. They had a role model. Someone who they said about "I want to be like her; I want to be 351 ----------------------- 42----------------------like him." It could be a teacher. It could be a parent, sibling, and friend. Som etimes, it was a historical figure or a fictional character, someone that they want to emul ate, to be like. That gave them strength. That gave them sense of direction. And finally , most significantly, they did not They did not say : bowl alone. They had social support.

"well I am tough enough to do it by myself." Rather they said:"I'm tough enough to reach out for help." Because that does require certain toughness. The strength t o admit weaknesses as well, the strength to admit a need. Now think about these: do you have these things here for yourself at Harvard in life? And if not, you can cultivate all of these things, whether it's a social support-- and it doesn't have to be a hundre d people whom you riends, mom, talk to everyday; dad, a big it can be difference. No. one or two close f

roommates-makes silience. Now the

1 contributor

to re

important thing about social support is identifying the right people. People who , when you reach out to them, will reach back to you and will be able to give back. I w ant to show you an example now of a not so good role model for social support. And that is an interaction between Grace and Karen from Will and Grace. Will and Grace (From Episode 309) SALESMAN: This video game makes a nice birthday gift. Do you think your stepson would like that?

KAREN: I don't know, honey. Can he eat it or rub up against it? SALESMAN: Let's come at this a different way. What are his interests? KAREN: Ham. SALESMAN: Why don't I just let you browse awhile? KAREN: Yeah. Thanks. Ooh, and, uh, do you think there's anything you could do about all these kids in here? 352 ----------------------- 43----------------------SALESMAN: Ma'am, it's a toy store. KAREN: Yeah. See what you can do. Move it, Shorty. GRACE: Hi, Karen. Um... I can't help you shop today. I've got to go. KAREN: What's going on? What's happening? What's with the geisha hand? GRACE: Nothing. tologist's, and it I just had something zapped at the derma

looks kinda funky, and I just don't want anyone to see it right now. KAREN: Grace, 's probably I'm sure it's not nearly as bad as you think it is. It

nothing, a little dot. Come on. Show mama. KAREN: Aah! Whoa! Oh! Oh,my God! Oh! GRACE: Shh! Shhhhh! Karen, Will you calm down? KAREN: How do you expect me to calm down when I can see its heart beating right in front of me?! Aah! GRACE: Shh! KAREN: Well, uh, alright. Alright, I'm sorry. So how long have you had the herpes? GRACE: It's not herpes. It's not even herpes adjacent. to KAREN: Oh, the herpes yeah? Well, family it's close enough to be invited

picnic. n he GRACE: It was a weird freckle, and the doctor wanted to freeze it, and the

told me that it was going to take 10 days to heal. I mean, what made him assume that I

could look awful for 10 days? Respond to that, and I will rub it all over your P rada. ? KAREN: What are you lookin' at, prego? Haven't you ever seen herpes before 353 ----------------------- 44----------------------Jeez. Fat people are so insensitive. ror? GRACE: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Would you look at it in this little toy mir like Barbie's dream zit. Thank God I

It's gotten...bigger. It's canceled my date with Mark. tape

KAREN: Yeah, 'cause that thing looks like it needs orange cones and police

around it. GRACE: Come on. Let's get outta here. eople So Karen may not be a good choice for social support. But there are many p

who are. Now think about the power of the question. Think about what a question did. For decades, many kids elped weren't helped, because the right question as only after positive who was potentially not asked could as well. have And been it h w

question, the focusing on the positive question was asked that suddenly psycholo gists were able to ades. It was apparent missed see what was right there, to right be in front but of them they for dec

evident, waiting it. Smart,



well-intentioned, well-funded, but also didn't ask the right question. Questions create reality. They create possibilities. A question begins a quest. What they did in positive psychology again, a great deal through the work of Antonovsky was move us from t he pathogenic model to the salutogenic model. Salutogenes is the foundation, the or igin

of 's

health. And Antonovsky important to study








illness, mental illness, physical illness, but it's equally important to study t he healthy people, the healthy individuals to see how they make it, whether it's people at Harvard. Harvard is a stressful environment. However, there are some people who are able to go through it, to do well, to thrive, flourish and-- well still going through th e ups and downs, we all do-- overall itive experience as a experience it as a much more pos

happy experience overall. How do they do that? Why? 354 ----------------------- 45----------------------erstand Antonovsky said we the origin of need to study that so that we und

health. And he studied these things and it made a big difference in the field as a whole. Quote Antonovsky: "All nce are aware that those familiar with the history of scie

important advances come with the formulation of the new questions. The question is the breakthrough; the answer comes with difficulty, but it is the new question t hat is important. The salutogenic what is working) is a question, I submit to you, (that is

radically new question, which provides the impetus for formulating a new paradig m to help us understand health and illness. It has serious implications for resear cher and clinician, biological and social question that essentially created the field of sociology. He was a sociologist by training s make a difference. Questions create reality. I want to do an exercise with you now. We'll do quite a few exercises in c positive as well scientist psychology as many alike." as well It as fields. was that

positive Question


lass. Here's the first one. To illustrate the importance of question, now I'm going to ask you to count the number of e screen-- no, not this geometric shapes that you see on th

screen, the next screen. And you are Harvard students. It's fine. The next scree n, I am going to ask you to count the number of geometric shapes that you see on the scr een. It's a very difficult question. I've given it to people around the world. I've g iven it to mathematicians, to artists who are very visual. And the challenge here is you ar e only going to have 30 seconds in which to do it, 30 seconds to tell me how many geome tric shapes you see on metric shapes do the screen. Ready? 30 seconds. How many geo

you see on the screen? Go. Ok. So that's 31 seconds. So there should be no prob lem. Now if you haven't done- I know a couple of you have done this exercise before, but if of you haven't done- this exercise you, I'd like you to before, -- and that's most

participate. So how many geometric shapes could you count on the screen? Throw o ut the numbers. 6 8 48 58 44 36 110 38\N6. 8. 48. 58. 44. 36. 110. 38. How many? Up there? You have a good perspective. 8. Anyone more than 110? Yeah, how many? 300 ? 355 ----------------------- 46----------------------200. Anyone more than 200 or less than 6? way if Ok. So quite a range. But I grant you that it's a tough question. By the points that you downloaded, I to

you have it on your power ok it off on the later

downloading, but if you downloaded it, don't look at it now please. So we have t he rate between 6 and 200. Now it's a tough question. In fact, it is so tough that

I have no idea how many geometric shapes there are on the screen. But I have another quest ion for you. Now if you know the answer to this question, just put your hand up --an d if you haven't done this exercise before, -- just put your hand up. Don't shout it out. If you know the answer, put your hand up: what time was it on the clock? If you kno w the answer, put your hand up. If you think you know the answer, half way up. May be, quarter. And the rest of you may leave now. Ok, so we have a few halves. So out of the nts room, here, --how many out of 700 were there-- probably a half people can 600,700 read the stude time

Harvard students, five and on the clock. But I

understand, we all have digital watches today. It's difficult. the So let me ask you answer, just put your How an many easier kids question. were If you on know the b

hand up. That's right! us? If you know the


answer, put your hand up. If you think you know, half way up. Maybe, quarter. Ye ah, most of you think, what bus?!" You know. "What kids?" Well it was there. So out of a room of --again -- 700 Harvard students, there are approximately 11 and 3/4. W ho can in count? But that's Ok. Harvard) here. I That's not my 55 (Math 55 course

understand. Another question. A little bit easier. What was the color of, the do minant color of the left-most geometric shape on the screen? Not the big one on screen, but the left-most minant color? geometric If you shape on the screen. What was the do

know the answer, hand right up. If you think you know, half way. Ok. So that's a bout 12 1/4 people. According to my estimated research, there are probably between 5 and

7 people in this room who are color blind. Really-- according to the statistics. The rest 356 ----------------------- 47----------------------of you have no excuse. Let's ock? Someone difficult to look. So the time on the cl

obscure the time? 10:10. Well it's a bit difficult. Visible children on the bus? Here's the bus, for those of you still can't see it. 5. And the color. The dominant col or of the geometric shape? Yellow. What happened? I mean these are the final of positive not very difficult questions. Even

psychology is going to be difficult than that. I mean, really. A lot more. Why? Well the reason is I asked a certain you a certain question, and that question directed you to

part of reality. And that's a good thing. Because if we were focusing on everyth ing all the time, that wouldn't be a good thing. We would be distracted by every single noise, by every single movement. So it's a good thing that we can focus. However, we al so need to remember the consequences of this ability to focus that is not always go od it's not always helpful. Because as far as you were concerned, there were no children on the bus. ords, my y, were has As far as you were concerned, there were only geometric shapes. In other w question, for most of a reality which there geometric shapes very important and you, no created children on a very the specific bus. Now realit that

implications. Think about the following question: what question is mostly asked by couples beyond oneymoon phase the honeymoon phase? so they go through the h

whether it's a month, a year or sometimes two years. What questions do they begi n to ask after king? How improve question that period can we of time? Now "What's that's wrong? What's not wor

the relationship?" to ask. Very

a very


important. But if that's the only question or the only questions that we ask, th en that is the only thing we will see. The only things that we will see are our deficiencie s, the things that are not working, the things that need to be improved, the weaknesses of my partner, I ask are of the relationship. "what is not If the only questions that again, these

working", "what's wrong, what do I need to improve"-- and are not 357 ----------------------- 48-----------------------

questions we need to do away with, they are important. However if they are the o nly questions, and usually they are the only questions that are asked or primarily a sked, then as far as the couple is as far as the couple is concerned, good like as far things do not as you are concerned, exist in the not objectively, relationship. but Just

concerned, there were no children on the bus, even though they were right there in front of you, staring at you. But they do not exist. Or think about it at an ind ividual level. This is very important. most Americans, most Australians, most Chinese, fricans-- what is the most What is the question most that Europeans, we, A


question that is mostly asked about the self? And the reason why I mentioned all these places is because this is cross-cultural study. People mostly ask themselves, "w hat are my weaknesses? What do I need to improve?" Very often to the exclusion of "what

are my strengths? What are my virtues? What am I good at?" And if the only quest ion that we ask ourselves are my weaknesses? Deficiencies?", are weaknesses then and are the as the only we only thing are questions we'll concerned, that see the are "what

in ourselves good thing

deficiencies. And as far s-- our strengths, our

passions, our virtues-- the wonderful things within us do not exist. Just like a s far as you are concerned, the children on the bus did not exist. and Now I ask you, could a person who only or primarily focuses on weaknesses see, does not virtues-- can a appreciate their high levels strength, of their passion self-co

does not s, their

person like that experience nfidence, happiness?


And we wonder, why do so many relationships fail? And we wonder, why depression, anxiety and low self-esteem are increasing so much? The intentions are there. Th ey are good. We are asking "How can we improve? What can we do better?" But if we don't also ask the positive question, that part of reality will not exist as far as we are concerned. Just like for the psychologists for decade, the answer to their quest ions, the solution to the problem that they wanted to solve did not exist, even though it is right there, in s, within front their of their very resilience. eyes within 358 ----------------------- 49----------------------Questions create reality. The questions we ask very often determine the quest th at we will will pursue, the path that lead, whether it's whether it's is the of you I we will take, the life that it's we the successful kid

individually, nally. What question? Many

interpersonally, know are going

whether into

organizatio What






most consultants ask, Either explicit question or implicit question, the first t ime when they meet a client? --"What's wrong? What can we improve? What are the weaknesse s that we need to strengthen them?" Again, important questions to ask. But if you only ask these questions, then you are ignoring the strengths, the virtues of the org anization. And what you are doing, you are enervating, you are weakening the organization o ver time. It is preciate what as is important, working, if not more important, to also ap

organizationally, interpersonally, as well as individually. It is important to a ppreciate what is good. say I mean, look at the word, and Dappreciate Two meanings: first meaning-- to

thank you for something, not to take it for granted. And that's a nice thing to do. We shouldn't take for granted ldn't take for granted our virtues, do. But our successes. has We shou

others. That's a nice thing to meaning, which is to


a second

grow. Money appreciates in the bank. The economy hopefully appreciates. When we appreciate the good, the good appreciates-- the good grows. Unfortunately, the o ther side of the same coin applies as well. When we don't appreciate the good, when w e take at it for happens granted, the in most good depreciates. phase. And That's that's wh what hap

relationships after the pens to most people,


especially to very driven people who want to improve, who want to get better. An d that's good thing, if that same time, it's equally important to also appreciate strengths, what my is what what is makes good you inside happy. me At what the my

virtues are. And we are going to do a lot of that in the course. And again, not to go to the point of narcissism. If anything narcissism-- and we'll talk about it in the second last lecture in the semester- narcissism is not about self-confidence, about sel f-esteem. 359 ----------------------- 50----------------------It's exactly the opposite. We are talking about Grounded, generous, benevolent happiness. life, we need to also In order to grounded self-confidence. lead that kind of

appreciate what is working, to also focus on, metaphorically speaking, the child ren on a bus. Stavros and Torres in the wonderful book on relationships, "We see what w e look for and we miss much of what we are not looking for even though it is there . Our experience of the world is heavily influenced by where we place our attention." Questions very often create reality. The first important thing to understa nd about questions is that we need to understand the questions. And here I want to defer to a very important philosopher, a 20th and 21st century philosopher, who illustrates the importance of understanding questions-- Homer Simpson. If you can just turn down the voice, the sound a little bit, because this is very loud. Thank you. The Sim psons SCULLY: Now we're gonna run a few tests. This is a simple lie detector. I'll ask you a few yes or no questions and you just answer truthfully. Do you understand? HOMER : Yes. Love it. Love it. So the first step is really understanding the question. B ut once we understand it, it is also important to know what questions are we going to as k. I mentioned earlier that one ultivating resilience is of the most important things in c

having a role model. I want to share with you now my role model, in fact, the pe rson who is the reason why I decided to become a teacher. Her name is Marva Collins. Marva Collins was born in Alabama in the 1930s. Her father was African he was born at a American; her mother, Native American. s

time in a place where there was a great deal of discrimination. Fortunately, for Marva, her father really believed in her and said to her from a very young age, "Marva, you can make something of your life. You can become a secretary." Now the reason why he said secretary is because that was where the glass ceiling, or rather concret e ceiling exists for a person of her ethnic background, a person of her gender. Marva Coll ins worked hard. She was smart. She succeeded. She made it. And she became a secreta ry. 360 ----------------------- 51----------------------After a few years of working as a secretary, doing well, she decided this was no t for her and what her calling in life. Her real passion was in teaching. She wanted t o be a school she teacher. She went got her teaching to night school. A few years later,

certificate, got married and with her husband moved to Chicago. There she joined the public school system in she found, that she inner city, Chicago. The reality that

encountered there was a reality of much crime, much drugs and more than anything , hopelessness. The hope of the teachers was to keep the students in school for as long as possible. Why? --So that they don't join the street gangs at the age of 12; s o that they are protected keep the students from in the drugs, from crime. "How can we

school ollins

for as long as walks into this






reality and says, "Things are going to be different." On the first day of class, -- she teaches first graders to fourth grad ers-- --on the first day of class, she says to her students, "We are going to do a lot of belie ving in ourselves." And she repeats this message over and over and over again, like a br oken record throughout the semester and the year and years. "I believe in you. You ca n do well. You can succeed. Take responsibility for your life. Stop blaming. Stop bla ming the government. Stop blaming is up to your teachers. Stop blaming your parents. It

you to succeed." And she continues with this message over and over and over agai n. Having really high expectations of her students, looking at what they are good a t, their strength and cultivating those. Miracles begin to happen. These students, consid ered by many of es by the the teachers time to be "unteachalbe"- these "unteachable" on

that they are in fourth grade are reading Euripides, Emerson and Shakespeare. Th ese "unteachable" ones at the age of 10 are doing high school mathematics. Now rumor begins to spread about ep these students in Marva Collins, because how can she ke

class for so long, when all the other students are just trying to get out of sch ool? She must be using force. 361 ----------------------- 52----------------------em, And Marva Collins has enough of these rumors, leave the public school syst

opens up her own school in her own kitchen with 4 students and initially, two of them her own kids. Gradually, more and more students join the Mar




Westside preparatory she calls it. All the students that initially joined the sc hool are public school dropouts. Marva e the street. And the Collins is the last resort befor

miracles continue. Gradually more and more students come in. She has to move out of her home. They wretchedly rent a small shack in Chicago place, freezing in winte r, scorching hot in summer. And yet the students are driven by their passion. And t hey continue. Miracles continue to happen to them. Every one of Marva Collins' stude nts graduates from elementary school. Everyone goes to high school and graduates fro m high school. Every one of her students ends up in college and graduates from col lege. Yes, those "unteachable" poverty for decades, ones. Marva Collins lives in a dire

somehow making ends meet. After all, most of her students can't pay. But somehow , months to producer, months, she from the makes it. 1979 it changes overnight. A

television CBS program "60 Minutes" finds out about Marva Collins and creates a 15 minutes segment on ovember,1980, new her. Overnight she becomes famous. N

President elect Ronald Reagan calls up Marva Collins. offers her to be his secre tary of Education. So I guess her father was right. Marva Collins turns his offers down and says, "I love to teach too much. My place is in the classroom. 8 years later alm ost to the day, new president elect George Bush Sr. calls Marva Collins once again, off ering her to be his secretary of education. Once again, I love to teach too much." My pl ace is in the classroom. tens of millions of In 1995,a wealthy philanthropist donates

dollars to Marva Collins. Now there are Marva Collins schools all over the count

ry where thousands of students learn, where hundreds of teachers from all over the world come and see the miracle of Marva Collins. Today there are Marva Collins graduat es who more are politicians, than anything, business people, lawyers, doctors, and

teachers. Because they know what their teacher has done for them. 362 ----------------------- 53----------------------rn the I want to show you a brief excerpt of this extraordinary woman. You can tu

volume up a little bit please. This is soft. Marva Collins "Positive Learning" I think I did pretty wonderful. I think I'm bright. I think I am unique. And I'll teach ev ery child of me to think that. When they misbehave, their punishment is they have to write 100 reasons why they are too wonderful to do what they are doing. And they have to b e alpha order. I am adorable. I am beautiful. I am courageous. I give them the fir st ones until they get the hang out of it. I am delightful. I am effervescent. I am fabu lous. I am heavenly. I am idolized. I am just wonderful. I am a kindred spirit. I am lovabl e. I am momentous. I am never,never under line. And it goes on to z. And if they do it a gain, then they have to use another synonym. They can't use adorable any more. Now th e children will say to a new student, I know why you don't behave. ful. Coz I'm tired of telling Ms. Collins how wonderful I am. Now she is wonder

Here is her book. Now for all those-- I know that there are quite a few of you w ho are interested in teaching, and there's one book you want to read. It's this. For al l those of you who are interested in leadership and there's one book you want to read. It's this.

For all those of you who are or are interested in the future of becoming parents , and there's one book you want to read. It's this. For all the rest of you, if there' s one book you want to read. model. So what's her message? First of all, she herself is the message as a role her read They kids, books identify role models. about role They read and fictio talk abo ne

And she studied with n books. They read historical books. ut heroes. They They all

heroes models

identify role models. ighborhood, in their

in their

families, constantly doing that, which is exactly what you need to cultivate res ilience. First and foremost, she herself is the role model. She has high expectations. We are going to do a lot of believing to do well, succeed. She in ourselves. We are going

expects a lot. She sees the potential. She appreciates that potential in each in dividual. 363 ----------------------- 54----------------------Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for your life. Marva Collins is no push -over. If you see her in the classroom, she is tough. She is demanding. At the same tim e, she respects each individual. She is not one of the Pollyannaish "feel-good", "let's make them all feel good" at all cost. Not at all. She believes in them. She respects them. And she is tough and demanding-- important combination for leadership. y I It's wh

mentioned earlier in the context of great leadership book. There are many very nice ex-CEOs whose primary aim was to be nice and to be liked, the keys to get the jo b done, to get the work done, while being respectful. Sense of optimism. You can d o

well. You are going to do or themselves and for community. focusing Howard talks on And finally, from strength. the


helping on


set goals to here

focusing ED(Education)

deficiencies school

Gardner from about multiple

intelligences, says that we need to stop asking whether or not a student is smar t. What we need to ask is what is the student smart at. And when we identify what that s tudent is smart at, strong eciate it. And when at, we virtuous at, good at, then we appr

appreciate it, it and the whole person appreciates. What would happen to a seed- seed is potential-- flower, tree-- what t is not watered, if no would happen to a seed, if i

light is shed on it? It will wither and die. The exact same thing with human potential. If we don't water it, if we don 't shed a light on it, it will wither and die. The same with interpersonal relationship potential. If we don't-- we'll talk a lot about relationships: how to cultivate healthy lon g-term relationships-- if you don't water it, if you don't shed light, if you don't app reciate the good, the does is good will depreciate. create for Essentially, what Marva Collins

students-- what the research in resilience does is create a very different model than the conventional wisdom. The paradigm shift essentially is from being a passive vict im because the government is not putting enough money, which is an issue, not belit tling it. It's important to have like more resources. But that's not enough. tim, she changes From her those an external affect from 364 ----------------------- 55----------------------the internal vic


a passive

perspective to be an active agent. You are not "unteachable". You can thrive. Y ou can do well. You can succeed. And what she does, essentially, is take them to the ex treme of continuum, because d somewhere along every event, every person can be situate

this continuum, I mean different places with different things. Think about your own life. What are you, passive an active agent? For victim in different situations or

example, lets say my girlfriend leaves me. I know when I was an under grad here. This was top on my mind: girlfriends leaving me. Yes. We'll talk about that late r in this semester when we get to know one another a little bit better. I'm a little bit shy at this point. passive experience remember But let's say victim, what is self-pity. the word? my I girlfriend Feel sorry and how leaves for me. myself. it If I am the

Roominate-is. From a

Roominate about the situation passive victim, I then


move to blame: she's terrible; it's her fault; I blame her; I blame my parents, the way they raise me; I blame her parents; I blame President Bush or whomever. And afte r I blame, I experience frustration as well as anger. Anger toward her, toward my pa rents, her parents, President Bush, Hilary, whoever it is. I feel anger. And results-very few results. Because I wallow in illumination and self-pity. Let's take the other extreme of the active agent. First of all, by definit ion, I take action. I take responsibility. I go on to places after experiencing the pain-- i t's painful, and next time we are going to talk about the importance of experiencing the pain of giving ourselves what I called the permission to be human, but once I experience

it, I take action. I go out there to places where I will meet someone. I go to Pinocch ios (Pizza place at Harvard). Or another meeting place, the Stax in Whitener (?). We ll I guess things have changed at Harvard since I was an undergrad. I take responsibi lity for it. And then as a result of that-- and we'll talk about research on self-per ception theory, research by Daryl Bem. ou don't need to write it We'll talk a 365 ----------------------- 56----------------------down now. I'll take action and action will increase our level of confidence And then more hope and optimism is a result. As we talk about belief in self-fulfilling p rophecy lecture, hope and optimism become a self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm much more like ly to find someone. I'm certainly ce again, being an much more likely to be happy. On lot about it. Y

active agent does not mean not giving ourselves the time, the space, the permiss ion to experience painful emotions, y all means, we go to go through the emotion. Yes, b

through it. However, what it is also saying is that we need to find the right ti me-- it could be immediately, it could to take action, to take responsibility, to do things our hope and optimism so that be a day our or two later-levels in


increase. I want to just say a few things about this idea of being an active age nt and responsibility. It applies to is up to you. It is your responsibility experiences. to make It is your the your most life out here at Harvard. Harvard It

of your

responsibility to make the most out of this class. We, the teaching staff, are c ertainly

going to create conditions for it. We are going to support you in every way that you need. it in However, section. ultimately, It's your it's your responsibility to do

responsibility to make it. One of the first questions that you'll be asking ques tion in section next week when make this an excellent they start to meet is "how can you

section?" "What can you do?" "what can you bring? What strength can you bring in to the section so that it's an excellent section?" As opposed to blaming, other st udents, TF, Bush, Clinton, whoever Taking responsibility for it. There is a wonderful story about responsibility in the book by Nathaniel Branden. We are going to read when we talk about some stuff talks pillars People by Nathaniel about six Branden pillars s

self-esteem. ix important self-esteem. People who

Nathaniel Branden pillars in One have of those high

is self-responsibility. who want 366 to cultivate hi

self-esteem take responsibility. gh self-esteem and

----------------------- 57----------------------create confidence, take responsibility for their lives and so on. So in his work shop, one of the main things that he says there in his book is that understanding that you have to take responsibility for one is your life is recognizing understanding that no

coming. No one is coming to-- the knight in shining armour who will take you to the happily-after land. No one r for you. No one is coming. onfidence, You is coming for to your make your life your bette self-c

are responsible for your

life, for

self-esteem, for your happiness. No one is coming. So he was talking about this

in one of his workshops that's a three-day workshop. And this was already on the third day and the workshop was going well. The participants were getting a lot out of it. And he said, he told them about this idea that no one is coming. And one of the partici pants raises his hand and says, "Dr. Branden, that's not true." And Nathaniel Branden asks him, What do you mean?" And he says, "Dr. Branden, you came, to which Branden responded, "Yes, I came. But e is coming." No one is coming. ons, your It's up to you to make the most out of this experience, 1504,your secti I came to tell you that no on

Harvard experiences and beyond. And we, as the teaching staff, can't wait to cre ate the right conditions for that to happen. See you on Thursday. 367 ----------------------- 58----------------------Positive Psychology CLecture 3 to see Good morning, everyone. This semester has started, officially today. Glad

you here. Just a couple of announcement and also hi to the extension school stud ents. Last time we say hi to New Zealand. Today we are saying hi to Ireland. In terms of sectioning for the undergrads get an email from and graduate students here, you'll

Sean Achor tomorrow. And you'll put in your section preference. We are sectionin g this weekend. k we So it will be important that you submit your top preferences. And next wee

are starting. Last time, if you remember the question that we ask, the guiding q uestion was "why positive psychology?" And I mentioned three reasons, Why we need it as an

independent field as opposed to just being "well, lets do some studies on happines s, on we relationships" as need positive it is always being done? The reason why

psychology is to shift the pendulum from the 21:1 ratio that we have today: for every one study on depression or anxiety, we have 21 studies on-- sorry, for one study on happiness or wellbeing, nxiety. We want to we have 21 studies on depression and a

shift the pendulum slightly. And I mentioned three reason why we want to shift t his pendulum despite the fact that there are rising levels of depression around the world, that anxiety has become epidemic globally on college campuses in United States, China, Australia, UK. Despite that fact, I argue that we need to shift the pendu lum and do more "positive research, or in other words, research that focuses on what works . And the reason just finishing is the up is first reason that we gave and we are

because the question that we ask, whether it's the research questions that we as k, or the questions ter. And if that we ask our only of ourselves, or our partners, mat

questions, or primarily our questions are "what is not working? What is the prob lem? Why are so many kids failing as a result of their circumstances?" If we only ask these questions, we will miss, literally miss an important part of reality, just like you missed 368 ----------------------- 59----------------------the children on the bus in And if we also ask the the exercise. Most of you did.

positive question, then some new possibilities, new quests open up, just like th ey did for the researchers when they started to ask no longer "why do so many individua ls

fail?" but started to succeed? Why do some








individuals succeed despite the unfavorable circumstances?" ifies And then we have so many of the story of Marva Collins, who exempl

themes that we'll talk about throughout the course. What Marva Collins did was h elp her students shift from the passive victim you are victims of your circumstances, of your upbringing, neighborhood ,country, whatever it isfrom a passive victim to an active agent. Yes, its difficult. It's tough. It's unfair. However, it's your resp onsibility. No one is coming. It's up to you to make that difference in your life. And she m ade a difference to thousands of people's lives and continues to do so. In other words , if we look at the case of s was teaching, the Chicago school system where Marva Collin

conventional, traditional question was-- if you remember "how can we keep these students in school for as long as possible? How can we keep them in school beyon d the age of 10 or 12 so that they don't join street gangs? So that they are not h urt by drugs or crime?" "How can we keep them safe at school?" An important question to ask. However, not es the question. And enough. Marva "how Collins can comes we along cultivate and refram

her question becomes of greatness in our

the seed

student?" And that, once again, made all the difference, because she saw the see d of greatness in each student. She saw the strength, the virtues in each single stud ent. A seed, a strength, a virtue, a competence that other teachers did not see, becaus e they did not ask this question; because they asked, metaphorically speaking, any "how m

geometric shapes do you see on the screen?" And they completely missed the child ren

on the bus. They completely missed the seed of greatness. And when we don't see the seed of greatness, when we don't water it and shed a light on it, it withers and dies, which is unfortunately the fate of most human potential. 369 ----------------------- 60----------------------al Wherever we go, that interpersonally, is the fate of in why it most most is human potenti

relationships, in most in most individuals.

organizations, which the is

universities, also importa is

Questions make a difference, nt to ask the positive psychology question, which source of health? is




What is the source of success? What is the source of wellbeing?" So that's the f irst reason. The second reason before I go to the second reason, if Marva Collins is he re today, here's the question she would be asking us: "How can we cultivate the see d of greatness in ourselves ganizations, in our and families, in our communities and or

nation and in our world?" When we ask this question-- this very important questi on, suddenly we see possibilities d reason for having positive psychology's s and focusing on research in happiness, ppiness does not field of that study we and and didn't see before. on is what because Secon work ha

focusing wellbeing


spontaneously rise when take unhappiness away. Now happiness and unhappiness, or happiness and neurosis, psychosis and depression, are interconnected, of course. It's very difficult to be happy if we are experiencing severe depression or anxiety. So they are certainly f the anxiety interconnected. and the However, just getting rid o

depression will not in and of itself make us happy, which is the conventional wi sdom today, which sychologists is the practicing conventional wisdom of many p

psychologies "Well, lets just get rid of that depression and everything will be fine ." It won't. gourmet The analogy to explain this is think about the ability to enjoy food. A

meal. Now if we have indigestion, its very difficult to enjoy food. So yes, we fir st need to get rid of the indigestion. However, that in and of itself does not guar antee us that we enjoy food. We have t food to enjoy it. Just to go out and eat the gourme

getting rid of indigestion is not sufficient. We need the next step. In many way s you can tive look at most of our experiences on a experiences, psychological effec

continuum, where some of them fall below the zero, the negative experiences or t he 370 ----------------------- 61----------------------painful experiences and the positive or the pleasurable experiences between the zero and the positive. Neurosis, anger, anxiety, depression, psychosis to name a few-on the negative side, the painful side; wellbeing, satisfaction, joy, excitement, h appiness on the other side which is the side of positive psychology studies. Again, getti ng rid of the negative does not guarantee us the positive, which is why already in the 19 40s, David Henry Thoreau (should be Henry David d lives of quiet desperation. wrong. But it's just somewhere comfortably there in the numb". Thoreau), wrote that most men lea nothing "people really are

It's Ok. words

There's Floyd

of Pink

Comfortably numb. Not enough. How can we get beyond that "comfortably numb"? How can we get beyond that "quiet desperation"? To excitement, to joy, to happin ess? In ce order to do again, they that, don't we need to cultivate these traits. On

spontaneously emerge once the painful experiences go away. And that is why we ne ed positive psychology. e health model, Positive psychology essentially focuses on th

Salutogenesis. What is the source of health, physical, psychological, emotional? How do y, we get people psychologically, to flourish, intellectually, emotionall

interpersonally, intra-personally? How do we get them to thrive beyond just gett ing rid of what is not working in their lives? evel: do say And under that model we see, to extremes on many levels. Here, the first l we focus on weaknesses, let's get rid of which is the disease model,

weaknesses? Or do we focus on strength? While you ask people this question, and this was done by the Gallup organization. A poll-- global poll, whether it's in Japan , China, United States or Europe: most people think that it's more important to focus on their weaknesses if they are to succeed. Big mistake. The people who focus primarily, not only-- remember e on their the "also" who shift they the are pendulum, also, on who the focus long mor

strength, are not only happier, run, more successful. It

applies to leadership as well. Positive psychology says let's focus also on our strength at least as much. In an organization, as well as on the individual level, are we focusing 371 ----------------------- 62----------------------most on overcoming deficiencies or building the competencies what we are good

at-- and getting individually or


at it? What




organizationally do we focus on that and then build on that? Again, tie to success as well as wellbeing, if we are more toward the positive side. How do we live our l ives? Running away from painful experiences? Or actively seeking pleasure? Running awa y from unhappiness? Or adhering to the Declaration (Declaration of Independence) a nd pursuing happiness? y be Now that working may 80 look quite away similar-- for from example, someone away from ma

hours a week, running issues at home,

something-- running

running away from dealing intra-personal issues and then may look exactly the sa me as the person who works 80 hours a week and who's extremely passionate about wha t she does. May look the same but from the inside, they feel very different. One i s the disease model: let's run away from what is not working. The other is the health model: let's pursue my passions, what I love to do. The disease model, the optimum leve l is the zero: let's just be Ok; let's just not hurt. And again, thats important to get rid of hurt. It's important to get rid of depression. But with the health model, they a re saying that's not enough; let's go beyond that. Let's go to the excitement, to the fun. Because the ideal is not just a tensionless state. It is the creative tension. We'll tal k about it. We'll read about it. When we do "flow". Flow is the state where we are excited, where we are engaging what we are doing, where it's much more than being "comfortably numb". In fact, its a little bit uncomfortable. It's being outside of our comfort zone. It's being in our stretch zone not the panic zone, where it hurts-- the stretch zo

ne, where there is excitement, where there's some nervousness. There is also growth there. So what do you want? Where do you want to go? What do you want to pursue? Do you want to run away from pleasure-- run away from pain? Do you want to run away from unhappiness? Or do you want to pursue happiness and pleasure? Do you want t o focus primarily on your deficiencies or your weaknesses? Or your strength? What is 372 ----------------------- 63----------------------the optimum? what is the ideal? Is there a glass ceiling-- the zero? Or can it g o on and on more excitement, there's something more enjoyment, model. Because more passion? there Now

frightening about the health imit and there is less

is no l

prescription there certainly today than in the disease model. Positive psycholog y, the field of health psychology research, much more is in infancy. depression There's and how much more do I pu

advice on how to get rid of rsue my strength. But

fortunately, again, this is why positive psychology as a network of scholars app lying themselves to these ideas and ideals. It's so important because today you'll see throughout the semester that there are so many more tools that we can apply to our lives, to go beyond the zero. That's not all. So I said there are three reasons. It's about where we focus, focus creates reality; it's about happiness is the third reason why not just a negation of unhappiness;

positive psychology is important is because positive psychology and the areas th at we study and more importantly, apply within the field of positive psychology, do no t just

take us from the zero to the positive. They also help us deal with the negative. They help us deal with anxiety, depression and painful experiences and emotions. When we cultivate the positive, we are essentially focusing on prevention. Let me explai n. What has been found over the last 10 years and a little bit longer is the most effect ive way of actually dealing with a rising levels of depression in our culture, with indi vidual depression or anxiety is actually not to focus on the depression and anxiety dir ectly that is important as well. It is found that the most effective way of dealing wi th this phenomenon was actually to cultivate the positive, to cultivate personal strengt hs, to cultivate and identify one's passions, to ask a question such as "what is meanin gful to me in my life? What's my purpose? Why am I here? What do I really, really want t o do once I graduate?" spend time on these People who to ask these begin is 373 ----------------------- 64----------------------meaningful and also, re importantly, more more successful "the as it turns out. But mo a questions quest more that is and n more pleas

questions, are ot the avoid emotions no urable, more

much more likely of painful quest is but the



successful in what I call the as the currency of happiness and wellbeing.


currency" just

The reason is because there are two different approaches to deal with illn ess: one, the positive psychological absence of health, as approach is that the illness is the

opposed to health is the absence of illness. I mean, think about the disease mod el. The

disease model is "we are sick because we are ill" do you listen to that? We are si ck because we are ill. That was very profound. You should think about it for a whil e here. I'll let a time just to marinate it little bit so that you can. Let me start tha t again. If we take del, away the illness, the conventional then we illness. become You'll It healthy. become is "you That's the mo I ill

model. Take t's good. The

away the positive

healthy. are

psychological model is slightly because you don't have


enough health in your life, because you are not pursuing those things that make you healthy". And what t before: pursuing make you healthy? healthy The things I If spoke we abou don't

meaning, purpose; cultivating have these things,


thats when the illness comes in. Now the difference between the two mo dels, the health model c. Here is and the Abraham disease model is more than just semanti

Maslow talking about neurosis, "Neurosis is a falling short of what one could ha ve been and even one could biologically speaking say, of what one should have been,

that is if one had grown and developed in an unimpeded way. Human and personal possibilities have been lost. The world has been narrowed and so has consciousne ss. Capacities have been inhibited." Let me explain what he means here. What he mean s is that we are ill because we do not cultivate what we are about enough. We do n ot become to ourselves unwell. self-actualized. do. We diminish and that's when This is very We we don't become model do ill. that what we are when you supposed we are are u

That's says, "Ok,

different from the disease nwell. Deal with that

illness." What he's saying: ur health. Strengthen




unwell. 374




----------------------- 65----------------------your sing health. Because you enough on your are ill, because you are not focu

health." He calls that, and I quote, "a failure of personal growth". gh, That's when we experience neurosis. When we don't cultivate ourselves enou

we don't cultivate our relationship enough, thats when we fail. And what the posit ive psychology is all about is precisely that cultivating personal growth, working on the positive. And we work on the positive on what comes of this side of the graph th at you saw up there. On the positive side, when we cultivate these things, it also helps us deal much better with the negative when dead arises. I want to quote Martin Seli gman, who talks about precisely chologists have become concerned with prevention. like depression or this idea: How "In can the we last prevent decade psy


substance abuse or schizophrenia in young people who are genetically vulnerable or who live in worlds prevent murderous schoolyard violence pons, poor parental that nurture these who problems? have How access can we to wea

in children

supervision, and a mean streak?" Now he's asking this question and the disease m odel response to this is we h depression, with their anxiety and with their l these social ills need to help so them that we deal can directly prevent wit al


whether it's violence, whether it's unhappiness. What he's saying here is the fo llowing: "What we have learned over fifty years is that the disease model does not move us

closer to the prevention the major strides in

of these




prevention have largely come from a perspective focused on systematically buildi ng competency, not correcting weakness." In other words, the health model: let's wo rk on competencies. Let's work . Let's help them on strength. Let's work on relationship

identify something meaningful in their life, their passion. And that's how we wi ll, over time, also help what comes off on the negative side. Health model versus the dis ease model that goes directly to deal with the disease. Now again, Seligman is not sa ying "to the exclusion of"; he's saying "also". 375 ----------------------- 66----------------------t as He continues, "We have discovered that there are human strengths that ac mental illness: courage, future-mindedness, optimism

buffers against , interpersonal

skill, faith, work ethic, hope, honesty, perseverance, the capacity for flow and insight, to name several. We've shown that learning optimism prevents depression and anxi ety in children and adults, roughly halving their incidence over the next 2 years. S imilarly, I believe that if we wish rs who grow up in a to prevent drug abuse in teenage

neighborhood that puts them at risk, the effective prevention is not remedial. R ather, it consists of identifying and amplifying the strengths that these teens already ha ve." It's exactly what Marva Collins did: focused on the health and cultivated it, watered it and shed a light to it, realized it. We'll talk the course. about all these ideas throughout

What health model does this is the theme we go through all the course is cultivate

capacity. It cultivates s when these arrive








whether it's negative and painful experiences in relationships, or in ourselves. What does that mean? ut Let me draw two creating a strong immune Branden. immune physical analogies. system. system. Cultivating These What are happens capacity the words when we is abo of ha

psychological Nathaniel Psychological ve a strong

immune system? Does it mean we don't get ill? Of course not. We do. But it means that we get ill less often and when we do get sick, we recover more promptly. Th is is exactly what cultivating purpose, meaning, strength, optimism, sense of

mindfulness this is exactly what these characteristics do. They enlarge transform the way we see, the way we experience the world, enlarge the capacity of the for m and that's we are better able to deal the inevitable difficulties. And there are inevitable difficulties. No life trengthens our immune is completely immune to those. So it s

system. And another analogy we can use is of an engine. If we have a small engin e, and we have to pull the car up a steep hill, a difficult hill, the engine is mor e likely to collapse, to blow up. Whereas If our engine is large, we are much more likely to get 376 ----------------------- 67----------------------up So that what hill, and to do it we are doing: we the positive; speaking, we gracefully are with relative ease. our, met

cultivate aphorically


psychological "engine"; and we are better able to deal with the negative to zero , not to mention the fact that we are also able to become happier. Because happiness does

not just come spontaneously when we negate unhappiness. I want to go back to our local village. So remember last time I put up th e article by the Crimson (Harvard Crimson magazine) that was unfortunately I couldn't find a more recent one-- that was 2004? But the situation is rather similar today. And one of the things that the Crimson o put more resources into article said is that we need t

mental health at Harvard. And that's important, I agree. However, its only part of the picture. in some different . Because it's just not places in as well-- not that only, help us as well deal

enough to put these resources with our depression and


anxiety and unhappiness directly. It is also important to put these resources in places that help us cultivate these difficulties and capacity, the capacity to deal with

hardships when they arise and they will arise. In other words, there has to be m ore resources put in places r passions when they such as helping students identify thei

come here, helping students identify their sense of meaning in life, helping stu dents identify what they really, really, really want to do, helping students overcome the pull, the external pull that is often there, taking them away from their core, helping them chip away those limitations, those voices, helping students identify who they really are, helping students identify their strengths and pursuing those while here at Harvard. All these capabilities, all mostly and I'm not just these skills or skills that are

talking about Harvard globally-- not taught in schools. And we need to teach them. This is not to say that what is going at Harvard with numerous resources that we do

have here is not important. It is very important. Just take a small example: the Bureau of Study Counsel. I don't know how many of you have used that resource. I've use d it as an undergrad. I still use it now, doing some work with them. I did some work with 377 ----------------------- 68----------------------them last year. And they are wonderful. And at the same time, we also need to cultivate the positive, to think mor e of the zero to the positive side of the equation as well. And this is what positive psy chology does and I hope this is what 1504 to some extent will help do. To summarize, "th e message of the positive psychology movement is to remind our field that it has b een deformed. Psychology is not just the study of disease, weakness, and damage it a lso is the study of strength and virtue, Treatment is not just fixing what is wrong; it also is building what is right. Psychology is not just about illness or health; it is ab out work, education, insight, love, growth, and play. And in this quest for what is best, positive psychology does not rely on wishful thinking, self-deception, or hand waving; in stead, it tries to the unique adapt what is problems that best in the scientific method to

human behavior presents in all its complexity." It's about bridging the Ivory to wer and the Main Street in the area that I believe is the most important one and talks t o each and every one of us. I want to move on now. I want to move on to the next select ive lectures two or two and a half lectures, where I am going to be talking about the basic premises of this course. As I said earlier, this course is not a survey co urse of

positive psychology. It's very selective. It's about the question of questions. What can help us individuals, appier-- not happy, what can help our community become h

happier. So by the end of these three months semester, you are happier than you were before. You are from now, youll be hopefully happier than you were at the end of t he semester. And so on and so on. So what are the basic premises? Where am I coming here when I think about this course? Well what I want to do is to share with you the five basic premises. And these premises are going to be presented as something a nd essentially it's opposite. So that were clear from the outset: where we are comi ng from, where I am coming from, where the teaching staff is coming from and also so that we can build the foundation of the course. 378 ----------------------- 69----------------------built Remember I talk those of you who were here the first time: this course is intra-connected, what I talked abo

like a spiral Everything is ut in the first class is

connected to what I'm going to talk about today, is going to be connected to lec ture 19. So in in many ways the the first two premises, coupled with what we discussed

lectures, build the foundation of that spiral, upon which everything else will b e built. So here are the five basic premises. I'll go through them briefly now and elabor ate on each in the next couple of lectures, interweaving them with studies, research as well as applications. First, this course as I mentioned first is about bridge buildin g: bridge building among disciplines, ms of academia and eclectic, and bridge building in ter

Main street. the specialization is very often dominant in academia. The approac

h of this course, with all its challenges, is the opposite. Once again I wouldn't be teaching this class, if I didn't change is possible. There is a lot of research in psycho logy, a lot of evidence that shows how difficult change is. So I will argue that change is p ossible, whether it's individual change, organizational change. And we'll start to look a t how it's possible. Just the very have an entire week just devoted to change. We will methods, tools. Third, premise related to the e happiness this is first basic level of on the that: spiral. We

elaborate internal

techniques, determin



what I'm going to argue for is opposed to happiness which is primarily function of external circumstances. nt, Not saying that we should focus the external circumstances are not importa

also on improving them, bettering them, whether for ourselves, for society at l arge. However, ent on happiness how we primarily the form, on not our only, primarilyis on o depend

perceive the world, on ur perception. Human


nature must be obeyed This, in many ways, captures conflict that has gone throug hout human history, at religion, whether whether you as look well at as and politics, today, therefore 379 ----------------------- 70----------------------nature flawed maybe something we don't like but we need to accept it and work wi th it? I'm going to argue for the latter of what I just said, for the fact that hum whether psychology. needs to you How be look do per

you look at philosophy we look at human nature? fected? Is Or human nature is human


an nature needs ings, to be obeyed as opposed with to all its flaws, with psychological foundation of all its shortcom level. mental We'll an

attempting to perfect it on the get to that next time. Controversial, d wellbeing. the And very important


finally, what I am going to argue for is that happiness isn't ought to be the ul timate end which pposed to we pursue and happiness just secondary more that is also and a there moral claim, as o there

being another are higher,

pursuit than

are pursuits again, may sound

important, more moral controversial. I'll try

that. Once you

reconcile the disease, the unhappiness that ut that.

may experience thinking abo

Again, more on that next time. So let me begin with bridge building. Here I am g oing back to what I talked about right at the very beginning of the first lecture. Th e idea of bridging Ivory tower academia, outside and Main Street. There are many people in

academia, who divide the world essentially into two. They talked about the real world that is outside, that is dirty, impure, profane versus academia, which is lofty, idealistic, sacred. Sacred versus the profane. This distinction hurts. It hurts academia and hurts people who are outside of academia. Alfred North Whitehead, the philosopher: "Th e careful shielding of a university from the activities of the world around us is the best way to chill interest and to defeat progress. Celibacy does not suit a universit y. It must mate itself with action. This is very important for university. hat Talked about a second psychology. He said second psychology is a psychology t on the research done in the lab

leaves the labs that draws s that is important and

meaningful, however, doesnt only focus on that. It goes out to the out side world, interacts, gets its hand and mind dirty, does work outside and then applies its work and learns from "the dirty experiences" and brings it back to the lab and so on and so on in an upward spiral. He called it the important second psychology, which is w hat Alfred North Whitehead is also talking about. Now you may be sitting here and mo st 380 ----------------------- 71----------------------of you ourself, aren't going to "Ok, fine. So academia. And you are thinking to y

university, academia must make itself with action. What does it have to do with me? How is relevant to me?" Not only is it relevant to you, it has everything to do with you. And here's why. else, are practical idealists. For 6 years, I was a resident tutor in Leverets House when I was a graduate student and then I also started to teach. And what struck me most about conversations th at I had, either in Leverett or other houses, were students is their sense of mission , your sense of mission, your desire to do good, to make the world a better place. And as I followed many of the students who work students after they graduate, whether the What the world needs, more than anything

with me here as undergrads or students who th, it wasn't just empty words. did wonderful things, These

I tutored, when students went

I followed the pa ahead and

whether it was right out of college, whether it was once they established themse lves, but there was always this, the back of their mind, very often fore of their mind s, "How

can I make this world a better place?" Passionate. Idealistic. Good-- in the dee p sense, good. This desire to l students. There are make a difference come into just about al

many people who talk about this generation as the "ME" generation: all I care ab out, all this generation cares about is "well, let me just make more money", "let me just get a bigger rue more prestige". money is house", eclats, "let me more just be stereotype. more Yes, successful eclats, and prestige, acc

This is a false important. It's

important to most people in the world. A big deal. But were these people who hav e these stereotypes were d they don't see the desire to make a difference. 1800 students at members of PBHA (Phillips Brooks House other students who Harvard each year, That's about not 1800 all. students There are are they (?) is that they see just that? An


outside PBHA and who volunteer. Just about every single one of you. At least if we 381 ----------------------- 72----------------------look at the statistics, just about every single one of you leave you, very soon, after

Harvard, will join an organization, whether--it could be your primary job or not a n organization that is a social enterprise, not for profit, something to better th e world. You'll be on boards of such organizations. You'll donate money to such organizat ions. Harvard grads are generous with their efforts, with their time, with their money,

whether the business school, the law school, college, Med school, Ed school you give a lot, because you her it's time-- usually care. Again whether it's money, whet

both. False stereotypes. There are also false stereotypes about Americans. Ameri cans, empirically speaking just empirically speaking about the Harvard students, looking the trends and statistics-- empirically he most generous speaking, Americans are t

people in the world. Not just because they have more money to give, yes, America ns have more money whether it's in to give food, and they give a lot more money,

whether it's in medical aid. Americans also spend the most time-- this is a rese arch done (?) Americans e in the world spend the most time out of any other peopl

volunteering in average four hours a week, volunteering outside their job which may also the have a social objective world. Once again, more than any other country. people And in this

false stereotypes about this is wonderful. This is


wonderful to see, wonderful to be here, whether it's Harvard, whether it's Ameri ca-- a real privilege. You see, many u will be in influential positions. Will you be able to or-profit organization, not for of do you, a not lot far of from good now, in a yo f

profit organization, on the board of your previous school, with your money, with your time? ith However and me or here is the however I've met many grad students w

students when I was a tutor who express their frustration to me. They said to me , DYou know, I had all the good intentions in the world. I have all the good intentions in the world. I want to do good. I've donated my time, my money. But I feel that someth ing is missing. I feel that difference." I've fallen short of my potential to really make a 382

----------------------- 73----------------------Why? Because good will and idealism, while necessary, they are not sufficient. Not enough. Because very often, with very good intentions, we may fall short of what we are capable of doing, or in some situations, even hurt more than help. And we'll look at some of these studies, hopefully still today, with very good intentions actua lly hurt more they helped. Psychologists for decades had very good intentions about helpi ng at risk population. A lot of money-- millions, millions of dollars went into tha t. With very little effect. Why? Because they didn't ask the question that they needed t o ask, which was, in that particular case, the salutogenic question: why do some indivi duals succeed despite unfavorable circumstances? There were very good intentions befor e this question was asked. n't enough. Very often, some of these interventions ty, as opposed to There was engendered a lot the of idealism. victim It was



the active agent mentality that Marva Collins instilled, the programs by Karen R eivich and Martin Seligman instill. And this is where psychology can help. Because we c an take the research and apply it. We can take the research and apply it, which goe s back to the point why it is so and Main Street. Most of these research is not hers working in the applied. important So for to bridge Ivory tower how many teac


classroom day in and day out know about the Pygmalion effect? The Pygmalion effe ct that ter, we are going to talk shows how teachers' about next week or the week af

expectations are self-fulfilling prophecies. And if we have high expectations, if we see the seed of greatness in the s

tudents, that seed of greatness is more likely to flourish. Or if we don't appreciate it, it will depreciatewither and die. How many teachers know about these studies? And how they create through their en it comes to their beliefs the self-fulfilling prophecy wh

students? How many teachers know about Marva Collins? Every teacher in the world on the first day of teacher training need to learn about Marva Collins and Pygma lion effect. They don't do How do you increase self-esteem? If I have to teed, would say praise that. How do a about poll here, 383 ----------------------- 74----------------------people. Praise eir self-esteem. people. Right. Praise children. taken a lot as of the It will enhance whole truth, that and w th this? most Self-esteem. people, guaran

Partially right. And if it's nothing but the truth, its detrimental. Because there hen we praise people is



indiscriminately, we are actually in the long run potentially hurting them more than helping them, whether it's their wellbeing, as well as their success. But the se lf-esteem movement mostly says praise people, praise children all the time. And again, th ats important. But it's w many people are also of important the to Stanford know how to praise. Carol Ho Dwe

familiar with the work ck. Well, you are


going to be familiar with it in a few weeks. Many idealists with good intentions are not. And they continue to support or to practice self-esteem as indiscriminate p raise, ultimately hurting more than helping. How many psychologists, or rather how many interventionists with good intentions are familiar with the work of Albert Bandu

ra on self-efficacy? And how you cultivate that? Not enough. And very often, more harm than good is created. How many psychologists are familiar with this new emerging field of the mind and studies that cheerful the body? How many know about the

example that yoga practice diminishes significantly, more than any other interve ntions that they tried, the likelihood of second-time offenders when they practice it i n jail? After their release, they are much il if they do some yoga there. Strange, but true. How many people know that and this is connected to my first point that doing meditation actually more susceptible to positive emotions and emotions. How many literally more transforms in our the brain, face of making us less likely to return to ja



people know that three times a week physical exercise,30 minutes each time has t he same effect as s a week for our most 30 powerful psychiatric drugs? Three time

minutes. How many psychologists or psychiatrists prescribe "run three times a we ek and see me in the morning"? Not enough. That's practical idealism coupled togeth er. How ost are in conflict resolution, people with good the dominant 384 ----------------------- 75----------------------intentions want to resolve conflict is let's get the people together, let's get them to talk, and they and we will research from 1954 live happily social ever after. Well we have showin theme of m

those of you who take g that the contact



hypothesis which is just get people to talk to one another, doesn't work; in fac t very

often it worsens the situation very often the conflict actually gets worse as a re sult of just getting together and talking, that the contact is not enough, that what you need, in the words of Muzafer sheriff and later elaborated on by Elliot Aronson what you need is a t together, super ordinate that you goal a goal that you have carry ou

cannot do by yourself carry out together with a conflicting group. And that's how over time you resolve r. Now as you can conflicts, not just bring people togethe

imagine, this is very close to home for me. Because there were many people on bo th sides of the Arab/Israeli conflict who wanted to end it, many people in this cou ntry who wanted to end it. So what did they do? Let's just get them together. Let's g et them in a room, whether it was in Camp David, whether it was in Oslo or in Egypt. Let 's just get them together to talk, to resolve their conflict and their issue and th en we will all live happily ever after. ff What happened? The situation worsened. Now we've known that. Muzafer sheri

showed that in 1954 that it is the most likelihood outcome of just contact hypot hesis, just getting them to be together. trying to resolv e the And there were many people

conflict, not just in the Middle East, else in the world, with very good intenti ons but very often making inadvertently the matters worse. Idealism and good intentions are not enough. e practice. We need to And this is merge, it to mate the Now research when deliver I with take good th it new

where you come in, taking seriously, there is a problem s. It here because would be sometimes

seriously. research


much easier and nicer if we could just simply get Israelis and Arabs together an d the conflict would end. It would be much nicer and easier, smoother, it would be muc h easier, if we giving them could just cultivate positive children 385 ----------------------- 76----------------------feedback telling them how wonderful they are. It's easy to do, right? It feels goo d. They feel good. We feel good. only that. But in the long run, it doesn't help, if it's self-esteem by

Much easier. And research very often delivers bad news, saying it's not enough-the contact; it's not e subconsciously, enough not to praise. And then people choos

consciously to ignore the research and go with her heart. And that's important t o go with your heart. But it's important to with the heart and the mind. ow, Imagine if an aeronautics engineer woke up in the morning and said, "you kn of Gravity thing a pain. Things really makes things difficult for m

the Law e. It's

would be so much easier without the law of gravity. The design would be simpler. " And he designs airplane What kind of airplane machine would he or engineer takes into consideration of reality. We deal with that. and she And he ignores design? A the law failure. Law of of gravity. Aeronautics Gravity.

reality-- there's

Similarly, what research shows us is reality: what's out there, whats w orking and what's not working. And we need to conform to it. Take it into consideration. An d it's up to you, to take responsibility, to bridge the Ivory tower and Main Street. Yo u are being exposed in 32 classes fraught your Harvard career to the most rigorous thi nking

on different topics have you take it and apply it, whether it's psychology, whet her it's in economics, e it's done more readily It's important responsibilities, you. No one obviously much in engineering social one or computer and going the to science, humanities. do it of for it wher

than in to take because no is coming.

sciences else is

Premise 2: To be a practical has to be the belief that



change is possible. Because if the change was not possible on the individual lev el, on the society level, why am I doing what I am doing? Why would I spend time? Let m e just be a hedonist, trying ossible. Now for many of to enjoy my life as much as p

you,when you look at this you may say, "Well, Ok, yes, change is possible. I bel ieve that and why do we need to have it as a basic premise of the course, as opposed to change is illusive?" 386 ----------------------- 77----------------------Well, in the context of a psychology course, it's anything but trivial that c hange is possible. Let me share with you one study to illustrate what I mean. The Minneso ta Twin study, one of the most famous studies in the field of psychology, was done by Lykken and Tellegen, did was they two prominent psychologists. And what they

wanted to understand how much do genes matter. How much is it about nature versu s nurture? So how do you test that? You look at identical twins, monozygotic twins who share the same genetic profile. And you look at those who are reared apart. Beca use if they are reared they came out by the very same parents, one could argue, "Well

similar because same environment: they look the same; they go to the same school s; same parents, and so on." But what if you are able to find identical twins who w ere separated at birth, and reared in radically different environments. Well you cou ld. And they found significant number of those, reared in, sometimes different continent s. And they studied them. And ignificant similarities what they found remarkably was s

among these twins, sometimes to the points of unbelievable. Like one set of twin s I think they found the reared in different wives with the same name. They were

countries, didn't know about each other until the age of 37 married similar wives, enjoyed drinking the same beer, called their children by the same names. There w ere some mind-boggling similarities. And this is an exception, but there were quite a few of those exceptions. But more interesting for psychologists was that their perso nality was incredibly similar. psychologists, those And very interesting for positive

concerned with wellbeing and happiness: their wellbeing and happiness levels wer e incredibly similar. ferent environments. Even if they were raised in radically dif

Lykken and Tellegen published a paper, a very influential paper in the 80s, whic h they called "Happiness is is paper with the a Stochastic Phenomenon". And they end th

following quote: "It may be that trying to be happier is as futile as trying to be taller and is therefore counterproductive." ry unhappy on two This quote made me ve

accounts. This was a very influential quote. This appeared in New York Times. Th ey talked about on television. They were interviewed. Very problematic. 387

----------------------- 78----------------------Coz what are we doing the research, a rigorous here? If this is the outcome of

research that they did not an easy research to go and look around the world, what can we do about it? Here is my response to that: Very simply, change is possible . And again, dont take my word for it of course. Let me discuss that furthe r-- elaborate. There is account of evidence where people actually do change and we have researc h showing that people going e a result of therapy. Work by Albert Bandura, hat very often people encountering one t from something, sentence book, can having special that to therapy Stanford sentence, their lives, very often change as th t i

psychologist reading reading


it or hearing it on certain

change certain

experiences there is this concept of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). There is also a concept of Post-Traumatic Growth. So people change-- up or down in the ir level of happiness is a result of their experiences. So there is counter evidenc e that shows that not everyone, level of wellbeing is determined by their genes. In fac t, there is research that shows yes genes do matter and they matter a lot, as we'll talk about during the week on change. Other things matter as well. And the error that ken and Tellegen and many ay "change is not others make when they generalize and Lyk s

possible" is what I call "the error of the average". Yes,on average, when you lo ok at this group of 40 or 50 twins reared apart, when you look at the average, they ar e just about the same. However, thats not looking at the individuals because while many o f them are the same, not all are the same.

It reminds me of a in a pool with an







average height of 10 inches. You see you cannot tell the height or the depth rat her of a pool based on the average. Because that pool may be average of 10 inches, but ma ybe it has places that are 20 feet deep, if it's a large pool. The same when you loo k at the average of individuals and twins. The majority on average, they are extremely si milar. But there are also outliers. And very often, its the outliers, the differences tha t are the most interesting. ey stretch our Because they stretch not just 388 ----------------------- 79----------------------ability to understand when and where change is possible. The question when we se e exceptions, whether it's the Lykken and Tellegen study, where we do see exceptio ns not all twins were the same, estion is no longer majority were, but not all the qu our imagination-- th

whether or not change is possible, but rather how is change possible. Once again , the exception proves the rule. And the research that argues that it's not possible t o change, is detrimental. Think about an eight year old girl, who's very unhappy, and then reads some magazine about that genetically set point what She you are born feels anxious with and study, saying for that basically you are

is there

life. She's


miserable as an 8 year old. And she says to herself, "That's it. That's my lot i n life. I was born unlucky." And that, very often, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. And she remains unhappy. Sometimes she was before. Because now she's also helpless. it even makes her less happy than


Change is possible. You the person to teach Why?

know Because

I often I wasn't

say that born high

I am with level

the "happy of

ri ge anxi

positive psychology. nes". I was born with, ety, genetically inclination

speaking, toward


rumination, over-examination we'll talk about that later in the course. I went int o the positive psychology, entioned in the first lecture, because I esult of many of into the field here. And of psychology, over time, as as I a m r

was unhappy these

studies, result of examination result of asking also the right questions, I have become happier. So on a personal come happier. Now I am happier today than I was hope to be happier 15 level, fifteen I know years ago it's when possible to be I

I started.

years from today than I am today. It's a life-long process. But it is possible. And many people show that it's possible. And those who argue it's not possible and use sc ience to argue for that, very often, are hurting more than helping the field. Now by the way Lykken and Tellegen were interviewed recently in TIME magazine issue of happines s. Let me quote ken: "I made to you a dumb what they said. This is in 2005-- Lyk

statement. It is clear that we can change happiness levels, up or down." So they went 389 ----------------------- 80----------------------back on their statement. It he time. It certainly is possible. So how do we that does not lead to detrimental results? out And at the same time, true. We don't want to invent research. Research is ab do was a sensational that's more statement at t



identifying things that really occur/happen in reality. So one of the first thin gs that I'll argue for in terms of healthy research is "let's also focus on what is working". That's first thing that we discussed in the past lecture. The second thing that I will argue for in addition to studying what works is also to study the best. What do I mean by best? Let's not just study what makes people happy. Let's not just study happy people. Let's not just study happy study the happiest relationships and good relationships. and Let's learn

people. Let's study the most from that. That is a



radically different approach than studying just the average. Because what I am s aying here is "let's not e percent so that understand about study the average", we can The let's person study the top who fiv talks

the phenomenon better. this is Abraham

Maslow. When he talked about "growing-tip" statistics. Let me read to you-- this is taken from his book: "What s is a change in our conception eory. What of statistics, I am frankly I this and have kind of research of design sampling mean th statis t t u

especially been the calling

espousing here is what tics," taking my title

"growing-tip of "let's that in we

from the fact that it is at hat the greatest genetic action takes place." he sages, the extraordinary nderstand

growing tip is that so him

a plant study can

What he's saying saints, the the arrowhead" the me quote

people, and realize

potential in all people. Let This is very important,



which is why I am doing it: "If we want to know how fast a human being can run, then it is no use to average out the speed of a "good sample" of the population; it is far better to collect Olympic gold medal winners and see how well

they can want value to

do. know growth


we the possibilities or moral for spiritual growth,

development in human being, then I maintain that we can learn most by studying o ur 390 ----------------------- 81----------------------most moral, ethical, or saintly people. On the whole I think it fair to say that human history is a record of the ways in which human nature has been sold short. The h ighest possibilities of rated. Certainly human it nature have that so practically what we call and always been in under ps

seems more and more clear ychology is really a psychopathology of the ad that we don't even notice it ordinarily." average,

"normal" so


widely spre

You see, the implications of what he's saying here? Essentially what he's saying is "let's not just study why do most individuals fail; let's also study why do some -- not many but why do some individuals succeed not study ange. just the average that Let's study those says despite the that people circumstances". can't really Let's ch

people who have changed, who have literally transformed their lives and those li ves around them. This is a radical approach to research. This is a radical approach to the search, to studying ourselves as well. Because very often, if we only study the average, we only see the average, we only see the geometric shapes and completely missed the children of our on the bus. And most pressing very often, the answer to some

questions lies in the extraordinary lies on the children on the bus. Now does anyo ne other than me because I admit that I fall into this category but anyone other than

me feel a little bit disease when I talk about this? Seriously, a little bit dis ease when I talk about "let's focus on studying the best the saint, the sages, the extraordina ry"? I feel disease. I'm sure some of you feel that too. Because after all, isnt that elitist? Shouldn't we study the ith elites? We are average because we concern not just w

concerned with the average. So there are two answers to that why I still maintain, and I must admit I still feel some disease every time I teach this, every time I think about this and I think dy the best, why the too, why it is so important to stu

"growing-tip" statistics is such an important approach to research that I encour age my students to carry out. 391 ----------------------- 82----------------------First of all, because it is average. Just like positive psychology does not say 's exclude study of "let's not exclude to the what's exclusion not of the let sayin

working; is not

pathology". Similarly, "growing-tip" g "let's not study the


average". It says "let's also study the best". So this is the first thing to all eviate the concern of even more elitism. The important. second when issue, we study even the the more second best. than response And the the best is " o

Because everyone benefits, average"-- whatever that means, the "average" f this kind of studies.


Why? For example: the study of resilience. We could have gone on and studied the average at-risk population for decades and centuries. And very little advances w ould have been made. Very little advances were made. It was only when we started to s tudy

those "best" examples, those successful kids, those "super" kids as they were in itially named. It was only when we started to study those that we actually understood ho w we can best help that studies-- the resilience issue, everyone benefited at's an example of population. and And to once we applied from our it. Th



"growing-tip" statistics research. Or how about the study of meditation? So I wa nt to study how to ke a random meditate. Do sample of I go out to Harvard yard and ta

sophomores to study meditation? Or do I go to a mountain top in Tibet and study the people who have been doing it for decades? Of course I go and study them! This i s exactly what psychologists l talk about it did! And they studied their brain we'l

when we talk about meditation and they illustrated how their brain is transformed through Richard meditation. Davidson Psychologists, and like Jon Kabat Zinn,

Herbert Benson, were able to take what they learned best

from these extraordinary,

individuals and apply it to other people's lives so that now I benefit from medi tation when I do it for 15 minutes or 20 minutes a day. And millions of other people, " the average", benefit a great deal because of the study of the best, of the "growing -tip". How about relationships? Can you imagine a study of relationships throughout hum an history that focuses on the average? What's the average relationship in human hi story? The average relationship in human history is one in which the woman is subjugate d. 392 ----------------------- 83----------------------That's the average relationship we just study that? in human history. Now what if

Would that be helpful? No, it was when people like John Stuart Mill, who studied his relationship s which was at the time extraordinary, realized the potential of what all relationships can be that he wrote his book on subjugation of women, one of the most important books of the 19th century that has led to the feminist movement and to the equality movem ent. What if he only studies the average? Would that help relationships? Not at all. How about teaching? What do you want to do in order to learn about teaching go and study the average teachers or go and study Marva Collins and then apply what Mar va Collins does to all teachers? Everyone benefits when we focus on the tip of stam en this is why Maslow said human nature and human potential has been sold short, wh en we only study the average. It's also about studying our personal best, not just other people's best, whether it's our personal best experiences because if we study ou r best experiences when we are at our happiest, when we are at our most successful, whe n we thrive the most within the relationship, we can learn from it and apply it to our future as well. When we study our average, we are describing our lives. When we are studying the best ng. Maslow again: within ourselves, we are potentially prescribi

"Few in number though they be, we can learn a great deal about values from the d irect study of these highly thiest individuals, evolved, most mature, psychologically heal

and from the study of the peak moments of average individuals, moments, in which they become transiently self-actualized." If we learn from these experiences in ourselves, the question is no longer wh ether or

not it's possible to experience it more and more in our lives. The question is " how is it possible to experience it". Alright. So we talked about changing ourselves, how it's possible nificant the "growing-tip" idea within statistics which is the second sig

research in positive psychology: first significant idea is "let's study what wor ks" the 393 ----------------------- 84----------------------second significant idea is "let's study what works best". But this is about indi vidual change. How about societal change? I want to share with you at the end today a s tudy, one of the most famous studies in the field called "the Cambridge-Somerville You th Study psychology". This was the study that was run, starting in the 1930s right here between Harvard and MIT, were the best minds psychological minds, philosophical minds, psychiatrists Rolls-Roycethere wasn't a Rolls-Royce can think of." got together best and said, "let's program create that the we

then but


There was no limit in terms of how much money was put into it. As much as they needed, they got and population. And the intervention seminar-they chose 250 kids from change," an at-risk we can"

is not a quick five-year

fix, overnight

intervention. And here is what they got. Twice a month, case workers visited the m, helped them deal with the conflicts in the family, helped them deal with issues in their lives. Half of them had academic tutoring, those who needed it got help, academic help. Psychiatric attention all those who needed it, they were there. No limits o n how much you needed it. Whatever you needed, you got from the best minds in the field. They joined the boy scouts, YMCA, other youth movements, benefited a grea

t deal, supposedly from these experiences. t They got everything. in the 1930s, well. This is introduce this. This what was would be a dream dream as treatment not about the at program nigh it jus

today as t. Just

psychologists as serious

And then measuring outcomes self. There was a

random assignment there were 250 kids who got nothing, who were also studied, just like the kids who got the five-year intervention were studied 250 kids in th e control group. 40 for the years follow-up. This was not just about today, tomorrow

five years; they followed them through much of their lives. This was serious st udy. This was serious intervention. And the results were shocking. Even though all th ose who participated in this study whether it was the mental health workers, whether i t was the philosophers, psychologists, the professors and the psychiatrists praise t he 394 ----------------------- 85----------------------program as the best, as highly effective, when they looked at the raw objective data, the results were shocking. Juvenile offenses: control group versus intervention group-- no difference . Over a third had unofficial official records records for in and juvenile 20 more offenses. percent Adult had offenses

misdemeanors. No difference later on in their

lives. Again, no difference. Over 20 percent offenses whether against property or against person in both groups: the 250 here versus 250 here, which is significant sample health size. No difference and mental difference whatsoever. But other finally, measures: there was physical a significa






alcoholism, the number of people who became alcoholic later on in life as well a s job status how many people were able to at getting to do "the white collar" jobs. So

least there are results there. At least they found statistically significant res ults when they came to that. That's good, right? Not at all. Because these results were "i n the wrong direction", meaning there were alcoholics in the intervention group than i n the control group; there were more people in the control group making it at work "ra ising their status at work" than in the intervention group. In other words, interventi on did more harm than good. Idealism, good intention, a lot of money wasn't practical. Now many people who look at this study this is a seminal studyvery few studies in the history of psychology societal change is probably Societal that were me that one serious. minute and They I'll say, "Well,

not possible". Give change is not


possible, they say. Is it? First of all, there are exceptions and we have except ions that prove the rule--there are programs that actually work, whether it's the work aga in of Karen Reivich and Martin Seligman from U Penn," resilience program", whether it' s Marva Collins who's certainly an exception, who shows how interventions work. An d it's interesting to think about the difference of what Marva Collins does, or sh e doesn't give the students in sense of entitlement, or she praises them but she gives the m hard love as s needy opposed to free and the study lunch, or she doesn't 395 ----------------------- 86----------------------perhaps labeled these kids as needy. There are many differences. But the keys to label them a

study this exception and for practical idea is to come together and to say "what is wo rking? Let's study the best; let's study what works and then apply it." Let's spread th e word. Let's do what he suggested is Maslow talked about back in 1950s. What

"Manhattan-Project-type attacks upon what I consider to be the truly Big Problem s of our with time, not only any sense of for psychology but for all human beings

historical urgency". The Manhattan Project, when they created the atomic bomb an d whether or not you One second. I'm agree with the Manhattan Project normatively. bring togethe

almost done. Positively, what r the best minds

they did

there was

Oppenheimer, Zillart, Fermi Feinman, Bore bring them together with a mission of saving the free world. Again whether you agree or not with the project is beside the point, it was the greatest, positively speaking, scientific project in history w here the minds got together. This is what Maslow is suggesting that psychologists do. Thi s is also the aim of positive psychology, no less than this. You get people around th e world to think about these problems, these issues-- practical idealists who will study what works, who will study the best and through that, make a difference. I'll see you next week. 396 ----------------------- 87----------------------Positive Psychology CLecture 4 ay Hi everybody. We are the Harvard Callbacks We have a special Valentine's D

message dedicated from the teaching staff to the students. http://v.163.com never I will never find another lover sweeter than you, sweeter than you I will

find another lover more precious than you, more precious than you Coz you are Cl ose to me you're like my mother, Close to me you're like my father, Close to me you' re like my sister, Close to me you're like my brother You are the only one my every thing and for you this song I sing All my life I pray for someone like you I thank God that I, that I finally found you And I pray that you do love me too Pray that you do lov e me too Happy Valentine's Day! this Hi, morning. You song, I had a know, when I asked them to dedicate

slightly different song in mind. But-- so be it. We do love you. What we are goi ng to talk about today, continuing from last time is or are the basic premises of this course-where we are coming in many ways, the from, where we are going-- laying down

foundation of the spiral that we are going to create for the next semester toget her. Last time we stopped, we talked about how difficult change is. We talked about the Tw in studies aybe that illustrate that changing our what Lykken and Tellegen said-- m

happiness level is as difficult as-- and futile-- as trying to change our height . And we talked about the error of the average and the mistake that these researchers are making, misunderstanding the nature of change. Because if someone changes, the question is no longer "is it possible to change" but rather "how is it possible to change". And then we talked about the Somerville that literally the Cambridge study that show

Rolls-Royce of interventions failed-- 5 years with the leading scientists, resea rchers, psychiatrists, psychologists ing their minds from Cambridge, Harvard and MIT, putt



hearts for good intentions only they have




change-- failure.

failed in bringing about positive change, they actually brought about negative c hange. 397 ----------------------- 88----------------------to Remember?-- Alcoholism rates went up for the intervention group, compared

the control group. The control group that joined no intervention actually were m ore luckily to advance in their change is difficult, but workplace 20, 30 years later. So

then we went over and said, "Well, Marva Collins creates change. So it is possib le. Programs by Martin Seligmen and Karen Reivich and numerous others succeeding in bringing about s to become change". And the challenge then is, for us, if our goal i

practical idealists is to understand what it is that brings about change and the n do it. Spread the the word. Spread research doesn't the word about the research. Even if

always communicate good news, it's about communicating what works, what is real, as opposed to our dreams s-- that's not enough. Good will, idealism, to be grounded in good , our desires, are our not hopes, enough. our We wishe need


research. And this is very much what Maslow has in mind when he talked about the analogous Manhattan s or that time Project, where scientists, positive psychologist

psychologists, social scientists would get together and pick out the tip of the stem-the few ideas, the few programs that work and then replicate them. Study the bes t and as one of the students here, Mariam -- came to me after the class and she said, "the tip of the stem is actually about democratizing excellence." I love that phrase. Democratizing excellence-- studying the best and applying it to the res

t of us. Ok, so we have this grand scheme, grand idea by Maslow to create a Manhattan-typ e Project. But what if I'm not interested in going into one of these projects? Wha t if I'm not even interested in becoming an academic? Just want to do things on my own: C an I make a difference? And the answer is absolutely yes. One of the most signific ant barriers to people doing things in the world, to actually introducing change is that they underestimate their ability to bring a lot of research in about change. There is

psychology. Primarily the people who started are Emerson and Moscovici and many others who have done one person can research showing how minority-- very often

make a big difference, can make a significant difference. Ralph Waldo Emerson: " All 398 ----------------------- 89----------------------history is a record of the power of minorities, and of minorities of one, "-- a lot to backed that up in social science research. Margaret Mead, the anthropologist: "N ever doubt that a small change the world. Indeed, it is the in the mind of group of thoughtful, ever it committed has." All expands. citizens can

only thing that single And then

change begins Now the que

person or a small group." stion is "how does it expand" and nd live

"why is it so difficult for us to understand, accept, assimilate a

according to the fact that we can make a difference, if we understand that what we need ns to understand exponentially. to so is how Our and change their happens. connection Change to others happe and

connection so and

other people create an

exponential function which explains for an example-- that those of

you are fa

miliar with-"butterfly ngs in Singapore effect" can how a butterfly flapping its wi

theoretically cause a tornado in Florida. Because on particle hits another and a nother and another. tion: It also explains how we are the all phenomenal in a web 6 degrees potentially of of separa good

connected ness. To

and interconnected illustrate the

exponential nature of human networks, let's look at smiles. What do we know from research akes is that smiles you smile. You are contagious. Someone smiles-- m

smile-- you make someone smile. And so on and so on. You know, even some goes pass you on the street don't smile-- there are and you don't smile ostensibly you

certain micro-muscles in your face that are moving that actually make you feel b etter. So smiles are contagious. ree people smile, and Now if you smiled to-- or make th

these three people-- each one makes three other people smile. And those nine peo ple make three-- each one-- three grees of separation from world you will initial smile be smiling. nature people other to the people three networks. smile. people, The Within the same 20 entire with mak de

Exponential ing other

of social feel

good-- complimenting people. If you make three people-- or even better, four peo ple a day feel good and they make-- they pay it forward and make four others feel good , 399 ----------------------- 90----------------------and so on and so on. Within will be made to feel better. This is the nature iles and laughters are of very little an time, the whole world function. So sm


contagious. And to illustrate, video. (Spanish) (The






sentence shown on the screen at the end, "Dificil, eh?" means " Difficult, isn't it?") Alright. I have to see this one more time. Sorry. So the theme of the class today is babies. We are going to see anot her one soon. So let's understand: what is the nature of exponential function so that we can understand the power of one? I'm looking for someone to make a deal with me. Her e is the deal: What I am going to do is ask you-- this is all voluntary, you don't have to do it-- here's the deal. I am going to ask you to give me each day-- or rather I 'm going to give r the you, whoever signs the deal with me, 1000 dollars every single day fo

next 30 days. And what you will give me in return is on the first day, one cent- one penny; on the second day, two cents; third day, 4 cents... Every day, twice as m uch as the previous day, starting with one. Who would like to make this deal with me? A gain, every day I give you for the next 30 days 1000 dollars. What you'll do is every day for the next 30 days give me one cent, next day two, four, eight and so on. r Anyone? Any takers? One. Looking for some more. So that's 30000 down fo

me. Anymore? Ok, good. Alright. So here' s the deal. Here is what will happen. O n the 30th day, I will give you another 1000 dollars-- you'll have a total of 3000 0 dollars from me. On the 30th day, I will be getting from you in total, including the fir st 29 days-- no, rather on the llars and 12 30th day, I'll be getting from you 5,368,709 do

cents. Double that, times by two, this is the money I will be making in one mon th. One cent on the first, two on the second, and so on. For





extraordinary because people don' understand the nature of exponential function and therefore don't understand the nature of the power of one. Here is another examp le. Just This kidding. I'll let you captured my off the hook. 400 ----------------------- 91----------------------imagination-- when I was invention of the chess game-- some of in a kid, my dad told me about the Another example.

you know the story. So the inventor of the chess game-- he was

India, and went to the local king. The king was very impressed with the game and said, "How can I reward you?" And the chess player said, "No, it' OK really." The king said, "No. I want to reward nventor of the chess you. How can I rewards you?" So the i

game said, "Ok. What I like is on the first block, first square, I would like on e grain of rice. On the second, I'd like two grains of rice. On the third, four grains of r ice and so on and so on. That's my request." And the king said, "Are you sure that's all yo u want? I'm And prepared to give you the inventor said, a lot. This is a wonderful game."

"Yes." So the king told his wish.

his assistant to go and

get the man,

give the man

When they started to calculate how much rice would be need to fill up all blocks , all the way to 2 to the power 63. They realized that the rice could fill up the enti re world with a thick layer. Again, it because we don't misleading-fail to understand

understand the nature of exponential change. all Another-- last one. have a piece of So how many time do you think-- you

paper in front you-- how many time do you think you need to roll over the piece

of paper for the piece of paper to reach the moon? The moon, 240000 miles awaya fro m us. How many times do you need to fold the piece of paper so that you can reach the moon. 41 times. So if you can have a piece of paper here, and you fold it 41 tim es by the end of the class, you can reach the moon. I don't know why they make such a big deal out of the person landing on the moon. Seems quite simple to me. And here i s the point. We underestimate our capacity to affect change. Because we underestimate the growth of exponential and the world every function. We are influencing people

minute of our lives. The question though is in which direction are we going to d o it. Are we going to be a force for change? Be deliberate? Be practical idealists? Or just have the good intentions without the effort that's necessary to bring about a po sitive exponential function. The final project for this course, as you know is a presen tation 401 ----------------------- 92----------------------that you'll give whether it's for the (?) students or the extension school stude nts. You'll be giving a lecture her the class, this to is other people. And when we put toget

precisely what we thought about: how you affect change and those people whom you change will hopefully influence others and so on and so on. In many ways, the id ea was taken from the film "Pay it Forward". What I want to do now is show you a qu ick excerpt-- just the coming soon of "Pay it Forward", for those of you who haven' t seen it. of Because human in "Pay it networks as Forward", they capture this very idea

exponential functions. We underestinmate our we

capacity to effect change because

underestimate the growth of an exponential function What if the world is just a big disappointment? Unless you take the things that you don't like about this world and you flip them upside down and you can start that today. o it That's me. And that's three people. And I'm going to help them. And they d

for three other people. And they do it for three more. It has to be something re ally big. Something they can do by themselves. is it possible let one idea to change the w orld Lost your car? That's a keen observation. I can help you. You are giving me a br and new Jaguar and you tween two strangers. don't want anything. Call it generosity be

What did you tell my son to make him bring homeless man into my house? I've got a story, Ok? A senior partner of Chandling and Moss is giving away new cars? Just pay it 't forward. Three just put two big favors people for three other people. You can

together and make them like each other. It's the one. Pay it forward. Pay it for ward. Just like the idea. You could fix a person. Do you want to come in and stay? - I t's just complicated. out your - Come in. Supposed to be something hard. I don't care ab even what they are. Is that what they are? I can'

burns, Eugene, if that's t. So sorry.

Don't tell me how sorry you are for me. Maybe you are scared to get rejected; we ll, I can't reject you, you're too quick for me! Are you still going to pay it forward ? Give her another chance for me. You will miss! I wanna wear the (?) dress. No, you sm ell good! - Are you sure? 402

----------------------- 93----------------------- Yeah, yeah! Pay it forward is a movement in LA, Mrs. McKenney. Come on! change - A movement? So the world? You you are like flunk us if we don't

might just scrape by with a C. Impact three people. Each impact three others and three others. Within 20 degrees of separation. You can change the world, the entire wo rld. Premise number 3: . internal factors versus external factors. There is a lot of research showing how difficult it is to change happiness based on external factors. Resea rch on subjective wellbeing-- the term that psychologists use to capture happiness esse ntially has been going on for very, very long time. Until recently, most of the research was conducted, was done using questionnaires. And many people rightfully so question ed the veracity, the value subjective-- are we of these questionnaires, few because it is

measuring something real? Over the last more

years, what started to happen is

and more psychologists have been using brain scans for example; they've been usi ng fMRIs, EEGs, other physiological measures. And what they found interestingly is that there is a very high correlation between the "objective" measures such as brain scans, such as EEGs, such as fMRI, such as physiological measures and people's evaluati on of their wellbeing-piness. Very high in other words, subjective levels of hap

correlation between the two which in many ways gives credence to the many years of research that has been conducted, before we have the technology to do it in a mo re sophisticated way. So the research I am going to share with you-- some of it is taken

using the brain scans, other is self-evaluation. But again, both are meaningful as well as valuable. out We'll get more into the way that the research is conducted when we talk ab

phenomenon such as meditation. Or people like Richie Davidson actually scanned t he brain and showed significant changes as a result of an 8-week meditation program . Or people like a very young Joshua Greene, who does a research on morality and show s 403 ----------------------- 94----------------------that we have morality centers in our brain. So it's becoming much more sophistic ated, much more interesting and the interesting thing about it is that it verifies a l ot of the research that ated means, has been such as done done by to date Daniel with far less sophistic who teaches

self-rapport. Research Psych1 on effective forecasting. just


Here is one of his studies. So what he did was go to professors who were

before either getting the tenure decision: so either they were going to get the tenure or not. And he asked them, "How happy are you going to be, if you get the tenure?" And they said, "Ecstatic! This is something I've working on for many years and this will be it. This will be a dream come true." And-- "How happy are you going to stay for ?" And they said, "For the something we've been rest of our lives. Because this is

working for very long time. It will make everything so much easier. I can get of f the publish-or-parish race. I can enjoy my work much more. This is going to transfor m my life." And he asked them, "What happens if you don't ge




are "We are many going years." to be And-devastated. "How But This long even

rejected?" And they said, is something we've been working for many, are you going to be devastated then, that

for?" "Probably until we

get tenure somewhere else.

may not be enough."-- Because once you don't get tenure in one place, you don't go up in terms of the ranking would get tenure but of the school-- you very often

elsewhere, school that is not considered as good as the one where you were rejec ted. So it will be devastating for a very long time. And Gilbert went to them at the moment when they got the tenure decision. Some of them got them. Others did not. "How a re you feeling?" He asked. we've ever been." Those who got it, "Ecstatic! Happiest

And-- "How long are you going to stay happy for?" "For the rest of our lives. We 've made it." And then he went to those who didn't get tenure and asked them, "How a re you feeling?" They were they were going to devastated. And they were sure that

remain devastated for a very long time. 404 ----------------------- 95----------------------onths And he later. went back And what to see them three months later, six m

Gilbert and his colleagues found was that almost to the person, those who got te nure or did not get tenure went wellbeing: If they were happy back six or to their months not, previous hence; they were level if not of the hap

happy before, they were y were unhappy before,

regardless whether they get py. In other words, it


looks like this and went back to base level or; it looks like this and back to b

ase level. They did the same with lottery winners. "What if you really win ten million doll ars, will it actually make you ut not for long. Philip happier?" Yes-for a while, b

BrickmanNorthwestern University did this research. After within 6 months, people go back to their base level of wellbeing. Pe ople in serious accidents with their paralysis as the result of the accident, very often , usually-again, l of this is all happiness: if the average-- go they are back to their base leve

happy before, they will be happy one year after; if they are unhappy, they will remain unhappy. nce to our Extreme circumstances wellbeing. make very little differe

University of Illinois professor Ed Diener does a lot of research on happiness l evels. He has been doing it since the 1970s. What he shows-- he and others including Da niel Kahneman, Nobel prize winner-- show is that wealth matters very little to our le vels of wellbeing. Just like the lottery would make a very little difference to our w ellbeing. Now this does not mean that a person who doesn't have enough food, someone who i s homeless on the streets here, gets an extra thousand or two thousand dollars a m onth-that of course will make him or her much happier. But beyond the basic needs, on ce our basic education. needs are met Once those and that means food, shelter, basic

needs are met, income makes very little difference. No change across generations . Our generation is much ch wealthier than wealthier our than our parents, much, mu

grandparents' generation. We are not happier. And that is global a, or whether it's the United China, whether States. it's in the UK or Australi

405 ----------------------- 96----------------------Levels of happiness are essentially static; and anxiety levels and depression le vels, as we talked about in the first class have gone up significantly. So income levels make very little difference. In general, external circumstances make very little diff erence. I mean, think about your back, just transport yourself to package in experience of the mail own experience: into how did you feel-- go big



getting this

which said "You were accepted" on April 1 or the end of December, when you got t his pack-- how did you feel? Probably ecstatic. Probably one of your highlights. And that moment, if you are like me, you thought, "This is it. I'm really going to be hap py for a very long time. Cos I really struggled in high school-- a lot of it was difficul t; a lot of it was painful, but it was all worth it. I made it." And you went along with tha t feeling the next day, because in school they started to talk about how you got in. And y ou felt fantastic about it, right? And you felt great probably for the rest of the senio r year-- I mean, still ups and downs; but overall, high levels of happiness. And it was goi ng to last for the rest of your life. And you came here-- Freshmen week, you knew it w as going to last for the rest of your life. Because you were around wonderful peopl e. It was fun. There were parties. And you said, "Everything they said about Harvard w as not true. It's actually a party school." You were certain of that, right? And n ot only was it a party school, you were going to have an amazing time for the four years and beyond. Because your life was transformed by this letter of acceptance, right? T hings

started to change probably on the first day of class, but not entirely-- because there's shopping period and it's such a wonderful thing-- you shop for classes. It's eve n better than going to the mall-- so many, 3000 classes to choose from. And this second w eek of Harvard is fantastic and it was going to continue just that way, constant tid e for the rest of your life. And then suddenly things begin to change. Slightly. Ever so s lightly. And they completely change once your first paper is due or the midterms arrive. And you go back to your base level of wellbeing. were If you experience a lot of stress in high school and elementary school and 406 ----------------------- 97----------------------unhappy, generally the best predictor would say that you would feel the same way a month into your Harvard experience. External circumstances matter very little. V ery little. In fact, also, place of residents makes very little difference. People t hink, " Well, if I move-- especially in the day-light-- if I move to California, I'll be happi er, right?" Wrong. Californians are no happier than people in Massachusetts. Initially when we go to a warm place, we feel the relief and there's this spiky level of wellbeing . But very quickly we go back to our base level exactly where we were before. I'll tak e this even a step further, even though this, I bet you this is there is no research about

correct: there is no difference in our levels of wellbeing if our place of resid ents is by the river or in the far, but it's true. (?). This is I love this really taking the theory

T-shirt-- what? If you can't run with the big dogs, stay in yard. Anyone from Ko rea

here? Alright. You made it all the way on such a cold day. Well done! I apprecia ted it. How spoiled we get here. Makes very little difference. Very little difference-where we are, where we live, income levels, lottery, tenure, getting into our dream co llege, getting our dream job for n it. Yeah, you are you seniors-- you may have just gotte

going to have a spike in your level of wellbeing-- I'm sure you had a spike in your level of wellbeing when you got this acceptance letter, but very quickly we go b ack to our base level. el of wellbeing One thing which is that does matter to our base lev

external circumstance is democracy versus oppression. People living in democraci es are generally significantly happier than people living in dictatorships. Women, for example, are in general living in places where they are oppressed

less happy than women living in free countries. People living in Darfur are cert ainly less happy than people living in Denmark or the United States. But again, these are the extreme circumstance that do make a difference, such as I said, a homeless p erson, of course, income will make a difference to that person. Moving to a free countr y, of course, will make a difference to their wellbeing. But beyond the extremes, addi tions or subtractions to our external circumstances make very little difference. Now t his is 407 ----------------------- 98----------------------good news and bad news. The bad news is it seems like whatever we do, it doesn't matter. So why am I working hard in order to get that BCG job? why did I work so hard in order to get into this place?

If it doesn't matter, if I experience this ups and downs. And the answ er is that-yes it won't make a difference to our wellbeing but it also doesn't mean that we cannot increase our level of wellbeing. Many people said the problem with general level s of happiness or unhappiness rather, the cause is people have too high expectations. And if we lower our expectations, we lower our stress levels and we will enjoy life more. "Ok, so I don't care if I don't get a B in the course. I'd be much happier if I don't care, if I lower my levels of expectation. I don't care what I get into, what job I ha ve, I just want to be happy." And you'll probably be happy. Slightly happy if your you lower

levels of expectations, but not in the long term. And we'll talk about it next w eek. Not in the long term. The ctations-- that doesn't problem is not lower these high expe

matter. The problem is right versus wrong expectations. Not lower high expectati ons-that won't make a difference to our levels of wellbeing. What will make a differ ence to our levels of wellbeing expectations. It is wrong expectation to expect ng a raise, finding that our is getting for if we into our have a right certain vs. place, Moving to wrong getti Cal

dream partner, is responsible ifornia or to (Forts


Heimer?). That in and of itself will not make us happier. That's tion. The right expectation o these things will is to not believe in change from

wrong expecta within. S

make us happy. In fact, our readiness and potential to experience happiness is m ostly depended on our state of mind, not on our status, or the states of our bank acco unt. It's about changing It's about changing our our perception-state of mind.

interpretation of the world, ur achievements, of our







failures. It's about what we choose to perceive, what we choose to focus on. It' s about transformation, as opposed to the external information or the external success. 1504-408 ----------------------- 99----------------------this whole course, is about this transformation, as I mentioned during the first lesson. I want to move on to the fourth premise, one of the most important premises in t his course. And in many ways, we can understand human intellectual history just base d on this idea: should we accept human nature? Or can we perfect it? And can it ch ange? This work relies on-- or Thomas Sowell. Thomas Sowell, Harvard class Institute, one of my these of 58, ideas now rely on the work of

at Stanford,

the Hoover

intellectual heroes. And what he does and what his work does is basically explai n why people choose to back one political party versus the other; why they choose to l ive one kind of life versus the other. This single book helped me understand myself better as well as other people r it's psychologically, better-- whether it's politically, whethe

whether it's philosophically. Those of you who are interested in politics and th ere is one book you want to read, after you read Marva Collins of course, it's this. So what does Thomas Sowell say? amps Essentially what those who hold he limited does is divide and who people those hold into who two hold c the

constrained vision, the unconstrained, the unlimited vision of vision of human

vision; People




nature, believe that human nature cannot be changed; it's immutable-- we have ce rtain instincts, we have certain inclinations. They are fixed. This is it. What you se e is what you get. What you are born with or were born with, as species, is all we have. T he flaws that are out there are inevitable-- they cannot be changed. We need to accept them for what they are. That's the only thing we can do with these flaws. And pe ople who have the constrained inclinations, our basic vision think that our instincts, our

nature is immutable, accepted. And then what they do, rather than resign, they c hannel it. How do they channel institutions that would it? By building human certain toward create political the go them,

channel the flawed, imperfect od. Philosophers and psychologists who fall philosophies and under the




psychologies and institutions and systems to channel our flawed and imperfect na ture. 409 ----------------------- 100----------------------re people People who fall under the constrained vision in the history of ideas, a

such as Alexander Hamilton, Adam Smith-- those of you are taking or will take EC 10, is ?, Fredrick Kayak. constrained. It's These are people What who say, "our this nature idea best-

limited." Edmund Burke-- another one. - the words of


Francis Bacon, considered the father of the scientific movement, was a philosoph er in 1600s: "Nature to be commanded must be obeyed." Whether it's physical nature, or human nature. We need ained to obey it. It is what it is. Now we have the unconstr

vision. Perhaps you are a little bit more optimistic, a little bit more utopian- human

nature can be improved. It can be changed. It is up to us to do so. It is perfec table. We don't need to accept these flaws as inevitable. We can perfect it. There are sol utions to these flaws, to these imperfections and our role-- the goal of institutions, whe ther it's political institutions, zations, individual educational institutions, of systems, organi

philosophers, psychologists, the role is to change our nature, to perfect it, to better it. Philosophers who help efferson, people like Jean-Jacques Rousseau, ther leading thinkers. And what Thomas history of world Sowell did was map the entire intellectual George this position: Bernard Shaw, people Ronald like Thomas Dworkin and J o

showing how people who held this view versus that view, that two radically diffe rent political prescriptions. unconstrained view, Benjamin Constant, French self-perfectioning The person and who best politician, captures "It is the for


that destiny calls us." Generally people on constrained view, are people politic ally, not always, but usually people who would support capitalism-- people like Adam Smith , who talked about human "invisible hand"-- Let's channel imperfect, perhaps flawed

nature toward the good. People who are more on the unconstrained vision would te nd toward Utopianism etimes. Why? or sometimes communism. Not always, but som

Because let's change human nature. Self-interest is not good. It hurts in the lo ng term and therefore, we need to change it rather than the constrained vision-- people who 410 ----------------------- 101-----------------------

said, "We may not like it, but it is what it is. We cannot change it. Let's make the best of it and channel it toward the good." Two radical views. Two radical prescripti ons based on people's u this? This is political science class. l. It has notion perspective. not a So why am I telling yo wel

Because it has every relevance to psychology as

every relevance to psychology: Do we perceive reality, human nature as constrain ed or unconstrained will ultimately affect our psychology. And this is very meaning ful and important. the Let me explain. Now constrained view first of all, some people who have

when it comes to politics, have the unconstrained view when it comes to psycholo gy, so it is not always consistent, though it very often is. So the vision of psycho logy this course promotes is the constrained view. In other words, my belief-- and I am go ing to back that up with research today and for the next semester-- is human nature is fixed. We have inclinations. We have certain instincts that are there and have been for med either God-given or evolutionary-given for millions of years that have been form ed. They are not going to change any time soon. Not in our life time. It's fixed. We are stuck with them through good and ill. And all we can do after we accept this nat ure is to first understand it through research, and then after we understand it, make t he best use the of it. Understand search-- through it through research as well as through

introspection, and then make the best use of it. How can I channel my nature? ture And what I want to do now is illustrate a case study of what I mean by na and why it is so important for happiness, for we




long-term view of human nature wh

success to have the constrained en it comes to our

psychology that is. The topic I want to talk about is the permission to be human . I am going to talk about this topic for three reasons. A, because it illustrates what Thomas Sowell means politically in the psychological realm. Second, because I think it is one of the most important pillars of wellbeing and happiness. The third reason why I want 411 ----------------------- 102----------------------to talk about it is because it gets to misunderstanding that many people have re garding what positive psychology is and is not. When I first started teaching this cours e and had se, six students, I having lunch by remember one day sitting in Leverett Hou

myself and one of the students comes in and says, "can I join you?" "Sure." we h ave lunch. And he says to me, "Tal, I hear you teaching a class on happiness." And I said to him, "Yes. That's right." And he said, "You know, my roommates are taking you r class." And I said, "That's wonderful." There were two of the six. And he said, "But Tal, you've got to watch out now." And I said to him, "Why?" And he said, "Tal, you'll have to be careful." And I said, "Why?" And he said, "Because if I see you unhap py, I'll tell them." The next day in class, I used that and I said to the students, "You know, the last thing in the world that I want you to think is that I experience a cons tant high or that you, by the end of the semester or the year-- it was a year course, you- by the end of the year-- will experience a constant high." There are two kinds of people, who experience this const





experience painful emotions such as anger, or envy, or disappointment, or sadnes s, or unhappiness, or depression, people who don't or anxiety at times-- two kinds of

experience these painful emotions: the one kind are the psychopaths-- by defini tion they don't experience of people who don't experience these painful you know, if you experience these emotions, hopath, and you are alive. However, in our the permission to be these painful are emotions; dead sign. we the people. You don't second Exactly! are not give kind So a psyc ourselves

emotions it's culture

a good today,

human, the freedom to experience these painful emotions as well. And we pay a ve ry high price for this inability, for this refusal to accept the fact that it is pa rt of human nature that is constrained, that is there no matter what. As kids, as babies-- g oing back to the baby's scene, we give ourselves the permission to be human, we know that it's natural. We don't even think about it in fact, to experience the high and then t he low and high and then low. And later on, when we stop giving ourselves the permissio n to 412 ----------------------- 103----------------------be human when the (?) become so important, we begin to realize that other people are watching us and evaluating us constantly and we think they do so much more than they actually do. That's when we stop giving ourselves the permission to be huma n, and we pay a price, in terms of our energy levels, of our wellbeing, of our happ iness, of our creativity, and ultimately also our success. Let me give an example of so meone who does give himself the permission to be human. The Permis





Now I'm saying we should look like this. where But what I am saying is that we all need a space, a place in our own lives

we give ourselves the permission to be human, whether it's with close friends, p eople we care about, whether it's first and foremost with ourselves when we write a jo urnal, where we do give ourselves the permission to be, to cry, to be joyous-- because if we don't, we pay a price. We need a space of unconditional acceptance. The best adv ice that I got, or that we got-- my wife and I got when David, our first son was bor n from our pediatrician, Dr. Tok Shapiro-- and David was born at 1 AM in the morning an d around 8 AM in the morning, he came in to see, to check up on my wife, to check up on the baby, for some reason, he didn't check up on me. And everything was fine. As he is leaving the room, he turned around and said, " Just one more thing. over t he next few months, you are going d of emotion to the to be experiencing every single kin

extreme and that's fine. It's natural. We all go through it." And he walked out. It was the best advice that my wife and I got regarding child-rearing. Why? Let me give you an example. So after about a month, I started to, once in a while, experience some envy toward David. Because here he was for the first time in-- w ell, since my wife and I were together-- someone else is getting much more attention than I was, no matter how much I cried. And I felt envy toward him and five minutes l ater, I experienced this most that I haven't felt intense love toward him-- the emotion

before. Now normally I would think, "what a hypocritic! It's just something is w rong:

413 ----------------------- 104----------------------one minute you e love?" There are is envious and the next minute you experienc

nothing wrong. There is everything right. It's part of being human. And because I had Dr.Shapiro's voice at back of my mind-- permission to be human, that helped me a great deal-- experience the envy when I experienced it, accept it; and then enjo y and celebrate it-- the positive emotions that I experienced toward David. Permission to be human. You see, there is actually a paradox playing-- this is work done by our v ery own Daniel Wegner on ironic processing. When we suppress a natural phenomenon, that phenomenon only strengthens. Let me illustrate through an experiment. So for the next ten seconds, do n ot think of of a a pink elephant. For the pink elephant. You next ten seconds, do not think

know the one that I am talking about? With the big ears, Dumbo? Do not think of a pink elephant one thought for the next of a pink three seconds and I am sure no

elephant right? What happened? -- Most people thought of a pink elephant. Becaus e when we try to suppress a natural phenomenon such as having a visual of the word when we say it, that thing just intensifies. The same applies to the painful emo tions that are natural. And when we try to suppress them, they strengthen. When I star ted to teach after hearing about Marva Collins and deciding teaching is my calling, I k new that am I had to deal with the introvert, I get very problem-- the problem is that I

nervous in front of audiences and large audiences for me is anything but five. B ut I had to deal with it and I knew I would have to deal with it. So I would go on in

front of audience and before that I would say to myself, "Tal, don't be nervous. Don't be anxious. No anxiety Don't!" And what today. Don't be nervous. Don't Instead be nervous. espe

happened?-Pink elephants cially reading about

all around.


paradoxical intentions by Victor Frankl, I started to give myself the permission to be human. And now when I go into a lecture, the nervousness-- because I give myself the permission to be human-- goes away within as little as three hours into the lect ure. But no, it's managable. I still get nervous before every single lecture, which i s actually 414 ----------------------- 105----------------------a good thing. But it's managable. I can deal with it. I can handle it. Permissio n to be human. nce You see, rejecting emotionally as of our nature leads to suboptimal Imagine waking performa up

well as in terms every morning and



saying to yourself: "I refuse to accept the law of gravity. This law of gravity is such a pain. You need to walk down the stairs and then up the stairs. I just want to fl oat to Sanders (Sanders Theatre) in the morning. I just want to float to the dining hal l after-so much easier, so much less painful." Imagine leading a life like this. Will yo u truly refuse to accept the law of gravity? What kind of life would you lead? Well, fir st of all, you may not survive for long, fact that things, people if left you in truly don't mid-air. But accept even if the

being no exception fall when you do survive-- let's the

ground floor-- even if you do survive, you would lead a life of constant frustra

tion-refusing to accept something that is there whether you like it or not. that, So instead we accept we create games the law of gravity. More than

around the law of gravity. I mean all those of you doing sports here-- and it's most of you in this room who are doing athletics, who go for a run, w of you rely on the la

gravity. Can you imagine Harvard vs. Yale football without the law of gravity? C an you imagine a basketball am not talking about game without the law of gravity? I

Michael Jordan, but for the (?). We accept it and we create games around it. And yet we don't do here is the the key same when point: it comes to our emotions. Now

Painful emotions are as much as part of human nature as the law of gravity is pa rt of physical nature. And "nature to be commanded must be obeyed". And the aeronautic s engineer who wants to build an airplane has to obey, take into consideration, le arn it, study and understand the a psychologist. The law of gravity. The same applies to

constrained view of human nature. "Nature to be commanded must be obeyed." And yet we don't do that. We don't do in our culture. And we pay a high price for i t. We 415 ----------------------- 106----------------------have what I called, "the great deception". We are people who ask, "So how are yo u doing?" And we say, "Fine. Just great." Well in fact, we are not doing so well. More appropriate would be "I'm going through a rough patch now. I'm going through a h ard time. I'm that. We ourselves the is something really stressed." don't give permission wrong to But be yet, we human, don't want we think to admit there


with us if we experience these emotions. And then when everyone says, "Oh fine. Oh great. Oh terrific", then we are asked "How are you doing?" I am not going to be the only party poop here. I am not going to be the only depressed one around here. S o I said, "Oh fine. Oh great." And then we contribute to this great deception and it is this great deception that leads to the great depression-- the great depression in the ultimate currency of happiness. many people today This, to great extent, explains why so

experience depression the 45% figure, nationwide on college campuses. t on Not enough permission to be human. I am not talking about wearing our hear

our sleeves. When someone comes to us in the elevator in William James (William James Hall), I says, "How are you doing?" "Thank you for asking. You know it al l started about. when I was three." In William James, This is not what I am talking

maybe the case-- because the elevator-- it does take two hours to get there for the door to close. But other than that. I'm not talking about. what I'm talking about is a space, a safe space in our lives with our closest friends, with our family, first and for emost, with ourselves, will we have the permission to be human. And what I'm not talkin g about is resignation. Far from it. It's not about saying, d. There's "Well I'm depresse

nothing I can do about it. I accept my nature. I accept my state. And that's it. " I'm not talking about resignation. what I'm talking about is active acceptance. What doe s that mean? It means understanding that certain things I cannot change and certain thi ngs I can and ought to change. One about is the distinction: of the main ideas we'll talk

we'll talk about specifically on the lecture on change between affect, behaviors

and cognitions. The A, B, Behavior-action. C of psychology. 416 ----------------------- 107----------------------Cognition-be human thoughts. relates Unconditional acceptance, permission to Affect-emotion.

primarily to our affect, to our emotions. They are there, just like the law of g ravity is there. That does not mean we need to accept our behavior and our cognition. For y towards example, I my best can-- and having the past experience-- env

friend, that in and of itself does not make me a bad person. It's human. I've ne ver met a person who has never experienced or does not experience-- well, maybe the Dala i Lama-- but other than that, who does not experience envy toward other people. An d if it is true about the Dalai Lama, that is because he's worked on it for decades. Envy is part of human nature-- nothing good or bad about the envy. bout Nothing good or bad about experiencing the anger. Nothing good or bad a the depression the or anxiety. It's part of human nat

experiencing ure. However,

question is, how do I choose to behave, to act as a result of it? That is where the moral domain enters. That's where I can have moral or immoral behavior toward my bes t friend or baby, or other people in general. I can still experience envy toward m y best friend and choose to behave generously and benevolently toward him. The same wit h cognition and we CBT-- Cognitive will talk a lot about it when we talk about

Behavioral Therapy. I can feel it certain way. But it doesn't mean that I need t o resign to my thoughts about that feeling. Rumination is one of the things that we'll ta lk about

a lot actually not that helpful-- to ruminate about painful emotions. It's much helpful to write about them. To talk to other people about them, rather than just be thi nking constantly about how miserable I am because my girlfriend just left. I haven't f ound anyone in Pinocchio's. So rumination doesn't help. So I don't necessarily accept all my irrational thoughts and again, we'll talk about it much more next week of how we can cognitively reframe that affect is the what we were thinking. But the emotion--

emotion, it is what it is. And the key is to be true to reality, which is also o ne of the main themes in the course. In many ways, this course should not be called "Posit ive 417 ----------------------- 108----------------------Psychology". But I am telling you this after you already signed up for the class so it is too late to leave. This is actually not a course on positive psychology. It's a course in reality psychology. tive Because positive psychology may mean that we are only focusing on the posi

and what works, ignoring all the rest that are not. Overdoing this class is shif ting the pendulum. So there is more even playing field instead of the 21:1 ratio, we are doing much more, focusing on accepting the painful the positive. And at the same time,

emotions are as much part of human nature as the wonderful emotions. And sooner we accept it, the better. That won't mean at the end of the course of 1504 or 10 0 or 100 other courses in the workshop and sold the books that you read, it's not tha t you will not have painful ychological immune emotions anymore. It's simply your ps

system d of

will become this semester.







Psychological immune system will become stronger. And that means not that we don 't get ill. It means we get ill get sick, we'll recover more less often and when we do

promptly. The difference between the extremely happy people and extremely unhapp y people is not that one gets sad, of upset, or anxious, or depressed; and the oth er does not. Both groups do. recover from these It's how quickly, how promptly we can

painful emotions-- in other words, how strong our psychological immune system is . And give our psychological ourselves the immune system strengthens when we

permission to be human. Many of you've probably read this, come across this, but I think this captures so well the foundation of what it means to be actively accep ting. This has become the official mantra in many ways of the AA movement: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can isdom change; and wisdom to know the to know the difference." The w

difference-- fortunately, a lot of this wisdom can come from studies, from resea rch, from deep introspection that you will do throughout the semester. 418 ----------------------- 109----------------------ing to What I want to do now is an exercise. I want to do a group meditation. Try

understand, not just on the cognitive level of the research, but also to experie nce on the visceral emotional level, what it really means to give ourselves the permiss ion to be human. Those of you who don't feel comfortable doing it, you don't have to do it.

Those who feel comfortable to do it, do it. If it's a stretch for you, I still r ecommend that you do it. If you never meditate before, this is a wonderful opportunity to do it for the first time. One thing I do ask you: If you are not doing it, if you don't pa rticipate, simply just keep quiet. Other than that, I really do recommend that you join us. What I want to do together now is enter the realm of unconditional acceptance. Se?or, j ust sit up straight as much as possible. If possible, Plant your feet your back relaxing against the back rest.

comfortably on the floor. If you feel comfortable, close your eyes. Shift the fo cus of your breath. Shift the focus of your thoughts to your breathing. Take a deep bre ath in all the way down to low, your belly. And then breathe out. Again, deep breath in; s

gentle, quiet breath out. Repeat that in silence. If your mind wanders, simply b ring it back to your breathing. alation. Deep, slow inhalation. Deep, slow, gentle, quiet exh

Most of us don't breathe deeply enough. We don't take the time to celebrate our breath, our spirit, our being. The connection, the link, the bridge between our mind and our body; and between our the heart. emotions and our thoughts; between the brain

Continue with the deep breathing. As your

you continue with the deep breath, shift

focus to your emotions, to your feelings. How are you doing? How are you feeling ? Take attention to your emotions. Whatever they are, whatever it is that your fee ling, allow it to float through you. u may Naturally. feel one Just experience your emotion whatever it is. Yo

emotion at one moment, different emotion the next. That's Ok. Whatever it is, ac cept

it. Experience it. Give yourself the permission to be human. It's all OK. Just b reath. 419 ----------------------- 110----------------------Continue to observe and experience whatever emotion comes up, whether it's calm or happiness, whether it's anxiety, confusion, boredom or joy. Whatever it is, cont inue to breathe deeply into your ale. Let the emotion belly. And gently, slowly, quietly exh

flow just like the breath. As you continue breathing deeply, in your mind's eye, see yourself walking out of this classroom today, walking in the yard, with the feel ing that all your feelings are real fine part of human nature. They just are. Neither goo d nor bad. As you walk amid the buildings and trees, as you see your friends and class mates, allow these emotions By experiencing these to float through you, freely, lightly.

emotions, whether the ups and the downs, what you are doing is being, being a hu man being. Continue to allow the breath and the emotions to just flow. To just be. W hat if you truly gave yourself the permission to be human? What if you are giving yours elf the permission to be human? Just imagine. Life becomes so much lighter. So much simpler. When, rather than trying to fight or defeat our nature, we accept it. W e accept who we are. We accept inhalation. Slow, whatever emotion comes up. Deep, slow

gentle, quiet, calm exhalation. Take a few deep breaths in silence. Embrace the silence, the stillness. Embrace yourself, your emotions. And on your next exhalation-- d eep, slow, quiet exhalation, open o you is asleep, gently your eyes. If the person next t

wake him or her up. Just imagine Just imagine the kind of life that you can expe rience

-- hush-- the kind of life you can lead, if you truly, genuinely, really gave yo urself the permission to be human. life, psychologically, physiologically. once or twice to So It's one of the remind And give pillars of healthy just that sa

try it. Everyday give to be human.

yourself others

yourself the permission me permission. You deserve it.

420 ----------------------- 111----------------------Positive Psychology CLecture 5 I'd like to introduce erica" which is an organization that has done moting goodness in the a representative and is doing a from lot "Teach of for Am good, pro

world and I'd like to-- in 1504, we've been supporting them for the last 2 year s and we'd like to continue to do that. So please. My name cher Hello. Can you hear me? Thank you so much for this. I will take 90 seconds. is Josh Bieber. Alright. for America Corp I feel positive. I was a Tea

member and I now work for TFA. I do new site development. So when I was a senior , I had marginally considered this is an option. I had a napping for a very pushy phone call from a very pushy TFA recruiter on the deadline day-- I would not apply. Bu t I hesitantly took two hours to fill that essays and now owe her for or owe that ph one call for the best two years of my life and truly the happiest. So if I have 60 seconds, there are just two things that I want people to kn ow about TFA. I think you know what we are. One, is that this country does not serve all kids in our schools fairly. So low-income kids before they even leave elementary school are

years behind where they should be. And nearly not even a half of them graduate h igh school, which is like, a terrible injustice, a complete injustice. Two, you can actually make a difference. I was as skeptical as they come about TFA and my ability and all the rest. But I know this to be true. If you walk into a class with 5th graders, who on day one are years behind where they should be and hate school and are kind of li ke to hate you because of it. honor above great level, And nine months later, they leave

begging for some more work and wanting to hang out with you on the weekend. You kinda think that anything is m here now. So for me, Teach for America is an opportunity to ughts possible. And that's clearly I a

actually align my actions with my tho

and my hopes and be part of the change we all talk about wanting to see. So I wo uld encourage you all, regardless of what you think you may do next year, or you may go 421 ----------------------- 112----------------------beyond that to like, really consider this. It was the best thing that I could've done. The final deadline is tomorrow. It's easy to do. You don't need rex. Just apply. And give yourself the chance to fall in love with it the way that I did. And I will just end by saying, if you are in had the best education this room right now, you've probably

anyone your age, anywhere could possibly have. Our students and our schools need you. So please join us. Thank you very much for the time. And have a good class. Hi everyone. Quickly. or undergraduate who were not open section able If there to make are any extension this week, stude we h


students ave an


tonight at 730. That'll be videotaped for the extension school. So if you are av ailable and interested in attending that, please come and see me after class. Thanks. I' d like to introduce now two very dear friends and supporters of positive psychology who ar e doing arguably more than anyone else to disseminate the ideas of positive psycho logy in ef a rigorous presentation and fun way. about the I've asked them to give a bri

Masters of Applied Positive Psychology at U Penn, the only master degree, well t he first master degree in the world-- there are a couple of others now. And they'll talk a little bit about-- for 15 minutes-- about the masters, before we jump into our m aterial today, which hopefully will be exciting. So-- James and Debbie, please. ht to Thank you very much, Tal. It's great to be here with you guys. What a delig

be able to spend a few minutes with you and such a very special class, where you are combining the science of positive psychology with its practice. And of course, a s you very quickly figure out, Tal is such a master teacher, somebody who is able to t ake complex ideas and make simplistic and also them simple without making them

making it inspiring and making the presentation motivating so that we want to go out and apply the ideas that many of you here are we are studying. I'm curious-- how

interested in applying the science of positive psychology in your own personal l ife as part of why you are her. Can I see your hands? Ok. Great. How many of you are he re 422 ----------------------- 113----------------------because you are also he science of positive potentially interested in applying t

psychology eventually?

in your future Ok. Great.

career just that.

decisions, For those

in your of you

job who

Excellent. I hope you do are interested in taking

positive psychology, studies of positive psychology deeper at graduate level pro gram for your own knowledge, but also to be able to take what you are learning into y our profession, we're delighted to be able to tell you a little bit about the master of applied positive psychology program at the University of Pennsylvania, and to talk a lit tle bit about taking positive psychology from the classroom to the world. Now as you kno w, positive psychology is just about 10 years old. can It was started in 1998, when Martin Seligman was the president of the Ameri And positive psychology was o

Psychological Association. ne of his presidential

initiatives. About 4 years ago, Martin Seligman started the positive psychology center at the University of Pennsylvania. And the mission of the positive psychology ce nter is to promote research, training, education and dissemination of positive psycho logy. So ter in January, 2005, I joined as the director of senior Swick scholar. The the next positive month, psychology in February cen of

education and 2005, Debbie

came on board as the associate director of education. Our task was to create a m aster program and have an up and I got there in January, running by the fall. So again,

Debbie came in February. We got our brochure out, printed and published in March . Our application deadline was April. Kind of an optimistic, I suppose? And we did n't know if anybody would show up. We didn't know if anybody would be interested. We

needn't have worried. We got over 100 applications and we accepted 36 students i nto our program for that fall. oing well and hopping And things have just been really g

ever since. This is our current class. On their first day of class in the fall of 2007, we have 41 students in our class this year. So I'd just like to tell you a little bit more about the students. Actuall y three of 423 ----------------------- 114----------------------our graduates or current students are teaching fellows in this class. So that's exciting. Debbie Coen, Elizabeth Johnston-- where are d you? You guys, please stand up. An

Elizabeth Peterson. Great. If you look at the up left corner, Gabriel was a stud ent here in this class two years ago, when we came and presented on the program and he is currently a student in the MAPP program. So there is a lot of synergy going back and forth between this class and our master program. Our student age range from 22 t o 62. They come from all rida, to California. across United the Japan, States, world: Hong we Kong, from have South Vermont to Flo fro and

They come from around m UK, from Norway, Switzerland, India, New Zealand. Malaysia,

students Korea

About 25% to 30% of our students are younger students who are just out of colleg e and are looking to immerse themselves in positive psychology before going on int o their professional training. The rest of our students are professionals who come from a wide variety of professions. In our first class, we had the former chief social worker inspector for the entire country of Scotland within the class. That was very int eresting.


had kidney transplant Morgan; we had Directors school, of

surgeon, Development

former for




JP dir

attorneys, ector of



Carlbrook Academy is in our class this year; human resources directors, consulta nts, executive coaches, even edian. So it is professional musician and professional com

quite a cross cut of students in the class. ittle Just in a bit more couple of minutes, sense of what I want to give you a l

educational design is MAPP

and just a brief over view of the course work. So this year, full-time study. Students begi

program is a one calendar n in September and

August. The educational design is hybrid model-- so once a month, students are o n class, on site, for intensive on site classes. And then in the intervening perio ds, they are on distant learning is is a professional modules that the students complete. Th

master degree. And it focuses on the theory and the application of positive psyc hology in various professional domains. So at this point, there is not a separate licen sing or 424 ----------------------- 115----------------------credentialing in positive psychology itself. Students come from education, busin ess, law, medicine, etc, bringing . So this design of having students on campus allows students to in once a their month own for credentials with intensive them


continue working full time. Now just as I said, the program is full time and you may be wondering, "How can students work full time and study full time." Keep in min d this is a professional at is intended to be degree and executive education model th

designed for people who are themselves working full time and still taking classe s full time. So most of our en doing, continuing students continue their work they've be

working full time when they come to our class. Another advantage of this model i s students aren't required to live in Philadelphia. Students can commute in from a cross United States. And what has been a surprise and pleasure to us: students have de cided to commute in from as far away as Europe and you Asia. I don't know today what

commute was like to come to class. But some of our students come as far away as South Korea and New positive psychology Zealand every month to be part of the

classes. So you can imagine that adds real excitement and energy to the class an d puts a little bit pressure on we have something worth the professors to make sure that

coming half way around the world for. This enhances the by increasing student educational experience obviously

diversity: we have students who are living abroad and coming in for the classes. And also we are able to tap into the expertise of professors, not just at the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, but also at other schools as well so that we can bring in the very top leading researchers and practitioners of positive psychology. A brief overview o f the schedule of on-site classes on the fall 2008: you can see that there are five di fferent intensive on-site weekends in the spring as well with distant learning and inter vening times. So just very briefly, the the fall, courses-- each student takes four courses in

four courses in the spring and then the capstone course. In the fall, the course s focus on the foundational Seligman teaches the theory of positive psychology: Martin

425 ----------------------- 116----------------------Introduction to Positive Psychology course; Angela Duckworth teaches a course on Research Methods and Evaluation it is very important for our students to have a real good ding grasp other of the science research of positive psychology, understan

methods behind the results; I teach a course in the foundation of positive inter ventions; and then our fourth course is Approaches to the Good Life, where we have differe nt leading researchers come in and talk about their research. In the spring, our co urses focus, not so much pplication of positive psychology I don't since it's a know if you on the master theory, of but now applied move to the a psychology.


study yet "the character strengths and virtues", the values and the action class ification by Chris Peterson. If you haven't done that yet, I'm sure you shortly will. He h imself comes in and teaches a course on the work he has done. I teach a course on appli ed positive interventions and we have a service learning component as a part of tha t class. Karen Reivich and Judith Saltzberg Levick teach a course on positive psychology and individual-- so this is how to use positive psychology relationally with other p eople, whether it's in working environment or with friends or family. And then finally, I don't know if you are familiar with appreciative inquir y-- again, I expect, if you not, Tal will be introducing it to you during the course this s emester David Cooperrider is the leader of this field of inquiry, which basically takes positive psychology approaches into organizations and seeks to foster change at the level , not

just individuals, but at the level of the whole. The final course the students t ake then is the Capstone project, which happens over the summer. This is an independent proj ect where students are able to integrate what they've learned in their classes and t ake a step forward in the eir own professional directions that they want to go in th

application of this. So we had students do research, quantitative research or qu alitative research; we had students do literature reviews in a particular area of interest ; work proposals for book they and those kinds of want to write; or workshop proposals

things. So that's a brief overview of the courses. Debbie is going to just take a couple 426 ----------------------- 117----------------------of of minutes to show you some texts in the last few show you pictures-- this some pictures has and been tell a lot you mor

minutes. Debbie will e about the class. Debbie. Thanks. ittle

Thank you. You heard about the course from James. I'm going to tell you a l

bit about how they are set up and what they are. And this is a picture from emer sion week-- emersion week is when the very first time students meet together that fo r 5 days to Penn. And we have class from 8 to 5. And I know it sounds kind of crazy but we have a lot of fun gaged, because we bring faculties from all over -- they really have a as the you place The can and class tell. this is And they stay en

world-class 41


chance to interact with these. y take all the courses

students-- the

together and it's more a seminar than a lecture. So they really get to interact quite a bit.

And during break, during lunchtime, etc, they get to see these people that just have come in from various places. Another more of interaction that you get in the MAP P program is with cohorts. Everyone is put in a cohort-- about 3 to 5 people. And you'll do different projects with these people; learning; you'll do a lot of things in distant

you'll communicate a lot with these people. And this is just another depth that you get when ces and you get to work all different with people from all different pla

demographics. And one of the things we really try to use the Capstone project fo r is a stepping stone into what you are going to do with your application. And many peo ple have taken this and they have created workshop for what they are doing. ed it One person actually took the primer in positive psychology and she translat

into Japanese. And she's getting it published. And that is quite a project for h er. And other people have published ork. And people in scholarly journals their Capstone w

give presentations and this is a photo of someone giving a presentation in a pos itive psychology summit. So there are a lot of different things that students do as we bring them to the program, as we give them a solid foundation and then we help them st art 427 ----------------------- 118----------------------applying this move towards that. But one of the we biggest questions we get when

have applicants call in is, "what can I do with a MAPP degree?" I am going to te ll you just as a quick snapshot: Sasha Lewis Heinz, just the first person there-- she i s now in the PHD program in Development Psychology at Columbia University. So she came

to the MAPP program before getting her PHD. So she has that foundation and that' s what she wants to use and focus on as she goes through and gets her PHD. The sec ond person up there is Saniel Mimen who has worked with hedge funds but she found in her spare time-- she sychology news daily found some time to create and a positive p

website, which is articles about of positive psychology written by MAPP alumni And another thing who are out with

research there a lot

application that. MAPP alum come

actually doing of other that have

she's been able to do along ni is being involved in trainings through and the being involved positive

in projects

psychology center. As we get different projects to train people in the UK, to po sitive psychology in their schools, the people that we draw on are MAPP alumni, because they have the education and foundation that is needed to be able to put through these projects. So we hope various opportunities that come along to us. Caroline Miller, the third person there-- she is an author and she is get ting ready to publish her second book and she's also a speaker and a coach. And she's had the opportunities since MAPP to actually teach a lot of the courses and she's very f ocused on goal setting So this has and she's really very able happened snapshot. focused to do. on And sports psychology. to continue to put together alumni with

expanded students graduates, graduates.

what she's been are Harvard So but these three it's very

not all of our Harvard hope we have

to be them. And we

interesting to see that many more Harvard


graduates coming to our program. So James, you wanna finish up here?


Thank you very much, Debbie. Our presentation is entitled "From the Classro 428

----------------------- 119----------------------to the way of psychology mention World". And certainly taking positive from very the classroom briefly We've just the MAPP program Just is one want to

to the world. started the

another opportunity: positive psychology


association. And this is going to be a major international organization to help facilitate communication and collaboration of positive among researchers and practitioners

psychology. Here is a picture that happened in October-- not pictured here is Ta l, who is a member of the board of the directors as are a number of our other leading p ositive psychologists from United a special student membership so I encourage positive psychology States you and to around check out the the world. There's


association at www.ippanetwork.org and join to stay abreast of the latest develo pment in the field of positive psychology. I wish we had time for your questions but I know Tal has a lot of great stuff for you today. So we will move along. Just want to let you know that from 3 there will be to 4:30 in an information session this afternoon,

Harvard Hall, room 103. So we'd love to see any of those of you who are interest ed to stop by and talk with us and we'll be able to talking more detail about more spe cific questions you might have at that point. We'll also be here for a few minutes aft er class. We a have some brochures with brochure if you are There's always more us. We'd love hat you can to take be fou








pennpositivepsych.org or you can email us the address listed. So we hope to see a lot of you at the MAPP program sooner or later. In the meantime, wish you have a ver y successful semester as you dig into the science of positive psychology and put i t into practice in your own lives, and think about how to take positive psychology from the classroom to the world. in a OK. It's such a privilege to be a part of MAPP because what you have there from the field. So many of th

year is all the top people e people we'll talk about,

whether it's Bob Fredrickson who we'll talk about in a few minutes, whether it's David Cooper we'll talk about, whether it's Martin Seligman of course, will come there and 429 ----------------------- 120----------------------present to m. Real you and you'll be spending quality time in small groups with the

privilege. So what I want to do today is finish up on the basic premises, on the final premise. Now we are going to watch it again. No? Or that? Here we go. The final and the fifth premise is an important one; is a philo sophical one but one I want to introduce at the beginning of the course so that you under stand where I am coming from, where this course is coming from-- because many people say, "Ok, so happiness eclarations-- national is important. of We how seek it; we it have is d for

declarations, individual declarations us. But that doesn't


mean that it is important or the "is", the fact that it is important doesn't mea n we ought to do it. My argument here is that not only is it important, it also ought to be important.

So first about the "is". Happiness, whether we like it or not, whether it's cons ciously , subconsciously, whether it's explicit or implicit, for most people-- not all, bu t for most people, it is the highest end. And again, we have Constitution save God in our p ursuit of happiness. We spend a lot of effort, a lot of time thinking about it for ours elves as well as for others. Aristotle, is the meaning and over 2000 years ago, "Happiness

purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." William James\NWilli am James in 1890 or in "The Variety of Religious Experiences" writes, " If we were to ask the question: "What is human life's chief concern?" one of the answers we sh ould receive would be: "It keep, how to recover is happiness." How to gain, how to

happiness, is in fact for most men at all times the secret motive of all they do , and all they are willing to endure." Now you may have heard of William James-- his name is after the building here. And he talked about this over 200 e over years ago; Aristotl

2000 years ago. And it's not just peculiar to the West. The Dalai Lama, "Whether one believes in a religion or not, whether one believes in this religion or that rel igion, the very purpose of our f our life is towards happiness." 430 ----------------------- 121----------------------So it is important for people. Again, whether it's conscious, subconscious, explicit or implicit, the question though is in fact it is important, should it be import ant? What about the moral dimension of happiness? There are so many other things happening , life is happiness. The very motion o

so many important things to do in the world. Why should we have happiness as our highest end, as our chief concern, as that which determines the motion of our li fe? In other words, what's good about wellbeing? What's good about positive emotions? A nd there is a lot of research to answer this question. But before the research, it feels good to feel good. Think about it. Internalize it. This is Aristotle's Law of Identit y: A is A-it feels good to feel good. And that, in and of itself is justification: why not feel good, if we can feel good? So the burden to prove why happiness is not important may b e on the people who would argue otherwise-- we will talk about that argument later . But the first key issue is that almost needs no justification. However, beyond just feeling our life, to our relationships. arch done by It contributes Barbara it's good, to good happiness other in and also of itself-to

contributes This


is rese

Fredrickson, one of the faculty members who teaches at U PENN. You saw a picture of her up there. What ive emotions have an Barbara Fredrickson says is that posit

evolutionary reason, that they have a purpose beyond just making us feel good. F or example, they help us now, broaden our thinking; they help capacities-- remember us think build beyond what we are thinking us right build


they help

one of the key concepts of this course is the positive emotions, positive psycho logy as a field as a whole, is about analogies we use was our the immune system or building stronger capacities. The two engine"

strengthening that has


capacity to endure more not just from the negative to zero, but also from the ze ro to

the positive. So this is Barbara Fredrickson. Let me quote extensively from her article, which I believe you are reading for this week, "We should work ves and in those around as a to cultivate states positive in emotions in but oursel also

us, not just as end means to achieving

themselves, 431

----------------------- 122----------------------psychological growth h over time. I and improved psychological and physical healt

call this the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions because positive emo tions appear ertoire to broaden and build people's the momentary Through more thought experiences creative, action rep

enduring personal resources. ive emotions, people transform themselves, resilient, socially becoming

of posit knowledgeable,

integrated, and healthy individuals." Numerous benefits to just experiencing pos itive emotions. It's a win-win. It feels good. And it's good for us and it's good for society as a whole as I'll argue momentarily. So what she's talking about here, for example , is that positive emotions help us overcome negative emotions. What happens when we experience negative king narrows and constricts. you We focus just on one thing, so for example. And that can be a good thing-emotions is that our consciousness, our thin

know, a lion comes to and charges me, "I don't want to start thinking about my M APP application. mates say. I I don't want want to to start thinking about what my room

focus on the lion. So my consciousness narrows and constricts, and I'm in the "f ight or flight" mode. Now that's a good thing when a lion charges me. But it's not a ver y good

thing if yond the

my consciousness threat, or And

continues what when we we

to know go

narrow is into

and that this

constrict very narrow often and

be w

beyond the hardship. e enter a downward

spiral, a vicious cycle constrict mode. So for

example, just for example-- a random example: My girlfriend leaves me, alright? And I narrow and constrict in terms of my thinking-- all I am thinking about is just that. And what will happen is as a result, I experience sadness, because that is what I am thinking about, and sadness-- a emotion-- leads to painful emotion, not a positive

further narrow and constrict. And that can potentially, not always, but potentia lly can go on and on and on. And that's when it can become depression. That's when I hav e difficulty getting out of tive emotions do the this downward, vicious cycle. Posi

opposite. They broaden and build. Broaden and build leads to positive emotions. Then 432 ----------------------- 123----------------------positive emotions further ous cycle. And I look broaden and build. So that's a virtu

broadly, I look to othe people, I look to other things: So what can I do now? W here can hat I go? Where can does-- a positive I spend of my time? this And very often spiral and what create t

emotion can take us out an upward spiral. A


positive emotion can come in form of watching a humorous film; it can come in fo rm of "if you take a deep breath"-- we talked about deep breathing when we talked a bout my body; a positive emotion can come in form of interaction with a friend, a ple asant one. It's the positive emotion that can take us out from this downward spiral to

this upward spiral. And again it doesn't always take a very long time. the And the challenge is to combine "the permission to be human" to experience

emotion to go through the motion and yet not to enter the downward spiral where six months later, after small incident, I'm still in that rot. We'll talk about what is the right time and how the balance do you between find the right time, how do you find

thinking about painful emotions and when does not always helpful. So so, creativity-- we it helps able overcome to make

it slide to rumination, which is the negative emotions. see Al

think broadly-- we are s we haven't seen



before, perhaps. There's a lot of the talk about the depressive creature. If you want to have high level of creativity, it's a must you have to be depressed. Well, it tu rns out that's not the case. Very often manic depressives are highly creative, but that' s usually during their manic phases. In the depressed phase, our thinking is narrow; we do n't think outside the box usually-- of course there's many exceptions, but as a whol e. In fact there's research-- for example, this was done with internists, doc tors, who are giving a very difficult, very difficult question connected to a liver proble m that an individual patient had. And they divided them randomly into three groups-- the f irst group was a control group-- they just had to solve the problem; the second group was given a statement about humanistic value of medicine-- why is it so important to be a 433 ----------------------- 124----------------------medical doctor; and the third group was given candy and put in a funny playful g

ood mood. The third group that was given the candies and put in a positive playful m ood outperformed the other ut more options two groups significantly-- they thought abo

and they actually came up with better solutions with that problem. And this is o ne of many studies in this area. Another example-- children. One group of children was a control group; the second experience that make them laugh or smile. And learning task than the group that was group taught did to much think better back on to the

control group, because they were put into a positive mood. Again, it's a win-win . It's defined in many ways er it's education of that "no well pain, as to gain" in paradigm, the wheth

doctors or in school, as Because you see, also



motivation and energy-- you don't need research for that, you know that when you are feeling good, you have more motivation, you have more energy. of course, there is a lot of research to back that up. And ultimately succe ss. They look in the professional people who are able to manage their emotions better and lead to positive emotions, get out of this narrow and constrict to the broaden and bu ild are in the long term more successful. Again, it's not that people who don't have pai nful emotions-- remember? experience painful They are the all same dead. time It's able that to people shift who themsel

emotions but are all in ves, their consciousness,

their thinking, their experience to the positive more readily. And happier peopl e are more successful, because they have more energy and work harder. It's because the ir pursuing something rather than running away from something-- it is called "appro ach

rather than avoidance goals"-- we'll week on goals. Also




during the

because they form better relationships. They are more open and generous. And the y are more creative. All these components ultimately lead to higher levels of succ ess. Positive emotions not only contribute to our success, they don't just contribute to our feeling good, they also contribute to our wellbeing. Optimistic people, and agai n, not Pollyannaish detached , on average, live optimism, but 434 ----------------------- 125----------------------significantly longer. Bless so it also helps in terms of physical health. question: What about you. But The now immune the system is is stronger, the moral grounded optimists


other people? How can I talk about or act in my life, pursuing my happiness isn' t that selfish? Ant the answer is: "Yes, it is selfish." When I talk to myself, when I say to myself, "I want to be happier", I say to myself, "I want to be happier." That' s a selfish thing. So it that bad? Is that immoral? Well, in our culture, selfishness and im morality have essentially become synonymous. And that's a problem. And here's why. Becaus e this is the No. 1-- equating is the No. 1 cause-subconsciously mostly, . Because people feel ilty but not to selfishness only-- No. own 1 cause and of People immorality unhappiness feel gu

guilty about pursuing at times feeling



good about themselves. How can I? How dare I feel good about myself? How can I pursue my happiness when there is so much suffering in the world? And there is a lot of suffering in the world. So how do we respond to that?

First of all, happiness is a positive sum game-- it's not a zero sum game. Neither it is a negative sum game-- it's not that my happiness takes away from other peo ple's happiness which will be a negative sum game: if I have more, you'll necessarily have less. It's not even a zero-- or rather if I have less, you'll have less- that's a negative sum game-- or a zero sum game-- if I have more, you'll have less- it's a fixed p ie. It's not that. It's a positive s contagious. If I'm happier, I'm more likely ess and wellbeing. to sum game. Why? Because other happiness i

contribute to



Being happy, in other words, is also a moral state in the sense of actually cont ributing to other people's wellbeing. nds of years ago, The Buddha talked about it thousa

"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candl e will not be shortened. It's like passing Happiness on never decreases by being shared."

light. If you are happy, and work on your happiness, you are contributing indire ctly to other people's happiness, just like the baby who laughed last time-- made you la ugh. It's contagious. Generally again, not people people who work on 435 ----------------------- 126----------------------who experience constantly high, they would have difficulty having real relations hips since they are dead-- but generally, people, those of us who are alive, who work on happiness, who experience downs-- but overall the vicissitude of life-- the ups and their happiness--

work on happiness and become happier and happier, have better relationships, mor e generous, more er people as accepting well as of other people, more tolerant of oth

themselves. There's a lot of research to show that helping ourselves, in other words, w orking on our happiness, contributing to our wellbeing, leads us to also be more genero us and benevolent toward others. This is a research by one of the leading researchers, one of the first researches in the area of positive emotions, Alice Isen. And she showe d, time and again, how feeling good is good for us and good for others, and it works the other way as well. This is a wonderful thing about happiness. It works the other way a s well, because helping others for this week-- a dozen of d beyond you have what you also already helps read ourselves. it-- it's Remember to your task an

commit- above

usually commit- five extra acts of kindness during one day. Five extra acts of k indness. This is a research done by Sonja Lyubomirsky-- I mentioned her book in the first class: "The how of happiness". She's done fantastic work, showing how people who help-whether it's helping five extra acts during the week-- it can be more; doesn't h ave to be restricted to five-- or people who help five extra acts during one day, it's actually contributing to their wellbeing. So helping others is also helping ourselves. Yo u know, one of the things that I say and only half ingest, is that I know of no more sel fish act and a benevolent act. are interconnected. Again, only half loop ingest-- because between the two, the two where

And there is a self-enforcing helping others helps

ourselves; and helping ourselves, in turn, helps others. And rather than looking it as selfish-- some people may feel this ease way-- and rather than looking it as sel fish i.e.

-- equal immoral. We should look at it as something that is so wonderful about o ur nature, a part of our nature that we should celebrate. The fact that our happine ss is tied 436 ----------------------- 127----------------------to others, the fact that we are tied to others in a web of empathy-- that's a wo nderful thing about human nature. A thing that we need to celebrate much more than we ar e doing already. of our Because remember, if we don't celebrate, if we don't appreciate that part

nature, that part of our nature will depreciate. To appreciate has two meanings as we talked about: one two is to grow. is If to we say "thank you" for something and

appreciate the good in our nature, in our inclinations, if we appreciate that pa rt of our nature, it will appreciate and we'll have more of it. If we look down at it and say, "It's a terrible thing that I just derive benefits from helping other people", then th at part of our nature will depreciate over time. one of the meditations in my book, where I also For your readings, you are reading

I talk about it a little bit more in length, and

gave the philosophical foundation, because in many ways this goes against "count ing and thinking" that has been so dominant in our 20th and 21st century thinking ab out morality. It feels good to feel good. It also contributes to others to feel good . I want to end this premise idea by talking a little bit about a person for whom, one of the chief purpose in life was to spread happiness-- Mahatma Gandhi. This is a story about him. There was a woman like many people came to ask for advice from Gandhi .

And she came from very far away. And she brought her son along. And she said in front-- she got audience with Mahatma, and she said in front of him, ?????? "I c ame from afar, because I have a problem with my son. My son eats way too much sugar. And I'd like you to tell him to stop it. Because it's hurting his health, his te eth. And he will listen to you. He admires you. " Gandhi looked at her and said, "Madam, can you please come back in a month?" She didn't know why but she listened to him after all-he was Gandhi. She left, went far away, came all the way back a month later, and once again, got an audience with Gandhi. She said in front of him, She said "I was he re a month ago." And he said, "Yes. I remember." And she said, "Could you please tell my 437 ----------------------- 128----------------------son to stop eating so much sugar?" So Gandhi looks at the child intensely and sa ys, "Son, stop eating too much sugar." And that's it. The woman is obviously perplex ed and musters up her courage, and says, "Mahatma, thank you very much. I'm sure he will stop eating too much sugar, but why couldn't you tell him this a month ago, when I came all the way here?" And he said, "Well, madam, because a month ago, I was eating too much sugar." Yeah, I know, it's a very sophisticated joke-- it takes a while, but I'm glad you got it. One of the things Gandhi said, that he talked about is from his wonderful autobiography, "My experiment with truth"-- "Be the change you want t o see in the world." This is how you bring about change. I want to do a quick exercise with lly for you. This is a tough exercise especia

guys, but please bear with me. So-- if you don't feel comfortable doing it, don' t do it--

what I'd like to do now is as following: Take your thumb and your middle finger and create as much as possible a 90 degree angle. May hurt a little bit, but try as much as possible to create a 90 degree angle. Ok, watch me: Just like this, Ok? 90 degre e angle. Now take these - and as much two as fingers-- the middle finger and the thumb-

possible, from that 90 degree angle, create a circle. Again, it's more difficult for men than for women-- less flexible. Create a circle. So it looks like a rabbit. If y ou have them on the show. Middle finger exactly and your thumb. Alright, just watch me. Like this. As much as possible. It's not perfectly round, but as much as possible. No w take that circle that you have just created-- Can you see? That's a circle. Take that circle and put it on your cheek. Your other cheek. Ok, this could also take a while. Bu t most people from what I see, put it on their chin. Now I said it very clearly, "cheek ". But you see, here is the thing: People mostly do what you do, rather than what you s ay. So remember that, because I don't think there is anyone in this room who would tell me now, "my goal in life, my objective is to make people miserable. I really want t o do that. You know I want everyone to be miserable in the world." There is not one p erson here who would actually say that, I hope. So most of us here, whatever we do in our 438 ----------------------- 129----------------------lives, now and in the future, are idealists. We want to do good in the world; we want to spread happiness. But remember, people do what you do, not what you say. So y ou may want to spread happiness, through your word. But ultimately, the best way, t

he optimal way spreading happiness is to work on your own happiness, because then y ou are leading by example. That applies to leadership. The most important thing about leadership is no t what you say; it's what you parenting-- it's not how do. The most important thing about

much you tell your child "honesty is important" but rather how honest you are. I f you want to spread happiness, "Be the change you want to see in the world." By examp le. So these are the five basic premises that we talked about. They formed the found ation of the course. And what we are going to do over the next couple of month is expa nd on these-- most importantly, see how we can take the research, the rigor and app ly it to our lives. So let "Belief as me move on now Self-Fulfilling to the next lecture, which is

Prophecies". This I must say, this topic ignited my imagination when I was a kid when I thought about it; when I was an athlete. And that's when I understood the powe r of the mind. And that would pick my interests in psychology. I want to start with a story, a specific story, that in many ways I can say it is the first story, psychologic al story that to I heard of. The story me the message how that I heard that brought home

important psychology is to wellbeing and to success. thing And success, as a fourteen years-old squash player, was the most important

in my life. And the story is of Roger Bannister. Just so I get a show of hands: how many people have heard those of you who of Roger Bannister? Ok. A handful. So

have, can hear it again. Roger Bannister was a runner. He ran the mile. And unti

l 1954, running the In fact, mile in doctors under 4 minutes was considered impossible.

proved the 4 minutes s ran

for the mile was the limit of human ability. Physiologist 439

----------------------- 130----------------------tests, showing, proving scientifically the limit of human ability was running th e mile in 4 minutes. You could ved the doctors and not go below that. And runners pro

scientists-- proved that they were right and ran the mile in two seconds and 4 m inutes, one second, but no runner could run the mile in under 4 minutes, ever since the mile was actually timed-- when they started to time runs. It was impossible-- doctors and scientists showed, runners, athletes, the top-ones in the world proved that the doctors were right. And then Bannister said, "It is came along Roger Bannister. Roger

possible to run in 4 minutes. And in fact, I'm going to do it." Now when he said it, he was a medical doctor at unner, top runner, but Oxford University. He was a good r

nowhere near the 4 minutes mark. His best time was 4 minutes and 12 seconds. And of course, no one took him seriously. But Roger Bannister continued to train and work hard, not harder than the rest of the runners, but as hard as the top runners in the world. And he did get better. In fact, he broke the 4 minutes and 10 seconds mark, 4 mi nutes and 5 seconds mark and he got 4 minutes and 2 seconds and stopped, like everyone else-- could not he best go below the 4 minutes and 2 seconds. So he wasn't even t

runner in the world, but among the best. But he continued to say "it is possible ; there

is no human limitation on nder 4 minutes." And he








continued to say, continued to train for years. Until 1954. On the 6th of May, 1 954, on his home tour at Oxford University, Roger Bannister ran the mile in 3 minutes an d 59 seconds. Sensation. "Doctors Front page news all over the world. "Science defied".

defied". "The impossible made possible". It became known as the dream mile. Now listen to this. For decades, no one broke the four ever since the mile was timed,

minute barrier. It was considered impossible. And on the 6th of May, Roger Banni ster does it. Six weeks later, John Landy, the Australian runner, runs the mile in 3 minutes 57.9 seconds. The following year, 1955, 37 runners ran the mile in under 4 minut es. 1956, over 300 runners break the 4 minute barrier. not. Now what happened? Was it that somebody started to train harder? Of course 440 ----------------------- 131----------------------Was it new technologies, new shoes? It wasn't. It was the mind. Look how powerfu l the mind is. It wasn't the fact that they were running that time and they say "O ops! We are over the speed limit! ere trying Let's slow down a little bit." Not at all! They w

their hardest, their utmost. And yet, their subconscious mind limited them, prev ented them from breaking that barrier that happened to be not a physical barrier as do ctors, physiologists and scientists er. And what Roger Bannister l fort. did was break Beliefs are had down Very claimed. the often They fort, they often It the was a mental barri


psychologica how how we per good

self-fulfilling prophecies. form, how well or how poorly we perform.

determine determine

or not




relationships are. They are the No. 1 predictor of life success as well as wellb eing, as we'll talk about. So what we are going to talk about today and next time is how beliefs shape reality. How it works? What is the mechanism, the science behind the power of the mind? And part Because in of it is many ways, this we sounds are like going mysticism. to talk is un

mystical-- still about as much know-why fortunately a

not understandable-- but as we it works lot of and how

it works.


misunderstanding about optimism. Because the self-help movement in many ways is about telling us how it's all about the power of the mind, talk about "Think and grow rich", the book; we'll talk about the secrets which is about creating our realit y through our thoughts. And there's some truth to these-- but only some truth. We are goin g to bridge Ivory tower and Main Street, and show the science and also the danger beh ind that belief. Most importantly, enhance the belief in ourselves if there's such y high correlation and high how do we apply? and How there's do a we ver


predictive power to a sense of hope, to a sense of optimism, to beliefs. If they so much determine our outcome, in the athletic field, in the workplace, in a relationshi p-- if it matters so much, then how can we raise our beliefs? den And we'll talk about work by Bandura on self-efficacy, or by Nathaniel Bran

on self-esteem. How we can make a dream into reality-- whether it's political dr eam-441 ----------------------- 132----------------------we'll talk about Martin Luther King's dream approach- how he did it and what he did;

or a personal dream, where we'll talk about the ll as

work of Herbert

Benson as we

Bandura. Once again, the Buddha, "We are what we think. All that we are arises w ith our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world." Again, this was a claim mad e thousands of years ago. What I want to do now is focus on the scientific foundat ion of this claim. And I'll start by talking about Pygmalion in the classroom. The source of t he word, Pygmalion is ancient Greece. Pygmalion was a sculptor. And what he did was when he came of age looking for his ideal woman. He wanted to get married. So he went and looked e all of around Athens Greece; he where he lived; he looked around th

looked around the Greek Empire; he looked beyond the Greek Empire, looking for h is ideal woman-- a woman whom he could marry. And he couldn't find her, no matter where he looked. I mean it's understandable-- this was before 1879 which was whe n Red Cliff was founded, and long before Harvard became co-ed. So he couldn't find his ideal woman and he went back to Athens. And he said to himself. "Well, instead o f finding that ideal woman, I was a sculptor, "I will will create a sculpture"-- as he

create a sculpture in her image." And he created that sculpture. And when he loo ked at her, he was so overwhelmed with emotion and sadness that he couldn't find her, t hat he began to cry. And then Zeus, Athena and especially Aphrodite, looking down on him, took mercy and brought the statue to life. And of course, they lived happil y ever after. So this is on was then taken the by source of the word, Pygmalion. Pygmali

George Bernard Shaw, who created a play based on a similar idea which was made

into a musical, "My Fair Lady". The idea here is how Higgins, doctor, linguist, took a flower girl and molded her in the sense into being royalty. What of course happe ned through him. story enged system, -- and the story was Fascinating and the that she story born molded at into the a him more and Because place transformed it and chall cannot

very important whole class

time. certain 442

that people are should not-- be

----------------------- 133----------------------moved. So a very important play at that time, as well as today. About Pygmalion and people can be changed, can be transformed. y In the 1960s, Robert Rosenthal who was the head of our department for man

years-- he's now in UC Riverside-- took this idea of Pygmalion and applied it in the classroom. Here is what he did. Rosenthal went into a group of random schools. A nd what he did there was went to the students, had them take a test and then go to their teachers after and tell the a new test that was devised-- a new academic ers' test". What that test teachers, which is "Your called students "the just fast took spurt

means is that we identify students who are going to take a big leap, intellectua l leap forward in this coming year, a spurt forward in this coming year. In other words , what he was saying-- it identifies students with highest potential. And what he found then was when he told these students-- the teachers-- what he told these teachers was that "it is just . We don't not a FYI-want any you cannot tell the students this

discrimination in your school, but just so you know, these are your fast spurter s. It's a

new test, newly devised. Just so you know." Unbeknownst to the teachers, the act ual test which was given to he-shelf IQ test. Also those students was a regular off-t f

unbeknownst to the teachers was these students ast

names, who were deemed "the

spurters"/"high potential students", were literally randomly picked out from a h at. So there were regular students, like all other students, but the teachers thought t hey were "fast spurters". Robert Rosenthal leaves the school, comes back in the end of th e year. And here's what he finds-- he s: the "fast spurters" looks at their English score

improved significantly more than any of the other students. He looked at their m aths scores, because English ow maybe it was the teachers So he who thought they looked at their is not really were better objective than they and were you really. kn

maths, their objective scores. These students improved significantly more than a ny of the other students. But here is the clincher: Robert Rosenthal administered once again an IQ test for all the students. And what he found was the students who were lab eled-443 ----------------------- 134----------------------randomly so, but who were labeled-- "fast spurters", their IQ increased signific antly over the year and maintained that increase in a longitudinal study. Now this is my bog I mean: IQ is supposed to be in your intelligent quotien t that you are born with! It's immutable. It doesn't change from the day you were born to the day you die-- or so they thought. It changed significantly just based the belief that the teacher had in her/his students. Belief as self-fulfilling prophecies. What happ ened in

the study? Was it that the teachers were fooled? And suddenly were made to see a n illusion? No. It was that they were alluded before. and the illusion was that th ey didn't see what is right in front of their very eyes, which is the potential inherent i n every single student. And then in a sense, but Robert Rosenthal comes and fools them

"fools" them into seeing what has been there all along. Before Rosenthal, they d idn't see children on the bus. So to speak. After that, they suddenly in some children saw the potential that was there that potential and that all along. And they appreciated

potential appreciated. They watered, they shed a light to it and the seed germin ated and grew. This is exactly what Marva Collins does day in and day out in school. She seed the potential that is there; she's not even inventing something. She's not detached from reality. It's rather the people who don't see the potential in other people as well as in themselves as we'll discuss. They are not seeing the full reality. They ar e only seeing part of it. They are completely missing the children on the bus. And we k now how easy it is to miss part of reality, even they are right in front of our very eyes. Or it often takes a question-- it takes on the quest and we miss what we have seen bef ore, whether it was research with at-risk population, whether it was the geometric sh apes, whether it relationship was asking or about only the negative questions about our

ourselves, or whether it's not seeing the potential that exist in just about all kids. If only we see it. And if we see it, appreciate it, we water it, we shed a light to it, and it appreciates, it grows. ift their attention to So what Rosenthal did was simply sh

something eplicated

that was hundreds,




Same 444




----------------------- 135----------------------thousands of times. ld or the Pygmalion effect. It was replicated in a workplace where leaders are to are told "these And these are your top, highest potential

managers employees".

employees, again, randomly picked, actually became the highest potential employe es. And they succeeded much more. Retention went up for them; performance went up; they were more likely to advance in their organization and stay in their organiz ation. Just as result of expectation. The source of works of the other way, Jamison, back in 1997, this fascinating study, where what she said was let' s see if it works the other were taught by the teacher, of the teacher before, way. same So she went were to started, by two classes told other just that one

and before the classes classes that this was ranked that they, extremely as



professional psychologists rated that teacher as extremely high. And they left t hem. What happened by the end of the year? First of all, the teacher was rated higher by the intervention group than by the tudents put in actually more time into the roup. Because they believed-- they were ter that supposedly class made to and control they believe group. But also, the teacher the s g bet

outperformed that the

control was

he/she were. In other words, they saw the potent6ial in the teacher. They perfor med-not the only the students teacher; actually the teacher they had did high perform better-- but when

performed better when they believed in their


teachers. So if you want to do well in 1504-- you'll know what you need to do, r ight? te It works-- beliefs our reality. Goethe, as self-fulfilling prophecies. We crea

"Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and sho uld be, and he shall become as he can and w to a related should be." I want to move on no

topic, one that is very important for psychologist but also for you to apply in your life. And that is the importance of situation we create or that is created for us. In many ways, ponged psychologist-by a series social of psychologist 445 ----------------------- 136----------------------research that was done on the power of the situation, but it was mostly the nega tive power of the situation. Those of you taken psych 1, those of you haven't, may ha ve heard of the "Asch Conformity Experiment", where people conformed to the idea of the group. Or many of you probably heard of Milgram's "The obedience to authorit y". If you haven't heard about them, I am not going to go in depth here, read about it. Just Google it. Some of the most important fascinating studies in the field of psycho logy where a person off the street was told by an experimenter to shock another per son, even top. to the point where And because the the the other experiment person must cloak is go screaming on and them. to very Beca s for sure-was s

experimenters were saying often had a white cloak like doctors or use they said the

experimenters-- a


experiment must go on, very often, people n and shocked that person, even to

went-- most people, Americans went o the point of the other p




begging to be let out, simply because of the word, "the experiment must go on". The power of the situation, obedience to authority-- this was done in order to show how something like the Holocaust could only happen in Germany; how people are more likely to be obedient , worldwide, people to authority and what they found globally

have the tendency to be obedient to authority, whether it was in United States o r in Germany. Around the world. Same replicated. one The power of the situation. Philip Zimbardo's Prison Experiment. This was d

at Stanford, where they did was taking-- again, read about it if you haven't; I am not going to go in depth here-- where they took people off the street and had them p lay the role of either the prison warden, the guard or the prisoner. And the experim ent was supposed to go on for two weeks to show what entering a role does. And what they found was after a week, Because the wardens-people off the so oppressive. the experiment had to were position You know, be stopped. becoming of being current

street, randomly They who got Abu

dividedinto their

humiliated the prisoners humiliated, just like prisoners (?). This phenomenon-- what


Ghraib. 446

----------------------- 137----------------------happened in the Iraqi prisons, of how people off the street enter the role-- the y entered the role so much that after one week. Go on YouTube stuff. So and watch this is only Zimbardo the video had about to stop the experiment

this mind-boggling

important, good to know,important to know, but not enough. Because the situation is

so powerful, why just emphasize the negative? Why not think about creating posit ive situations that will help us lead happier, more moral lives? And this has, just like a lot of positive psychological approaches, has been ignored with a ratio 21 to 1. So let me share with you just a couple of studies in this area. Both of the m done by our very own Ellen Langer. This, by the way, is the study that I am going to share now is going to be Professor Langer-- the backbone of a movie coming out about

person who's going to play Ellen Langer-- she's the first female tenure professo r in the psychology department n Langer is Jennifer Aniston. ar, but And the movie it's about the the person is coming who's out, going to play in Elle a ye


experiment that I am going to share with re

you now. So this was done in 1979. He

was what Langer did. What she did was take men who were above 75 years old and sent them to a retreat, which was a 1959 retreat, meaning-- even though it was 1 979-the music were all was from 1959, around were the magazines that they read that

1959, the daily newspapers were 1959-- everything was 1959. Even they had to go into a role, just like in Zimbardo, they had to play their role of 1959 as if th ey were 20 years younger. Now of course, it was a psychological experiment, they had all t hese different measures, taken ey found. One week. before/after. And here is what th

Retreat. At the end of the week, At the end of the week, both mental and biologi cal age decreased. For n tests. They became example, their they legs, became more flexible became i str

stronger-their grasp, onger. Their memory

their bodies

improved significantly, so their intelligence level as taking by tests before an d after

compared to control group improved significantly after a single week. She measur ed the distance between the bones in the finger, because when we get older, the sp ace 447 ----------------------- 138----------------------becomes smaller-- they increased in their become tighter. The length after a week,

fingers. They became happier. They became more self-sufficient, less dependent on other people as rated family members. They by themselves and as rated by their

became healthier. Their eyesight and hearing improved significantly in as little as a week. Just because they entered a powerful, positive situation, which goes again st a lot of the stereotypes and prejudices that they encountered in the outside worl d. So just by "acting" a certain ike Zimbardo's prisoners role, they became that role just l

became their role in as little as a week. her Another study that book, "Mindfulness", she did-- and this is a report in

which I highly recommend. She took in and tested people's eyesight. And she gave them a normal eyesight performance. And chart, measured them, wrote down their

then she took the exact same people-- this time, put them in a pilot overalls an d at the same time put he exact same them in the eye a flight eye simulator the and only showed them t bein

chart. Same distance, same g they're sitting in a



flight simulator and they were wearing pilot overalls. They were sitting there, looking at of the eye chart. And participants eyesight again, she ran the eye test. 40%

improved significantly, as a result of just changing the situation. Same distanc e, same

chart, is how

same everything. do we create a





positive situation. How can we create a situation that improves us with the role . And I want to share with you couple of studies I'll share one study and then another later-- about the environment. Firs t of all, the work of Barge, priming is when we have subconscious or conscious priming. Fo r example, you are looking at a screen and for just a few milliseconds, a word app ears. And the word primes you. ow we can prime your negatively with stereotypes r positively-- but not enough from positively. primed people with So There for here's is a lot of with done 448 ----------------------- 139----------------------words associated with old. word such as stick, So for example, word such as old, by research on h O He

example, a story

prejudices. Barge.

word such as Florida-- that's one of the words he primed people with. So he prim ed people with "old" words. And then he had them take a comparative and control gro up an intelligence test and a memory test. The memory of the people who were primed with "old" words. group. Second, he They performed the worst than the control

looked at these people and measured how fast they walk from where their experime nt was to the elevator. And also had blind evaluators-- people who didn't know whic h condition they were in, he people who were primed eople. with old And they actually walk evaluate walked how more they (?) were than walking. the So other t p

significantly slower toward the elevator, not knowing that they were primed with old

words. They walk slower toward the elevator., then the people who were not prime d with these old words, subconscious completely. And then they did something primi ng people who with were words related primed, with words control related to an to achievement. achievement, did The better people on

subconsciously tests than

group. Their memory improved, and they persisted more on difficult tasks. And th e question is-- the thing we'll talk about next time-- is how can we create consci ously and subconsciously a positive environment where we actually can take out the mos t moral, most successful self, to appreciate that self, to help the environment br ing out the best in us. Next time. 449 ----------------------- 140----------------------Positive Psychology CLecture 6 ere Hope you had a wonderful long weekend. So, let's jump right into it. So wh

did we leave last time? Last time we talked about the power of the situation, we talk about how beliefs become it is through the self -fulfilling prophesies. And how

situation that we very often create expectations, believes of people. And these believes become reality. And we talked about how social psychology essentially started wi th some very important experiment such as the Milgrim effect, or obedience to autho rity. Such as Zimbardo's put in or played... prison experiment, where prisoners were

students play the role of prisoners or the role of wardens and they actually ent ered that role so totally that after a week the experiment had to be stop, when it was sup pose to

go on for two weeks. And then the question we asked was, OK, so we know that the situation is an we also powerful. We create a know that it makes a difference. C

powerful, positive situation to bring out the best in people? And the answer is yes. And we started talking about it and we talk about professor Langer and her resea rch and how she show that putting um...elderly men in an environment where they were actually or r actually where became they acted of as if they higher were 20 levels years younge

younger. To the point . To the point of improving their memory. their hearing. The

having Improving

of intelligence improving

their eyesight,

distance between the bones in their figures actually became longer which is a si gn of younger age. just They were rated by others as well as by themselves as stronger and younger

because they acted as if it was 1959 instead of what it was really was, which wa s 1979. The power of the positive situation. And then she did another more research on p eople going for an eyesight test, and put them in a situation in a flight simulator. A nd the exact same eyesight test, they actually performed better just because of the sit uation. And we moved on that what we ended last time by talking about priming. Priming i s... 450 ----------------------- 141----------------------can be done in the conscious or subconscious level. It means planting a seed, pl anting a belief, planting a word, or a picture in our mind, consciously or subconscious ly. And how that actually influences our behavior. So Bargh, that time of NYU, did the research where he primed to people wit

h words associated with old. Words if you remember such as wrinkles, words such as old, words such as Florida. And as a result of this priming, those participants in the study actually walked hen evaluated by slower, or actually were more stooped. W

researchers who were not aware of their condition ,meaning they didn't know whet her they were primed with control words, just random words, or with words associated with old. So it was just ctually started to behave differently. The power vironment. And then of the through the priming The that of people the a en



Bargh took it step further and said, OK, let's prime the with positive primes su ch as achievement, such as for example, they persistence, such as success. These words,

had to find a synonym for the word achievement. Those who are primed with these words on intelligence ed better than the test and on memory test actually perform

control group who wasn't primed with these words. hat Two Dutch researchers - Dijksterhuis & Knippensberg, what they found was t

they brought people, and they ask them to describe for future experiment, not fo r that experiment. a soccer For a future hooligan, a experiment, ask them to describe

secretary and a professor. Describe these three archetypes. And they told them t his is for the next experiment where we just want people to evaluate these archetypes. Not knowing that actually by describing these archetypes, these individuals were pri med. They were primed for a soccer hooligan, for a secretary, or for a professor. And then they have to do intelligence tests afterwards, memory test after those primes. T hose

who had to describe the worse. In terms of



soccer hooligan Then 451 there

performed was the

the secr

memory. In term of intelligence. etary and those who

----------------------- 142----------------------performed the best were those who described the professor. Now they didn't study any harder before. Nothing changed except for the fact that there was a prime, that there was something planted question then is, from the environment in their minds. The

how can we create a positive environment for ourselves, where we are primed by t he positive, where we can be happier, more successful and so on. And there's many w ays in which we can do it. Let me share a few. In fact there's going to be your assi gnment for this week, or one of the assignments to create a positive environment. es you So you are some of the examples. Have pictures of people you love or plac

love, the importance of these things is that even if you don't see them, you see them. So on the subconscious level it's still there. Even though on the subconscious l evel, when people achievement are primed, on the they don't really see...the word, say

screen, when it's there for 25 mini-second, they don't really see it, but it reg isters. So even if a picture is there and you don't Dreally see it or not really conscious of it, mindful of it, it still has a impact on you. So have pictures of people you love , have pleasant object, whether it's memorabilia, whether it's flowers, whether it's ar t, your favorite art. So I have in my house, and my office, my favorite art on the wall, by my favorite artists. And let me share with you a few. I actually brought them here. These

are very So... so

valuable. I insured this is, um, this from the first know, very

them, phase

so of

it's his


problem. as you

specific artist can see, you


powerful strokes, very intense, very deliberate, and just gorgeous. And here is, by the same artist from the second already begin to see phase of his career. Here you

impressionist influence on his work. But still, you know you see the same trait, the same power, the same intensity.So I have these on my wall. uce There's a new and you to. She still upcoming artist who I want to introd

doesn't have a second phase, you know, she's only one year's old. But, you know, this is a work done with the help of her Mom. But again, these are on my wall and the y 452 ----------------------- 143----------------------remind me everyday even I've seen them hundreds of time, it's still there and I think about my kids. And I also have other, you know, less known artists' work on my w all. Again, this is, probably not heard of this one, um, this is Rodin, The Thinker. And, so I have this on my wall, it's my favorite sculpture. And then I have another piec e by Rodin there just to remind me that are other things that it's not all about thinking,

make life make life worth living. So this is Rodin's The Kiss, for those of you who know it. And again have these things on your wall create(s) the environment wher e you feel warm, where it's fun for you to be there. Quotes, you know I love quote s, and I know that many of you love quotes. Some of you have sent me your favorite quot es. I have on my wall a list of quotes and they are there even if I don't see them, I see

them. So for example, let's see if I brought some here. Yes, here they are. So o ne is by John Quincy Adams. "Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear tence, by and obstacles vanish". So that Bargh Eliot, or priming the issue of persis did it. He primed as Mary

the way which is one thing that and people actually became more persistent. Anne Evens, my George

also known

favorite author. She wrote," The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men. I'll talk about perfectionism whic h is a very important, very personal thing for me in about three weeks. So she is a very muc h a role model. Camus, "In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was wit hin me an invincible summer". vid A quote that has helped me through difficult, through hard times. Henry Da

Thoreau, "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeav ors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success, unexpected in co mmon hours ". Again, I have these quotes up on my wall, and a few others, that many o f the quotes that you've seen in the course. And they prime me, they remind me, they c reate the environment for me. We'll talk about art in the next section, and its import ance. Have you favorite books next to you. Listen to music, but listen to it mindfully , not 453 ----------------------- 144----------------------just as background music but the music that inspires you, whether it's rocky, wh ether it's Eminem, whoever it is. Watch films that inspire you, all these things help you to

create an environment that is conducive to growth, to success, to well being. A lot of this is done on the subconscious level which is the power of the priming. A prim ing studies. And finally this is what positive research is about. If we constantly f ocus on "negative" are primed research, anxiety, by this depression, schizophrenia, we

research, we are primed by this work. And it creates reality. You know, this ind irectly and conjunctionally relates to, some of you may know, the Isenberg principle, is that when you measure a phenomenon, you are changing the phenomenon; when you are measuring a researching phenomenon, the you are also changing yourself. So by

positive we are also priming ourselves with the positive. Now, a lot of this wor k that I'm talking about today and I'll talk about next time actually comes from the se lf-help movement. In many started in the ways the self-help with movement was founded, we was creat

20th century... was started e the world through

the understanding that

our thinking, that our mind creates the world. And books like these came out, ba ck in the 1930's, Thinking Grow Rich. This book since 1930's sold over 60 million copies. It's still selling. It 's selling, it's the best seller in the US, it's the best seller in China, in India, it's th e best seller in Africa, it's the best seller in Europe. It has an impact on people and here's on e of the things that Napoleon Hill says, "Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Whatever it can achieve. Very empowering. ple, on the your mind can conceive on many and believe, different peo

And this had masses,

an impact

again,60 million copies, one of the best sellers in history. Henry Ford had a si milar

idea, "Whether you think you can or can't, you are right." And people were drawn to this message. Why? Because it's empowering, because it makes them feel that thin gs are possible. Another very influential book, The Power of Positive Thinking, Nor man Vincent Peale. " 454 ----------------------- 145----------------------re to Have great hopes and dare to go all out for them. Have great dreams and da

live them. Have tremendous expectations and believe in them. How inspiri ng for people to hear u need to do that, all you need is believe, and to do is think, all yo

affluence will come to you. Whether it's intrapersonal affluence, whether it's m onetary affluence. And this is been the message that has drawn the masses and continues to do so today. The best selling book today, No.1 best seller all over the world, that 's right, The Secret. The secret to success is, what they call, the law of attraction. The law of attraction is that you attract to your life whatever you imaging ,whatever you b elieve it. Again, a powerful message, millions and millions of copies of this book bein g sold. As we speak, continue to be sold. and it And the message is again simple: believe, and you will achieve; conceive,

will be conceived. In reality, in the world, it will come to you. Very convincin g, very inspiring message. But, is this message right? Well,we talked about this and we saw the Roger Bannister story. You know one day, or six weeks after Roger Bannister runs a mile in 4 minutes, or in 3'59,John Landy runs it in 3'57.9. The year after 37 runners

run the mile in under 4 minutes. So there is something to it. Once they believed it was possible, it became possible. And here is the issue, with much of what's going o n in the self-help uth, a real today, self-help truth and then realm today, it draws on a tr

blows it out of proportion. So yes, there is some truth in the fact that our min d creates reality. But that's only part of the truth. We create reality or rather we co-cr eate reality. There has to be something out there or in there, for example, when it comes to T he Secret. If you are much more believe that likely to you are likely to succeed, you

succeed. But that has to come with a lot of hard work and persistence, it has to come with a lot of failure, and learning from that failure. ges do So it's just half of the equation and what these self-help books and messa

is overpromise and under-deliver, which at times can be destructive. For example , if 455 ----------------------- 146----------------------everything is based on the law of attraction. I created everything that everythi ng is up to me and also everything is my fault. Even taking to the extreme, is a 3 years old girl responsible for being abused? Is a 30 years old man responsible for being paraly zed as a result of an accident by a drunken driver? There are certain things that are o ut there and when created we by say the that everything law of is up to us, everything is

attraction, then it's a prescription maybe in the short term for inspiration and for belief and on, for wellbeing, for guilt, and but for in the less long success term, because it's for frustrati if I really bel

unhappiness. And also for ieve that it's all about

thinking, then this is going to be my mind set. All I need to do is believe and then all the money will come to me. All the success in a relationship will come to me. An d that does away with the h the failure that is hard work, with the persistence, wit

necessary, part and parcel of a successful, happy, fulfilling, human life. I wan t to show you a quick video. This is of an ad I saw online and I actually called the Royal Bank on Scotland and asked them to send me the original. Because it captures some of the misunderstanding that there is today about the power of the mind. Just a very cu te ad. Douglas from the conference. C James Aderson. - Oh, yeah. That's a lot of green. What kind of bird is it? - What's that? I don't know. ing. It's ok Positive guys! I've thought impact. me. done OK? a course. -What? thought has -Positive a think

makes a positive impact. Look at



That's right. Okay,come on. (Emergency Start) Talk is no substitute for action. That's the power. Make it happen. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. I am good. - Yes, you are. It captures part of the truth but not the whole truth. So 456 ----------------------- 147----------------------let's see what serious research of the mind. A real has to say about the power

phenomenon, actual phenomenon, but one that we need to also apply real research to see what works. Albert Bandura, on your reading about for this week, has done a lot of work on the concept the academic term for of self-efficacy which is essentially

believing in oneself. And here is what he writes after decades and decades of re search. He by the way won the researcher's prize for the positive psychologists last yea r so he's ord. doing a lot of research "Beliefs in personal level in of this area. He's from Stanf funct

efficacy affect life choices, ioning, resilience to

motivation, quality of

adversity and vulnerability to stress and depression." Those you believe in them selves, who have confidence, do well across the different areas in their lives, He conti nues, "People who regard themselves and feel differently as highly efficacious act, think,

from those who perceive themselves as inefficacious. They produce their own futu re, rather than simply foretell it." In other words, what he's talking about here is that these people are scribed in their lives. They create their own lives as oppose to thos e that are being prescribed by r able to deal with hardships and difficulties. rlier to deal with earch, in others. They are more resilient, bette

In other words, better capacity as we discussed ea the important thing about this res

difficulties. Now his research

over the years is that it can be learned. It's cultivated over time. So it would be useless if, in terms of research, at least for us if he wo uld say, well, some people h, what are born with it, and others are not. Some people are born wit

they started to talk about, the resilience gene, and others are not born with th at. But that's not the case. What he has shown is that it can be learned. It takes time it takes effort, and he important we will talk about thing, it's later how we do it. But t

malleable. We can do something about it. Other research by Curry on college athl etes, I know there are many athletes in this room. She showed that 56% of your success

es as an athlete, once you start being an athlete, is determined by levels of hope, by how much you believe that you are going to succeed. Remember from very first or seco nd 457 ----------------------- 148----------------------class where I talked t the business...HBS about the research by John Carter, abou

graduates. Where he predicted... where the two things predicted success in the l ong term, extraordinary success of these grads. One was that they were constantly as king questions, and two was that they believed in themselves. t They thought they could do well. But its important to also realize that its no

100 percent of the variances that was explained, by hope, or by belief, or by op timism, as many of the self-help books would have us believe. But its certainly part of th e equation of success. Nathaniel Branden has been a therapist for fifty years; hes d one a lot of rigorous philosophical and psychological research and work on the conce pt of self-esteem. Well visit him more in-depth we have the when we talk about, when

week on self-esteem. But for now, just a quick quote: "the level of our self-est eem, in another words, the level found consequences for of our belief in ourselves, has pro

every aspect of our existence: how we operate in the workplace, how we deal with people, how high we are likely to rise, how much we are likely to achieve and, i n the personal realm, w we interact with with whom our we are likely to fall in love, ho

spouse, children, and friends, what level of personal happiness we attain." Very low levels of correlation between material affluence and wellbeing, or between where

we live and wellbeing, very high correlation between self-esteem and wellbeing. In most research what we found is a 0.7 correlation between the two constructs. This is what I found in internal my dissertation matters and as well. So self-esteem matters. The

what we are doing when we enhance when we raise our levels of belief in ourselve s is we are transforming our mind, we are changing the form, so that we see we intera ct, we see the world differently, we perceive different things, we experience things in a different way. Whether its successes that we then celebrate, or failures that we t hen learn from and turn into opportunities. But so much of it is about what we have inside here. 458 ----------------------- 149----------------------Branden, mind can "self-concept is destiny." Very similar to Dwhatever your

conceive, it can achieve from Napoleon Hill. The only difference being that he als o puts a lot of rigorous thinking and research there and shows the limitation of t he belief. Here is another example of research done in the area which most people know abou t. The Placebo effect. You go to the doctor, you have a headache, the doctor tells you: here I have a pill for you. The best thing. Just came out recently. Will help yo u get over the headache. Gives nst to you the pill. You was, a get sugar over the headache. Unbeknow pill. But because you

you, what she gave you thought, because you believed that it would help e. Real

your headache, it actually did help

your headach

phenomena medicine. So Herbert Benson, from the across the river, from the medic

al school here, has done a lot of research in this area. Let me share with you just two of his studies. What Benson did was bringing women who had, who were pregnant, and who had stomach problems... they were vomiting, they were throwing up, they were nauseous, something which first trimester of is relatively common especially in the

pregnancy. So he brought them in and told them, "I have this new pill for you th at will help you overcome your stomach distress. You wont throw up any more after; this is a very powerful and and they got over good pill." their So he gave them that pill

stomach distress, they were better. They didnt know of course this was just a plac ebo drug, just a sugar pill. xact Then he took it step further, brought in another group of women with the e with the same vomiting. Gave them the

same stomach distress, pill, he told them

would help them overcome their stomach distress. Only this time, instead of a su gar pill, he actually gave them small dosage, not dangerous but small dosage of ipec ac. Now those of you who know what ipecac is... Its a drug that we take if we want to throw up. So if we have food poisoning, we take these drugs and it will actually elicit vomiting. So he gave them this drug and again, this passed all the ethic reviews and was not dangerous, you know But thats what he did. And these women were told that 459 ----------------------- 150----------------------theyd get better. And they did get better. Not only did they not vomit as they sho uld have done, more et me read to so with you an the ipecac, they actually stopped. L

excerpt from ss Healing.

his book, I quote,


I highly



"Remarkably, the patients nausea and vomiting ceased entirely and their stomach contractions, al. Because as measured they through the balloons, returned to norm

believed they received anti-nausea medicine, the women reversed the proven actio n of a powerful drug. first Even though aid kits many with of us stock in our case the medicine of action cabinets and p that

ipecac to bring about regnant women with


poisoning, of a

these drug

documented stomach distress should have made


them even sicker. With belief alone, they cured themselves. Now, this doesnt mean that drugs dont have an effect. You know, I dont recommend going home now and, you know, giving your roommates, you know, ipecac or even worse cyanide and then tell them this is actually Vitamin C. they will probably not feel better or heal thier as a result. But what this experiment dose, and many others like it show is that powe rful effect of the mind which we shouldnt discard. We need to study it and understand. Well, here is another experiment that Benson writes about in his book. This was done in Japan. So, people who are allergic to a specific plant were brought into a la b, had their eyes closed, and then, they had these plant touch their forearm, and then they had another plant touch their other forearm, and they didnt know which was which. And of course that plant that they were allergic to, the arm flared up. They were al lergic to it after all. But then, their people were told that the was a second condition, these

actual drug(plant) that they are allergic to touched their left hand, and anothe r plant

that they were not allergic to touched their right hand. But lergic to Benson reversed the effect, so actually the plant that they were al

touched their right hand, and the plant that they were not allergic to touched t heir left 460 ----------------------- 151----------------------hand. So they were supposed to flare up on the right, not on the left. But becau se they believed that the allergic plant hand flared up, their right was on the left, their left

hand did not. Based on the power of the mind. Once again, this does not mean tha t the external doesnt matter and that we attracted everything that we want to into our l ives, but it does mean that the mind plays a very important role in creating our physi cal, certainly emotional, cognitive as well as external reality. n become self-fulfilling prophecies. work? Let me share with you this esearch in the But I how does created it based work? on Beliefs very ofte How a does lot of it r

model that field. That

essentially tries to explain how our beliefs, our expectations impact our perfor mance. Whether its through the placebo drug, whether its our performance in scho ol, in sports, in relationships, in every area in our lives. In other words, what comes in the box iate here? Or between in the...over beliefs, here? in What the comes, real world? what I med want

expectations and actual to talk about two


mechanisms. The first one is very straight forward, relatively simple, its motivat ion. So, if I believe that I can do well, and think about your own past experiences, when you uch believe that you could more likely to be do well in something, you are m

motivated than if you think that you are hopeless and have no chance, you are mu ch more likely to resign and not do anything. You are much more likely to be motiva ted before the event whatever the event may be, in training, in practice, as well as during the event, while its taking place. hem Think about what Marva Collins did. She motivated her students, she made t

believe that they could achieve, that they could make something out of their liv es and that its their responsibility that it was up to them, and that made all the differ ence for them. Because o motivation difference. tion, and they makes were a another the motivated, thing though, they in worked addition to hard. S

There is that is


notion of consistency or congruence. What dose that mean? You see, we all have a mental schema of the world, a mental schema of the way the world should be, or t o be 461 ----------------------- 152----------------------or is. For example, I have a mental schema that suggests that things fall when l eft in middle air. So I have a schema that says that if I dropped this, it would actual ly fall. I have a schema about my ability in mathematics that I might be a good mathematici an, that I have potential in this area or not. I also have the schema about other pe ople. I like this person. That person is a nice person versus this person is just not ni ce, cruel. So we have schemas about other people, about ourselves, about natural phenomenon . This is inside, the schema. And then, there is the outside world. In the outside world, actual things take place. For example, when this is left in middle air, it falls . This is,

has nothing to do with my schema. Its outside. It happens regardless of my schema. Now I have certain potential in mathematics regardless of my schema. r in A certain person behaves generously and benevolently toward other people o other people regardless of my schema.

a hateful manner toward So there is whats

inside and what is outside, and here is the key point. You see, the mind dose no t like when there is a discrepancy between is outside. The mind likes when there is consistency, and if there is no what is inside between and the what two,


congruence, if there is no consistency, then we experience a sense of dissidence , then we experience disease. Doesnt feel good, doesnt feel right and we do, very often , everything that we can to get the two on par again. Either by changing the exter nal reality or by changing our mind to match the external reality. We do nt like when there is inconsistency. There are a few ways in which we can create this consist ency again. Let me share with you just some of them, and Im gonna share four. They are interconnected. There is relationship between. there is overlap, but just so nd it helps you to the dialogue that think takes about it. That helps you understa

place between what is inside or what is inside and what is outside. So the first thing we can do when there is a discrepancy, when there is inconsistency between the t wo is update schema. This is the first thing we can do. So, I didnt know things fell whe n 462 ----------------------- 153----------------------left in middle air, now I know, I updated my schema. Or, I thought that person w as actually hateful, but I just saw him behave generously and benevolently, now I u

pdate my schema, hes a nice person. The second thing that we do, which happens much more often than the first one, is ignore or discard in external information. We ignore and discard external information that doesnt match our schema. We dont li ke this inconsistency, we speak, by ignoring just throw it, this inconsistency out, so to

discarding it. The third thing we do, we actively seek confirmation. We actively seek confirmatory data. the I mean, think about No.2 and 3,think about in the real you know we are in you are not going to vote for,

midst of election year. Think about the person or the

person you didnt vote for. What we do? Very often ,lets say, I see President Bush doing something good, actually fighting for a cause that I believe in. But I did nt vote Bush, for instance. Very often what I would do is ignore and discard that inform ation, and then look for confirming evidence that will suggest...or that will confirm t o me why I dont like Bush in the first place. This same regarding, say the future elect ions, Hillary or Obama. If I irming evidence why I dislike them and even if ue and believe in, I very dislike they do them, I would that look for conf val


I like and

often will ignore these things and discard them. And what you are doing here ,yo u are creating where a reality because has Bush done you are asking a question such as

terrible things or where has Hillary or Obama did terrible things? And when we a sk these questions, we completely ignore ,discard, not see the positives. Remember when I ask you about the geometric shapes? You didnt see the children on the bus. Even though they were right there in front your very eyes. So we know that questions

create reality, and in order to maintain this consistency, we do very often one of thes e two things. Either ignore and discard, or seek confirming evidence, positive or nega tive to back up our schema. Hillary, Obama is good or Bush is good or whatever it is tha t we are thinking about. The fourth thing is much more directly, creating a new reali ty. 463 ----------------------- 154----------------------which What kind of reality existed before the 6th of May,1954? It was reality in

four minutes was the limit of human ability. And what did Edison do, sorry, what did Bannister do? He said its possible and then he changed the external reality. Not j ust for himself ,but also for other runners in the world. And suddenly a new reality was created. Initially the schema was four minutes is not possible, or rather four m inutes is not possible and everyone adhered to this schema. Roger Bannister came and said, it is possible, and changed that reality, not just for himself, but for other runne rs who were there. The thing high motivation, low though is, that after All we that perform is left with us

motivation might looking for to do is interpret our


performance. Was it successful or not successful, and good or bad? And there are two forms d I of interpretation. One just give A in an is the objective interpretation, di

exam or did I get a C. Did I just come third or did I come last in their race. D id I just be Princeton in hockey on Friday? Or did I lose to Princeton? Go Harvard. So what happen? This is the realit y. Its objective, its objective. But then, there is also the subjective interpretation

based on my beliefs. homas Let me share an example with you... This is a story told about T

Edison. Thomas Edison, back in the 1870s, was working along with the rest of the scientific community on the light bulb, on generating light from electricity. Th e entire scientific community or much of it was working on that, on that issue, with no s uccess, Thomas Edison being no exception. A journalist from one of the local papers came to Thomas Edison to e invented many interview. He was already famous by then, h

things. And they were talking about various things and then they got to talk abo ut the light bulb. And the journalist said to Edison," Mr. Edison, youve been working on the light bulb for many years. The rest of the scientific community has been working on it, to no avail." Now at that point Thomas Edison had conducted 5000 experiments, so , and the journalist knew that so he told Edison, "Mr. Edison, youve conducted 5000 experiments, and you failed 5000 times. Give it up." 464 ----------------------- 155----------------------Now Thomas Edison, some of you may know was also hard of hearing, in fact one of his patents was a hearing aid. So he said to the journalist," Excuse me, what did you say?" The journalist said, well, I said you failed 5000 times, give it up. " So Edison responded, "I didnt fail 5000 times. I succeeded 5000 times. I succeeded in showing ce,5000 what doesnt failed work." Same objective reality,performan

experiments, but very different interpretation. The journalist and many other pe ople in the scientific community erpretation, subjective conclude its not possible, the int

interpretation of Edison its just another stepping stone towards success because i t is possible. In fact, Edison declared, bulb, that on the 31st of before he had the light

December,1879, he would display the light bulb. That was long before he had done it. On the 31st of December,1879,Edison displayed to the world, generating light fro m electricity. Just like in 1962,John F. Kennedy said that there would be a man on the moon by the end of the decade. And there was before we had the materials necessa ry for doing it, before we oing it. He threw his had other technology necessary for d

knapsack over the world and said its possible to do it. And that created a reality . That was coupled with a lot of hard work. Edison in fact failed more that 5000 more t imes before he actually created the light bulb. It wasnt just sitting his room and sayi ng, "I believe therefore I will achieve." It was I believe and I will work even harder now, with more motivation and so on. One of his mantras, DI failed my way to success. It is no coincidence that productive scientific Edison, by far the most creative and

genius of all time. He patented 1097 patents in his career. Much of our world looks the way it looks, thanks to him. No coincidence, but the most successful, creative scientist in hi story is also, as far as we know, the scientist who had failed the most times. Research b y Dean Simonton, we'll talk about about perfectionism. Research by Dean Simonton tists and artists shows it more that depth the most when we talked scien


through our history were also the ones who failed the most times. No coincidence that

465 ----------------------- 156----------------------"Babe" Ruth, who hit during many of the years when he played the most homeruns, also hit the most strike outs. In five of these seasons, was strike out the most times rather. The most successful people in history are also very often, the people wh o had failed the most times. This is a sentence that Ill repeat it over and over again i n the class and here it is: learn to fail, or fail to learn. Learn to fail, or fail to learn, there is no other way to succeed. There is no other way to learn, in terms of how to work , and there is no other way to learn in terms of learning how to succeed as scientist, or as a politician, or as an artist. The artists, as Dean Simonton showed, who had the m ost dubs, the most failed attempts through out history were also the artists who wer e the most successful in the long run. No short cuts. Its not enough to just sit down an d think, and conceive and believe. We need to do much more than that. as Martin Seligman, done a lot of considered father of positive psychology, h

work on optimism and pessimism. And here is what he found. What he found was tha t when it comes to goal setting, pessimists are realistic in terms of their short term goals as well as in terms of their long term goals. Thats good thing to be a realistic. Short term goal as well as long term goal realistic. Where as optimists are realistic, sorry, optimists on the other hand, are unrealistic when it comes to their short term g oals, but are realistic when it comes to their long term goals. Why is that? Well, lets look at the model again. So lets take the pessimists first. They have certain goal, and th ey have low

expectations, low levels of beliefs, they dont think they would do well. Low level s of motivation, ormance their mind is usually looks for consistency, and their perf

according to their beliefs and expectations. And the interpretation is, I told y ou so. I told you I couldnt do well here. And then everyone else in a chorus says, yes, you told us so. How wonderfully realistic of you. But then sometimes a pessimist suc ceeds beyond his or her expectations. nterpretation is, low And then 466 ----------------------- 157----------------------levels of beliefs, so the interpretation is, well, it was lucky, it was because Mars was in front of Venus, and that only happens once every 50 years, wont happen again. O r, it was my lucky day, or, she just played very poorly today. And then, the mind l ooking for consistency, they go around that loop again and again, and then become reali stic once more. Unsuccessfully realistic, but realistic. So they're realistic in the short term as well as in the long term. evels Lets look at the optimist now. The optimist starts of beliefs, motivation, incredibly with high. high T l what happens? The i

high levels of expectations, he mind looking for

consistency, performance, not so good, not as good as the expectations were. In other words, unrealistic. However, the interpretation, because of high levels of beli efs, the subjective interpretation is, This is an opportunity; OK, so, what if I learn from it?

Ive actually got better this time. What if I learn? And they still have high level s of beliefs and ,the mind high levels looks for of expectations. Motivation is high

consistency, y expected,

they perform, unrealistic.









But the interpretation, still, what if I learn from it? Ive gone even better th is time. Ive shown what doesnt work. And they continue. But then comes the quarrels from the outside and says, Dcome on, really, why cant you be realistic like your good brother or sister, the pessimist. work But they believed that they can do it, and they continue to persist and to

hard again and again. 5 times,10 times, sometimes 5000 even 10000 times, until t hey bring the Dunrealistic reality and make it realistic to match their beliefs over ti me. So even though in the short term, the reality may not match, I may run the mile for the next 10 years in 4 minutes and 12 seconds or 4 minutes and 2 seconds. But Ill get there eventually and make my unrealistic Dexpectations and goals realistic. Through a lot of failure, through a lot of hard work, through a lot of persistence. What Seligman t just some shows about optimism and pessimism is not that its no 467 ----------------------- 158----------------------pollyannaish feel-good, you know conceive and believe, kind of approach. Rather, its about how we interpret events. rophe, So for example, how do I interpret my failure? As end of the story, catast

give it up? Or as an opportunity for success? So he distinguishes, and we'll tal k about it more next time, he ent as permanent or distinguishes between interpreting an ev

temporary. I just didnt create light from electricity, so that could mean, well, i ts not possible and Ill never do it or it could mean, well ,this is another step towards success:

showing what doesnt work. Ive just being turned down from a job that I wanted, well, it means Ill never find a job or thats a temporary setback. Lets see what I can learn. Lets see how I can home my search and find, eventually, my ideal position. Its also about being pervasive or specific. Pessimists look at things thats being the negatives, being pervasive. Well, Im just not a good scientist versus well , grade I just wasnt able to get this experiment right this time. Or if I get a poor

on an exam,I m just stupid. Pervasive, everything, all or nothing. Versus I just d idn't do well here on this specific exam. What can I learn from it and how can I do be tter next time. This is what optimism and pessimism is. And it can be learned. A lot of research in this areashowing how learning to interpret events subjectivel y as optimists leads to gnize Matt Biondi. much higher success. Some of you may reco

1988 Seoul Olympics. Many people thought that he could equal Mark Spitz records of seven nt. gold medals. First Second race, race, silver medal. Everyone I Huge remembered disappointme that ve

bronze medal. Huge ry distinctly.


People talking about how he falls under pressure, how he is not the person we th ought he is. Martin Seligman at that point said "no, he's going to succeed" Why? Becau se he measured him and many mism and pessimism. other athletes on their levels of opti

And Matt Biondi was a constant optimist. And he knew he would interpret these Dfailures, I mean, you know bronze and 468 ----------------------- 159----------------------silver medals in the Olympics, failures, right? But these relative for him expec

ted to win seven golds, ailures, he would interpret them not as permanent. DI choke. I c ant

make it in the Olympics as pervasive DI cant swim well anymore and win t temporary and specific, which he did exactly that and won the next five gold med als. Surprising many people, not Seligman and his research team who knew exactly what his interpretation style would be following these Dfailures. Also it ass ociated with social and physical tem ,psychological and physical immune of being optimists. mental health. For example, our immune sys


is actually


as a result

Resilience levels, a lot of research by Karen Reivich shows that if you teach pe ople to interpret things positively, optimistically, they are much more likely to succee d. Those of you who are interested in more about this, her book, The Resilience Factor, K aren Reivich, fantastic book, where she talks about programs implemented where within a few weeks kids are immune to the experience of depression two years hence s two People who learn to be optimistic and she teaches them in a short period a

weeks compare that to the five years of the Cambridge Summerville Study. Within as little as two weeks,people tion style become who were taught optimistic interpreta

happier, those who learn it are eight times less likely to experience depression . Eight times learn less a likely to different experience depression, if you simply

interpretation style. I havent failed 5000 times; Ive succeeded in showing what doesnt work. So what if I didnt do well now, I will do better next time or the time after that. People who y actually live longer. learn to interpret things more positivel

And well talk about some of this research. Youll read about a bit of it, the Nun Stu dy and so timistic on. People who actually live interpret things positively or more op

longer. Now that does not mean that all pessimists die young and all optimists d ie old. Thats just one of the factors that goes into the equation, theres many other things. You know, you dont want, there is also unrealistic optimism that well talked about i t in a minute. You know a person is optimist and says, DIll live to 120 no matter wha t 469 ----------------------- 160----------------------Dand smokes, you know, 120 cigarettes a day would probably not live to 120. So its not just about the belief, but a lot of it is. And finally, as I ment ioned time and again, it can be learned, and we'll talk about how it can be learned and how we can learn, and you'll do it whether its in your response paper, not for this week, but for the next week, as well as in sections, as well as by yourselves. A technique that can be learned and can have all these positive effects. Okay. There's a problem here though. You know, how istic optimism and do I distinguish optimism between this and real

unrealistic optimism. Detached in for example for

that is advocated

self-help movement. Is everything that I think of I achieve and conceive and bec omes a reality? Is my self-concept my destiny and my only destiny? Or is there such a thing as unrealistic beliefs? stic beliefs. Here is And an there is such a thing as unreali

example. Her name was Rena, she was a showgirl, at least to me, she was. Rena an d I had was a great deal twelve. She in common. was We were both in our teens, I

fourteen. We both were in our fives. She was 56. I was 51. side I was in love with Rena. Rena too was in love with herself. Now just as a

note, I have a wonderful mother, and amazing mother who believes in me. And in f act when ould the three come home of us. from We were three brothers and sisters w

school. We would very often talked to our mom about everything that was going on in school, good and bad. So I came home after I realized that I was truly and madly in love with Rena and that she was the one for me. I came home and talked to my mom about it. And I told her, DMom, I love her so. So she said, whats the problem? And I explained to her that she was older that I was and all the big boys in the sch ool were interested in her, that she was much taller than I was. And my mother believed i n me and she went had on self-fulfilling never read to prophecy me, "Tal, campaign. whatever you And though w

Napoleon Hill, she said hatever you believe,


you can achieve." And though she had never read Branden, she said to me, "Tal, y our 470 ----------------------- 161----------------------self-concept is destiny. And Rena is your destiny." And she told me that if I tr uly, truly believed that I could, that Rena would want me. She really would want me. And my mom inspired me and made me believe in myself. So I went ahead to approach Rena, and I prepared for it. I really prepared for it. Though I wasnt shaving at that time, I put on aftershave. And I continued. I can d o it. I know I can. And had I approach Rena, but then the music stopped. And though I

very high expectations, and though I envisioned success. I closed my eyes and I

saw myself succeeding. She was not interested. She didnt want me. However,ho wever, we became very good friends. tell me about all her In fact so good that she would

shallow and tall boyfriends. Now when my mom told me that she really believed in it, that she thought I was n Yiddish and she said ,you know that she told me this i

Dforeign language which means in Yiddish Dyoure a big find. I was really my, you know, really, I was my Jewish mothers kosher Pygmalion. So bad, yeah. You know, that took me a lot of time to think about, youd better appreciate it. Butthank you, thank you. But it didnt work. And again, dont get me wrong, Im very grateful to my mom. much I literally had to my mom. in this what is 24/7 Marva Collins probably was in my house. not the I owe so realistic beli

However, ef. So

case, it realistic?

How do we identify what is realistic and what is not? Here are some ideas to hel p us do so. The Stockdale paradox. Its about finding the tension, reconciling the tensi on and its not easy. Again, Im not going to give you a formula now to tell you: OK, here iscalculate this, and if its above seven, go ahead with green; belo w seven, probably not so. There is no formula. But here is, just a heuristic, something t o think about when you think about beliefs. ner James Stockdale was admiral. James Stockdale was the highest ranking priso

of war in the in the Vietnam War. And he started to notice a phenomenon. He was there for years. Eventually got out and live to tell the tale many others did no t. And he 471 ----------------------- 162----------------------saw many people survive, many people not survive. The very harsh conditions of t he

prisoner. What he was that the people who survived had two characteristics. Firs t of all, they believed that they would get out, they had faith that one day they wou ld be free. They would get to see their family, their friends. And this faith kept the m going. At ad the same time, and this realistic beliefs and If is the second component, these two they h

evaluation of the situation. were missing, they

any one of


were unlikely to survive. If they didnt have faith and they didnt believ ed it they would survive, they were very likely to die in the harsh conditions. On the othe r hand, if they thought that they would get out by this coming Christmas, and really bel ieved that they would get out by this coming Christmas, they were also less likely to survive. Because they didnt get out by this coming Christmas, and then they were desponded, resigned, helpless, and very often, they died. So it was the two components, bel ieve that you would get out, but at the same time know that you need to deal with rea lity and that its tough. ould Here is what James Stockdale said, Dyou must never confuse faith that you w

prevail in the end which you can never afford to lose with the discipline to con front the most brutal facts might be. Realistic of your current reality whatever they

optimism. Now the thing is that you may be wrong at times. And sometimes you may really believe in something, and believe it that you have realistic expectations and not succeed. But as we talked aboutAnd as well talk about in a few minutes, it doesnt matter that much. Because bounce back up. And even if we don't success we just

continue working hard. The key though is as much as possible, to attain this bal ance.

What level

Maslow calls The of beliefs and





connection to reality. No prescription here. But just a heuristic, something to keep in mind. Positive thinking is not THE secret. Yes, its part of the secret. Yes, its par t of the success formula. Yes, its part of the happiness formula. But its not all. False optimism sooner or later means disillusionment, anger and hopelessness. Here is the 472 ----------------------- 163----------------------secret of success. This is the secret proven by research. Thousand of years of r esearch and successful people in different cultures, in different places and in differen t ages. Its optimism, passion and hard work. Itll be very hard for you to find successful me n and women through out history who did not have all three. Optimism, belief, fait h that they can do well, that they can succeed. Passion, love for what they were doing. And hard work. he There is no substitute for hard work as Edison said. These 3 components. T

secretsimple, straighforward. You know it all. Remember what I said duri ng 2nd class. Im not going to teach you much new. I hope to remind you what you already know. Optimism, passion and hard work. Does luck play a role? Absolutely. Jeffer son, DI am a great believer in luck, and I find that the harder I work, the luckier I get. There is actually science behind luck. And youll read about it e Luck Factor. in th

Where people who have these 3 components, who believe they can do well, who love what they do and work e words of Thoreau in hard, actually find more luck. In th

Common Hours. Okay, so why dont all the parents teach us to have high expectations ? If its so good for us, if its related to success, to happiness, to physical well-bei ng, why dont all our parents just say to us whatever we work, you can succeed, you can do it. If you dream about it, you can do it. Why did very often parents and peop le who care about us lower concerned about our our expectations? about our Because self esteem. naturally they You lead are see, to disa

happiness. They are concerned there is a lot of beliefPeople ppointment. believe that high


Sohigh expectations lead to disappointment. And it sounds right. I mean, this is the formula that was written in the 19th century by Willia m James. He said that self-esteem is equal to our success over pretensions. In other word s, our achievement how much we succeed, how much we achieve over what we pretend or what we aspire to, what our goals are. In other words, if we have high expect ations, 473 ----------------------- 164----------------------high pretensions, we are much more likely to hurt our self-esteem. For example, lets say my aspiration, 4 thousand dollars my a pretension, my expectation is to make

month. Again thisI just throw in a numeric example here because its easi er to understand. Lets say my hope is to make 4 thousand dollars a month. T hats my pretension. But in fact what I end up making is 2 thousand dollars a month. Acco rding to William James formula, my self-esteem, self-esteem and and as we know

happiness are very highly co-related and related. My self-esteem, my happiness l evel according to this formula is a half. On the other hand, lets say my pretensions, m

y expectation is to make 1.5 thousand dollars a month and in fact I make 1.5 thous and dollars a month. According to this formula, my self-esteem, my happiness level i s 1. So here even though Im making less, again Im using a numeric example here, you can think about other examples. Even though Im actually making less here, my self-esteem and my happiness ns. Not so. What are higher. So lower you expectatio

was found in the last 35 years of research is that this formula is actually wron g. Thats not the case. Here is how it actually works. Lets say we have a graph. And this is time. And here is my self esteem levels and happiness levels. And le ts at start off around my base level which is here. And then I had a mid-term in Positive Psych. And I don't do as well as I expected to. What happens to my self-esteem? What happen s to my happiness? Of course itll go down. Its natural we all want to succeed or most people want to succeed. h by So it goes down if its below my expectations but very quickly as the researc

Daniel Gilbert shows on effective forecasting very quickly we go back up to our base level of happiness. And then a week later I have another mid-term in say, m aths 55. And I ace it. I get much higher grade than I expected. And what happens to m y self-esteem and happiness? It goes up. But then very quickly it goes back down a gain. And then lets say Im 12 years old and I walk down the street and I meet Rena and I 474 ----------------------- 165----------------------ask her out. And she says no. What happens to my to my self-esteem and happiness ? It goes down. Slightly. And then very quickly it goes back up again. And then lu cky

me. I walk down the street. I think I see Rena but there is something different about her. And it turns out she has a twin sister. And I ask her out. And she says no. And what happens once again? Slightly down. But then I recover and go back up again. And you wont believe it. They are identical triplets. And I meet the 3rd sister an d she says yes. She says em and I love you too. And what happens to my to my self-este

happiness? It goes up slightly right? Even taller than this. But then very quick ly back down to base level and so on and so on. The vicissitudes of life ose whether money. I get tenured or not tenured, whether I win the lottery or l

The ups and downs around a base level of well-being. Now there is good news here and there is bad news here. The good news is I can take more risks. Its not the en d of world if she says no. Its not the end of the world if I fail here or if I dont get m y dream job. Its okay. Ill recover. We all do. So thats the good news. The bad news isso Im stuck? So I was born with this base level according to my genes and I cant really improve? How do I raise this base level of happiness? And its possible. And well talk about the whole course is about raising the base level of happiness. But here is one finding from specifically the research on self-esteem. On one thing you can do right now when you get out of class to raise self-esteem and that is to c ope as opposed to avoid. To cope meaning to put yourself on the line. To take risks not when youre in your panic zone but when youre in your stretch zone. To risk failure. To handle things, to deal things, to confront things that are important to you. To try out for that play. To speak out in session if you havent. To go out to a place where y ou

really want to go but never really try. To try. Because people who cope overtime have the same or sometimes more ups and downs. But their ups and downs look like this . Still ups and downs. Permission to be human. But the base level increases. Why d oes the base level increase? Im gonna end here. Why does the base level increase when 475 ----------------------- 166----------------------we cope rather than avoid? m For 3 reason. First self perception theory. Daryl Bem I think fro either

Dartmouth or Cornell what Daryl Bem showed was that we derived conclusi on about ourselves in the bout others. So for same way that we derived conclusion a

example if I see a person going up to people and initiating a conversation or sp eaking up in session or trying out for a play and trying again and again. My conclusion about this person is this person is courageous. This person must have high self-esteem . And I may derive the conclusion about myself in exactly the same way. By seeing myse lf behaving a certain way, I reach a conclusion about my self-esteem or benevolence or generosity or whatever it is. Self perception theory. And if I cope, if I try th ings out then I see that this is a person who tries. And my person with courage. This is a

conclusion about myself would be I must have high self-esteem. And Self my self-esteem as well as happiness level overtime will actually increase.

perception theory. We derive conclusion about ourselves in the same way we deriv e conclusion about others. Meaning by looking at behavior. When we fail after copi ng we realize that the actual pain that comes with failure is







imagine and that we associate with failure. I just got over it. Okay, so I didnt d o well in here or she said no. but I got over it. Whereas I imagine it in my mind I thi nk itll last forever. Just like those thought that their pay tenured or not tenured professors

will last forever whereas it goes away. So when I realize the pain of actual fai lure is far less than the pain associated with failure, I become more confident. I can h andle it. Im actually much more resilient than I thought I was. And my self-esteem increases . My happiness as a result more success because increases too. And finally there is

there is no other way to succeed. There is no other way in terms of learning how to walk. There is no other way in terms of succeeding in art or in science or in bu siness or in politics. Learn to fail or fail to learn. Ill see you on Thursday. 476 ----------------------- 167----------------------Positive Psychology CLecture 7 Is finish up with the beliefs of self-fulfilling prophecy lecture and move on to the lecture on focus and how focus creates reality. Where did we end last time? We e nded by talking about Rena and other things. We talked about the model, the Dan Gilbe rt model, the Philip Brickman model, where after a failure or a success there is a spike up, spike down, but then we recover. And we basically move along a base level of well being through out the vicissitudes. The our lives, with the ups and downs,

question then became, or rather there was good news and bad news. we can take mo re risks, we can put ourselves y, not all failures, but on the line more. Failure usuall

usually is just a temporary decline in our wellbeing level, self esteem level, a nd then every quickly we jump up again. r you know, why should we put any effort into ou

wellbeing? And the answer to that, and the whole course essentially is an answer to that. selves on on How can we raise that base level? One of the things is coping, putting our line. And the line yields reason why coping, why putting ourselves



positive results in terms of the base level of wellbeing going up, meaning still the ups and downs, but ups and downs looking this way as opposed to around a straight li ne or a parallel line is that coping, we see ourselves trying and through self ain conclusions about when perception we cope, theory, we we see ourselves derive cert

ourselves: oh, I must be courageous; oh, I must be a person who has high self es teem; oh, I must be a person who has a strong desire to succeed and so on and so on. A nd then way we derive conclusions that we derive about ourselves in the same

conclusions about other people. That is self-perception theory. The second reaso n is that once we started failing more often, The pain that in our minds we associate with failure is far greater that that comes. Maybe not the actual pain of failure when

initially when it happens, but after a while; and then we recover again, and we see, oh, 477 ----------------------- 168----------------------I can deal with it, I must be a person with resilience. And finally, there is mo re success as a result of coping. Learn to fail, for fail to learn, there is no other way t o succeed.

So what I want to move on to now and just finish up on is how do we become more of an talked about optimistic. longevity, So we talked live about the We virtues, talked we abou

people who are optimistic t higher levels of



success, higher levels of happiness, more likely to overcome depression. People who are optimistic are eight times less likely to be depressed; they are much more l ikely to be happy. And again, not as a Pollyannaish optimism as an interpretation style,

feel-good kind of approach. So how do we become more of an optimism? I want to talk about three techniques. First is to take action, to just do it, to put ours elves on the line. ially visualization, athletes as, many of as a you are familiar with that, espec

technique. And finally, cognitive therapy, which at least according to research, is the most successful, most today, So let me effective therapeutic intervention out there

begin with action, this is based on research by Albert Bendura, his concept basi cally the idea of having strong believes and he just made it more academic, more scien tific and researched for many years and we talked about many benefits of self efficacy . is What Bendura is coming what has become out against in much of his work

known as the self esteem movement, what has become known as feel good movement. Alright, so tell a child how great they are, how wonderful they are. Standing in front of a mirror every morning and tell yourself: hi, gorgeous ten times, and then yo u will be more successful, it actually hurts in the long term, it actually hurts self e steem it actually hurts the motivation of students who are constantly told you are wonder ful, you are terrific no matter what. how we can praise in the right way when we talk

ed about the work of Carol Dweck on mindsets in a few weeks. In the meantime, what Bendura showed, what Carol Dweck showed, very often, its even detrimental to jus t give the, you know, positive, positive talk, the positive affirmation. Whether i t comes 478 ----------------------- 169----------------------from the outside or from the inside, What Bendura is saying, that rather than ta lk, we need action. We need to we want to be more confident lves on put hard to work cope. work and We into need coping whatever to put it is, ourse l

about, and we need the line. Very hard

simple! Why? Because eads to success, more


success at least than we had before, that success contributes to our self-effica cy, to our self confidence. er. We And then, that self confidence in turns, in turn motivates us to work hard

started to believe ourselves more. Now, this is a very simple model, I mean, any one you ever know, the five year think about the lives, old could think about draw the that model. for How e

implications for our ducation, make them


actually work hard so that they succeed more, so that they see themselves going back to self conception theory, see themselves putting themselves on the . It works also see themselves failing, and working getting up hard, again

line, coping and in a

similar way to our physical immune system. You know when we get sick, when we get ill, our body sense anti-bodies and we actually become immune to whatever it is that we had. failure. Same So on our the body become immunize through

psychological level, failure is underrated. You know one of the things that I wi sh for you, and I mean it genuinely. One of the things that I wish for you is that you fail more. And, coupled with that, I hope that when way than most for of us growth, you fail, you will also learn to interpret it in a different usually interpret we will talk failure. there is no other way

about it much more when we talk about perfectionism. A healthy life, a real life , and a happy life ultimately looks like this, a spiral with ups and downs, not as a str aight line. When work we see hard, we ourselves derive cope, when we see ourselves

conclusions about ourselves, our self confidence goes up, our motivation goes up , our belief goes of growth. up and so that comes on and so on in an 479 ----------------------- 170----------------------inevitably when we cope, when we try, when we have high expectations. Not to dar e is way to lose oneself, Because around. When we avoid challenges, experiences, a this model when we also works the other shone suc upward spiral

constantly difficult


downward spiral is created, in terms of our self cess, in terms of our well being.

esteem, in terms of our

Second technique: imagining success. especially last time was a real mile stone in our relationship. or potential clients in the future. I get really nervous befor e lectures. I get very nervous, in fact for me, whenever I stand in front of a large audienc e, when I talk about large audience its anything above five. So, this is a real challen ge, And this is been a challenge since the dash I decided that I






decided that I want to be a teacher when I heard Marva Collins, and I said: this is my calling. And here is what happened then. I said, how can I be a successful teach er and effective teacher if I get so nervous when I stand in front of an audience? of And remember the success? It was three components it was three I got of success, loving I the secret what worked Richard you extre Hack

optimism, believe in oneself; do; and it was hard work. So I had two of mely hard, in fact my motto has become, one man, as my thesis that the

passion, components. from


advisor as an undergrad here. and what he said when he goes into a classroom is the following: prepare, prepare, o I followed his prepare, and then be spontaneous. S

advise, now I read over my notes, I have all the notes written down and then I c an let go. So I prepare a lot, I have the hard work, not a problem. I have the passion, I love learning, But I lacked the third thing, I lacked optimism, and I lacked confiden ce. And then I asked myself: how because it is important can I raise the third components

component of wellbeing, remember the research on athletes? 56% of the variance i s accounted of success, is accounted for by the sense of optimism or belief in you rself. Remember the John look at Harvard Carter study? Twenty years 480 ----------------------- 171----------------------Business School graduates, erentiated the most one of the two components that diff along when you

successful from the rest, one of them was belief in themselves, confidence. ed So what did I do? I went back and thought about what happened when I play

squash, what my coaches used to teach me, and that was visualization. And I star ted reading up and it actually started off centuries ago in religious practices, was brought to athletics through east European gine themselves, say, athletes who would ima

running around the track and then standing on the podium, receiving the gold med al. And more and more psychologists people use it very started to implement it. Sales

effectively, seeing themselves actually striking the deal, going through with it , doing it and succeeding. And that true. Why is it so made it much more likely to come

important? Why is it so good? Why is it so effective? Why it being used so widel y and successfully? And of our brains. This the is answer goes back to the structure

research done by the head of psychology department, Professor Steven Kosslyn. Wh at he shows was that when we see something, There are certain neurons in my brain t hat are firing, that actually take on visual cortex, the back. Now, the exact same neurons are firing. ng and In other words, my brain does not know the difference between the real thi the shape of this hand. My

the imaginary thing. Which explains why dreams can be so vivid, n the middle of the night, pitch dark, and you are dreaming about mid of the day, walking around the yard. Our imagination, least for the brain is no different than the real thing. Now, w hen I imagine success, what happens in a sense is that this is the real thing. between the real thing and the imaginary thing. Now if I imagine success over and over again in m y mind, remember what the In other words, if I mind does not like is inconsistency.

create success in my imagination just visualize it once or






twice, but over and over again, And therefore, it will bring up the external rea lity to match this internal schema. the difference in the real thing and imaginary thing . Just 481 ----------------------- 172----------------------like Thomas, just like Roger Bannister run the four minutes a mile and after tha t, after that Oh, what four happened was minutes a that everyone run had it, a different over 300 schema: runners r

mile is possible and 37 runners un it the following year.

Because they had a difference schema: we can do exactly the same thing through t he simulator. I do In the real thing and the imaginary thing. but it works a great deal. What

every time when I give a lecture is visualize. I imagine myself stand in front o f the audience, calm, excited, passionate. And then when I go into the real thing, Whe n I go into the real thing, ous, Raising my I do feel that. of I still get nervous, confidence by I still get anxi would p

levels of beliefs, levels ractice in a simulator


before they take you on across the Atlantic. The mind as a simulator, this is w hy it works. The key here, this is a mistake that many people make, a lot of the selfhelp books cused that talked about not just on the visualizations. did this The research key where is to fo she di

destination, Shelley Taylor, UCLA, vided students in two random and groups

One student imaging themselves getting an

A on the exam

imagine it over and over again. The second group, imaging themselves getting an A

but also saw themselves work and persist in the library, prepare for it, and the n, get to that final A. The second group that imaging both the journey and the destination was much more successful, much ualize the journey as well as s week, better is result your in the exam. paper So for vis thi

the destination, this to visualize both of getting as the

response your journey

your destination there, as well


of getting

destination itself. Arguably, the most, or certainly one of the most influential Why? Because beyond its beauty, its rhythm and its importance, it also captures what is means, what it means to create an image of success. Cause this is what he did fo r this country and defined generations to come. So first of all, I want to read some ex cerpts from it. It is about visualizating a better future, He says: 482 ----------------------- 173----------------------DI have a dream, I say to you today my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow I still have a dream. This is all about imagi nation, but through the imagination he created a better reality. Look at how he talks ab out the process; we want equality at the end. e of He talks about how we will get to this outcome. So let me read you a coupl

excerpts: DThis is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off let's not just sit here and wait and imagine that things will happen, And he says explicitly: DIn the pro cess of gaining our rightful place, DWe must forever conduct our struggle on the high play of dignityand discipline. We must not allow DAgain and again, we must rise to the majestic heights Another thing that we need to do when we





make is as real as possible by involving as many senses as we can. Why? Because the more senses we can imagine, the more our mind is fooled to believe that it is th e real thing. Once again, Martin Luther King does this beautifully. Let me read you a f ew excerpts: DWe will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters I mean, you can feel the water, you can feel that stream, you can see it, you can visualize it. D Or, let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom People connect to it, making it real, concrete. DOne day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with I mean, you can see that circle of the kids holding hand, again makin g it real, you can visualize it, you see it. By the way, these are the characteris tics of all great speeches. They are not abstract, look at the great communicator Ronald Rea gan. , Look at Kennedy. They gave amazing speeches because they created a picture

they involve the senses, they created a picture of success. DI have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state swelter ing with the heat of injustice, weltering with the heat of oppression will be transformed You can actually feel the heat, This is what makes good, successful images. This is what makes great speeches. you wanna really be excited about what you are doing, or e lse 483 ----------------------- 174----------------------it will fall flat. Nothing, no change will happen. Again, the connection between the words emotion and motion: without emotion, there is no motion. If you want to mo ve yourself or others, you need to evoke emotions.

DFrom every mountain side, let freedom ring! And if America is t o be a great nation, this must become true. And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hillt ops of New Hampshire. Let New York. Let freedom ring from t freedom ring from the snow-capped m the curvaceous slopes of California. m Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom Let freedom ring from every hill and nside, let freedom freedom the ring from the mighty of mountains Pennsylvania freedom freedom of ring ring Tennessee. every mountai of Le fro fro

heightening Rockies But ring not from of of

Alleghenies Colorado. Let


that: Let Mountain





ring. And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring fro m every village and able to every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be

speed up Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hand s and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, DFree at last! Free at last! Imagin e if you said at the end: e same Free at last! Free at last! God Almighty, free at last! Would that have th

effect? Boring, dry, you have to evoke emotions to create motion, whether is in our imagination or in a speech to the nation the third technique. So the first one w as: work, put yourself on the line, imagination, use the cope, invest. The second: use your

simulator that you have right here, one of the most if not the most powerful sim ulator we has know of. The third been used very is cognitive therapy. Cognitive therapy

successfully over the last, over forty years, Martin Seligman was one of the fou nders

of the cognitive therapy approach. He studied with, with Beck, who was the offic ial founder of this technique in this approach. And what cognitive therapy is about is the following. Its basic premise is that thoughts drive emotion. 484 ----------------------- 175----------------------t I do So for example: there is an external event. I perceive that event, and wha there is evaluation of tha

then after I perceive that event, t event, in other words, a

thought about that event. And then, as a result of that thought, that evokes an emotion. So for example, an event, a lion is running toward me, The emotion: fear, and th at of course leads to motion, run away or stand up bravely and fight the lion. Or, ano ther one: I see an event, a gorgeous woman walking down the street, my evaluation: oh , it's my gorgeous wife, and the emotion: love. Event ,evaluation, thought, emotio n, and then that leads to action. t if we want to change What cognitive therapy says is tha

emotions where we need to intervene is here, is that the level of evaluation and the level of thought. And if we can Specifically, what change that, is that we we also need change our emotion. sense

cognitive therapy saying of rationality, a very

to restore

important try out coming up and I get nervous. Cognitive therapy is not saying s top feeling nervous, But rational, what it is saying is that sometimes our thoughts are ir

and immediately I classified myself as stupid or the fact that I will never succ eed in tests again. Or, you know, I asked someone out and he says no, and suddenly nobo dy wants me. That event led to an irrational thought, irrational evaluation of the

situation. It was just once, it difficult emotions such as was temporary, and that led to

resignation: nobody will ever want me again. And what cognitive therapy does is just restore but, you know they are, what? 3200 other men at Harvard. Cognitive thera py has n been any shown to be of the other extremely effective, more effective tha

intervention, the jury still out when it comes to extreme cases of psychopatholo gy, but in terms of most psychopathologies, most anxiety, most depression, it has been s hown to be the most successful, and it works the fastest. Not the only thing that wor ks, but it works the best and much more promptly than the other interventions. On the whole, not right for everyone, but for most people. And finally, an d this is 485 ----------------------- 176----------------------the important thing we can learn it. So we talk about right? The five-year Cambr idge Somerville study that failed. Well, Karen Reivich teaches these cognitive skills in a two week program. And inner cities, at risk that two week program helps kids in

population, reduce the likelihood of falling into the trap of depression, of dru g abuse, increases the likelihood of wellbeing and success in the long term just as a res ult of two ues, weeks and teaching them this is the cognitive you are therapy going or these to apply techniq it in

important thing about it. and the next two, next two

classes, but you need to do more than that. re So let me share with you a summary of cognitive therapy And what I did the

was to put together essentially the work of Karen Reivich whom I just mentioned, the

work of Martin Seligman, and the work of David Burns. Some of you may heard of him, The Feeling Good Handbook, who is also a student of Aaron Beck. So this is putting together their work into 3Ms subdivided each into 2 suggestions. you cou ld usually relate to one or tow of the 3Ms. Things that you do yourself. So beyond the lookout ask yourself: DWhere do I distort the reality? Where do I have distortion in terms of evaluation? at are unnecessary, That lead to certain negative emotions th

because if I restore rationality I will not feel the same emotion to the same de gree. So ask lly yourself when the 3 traps you of look through the 3Ms. The 3Ms...essentia

irrational thoughts. A kid The first one is magnifying. you know induction is something very natural.

sees this and will call it a stool and then they see another stool in the bar wh en they go out at the age of one and then they see another stool. After they see 20 stools they begin to form a concept they induce that this is a stool. And now they see one e ven one that they have never seen before they know what it is. Just like I see a per son in the street whom induce I never encounter before I know this is a person, because I

from all the other events that happened before that this is also a person. 486 ----------------------- 177----------------------. But sometimes we take this Here is a student. too far and we over generalize

Over generalization, the evaluation, the thought, irrational. Or he just said no to me. Everyone is gonna say no. not seeing failure as an opportunity, as a stepping st one but seeing it as the end of the world. Not finding a job ever. All or Nothing. Eithe r straight

As or complete failure. from putting ourselves on the line. The other side of it , which is is actually other side of something I do very the same coin is minimizing. This

often. This is my trap that I still have to be aware of, I still think about tod ay, even though I became aware of it years ago. izing is 620 Only now I catch myself doing it much promptly. So the first idea of minim what Karen Reivich calls students 618 are tunnel vision. And out of these

engaged in the material. One is looking at the ceiling, at the lights. And anoth er one, out of the 620 students, is asleep. Tunnel Vision is when I focus on that one pe rson who is asleep. And I say boring, sleep inducing to myself, " Wow, I'm giving

lectures." Or the other way around: I have 620 students,618 are asleep. what cog nitive therapy does is bring realism into the equation. Again this is something I often fall into. I know many of you saw the Jon Stewart show. still contemplating and think ing and saying So said something I fell that I behind later and I felt slow. And I also

regretted. It was just one sentence. No big deal. But that is what I focus on. Y ou know I flew home after. I went back to Israel. The whole flight that what I was think ing of. Ignoring the other things. You know the fact that 2 hours after the Jon Stewart show, the book became a best seller. Completely ignore that. It was just that one sent ence. How could I say it? And I zoomed out. I looked at the bigger picture. so many of your friends have watched and enjoyed it. It was a great opportunity. I looked at the bigger picture. Gave myself the permission to be human. To regret it. But then overall, I

could see it in a much more rational light than before. In the past, it would take me months 487 ----------------------- 178----------------------to get over this one sentence. Whereas now, zoom out. Evaluation thought, irrati onal. And recover much more promptly. Dismissal of positives or negatives. So the pers on who are engaged or asleep. The person who dismiss the positives see those how I just failed or what I just did wrong. So for example, When I was a senior, I applied for fellowships and I I got the John got a Elliot fellowship to go to Cambridge. And

Fellowship. And there are 4 fellowships that go to Cambridge: then there is the John Harvard fellowship. So I got the John Elliot, one of the 4. Immediately when I g ot it, I know that I got it obviously. Now there is no difference between them except for the names. that was very important experience for me because I said the importance a nd the power of our evaluation. And how that can determine or even ruin what should have been understand a celebration. it, we can But once we recognize it, once we

dispute it. We can challenge it. We can reframe it and see the positive as well. Making up or fabricating the 3rd M. This is when we create something ex ni


from nothing. So for example, we personalize it or we blame. We see this very of ten with people who are abused. often say Instead of So an abused wife will very

rationally saying It can also be the other way around. You know, I just did poor ly on an exam and I blame my boyfriend or girlfriend for it. You got to remember Natha niel

Branden. No one is coming. me. One of the key






ideas that Marva Collins communicates to her students. And finally, emotional reasoning. I am envious; therefore I must be a bad per son. before a tryout therefore it must be dangerous. Taking an emotion and making it into reality whereas instead of understanding an emotion is an emotion, it is my eval uation of reality. correcting for the ors. Or feeling that, and track, correcting for these err

because I feel that, my evaluation of it is, well, I must really be second-rate and no good, instead having the rational belief of, well, let me try out, let me see ho w things go, correcting the distortions. The key, once again, is to get real. How do we g et real 488 ----------------------- 179----------------------through the questions that we ask? I am going to give you just a few examples he re; you are going to practice with those on your own. But here are just some of them . is First of all, is it rational? They my conclusion are tied to reality? Second,

interconnected. Am I ignoring something important? Like the fact that---you know the book did well afterwards--- like the fact that there are other cool guys in 1504 ,and so on. What important evidence do I still need to take into consideration? there ar e also children on the bus. And this is what questions do. They open us up, they open o ur vision and they create in your reality. What am I magnifying? What am I minimizi ng? Am I falling into the traps? Am I ignoring anything that is going well? Am I ign oring anything that is not going well? What is the big picture. To conclude, Ed Diener and

Martin Seligman did very important research on extremely happy people. This is t ip of the stamp research. Looking at appiest people out there, the 10 per cent of the h

people that we can learn from. And what they found was very interesting. First of all, these people did not experience painful emotions any less ti mes than the mid rest of the people, say 10 per cent. They the bottom 10 per cent or the

experience painful emotions, the difference between them and the rest was that t hey recovered more promptly . So when they felt as a result of different interpretations

down, they were optimistic instead of saying What can I learn from it? What happ en? And then they recovered more promptly than the pessimists, the people who remain ed depressed for a much longer time. You see, events happen, things happen in the w orld, very often bad, some out are of our control. negative. And some of the events are

What matters more is what we do with them after, how we evaluate them. And what happens is that y, and believes our our evaluation becomes a self-fulfilling prophec

self-fulfilling prophecies. If I believe that it will last for six months, And what we do with our bel iefs is we create a downward spiral an upward spiral, of depression, unhappiness, 489 ----------------------- 180----------------------capitalizing positive m, what Barbara emotions and having more and more of the sadness or

Fredrickson talks about There are no short cuts. There are no easy steps to well being, to we success, to high level of are all set, we are all our beliefs lives. in If ourselves. you want and to then conti

inoculated for the rest of nue working, we have to

continue working at it. Because just like if we focus on specific element of an event or not makes ur entire a difference, it applies life. What I am on the macro level to o

going to do now is elaborate, g and

go up higher level of the spiral of understandin

learning, of something that we have talked about time and again. Ed Diener, who is also, president, I just mentioned his research, he is also the

first president of the International Positive Psychology Association, it appears that the way people perceive the world is much more important to happiness than objectiv e circumstances. Now if you think about it, that makes a lot of sense. We know a l ot of people who seemingly have everything, all their dreams have come true, and they are still miserable. While who have experienced there are people who have very little,

hardship after hardship and who never cease to celebrate life. Then there are pe ople who have everything going for them and really appreciate it, what matters more i s the internal. Happiness is not contingent on our status, or the state of our bank ac count, on what we determined choose to focus by external on. Because our emotions are

circumstances as well as internal, interpretation matters. For example, look at what Edison did,5,000 failures to the external observ er, for him the evaluation was luation, the subjective very different. The internal eva

evaluation, Do we celebrate successes or take it for granted? Do we perceive fai lures and hardships as a disaster growth? Emerson: And or as an opportunity for

Shakespeare: but he is to a great extent right. A person in and to derive, and t o look at the positive in that situation. Same for a person living in a c




there are external circumstances that matter. A person, a homeless person, you k now, 490 ----------------------- 181----------------------if you give them enough money for a home, for food, for basic education, of cour se they will become happier because of the change of external circumstances. Howeve r, beyond the basic needs, is mostly about how we beyond to the basic make it freedoms, into a it heaven

perceive reality, and we are able or a hell. So I have a question for you: how many geometric shapes? at you

Remember this, how you created your reality just based on the question th look at the picture, you know not

asked. We think when we everyone of course is looking on the children see it,

on the bus on the clock, right? most of

you, did not

because it is a question of focus. Very often we complain about life and we thin k, you know, d then things are terrible beliefs become and awful not realizing an

self-fulfilling prophesies, or, because we just focus on what is not working. An d one thing and this does not errible circumstances out mean that there are no objective t

there. But to a great extent, a great extent, we co-create our reality. You know one of the students who was book to me--- you know you in 1504 two so years I want ago to recommended read it this to

coincidentally this parable, The story that Dan

Millman, the author, tells: I met him on a construction site in the Middle West. When the lunch whistle blew, all the workers would sit down together to e

at. And

everyday Sam would open his lunch pail and start to complain. Dnot peanut butter

and jelly jelly sandwich again! sandwiches day He whined about his peanut butter and

after day after day, until one of the guys in the work crew finally said: DSam, i f you hate ften peanut butter we make our and own jelly that we on so much, ask the You know, our very a o

sandwiches the questions peanut sandwich, or

determine bus, or


geometric shapes, or children it is. We very often



create our own reality. And if we understand this, we can transform, change the way that we perceive, change her it's questions our focus, change our questions, whet

disputing irrational evaluations, and questions create a new reality. 491 ----------------------- 182----------------------There are essentially ke to discuss here, two two archetypes that I would li

archetypes that capture in many ways how we can cognitively reconstruct, enhance , create our reality. The two archetypes are the benefit-finder and the fault-find er. First of all, the fault-finder, the fault-finder is a person on the peanut butter and jelly, on things that are not going well on problems in the relationship, on problem in hi m or herself, problems with the job---the consummate complainer. Now, we all exist on the continuum of between extreme fault-finding and extreme benefit-finding. You know there is no one who is all the way on the extreme this way or that way, everyone is on somewhere rd the on the continuum. benefit-finding, from the fault-finding towa

because there are many benefits to it that I'll discuss later. ry The David fault-finder, I Thoreau, the got the name from the work of Hen

fault-finder will find ult-finder experiences


even Why?


paradise. Because he

The or

extreme she


resignation, learned helplessness. to really believe


that the terrible reality is very much out there independent of what he or she t hinks, not recognizing that they create that reality, they begin to believe that no mat ter what they do, no matter what boss, no matter what job they find they have a terrible

partners they have they are always awful and inconsiderate, no matter what resta urant they go to the service ep on getting the same is always awful, and they always ke

peanut butter and jelly sandwich that they made for themselves. And they resigne d to the reality and that becomes rse, their existence. A a self-fulfilling prophesy of cou

fault-finder makes lemonade out of lemons, sorry, makes lemon out of lemonade. The benefit-finder, research Julian Bauer, now at UCLA, the benefit-finde r is the opposite, focuses on what works. The benefit-finder looks on the bright side of life, finds out the silver lining of lemons, The in the dark miracle focusing cloud, in the on 492 ----------------------- 183----------------------problem here may be that this is one of the the benefit-finder may be detached, makes common, the positive lemonade Ralph and

benefit-finder finds the Waldo Emerson, the consummate what works. benefit-finder, Now the

criticisms of people who always see, you know, the bright side of life, and that is the problem if that is the case. e Again, positive; this class is its focus is not advocating focusing only on th

advocating reality. And reality comprises both good and bad, reality comprises b oth geometric o focus shapes and children on both. So the on the bus, is mental and certainly health the not in key an is t arch

detachment, the detached etype that I would advocate run. nor would however, we me read

benefit-finder it lead to are you

the long

co-creator. Let owever fixed

extensively from William James, DNow h

these elements of reality may be, we still have a certain freedom in our dealing s with them. Take our sensations, our control; but WHICH we attend to, depends on our own note, THAT and as We they are is in undoubtedly our emphasis facts pessimist, beyond

make emphatic we read victory, lay the for the

conclusions here or

interests; and, according there, quite different

formulations of truth result. ly. So, for an optimist philosopher the universe . What we say about spells

same a

different defeat

reality thus depends on the perspective into which we throw it. we William James co-create our said these back in 1890, understanding how

reality. Isn't it strange, how princes and kings, and clowns that caper in sawdu st rings, and common-people like you and me, are builders for eternity? each is given a li st of rules, a shapeless mass and a bag of tools; and each must fashion your life is f lown, a stumbling block or a stepping stone. Very often what we get in the beginning is a large piece of stone. What do we do with it? Chipping away the excess stone? Or, is it a barrier to our success? And very often it is up to us, as we co-create our reali ty. The stone is there, we are not responsible for it; but what we do with it, we are re sponsible for.

Cognitive reconstruction is about learning to interpret things optimistic ally, 0in 493 ----------------------- 184----------------------other words, in the positive light. Ann Harbison, colleague of mine, used to tea ch also with Philip Stone, Crises have the potential through growth. One of the books th at we will talk Marriage about when by David we talk about relationships is Passionate

Schnarch, who talks about crucibles in marriage. a relationships, not that have been, you know, all fine and after a while. But the dandy for years. These usually fail

relationships that go through crucibles, that have crises, disagreements and the n, you know, Thesis and Antithesis and then there is a Synthesis, and there is a growth as a result of these hardships. And he says that there is no other way, again learn t o fail or fail ess to learn, there is no of a relationship. other way for a long-term succ

Relationship does not, cannot look like this. It has to have these ups and downs . Never let a good there are some that crisis in a relationship go to waste and

could end, and should end a relationship. But most crises can be solved and need to be dealt with. Same on individual level, work by Warren Bennis, he is from USC, tau ght for a few years here at the Business School, has identified the leading leaders, He has a book called Geeks & Geezers, where he talks about the differences between the two leadership styles, approaches, passions, interests and there are numerous differ ences. For example, you know, work-life balance, the geeks---the younger one talk about

You know it was usually, he, a man, worked while the woman took care of the fami

ly and the man. So that was for the geezers, for the older generation. and The how younger generation, they can they talk about work-life balance

incorporate all the elements of their lives. There are of course many more women in the geeks than the geezers Numerous differences among the generation, one simila rity. All the great leaders, whether they were thirty-year-old or eighty-five years ol d, all of them had been through very rough crucibles and leave to tell the tale. Our most people go through crucibles, but there are certain people who are able to find benefit in these crucibles and o to waste, grow what as a results. you are Never let 494 ----------------------- 185----------------------experiencing. But four years ago or five years ago, when I was still a resident tutor in Leverett house, and we had one of these pre-business events where we talked abou t the upcoming r year was year and the recruiting and a terrible Boston so on. That particula as well, a good crisis g

year, Credit Suisse, First Deutsche Bank, first

they were laying off

time in his history was laying off employees really bad market. And we talked ab out this, each of us gave it, what should be about the market and what they can do, very sober presentation. n And then one of Fieldscoy, was a the students, you know my students Sea

senior then, was sitting there, Had studied positive psychology there. He put up his hand and said: and negative ositive Psychology few picture, but as a teacher of P

chuckles in the audience and then silence. And everyone is looking at me, And th en, I

do believe that some people are able to make the best of things that happen, and there is a very big difference here. where people are hiring, where they all come to m e on a silver platter and offer me a job. Of course, I would much rather have that. but there are some people who accept the situation and then are able to make the best of i t. The same with are the any crisis. Do eighty- or you those think the leaders, whether lives they wa

ninety-year-olds, invited nt these crucibles to happen? en it


into their

Do you think partners go into a relationship and say Of course not! But wh

happens, You know, stuff happens, and we can either let it pollute or make ferti lizer out of it. I want to show you an example once again of a leader, who is a consum mate benefit-finder. [MUSIC] Wow. We are honored to be talking with Neilson Mandela, the former president ourage, his faith and of South Africa, whose unshakable c

integrity have inspired millions to see what is possible in their own lives. on a couple of occasions before and I will tell you, to be in his presence is really, to be in your presence is like being a presence of royalty and grace at the same time. I would think, 495 ----------------------- 186----------------------I wonder how does a man spend 27 nd years in prison, put there by an oppressor, a

come out of that experience with not a heart of stone, not a cold heart but a he art that is willing to forgive and embrace. that I remember talking to you one night of our dinner, and you had said to me

our hatred for the oppressor was so intense we did not see the value of talking

to him. So at what point did you see that hatred and begin the the value of letting go of

process of talking? Well, let me say first, that is a great tragedy to spend the best of your lives in prison. But are advantages in that. I would life, not and although it most looks ironical, a task that there in

be able to achieve the that is changing have an

difficult, I had

yourself. I would not ty because in prison



you have the opportunity to sit down and think, which is an important part Did y ou need 27 years of it though? You could have taken a few days, a week, a vacation. Did you need 27 years? Now, did it happen for the best that he spent 27 years of his life? Certainly when he experienced it, it was painful, it was awful, but he was able to transform this. And positive. And when to, we even in that situation, to see the

transform that, those who know the history of what happen to him, when he starte d to look at the positive, even there are the opportunities in prison when he changes his mind set. In other words, not the external circumstances, the external circumsta nces actually begin to change. Another benefit-finder, Da pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity, sonal story I want to about my end by telling you a story, a per

experiences throughout the t of

years. Some biographical detail, something that mos

you did not know. And I am going to tell it to you first from the perspective of the fault-finder. I have a mild case of ADD, it makes things very difficult for me, and I really struggle with it constantly. When I was in high a lucrative program in school, I really wanted to get into

mathematics, did not pass the entry exam, I was very disappointed, I did not mak e it. 496 ----------------------- 187----------------------Becoming a professional squash player was a dream for me since the age of 11. Th at is the thing that I thought about constantly, that was the most important thing for me at the time. I wanna to be a professional player. At the age of twenty, I was ab out to complete my military service in Israel and I got injured on the squash court and pulled the muscle in my back. The doctor gave me an option of being operated on, which was a big risk, or giving up my professional career. I chose to give up my profe ssional career, a dream that I had from a very young age. ing It was a real blow. from Harvard and I I went to Cambridge, after graduat

enrolled in a PhD program. I was the only student in my PhD program to fail, I w as thrown out of the program. It was humiliating; it seemed like a waste of a year It was a real tough experience. At Harvard, as a graduate student, I took, with all the other students, my qualifying general exams. Out of all the graduate students who took that exam, I was the only one who failed it. Once again, a really humiliating experie nce, walking around William James and everyone knows their results, it was tough. Not only that, I was given provisional, the provisional option of staying in the pro gram. when you take it with the next class, you have to pass it with flying colors or you are out. So, while the rest of the semester, while working on the dissertations, writing, almost graduating I had to go back to the basics and go over the whole material again.

ut my

God, I am so unlucky. I want to share with you some biographical facts abo

life, you know, I have a mild case of ADD, which is great, you know why? Because , it actually forces me to only study things that I love, things that I care about, b ecause anything else, my concentration me to focus on the just goes away. that forces

ultimate currency, on things that make me happy. And You know, when I was in hig h school, I really wanted to get into a certain program, I failed the entrance exa m, which turned e so out to be a blessing much more time to in disguise, because it gave m

practice and play squash, and I ended up winning international championships in the 497 ----------------------- 188----------------------following year, When I was in the University of Cambridge, I was in a PhD progra m, and I was the only one in my class, and as far as I know, the only one in years to be thrown out of the program. And it was actually a very important experience, you know, I got out of Harvard, I was arrogant, I thought I was holier than thou, and this was a real humbling experience that was especially important for me, because the next year I went to work in Asia, and there, the worst that I could do was to be arrogant. So this humbling experience actually helped me a great deal in my future career, as well as helped me put things in perspective. al When I came to Harvard, I was the only one in my program to fail the gener

qualifying exams, it was a hard blow, it was difficult, but it turned out to be a very good experience, you know why? Because I had to study the exact same material an d

these huge books and articles all over again, and know them not just at the basi c level, I had to know them extremely well because that was the condition that the profes sors gave for me staying in the program. And it was so good because I learned the mat erial so well that I know social psychology today probably better than anyone I know, and that helps me a great deal. It helps me a great deal in putting together this co urse 1504, and am there is no place I so lucky. Thank you. would rather be than here. God, I

Same reality, different interpretations. Just remember, much of what we experien ce, we co-create. See you next week. 498 ----------------------- 189----------------------Positive Psychology CLecture 8 out I ended last time by my life. Some sharing some biographical details ab

people asked me after, "Are they really true?" So yes, They are absolutely true. And I told the incident from two perspectives first as a fault finder, and then as a me rit finder. Now the important thing to keep in mind when we think about the merit fi nder is that it's not that the pain or disappointment, or merit finder does not experience

anger, or humility, or fear, or disappointment. It's very disappointing to say t he least, not to be able to pursue one's goal, if the goal happens to be a professional ca reer in squash. It is very humiliating to be the only person who fails of a program and to have to walk around for a whole year in William James while feeling like you have a h orn coming out of head. It's not fun. It's painful. However, the difference between a merit finder, sorry, a benefit finder and a fault finder is that, the benefit finder u

nderstands that while things don't necessarily happen for the best, it is possible to make the best of things that happen. Things out fine. It may take a while. Until I e and I will see get the benefit over the will of be it, OK. it Things may will take a turn whil

humiliation or the pain or the disappointment. But that, too, shall pass. In oth er words, the benefit finder understands that these feelings are temporary, gives him or h erself the permission to be human and then understands things will turn out fine at the end. I know to be that. Been human, there. which Done that. Part of life. Permission

includes permission to experience these emotions and also the permission to fail . We'll talk a lot about this t perfectionism. Because permission to fail when we talk abou

perfectionism is real intense for your failure or we feel it's all or nothing. E ither we have a complete flawless record, or it's useless. g. It's The either benefit phenomenal, finder or catastrophe. All or nothin

understands that nature, the human nature dictates that we have painful emotions and human nature, or being human dictates we also fail. And that, too, shall pass. T here 499 ----------------------- 190----------------------are many benefits to be a benefit finder. So the first benefit is we simply feel better. We For are happier for it. But example, Suzanne there are many many others.

Thompson from Pomona University did following research, She went to people who had just lost their homes in a fire in California, there were many of them at th e time- it was a large wildfire, and many people lost their homes and she interviewed them after

that. And she distinguished finders: the benefit finders didn't "well there say are "I'm some so

who glad

were it it's


finders but

and fault they and good. said n S

happened", a fresh and

positive here- I can start a new; ow I'll appreciate my home more; my family is OK; o they focused on the and I'm

start; that's


positive. When she followed up with these individuals, those who were benefit fi nders as m, opposed to fault finders were able to, were were happier in the long ter

experiencing more positive moods, and less likely to be anxious and had less phy sical symptoms. Both psychological as well as physical consequences. Numerous, a lot o f research on health benefits-for example, Glenn Affleck did research with individ uals who had a heart attack. And there were some individuals who saw it as the catast rophe, the end of the world. There were others who were certainly not happy about it, b ut said "OK, so this is a wake-up sitive here, because it is call. It's actually some po

telling me I need to take care of myself better". Or duals it helped them who saw the revise their personal values. Those indivi

positive, the benefit, who are able to see the wake-up call there were more like ly to survive 8 years later; less likely to have a second heart attack. Now that sound s pretty obvious, because you know But it's not just about they change their life style.

changing life style. Julienne Bower we talked about last time from UCLA looked a t AIDS patient and identified the benefit finders there- not the people who said " I'm so glad that I have AIDS", but rather the people who said "as a result of that, I a m able to

appreciate certain things more; more on the things that






really matter; as a result, I am getting closer to certain people". The benefit finders, 500 ----------------------- 191----------------------when she followed up 4 rs were more likely to to 9 years later, the benefit finde

survive, were more likely to be alive. Research by Laura King and Minor: what th ey showed was that it can also be used as an intervention. So it's not just people who are born benefit finders or fault finders - and we know there is a genetic component too, but there could be e who'd experienced traumas in their ese traumas and an lives their intervention. and they So had they them brought write in about peopl th

"perceived" benefits of the trauma. Those who wrote about the "perceived benefit " of the trauma were physically healthier and psychologically healthier, happier. Ano ther research on cancer patients. The women came in and wrote about their cancer. And they wrote about "good with cancer". The things that came out of my experience

women who wrote about this, visited the doctor office less often, were more like ly to survive their cancer. Just by changing their perspective, by changing their focu s. Now these women did not say "it happened for the best". Maybe some did; but most di d not. They said happened, you "I wish know. I didn't have this cancer". However it

Stuff happens. The question is what we do with it; how we interpret it after. Th en they said to themselves "OK,so we get closer to our family; I'm appreciating life so much

more now; I can enjoy the breath or flower, or I couldn't before my family so mu ch closer now; I know who my real friends are". And they found benefit in it. Not f or the best. But they made the best of the things that happened. And that made the diff erence even to their mortality rates. There's a lot of research on optimism, benefit-fi nding and longevity. For example, in a sample of 839 residents in the Mayo clinic, when th ey looked at finders. them, they identified The benefit the benefit finders and fault

finders that are optimists were, after 2 years, were 19% more likely to survive. By far, the of most influential and benefit finding and interesting study done in this area

optimism was the nun study. The nun study showed in many ways that the Bible was correct, that y was done, joy does prolonged started in our lives. 501 ----------------------- 192----------------------1932. In 1932, 178 nuns who just completed their training- they were around the age of 22, just about to embark on their mission were tested on numerous accounts. O ne of the things they did was write biographical sketches of themselves. And we had this data for decades. And psychologists just very recently opened up the data and wa nted to look at it, wanted to understand what predicts longevity. Which of the nuns a re still alive today? How 1932 when they long were did they live? OK, this was done in And the nun stud

average age of 22. And they looked for predictors of longevity so they looked at how complex their essays ual capacities, zero correlation to longevity; werein other words, their intellect


They looked at place of residence- maybe they lived in places with less or

pollution that would impact how long they lived, zero correlation- California, B oston, no difference; they looked at how devout they were, their levels of belief at th at time at the age of 22- didn't predict longevity. There was one thing and one thing al one that predicted how long they would live. And that was positive feelings. What they di d, the researchers, was looking at the biographical sketches-now they had no idea w ho these women were, so it was a completely blind study- double blind. And they loo ked, they categorized the writings into four categories: the most positive, the least positive and two categories in between. And then they compared the most positive quartile to the least positive quartile. And here are the results that they found. Let me gi ve you a sample though before so that you get a sense of what a positive sample is and wh at a less positive sample is. positive quartile: "God So here is Cecilia Opine from the

started my life off well by bestowing upon me grace of inestimable value. n a "The past year which I spent as a candidate studying at Notre Dame has bee

very happy one. Now I look forward with eager joy to receiving the Holy Habi t of Our Lady and to Joy. Love. This a life is a of union with Love Divine." Happy.

positive person. Now here is someone from the least positive quartile. As you'll see, 502 ----------------------- 193----------------------this is not someone who person who focuses on positive, as born is particularly Marguerite negative, but not a "I w

on joy, on happiness. on September


26,1909, the eldest of seven children, five girls and two boys. My candidate yea r was spent in the motherhouse, teaching chemistry and second me Institute. With God's grace, Order, for the spread of I intend to do year Latin at Notre Da my best for our

religion and for my personal sanctification." Again, very factual. But not as po sitive as much of a merit finder, an optimist as Cecilia Opine. Let's look at some of t he data now. At the age of 85,at the age of 85and again, this is a looking back,90% of the most cheerful quartile were alive and just 34% of the least cheerful quartile we re alive. This is significant difference. Now that doesnt mean that there aren't some fault finders who lived to 120 and merit finders who died of a heart attack at 30. Of course, there are. But on average, for the most of the the best predictor what accounts

variance, in terms of longevity in the study, was positive feelings- positivist in general. Here is 9 years later. Same study. At the age of 94, 54% of the most cheerful qu artile were still alive while just le were alive. These are 11% of the least cheerful quarti

remarkable results. Again, you have some sketches. You analyze them, not knowing who lived and who died. And just based on the single factor- positivist, you are able to predict with remarkable significant levels. You are able to predict longevity- w ho will be alive and who will not be. Now when I look at this data- and there's a lot more data on longevity, on health, on well-being, I said to myself, Wow. So this is fantastic! Benefit f inding really works! Being an optimistic is good!" And I have two questions then, Wh y isn't everyone optimistic?" If we become happier, if we become healthier, why not, why

aren't we all optimistic? That's d question is: alights I want to be more optimistic. one: why aren't more How

the do

first I

question. that?

The So

secon first


people optimistic? Second: how do I become optimistic? I am going to answer thes e two questions. Let me begin with the first. One of the main reasons why there ar en't 503 ----------------------- 194----------------------more people who are optimistic is that optimists are considered detached. And ho w do we know that? Well, or nt, to the notion that what leads to the sense of detachme

optimists are detached? It's mostly the media. Because what do we see? We mostly see hatred. We mostly see blood shed. We mostly see unhappiness. We see terroris m. And then, when someone says "well I'm optimistic; I think the world is a good pl ace", that person- what? Are you out of your mind? You are detached Pollyanna. Just lo ok at all the terrible things in the world. How can you be in such a world- how can you be optimistic? How can you be positive? How can you talk about joy and happiness ? And positive psychology Pollyannaish. In many in a world like this? You must be

ways, the message of Thomas Hobbes is correct: you know, life is short,brutish, nasty and poor. And that seems much more likely to be true than an optimistic sense of life. o as I Let's look at some of the headlines. I got these just a couple of weeks ag

was preparing for this particular lecture. So Venezuela. A missing jet. Flight d elays. Ok, this is the elections. Fresh violence in Kosovo. So a new state is created, and there


violence. quake. And

This is so on.








Turkey launches incursion into Iraq. Blood (There will be Blood vs. No Country f or Old Man)dual for Oscar. Octants a good one I guess. Yeah. Tory Spelling dishes. .. Auklets move on. So that was CNN. Here is... What was that? Forget which paper I got. And I think this is you know again, embassies. News. Reuters. EU. So Iran on nuclear and so question on. remains.

Turkey. Protest This is Fox


What's the focus? This kid's mom wants out. A mother leaves her child. You know it's not focusing on the millions, billions of mothers who embrace their children. It 's the mother who wants led the mother out. to And then they tell why- you know, what

want out of this relationship. And so on and so on. So much negative. How can we be positive in a world like this? It would be really unrealistic of us, wouldnt it? W ell, I want to show you Ellen Degeneracy. an excerpt now by and my favorite psychologist, So I w

Ellen Degeneracy (Excerpt as watching the

from "Here

Now" in 504


----------------------- 195----------------------news the other day. Brought to you by Papal. Well now I need it. Smart advertisi ng. caught That's another thing when I was a kid the news was once a day. You either

it or missed it. Now the news is on 24 hours a day. And that's not enough. They got a guy talking and there's a crawl down there. So you got that guy talking and you got the crawl going and you're online and you put your opinion and you put.. "Nooo!! ..I said to that nook...!" There should be one crawl that goes around over and over again:

"Things are getting worse". That's all we need. And the local news- man! They wa nt to you to watch every broadcast they've got, dont they? It's not good enough you watch the one you want? They just... These teases get you to watch it later on. They are so incredible cruel. "It could be the most deadly thing in the world that yo u may be having it for dinner. We'll tell you what it is tonight at 11." Is it ..peas? I feel sorry for the news-casters, you know. We can turn it off. But that's their job and the y have to read these stories and mpter. They don't know they're got just to coming go up at these the telepro range of

what's coming up and they emotions and that...


"There were no survivors. And next, which candy bar helps you lose weight? Still to come, to it's find an asteroid heading the cheesiest towards new earth. study But finds I first, that know. where studie And

pizza in town? Also, a disturbing s are disturbing." She

really is one of the most brilliant we'll see a lot of her


throughout the semester. Now...so the media does it. The media does focus to the great extent on the negative. e roles of And that's not just a bad thing. Because one of th

media in a civil society is to highlight wrongs that can be righted, to inspire people, to act, to change, to make the world a better place. However, we need to realize th at the media doesn't just report reality as it is. It highlights certain aspects of reality. And there is a media bias involv ed. Now the media bias is not, you know, left-leaning CNN or Reuters versus right-leanin g Fox and Wall Street Journal. That's not the bias I am talking about. I am talking ab out bias 505

----------------------- 196----------------------toward egative. the negative. It acts as a The media focuses, highlights the n

magnifying glass rather than as a looking glass. And we need to keep that in min d, and to correct for that. The media doesnt just reflect reality as it is. Reality i s not the FrontPage of the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal. That's not reality. That's highlighting a specific area of reality and magnifying it. It accentuates the ne gative, focuses on the negative- the war in, with Turkey,or,the blood spilled in Kosovo, or the mom leaving her child. The hatred. And what it does, when it does that, is also under represent the positive. Now exactly two of the three mental distortions . Minimizing the that we if talked you think about. about Magnifying it, the this is


positive. In other words, what the media does is to distort our perception. It actually makes us into pessimists, especially because the news is on 24 hours a day. And we are constantly bombarded by negativity after negativity after negativity. And wh ere do we get the positive? 30 seconds at the end of the news. Oh yes, theres also a litt le bit good stuff going on. And it's just to make you smile so that you come back tomor row or the next hour for ity after negativity. more bad news. Negativity after negativ

Distorting. Creating these cognitive distortions, the psychological traps that w e talked about under cognitive behavior, under cognitive therapy. istic And we become pessimistic. Is it any wonder that most people are pessim

when the media has such an impact on us? Again, not to belittle the role of the media. But what I am doing is highlighting certain aspect that we need to be cognizant

of, that we need to counter. And how we counter- we'll talk about it in a minute. So what does the media highlight? Enron, or WorldCom. Highlighting these frauds, nd billions of honest transactions that takes eak. Highlighting the negative. Ignoring the transactions taking but place positive. The not frauds- Martha reporting on right and the now Stewart, millions as we of or a sp

everyday, Millions



place all the time, all around us constantly. Now what else is happening? What w e are doing, what the media is helping us to do is extrapolate from a few instances wh ere 506 ----------------------- 197----------------------people want of people to hurt, who are while ignoring the millions and billions

dedicating their lives to helping spread the happiness in the world, whether it' s in soup kitchens to help the world a better place, or whether it's writing in our back y ard. Over 1800 Harvard se. Remember students the volunteer as part of Phillips Brooks Hou

false stereotype that I talked about- whether it's here at Harvard or in the Uni ted States, so many people dedicate so much time to helping. And yet the focus is on the few that hurt. And that creates certain scheme in our mind while ocuses are we on think the terrorism world the must millions be and a bad place. of The people f

primarily. But what about who want to live in


peace? Again, this doesn't mean this is one important role of the media. At the same time, we shouldn't also is mostly on people ignore the good. The focus in media

hurting other people. For example, through rape, while ignoring millions and bil

lions of people who are making love everyday. And not just in fairy tales, people all over the world- I've no idea who they are. I hope they are not in the classroom. Ther e is Google image. e- in Harvard And not yard. I just around the world. Also, right her

don't know if they still have this survey, but the last one I found online was 0 4. I don't know what happened since. elieve that there are Now for those of you who don't b

people also at Harvard right here who make love. Here is a proof of positive tha t some do. He's so cute. And the baby is adorable. OK. OK. OK. Now what I'm saying here is not that we need to ignore the bad, not that we need to ignore what's not workin g. We should focus on it. We should look at it. We should improve the world. At the sa me time, we should also understand that people nefit finder not "Get real" are actually the benefit finder who say to the optimist, to the be the point. Because it's


who's detached. It's the fault finder who is. Because there is much more good in the world than bad. Much more. In fact, its not just about focusing on the "full half" or, the "full half". It's focusing on the 90%. Because there is a lot more good than bad in our world. And it's important not just because it is a nice thing to do, not jus t because 507 ----------------------- 198----------------------it makes us healthier and happier. It's important because focus creates reality. I mean we saw it on so many levels. We saw it with the children on the bus


we didn't notice. We saw it when it came to Mara Collins who said "let's focus o n the

seed of greatness in these individuals". We saw it with the research on resilien ce when the focus was on "why ke some individuals succeed" despite the ty. Also, think are so many failing" versus "what ma reali





about it. I mean when we read about frauds and dishonesty in newspaper constantl y, what we begin to believe- what we naturally begin to believe is "well, you want to be successful? You want to become the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, like Enron? You have to engage in se the fraud. There is no real other way to succeed. Why? Becau

millions of other people who are succeeding honestly are not reported on, are mo stly not reported on. And that's what we focus on. Not to say it's not important to have whistle blower and mportant though to to talk also about these things. It's equally i

focus on those who do it honestly and well, because there are vast majority, way over 90%. Because if we dont, then the person will think "well, if I want to succeed i n business, then you know I have to bend the rules". at And when an ethical decision comes up, when he or she becomes the manager

the age of 35,they say "well, the only way to succeed is I bend the rules slight ly". And that creates self-fulfilling seriously show of prophecy. Or, how many people here-

hands- once thought of going into politics, becoming governor, or President, or Prime Minister? How many people thought of going...No, other than me. OK,quite a lot. I mean, we know that, at Harvard, there are quite a few... Now out of those who pu t the hands up, how many people were told by others "you shouldn't go into politics- y ou are too honest"? Too honest. You know, we hear it all the


And that


self-fulfilling prophecy, because many honest people who could potentially make the world ause a better place "politicians are by going into politics 508 ----------------------- 199----------------------crooks". Well, politicians are not crooks. Yes, there are politicians who are cr ooks, but they are the minority. The majority do honest work, want to make the world a bet ter place. They surely make mistakes. They are human after all, but with good intent ions, within ethical code. You know it's a wonder that there is so much good in our wo rld, while the focus is so much on the bad. It really is a wonder to me. It just show s how powerful human nature, and how powerful the good part of our nature is, because we can sustain goodness. Also, how about this?- The constant chattering in our mind is "why didn't I do this? Why haven't I done the reading yet? Why haven't I complet ed my paper? Why did id that back to I say that me?" to that person? Why did she sa don't go in. Bec

Mostly, negative chatter. have How often do we a really lovely have the chatter "well you know I

conversation today"? Or "you know, I just finish so much work- I was productive. I did so well." "Wow, I just got an A- and I didn't even work that hard for it." e kind I mean, of course, not here, but seen other places. Why don't we have thes

of chattering in our mind? Again, because our schema focuses on negative. We are going to talk about change ere are actual neural pathways that what is not have been working. next by week and we'll by the understand focus on th



Having created it so we gravitate toward becoming fault finders. How we change t hat? We'll talk about that in a minute. It's important to focus on the good. You know what they say about Handy? That the most important thing that he did for his country that he made India proud of itself. He made India proud of itself. That is so importa nt to do. What about America? ving here or, as Americans, the tself? Because majority you Are here, you do proud you of make America? America Do proud we of li i

know America has faults. It is not a perfect country. It has made mistakes from 1776 and will continue to make mistakes for, hopefully for many years to come. But st ill, I would argue, the greatest country in the world. So many people want to come here , 509 ----------------------- 200----------------------want to live here. Why? Because of the freedom. Because of the opportunities. Ag ain, not perfect, but Do we appreciate a great its country. Do we appreciate America?

greatness? Because if we dont, we can pay a high price. It's in vogue now "US bashing" in this country. when we just focus on In this on the place. And negative, the we problem create a is w

bashing, when we just focus orse reality rather than

improving the reality. So yes, we need to be critical. And one of the virtues of this great country is that you can stand out in the street or write in articles and c itizen the politicians, the system, other people. It's one of the great contributions of th is country: free speech. But at the same time, we also have the freedom and we should exerci se the freedom to focus on what is working on the good. Be




important, whether it's a country, whether it's a relationship, whether it's ind ividual, whether it's students, whether it's teachers. Appreciation is important. ng the The meaning of "appreciate" from dictionary: valuing; the act of recognizi world around us; affirming past and

best in people or the present strengths and

potentials; to perceive those things that give life (health,vitality,excellence) to living systems. So the first meaning of appreciate is to say thank you. That's a nice t hing to do, but it's much more than just a nice thing to do. We talked about this before . The second meaning of appreciate is increasing value: the economy appreciates; money in the bank appreciates. And that's an important meaning, because when we appreciat e the good, the good appreciates. When we appreciate the good in our lives, when w e appreciate the good in other people, when you appreciate the good in our country , we get more of it. Unfortunately, the opposite is also the case. When we don't appr eciate something, ry, whether whether it's ourselves, it's our whether it's our count

relationship, the good depreciates. Remember Is it any

I talked about it in the past.

wonder so many relationships flounder, fail after the honeymoon phase? If the ma in question becomes "what's wrong?" or "How can we improve the relationship?" and i f we just ask not working, this question, on the our focus becomes 510 ----------------------- 201----------------------weaknesses. And we ignore the virtues, the strength, the things that worked and are working. And when we don't focus on these things, they depreciate. As far as we on what is

are concerned, they don't exist, just like the children on the bus that not exist fo r you as far nce as you were concerned. create a growth What appreciating does is in esse

spiral. Let me Let's say, expand. Monday Let me just give you a random example.

morning, or Tuesday morning, you are walking toward 1504. And suddenly you see a friend of yours. A friend of yours you know who's genuine, is real- someone you trust. And your friend looks at you and says, Wow. You look fantastic!" NOW, how do you feel at that point? You feel fantastic. And you know you walk a little bit more pride, more proud and you walk into the classroom just here. And another friend sees yo u and says, Wow! l at this point? You look fantastic!" And how do you fee

Well,fantastic-er! And then you come in. You sit down here. And another friend w ho you haven't seen for a month sees you, "Wow! You look fantastic!" And how do you feel at this point? Fantastic-its! And so on and so on and so on- made you day i n an upward spiral. Now think ou walk in 1504 on Thursday morning. And and value sees about a slightly different of yours whom scenario. you Y

suddenly a friend


you and says,"oh my God, whats wrong?" d Now there may have been nothing wrong before; there is a lot wrong now. An

you walk in the door, and someone sees you and says,"oh my Lord." And how do you feel? You feel even worse. And you sit down and you see someone else who looks a t you, just completely shocked. And you are feeling worse-r and worse-its. And so on and so on and so on in a downward spiral. Appreciation creates upward spiral. An

d we know,sometimes,one sentence, one word at the beginning of the day- and you have a wonderful day, or week. This research showing how a single sentence very often c an impact an entire life. This is work done by Bandera. Single sentence of apprecia tion 511 ----------------------- 202----------------------can give us strength to go on. Now the key here: it has to be genuine appreciati on. One of the things we'll talk about when we discuss self-esteem is how destructiv e and harmful in genuine appreciation is. And now I am not talking about your boyfrien d or girlfriend ask you "so how do I look" having just come out, come back from a day and worn something the whole night. You are not going to tell them "well, actually a wful". So OK. We are not talking about these grey areas. But it has to be real. It has to be connected to reality. We'll talk about that much more when we talk about self-es teem. The key though is that ys something real to appreciate. Think about AIDS patients. Even the you need to understand the cancer there is alwa or

study with


they were able to find something good in a very difficult, tragic scenario, situ ation. And when they appreciate the good, when they find benefit in that situation, the good appreciates. It grows. on Orphan real benefit finder: "What you focus on expands, and when you focus life, you create more of it. Opportuni

the goodness in your ties,relationships,even

money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life." Because what we r that I have been focus on appreciates. Again, the metapho

talking about a seed if

throughout we don't




seed- what



water it? If we don't shed a light on it? What happens to that seed is that it w ithers and dies. And that,unfortunately,is . Most relationship the fate of most human potential

potential. Most countries. And if we want it to grow, want it to blossom, we hav e to shed a light on it. We have to water it. This is exactly what Mara Collins did w ith the seed of greatness that existed in every one of her students. This is what the Py gmalion, the classic experiment e to focus on the showed, was that when teachers were mad

potential in those individuals who were deemed "fast sputters". When they were m ade to focus on it, to shed a light on- when a light is shed on their potential, tha t's when the children grew. That's when they fulfilled much more of their potential. So h ow do we correct the false schema? t me share with you What do 512 ----------------------- 203----------------------something on the societal evel. On the societal level, something on the individual l we do about it? Le

level, create good news. Not enough of it around. Now people say it's not market able, it's boring- wallow. A lot of it is not marketable. Part of it is because it is the norm, its the usual. But why not s that are making life better? h Why not report much more on the great medical advances? Why not report muc report on the great technical advance

more on peace? And well-being? You know a situation stops being interesting once there is peace. It's interesting when there's a war. Well why not focus more on these

areas? Here is a newspaper that was started online- Good News Network, that I hi ghly recommend you to go onto. Just in a couple of last years it was started. Getting people to focus on what is working. ein, about Cambodia You know about Albert Einst

gaining independence on that day in '53. Berlin Wall. You know, focusing, remind ing ourselves of historical good as well as on present good and they have great news that they talk about. that means but Another,Geemundo,another,I don't even know what

another online newspaper that focuses on things that work. Why not start a day w ith that,well,in addition to he New York Times. opening the Wall Street Journal and t

Looking at that as well. Just to counter the negative schema. Art. So important. So important in creating a schema. Look at the better world, in changing our internal

light in Vermeer's- Renaissance artist in his picture A light during a time when there was not much light. I mean consider the Dark Ages. The Middle Ages. But the arti sts focused on what is working on the light, on the human potential and paved the wa y the 9th Renaissance. It all century, Romantics. started with arts. Or in 18th and 1

Beethoven or Victor Hugo. They encountered a harsh reality. But they focused als o on heroic, on the great, on said, "fiction is more the human potential. Aristotle once

important than history." Because history depicts life as it is, where the fictio n depicts life as it can or ought to be. As it can or ought to be. The human potential. An d that paved the way to much higher levels of freedom and equality in the world. 513 ----------------------- 204-----------------------

Or 1930s' America, in many ways the heyday of Hollywood were directors lik masterworks during a time wh

Cukor, Capra,Sturges,created en there was Great

Depression. And people used to go to the cinema and watched these films to inspi re them and helped them get through the difficult time- it was also between the two - you know, the Great War and the WWII. Difficult time in the world. World recovering and then plunging into another war. And yet the artists continued to inspire. Not ig noring what is not working. Not ignoring, but improving. That, by the way, is my favori te movie, Sullivans Travels. Modern art as well. Wouldn't it be lovely if we go into a gallery and we feel inspired by the art- whether it's by photography, whether it 's by sculpting, whether it's by movies or books? There has be much more of it. Again, one of the roles of the artists is also to highlight what is not working so that it is improved. But if an artist, if an individual is really concerned about improving the good in the world, it is not enough to only focus or highlight what's not working. Because i f we don't highlight the good, if we don't appreciate the good as well, the good depr eciates. Positive psychology- this mber there are two is what it is very much about. Reme

things that positive psychologists do. What they study the first thing that they do is focusing on what works. Second thing that they do is focusing on the extraordina ry on the am, tip of the stem. And they democratize by doing that, the words of Miri

excellence. Because they are focusing on the good, not ignoring what works in ea ch individuals, not ignoring the extraordinary individuals, the Mara Collins of the world,

the resilient kids in at-risk population and so on. us Another reason in addition to media why we tend to ignore the good and foc

mostly on the bad is that we adapt. We adapt to what is common and what drives u s, what's interesting to us than the rule. And because there is so h more common, we adapt to bad- the much is more the uncommon. good it Because in after nature 514 ----------------------- 205----------------------detectors. We are change, our mind immediately goes happens, whether changed detectors. And whenever there different is a that The exception so rather muc the tha

the world- it's a while, create

it. We stop seeing exception always Why?

whereas us such

captures our attention. t we are changed

to that change. it's


something we see, or something we hear (sound: car alarm set off in the backgrou nd) for those of you who were asleep. It's the exception that wakes us up. And that's a good thing. It's a good thing that nature creates us that way. Because it helps us in case of danger. Because it he lps us for example, hear when there is a lion coming toward us or trying to creep up to ward us. It helps us smell poison. Something that is different, that changed. It also helps us hear a sleeping baby it's incredible how this works. Fast asleep- you know there , there can be- the house may be falling. You don't get up, but there is a baby crying a nd you are up in a second. We are change detectors. And nature created us such- or God has created us such so that we can survive better. Now it's actually a good thing th at we

adapt on a few levels. First of all, if we didn't adapt, if we are hearing all t he noises, we will quite literally go nuts Because there are so many noises right now going on in addition to what you are listening to. People typing. People breathing. Once in a while car from the outside. And we would go crazy if we were always attune to everythi ng that was going on. So it's good that we adapt. That's why people can live litera lly on the highway and still fall month or so, they stop asleep at night. Because after a

hearing the cars there. We have relatives in Concord, who live quite literally o n top of the train. And we went to visit him for dinner and a train passes by. And you kn ow the house shakes. And it's enormous noise. And at the beginning of the time, we look ed at each other, and he smiled. And second time the train goes by. The house shakes a nd huge noise. And And he I couldn't help myself and said,"Dosen't that bother you?"

said, What?" He didn't know what I was talking. I said, The train just passed." He said, "Oh. We don't notice it anymore because it passes every half an hour or ev ery 20 minutes." They don't notice adapt. Also in terms of it. So good thing that we can

difficulty. Personally the most difficult experience that I endured was on the 1 9th of 515 ----------------------- 206----------------------September, the 19th of re at the time. My December, 1997. I was living in Singapo

best friend was coming over from Indonesia to visit me. The person who was the m ost important to me at that time and her plane crashed. Silk Air Flight MI 185. Some of you may remember this. And my world crumbled. For the first time in my life, I f elt

that I didn't want to go on anymore. I had no energy. And I called up my family. And I called n my up another person life, Nathaniel who had made a lot of difference i

Branden,for various reasons. First ll-known of all, Nathaniel author and visited Brandon Singapore. He had just just- he's met Bonny. a we An

psychologist- he's just d I called him up

because he was a psychologist whom I thought could help me. But also because at the age of 45,he lost his wife e had apoplectic fit. He found her drowned their home. So when he'd he who came drowned back home in in a pool their when pool, sh in

been through that, but 25 years earlier. So I wanted to talk to him to get his a dvice. I was on the phone and could hardly get my words across- I was crying constantly. And he said to me, "Tal,what I am going to tell you now is not going to make sense. But it's true. . We get You are going to over losses. It's get over this. I know But you are you ar

difficult. It's painful. Cry. Give the e going to get

emotions their spaces.

over it. We get over painful emotions. We all do. Because if we hadnt, then God he lp us all." Because if we hadnt, then God help us all. And it took a long time. It w as after 3 months that to feel I could start working again. It took a whole year for me

some of the bounds, some of the passion for life that I felt before. But now I t hink about Bonny. And I smiled wistfully, sadly. But I can also appreciate the good t imes that we have together. And the privilege that I had of meeting her. We adapt and that's a good thing. That's an important thing. Because God help us all if we hadn't. T here is another side though to that equation. There is another side. When we adapt, we a

lso take things for granted. And that's not a good thing. Because we take for grante d our family that we care about so much. And we take for granted our friends. And we t ake 516 ----------------------- 207----------------------for granted the food we are about to have in the dinning hall that is served to us. What a luxury. to And we us. And take for granted we take for the here. person Because who's we sitting adapt. And next it's

granted the classes we take a good thing when it

comes to the negatives. It's not such a good thing when we take life for granted . And the question we need to ask is: is it possible to have it all? Is it possible to adapt to the negatives, but at the same time, not to adapt as much to the positive. There's a story in the Jewish tradition about a man who is living in one of the stets, one of the v illages in Eastern Europe. And he really had it bad. I mean he was living in a tiny home with many kids, y were with a wife constantly who was constantly nagging him. The

fighting. And they were really terrible. And that man wanted to improve his law so he went to the rabbi and recounted him how terrible his life is. He said "look. We live in a small home. The kids are all over. You know no privacy whatsoever. My wife nag s constantly. Rabbi, help!" So the rabbi said, in your yard, do you have a chicken?" So he said,"yes,we have the chicken into your chicken." "For the next week, bring

home." "But rabbi, what are you talking about? We have no pal..." "Bring the chi cken into your home." The person was a devout man, believing his




chicken for the whole week in their home. Feathers. Dirt. Stinks. You name it. T he kids continue to fight even more. His wife nags even more. "what are you doing t o us here? Our house is small as it is." "The rabbi said." And they continue to fight , and bickering. nd the The week finally ends. And he runs to the rabbi and said, "rabbi, help!" A

rabbi said, how are things going?" He said,"Well,worse! No place at home. We are fighting. It stinks. It's terrible." a cow in your backyard?" "Yes, rabbi. We have a se in addition to the cow." "Well, "My child, bring her do you into have the hou

chickens for the week." "Rabbi, but..." "Just do it." So he brings in the cow. A nd again, 517 ----------------------- 208----------------------its awful. It stinks to the tenth degree in his nose. And they don't even sleep fo r the whole week. And it's terrible. By the end of the week, you know he's looking ter rible, disheveled. He stinks. He goes to the rabbi and says, "rabbi, help! Situation is terrible. Yes, its so much worse." "Do you have a horse in your backyard?" "Yes, rabbi. We d o. But now I understand the pattern here." "Take the horse and bring it into your h ouse." So he takes the horse and brings it into the house. And it's awful. The horse is kicking and yelling and jumping and breaks stuff. And there's mess and chaos and bickeri ng and... So much worse. And finally the week ends. He runs to the rabbi. And the r abbi says, how are you doing?" "Rabbi, its terrible! It's awful!" "OK. For the next week, why don't you take out all the animals and come and see me then?" At the end of the

week, he comes and the rabbi says, how are things going?" "Rabbi, its wonderful. We have so much place. ing along now like we The smell is so good. We are gett

hadn't ever before. The kids are happy. Thank you so much, rabbi." Now here is t he question. us and Do things need to get worse before we appreciate what's right in front of we begin to goes appreciate wrong When ours that we our with is health? us in need for or w

all around us? When do When do we begin to appreciate our health? ith someone else. When do we r, or when begin to we lose

When something appreciate And


dange to a us

someone dear to us. sk ourselves is "must

the question unusually

something external, extraordinary, to appreciate the

tragic happen

ordinary?" You see there are treasures of happiness all around us and within us, right next to us- in the dinning hall, sitting next to you here, in your room at home. There are wonderful things- things that are worth your appreciation all around us or w ithin us. But we take them for granted and do we need to wait for that. And the answer is no. No- if we learn gratitude as a way of life, if we cultivate the habit of gra titude. It is just as the media has cultivated the fault finding. We can cultivate the benefit finding. We can cultivate grateful. 518 ----------------------- 209----------------------t for Because when we are grateful for something, we do not- we no longer take i "You say grace before meals. All

granted. G. K. Chesterton: right. But I say grace

before the concert and the opera, and grace before the play and pantomime, and g

race before before I open sketching, a book, and grace

painting,swimming,fencing,boxing,walking,playing,dancing and grace before I dip the the pen in the ink. Gratitude most purely joyful produced some...produced

moments that have been known to man." Think about it. Think about the last time you are grateful to someone. And ? And you expressed that gratitude. How did you feel

how did you make the other person feel? Or someone who was grateful to you and appreciated you? You were spiral as a result. When We it's genuine, when don't do enough walking on air, created don't this upward

it's real. We

do it enough.

appreciation. We don't express gratitude enough, whether it's to the food that w e eat, whether it's to writing, whether ily. So this is the most it's for our friends or fam

wonderful books written about the power of gratitude- it's not a research book, but a lot of these ideas that I'll talk about in a minute have researched. "About Grat itude" by Brother David Steindl-Rast. you Google his name. He also has a great website. If

How do we cultivate gratitude? His advice is simple and gracious. "Why not start by surveying ackle with a typical spontaneous day? What is it that you tend to t

mindfulness, so that without effort your whole heart is in it? the way it warms you and wakes you up, or taking your dog for a walk, or giving a little child a piggybac k ride. It is a matter of practice of doing it over and over again till it becomes secon d nature." Till it becomes a habit. Till we take a stake of gratitude and turn it into a gr atitude trait. And it is possible to do it.


One of the ways one or two things

to to

do do







mindfully, to focus on them, whether it's the first cup of coffee in the dinnin g hall, whether it's the walk to class, whether it's 10 minutes in the afternoon when yo u just listen to es closed the and music in focused, your room, by yourself 519 ----------------------- 210----------------------appreciating just become your wine favorite piece. Taking This our time course to not is in ma with your ey

connoisseurs but also life connoisseurs. ny ways about life

appreciation. He continues,(Brother David Steindl-Rast): "Gratefulness is the me asure of our aliveness. Are granted? So Irvin we not dead to whatever we take for

Yalom,Stanford psychiatrist did a lot of research on terminally ill patients. He went to people who had 3 months, and researched this population. And what he found time d again 6 and months, again up to a year to live,

is that these people, time an

were something to the effect of "for the first time in my life, I feel that I am alive." "For the first time in my life, I feel that I am alive." Why? "Because for the f irst time, I appreciate breathing." "For the first time in many years, I appreciate my hus band, my wife, my friend, my children" Flower. The grass. The conversation. For the fi rst time of my life, I appreciate it, whereas before, the focus was just not there. It was other things. On the difficulties, the hardships- mostly on the negative. And re member, as far as you are concerned, the children on a bus did not exist. As far as most people are concerned, ships, do not the good exist. things in their life, in their relation

Because when we are not grateful for them, when we take them for granted, as far as we are concerned, they are not there. And we are numb to these things. We are de ad to these things. And it takes a wake-up call, like a terminal disease to wake us up ? To get us to focus on what is right inside us or all around us all the time? Why? Why w ait? Why wait? There's a lot of research on the value of gratitude. You've read one b efore. ns You'll and be reading Michael one of the articles by Robert Emmo

McCullough from UC Davis. Let me summarize two studies there into one. So what they did ide them was essentially into four take random group of people and div

groups. First group every night before going to bed write at least five things f or which you are grateful. Big things, or little things. Second group write at least five hassles in your life- five bad things that happen to you. Third group write at least five t hings that you are better than others at- superior to others. And the fourth group- control group 520 ----------------------- 211----------------------write about anything that happen to re you during the day. The outcome measures a

that they looked at what optimism, happiness, physical health (how often they vi sited the doctor of the six months udies), how generous and of the study, one of the st

benevolent they were toward other people and finally how likely they were to ach ieve their goals that they set for themselves- in other words, how successful they we re. The group that performed the worst was the hassles group. Five bad things that happe n to you. The group that performed the best that is happiest, most optimistic, most l ikely to

achieve their goals, most generous and benevolent toward other people and health iest, was the group every night before going to bed wrote at least five things for whi ch they were grateful. Both psychological and health benefits. The study was, in many the first studies they conducted. The book Robert Emmons, just came out ways the beginning, called one "Thanks" of by


which is wonderful and traces through a lot more studies and research and exerci se that ude you can as a way do to become of life. more grateful, to have gratit

Physiological benefits such as our heart variability, which is a predictor of lo ngevity, which is a predictor ic system increases when we rengthens are our grateful. immune of health And that is increased. induces calm. The And parasympathet that st

system. There are also many benefits to trait gratefulness, so it is not just a state of being. It's also about the trait. How do we cultivate that? How do we cultivate that? By doing it over and over again. I do this every night. I've been doing it since 19th of September, 1999. Since 19th of September, 1999, I've been doing it. I've been do ing it long before the 2002 study. I started to do it when Oprah told me to do it. Real ly. I've been doing it ever since. Let me share with you what I wrote about last night. I t was 26 e, last night. OK. So yoga- I did yoga, God, family, (my To two mush my love- my wif hour Anoth

David- so wonderful, s- I had office hours yesterday er beep- sorry.

Serial- precious and I enjoyed some

children),office sorry.

it a lot. Beep-

censorship in this class is important. It took you a while but eh.. OK. Beep- no just

521 ----------------------- 212----------------------kidding about this lievable pea soup one. And Tommy's know, big soup. She made and this little unbe thing

which I had yesterday. You s. Big things and little


things. And here are other things that I am grateful for right now. ful for

I am grate

Shawn Anchor, the head TF of the class. (Applause) I am grateful for his work, f or his inspiration. I am grateful to Debby, the head of TF of the other class. (Applaus e) I am grateful to the teaching fellows who are investing so much time in your educatio n, in your happiness in this course. (Applause and cheers) ch. I am grateful to Barry who's there behind the scenes. You don't see him mu

But he's responsible for so much what's happening for his support, for how humbl e he is, doing all that. (Applause) And I am grateful for my students, because it wou ldn't be a class- I wouldn't be here today, doing what I love to, what I care about most if you weren't here. So thank you. I am grateful. (Applause) Now the key with this is t o do it as well. Yes is erence? Absolutely. know every night I ask it cheesy? You Absolutely. Does it make a diff

I also do it with my kid, with David. And how do

I do it?

David- he's three and a half years old, "what was fun for you today?" And he tel ls me and out he asks me, "what was it from a friend of fun for you today?" I learned ab

mine whoa hand worker- who was here just a couple of classes ago. He was visitin g. And I came over for dinner one day. He heard me speak about this. And he said, " I want to show you something." And he has two young kids. And they were standing around and talking about the five grateful, things for which they were grateful.

These were young kids. Daniel and Maya. And I looked at it and I started to cry. It wa s so moving and so touching. And I've been doing it ever since with my kids. My wife do it every day on regular ess. It helps. It works because We don't take the good things in our life for granted. The key when we do this is to maintain freshness. How do we maintain freshness? One of the things that happ ens 522 ----------------------- 213----------------------with this we lose exercise is that it it. We lose the very often becomes a habit and basis. She puts up with my cheesin

freshness of it. We lose the mindfulness of it. And we just take it for granted as an exercise. And the key is, one of the things that Lyubomirsky says, well, try to do it once a week. For some people, once a week is actually better than doing it every day. However, theres also a price. It's much less likely to become a trait if we only d o it once a week. So how do we maintain freshness? Doing it every single day. How do I maintain freshness? Well, fortunately, there's a lot of research on this topicsome of them by Lyubomirsky,as well as by others. The first thing is introduce the varie ty. So let's say I write about Serial and there's something that I write about every da y. It's Serial my daugter,David my son. It's Tommy my wife. It's God. I write about thes e things every single well. I can write day. And I about write about other things as

different aspects of these things. So one day I can write about Seri als smile. You know her beautiful, one year old, toothless smile. And another day I can write a

bout the fact that she's taken rite about, her first steps now. So vary. Or one day I can w

focus... One week I can focus about my work. Another week it can be mostly focus about personal things. And so on. Variety really is the spice of life- makes a d ifference here. fines Second, Ellen Langer mindfulness as talks about mindfulness. she de

creating novel distinctions. It's similar to creating variety. Looking at the th ings that I haven't seen before, that I haven't looked at before. This is also a way to main tain love. You you know people talk about adapt to your how over new to time you become, about a

relationships. well, there's person every time,



whether it's about my parents, whether it's about lover, whether it's about my f riends. Creating novel distinctions. Looking at it mindfully. Focusing on it. And mainta ining freshness through this focus. Visualizing it. Steven Roslyn from William James H all, head of our department did research, showing that kids actually visualize most w ords. So when you see- let's say mother, immediately the picture of mother comes up. O r 523 ----------------------- 214----------------------it's very often for us when we talk these words unautomatic, we no longer visual ize it, which is why it takes kids longer to think. Because they are still visualizing t he words. It is not unautomatic anymore, which also explains why kids live like kids, why they are able to appreciate the simplest of things, to be mesmerized by airplane up t here. Or when they talk about what they did at day care. They live like children. And

what we have become over the e years. We adapt to it. We become numb to a lot of thes

things. So one of the ways to chip away the numbness, one of the ways to do it i s to visualize. And when we visualize, we start to see things once again like kids do . Next time we'll continue with this. son But I want to end today by sharing a story with you. A story about the per

who, to me more than anyone else captures what benefit finder is. A person who i s my role model when it comes to focusing also on the good. My grandmother was born i n 1915 in Sighet, Romania. e was the youngest She had a very regular childhood. Sh

daughter of 7- one more sisters,5 more bothers. And they were doing well. Many o f her brothers became important rabbis,violinists,musicians. And she was a young g irl, happy, living a normal invaded Romania. life, until 1940 which was when Hitler

Hitler invaded Romania and her life changed radically. Her entire family was tak en to one concentration camp In Auschwitz, she had after the and other, nephews ending up were all in Auschwitz. Her

over a dozen nieces five brothers and


parents were murdered in front of her very eyes. At the end of the war, somehow, she and her sister survived. The British came to Auschwitz to liberate the prisoners . And when they came, they came in with a doctor. And the doctor would go through the prisoners. Most of them were of course dead; those who were alive, he would say take that person, leave that person here. Because they had limited resources, limited places. Those prisoners who they them there. And it thought would not survive, they left

came is

to 54

my grandmother, pounds. My








grandmother was a large woman- 54 pounds. And said, leave. And then he saw her 524 ----------------------- 215----------------------sister who was right next to her, who weighed 36 kilos- 79 pounds. And he said, he made this motion to put her on the truck. And of course, she was too weak to get out. anti. So the British soldiers picked up my grandmother's sister whose name is Sh

They picked Shanti up and Shanti held on to her sister. And she wouldn't let go. And they tried to open her dn't grip. And even though she was weak and sick, they coul

open her grip. So the doctor said,fine, take them both. So they took them both. And they put them on the truck. And they were, of ther course, certain that my grandmo

would die. A month passed and she survived though she didn't put on a single gra m. Any day they thought she would die, but she refused to die. After three months, she started putting on weight. She survived. Six months later, she went back to Sigh ed, to see what was remained from off the cart with the her home. She arrived there, got

horse. And the man by the name of Joseph- Jose saw her. And he saw a woman who was stooped, who still had no hair. But he recognized those eyes. Because those eyes were proud. And those eyes were alive. He recognized Goldie. And he took her wit h him. And two weeks later, they got married. And Goldie got better and got pregna nt and gave birth to a stillborn. And she got pregnant again and once again gave bi rth to a stillborn. They made their way to Tel Aviv from Romania. They were caught by t he British. It was British mandate at that time. They were caught by British and se

nt back to a concentration ration camp, my camp in Cyprus. And there, in the concent

grandmother in Cyprus had another baby. A baby girl who survived. And then they had another boy who was stillborn. And my grandmother could have no more childre n. Her body had endured too much. My grandmother survived and thrived. too. As did Shanti. Shanti could have no children, but my mother was her child

And I was her grandchild as well. I remember, this was in October of 1988. Shant i had passed away a few years earlier. And we went to the cemetery on the day that she passed away, I went with to say my some prayers over 525 ----------------------- 216----------------------grandmother. ol in front And we of the walked there. And my grandmother sto her tombstone. And

tombstone. And on the tombstone, we engraved not just Shantis name, but the names of all the brothers and her parents. And she looked at the tombstone- and I thou ght she talked to Shanti- and said to her, "we are so fortunate, arent we? We are so luck y. And look Talk is here." She called me Talk. And then she told her what I was doi ng. And she told her what my brothers and sisters were doing- their grandchildren. A nd about my mother and she was talking father. And how wonderful thing were. And

about the wonderful things. And she was crying once in a while, missing Shanti. She was so human, just standing there, and talking half Yiddish, half Hebrew. Once i n a while, talking to me. And to her sister who saved her life. And she said to me, le ts go." And we walked together. Thousands of tombs around us. We walked along the

path toward the car. It was a beautiful October day. The sun was out. The wind w as blowing. The trees were swinging. And she suddenly stopped. She stopped and look ed up. And she stood so proud, so poised. And she held my hand so tight, looking up and looking at me. She sais,"Tal, it's such a beautiful world. Just a pity we have t o leave." And she smiled. And we walked. My grandmother saw thousands of corpse. She saw her family murdered in front of her very eyes. She had three stillborn children. She did not ignore the terrible things in life. How could she? However, at the same time, she also refused to ignore the good things in life. The wonderful things in life . And she was grateful. And she survived. My grandmother told me that this is a beauti ful world. I believe her. Thank you.(Applause) 526 ----------------------- 217----------------------Positive Psychology CLecture 9 Harvard Positive Psychology, So first I wanna say hi to extension school. We have 350 students watching our lecture every day. So I wanna say hi to them. And actu ally I e want to especially to see our very invite extension tell us school he was and on everybody 60 her

modest Tal- right?- he didn't but that is OK. But


Saturday night, Tal is going to be the honorary basketball coach for the women's team, which- the game against Cornell on Saturday at 7 o'clock, which is the biggest g ame of the ame of season... Six? Six the season. We o'clock on Saturday. The biggest g

actually wanna see everyone of you here and everybody at the extension school at the game. Extension students, I'll have free tickets for you. Well, most of you- a h undred

of you. So in honor of that, we have an honorary student and an honorary team wh ich is, our very famous Kathy Delaney-Smith, award-winning, the most fabulous coach in a whole nation and... our women's basketball team is here! Come on now! These ar e our honorary students. There you go. They are shy. Alright, so come! Come and se e them! And actually I'll be there with all my friends and families. And Tal will sign your hand. Alright! Ready guys? (One player: Yeah.) ht. This is the biggest game. These are the Ivy League Champs last year! Alrig 'em out. Throw 'em out! Go! Go! Go!

Give 'em a throw. Throw Let's go! Go! Go!

Let's go! Hahaha. Alright. Thank you. Thanks. I'll see you all on Saturday. Good luck. Thanks. OK. I didn't plan this, but... (Tal blows a whistle.) Alright. Alright, do I have anything else? Oh. OK. going to continue Thank you .And thank you. And we are

talking about gratitude. So... Last time, I ended by talking about my role model - the person who to me exemplifies, more than anyone else what a true benefit finder i s. And you when I told about how she wasn't my grandmother, I told the... I told

ignoring what wasn't working, she wasn't ignoring the evil, the bad, the negativ e in 527 ----------------------- 218----------------------her life. However, the same time, she refused to ignore the positive. In other w ords, what she insisted on nected to what was was staying real. Being real. Being con

around her. And when it was evil and bad, she was connected to that and at the s ame

time, she was also connected to the good. Benefit finder is not about being a de tached Pollyanna. Far from it. The question we asked last time- and I want to end the l ecture today on gratitude before we move on to change- was: are One, more why people are not not you more saw Why people the isn't benefit finders? People a Why

optimistic? I mean, . They are happier,

research. everyone

live longer finder?

healthier, more successful. Why aren't we all


optimists? If it pays, in both the ultimate currency- the currency of happiness as well as in hard currency- success currency? Why are not more people benefit finders? And the answer to that was, to great extent, because of the media. What we have in t he media is magnifying, zooming in, magnifying the negative, maximizing it, having it take the entire screen, the entire page, while minimizing the positives. And in many ways ,the media makes fault finders out of us. And we need to counter that. How do we counter that? On the macro level, by having good news channels, for example. On the micro level, by having more inspiring art. Art throughout history has change d the world- whether it was to the Renaissance, whether it was during tists and paving the during 18th the and dark 19th ages, century at with the transition Romantic ar

road to freedom, whether it was in mid 1930s and 40s with the Renaissance in man y ways of Hollywood, bringing more hope to people. So art plays a very important r ole, and hopefully, will continue to do so. So then we talked about the global level, the macro level. On the micro level, we talked about not waiting for bad things to h appen, for tragedy, for something external to happen for us to be grateful.

Because when we are grateful, by definition, we don't take something for g ranted. And we shared the readings key, when doing it, and the research 528 ----------------------- 219----------------------when doing this exercise- and as I said, I do it every single day. I've done it since 19th of September,1999. Every single day. Religiously. The key to doing it and not ta king this exercise for granted is by maintaining freshness through- if you want to do it once a week, it's better to do it once a week mindfully than doing it every day and t aking it for granted. And OK check- did that. But ideally, you want to do it every day. B ecause by doing it every day, that's when you form a habit. That's when you transform y our thinking. And if you do it every day, the key is to vary, to think about differe nt aspect every day, to think about different aspects of ly every your family if you write fami on gratitude. The

day. To write about work one week. To write about home the next week. Maintainin g mindfulness, focusing on things you didn't notice before, creating novel distinc tions, as Ellen Langer would hinking about your girlfriend or boyfriend, hem. When you are say. and And visualize- so your when you are t t




thinking about the meal that you just had in your dinning hall which was delicio us, think about it. Visualize it. Make it as real as possible. That's how children t hink. t take And that's why children have this freshness on the day to day- they don'

anything for granted. They see life as a miracle. You know, Emerson once said, " if the stars would shine once in a thousand years, we would all look up and praise the

glory of this hem for world. But because granted." For they shine every day, we take t

children, that doesn't exist. And part of the reason why it doesn't exist is tha t because they ore don't think perceptually. automatically, Or conceptually. connected to the They think we m

sensually. And they remain can do it simply by

real. And

visualizing. This is a wonderful research done here, William James Hall,8th floo r. The key to this, as to any change that we'll talk about- we are going to devote more than two lectures to change today as well as the whole of next week- the key is to do it. To just do it. There are no short cuts. It's not because you've been through a lect ure on gratitude and you understand, you really understand what a benefit finder means. That doesn't... That will not in and of itself make you a benefit finder. You need to do it. 529 ----------------------- 220----------------------You need to experience it. And it's only through that, that over time, over time , you'll begin to see more and and counter the current schema that most of us e fault finder schema. more have of the positive been in the world by, th



William James in 1890, said that it takes about 21 days to change a habit. It's probably a try little for bit optimistic. May 21 days. See what take a little bit longer. But

happens. You know there are some people. I know some of you have already started this after last class. Some people see the benefits immediately and then you kno w the benefits may go away. And then they see the benefits again six months later. But try.

Try it for at least 21 days. At least a month. Next week is going to be your tas k as part of your weekly assignment. doing But start today. Don't wait. No other way to change. Because what you are

is gradually chipping away the excess stone. That excess stone, that limitation that has been put on us by the schema all around us, by the news that you read this morni ng, by most conversations, s well as the external internal conversations that go on a

conversations. And what you are doing, when you are doing this simple exercise, the reason why it works so well- remember people who do it regularly and mindfully a re happier, healthier, or more generous and benevolent ,more successful. The reason why it works is because what you are doing is chisel by chisel, chipping away the ex cess stone. In my book, I and I've spoken to talked about O'Hart Cummin, my teacher

him... about him a few times in the class. He told me a story once when he was n ot much older than most of you- he was in his mid-20s,left Israel to... He was livi ng in Europe for a few years and ended up in Holland. And after a while, he found hims elf homeless, literally living under a tree, cold- it was the winter, penniless- did n't have any money and without ome any friends. Absolutely miserable. And somehow for s

reason, he said OK. He was in this depression for a few weeks and he said, "well , let me try something." Took out a piece of paper and on this piece of paper, simply wrote everything for which he was grateful. 530 ----------------------- 221----------------------So the kind of things he wrote there, as he told me: Beethoven's fifth- h

e loves music. He wrote his parents, who were in ich Israel. He wrote vanilla icecream, wh

until today is his favorite. He thought about his friends back home. All the thi ngs- he made a long list of all the he is grateful for. And he credits this experience y? Because he started focus on something the terrible, but as to the things turning just on in the point the world in his for which life. on Wh

else. Not on the


possibilities, the wonderful. Do the experi... And by the way, he has this- he's now 55 years old. He has this piece of paper with him, crumbled but still there, in his wallet, reminding him that there is so much, so so many wonderful things in the world. J ust think about the kind of life that we are leading. Back only 200 years ago, who c ould afford to listen to their favorite musicians, or to watch their favorite actors, favorite plays? Who could afford to do it? Only royalty. And even them- they were limited , in terms of which musician was in town or what players were in town. Today, we have literally the tip of our finger, whether it's on our MP3 or our DVD player. Imag ine... Just think about the luxury that we are living in. Kings and Queens that not liv ed that kind of luxury. ause However, we get used to it. We adapt. And sometimes it's a good thing, bec

we also adapt to difficult experiences. And the question is how do we learn in a sense to (12:47), meaning to adapt to the painful but not to remain impervious or to b ecome impervious? To become indifferent to the privilege that we have. How do we maint ain the gratefulness? And it's by being mindful. By thinking about those wonderful t hings

that we have, whether it's movie we want to watch, whether it's in in our house


friend, going to why



in to

a us

the lunch we are later. The of the

have served it's so

gratitude exercise- one ecause what we are


powerful- b

doing is we are co-creating a reality. Most of the questions that we ask or are asked of us is "what's wrong?", "what needs to be improved?", "what are my weakness areas ?" Important questions- not enough. If these are the only questions that we ask as far as 531 ----------------------- 222----------------------we are concerned, good does not exist. And when we ask "what are my grateful for ?", even it's just once a day, that in and of itself creates- (A student sneezes)Ble ss you. That in and of itself creates a new reality. And we begin to see things that we haven't before. So when I do this exercise and I have been doing it for a long time, I n otice things today that I wouldn't have noticed, had not been doing this. And I would say, "oh, this is something I am going to write tonight. It's so beautiful." es, You know, when I go for a drive and see Sunday night mountains in Hampshir

I'm going to write this down later. It's... And I wouldn't have noticed it. And as far as I was concerned, these things did not exist, just like the children on the bus did not exist, while you are not asking tant to express gratitude also the right question. It's impor

obviously not just to ourselves, but also to others. A lot of research on that t oo. This was done by- you are reading or you have read- the paper by Seligman talking abo ut expressing gratitude to others, whether it's in the form of a letter or a visit or phone

call. And the key of expressing gratitude- this is not just a thank you note. De ar Mom, thank you for being so great. Love, me. That's not just a thank you note. It's sitting down and thinking, "what can I be grateful for, for my mom? What has she done to me? What has she given me throughout these years?" And really thinking about it. Or really thinking a thing, "what this teacher from 3rd grade do for me?" Not just talking to my friends, "I have a wonderful English teacher in 3rd grade." But sitting do wn and thinking. What am uted so I grateful for? What did she or he do for me that has contrib

much to my life, to who I am today? Or my roommate who always goes out of his or her way to help. I am really grateful. And to think about it. Not just to, you k now- at the end of ly think year or of the summer, "oh the you are great. You are terrific." Real important for people Don't 532 ----------------------- 223----------------------grateful you are. "Yeah, of course mom knows. Of course dad knows that I'm grate ful and they are terrific." Don't take it for granted. Express it. ne of Again, write it in a letter the most effective there one: today is or by phone or in person. to others O in your take life for a gran

about what these people, re doing for you and

express it. Don't take that ted that they know how


interventions out especially this



writing a letter of gratitude and then visiting the person to whom you are writi ng and reading them the letter. Cheesy? I agree. A little bit embarrassing? Sometimes. You

cannot imagine the kind of result that people get when doing just this gratitude visit. But even if you don't visit them, you do feel self-conscious doing it. I do reco mmend it. But you feel self-conscious, send the letter, make that phone call. And befo re, just think for a few minutes, m I really grateful for?" "what am I going to say? What a

Again, whether it's to your parents, whether it's to your friends, whether it's to your 1st grade teacher. Just do it. Whether it's to your coach. The largest peak, boo st, spike in wellbeing when we remarkable if you are expressing gratitude to others. Quite

think about it. And if you think about it further, it is a win-win. Because obvi ously you get the benefit- this is what the research shows. We feel good when we expre ss it. and the other person feels good too. They benefit a great deal. So you are creat ing a win-win and an upward re likely to express spiral, because that person is then mo

gratitude to others. The best way to lead it by an example: be the change you wa nt to see in the world, as Ghandi said. So ess gratitude yourself. They are and express gratitude to you want people to be more grateful? Expr more likely to then take it on

others. So not only you start an upward spiral between you and that person, but also potentially between that person as well as others. Paying it forward. Paying it forward. The downside of this intervention is while it leads to a spike in well-bei ng, that spike usually goes away after about a month. It varies: it can go away after a w eek or after three months. spike to But the average it goes away after about a month. The

well-being. So the key you want to maintain the spike is to do it regularly. Eit her once

533 ----------------------- 224----------------------a week. Once a week, two weeks. Once a month. Do it. You can do it one week a

gratitude phone call and make it ritual. The next week, a gratitude letter. The week after that, a gratitude visit. Or something like that. Again, variety. Variety r eally helps here. But do it regularly as a ritual. And when we talk about change next week, we'll talk about the importance of rituals. Because in many ways, that's the only chan ge for real, lasting change. at Sonja Lyubomirsky Here's one of the surprising findings th

found. What she found is that if wellbeing

we write that letter, we we send it and we

get the spike in get feedback, the

even if we don't send it. Obviously if spike is

even higher. But just the act of writing it, of being grateful, being open, that in and of itself contributes to wellbeing. Next week, your response paper is going to be a letter of gratitude, which we will highly recommend you visit the person and read it to them or, at the very least, send it if you are not close to them now physically. But even if you just write it and don't feel comfortable sending it, that in and of itself contributes to our wellbeing. I want to go a little bit more in depth int o how we express gratitude and nd positive emotions. in general, how we deal while with she painful invited a p

Once again, Sonja Lyubomirsky did articipants to talk


about or to share the worst experiences of their lives and the best experiences of their lives. And what she did was divide them actually to four groups. One group- w rite about it. Write about havior- what you did the ABC, the affect- the emotion, the be

then ,and the cognition- what you thought then. Three times on three consecutive

days for 15 minutes. First group just wrote about it. The second group talked about i t to a tape recorder about the same best experiences and another group, worst experienc es. Third group, just think on three consecutive about it- ruminate for 15 minutes also

days. What she looked at was physical and mental health. She looked at how healt hy they were. She looked at their physical... how they perceived themselves as heal thy or not, how many symptoms their mood- how they actually had. And she looked at

happy they were. Before the experiment and four weeks later, after that three da ys,15 534 ----------------------- 225----------------------minutes each day intervention. up. There was also a Here is what she fourth group, which was a control gro

found. So basically you have three or four by two, writing, talking and thinking . Study one: worst experiences. wrote- let me just Study two: best experiences. Those who

explicate this. Those who wrote about the worst experiences actually felt better and were physically healthier, compared to the control group four weeks later. lt, Those who talked about it to a take recorder- remember? about what they fe

about what they've been through, about what they thought at the time while they are thinking now. 15 minutes, three days. Actually, felt better after talking about it. Those who thought about it, who ruminated about it, without talking, without writing a bout it, actually month later. felt worse The second and were physically less healthier a

study, where they wrote about their happiest experiences, we see the opposite tr end. In

other words, those who wrote about it on what they experience, how they experien ce it, what they learn from it on three days, for 15 minutes each time, actually fe lt worse physically as well as mentally after a month. Those who talked about it also abo ut the ABC- the affect, the behavior, the cognition, also felt better and were less hea lthy a month later. about their Well those positive who just thought about it, ruminated

experiences, imagined it on three consecutive days,15 minutes each day, actually felt better and were healthier a month later, four weeks later. So she ran the third study to understand- this was a surprising result, was not what she expected. So she ran the third study to understand the mechanism- what is going on here. Why is it that w hen we write and talk about negative experiences, it makes us feel better and health ier? Strengthen our immune it, ruminate it, system? Whereas when we just think about

what's going on here? Whereas the exact opposite is the case with positive emoti ons. ying. And what she found was there was a distinction between analyzing and repla

When we analyze an experience, when we make sense of it, it helps. It actually h elps. 535 ----------------------- 226----------------------Painful experiences and negative experiences, which is why therapy helps. And wh at helps in therapy more than anything is less of technique, less the years of stud y that the therapists had, less the experience that the therapists had. These things ma tter. But not that much. What matters most is are they empathic. In other words, are they good listeners? so when we feel like we can talk and analyze about painful emotion, w

e feel better. We are physically and ruminate about healthier. When we simply sit down

painful emotions without making sense of it, we get very often into a downward s piral. We narrow and constrict. onstrict even more. We feel more sad. We narrow and c

Remember the Barbara Fredrickson's studies? why. And so on and so when we analyze a on. In contrast, we are not sure

positive experience, really analyze it- try to understand why it happened and so on. So we do it for three consecutive days. It actually doesn't help. We don't understa nd why. But maybe it's because it takes all the fun spontaneity from the experience. How ever when we just ruminate about it, then it about the positive experience- just think

contributes to our well-being. The gratitude exercise is about replaying the exp erience. It's exactly that. In other words, it's thinking about our happiest experiences of the day, which leads ultimately to positive outcome. So what is it saying about the permi ssion to be human? How is it different? Because the permission to be human is also ver y much term. related to being Well here's the happier to and be healthier human, we in the give long ourselves

difference: with the the permission to


experience the emotions for as long as necessary. If we just lost someone, it wo uld be much longer than if we just didn't perform so well in the test. But we give ours elves the permission to experience ourselves, "so what the experience. And then we ask

would be the most effective way to act now?" . One And one of the most effective way to act would be to share that experience

of the most active

effective way to act would be to just write in our journal. Daily 536

----------------------- 227----------------------acceptance. Not just ruminating and staying there with this painful emotion. Now one of the things I thought about it also in the context of my grandmother's experie nce is why is it that- we'll talk about PTSD in a few minutes- why is it that so many p eople in the United States coming back from Vietnam (30% of Vietnam vets experience po st traumatic stress disorder). It affected their entire lives. Whereas people who h ave been through the holocaust, often, much worse no less terrible experiences, very

experiences, people who have been through the holocaust, percentage wise- there are far less people who have PTSD- post traumatic stress disorder. Why this difference? pulationI mean, you know in Israel,50% of the older po

when I was born,50% of the population were holocaust survivors. I didn't see muc h post traumatic stress disorder there. Whereas again,30% of Vietnam vets have PTS D. Now the jury is still out to see how many of the second Iraq war will come back with PTSD, but the number is going to be staggering too. see, Why? What's the difference? And I think this explains the difference. You

Vietnam is not a popular war. Many of the vets who came back to their home, to t heir country didn't talk about it openly. They kept it inside them. And what they did was they were- right here- thinking about some of the worst experiences, replaying i t in their minds over and over and over again. And the situation just worse and worse and worse. In contrast, people coming from, again no less terrible



the to their village. They came back to

holocaust. They came back their country. They

came to Israel and what did they do there? They talked about it. They talked abo ut their experiences- most of them, not all- most of them talked about their experi ences with their friends, with their family constantly talked about it. They were here . And over time, it helped them move on and continue. So the best advice from this st udy, you know that, as I told you, I am not going to teach you much new in this cours e. Just want to remind you how helpful it is to have support group. How helpful it is to 537 ----------------------- 228----------------------share with friends, with family, with a therapist, with a journal, in writing. ntions We'll talk about journaling next week- you know the most effective interve

both for positive as well as negative experiences- only we are writing in differ ent way: one we analyze; l shouldn't wait the other, for wait we just simply once replay. a year, Being that gratefu Novembe

Thanksgiving. We shouldn't r date, when we

express gratitude, when we go around the table and say what we are grateful for. It should be a habit. A, because it works, it helps. And B, because it's moral. Thi s gets to a point that I'll repeat throughout the course, where the moral is also the prac tical. The practical, in most cases, is also the moral. They go hand in hand. sponse David Steindl-Rast, What brings fulfillment is gratefulness, the simple re

of our heart Again, just like a child. The poet, Galway Kinnel: Cicero: DGratitud e is not only the greatest of virtues, I thought about this sentence a lot which I lo ve, but

why? Because if then we take granted. aken for

you think things for





are not


If we are not grateful for the good things in our lives, things are t

granted. And then we are blind to them. Then as far as we are concerned, they do not exist. Now what makes virtue virtuous? It's the good. And if there is no good in our world, then that takes away the virtue from being virtuous. That is why I think. .. what Cicero was talking about f all virtues". Another when he meant "it is the parent o

concernment benefit finder is the Radcliff student, or was a Radcliff student, H elen Keller. Helen what is all around us. e to She tells us a story in her wonderful autobiography about a friend who cam Keller, quite literally, open our eyes and get us appreciate

visit her once in Cambridge. There were many more woods at the time. And the fri end walked around the woods and when her friend came back, Helen Keller asked her, " so what did you see? What did you note?", to which her friend responded, "well, not hing in particular." in particular" And Helen in her Keller responds 538 ----------------------- 229----------------------autobiography. Let me read. DI wondered how it was possible to walk f or an hour through the woods and see nothing of note. I who cannot see find hundreds of thi ngs: the delicate symmetry of a leaf, the smooth skin of a silver birch, the rough, s haggy bark of a pine. I who am blind can give one hint to those who see: use your eyes as if tomorrow you will have been stricken blind. Hear the music of voices, the songs of a to that "nothing

bird, the mighty strains tomorrow.

of an orchestra as if

you would be stricken deaf

Touch each object as if tomorrow your tactile sense would fail. Smell the perfum e of flowers, taste with relish each morsel, as if tomorrow you could never taste or smell again. Make the most of every sense. Glory in all the facets and pleasures and b eauty Take a minute twice a day to focus on what is going on around e when... on your way to class s, the beautiful trees, the to look at the you Take a minut beautiful gras

beautiful snow. Take a minute in the evening to reflect and think about the day you had, and to write down the things for which you are grateful. Today over lunch, just by a little bit slower than you do normally and taste, experience the taste. Because it is a privilege to have the food that we have. It is a privilege to have the friends that we have. the family that we have. And we shouldn't take that pr ivilege for granted. Because eciates. We don't what we don't appreciate unfortunately depr

need to wait for a threat, for a tragedy, for us to appreciate what's all around us and within us. What reminds nder that I have always in front of my nd particularly, of my grandmother saw her me constantly, eyes, my surrounding, of my my the family remi a who

is a picture And here's

in the middle. coming in


stooped, ill and took her into his arms. I have this picture in my office. Looke d at it all the time to remind me. I would have told you the story now which comes at the en d of the lecture. But I know when me so much. I don't think I I tell the story, it drains

would be able to go on. So I told you at the end of the lecture last time. But t his is my

reminder. This ent- primes me

is what and






reminds me to be a benefit finder. 539 ----------------------- 230----------------------The So here is what I want to do now. What I want to do now is take a time in.

first time in of the semester, not the last one. Time in when you have a chance to look inside yourself, to reflect. You'll have opportunity in sections as well. I want to do it now in this room. I want you to take just a couple of minutes to think about and write down mindfully the things for which you are grateful. The wonderful things in yo ur life. So take two minutes to do it. (Time in) Ok. It would be great if you conti nue this later on as well. But Something slightly I want to do something else now.

embarrassing. My apologies in advance. But what I'd like you to do now is share with the person next to you some... You don't need to share everything. And you can h ave some beeps in middle if you want to have censorship. That's fine. But just take couple of minutes to share with one another, with the person next to you or if there ar e three of you, just share quickly. I am just going to give you two minutes for that. Th e things for which you are grateful. You can elaborate on one thing or you can read the l ist. (Students talking) Take 30 seconds more. 30 seconds more to finish up. OK. OK. You... You can continue later. I recommend you continue later. Very simple intervention that go es a long way. If we just learn co-create the more positive to focus on the positive, we

reality. What I want to do now before moving on to the next lecture on change. I

want to say a few words about the final project. Remember the idea of the final proje ct is basically a presentation anywhere between 20 to 30 minutes that you will create. This is both for the e students. w0-30 extension minute school as well as for the colleg

presentation that you will hand in as, or about any topic within positive psycho logy. And by the way, that could also be positive psychological interventions for depr ession or anxiety. It could be about gratitude. It could be the mind body connection. I t could be about spirituality and religion. uld urge you to do is find the you want to research. most It could be about self-esteem. What personally meaningful 540 ----------------------- 231----------------------Remember what is the most personal is also most general. So if you are very much interested, passionate in want to understand more spirituality, do that. If you really topic I wo that

and be able to apply to your life more, positive psychological interventions for , I don't know, public speaking anxiety or whatever it is, do it on that. more The more personal you get you'll get out of it. in that, in that paper, the

You'll hand it in as a written text. 20 to 30 minutes is about 10 to 15 pages of texts and this is what you'll ultimately hand in. You'll give both a written text as well as slides. We are not going to grade for how beautiful and how amazing your powerpoints... But we do want you to hand in slides that will be the outline for your talk. Now the only part of this that will be actually graded is what you hand in at the end, meanin g the text of your lecture. However, in addition to that, the powe





pass/fail, meaning you have to do it. but you are not going to be graded for it, is to give the presentation to of you in extension other people from your section. Those

school will give to other people in your community. The idea here is doing it. That's how paying I it forward. Getting an idea and

actually started my speaking career. I had a topic that I was personally interes ted and I gave it to the squash team. I talked about it. Just to people close to me. And I had a topic and then that evolved over time. So we want you ,for those of you who have n't had the experience is to first of all synthesize material in the topic that you care about, that cond you think will make to be able to pay a difference it in your life; and se

forward. It has to have reference to research. This is not just a personal story or an autobiography. se stories It has to have reference to research. In addition to, of cour

that you think capture the point. Probably the most effective way of communicati ng an idea is through stories. mber ten years from now, kely the research on to remember the You know, But you'll you probably not are much more reme li


story of Roger Bannister. So people remember stories. They connect to stories. B ut at 541 ----------------------- 232----------------------the same time, this is an academic paper. nces to We want to bridge the Ivory tower and the Main Street. So have refere

research. And these are the things that would be optionally: you can have film c lips- if you have a film clip in it, it's a 10 minute film clip, it doesn't count as part of the 10 to

30 minutes. Especially if you have 20 minute film clip unless you are giving a l ecture, which is fine. And include exercise. So if this is a workshop, what exercise wou ld you do? Would you have, you know participants express gratitude to one another? Woul d you go have them writing out and exercise So is include em... or a journal? exercises rather, Would as your well. you Here have are in them the this

physically later? dates. So this

These are your deadlines, project. March 20th,just


before spring break, all you need to do is let your TF know your topic. One word , one sentence- it's gratitude. It's spirituality. It's mind-body. Specifically physic al exercise. Just let them know. Now you may change that a week later or two weeks later. But we just want ll be. you to start honing and thinking about what So your likely topic wi

that's March 20. on it April 7- give you some time after spring break, so you don't have to work

over spring break, though we hope you'll at least think about it and read some s tuff over spring break. April 7: one page outline. A draft of your topic. Again, this is not graded. This is just for you, meaning pass/fail. So you have to hand it in. Just for you. Then you can talk to your teaching fellow about it. By May 3, give the presentat ion to at least three or four classmates. If you are in extension school, give it to ot her people. And ask them for feedback. And you'll get feedback- ideally, written feedback. W e'll talk to you about the process later on when the time comes. Again, this is not g raded. It's for you. , because you It's for you as are paying it well as for the participants

forward. It can be a rough draft. It is a rough draft. And I'll give you feedbac k and say, "you know, what I thought was missing is maybe an extra story or I felt like you were 542 ----------------------- 233----------------------not grounded enough in research." Or, you know, "introduce a little bit more ene rgy." Or whatever it is. Get feedback from them to help you. And then the week later, the final project will be due. Any questions about this? If you have a question, pro bably others have the same questions. So any questions about the final project? Ok. Th ink about it. Yes. Question. No, it's not in section. You will actually... Ok. So the question is where do you make the presentation. You'll have to get together with your group, the other th ree or four, probably be three. And give each other the presentation. If you want to do it with powerpoints and the whole thing, that's perfectly fine. If ad it or speak it, that's perfectly fine too. Your choice is whatever e most you just want to re you think would b

helpful to you. Again, this project is for you. It's for you and for others hope fully who will benefit have done from hearing it- we've what you have to say. Students who

already done it for the last two years. The first year I taught it- we just had a regular paper. And the students enjoy this process so much more and get so much more out of it and it stays with them. Because it's something you can take, again, pay forwa rd also when hahar: question. So are you supposed to narrow down a topic as opposed to being very genera you are done Yes. Good here. Other questions? Yes. Dr. Tal Ben-S

l life spirituality? Up to you. Up to you. You can give an overview and then, at t he end of your presentation, say, you know, these are some of the interesting studies, but if you want more information, you know, you can look there. Or you can do something very particular. So the benefit of church going. Or the benefit of Arabic exerci se. It can be very specific or much more... Or the benefit, psychological benefit of Ar abic exercise. So it can be very specific or very general. Up to you. Whatever you th ink would be more interesting to you. And what often happens when we found this is t hat once you get into the literature ,you are going through info- you'll read a lot of studies 543 ----------------------- 234----------------------there. That's when you understand, "OK,I have so much material on just this spec ific point I am going to focus here." Or I really want an overview of this whole topi c. And then in later presentations, or I'll create a whole class just based on this top ic later on. Or website. There are tes based on their actually many students who created websi

projects. There was another hand up there. Or were you just saying hi? Hi. Yes. They can't hear you. For extension students all over the world, you are going to pick two or three people people who anywhere, will be family, friends, whoever it is but

"beautiful enemies" to you, who will give you real feedback. Because they care a bout you. Good. Alright. No one else? Alright, if you have further questions, ask you r TF or ask me. (A student sneezes.) Bless you. Change. In many ways, we've been talking about change the whole class. T

his class is about change, as I said on the first class, I wouldn't be teaching it i f I didn't think people could change. And when I talk change, I am talking about different levels. Whether the change in terms of introducing a habit: I want to start exercising f or three times a week. Why? cising three times st powerful drugs. w, I Because as the you you'll see from a few same want effect to as weeks from now, exer some of is our you mo kno

a week has psychiatric

Or let's say habit want to introduce


spirituality to my life. Or change could be "I want to be happier". I want to ex perience less anxiety. General Whatever the change anxiety or specific anxiety, before tests.

you want to introduce to in your life, there are certain patterns, certain appro aches that work, certain approaches that don't work. What we are going to do next two class es, two and a half classes is differentiate what works and what dosen't so that u can apply it to your life. So first of all, we've talked a lot about change. Let's recap some of the things that we discussed. First of all, on the second class we already mentioned this, that change is hard. And there are a lot of studies to show how hard change is. The twin res earch. 544 ----------------------- 235----------------------Remember the conclusion. Try and change your happiness is as difficult and futil e as trying to change your height. Now even though they went back on their word and t hey said "well they did it's show not really in their impossible and futile", still what yo

studies is that it is very hard The twin studies. Happiness is a stochastic phen

omenon. Then Daniel Gilbert's work on affective forecasting. Yeah we experience it an up after we get tenure or after we get into Harvard, and we experience a down when we are rejected by whatever it is. But then very quickly we go back up to our base leve l of wellbeing. And most of our life looks like this around this straight base level. It's very difficult to get an upward trajectory. It's possible through coping for example, but it's difficult. that The Cambridge-Somerville ultimately led to whether there's with studymore bright 5 year intervention among best. the peopl

negative change, e who did go

alcoholism in the

through that intervention ,psychiatrists, social


workers, programs. So we know change is hard, whether it's on the individual lev el or on the society level. However, we also know the change is possible. We know tha t many of the people who argue that change is not possible are making the error of the average, looking at the average score as opposed to out-layers, as opposed to pe ople who have introduced he exception that change. And when we study change, it's t

proves the rule So if change is possible and some people have been able to chan ge whether it's through therapy, whether it's by reading a book, whether it's being a part of the class, whether it's through conversation- sometimes it's a single sentenc e that makes a difference to their entire life, they are the exceptions. But the questi ons are no longer whether or not change is possible. The question is "how is change possibl e". And this is the question we are going to address in much greater depth on a high er

level of the spiral in these lectures. What does change look like? Let's go micro here. Let's go to the brain lev el. How 545 ----------------------- 236----------------------does change actually look like? What happens in our brain when change occurs? Un til 1998, neuro scientists thought that the brain was essentially fixed. We are born with certain neurones, ass the certain pathways. The brain doesn't grow, doesn't change p

age of, say three Maybe first a few experiences the brain still changes and evol ves But after the age of three, no change. And this theory which was held until 1998- I mean that's not lly proved so long ago, positive for this theory gave You certain credence, are born neurone and with actua cert

"happiness is a stochastic ain genes. You are born You

phenomenon". with

with certain inclinations have a few


experiences that really affect you a great deal, as Freud argued. And then the r est of your life, you are going to just fluctuate around that same level. No change. Th at was until 1998. In 1998, scientists started to notice that the brain actually does change. And they came up with the concept of neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity are nuerones are pl asticthey change. Not only that, not only do the pathways change in the brain- and we 'll look at it in a minute, other concept, which is but also they've come up with an

neurogenesis. Neurones develop, are created throughout our lives until the day w e die potentially So it's not the fact that we are born with certain number of neurone s and

it's downhill from there, as conventional wisdom had us to believe- as many peop le still believe today. No, neurones are developed and grow, emerge throughout our lives. The brain, it turns out, in many ways is like muscle: use it and you don't lose it. Use it and you generate, you build the muscle up. And the question is how do we use it so that it becomes an assistant in a way, help toward becoming happier. So let's lo ok at what the brain actually look like. What it looks like is that there are millions of channels inside, neural p athways, connections between different neurones in brain that look something like this. A s you can see, some are very thin, are relatively new. some are much thicker, much mor e 546 ----------------------- 237----------------------established. And the way nature. You have large it works in many ways is like in

rivers, large channels. And you have tiny rivers and tiny channels. And what hap pens is that every time other words, your a connection is made between neurones- in

thought pattern follows a certain path. That path grows. Just like a river- ever y time the water passes there, it gets this much ,this much wider. And when there is no water there, there is no work being done in the neurone, metaphorically speaking, t sh rinks a little bit. So neural pathways grow with use and they shrink when there is no us e. If it's something new, because remembera new neural pathway that was just created

there's neuroplasticity. Neural pathways are created constantly. There is neurog enesis. New neutrones are created constantly. Initially it's very thin. Let's say for ex ample, I

study French. And I learn a new word. A new connection is made in my brain. Now if I hear the word once ill disintegrate, will disappear. However, if I continue hearing that word over and over and over again, aft er all it will become thicker and plification of the real thicker. Ok this is a way over sim and never again, the neural pathway w

process. But it will become thicker. And then I'll remember it for the rest of m y life. It will osed be to established like a river a tiny stream and that is established, as opp

trickle that can disappear in a day. And here is the key aspect for understandin g how we can change our thought, how we can change our wellbeing ultimately. The neura l pathways are self-reinforcing, just like rivers are. Think about it: when it rai ns, when there ting is a down pour, river, toward the the water gravitates toward the exis

channels, toward the drains that we have built. It's much less likely to create a new river or a new stream with there's nothing before. So the experience is much lik ely to gravitate to already established neural pathways and strengthen it further, as o pposed to create new neural pathways, which is why if we want to remember something, it 's very good to make g neural pathways, existing memories. 547 ----------------------- 238----------------------Let me explain understand. Because understanding this Dweck, professor Stanford showed can at and this again, because this is this is important that to connections to to other things, to existin





this neuroplasiticity,




actually can change can make us more likely to succeed in one of the ways of suc cessto actually become happier. d established neural So it's important to understand. An

pathway attracts more action and it attracts more action and gets thicker. Somet hing that's not established, a tiny little stream is more likely to be just wiped awa y. tay, As it grows more, it's grow even more. It is more likely to stay, not just s

self-reinforcing. And this is what habits are. When something is reinforced over and over again, it becomes a habit. For example, you play tennis and you hit the for ehand over and over about it. You and over have to again. to, you you Initially know, stop the you maybe racket, have to cock but think your after

concentrate. You have wrist a little bit, maybe understand a while, exactly where after doing it

hunderds of, thousands of times you don't need to think about it anymore. It's a lready grooved. And the word cause you essentially created a new channel. automatically you don't even gravitates that And I used is a It grooved, ball comes specifically be toward Your you, mind

whenever about it.

need to think toward that


particular path or paths, many paths that tell It's automatic.

you "lift it up

and hit".

Same with music. And what it has shown is people who practice music regularly or practice a sport regularly, their brain actually changes its shape. More neural pathways are created around these areas that mean "let me play a C now" or "let me move m y fingers in this way" based on somthing that I see on the page. Certain neural pa thways are created, and the brain actually becomes thicker in these areas. Or more expe

rience flow in: the more we do it, the more they flow Until it becomes grooved and I do n't need to think about how to play C-. It's automatic. 548 ----------------------- 239----------------------They did a research. This was the first research, one of the first researc h projects where they found the brain actually changes. They took taxi drivers or freshly m inted taxi drivers from London And what they had to do, to become, to get their certif icate, their approval, they had to study the map of London. Now the map of London is mu ch more complicated than study the map of New York. Those of you who have been to London. But they studied and they spent a lot of time. What they found was the b rain, part of their visual cortex actually changed from before they started to study t he maps of London to after. Because the brain. They had experiences. their brain, And these so when they were working created that grooves part of



someone said "Oxford Circus", immediately they knew what street they need to tak e to Oxford Circus. Their brain actually became bigger. It changed their neuroplas iticity. And that's wonderful news. It's really wonderful news. our Because it means we have control. And we can healthy and the introduce change. So Now in for exa

brain, there are both mple, some of the

unhealthy pathways. constant

negative channels may be one of worries a lot.

worrier- someone who

That every time something happens, immediately they gravitate to "ok so what doe s that mean for the future?" Or "what does that mean now for my prospects?" "What

does it mean good things

for today?" very

Constantly worrying




often. They immediately interpret it as something to be worry about. Or fault fi nding. That's pathways in the brain where I look for- again they are self-reinforcingI begin to look for in my world things that go wrong. e. Remember my personal experience where I got the fellowship as a senior her

And I got the fellowship and immediately my brain gravitated toward "Ok but why didn't I get the other one?" I had so many things to be grateful for. But it's t he fault finder immediately fell into was the the neural pathway, one for the me 549 ----------------------- 240----------------------there are positive channels as well. What are the positive channels? Benefit fin der. A person who is able to find benefit even in the hard circumstances. May not say t hat the things happen for the de the best of things best, but something, but people ma river at this that experience time was

largest one. And the largest being a fault finder. Then

happen. The optimist. Again, much larger, much wider channels for optimism. And the experiences gravitate e how the brain toward there. Today we know much mor

works. And where these channels exist? so let me give hings we know. One of things the that left we know side of you the an example people the positive of who the have side of more one more the of the t on

is that the to to


prefrontal cortex, compared l cortex, are general happier. More susceptible n phase of painful


prefronta i



emotions. More activation here- prefrontal cortex, compared to the right side of the

prefrontal cortex. People who have more activation on the right side compard to the left of f the prefrontal cortex are generally more depressed. Now we know that t oday because we have FMRI, because we have EEG. We can see how much the brain works on each side. But we knew that already hundreds of years ago. We knew that this side is associated with positive emotions, and more activation on this side of the fr ont, is associated with painful emotions. nt How? Because when people, for example were in an accident, and the accide

happened to them and the left side of the prefrontal cortex was damaged, very of ten they became more depressed. Because they had more activation on the right side a s a result. In comparison, people who had an accident on the right side on the other hand, on the right recommen this side, very as an often, became happier. Now I don't

intervention. Don't try it at home without your parents or with your parents. Ho wever, if you walk in the street, and you happen to fall, it's always better to fall th is way. So just keep that in mind. Important en is that very often the thing to keep in mind th

same trigger causes very different reactions. Again the world is not just the ex ternal 550 ----------------------- 241----------------------world. It's also the internal world. Remember to the same mind, as Emerson said, the same world can be... or to the different minds, the same world can be a heaven o r a hell. Depends on what that experience gravitates toward. Over the years, I've be come a much more, much more of a benefit finder through the exercise, through thin king

about it, by writing, keeping a journal, by physically exercising, I become much more of a benefit finder. I've done a lot of work in that. One of the great fortunes in my life is that I married a consummate benefi t finder. Tommy, my wife doesn't have to work that hard at it. So for example, we would co me back from a party. And couldn't stop talking. there was someone at the party who

Have you encountered a person... Well,couldn't stop talking. And I just about to tell Tommy you know, this person just couldn't shut his or her mouth. And what would she say before I open my mouth? She said, "see how wonderful that person was and he or she is so passionate about what they do?" So for me, it was talkative. For her, it was passion. Again, automatically going there. There is a genetic set point- and we'll talk about the genes- that benefit finders than lead we some can people work to on be it. much We more can brain medi

others But at the same time, work on it, pathway by

pathway.And what we are doing there is quite literally transforming the We'll talk about during the tation- for instance week on mindfulness meditation that

regular yoga- actually makes our.. changes the pathwaya in our brain, makes it m ore active on the left side it more susceptible to compared to the right side. Makes

positive emotions, more resilient to the phase of painful emotions. o talk We can change the brain. Neuroplasiticity and neurogenesis. We are going t

about two types of change in this next week. The first type of change is the gra dual approach. stone. This This is is the the change nature of gradually with the chipping water away excess away

change that we see in the stone, making it


thinner over time, making s is the change we



The 551




----------------------- 242----------------------mostly see in the world It's the healthy change. There is no quick fix. It takes time. However, the change process can be as enjoyable as the outcome. Think about how to learn to play musical instrument. way the same process, because en we we are creating are learning new neural It takes pathways time. in It's our by brain, the wh

musical instrument. We can enjoy the process that ten years that it takes us to get to play in a concert in Leverett JCR. e We can enjoy the process there. So the change and of itself can as well as the A of also lot of for getting be there fun. time. the We Then gradual before can we enjoy ar t al was

process in he journey

destination. It takes time. so the acute approach to change. You the water know if breaking the

there is change


down stone, the metaphor for acute approach is taking a sledgehammer and breakin g the water, breaking the stone. You know what Moses did. The acute change. Takes. .. Doesn't take much time. It happens immediately. But the important thing to keep in mind, with the acute change is it's not a quick fix. The acute change, very ofte n, takes a lot of preparation, metaphorically speaking- You need a lot of strength to pic k up the hammer and to have the power to put it down. So it takes time. Both take time. A nd that's important to keep in mind. Why? and bypass Martin Seligman: DThe belief that we can rely on shortcuts to gratification the exercise of personal strengths and virtues is folly






humanity who are depressed in the middle of great wealth and are starving to dea th spiritually." This is one of the main reasons for the unhappiness in the world t oday. I alluded to it but I want to elaborate it a little bit more before we end. How ma ny here have read, by the way, the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Cove y. Ok. Quite a few. It's a wonderful book. One of the best, if not the best self-he lp books out there. Stephen Covey at the beginning of the book talks about the research t hat he did for his PHD. And what he did was look at the success literature of the last 200 552 ----------------------- 243----------------------years. And what he found point in 1930 Until 1930,19th self-help century and was about was the that beginning there of was a real cut-off century,

the 20th

character change. hard It was about changing who you are from inside. It was about struggling in

work and failing and going, getting up again. Going through hardships. And chang ing step by step, slowly, gradually. character change, it 1930- radical change. From

became quick fix. Thinking grow rich. How to win friends in influent people. Do it now. The secret- quick change, immediate change, easy change. And from the 1930s , what we see is a decline in people's level of well being. Much more depression. Much more anxiety. And one of the reasons is that. That people hope and believe that they can find quick fix. There is It takes time to change. However, the change process can no be quick as fix. It takes as time. e






achieving the change. And next week we'll talk about that wonderful process. Hav e a good weekend. 553 ----------------------- 244----------------------Positive Psychology CLecture 10 Hi! Good things are morning! So going to today's lecture is about change. And

change today. Our relationship is going to change today. So stay tuned. Last time, last time we ended by talking about the different kinds of change. The first approachthe gradual approach, like water wearing down stone, chipping away gradually slowly taking our time. The second approachthe acute change, the sledge hammer breaking stone creating a new pathway, a new channel. The important thing to keep in mind with both forms of changes, with all forms of changes, lasting c hange that iswhich is what we are aboutnot just the spike and the return to base level. The thing to keep in mind about change is that we neither is quick-fix. Even when

pick up that sledge hammer, even when we pick it up, we need to do a lot of work before the preparation. So for example, gradual change, slow change would be doi ng the gratitude exercise every day, slowly becoming more and more of a benefit fin der, gradually pathway neuron. Remember neuroplasticity rtant concepts. Because just by knowing s in and of itself by and neurogenesistwo that our brain very change impo looking more neuron by at the positive, creating a new neural


makes us more likely to change. And this is work done by Carol Dweck, whom I'll discuss in future courses when we discuss perfectionism. And then the sledge ham mer

example is oesn't come vacuum. ow the

like the in a



great insight


It comes after

a lot of hard work after a lot of preparation. You kn

99% of perspiration that leads to that inspiration. So no quick-fix. And the bel ief in quick-fix, the expectation of the quick-fixthat is one of the reasons why levels o f the depression are so high today. Because people are frustrated. They are disapp ointed. They think on't succeed there's something in the wrong with them when they d

quick-fix. But they have justI just write in the book that it's possible if I do t hese 554 ----------------------- 245----------------------five things, I'd be happy for the rest of my life. And I do these five things, a nd I'm not happier. And I begin to kes time. No five easy steps to happiness. Before we go to the change process, there are a few things we need to underst and. The first thing to understand is thisdo I, do you really want to change? And it's not a trivial question. It is not a rhetorical question because very often on the co nscious level we may be saying yes, but on the subconscious level something is stopping us. Let me show you an example. So this is the study done by Langer an dand Thompson back in the 80s. And here is what they did. They brought students in or participants in. And to get rid of certain characteristics, d they asked they asked them whether gullible they wanted An question myself. No quick-fix. It ta

like rigidity them

or being

or grimness.

whether they wanted to get rid of these characteristics and whether they succeed ed in

becoming better in this area. Were you able to introduce change, so were you abl e to actually become less rigid, if this was important for you to change, or less gul lible, or less grim? So this is the first two questions that they asked. Did you want to i mprove it? Did you wanna change this? And then after, they answered these questions. Th ere was the second part of the study where they asked them to evaluate the positivethe following positive characteristics. Consistency, is it important to you? Is it i mportant to you to be trustworthy? And how important it is for you to be and to be percei ved as a serious person? And this research. Those here is the interesting finding of

individuals who rated the positive traitsthe ones in yellow who rated them highas personally negatives. important Do you to them were less likely to change the

understand implications of the study? Let's say I do wanna get rid of rigidity. I don't like being rigid. However, at the same time, consistency is a very important val ue to me. I'm less likely to change my rigidity because they are associated in my mind . And yeah, I don't want to be rigid. But at the same time subconscious is talking her e I want to be consistent. Don't let go of this rigidity because I couple them, I as sociate 555 ----------------------- 246----------------------them together. Not wanting to get rid of one because I don't want the baby out w ith the bath water. And with gullibility and We can who's to me say they that are the linked. other side The same of gull

trustworthiness. ibility someone

trustworthy. Now going to the extreme. I become gullible. However, I don't get r id of

my gullibility because I don't want to also get rid of my trustworthiness. Same with grim. I may be grim but that's also subconsciously a sign of my seriousness. You inking know for years, and writing and literally years, when I've been th

analyzing the notion of perfectionism, I couldn't understand why it didn't get b etter, for very long time. Because I knew perfectionism was hurting me. I read the rese arch. I g look me through in terms personal of my experiences. in the I knew long term it was in hurtin of

well-being for my success.

sure, but also And yet I


couldn't get rid of perfectionism until I read the study. And I asked myself, Wh at's tied in my mind? What goes hand in hand is drive and ambition. And if I had to define myselfthis is one ant to lose these of the first thingsand didn't let me, because stopped me I from didn't w

characteristics, my subconscious getting rid of the

perfectionism, perfectionism which I define as a debilitating fear of failure. W e'll have a whole week on perfectionism. So we'll get more in depth if you'll understand w hat it means. And it was only once I understood that for me these two things go hand i n hand, I was able to unpack them to distinguish them. I said I want to keep one n ot the other. Or for example, these many times worry and to anxiety. you about Look the I've process mentioned that

before, next time I'll talk I underwent to overcome anxiety.

Part of me since the time I can't remember myself being anxious whether it's before matches in squash, whether ore speaking up in section when I was an it's undergrad. before And exams, I whether to it's stop bef that





However, I didn't let go of worry and anxiety because I also sort with responsib ility. 556 ----------------------- 247----------------------Well if I'm anxious, it can mean I'm responsible. So I prepare for class much mo re as opposed to just let go and become a slacker. So I associated a positive trait wh ich is responsibility. ming very And remember important Brandon? No one is co

traitresponsibility. But that prevented me from letting gosubconscious level, not conscious of the worry and anxiety that I often experienced. Guilt, again there is good guilt, there is bad guilt. You know it is. Well, I don't want to get rid of guilt because empathic and sensitive what that means I'm not being

toward other people. Very often we connect the two. They go hand in hand. Anothe r couple is the notion of simplifying. This is something very personal to me. I wa nted to do less because was actually I knew hurting that taking on too many I activities couldn't my edge. Why they I do conn don' p simpl

mewas hurting my productivity, creativity, well-being. ify. Why? Because So I I associate it in my didn't let go. Or talked of they don't those about remain wanna mind with losing

fault-findingwe eople not let go fault-finding? Why do ect it with the sense of realism. I t wanna be one of

this a week pessimistic? stop being

ago. Because realistic.

detached Pollyannas. And therefore I don't let go of my fault-finding. Happiness. One of the happiness is that they most significant barrier to people's

associate happiness with slacking off, because the dominant paradigm. If I'm hap py

now, I ignore experiencing pain. It means I'm letting go. It means I'm not gonn a be successful. It means I'm gonna lose my edge. It means I'm gonna lose my drive an d ambition. So our subconscious prefers to keepkeep us unhappy, so that w e don't lose the ambition, other things that things such as we value highly, things such as

having an edge, things such as our hard work. Now of course, when we look at the m we On know that they don't the contrary, for necessarily have know from to the go hand in and hand. bui

example, happiness, we ld theorythe positive


emotions are actually associated with higher levels of successwhereas I'll talk ab out 557 ----------------------- 248----------------------after spring break, when we talk about perfectionism. We know from research, you 'll be able to connect it also in the person. Many of you will be able to connect it in the personal level. We know that ilure and coping, putting letting go of this fear of fa

ourselves on the line more, learning from failures looking at it as aas a stepping stone that contributes to our doesn't need to take away success in the long term. It

from our drive and ambition on the contrary. And the key if we wanna overcome th is fear of failure or the worry/anxiety, or the guilt, or the slack of happiness, o r getting a better understanding of these characteristics. y For example, understanding fear of failure, the not that just I want fear of to let go of failure, m

debilitating fear of failure, e every one is afraid of


failure to some extent, but to let go of the debilitating fear of failure and ye t maintain

my drive or ambition. So more in nuance understanding that you need to go hand i n hand. Or, I can't, you know, I never used to be able to say no to people. You kn ow, such a short word, such an easy word, so difficult at times to say. Why? Because I see myself and now I want other people to see me as empathic as sensitive as underas a nice guy. And then I unpack the two. And it really doesn't have to hand in hand. I can say no to people very sensitively because ay yes to others, I'm very often when I s

saying no to myself, and in the long term, very often to the relationship. So no w I had a better more nuance understanding of when I can say no and when I don't want to say no while maintaining my sensitivity and my empathy without experiencing the same levels of guilt that I experienced before whenever I said no. And the same you c an do for every one of these, of these characteristics. So think about what if you wan ted to change for a very long time and weren't successful in. Was it perfectionism? Was it, you know, this very more playful? Well serious grimness? And you wanted you to be were

maybe you didn't want afraid of losing you

to get

rid of it because

seriousness. And you don't need do. The baby can stay, the bath water can go if we have a more nuance understanding of what it is we want to change. 558 ----------------------- 249----------------------ows In section next week, you are going to do an exercise with your teaching fell

called sentence completion. In that exercise, this is exactly what you are going to do, you're going to identify. It'sit's an exercise devised by Nathaniel Branden. You're

going to do an exercise that will help you identify what you wanna get rid of an d what you wanna keep. Very often, thatjust that switch that you make in your mind, subconscious as well as conscious mind can open the flood waters, the gates to a new channel, new pathway in our brain, real lasting change. We're gonna discuss to changethe three distinct, the interconnected pathways

ABCs of psychology which we have mentioned before. The ABCsthe A is the affect, the emotion. The B is the behavior, the action. And C is the cognition, the tho ught. And what we gonna do is we're going to talk about each one of the three. And for each one we're going to d the acute change talk about we're the gradual a change three by approach two. an Aff

approach. So in a sense ect, behavior, cognition


times gradual and the acute. And we're going to talk about six different approac hes to change. These six approaches to change are interconnected. It's important to con nect them. And ideally we want all three. Why? Quote it up, we used it a few times an d we'll use it again, John Dryden, British poetIn order to change a habit, in order to bring about lasting change, solid approach as we need to have as much of a

muchumforce in the intervention. It's not just enough to focus on the emotions. It's not just enough to focus on action. It's not enough just to focus on our th inking. We want to focus on the threethe A, the B, and the C. It's...Think about it. It's like a habit can be looked as a flood. There's flood in our mind of certain neurons fir ing in certain neuron pathway. And what we want to do is to overcome this flood. And to overcome this flood we need as much force as we can, therefore we want to use as

many approaches as we can. Before we jump into the A, one more thingwhat do we want to change? What can 559 ----------------------- 250----------------------we change? And what earchers led by the can we not change? So according to res

lights of as we're to explain an individual's happiness, we need to look at the three factors. The first factor is the tic set point, it's a range. We're all born with well-being. Some certain genetic set toward range, not gene and



people are born more with, you know, the smiley face with the smiley spoon in th eir mouth; others less so. And we're all somewhere on this, you know bell curve, som e people luckier than others. As I mentioned couple of times before, I wasn't born that lucky. I was born more on the anxious side of this curve not with thewith the happ y spoon in my mouth, which by the way I think helps me teach this class, because I do these things, I apply these things, I make a difference in my life. you know, be en there, done that, doing it. I can speak from personal experiences as you know. Now some people may look at it and say. Well, my answer to that isit's not terriit's not good . It's not bad. It is the law of gravity. It's not good it's not bad. It is and na ture to be commanded must be obeyed. We need to look at our nature, understand it and then make the best of it. About riance 50 percent in explaining of our levels of well-being of the va

happiness can't be accounted for by genes, which explains some of the results, o r for example, the twin studies. Why there were such similarities among the twins even if

they were, or between the twins, even if they were real depart. Because genes ma tter. Not good, not bad. It is. They matter 50 percent, not 100 percentthank Godbut 50 percent of the variance. The important thing to keep in mind is that we have a l ot of control what we do with these genes, and I'm just throwing out numbers. I don't know what it is exactly. But successful basketball players is determined 50 percent b y genes in terms of how much fast twitch versus slow twitch they have in their muscles, or how high they can jump, how coordinated they are, how tall they are. All these t hings matter. However, if Michael ball, I would be a Jordan hadn't worked on his basket

better player than he is. If he didn't work on his basketball at all, and I did and do. In 560 ----------------------- 251----------------------other words, also with genes, people who don't work on their happiness even if t hey have the best of genes will not do as well as people with less happy genes who w ork on it. So work matters a great deal. of The second thing that matters which makes up the hundred percent of variance

happiness is external circumstances. Of course, external circumstances make a lo t of difference, whether we're living in a free country versus oppression. That makes a lot of difference. However, beyond the extremes, in general, external circumstances

beyond being homeless on the street make very little difference, in fact, about 10% of the total variance. So such as place of genetic genes 50%, external circumstances

residence, such as income, such as weatherand again not for people, for example, who have seasonal affective disorder. Then of course it matters whether we get s un or

not. I'm talking aboutummost people, not people with SAD. So out of thes e extremes, external circumstances make, matter about 10%, not much. The third thing, the rest of the 40% is accounted for by intentional activiti es. What that means is what we do, how we interpret the world, what ssed we focus on. how we act, what we think about,

In essence, what 1504 is about. What we have discu we're gonna discuss even more in

since the first class, what the second half of the

semester. These intentional activities, our focus, these are essentially our ABC s. This is what real meaningful are gonna focus. It change comes. And this is where we

would be nice if we could do something with our genes. It would be nice. Cannot. It would be nice if we had more control of our external circumstances. But even if we did and many people do, many people sitting in this room or watching at home, do have more at makes control doesn't the most make that much of the difference. Wh

difference that we have control over are the internal activities, our interpreta tion of the world and our action. So let's jump into it. t's The a AAffect, more emotion, the heart, it's 561 ----------------------- 252----------------------logical connectionlinguistic motivation, motion. connection between emotion, a connection betweenand i

Emotion to move away. Without emotion we wouldn't move. You read about it in the book. Or you will read about it in the book about Elliott, who just lost his emo tional faculty and with it lost all motivation to act or do anything even though his co gnition

was in place. We need emotion in order to move. So I wanna talk about again, two aspects within emotion. The firstgradual change. The Secondmore acute change. The gradual change is a mindful meditation. Mindful meditation is arguably the m ost powerful intervention for bringing about calm and equanimity. A lot of research on it, we're gonna spend a whole week talking about it. Today what I wanna do is just t o introduce it, the basic, the foundation of the spiral of mindfulness. Jon Kabatt-Zin who in many ways is responsible for bringing serious research into this ople realm. He along like Herbert with people like Tara brought Bennett-Goleman, serious research pe

Benson from the medical to this what was



considered a mystical field. DCultivating mindfulness can lead to the d iscovery of deep realms of relaxation, calmness and insight within yourself. The path to it in any moment amazing lies no farther thing about than your own body This is the

mindfulness. When we talk about research, quite literally mind-boggling, I mean they change the way our by focusing on the breath, by focusing "All of us have mind of works, our transform body, by our being brain just

on parts the


capacity to be mindful. All it involves is cultivating our ability to pay attent ion in the present moment." Let's experience it just for a minute or two. So here is what I 'd like you to do once again if you feel comfortable with it. So sit back on youron your chair with your back againstagainst the back rest. Make yourself as comfortable as you can. Plant both feet on the ground comfortably. And if e, if you feel comfortabl

you feel comfortable, just close your eyes. And move your attention to your brea thing.

Take a deep breath in, exhalation. Deep slow


your your

belly. belly.

Slow, Slow, 562

quiet, gentle,

gentle quiet,

inhalation, all the way into long exhalation. If you

----------------------- 253----------------------mind wanders, just return to your breathing. Now in your mind's eye, just scan y our bodyyour forehand, your eyes, your nose, mouth, your neck, your chest, your upper back, lower back, your legs, all the way down to your feet. Just scan your body while continuing to breathe deeply, slowly and gently. And through your scan, find a p art of your body that is a little bit more tense than the others. It could be your jaws . It could be your neck. It could be your shoulders, your stomach. You're feeling a little bit of disease. Could be your legs, your knees, your feet. Identify that one part of th e body that is a little bit more tense than the others and focus on it and continue to breath. Take a deep breath into that part of your body. And when you let go and you exha le, also let go of the tension that's there. Just relax it. And take a few deep brea th into that part of your body and relax it and let go. Return your focus to your breathing. Take a deep the breath in. Slow exhalation. Deep gentle quiet long exhale, relaxing with

breathing in, deep slow gentle long exhaling. At the end of the next exhalation, gently slowly quietly open your eyes. to you is asleep, just Once again if the person next

gently wake them up. If someone is speaking in their sleep, please wake them up. DMindfulness means seeing things as they are, without trying to change them. T


point is to dissolve our reactions to disturbing emotions, This is what permissi on to be

human is all about. Along the emotion, experiencing the emotion, and just breathin g through it. And very often when we do thatnot always, but very oftenit dissolves. And ion with it, with the comes also the emotional dissolution of the emot

psychological dissolution of this painful emotion. Again we'll talk much, much m ore about this very important intervention after spring break. This is about gradual change. What we'll this is see when we talk gradual change, about research is that even if

within as little as 8 weeks of regular meditation, our brain actually starts to change its form to transform. Our immune system strengthens after as little as 8 weeks of r egular daily meditation. It doesn't have to little as 30 minutes or 20 be 5 hours a day. As

minutes a day can already affect change. This is gradual, slow, hopefully someth ing 563 ----------------------- 254----------------------that you'll take up as a life time, life long intervention. I Here is an example of more acute change when it comes to our emotion. So when about filling in this I find the acute Immediately to my box mind in went the to stress been too. studied And when 3 by research 2 model, in clin

thought how do

emotional change? ical psychology, specifically Post-traumatic

post-traumatic stress that has

disorder. thousands I look at and it tho

disordersomething usands of articles;

research done in our department , I said: Because what

happens when we have a trauma, many people after the trauma are changed forever, for the rest of their lives if they have PTSD. It actually has chan gedchanges the chemical that flow through our brain. It changes the structure




creates kills a lot of old neural pathways a

new neural pathways, s a result of a single

experience. It's a sledge hammer. It is very widespread unfortunately. I mention ed it last time. 30 percent of Vietnam vets have PTSD.30 percent. 80 percent from the first Gulf War have PTSD. As I mention, we don't have the exact data yet from the seco nd Gulf War. But the numbers are likely gonna be higher than that. After 911 or bef ore 911 right there were 20,000 individuals with PTSD south of 110th street New York . Right after 911, 60,000 individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder. Now thi s has consequences. Again it has consequences on the way our brain functions, very oft en, not always, but very often for the rest of our lives. So this is an acute change . It comes immediately one trauma, 911 or seeing something terrible in war. And then that o ften has an effect for the rest of, for the perfor the entire life. It's a shock treatm ent, a negative shock treatment. I thought about it, I Now when look at PTSD, when

askedI mean this is clinical psychology. First of all, a lot of research started only 1998, again 10 years ago, the ti me when positive psychology came umatic growth. And in to the scene, research on post-tra

what was found was that in fact more people experience growth as a result of a t rauma 564 ----------------------- 255----------------------than postthan PTSD. growth. However, we don't talk about post-traumatic

Everyone knows about PTSD. But again this is another example of where the light is not shed on something that is actually working well. And what is working here? M

ost people And are extremely that is a very resilient able to withstand trauma.

empowering understanding to have. We'll become more of a self-fulfilling prophec y, and more people will experience post-traumatic growth if they only knew that it was a possibility that it was common. If they didn't feel guilty about experiencing gr owth as a result of trauma, at I viewed, what how I can I grow after what I saw, wh

experienced in Vietnam. It's wrong. Again things don't happen for the best, but some people are st-traumatic able to make growth, it the best of things that happen. Po

happens when people begin to focus on the benefit. So what is the benefit of this trauma? It didn't happen for the best. But wha t if I learn from my cancer, for example, wellto be closer to my family, to appreciate th e breath, to appreciate the flowers, to enjoy my friends more. Didn't happen for t he best. Benefit finding. Or many it through journaling. people are next able to find people meaning who in ar

We'll talk about journaling e able to share their

class. Or

experience of the trauma. Remember the difference between holocaust survivors an d Vietnam vets? Holocaust about it. Vietnam vets ruminated about it. ng, Going back to the Lyubomirsky study. And when you just ruminate without shari stronger and it's more lik survivors shared, talked about it, wrote

withoutwithout taking it out, it becomes ely to become

PTSD. But it doesn't always do that. And it's important to understand the magnet ism of e. post-traumatic growth. This is a positive So here is the question that I hav

psychology cuses on





psychology isis that it fo

what works. So the question that I asked myself as I was preparing for this cour se was thisis there so powerful a positive yet equivalent to trauma, 565 ----------------------- 256----------------------positive that will change instance like a sledge the way our brain functions in an something that is

hammer? Is there something like that? Or in other words, what I asked is, can a single positive experience create a positive channel that will lead to a permanent incr ease in wellbeing, calm and positive memories? In other words, the opposite of PTSD. And again asking you shall receive; a question begins a quest. And as soon as I ask this question, it open up channels that I didn't see before that were literally right in front of my eyes. And this was years of one of my intellectual nce. Now, heroesAbraham the work who that I've studied about the for many peak experie



what I'm gonna talk about now is more hypothesis than well grounded research. It 's a hypothesis that I hope some of you will, will research either here as your senio r thesis, or in the hing that share in is one future, or will I this class is area where it's encourage people to based a on research these ideas. Everyt research. This

very rigorous

hypothesis. But bear with me and see what you think of it, of this hypothesis wh en I finish explaining it. Because there is some, some research on it, not enough you know, for a stand of approval yet. But think about it. Does it make sense? So let's see what a peak experience is. Maslow's definition of a peak experi ence: for

the happiest moments of life, for experiences of ecstasy, rapture, bliss of the greatest joy. I found that such experiences came from profound aesthetic experiences such as creative ecstasies, moments of mature love, perfect sexual experiences, parental love, experiences of natural childbirth and many others. Everyone or most of people ha ve the experience, peak experiences again, whether it was with your girlfriend boyf riend, whether it was reading a book, whether it was listening to your favorite piece o f music. Just being one with the experience, it wasum Many of theologians talk about as the religious experience, walked through the as spiritual experience where you just

yard and suddenly felt oneit was a John Harvardmaybe not. But experience just one with everything. This is the experience they talk about in Zen, being connec ted to the present, feeling so good so complete like you don't need anything else. Ever ything 566 ----------------------- 257----------------------is right here. Now I know I experience with my family at times. You know last ni ght having dinner with my family and friends. You know we were sitting around. I jus t felt this is it, you know, what else do I need. Just being so complete, so in th e moment. A peak experience. Now these peak experiences usually don't last for very long. They come and they go. It's a peak. However, they can and often do have repercussions . Now, maybe you can see now where I'm going with this. So do I. What I thought about when I thought about peak experiences was maybejust maybe this is the positive equivalent to the t of ecstasy that can have effect beyond just the trauma. Maybe it's itself, a shock just like treatmen PTSD






experience itself. l There're people today who affecting them, still creating are new living and reliving new 911, stil that

affecting their brain, didn't exist before



9/11/01. So is peak experience shock treatment of ecstasy. If peak experience is the positive equivalent of a trauma, then the equivalent of a post-traumatic stress disorder is what I called post peak but I think there is experience order. I know, cheesy,

something behind it. Some research on it. Some, veryumvery little. But I think it actually works. So one of the research studies. She studiedumwomen after child birth. And what she found was that sometimesnot always, in fact not most times, but oftenthese women experience peak experience. And it changed their lives. As a result of it, they became more confident, more generous and benevolent, and happ ier, just as a result of a single experience, a shock treatment of ecstasy, something which waswhich happened to them, which meant so much to them. Now they did this research in the early 50s or late, no, early 50s. y Today it may also happen more often with men because men today are more likel the child a very is born. You know, I burst

to be present when out crying. It was

powerful experience when it happened, certainly peak experience for me. Here's w hat 567 ----------------------- 258----------------------Maslow says about fically about post peak experiences. but illuding And to again it. not DThey talking speci can do the

peak experience order, same there as

psychotherapy, if one keeps his goals right, and if one knows just what he is ab out,

and if one is conscious of what he is going toward. We can certainly talk, on th e one hand, of the breaking up of symptoms, like the breaking up of cliches, of anxiet ies, or the like; or on the other hand, we can talk about the development of spontaneity , and of courage, and ensory awareness, of Olympian or Godlike humor and suchness, s

body awareness and the like. So what he's saying here is that these effects can ha ve consequences beyond just the peak experience if we do certain thing such as foll ow up on it. William James in The Varieties of Religious Experiences talks such moments that perience can change quite lives and how they change lives. about Peak ex

literally lead to a new brain order. And again the jury still out on the researc h. But there are more and more suggestions. And we'll talk about it next time as well t hat show that there is something there, that it can be the positive equivalent of a trauma if we know what we do, to do with it. And here's the important xperience peak experiences and experience experience peak more issue. The of them? question And isfirst do second, after we we e

experience, how can we make it more likely that we enjoy PPEO? Because just like not everyone after a trauma experience PTSDin fact the majority don'tJust in the same way, most people don't experience PPEO after a peak experience. How do you increase the likelihoodfirst of increasing peak experience and second of increasin g the likelihood of post peak experience order? So to enhance peak experience, jus t very briefly because essentially the course is about that. So I'm gonna just throw ou t a few ideas that we've talked about and some that we'll talk about. First, permission to be human, acceptance, accepting emotions. Why? Becau

se if we don't accept painful emotions, if we don't give ourselves permission to be hu man, 568 ----------------------- 259----------------------we're blocking our emotional pathways. And positive emotions and painful emotion s often flow through the same emotional pathways. And when we're limiting one, we' re very often limiting the ys, give ourselves the other. So if we open up the pathwa

permission to be human and give ourselves the permission to cry when we're sad o r ecstatic. That very often opens up, makes it more likely that we experience posi tive emotions as well, paradoxical, but this is the paradox of the permission to be h uman. When we give ourselves permission to experience painful emotions, we're more lik ely to experience the positive emotions. Mindfulness, being present. Lot of time whe n we are listening to music, for , not just having it as background while text our friends. But messaging, example, doing really homework listening and to music to


when we really listen to music that we love, very often we have a peak experien ce being present. According to Maslow's research, these are two of the most likely, most likely areas where we by the way this I can experience the peak experience. And

believe isis innate. You know even I see withwith Sherio, my one year o ld daughter. You laughs. This know when is not there We time is were for music, born that. when with, Having we with a dance, this she inclin

something we taught her. ation for music and dance. We need to take goal. When we're on


purpose, when we're doing things that we love to do, when what we are, we are do ing is meaningful and significant ely to experience peak to us, we're much more lik

experiences. Finally one of the greatest barriers in our culturetime. It's very di fficult to experience peak we're stressed and experiences when we're on the rush, when

anxious. These are peak experience killers. Whether it's when making love, wheth er it's when listening to music, whether it's withwhen spending time with friends or all of the above together. e How do we enhance experienced peak the likelihood of PPEO once we hav

experience? First thingreplaying an image. Remember the mind doesn't know the difference within the imaginary and the real. It plays it over and over again. A nd when 569 ----------------------- 260----------------------we play it over and over again, the neural pathway is reinforced. The sledge ham mer begins the neural pathway. gh replaying through And then we reinforce it throu

imagination. Writing about it. This is gonna be a response paper next week. Writ ing about it, a peak experience. not analyzing it. difference with When we journal about it, describing positive it, once

Remember the experiences is not again

Lyubomirsky.Positive So just to

emotions, describe

as helpful to analyze. reinforce the neural

pathways. We relive it. We replay it. Once again taking time, taking time. And f inally taking action which is how we can reinforce the initial experience of theumthe peak experience, reinforce the neural pathways. So I had it inside, an Ah-ha mom ent as a result of this peak thing about it and act, experience. Now I'm gonna do some

which leads me to the second point, which is Bbehavior. I've been teaching and participating in workshops and seminars and classes on self improvement psychology, positive psychology and clinical psychology for almost 2 0 yeas since I wassince I waswell before I was 20. And what I noticed in other people's workshops, or in my workshops in seminars in classes is the following. Most people ,if the workshop or the class is good, exit the classroom, or the weekend or the semester. If they were here before, they usually experience a relative high afte r. But there're two elative high. groups of The first people. the Both groups experience that high a go r back to

groupwhich unfortunately are their base


level of happiness, something we're familiar with. The second group, not majorit y, but not a small minority doesn't last forever. experience that high after. That high

However, they go back, but when they go back, their base level of wellbeing is h igher than it was before. And they continue to have their vicissitudes, but this time along a higher base level of happiness than before. Now needless to say, I want to under stand why people experience this, some people and other people experience this, becaus e I want people who take my class to enjoy lasting change as opposed to temporary. N ice, feels good, not enough. workshop. It doesn't justify the effort that they put into the 570 ----------------------- 261----------------------And it doesn't justify the effort that I put into my work. So I want to understa nd the difference between the two. And here is the single most important difference tha t I

identified between haracteristic was

these two




the distinguishing c

that after the workshop or class or seminar, not at the end of the semester if i t was a semester e classes long class, introducing after each class or after many of th

immediate behavioral change. I'll reevaluate my life and see how I do. Immediate ly introducing real behavioral ed about in class, change, doing exercises that we talk

taking risks that they haven't before but introducing change immediately, not wa iting. And those introduce or peak experience their down change base was level immediately of happiness there was don't goes no have up a high as opp

constantly. But osed to going returning to change. And

where it now I

before when


start every workshop and seminar when r introducing this model of change.

I have a few days of workshop or semina

What do we know from a lot of research in psychology is that there is a relat ionship between attitudes and behaviors. And we talked about it, we illuded into it alre ady in the past. So we all have attitudes whether it's attitudes about psychology, whet her it's attitudes about another person, whether it's attitude about myself. And these at titudes affect our behavior. So for example, if I have a positive attitude towards psych ology or my positive psychology, attitude towards I'm more likely to take 1504 than if

psychology and positive psychology is negative. Or if I have a good attitude tow ard a certain belief about a to want befriend this certain person, I'm much more likely

person if I like him than if I don't. So attitudes affect behavior. That's very clear, easy


understand. But what Alice Eagly, Daryl







Bem and others. What they have found is that behavior also affects attitude. It works both ways. So if I behave in a certain way, it is likely to change my attitude in accord ance with 571 ----------------------- 262----------------------my behavior. And remember we talked about it. Why? Because we have an attitude and like our behavior is the when there is outside world. The mind doesn't

incongruence between the inside and outside. So if we behave in a certain way, t he attitude is gonna be pulled down to reflect that behavior. If we behave in this way, the attitudethe mind doesn't like incongruence, it's going to create equality between the two, congruency consistency between the two. And the way it'll do that is either by changing our behaviorand here is the keyor more often by changing our attitude. Now all of us here, whether you are 18 or whether you are 80, we all have habits . And again, we first make our Habits are behavioral patterns, thinking patterns. is more powerful habits and then are our more habits powerful. make us. Action


than words. If we have a certain behavior that we had before the class, what the class does is changing your attitude about a certain thing. But if it doesn't match wi th your behavior, after the attitude is gonna class be the mind looks for consistency. The

pulled down back to where it was before unless your behavior changes to match yo ur change of behavior. All the class can do, whether it's 1504 or Justice or Psych 1. All the classes, all workshops to introduce attitudinal and seminars, all they can do is

change. In this class, self-esteem. What is self-esteemthe attitude positive; low self-esteem negative.

attitudinal that I have

change toward


one, myself.

for High

example, self-esteem

What is the benefit finder versus the fault finder is the attitude toward the world. Do I see this positive as a resource for wellbeing? Or do I focus on the negativ e as a fault finder. Perfectionismit's an attitude toward failure. But all this class can do, all I can do, all your TFs can do is to introduce or to encourage attitudinal change s, to convince you through research that to learn to focus on the positive. However, i f you don't follow up with behavior and that means doing the gratitude stud yumthe gratitude exercisethat means writing the letter you are responsible for this week but doing it ude will regularly. Unless go back and behavior is gonna 572 ----------------------- 263----------------------reflect your attitude and your behavior from before the class or before the inte rvention. There has to be behavioral change. s Let me show you some studies showing the impact of the behavioral change. Thi prisoners of war during at MIT minds about them the showed Korean War. was that abou the follow, the attit

was done in American And what Edgar

Schein who's just across the captors of the Americans got them t the Chinese. Captors, how good things to

street here their

change by

Communism, about

gradually within




Communism. We know we don't like Communism. We wouldn't be fighting if we did. But write about the positives of it. Write it to your prison-mates. Write letter

s home, telling them how you being treated and making sure of course they only focus on the good. So they didn't ask them to lie necessarily though often they did. But they asked them to focus on the lly changed. And they became actually more rs. Because their open positive. and Over more time, positive the toward attitude their actua capto

behavior, writing letters, talking to their friends about it, they have to give lectures on it, and their attitude over time actually changed. And they became more positive . Cognitive distance, those of you who have taken Psych 1 or others heard about it. Cognitive distance houghts when two is when there is incongruence between two t

beliefs are conflicting. We don't like it. We want there to be a match. Or when there is a conflict between behavior and a belief. And what cognitive distance says is th at this is... has to be resolved. And the way we resolve it is usually by getting our at titudes, our thoughts, our beliefs to match our behavior. Again behavior is more powerful than words. Self perception theorywe talked about a lot. I'm not gonna elaborate on it any more. We see about ourselves. ourselves. And we derive certain conclusions

Facial feedback hypothesis. If your

you put on a frown now or a nice gentle smile, going to change to reflect w

body chemistries are actually hatever your face is

showing. So this is a quote bywhere is itby Thich Nhat Hanh. Kind of difficult to 573 ----------------------- 264----------------------pronounce his namea Buddhist monk. "Sometimes your joy is the source of smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." So we actually influence our body. We actually influence our your



our very there's according often the can get into feedback face whatever to that the cha r you

face. That's why actors racter they're playing simply by acting. Because est of your body. You actually release chemicals are making. William

facial with the

James. DWhistling to keep up courage is no mere figure of speech. On the other ha nd, sit all day in a moping posture, sigh, and reply to everything with a dismal voi ce, and your melancholy lingers... contract the dorsal Smooth the brow, brighten the eyes,

rather than the ventral aspect of the frame, and speak in a major key, pass the genial compliment, and your heart must be frigid indeed. What essentially William James i s talking . about is something It's something beyond the facial feedback hypothesis

where there is not much research just a little research on, which is the body fe edback hypothesis. If you sit down all day like this versus upright in proud, it will a ffect your mood. It will affect ways. First of all, how the you feel about yourself in a few

message you communicate to yourselfself perception theorybut also in terms of how other people perceive you. If you shake hands like this limply versus shake hands firmly, you are communicating you are shaking your hands. And that message in terms of how they message comes to back the right person at with you whom both

perceive you and that impacts you but also in terms of how you perceive yourself . You the know one of the ex-students from 1504. She playedershe was on

hockey team, just graduated last year. So I met her over the summer. And she cam e over and she shook my hand. And I was in tears. It hurt so much. And I thought s he

must have listened in class. So don't exaggerate, just firm, nice. I mean really I think she broke some of the bones in my hand. But it matters. It communicates a messag e. You of know I'm not her right now. gonna It mess with her 574 ----------------------- 265----------------------communicates a message of strength and confidence. If we walk around proud, we'r e communicating stooped, we're a certain also to the message. If we that walk then around reflects ever. I'm scared

communicating a message on us, but also to


ourselves and that also reflects on us too. udy And finally, I must share a study with you. This is by Hammerly. This is a st

done... you know what, actually I'm gonna leave that to next time because I wann a get to something this, with important. this study. So I'm gonna start next time with

Because it's said it's a long study. But it's a very important study. So I will, I will talk about it next time first thing o something before we end, in class. I want to get t

something that will change our relationship. Fake it till you make it. David Mye rs has done a lot of important work in this area of positive psychology. What he showed was it very often even if we act happy, even if we act with high self-esteem, even i f I act joyful as William James said, that affects our mood. The question now becomes wh at about permission to be human. Well, first of all, there are times when we don't want to fake it till we make it, we wanna cry, we wanna be miserable and we wanna act th at way. However, we need to find when is it the time to get out and to go to that p arty

even if it's the last thing in the world that I wanna do. And the difference her e is about active acceptance. in and I can still accept up my emotions. I can still accept my pa to act in accordance with ho

experience it and still choose w I deal more, most

appropriate or most helpful. So I can accept the fact you know I was just dumped say by my girlfriend, I can accept the fact that I feel terrible about it and awful but then three days later go out to Oaks and party, go wild. So faking it again because o f the facial sis, feedback hypothesis, because of because of the body feedback hypothe

self-perception theory. The behavior will affect my attitude. And after a crazy night out in Oaks, I will actually feel better and healthywellmaybe not, but better. Here's a quick video of Marva Collins, talking thetalking about som e of her 575 ----------------------- 266----------------------experiences. DI think that maybe what I am is my parents and their consistency I mean I wanted n those to be as successful days, it was as my parents, my grandparents. I

quiet rare to be black and to be successful. So I think the determination of my parents and grandparents, they are...we would get chest high. As I said I was 14 years o lder than my one sister. But if we walked in church and didn't hold our heads up, my mom would sayshe would scream down the street, PeopleI've often heard them comment to her:DI can always tell you child are on the playground. Get your head up ; walk up straight when w you watch Marva Collins. That's how she walks. That's ho

she carries herself. And that communicates a message to her students, to other p eople,

to herself. I'm gonna jump to this point. So very often, behavioral change is gr adual. So what is the acute change? ing. It's about putting ourselves on the line. And hing we don't feel comfortable doing. ering our stretch zone. Now what I wanna do now is share with you two stories from, from my past, two stories that initially you will see unconnected but as you will understand soon are very much ory. connected. One a My first memory, difficult story ,the other a difficult st The when acute we change cope, is about cop

it's to do somet

In other words, it's about exiting our comfort zone and ent

you know most people canmost people have a first memorythe first time, the first thing that you remember. My first memory is from September 1973. I was almost 3 years old. And it was Yom Kippurthe holiest day of the year. And I remember being at home and suddenly nts orthodox.I was the phone never ring. rings Now on the phone on my a pare Satu

raised orthodox. The phone rday, let alone Yom


Kippur. But the phone rings. Both of my parentsI remember they jump up and run to the phone. My dad picks it up. And I'm standing between my parents. He looks at my mom and say something by whispering. Couldn't hear what it was, but my mom's face changes. And there's terror, fear in her eyes. And y dad I begin to tear. And m

picks me up and says: DI'm going for a few days, but I'll be back. Now I know what 576 ----------------------- 267----------------------happens. So what happened was that my parents got a call from my uncle who at th at time was doing his reserves in the military. He's inhe is in intelligence and war had just broke out. Young people are at the holiest el. The Israel day of the year in Isra

military is most of the people are not the boardersare not protecting. It is a com plete surprise, 5 Arab armies launch a war against Israel. My dad puts me down, goes t o his room from the top of theI still see him taking out his army uniform putting it on, taking his M16 sub machine gun putting it on, putting on his shoes, tying them. And my mom all are talking the while is once in a with I him, sense a making tension him things. there. I They don't

while smiling at me. But know why. We then walk

down to my dad's car. He had a turningold turquoise Ford Cortina. He takes shoe polish and paints the lights of theof the car. Why? Again later I know because at night when you drive with your lights on, you don't want the lights to be too br ight in case of an air raid. So he paints the lights. And I watch him do all that. And t hen he picks me up and hugs me. He gets into his car, and I begin to sob uncontrollably . One of our neighbours whose name is Sharlon, he is too old to go into the army. So h e is standing there. We all look at my dad going off in the car. He picks me up and I 'm crying. And he looks at me and says: Dlike your dad when you grow up? And I didn't cry for almost came to Harvard. And I started to I started study psychology. to study You 20 know years where after I'm that. going Then right? I

psychologyand studying psychology. I realized one of the things that I wanted to work onone of the most important things that I wanted to work on was getting in touch with my feminine side, the anima the animus. I wanted to be more in touch with of my feminine side because I knew that it wasn't healthy to repress emotions. I was repressing painful ositive emotions. emotions. The exact same thing happens with p

Same emotional channels. But I grew up in a culture that's very macho. Men don't cry. Nor do soldiers, or tough. We can handle anything. And that's the culture that I grew up. And again this was my first memory. nd I heard the same thing over and over a 577 ----------------------- 268----------------------over to again, the same message. show emotions. It losing one It's of after not the I'd cool. most won It's not manly squash year be

reminds me up after tournaments for me,

important it the

losing the national championships fore. Surprise. Wasn't

supposed to lose it; was supposed to win. I go to my house with my girlfriend af ter. And we're just hanging out. And suddenly she begins to cry because she understoo d how important it was for me. And this is how I basically experience my childhood , teenage, being tough, being macho. And then I came here and understood I need to let go. I need to be more in touch with the feminine side. So this is story number o ne. Let me move on to story number two. One of the students that I had heresome of you may know her, class of 04was Lindsay Hyde. Lindsay Hyde studied with me. We had ogethera one on one wonderful tutorial as well. We worked a lot t

organization part of PBHA. She found it, now a national organization. I was also one of the funding board members of that organization. Wonderful site swsg.org for t hose of you interested. I was invited by Lindsay to give a talk for other women from other colleges around Boston. And I gave a talk. And here's Lindsay. She was with one of the students3rd grade student, who she mentors and other Harvard students mentor and do wonderful work. I support it from And I believe in this organization.

thefrom the get-go almost and I gave a talk. And the talk was about teaching the importance of role modeling, to them about Marva was about integrity. I talked

Collins and about the important work that they were doing. And at the end of the talk which went well, I think for myself for the participants, I got a present, a gif t, a token of appreciation. And shirt. It was a pink the present was a shirt. It wasn't any

shirtthe color I don't normally wear. Certainly I never wore it in Israel. Not onl y it was a pink shirt, it was, since it was the Strong Women Strong Girl shirt. It wa s also a very small shirt, more suited for the 3rd graders than for older ones. But still they said: Dwe wanted you to have it as a token of our appreciation. And then I made a mistake . And I said jokingly of course. I was teaching 1504 at the time. And here it is t he shirt 578 ----------------------- 269----------------------that I got. And then there was another student of mine from 1504, Tory Martin, w ho waswho run the organization at that time took over from Lindsay at Harvard. And I laughed and then almost cried. BecauseDI mean I was joking,She said, Dlook, you just talk to us about the importance of integrity. which I did, I mean, look at h ere, integrity. So what am ues, I gonna go back on my word? That's one of my core val

integrity. And then my whole childhood flashed before my eyes. And I thought abo ut something that Churchill said And here it was an so I looked for the opportunity.

opportunity handed to me in a pink shirt, to be more in touch with my feminine s ide. So ladies and gentlemen, now I knowI know you're gonna find this h ard to

believe. But believe me when I say that this for me was going out of my comfort zone. In fact maybe it was y panic going out from my stretch zone a little bit, but into m

zone. I was telling the TFs before class that when I prepared for this class. Yo u know I haveI have all my notes you I went over it, when I initially wrote it n rush in my stomach, on know. And here it I was write. Every time

my notes,

like a...adrenali

going out of my comfort zone. Now I'm also out of my comfort zone which is why I have to have it at the end of the class as opposed to the beginning of class. Bu t the key is to attain optimum levels of discomfort. I may have a little overshocka little b it. But the is no key is optimum other way to levels of all discomfort. day long And and why? say I There want

change. I can think about it to be in touch with my

feminine side or I want to be more courageous, I want to get out. I can think ab out it all day long. e bring about Nothing will real happen. Nothing will happen unless w

actual behavioral change, real actual behavioral action. And when we do that, th en the sky is the limit. Thank you! I will see you on Thursday. 579 ----------------------- 270----------------------Positive Psychology CLecture 11 Hi! Good things are morning! So going to today's lecture is about change. And

change today. Our relationship is going to change today. So stay tuned. Last time, last time we ended by talking about the different kinds of change. The first approachthe gradual approach, like water wearing down stone, chipping away gradually slowly taking our time. The second approachthe acute change, the sledge

hammer breaking stone creating a new pathway, a new channel. The important thing to keep in mind with both forms of changes, with all forms of changes, lasting c hange that iswhich is what we are aboutnot just the spike and the return to base level. The thing to keep in mind about change is that we neither is quick-fix. Even when

pick up that sledge hammer, even when we pick it up, we need to do a lot of work before the preparation. So for example, gradual change, slow change would be doi ng the gratitude exercise every day, slowly becoming more and more of a benefit fin der, gradually pathway neuron. Remember neuroplasticity rtant concepts. Because just by knowing s in and of itself by and neurogenesistwo that our brain very change impo looking more neuron by at the positive, creating a new neural


makes us more likely to change. And this is work done by Carol Dweck, whom I'll discuss in future courses when we discuss perfectionism. And then the sledge ham mer example is oesn't come vacuum. ow the like the in a Eureka experiencethe great insight that d

It comes after

a lot of hard work after a lot of preparation. You kn

99% of perspiration that leads to that inspiration. So no quick-fix. And the bel ief in quick-fix, the expectation of the quick-fixthat is one of the reasons why levels o f the depression are so high today. Because people are frustrated. They are disapp ointed. They on't think succeed there's something in the wrong with them when they d

quick-fix. But they have justI just write in the book that it's possible if I do t hese 580

----------------------- 271----------------------five things, I'd be happy for the rest of my life. And I do these five things, a nd I'm not happier. And I begin to kes time. No five easy steps to happiness. Before we go to the change process, there are a few things we need to underst and. The first thing to understand is thisdo I, do you really want to change? And it's not a trivial question. It is not a rhetorical question because very often on the co nscious level we may be saying yes, but on the subconscious level something is stopping us. Let me show you an example. So this is the study done by Langer an dand Thompson back in the 80s. And here is what they did. They brought students in or participants in. And to get rid of certain characteristics, d they asked they asked them whether gullible they wanted An question myself. No quick-fix. It ta

like rigidity them

or being

or grimness.

whether they wanted to get rid of these characteristics and whether they succeed ed in becoming better in this area. Were you able to introduce change, so were you abl e to actually become less rigid, if this was important for you to change, or less gul lible, or less grim? So this is the first two questions that they asked. Did you want to i mprove it? Did you wanna change this? And then after, they answered these questions. Th ere was the second part of the study where they asked them to evaluate the positivethe following positive characteristics. Consistency, is it important to you? Is it i mportant to you to be trustworthy? And how important it is for you to be and to be percei ved as a serious person? And this research. Those here is the interesting finding of

individuals who rated the positive traitsthe ones in yellow who rated them highas personally negatives. important Do you to them were less likely to change the

understand implications of the study? Let's say I do wanna get rid of rigidity. I don't like being rigid. However, at the same time, consistency is a very important val ue to me. I'm less likely to change my rigidity because they are associated in my mind . And yeah, I don't want to be rigid. But at the same time subconscious is talking her e I want to be consistent. Don't let go of this rigidity because I couple them, I as sociate 581 ----------------------- 272----------------------them together. Not wanting to get rid of one because I don't want the baby out w ith the bath water. And with gullibility and We can who's to me say they that are the linked. other side The same of gull

trustworthiness. ibility someone

trustworthy. Now going to the extreme. I become gullible. However, I don't get r id of my gullibility because I don't want to also get rid of my trustworthiness. Same with grim. I may be grim but that's also subconsciously a sign of my seriousness. You inking know for years, and writing and literally years, when I've been th

analyzing the notion of perfectionism, I couldn't understand why it didn't get b etter, for very long time. Because I knew perfectionism was hurting me. I read the rese arch. I g look me through in terms personal of my experiences. in the I knew long term it was in hurtin of

well-being for my success.

sure, but also And yet I


couldn't get rid of perfectionism until I read the study. And I asked myself, Wh at's tied

in my mind? What goes hand in hand is drive and ambition. And if I had to define myselfthis is one ant to lose these of the first thingsand didn't let me, because stopped me I from didn't w

characteristics, my subconscious getting rid of the

perfectionism, perfectionism which I define as a debilitating fear of failure. W e'll have a whole week on perfectionism. So we'll get more in depth if you'll understand w hat it means. And it was only once I understood that for me these two things go hand i n hand, I was able to unpack them to distinguish them. I said I want to keep one n ot the other. Or for example, these many times worry and to anxiety. you about Look the I've process mentioned that

before, next time I'll talk I underwent to overcome anxiety.

Part of me since the time I can't remember myself being anxious whether it's before matches in squash, whether ore speaking up in section when . I didn't I was an want that. it's undergrad. before And exams, I whether to it's stop bef that


However, I didn't let go of worry and anxiety because I also sort with responsib ility. 582 ----------------------- 273----------------------Well if I'm anxious, it can mean I'm responsible. So I prepare for class much mo re as opposed to just let go and become a slacker. So I associated a positive trait wh ich is responsibility. oming very And remember important Brandon? No one is c

traitresponsibility. But that prevented me from letting gosubconscious level, not conscious of the worry and anxiety that I often experienced. Guilt, again there is good guilt, there is bad guilt. You know it is. Well, I don't want


get rid of guilt because empathic and sensitive







toward other people. Very often we connect the two. They go hand in hand. Anothe r couple is the notion of simplifying. This is something very personal to me. I wa nted to do less because was actually I knew hurting that taking on too many I activities couldn't my edge. Why they I do conn don' p simpl

mewas hurting my productivity, creativity, well-being. ify. Why? Because So I I associate it in my didn't let go. Or talked of they don't those about remain wanna mind with losing

fault-findingwe eople not let go fault-finding? Why do ect it with the sense of realism. I t wanna be one of

this a week pessimistic? stop being

ago. Because realistic.

detached Pollyannas. And therefore I don't let go of my fault-finding. Happiness. One of the happiness is that they most significant barrier to people's

associate happiness with slacking off, because the dominant paradigm. If I'm hap py now, I ignore experiencing pain. It means I'm letting go. It means I'm not gonna be successful. It means I'm gonna lose my edge. It means I'm gonna lose my drive an d ambition. So our subconscious prefers to keepkeep us unhappy, so that w e don't lose the ambition, other things that things such as we value highly, things such as

having an edge, things such as our hard work. Now of course, when we look at the m we On know that they don't the contrary, for necessarily have know from to the go hand in and hand. bui

example, happiness, we ld theorythe positive


emotions are actually associated with higher levels of successwhereas I'll talk ab out

583 ----------------------- 274----------------------after spring break, when we talk about perfectionism. We know from research, you 'll be able to connect it also in the person. Many of you will be able to connect it in the personal level. We know that lure and coping, putting letting go of this fear of fai

ourselves on the line more, learning from failures looking at it as aas a stepping stone that contributes to our doesn't need to take away success in the long term. It

from our drive and ambition on the contrary. And the key if we wanna overcome th is fear of failure or the worry/anxiety, or the guilt, or the slack of happiness, o r getting a better understanding of these characteristics. y For example, understanding fear of failure, the not that just I want fear of to let go failure, of m

debilitating fear of failure, e every one is afraid of


failure to some extent, but to let go of the debilitating fear of failure and ye t maintain my drive or ambition. So more in nuance understanding that you need to go hand i n hand. Or, I can't, you know, I never used to be able to say no to people. You kn ow, such a short word, such an easy word, so difficult at times to say. Why? Because I see myself and now I want other people to see me as empathic as sensitive as under as a nice guy. And then I unpack the two. And it really doesn't have to hand in hand. I can say no to people very sensitively because ay yes to others, I'm very often when I s

saying no to myself, and in the long term, very often to the relationship. So no w I had a better more nuance understanding of when I can say no and when I don't want to say

no while maintaining my sensitivity and my empathy without experiencing the same levels of guilt that I experienced before whenever I said no. And the same you c an do for every one of these, of these characteristics. So think about what if you wan ted to change for a very long time and weren't successful in. Was it perfectionism? Was it, you know, this very more playful? Well maybe afraid serious grimness? And you wanted you to be were

you didn't want of losing you

to get

rid of it because

seriousness. And you don't need do. The baby can stay, the bath water can go if we have a more nuance understanding of what it is we want to change. 584 ----------------------- 275----------------------ows In section next week, you are going to do an exercise with your teaching fell

called sentence completion. In that exercise, this is exactly what you are going to do, you're going to identify. It'sit's an exercise devised by Nathaniel Branden. You're going to do an exercise that will help you identify what you wanna get rid of an d what you wanna keep. Very often, thatjust that switch that you make in your mind, subconscious as well as conscious mind can open the flood waters, the gates to a new channel, new pathway in our brain, real lasting change. We're gonna discuss to changethe three distinct, the interconnected pathways

ABCs of psychology which we have mentioned before. The ABCsthe A is the affect, the emotion. The B is the behavior, the action. And C is the cognition, the thou ght. And what we gonna do is we're going to talk about each one of the three. And for each one we're going to d the acute change talk about the gradual change approach an

approach. So in a sense ect, behavior, cognition







times gradual and the acute. And we're going to talk about six different approac hes to change. These six approaches to change are interconnected. It's important to con nect them. And ideally we want all three. Why? Quote it up, we used it a few times an d we'll use it again, John Dryden, British poetIn order to change a habit, in order to bring about lasting change, solid approach as we need to have as much of a

muchumforce in the intervention. It's not just enough to focus on the emotions. It's not just enough to focus on action. It's not enough just to focus on our th inking. We want to focus on the threethe A, the B, and the C. It's...Think about it. It's like a habit can be looked as a flood. There's flood in our mind of certain neurons fir ing in certain neuron pathway. And what we want to do is to overcome this flood. And to overcome this flood we need as much force as we can, therefore we want to use as many approaches as we can. Before we jump into the A, one more thingwhat do we want to change? What can 585 ----------------------- 276----------------------we change? And what earchers led by the can we not change? So according to res

lights of as we're to explain an individual's happiness, we need to look at the three factors. The first factor is the tic set point, it's a range. We're all born with well-being. Some certain genetic set toward range, not gene and



people are born more with, you know, the smiley face with the smiley spoon in th eir mouth; others less so. And we're all somewhere on this, you know bell curve, som

e people luckier than others. As I mentioned couple of times before, I wasn't born that lucky. I was born more on the anxious side of this curve not with thewith the happ y spoon in my mouth, which by the way I think helps me teach this class, because I do these things, I apply these things, I make a difference in my life. you know, be en there, done that, doing it. I can speak from personal experiences as you know. Now some people may look at it and say. Well, my answer to that isit's not terriit's not good . It's not bad. It is the law of gravity. It's not good it's not bad. It is and na ture to be commanded must be obeyed. We need to look at our nature, understand it and then make the best of it. About ariance 50 percent in explaining of our levels of well-being of the v

happiness can't be accounted for by genes, which explains some of the results, o r for example, the twin studies. Why there were such similarities among the twins even if they were, or between the twins, even if they were real depart. Because genes ma tter. Not good, not bad. It is. They matter 50 percent, not 100 percentthank Godbut 50 percent of the variance. The important thing to keep in mind is that we have a l ot of control what we do with these genes, and I'm just throwing out numbers. I don't know what it is exactly. But successful basketball players is determined 50 percent b y genes in terms of how much fast twitch versus slow twitch they have in their muscles, or how high they can jump, how coordinated they are, how tall they are. All these t hings matter. However, if Michael ball, I would be a Jordan hadn't worked on his basket

better player than he is. If he didn't work on his basketball at all, and I did

and do. In 586 ----------------------- 277----------------------other words, also with genes, people who don't work on their happiness even if t hey have the best of genes will not do as well as people with less happy genes who w ork on it. So work matters a great deal. of The second thing that matters which makes up the hundred percent of variance

happiness is external circumstances. Of course, external circumstances make a lo t of difference, whether we're living in a free country versus oppression. That makes a lot of difference. However, beyond the extremes, in general, external circumstances

beyond being homeless on the street make very little difference, in fact, about 10% of the total variance. So such as place of genetic genes 50%, external circumstances

residence, such as income, such as weatherand again not for people, for example, who have seasonal affective disorder. Then of course it matters whether we get s un or not. I'm talking aboutummost people, not people with SAD. So out of thes e extremes, external circumstances make, matter about 10%, not much. The third thing, the rest of the 40% is accounted for by intentional activiti es. What that means is what we do, how we interpret the world, what ssed we focus on. how we act, what we think about,

In essence, what 1504 is about. What we have discu we're gonna discuss even more in

since the first class, what the second half of the

semester. These intentional activities, our focus, these are essentially our ABC s. This is what real meaningful are gonna focus. It change comes. And this is where we

would be nice if we could do something with our genes. It would be nice. Cannot. It would be nice if we had more control of our external circumstances. But even if we did and many people do, many people sitting in this room or watching at home, do have more at makes control doesn't the most make that much of the difference. Wh

difference that we have control over are the internal activities, our interpreta tion of the world and our action. So let's jump into it. t's The a AAffect, more emotion, the heart, it's 587 ----------------------- 278----------------------logical connectionlinguistic motivation, motion. connection between emotion, a connection betweenand i

Emotion to move away. Without emotion we wouldn't move. You read about it in the book. Or you will read about it in the book about Elliott, who just lost his emo tional faculty and with it lost all motivation to act or do anything even though his co gnition was in place. We need emotion in order to move. So I wanna talk about again, two aspects within emotion. The firstgradual change. The Secondmore acute change. The gradual change is a mindful meditation. Mindful meditation is arguably the m ost powerful intervention for bringing about calm and equanimity. A lot of research on it, we're gonna spend a whole week talking about it. Today what I wanna do is just t o introduce it, the basic, the foundation of the spiral of mindfulness. Jon Kabatt-Zin who in many ways is responsible for bringing serious research into this ople realm. He along like Herbert with people like Tara brought Bennett-Goleman, serious research pe

Benson from the medical to this what was



considered a mystical field. DCultivating he discovery of





deep realms of relaxation, calmness and insight within yourself. The path to it in any moment amazing lies no farther thing about than your own body This is the mind-boggling, brain just

mindfulness. When we talk about research, quite I mean they change the way our by focusing on the breath, by focusing "All of us have mind of works, our

literally our being

transform body, by

on parts the


capacity to be mindful. All it involves is cultivating our ability to pay attent ion in the present moment." Let's experience it just for a minute or two. So here is what I 'd like you to do once again if you feel comfortable with it. So sit back on youron your chair with your back againstagainst the back rest. Make yourself as comfortable as you can. Plant both feet on the ground comfortably. And if e, if you feel comfortabl

you feel comfortable, just close your eyes. And move your attention to your brea thing. Take a deep breath in, exhalation. Deep slow into your your belly. belly. Slow, Slow, 588 ----------------------- 279----------------------mind wanders, just return to your breathing. Now in your mind's eye, just scan y our bodyyour forehand, your eyes, your nose, mouth, your neck, your chest, your upper back, lower back, your legs, all the way down to your feet. Just scan your body while continuing to breathe deeply, slowly and gently. And through your scan, find a p art of your body that is a little bit more tense than the others. It could be your jaws . It could quiet, gentle, gentle quiet,

inhalation, all the way into long exhalation. If you

be your neck. It could be your shoulders, your stomach. You're feeling a little bit of disease. Could be your legs, your knees, your feet. Identify that one part of th e body that is a little bit more tense than the others and focus on it and continue to breath. Take a deep breath into that part of your body. And when you let go and you exha le, also let go of the tension that's there. Just relax it. And take a few deep brea th into that part of your body and relax it and let go. Return your focus to your breathing. Take a deep the breath in. Slow exhalation. Deep gentle quiet long exhale, relaxing with

breathing in, deep slow gentle long exhaling. At the end of the next exhalation, gently slowly quietly open your eyes. to you is asleep, just Once again if the person next

gently wake them up. If someone is speaking in their sleep, please wake them up. DMindfulness means seeing things as they are, without trying to change them. T


point is to dissolve our reactions to disturbing emotions, This is what permissi on to be human is all about. Along the emotion, experiencing the emotion, and just breathin g through it. And very often when we do thatnot always, but very oftenit dissolves. And ion with comes it, with the also the emotional dissolution of the emot

psychological dissolution of this painful emotion. Again we'll talk much, much m ore about this very important intervention after spring break. This is about gradual change. What we'll this is see when we talk gradual change, about research is that even if

within as little as 8 weeks of regular meditation, our brain actually starts to change its form to transform. Our immune system strengthens after as little as 8 weeks of r egular daily meditation. It doesn't have to be 5 hours a day. As







minutes a day can already affect change. This is gradual, slow, hopefully someth ing 589 ----------------------- 280----------------------that you'll take up as a life time, life long intervention. I Here is an example of more acute change when it comes to our emotion. So when about filling in this I find the acute Immediately to my box mind in went the to stress been too. studied And when 3 by research 2 model, in clin

thought how do

emotional change? ical psychology, specifically Post-traumatic

post-traumatic stress that has

disorder. thousands I look at and it tho

disordersomething usands of articles;

research done in our department , I said: Because what

happens when we have a trauma, many people after the trauma are changed forever, for the rest of their as changedchanges the chemical that flow through of our brain, creates new neural pathways, s a result of a single lives our if they have It PTSD. It actually h changes neural the structure a


kills a lot of old


experience. It's a sledge hammer. It is very widespread unfortunately. I mention ed it last time. 30 percent of Vietnam vets have PTSD.30 percent. 80 percent from the first Gulf War have PTSD. As I mention, we don't have the exact data yet from the seco nd Gulf War. But the numbers are likely gonna be higher than that. After 911 or bef ore 911 right there were 20,000 individuals with PTSD south of 110th street New York . Right after 911, 60,000 individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder. Now thi s has consequences. Again it has consequences on the way our brain functions, very oft

en, not always, but very often for the rest of our lives. So this is an acute change . It comes immediately one trauma, 911 or seeing something terrible in war. And then that o ften has an effect for the rest of, for the perfor the entire life. It's a shock treat ment, a negative shock treatment. I thought about it, I Now when look at PTSD, when

askedI mean this is clinical psychology. First of all, a lot of research started only 1998, again 10 years ago, the ti me when positive psychology came umatic growth. And in to the scene, research on post-tra

what was found was that in fact more people experience growth as a result of a t rauma 590 ----------------------- 281----------------------than postthan PTSD. growth. However, we don't talk about post-traumatic

Everyone knows about PTSD. But again this is another example of where the light is not shed on something that is actually working well. And what is working here? M ost people And are extremely that is a very resilient able to withstand trauma.

empowering understanding to have. We'll become more of a self-fulfilling prophec y, and more people will experience post-traumatic growth if they only knew that it was a possibility that it was common. If they didn't feel guilty about experiencing gr owth as a result of trauma, at I viewed, what I how can I grow after what I saw, wh

experienced in Vietnam. It's wrong. Again things don't happen for the best, but some people are st-traumatic able to make growth, it the best of things that happen. Po

happens when people begin to focus on the benefit.

So what is the benefit of this trauma? It didn't happen for the best. But wha t if I learn from my cancer, for example, wellto be closer to my family, to appreciate th e breath, to appreciate the flowers, to enjoy my friends more. Didn't happen for t he best. Benefit finding. Or many it through journaling. people are next able to find people meaning who in ar

We'll talk about journaling e able to share their

class. Or

experience of the trauma. Remember the difference between holocaust survivors an d Vietnam about vets? Holocaust it. Vietnam survivors shared, talked about it, wrote

vets ruminated about it. ng, Going back to the Lyubomirsky study. And when you just ruminate without shari

withoutwithout taking it out, it becomes stronger and it's more likely to become PTSD. But it doesn't always do that. And it's important to understand the magnet ism of e. post-traumatic growth. This is a positive So here is the question that I hav

psychology course. Remember what positive psychology isis that it focuses on what works. So the question that I asked myself as I was preparing for this cour se was thisis there so powerful a positive yet equivalent to trauma, 591 ----------------------- 282----------------------positive that will change instance like a sledge the way our brain functions in an something that is

hammer? Is there something like that? Or in other words, what I asked is, can a single positive experience create a positive channel that will lead to a permanent incr ease in wellbeing, calm and positive memories? In other words, the opposite of PTSD. And

again asking you shall receive; a question begins a quest. And as soon as I ask this question, it open up channels that I didn't see before that were literally right in front of my eyes. And this years of one of was my the work who that I've studied about the for peak many experie

intellectual nce. Now,




what I'm gonna talk about now is more hypothesis than well grounded research. It 's a hypothesis that I hope some of you will, will research either here as your senio r thesis, or in the hing that share in is one future, or will I this class is area where it's encourage people to based a on research these ideas. Everyt research. This

very rigorous

hypothesis. But bear with me and see what you think of it, of this hypothesis wh en I finish explaining it. Because there is some, some research on it, not enough you know, for a stand of approval yet. But think about it. Does it make sense? So let's see what a peak experience is. Maslow's definition of a peak experi ence: for the happiest moments of life, for experiences of ecstasy, rapture, bliss of the greatest joy. I found that such experiences came from profound aesthetic experiences such as creative ecstasies, moments of mature love, perfect sexual experiences, parental love, experiences of natural childbirth and many others. Everyone or most of people ha ve the experience, peak experiences again, whether it was with your girlfriend boyf riend, whether it was reading a book, whether it was listening to your favorite piece o f music. Just being one with the experience, it wasum Many of theologians talk about as the religious experience, walked through the as spiritual experience where you just

yard and suddenly felt oneit was a John Harvardmaybe not. But experience just

one with everything. This is the experience they talk about in Zen, being connec ted to the present, feeling so good so complete like you don't need anything else. Ever ything 592 ----------------------- 283----------------------is right here. Now I know I experience with my family at times. You know last ni ght having dinner with my family and friends. You know we were sitting around. I jus t felt this is it, you know, what else do I need. Just being so complete, so in th e moment. A peak experience. Now these peak experiences usually don't last for very long. They come and they go. It's a peak. However, they can and often do have repercussions . Now, maybe you can see now where I'm going with this. So do I. What I thought about when I thought about peak experiences was maybejust maybe this is the positive equivalent to the t of ecstasy that can have effect beyond just has effect beyond the experience itself. l There're people today who affecting them, still creating are living and reliving new 911, stil that the trauma. Maybe it's itself, a shock just like treatmen PTSD


affecting their brain, didn't exist before

new channels,


9/11/01. So is peak experience shock treatment of ecstasy. If peak experience is the positive equivalent of a trauma, then the equivalent of a post-traumatic stress disorder is what I called post peak but I think there is experience order. I know, cheesy,

something behind it. Some research on it. Some, veryumvery little. But I think it actually works. So one of the research studies. She studiedumwomen after child birth. And what she found was that sometimesnot always, in fact not most times,

but oftenthese women experience peak experience. And it changed their lives. As a result of it, they became more confident, more generous and benevolent, and happ ier, just as a result of a single experience, a shock treatment of ecstasy, something which waswhich happened to them, which meant so much to them. Now they did this research in the early 50s or late, no, early 50s. y to ut Today it may also happen more often with men because men today are more likel be present when crying. It was the child a very is born. You know, I burst o

powerful experience when it happened, certainly peak experience for me. Here's w hat 593 ----------------------- 284----------------------Maslow says about fically about post peak experience same there as peak experiences. illuding And to again it. not DThey talking speci can do the

order, but

psychotherapy, if one keeps his goals right, and if one knows just what he is ab out, and if one is conscious of what he is going toward. We can certainly talk, on th e one hand, of the breaking up of symptoms, like the breaking up of cliches, of anxiet ies, or the like; or on the other hand, we can talk about the development of spontaneity , and of courage, and ensory awareness, of Olympian or Godlike humor and suchness, s

body awareness and the like. So what he's saying here is that these effects can ha ve consequences beyond just the peak experience if we do certain thing such as foll ow up on it. William James in The Varieties of Religious Experiences talks such moments that perience can change quite lives and how they change lives. about Peak ex

literally lead to a new brain order. And again the jury still out on the researc h. But there are more and more suggestions. And we'll talk about it next time as well t hat show that there is something there, that it can be the positive equivalent of a trauma if we know what we do, to do with it. And here's the important experience peak experiences and experience experience peak more issue. The of them? question And isfirst do second, after we we

experience, how can we make it more likely that we enjoy PPEO? Because just like not everyone after a trauma experience PTSDin fact the majority don'tJust in the same way, most people don't experience PPEO after a peak experience. How do you increase the likelihoodfirst of increasing peak experience and second of increasin g the likelihood of post peak experience order? So to enhance peak experience, jus t very briefly because essentially the course is about that. So I'm gonna just throw ou t a few ideas that we've talked about and some that we'll talk about. First, permission to be human, acceptance, se if accepting emotions. Why? Becau

we don't accept painful emotions, if we don't give ourselves permission to be hu man, 594 ----------------------- 285----------------------we're blocking our emotional pathways. And positive emotions and painful emotion s often flow through the same emotional pathways. And when we're limiting one, we' re very often limiting the ys, give ourselves the other. So if we open up the pathwa

permission to be human and give ourselves the permission to cry when we're sad o r ecstatic. That very often opens up, makes it more likely that we experience posi tive

emotions as well, paradoxical, but this is the paradox of the permission to be h uman. When we give ourselves permission to experience painful emotions, we're more lik ely to experience the positive emotions. Mindfulness, being present. Lot of time whe n we are listening to music, for , not just having it as background while text our friends. But messaging, example, doing really homework listening and to music to


when we really listen to music that we love, very often we have a peak experien ce being present. According to Maslow's research, these are two of the most likely, most likely areas where we by the way this I can experience the peak experience. And

believe isis innate. You know even I see withwith Sherio, my one year o ld daughter. You laughs. This know when is not there We is were for music, born that. when with, Having we with a dance, this she inclin g

something we taught her. ation for music and dance. We oal. When

need to take time we're on


purpose, when we're doing things that we love to do, when what we are, we are do ing is meaningful and significant ely to experience peak to us, we're much more lik

experiences. Finally one of the greatest barriers in our culturetime. It's very di fficult to experience peak we're stressed and experiences when we're on the rush, when

anxious. These are peak experience killers. Whether it's when making love, wheth er it's when listening to music, whether it's withwhen spending time with friends or all of the above together. e How do we enhance experienced peak the likelihood of PPEO once we hav

experience? First thingreplaying an image. Remember the mind doesn't know the

difference within the imaginary and the real. It plays it over and over again. A nd when 595 ----------------------- 286----------------------we play it over and over again, the neural pathway is reinforced. The sledge ham mer begins the neural pathway. gh replaying through And then we reinforce it throu

imagination. Writing about it. This is gonna be a response paper next week. Writ ing about it, a peak experience. not analyzing it. difference with When we journal about it, describing positive it, once

Remember the experiences is not again

Lyubomirsky.Positive So just to

emotions, describe

as helpful to analyze. reinforce the neural

pathways. We relive it. We replay it. Once again taking time, taking time. And f inally taking action which is how we can reinforce the initial experience of theumthe peak experience, reinforce the neural pathways. So I had it inside, an Ah-ha mom ent as a result of this peak thing about it and act, experience. Now I'm gonna do some

which leads me to the second point, which is Bbehavior. I've been teaching and participating in workshops and seminars and classes on self improvement psychology, positive psychology and clinical psychology for almost 2 0 yeas since I wassince I waswell before I was 20. And what I noticed in other people's workshops, or in my workshops in seminars in classes is the following. Most people ,if the workshop or the class is good, exit the classroom, or the weekend or the semester. If they were here before, they usually experience a relative high afte r. But there're two elative high. groups of The first people. Both groups experience a r

groupwhich unfortunately are their base








level of happiness, something we're familiar with. The second group, not majorit y, but not a small minority doesn't last forever. experience that high after. That high

However, they go back, but when they go back, their base level of wellbeing is h igher than it was before. And they continue to have their vicissitudes, but this time along a higher base level of happiness than before. Now needless to say, I want to under stand why people experience this, some people and other people experience this, becaus e I want people who take my class to enjoy lasting change as opposed to temporary. N ice, feels good, not enough. workshop. It doesn't justify the effort that they put into the 596 ----------------------- 287----------------------And it doesn't justify the effort that I put into my work. So I want to understa nd the difference between the two. And here is the single most important difference tha t I identified between these characteristic was two groups. Group 2, the distinguishing

that after the workshop or class or seminar, not at the end of the semester if i t was a semester e classes long class, introducing after each class or after many of th

immediate behavioral change. I'll reevaluate my life and see how I do. Immediate ly introducing real behavioral ed about in class, change, doing exercises that we talk

taking risks that they haven't before but introducing change immediately, not wa iting. And or those introduce peak experience their down change base level immediately of happiness don't goes have up a high as opp

constantly. But osed to going

returning to change. And

where it now I


before when

there was



start every workshop and seminar when r introducing this model of change.

I have a few days of workshop or semina

What do we know from a lot of research in psychology is that there is a relat ionship between attitudes and behaviors. And we talked about it, we illuded into it alre ady in the past. So we all have attitudes whether it's attitudes about psychology, whet her it's attitudes about another person, whether it's attitude about myself. And these at titudes affect our behavior. So for example, if I have a positive attitude towards psych ology or my positive psychology, attitude towards I'm more likely to take 1504 than if

psychology and positive psychology is negative. Or if I have a good attitude tow ard a certain belief about a to want befriend this certain person, I'm much more likely

person if I like him than if I don't. So attitudes affect behavior. That's very clear, easy to understand. But what Alice Eagly, Daryl psychologists have found, the likes of

Bem and others. What they have found is that behavior also affects attitude. It works both ways. So if I behave in a certain way, it is likely to change my attitude in accord ance with 597 ----------------------- 288----------------------my behavior. And remember we talked about it. Why? Because we have an attitude and like our behavior is the when there is outside world. The mind doesn't

incongruence between the inside and outside. So if we behave in a certain way, t he attitude is gonna be pulled down to reflect that behavior. If we behave in this

way, the attitudethe mind doesn't like incongruence, it's going to create equality between the two, congruency consistency between the two. And the way it'll do that is either by changing our behaviorand here is the keyor more often by changing our attitude. Now all of us here, whether you are 18 or whether you are 80, we all have habits . And again, we first make our Habits are behavioral patterns, thinking patterns. is more powerful habits and then are our more habits powerful. make us. Action


than words. If we have a certain behavior that we had before the class, what the class does is changing your attitude about a certain thing. But if it doesn't match wi th your behavior, after the attitude is gonna class be the mind looks for consistency. The

pulled down back to where it was before unless your behavior changes to match yo ur change of behavior. All the class can do, whether it's 1504 or Justice or Psych 1. All the to classes, all workshops introduce attitudinal and seminars, change toward all is they one, myself. can for High do is

change. In this class, self-esteem. What is self-esteemthe attitude positive; low self-esteem negative.

attitudinal that I have

example, self-esteem

What is the benefit finder versus the fault finder is the attitude toward the world. Do I see this positive as a resource for wellbeing? Or do I focus on the negativ e as a fault finder. Perfectionismit's an attitude toward failure. But all this class can do, all I can do, all your TFs can do is to introduce or to encourage attitudinal change s, to convince you through research that to learn to focus on the positive. However, i f you

don't follow up with tude studyumthe








gratitude exercisethat means writing the letter you are responsible for this week but doing it ude will regularly. Unless go back and behavior is gonna 598 ----------------------- 289----------------------reflect your attitude and your behavior from before the class or before the inte rvention. There has to be behavioral change. s was Let me show you some studies showing the impact of the behavioral change. Thi done in American what Edgar prisoners of war during at MIT minds about them the showed Korean was War. that abou the follow, the attit


Schein who's just across the captors of the Americans got them t the Chinese. Captors, how good things to

street here their

change by

Communism, about

gradually within




Communism. We know we don't like Communism. We wouldn't be fighting if we did. But write about the positives of it. Write it to your prison-mates. Write letter s home, telling them how you being treated and making sure of course they only focus on the good. So they didn't ask them to lie necessarily though often they did. But they asked them to focus on the lly changed. And they became actually more rs. Because their open positive. and Over more time, positive the toward attitude their actua capto

behavior, writing letters, talking to their friends about it, they have to give lectures on it, and their attitude over time actually changed. And they became more positive . Cognitive distance, those of you who have taken Psych 1 or others heard about it. Cognitive distance is when there is incongruence between two t




beliefs are conflicting. We don't like it. We want there to be a match. Or when there is a conflict between behavior and a belief. And what cognitive distance says is th at this is... has to be resolved. And the way we resolve it is usually by getting our at titudes, our thoughts, our beliefs to match our behavior. Again behavior is more powerful than words. Self perception theorywe talked about a lot. I'm not gonna elaborate on it any more. We see about ourselves. ourselves. And we derive certain conclusions

Facial feedback hypothesis. If your

you put on a frown now or a nice gentle smile, going to change to reflect w

body chemistries are actually hatever your face is

showing. So this is a quote bywhere is itby Thich Nhat Hanh. Kind of difficult to 599 ----------------------- 290----------------------pronounce his namea Buddhist monk. "Sometimes your joy is the source of smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." So we actually influence mood through our face. That's why actors racter they're playing simply by acting. Because est of your body. You actually release chemicals are making. William our very there's according body. often the We can actually influence get into feedback face whatever to that the our cha r you your

facial with the

James. DWhistling to keep up courage is no mere figure of speech. On the other ha nd, sit all day in a moping posture, sigh, and reply to everything with a dismal voi ce, and your melancholy lingers... contract the dorsal Smooth the brow, brighten the eyes,

rather than the ventral aspect of the frame, and speak in a major key, pass the genial compliment, and your heart must be frigid indeed. What essentially William James i

s talking . about is something It's something beyond the facial feedback hypothesis

where there is not much research just a little research on, which is the body fe edback hypothesis. If you sit down all day like this versus upright in proud, it will a ffect your mood. It will affect how you ways. First of all, the feel about yourself in a few

message you communicate to yourselfself perception theorybut also in terms of how other people perceive you. If you shake hands like this limply versus shake hands firmly, you are communicating you are shaking your hands. And that message in terms of how they message comes to back the right person at with you whom both

perceive you and that impacts you but also in terms of how you perceive yourself . You the know one of the ex-students from 1504. She playedershe was on

hockey team, just graduated last year. So I met her over the summer. And she cam e over and she shook my hand. And I was in tears. It hurt so much. And I thought s he must have listened in class. So don't exaggerate, just firm, nice. I mean really I think she broke some of the bones in my hand. But it matters. It communicates a messag e. You of know I'm not her right now. gonna It mess with her 600 ----------------------- 291----------------------communicates a message of strength and confidence. If we walk around proud, we'r e communicating stooped, we're a certain also to the message. environment If we that walk then around reflects ever. I'm scared

communicating a message on us, but also to

ourselves and that also reflects on us too.


And finally, I must share a study with you. This is by Hammerly. This is a st

done... you know what, actually I'm gonna leave that to next time because I wann a get to something this, with important. this study. So I'm gonna start next time with

Because it's said it's a long study. But it's a very important study. So I will, I will talk about it next time first thing o something before we end, in class. I want to get t

something that will change our relationship. Fake it till you make it. David Mye rs has done a lot of important work in this area of positive psychology. What he showed was it very often even if we act happy, even if we act with high self-esteem, even i f I act joyful as William James said, that affects our mood. The question now becomes wh at about permission to be human. Well, first of all, there are times when we don't want to fake it till we make it, we wanna cry, we wanna be miserable and we wanna act th at way. However, we need to find when is it the time to get out and to go to that p arty even if it's the last thing in the world that I wanna do. And the difference her e is about active acceptance. in and I can still accept up my emotions. I can still accept my pa to act in accordance with ho

experience it and still choose w I deal more, most

appropriate or most helpful. So I can accept the fact you know I was just dumped say by my girlfriend, I can accept the fact that I feel terrible about it and awful but then three days later go out to Oaks and party, go wild. So faking it again because o f the facial sis, feedback hypothesis, because of because of the body feedback hypothe

self-perception theory. The behavior will affect my attitude. And after a crazy night

out in Oaks, I will actually feel better and healthywellmaybe not, but better. Here's a quick video of Marva Collins, talking thetalking about som e of her 601 ----------------------- 292----------------------experiences. DI think that maybe what I am is my parents and their consistency I mean I wanted n those to be as successful days, it was as my parents, my grandparents. I

quiet rare to be black and to be successful. So I think the determination of my parents and grandparents, they are...we would get chest high. As I said I was 14 years o lder than my one sister. But if we walked in church and didn't hold our heads up, my mom would sayshe would scream down the street, PeopleI've often heard them comment to her:DI can always tell you child are on the playground. Get your head up ; walk up straight when w you watch Marva Collins. That's how she walks. That's ho

she carries herself. And that communicates a message to her students, to other p eople, to herself. I'm gonna jump to this point. So very often, behavioral change is gr adual. So what is the acute change? ing. It's about putting ourselves on the line. And hing we don't feel comfortable doing. ering our stretch zone. Now what I wanna do now is share with you two stories from, from my past, two stories that initially you will see unconnected but as you will understand soon are very much ory. connected. One a My first memory, difficult story ,the other a difficult st The when acute we change cope, is about cop

it's to do somet

In other words, it's about exiting our comfort zone and ent

you know most people canmost people have a first memorythe first time, the first

thing that you remember. My first memory is from September 1973. I was almost 3 years old. And it was Yom Kippurthe holiest day of the year. And I remember being at ts home and orthodox.I suddenly was the phone ring. never rings Now on the phone on my a paren Satu

raised orthodox. The phone rday, let alone Yom


Kippur. But the phone rings. Both of my parentsI remember they jump up and run to the phone. My dad picks it up. And I'm standing between my parents. He looks at my mom and say something by whispering. Couldn't hear what it was, but my mom's face changes. And there's terror, fear in her eyes. And y dad I begin to tear. And m

picks me up and says: DI'm going for a few days, but I'll be back. Now I know what 602 ----------------------- 293----------------------happens. So what happened was that my parents got a call from my uncle who at th at time was doing his reserves in the military. He's inhe is in intelligence and war had just broke out. Young people are at the holiest ael. The Israel day of the ye ar in Isr

military is most of the people are not the boardersare not protecting. It is a com plete surprise, 5 Arab armies launch a war against Israel. My dad puts me down, goes t o his room from the top of theI still see him taking out his army uniform putting it on , taking his M16 sub machine gun putting it on, putting on his shoes, tying them. And my mom all are talking the while is once in a with I him, sense a making tension him things. there. I They don't

while smiling at me. But know why. We then walk

down to my dad's car. He had a turningold turquoise Ford Cortina. He takes shoe polish and paints the lights of theof the car. Why? Again later I know because at

night when you drive with your lights on, you don't want the lights to be too br ight in case of an air raid. So he paints the lights. And I watch him do all that. And t hen he picks me up and hugs me. He gets into his car, and I begin to sob uncontrollably . One of our neighbours whose name is Sharlon, he is too old to go into the army. So h e is standing there. We all look at my dad going off in the car. He picks me up and I 'm crying. And he looks at me and says: Dlike your dad when you grow up? And I didn't cry for almost came to Harvard. And I started to I started study psychology. to study You 20 know years where after I'm that. going Then right? I

psychologyand studying psychology. I realized one of the things that I wanted to work onone of the most important things that I wanted to work on was getting in touch with my feminine side, the anima the animus. I wanted to be more in touch with of my feminine side because I knew that it wasn't healthy to repress emotions. I was repressing painful ositive emotions. emotions. The exact same thing happens with p

Same emotional channels. But I grew up in a culture that's very macho. Men don't cry. Nor do soldiers, or tough. We can handle anything. And that's the culture that I grew up. And again this was my first memory. nd I heard the same thing over and over a 603 ----------------------- 294----------------------over to again, the same message. show emotions. It losing one It's of after not the I'd cool. most won It's not manly squash year b

reminds me up after tournaments for me,

important it the

losing the national championships efore. Surprise. Wasn't

supposed to lose it; was supposed to win. I go to my house with my girlfriend af ter.

And we're just hanging out. And suddenly she begins to cry because she understoo d how important it was for me. And this is how I basically experience my childhood , teenage, being tough, being macho. And then I came here and understood I need to let go. I need to be more in touch with the feminine side. So this is story number o ne. Let me move on to story number two. One of the students that I had heresome of you may know her, class of 04was Lindsay Hyde. Lindsay Hyde studied with me. We had ogethera one on one wonderful tutorial as well. We worked a lot t

organization part of PBHA. She found it, now a national organization. I was also one of the funding board members of that organization. Wonderful site swsg.org for t hose of you interested. I was invited by Lindsay to give a talk for other women from other colleges around Boston. And I gave a talk. And here's Lindsay. She was with one of the students3rd grade student, who she mentors and other Harvard students mentor and do wonderful work. I support it from And I believe in this organization.

thefrom the get-go almost and I gave a talk. And the talk was about teaching the importance of role modeling, to them about Marva was about integrity. I talked

Collins and about the important work that they were doing. And at the end of the talk which went well, I think for myself for the participants, I got a present, a gif t, a token of appreciation. And shirt. It was a pink the present was a shirt. It wasn't any

shirtthe color I don't normally wear. Certainly I never wore it in Israel. Not onl y it was a pink shirt, it was, since it was the Strong Women Strong Girl shirt. It wa s also a very small shirt, more suited for the 3rd graders than for older ones. But still they said:

Dwe wanted you to have it as a token of our appreciation. And then I made a mistake . And I said jokingly of course. I was teaching 1504 at the time. And here it is t he shirt 604 ----------------------- 295----------------------that I got. And then there was another student of mine from 1504, Tory Martin, w ho waswho run the organization at that time took over from Lindsay at Harvard. And I laughed and then almost cried. BecauseDI mean I was joking,She said, Dlook, you just talk to us about the importance of integrity. which I did, I mean, look at h ere, integrity. So what am ues, I gonna go back on my word? That's one of my core val

integrity. And then my whole childhood flashed before my eyes. And I thought abo ut something that Churchill said And here it was an so I looked for the opportunity.

opportunity handed to me in a pink shirt, to be more in touch with my feminine s ide. So ladies and gentlemen, now I knowI know you're gonna find this h ard to believe. But believe me when I say that this for me was going out of my comfort zone. In fact maybe it was y panic going out from my stretch zone a little bit, but into m

zone. I was telling the TFs before class that when I prepared for this class. Yo u know I haveI have all my notes you know. And here I write. Every time I wen t over it, when I initially wrote it n rush in my stomach, on my notes, it was like a...adrenali

going out of my comfort zone. Now I'm also out of my comfort zone which is why I have to have it at the end of the class as opposed to the beginning of class. Bu t the key is to attain optimum levels of discomfort. I may have a little overshocka little b it.

But the is no

key is optimum other way to


of all

discomfort. day long

And and

why? say I

There want

change. I can think about it to be in touch with my

feminine side or I want to be more courageous, I want to get out. I can think ab out it all day long. e bring about Nothing will real happen. Nothing will happen unless w

actual behavioral change, real actual behavioral action. And when we do that, th en the sky is the limit. Thank you! I will see you on Thursday. 605 ----------------------- 296----------------------Positive Psychology CLecture 12 Dr.Tal Ben-Shahar: Hi.Good morning. So first of all, are there any junior par ents today? Welcome. Welcome. weren't I'm so glad you are here. I'm even gladder you you

here on Tuesday. So just...just...Just a couple of announcements. Yeah, know, I

was asking myself after Tuesday, "Are they ever going to take me seriously again ?" I hope so. Or "will they love me tomorrow?" So just a couple emails regarding the of announcements. First, there are many

response papers, whether the gratitude letters that you write, you also need to submit to your, to your TF, as the response paper. So the answer is yes and no. Alright , next. Yes! You do need to submit it. However, if the letter is too personal or you don 't feel comfortable for any reason submitting to your TF as well, just send your TF a no te saying "I wrote the letter" and we will take your word for it. And...so you don' t have to submit it, though it would be great if you do. The midterm is coming up in a week and a half. So just a couple of words abou

t the midterm. What ltiple choice we have midterm. decided to do is to just have a mu

There'll be - can't remember how many - 50? Five zero. 50 questions on the multi ple choices. And you'll have 75 minutes to do it. So we'll allow for the 10 minutes or 15 minutes to get organized here. It's not going to be a difficult, you know... Try to fool you or to catch you. It's going to be pretty straight forward. who I've told you my philosophy about exams during the first class, those of you didn't used to have an exam becau

remember. In the past, I se I remember I wasn't

happy taking exams as an undergrad. And you know do not do unto others. But then , I realize that there was the value to them. Not a value in terms of differentiatio n, grades and stuff, all that. The l gets you to sit down value and is that the midterm or fina

synthesize all the material. So if it's a take home, you look for the answers wh ere you 606 ----------------------- 297----------------------are. You take...you just get part of it. With the midterm or final, you sit down and you read everything from lesson 1 to lesson 26. And then that helps you synthesize a nd hence internalize the material. the Because remember what I mentioned time and again: this class is built around

spiral theory of knowledge, meaning everything we talked about in lesson 1,in cl ass 1, is ss related to class 3,is related 24.Everything is to class 7, is related to cla

interconnected. And it's when you sit down, you know when I talk about the mater ial, I know it's going to come three weeks from now and I know the connection You sti ll

dont, but when you sit down and study for the exam, that's when you get to make th e connection, and that's when you really internalize the material at a much higher level. So this is why we have it. I know it's not fun however I think it is pedagogical ly. It is important to sit down and have a run through, whether it's the midterm and again , for the final. Again, would be very wont be difficult, but do study for it. It

straightforward, fact-based. The midterm, as you can imagine, is not about show ing creativity. Our goal is that you go over the material and synthesize it. If you have any questions, please email your TFs and they'll be able to answer. If not, then ema il me. OK. So where think I repress were the we last time? Actually can't remember. I

whole lesson. But I was told that I skipped a few things so that I could get to the show at the end. And one thing that I skipped and I want to talk about goes back to, after we talked about the body the body feedback hypothesis? elf. With feedback ommunicates the How you facial feedback shake with your your hypothesis. hand, smile, how your You you frown. remember carry That yours c

hypothesis, certain

message to other people, who then reflect back to us and at the same time, we ar e also communicating to ourselves. eed Am I confident? or am I proud? Or am I afraid and scared? And very often we n

to, as we talk about "fake it till we make it". Because our body, our behavior s ends 607 ----------------------- 298----------------------messages to our mind, to our emotions and affects them.


There was a wonderful second author, Haemmerlie They

research and



Haemmerlie did the followin

Montgomery. g research.


recruited shy heterosexual men. Recruited them for the study. Shy, heterosexual men. And the study was run as follow: these men were told that the study was about ta king certain test and they were invited into the equivalent of William James Hall, an d they were told "unfortunately we were running behind, so you have to wait. You have t o wait until the study actually takes place. In the mean time, you know here is a waiting room and there are other people waiting for the same test. And we'll come and ge t you. It may take a while. Sorry. We'll pay you for it for the time you have to wait e xtra." So they ended up waiting in a waiting room. And with them was waiting another perso n. A female, who unbeknownst to them was actually a confederate, was actually a par t of the study. But they thought she was just like them, waiting, also waiting in line for th e study to take place. So they h a woman, whose instruction was terosexual man, to strike and to were up sitting there a conversation for 12 minutes with this shy wit he

express a lot of interest and excitement about what they were saying. So they we re listening and were laughing they were at asking for 12 questions. minutes. "Wow." And "Really?" that, They the

what they were saying woman went into the


experiment or so they thought. Another woman comes in. Again, for 12 minutes, sh e sits down with the shy heterosexual man and seems very interested and laughs at what he has to say, and asks questions. And so on and so...for 12 minutes. And the

next woman comes in, as she goes into the experiment. And so on. Six times. Six women sitting with the shy heterosexual men, being very interested in what they have t o say, striking a conversation.72 minutes total. And then they go into the real experim ent, whatever it was. And then next day, they are invited for the same experiment aga in. 608 ----------------------- 299----------------------And once again, they go through the exact same procedure. For 72 minutes, they s it down with 6 women who are very interested in what they have to say. oes And of course, what really the experiment was interested in was what effect d

this have. What effect does this behavior have on their shyness? And it had radi cal effects. So over the next on these, these men 6 months, when they followed up

suddenly became far less anxious. In general, and specifically around women. The y became less shy. These men often for the first time in their lives, initiate rel ationships and start to date after 144 minutes of intervention. Radical difference. But there was a these psychological problem. What's the problem with many of

experiments? That you have to debrief. Exactly. You have to debrief. So six mon ths later, the study was over. The researchers invite the men in and tell them this was just a study. And these women t- they were told to were actually part of the experimen

seem interested. Cruel, right? Well, less than they thought. It made no differen ce to these men. Because by this time, they were much more outgoing. They were doing well with the opposite sex. They were going on dates. They were less shy. It sta rted a

positive spiral. It didn't matter at their lives, as far as the





dating was concerned at least, if not more. Why? Think back to Bandura's work on self-efficacy. Nothing breeds success like su ccess. When they succeeded, they did well, they saw themselves doing well- self-percept ion theory. Certain conclusions and that led to an about who they are, what they are

upward spiral, and continued that upward spiral. Yeah, we talked about 'fake it till we make it', then watch Marva Collins. Chapters of the Fathers. Pirkei Avot. One of the seminal Jewish texts: "Those whose deeds exceed their wisdom, their wisdom shall endure but those whose t- remember what I wisdom exceeds their deeds, If we jus

talked about- if we just go to a workshop or a class, and understand it on the c ognitive level, even have an ah ha moment, a break through, nothing will happen, unless w e 609 ----------------------- 300----------------------follow our new found wisdom or understanding with deeds, with action. Why? e Because we first us. And if we make are our class habits, here, and and then then our our habits attitude mak cha

before the workshop or nges but our behavior

doesn't, our attitude will be pulled down over time by our habits. So it's only, if we also if change our habits over we, for example, put line- cope. writing time, Or if if we we start start doing doing physical depression the things, grati

ourselves on the tude exercise or letters on arguably

the regular being most to

basis, deal

or starting with anxiety,

exerciseas well

powerful intervention, as the ADHD. And

that's when we start doing these things right after the change is going to be ep hemeral we are going to go back to where we were before. Lasting, permanent change- atti tude change has to be matched by deeds, by behavior. ful Dan Millman- I mentioned him in class a couple of weeks ago, The way of peace

warrior, talks about the importance of action and change. He says, quote," To ch ange the course of your life, choose one of two basic methods. One. You can direct yo ur energy and attention toward ur focus, affirm your power, free your emotions and at you can finally trying to fix your mind, outcomes find so yo th



develop the confidence to display the courage to discover the determination to m ake the commitment to feel sufficiently motivated to do what it is you need to do. T wo. Or you can just do it." You know, sometimes, easier said than done. However, very o ften, you know, jumping into the water, just doing it, taking action has the same effe ct as all the preparation, or even the better effect, and leads to an upward spiral. e OK. Then we talked about coping and exiting your comfort zone. Parents, pleas eyes at attaining this your point. Alright. And I ended by tal

close your king about

'optimum levels of discomfort'. What does this mean? What does this mean? So we can look at approaches to change or reactions to change, behavioral change along the continuum of tension. Most of us most of the time are in our comfort zone. It's great. 610 ----------------------- 301----------------------It's wonderful. However, when we are in the comfort zone, very little change hap pens. If you go beyond that, we get to our stretch zone. This is what we call the op timal

discomfort that is

zone. This the panic







zone. This is where we have anxiety and difficulty. This is the place that is us ually unhealthy. Unhealthy for change. Because very often, we can go back on where we were before. You can think about this with a metaphor: the comfort zone would be freezing water. The stretch zone would be flowing water. The panic zone would be boiling water. Again, a lot of movement, but out of control and potentially dang erous. The best way to be usually is in the stretch zone. e You'll read about it next week when you read about flow. Flow is when you hav

optimal level of arousal, optimal level of tension. When the task that you are d oing, or whatever you are doing, is not too difficult nor too easy. See what I did at the end of last class was certainly, as I said, as you saw I hope, out of my comfort zone. However, it wasn't enough- well, maybe- but probably not in the panic zone. Why? Because I already know you- we have been together for over a month. It's already passed at the drop date- so, too late for you. So I wasn't taking that much of the risk. It wa s just stretching. And it was important for me to do... I mean, really personally impor tant for me to do it. Because it does stretch me and get me more in touch with my humanit y. Or for example, lets say you want to start an exercise in gym. You r ealize how important it is. You read the research. You are exposed to that research and you see it really has an important effect. And you start exercising. Well, if you have an e xercise for 5 years and you got to That's a problem. You are start running 8 miles a day.

over-stretching. Youll probably get injured. If you continue sitting in front of t

he TV or playing gameboy, that's also not good for change. That's the comfort zone per haps not good. Stretch will be "OK, let me start with walking for two miles a day and build it up gradually." Stretch myself, but not too much. Or if you think about starti ng to give lectures to others, paying it forward, in positive psychology or biology, w hatever 611 ----------------------- 302----------------------your topic is, and giving a you get anxious in front of an audience. You don't start You start initially with your friend

lecture in Sanders Theatre. s, teammates. This is

how I start with my squash teammates. I gave the first lecture to them and then I gave it to my family. Gradually out of the comfort zone. A little bit of stretch and then build it over time. This is the health way of approaching change. Sometimes though, sometimes though , we have nnot be to go to the changed, or change panic zone. why? For Because example, something addiction. ca I

almost impossible to f I'm addicted to


drugs, its very difficult to say, "well I'll just have a little bit less, inject a little bit less today. A little bit less tomorrow." It usually has to be abrupt. And then we are in the boiling realm. Then we are in the panic zone. Quite literally at times, which is why we need meone help. In this area, to comfort us. we need someone to hold us. So

Someone to protect us. Because it is such a volatile zone. And potentially dange rous. But generally, if you want to change, the healthy approach to change would be al ong the stretch zone. It's impossible to change in theory.

Now I have said it so many times and yet very often people who take the class , as you know, many of them ll my life is better do change. Many of them do say, "we

today for having taken it." And other people say, "well I took the class and it didn't make a difference in my life It was a fun experience at times- the pink shirt an d others. But it didn't make a real lasting difference in my life." In every...almost allnot in all cases, but in almost all cases, it's because it wasn't behavioral change associa ted with the attitudinal change or with the insides or understandings or recognition. The re has to be a bias for action. And that bias for action- just name a few examples: to increase confidence we do it by taking risks, not by talking and thinking about, or standing in front of t he mirror and say to myself: "I have elf-esteem. I'm great. Im a lot of confidence. 612 ----------------------- 303----------------------terrific. Im gorgeous." Not enough. How do we reduce stress in our lives? And we'l l talk about it next week. than more. We'll talk By simplifying, at times by doing doesn't just less lead rather to I have s

about how actually doing less more happiness, it also

leads to more success, more creativity as well as productivity. But we can't red uce the stress in theory. Chipping creating more positive away through the gratefulness,

channels, becoming more of a benefit finder over time. It takes time. Doesnt happe n overnight. The nice thing though is that when we are afraid, when we think it's too much for us to take certain action, we can use our internal simulator.


Remember thing

the and

mind the







imaginary thing? And if we imagine something, if we are in the CBT language, if we engage in exposure, either through the imagination or through actual action, whe n we engage in exposure, over time, we become confident, which as I told you, what I do, preparing for lectures, seeing myself, doing it in my mind's eye, and the mind d oesn't know the difference, in the real and in the imagined. And overtime, well become more confident. It's a good start. Its not enough. But certainly goes hand in hand and a very useful technique I'm sure some of you class last to explore and to try. So all this is well and good. about, and actually some came after

are thinking time and

talked to me about it and said, "OK, so we know action is important, but there is a problem. And the problem is that I don't or many people don't have enough discip line to engage in this action, to get out and run three times or five times a week. W e are lazy. It's much more fun playing with our Nintendo than going and doing yoga for an hour, at least initially. So I don't have enough discipline for change. I just want a quick show of hands. Be honest. Put up your hand if you believe that if you had more self-discipline- now you may have a lot of self-discipline or very little self-discipline, but if you had more self-discipline, you could potentially be h appier and/or more successful. If you had more self-discipline? Be honest. I mean my ha nd is 613 ----------------------- 304----------------------very much up. OK, so it's most people think that. So I have good news for you an d

bad news for you. I'll start with the bad, because I'd like to finish on the pos itive. So the bad news is you aren't ine. What you have is going to get any more self-discipl

what you got and what you will get. That's it. Sorry. Tough luck. Most people, m ost people, need or overwhelmingly want more majority of people think they

self-discipline and believe that they don't have enough. And most, just about all people cannot get any more self-discipline. Nature. Thats it. So that's the bad news. The good news: it's actually not that important, nei ther for success, nor and happier for happiness. with the You can be more successful

self-discipline that you currently have. How? If you change your focus from rely ing on self-discipline for als. Changing your bringing about change to introducing ritu

focus from self-discipline to rituals. I am going to talk about an idea now that is part of... that is talked about in greater length in The Power ny Schwartz. An of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and To

excellent, excellent book. And what they are talking about is essentially a para digm shift. A paradigm shift, et more self-discipline, where we is need not to stop trying for for to g

because that, in and of itself for well-being, for change. And it's because people at is the reason why rely on


success, change. Th


most organizational as well as individual change efforts fail. So let me share with you a fun study. This was done by Roy Baumeister, one of the leading social psychologists of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. Great researcher. Here was what he did. He brought in a group of people individually. So the

person walks into the experiment. And they are told, once again, you have to wait in this room, waiting room for the experiment to start. So the person sits down. Th ere is a table right next to that person. And on the table, theres a bowl. And in the bow l, there are freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Just came out of the oven. Smell the 614 ----------------------- 305----------------------aroma, engulfing o their nose. them. You know like those cartoons, going int

Phenomenal smell. They are sitting there, next to the chocolate chip cookies tha t are in a bowl. The experimenter puts and says, "I'll come and pick you about 10 minu tes for the experiment." They walk out. And as they are walking out, they tell them, "oh just by the way, these chocolate chip cookies, they are for the next experiment. So if you don't mind, dont touch them." So you are sitting there, almost dying, but you are not touching it. And ten minutes later, the experimenter does come in, takes you to the experiment. The experiment is very difficult. Very difficult. Very difficult tes t that you need to take. A test that most people don't solve and requires a lot of persever ance and hard work. But most people, even with perseverance and hard work do not solve it . So the outcome measure, what the researcher is interested in is mostly how much did you persevere before giving up on that test. How much did you persevere before givin g up on that test? That was the outcome measure, the dependent variable. Second group , randomly picked, come into the same room, sitting on the same chair, have the sa me bowl on the table. But instead of chocolate chip cookies, what they have in the bowl

are red beetroots. Freshly baked. Just came out of the oven. And they are sittin g there. And the experimenter is about to walk out, says, "just one more thing. u don't If yo

mind, dont touch those beetroots. They are for the next experiment." OK. Fine. So you are sitting there for 10 minutes. 10 minutes later, the experimenter comes i n, takes you to the "real" experiment. Sitting down, you take the exact same test. The ex act same puzzle. And once again, how long will you persevere before giving up? Think about for yourself for a second. Who do you think persevered more? The chocolate chip cookies group? Or the beetroots group? Think for yourself for a second. By the way, I guessed wrong icantly more perseverancethe beetroots when I answered more, this question. OK. Signif


wasn't close- the group

that had

persevered a lot more. Why? I wouldn't understand. The mechanism- and he did some more experiment to 615 ----------------------- 306----------------------explain the mechanism. ie group had used It's because the chocolate chip cook

self-discipline not to touch the cookies, though (inaudible) they really wanted to touch it. But they couldnt. So they used their quota of self-discipline. And when they w ent into the "real" experiment, what happened was that they had little or no self-di scipline left And that, that maze, that experiment, that test required a lot of self-disc ipline. The point of this study is we all have limited amount of self-discipline. And the qu estion is what do we used it on. Another question for you. How many people here have, those of you who did set

new year resolutions? Put your hand up if you fulfilled every single one of the new year's resolutions that you ever set for yourself. Put your hand up. Every singl e new year's resolution, higher, please. if you did Well, I set new year resolutions. A bit

certainly didn't. But here's another question for you. How many people here...th is is an important question, so please, please put your hand up if the answer is affir mative. How many people here brush their teeth this morning? Put your hand up high. hew! I'm glad to see this. You can all talk to me after, real close. So let me just i magine what happened this morning, this scenario. So you got up in the morning. You wer e tired. And then day. I am you said to yourself, to "OK, today is the day. Today is the brush my teeth this mornin

going to do it! I am going g!" Right? And to really

motivate you as you got out of bed : Here I come now! I mean, here I come to bru sh... And you brush your teeth, right? Today is the day! Because I have 1504! I'm goin g to brush my teeth! Yes! No, of course not. You know, you rolled off the bed- you kn ow, barely alive. You probably don't remember you brushed your teeth, because you we re asleep still. is You know why? Why did everyone, I think, I hope everyone brush their teeth th

morning, whereas no one, no one person out of more than 600 students fulfilled t heir new year's resolutions? on self-discipline. Why? Because new year 616 ----------------------- 307----------------------Brushing our teeth relies on a ritual. We do it everyday. Its automatic. Now there resolutions rely

are rituals- we know brushing our teeth is important. People won't talk to us if we don't. But we also know that physical exercise is very important. And yet most people i n the world, not at Harvard, but in the world, don't do physical exercise and pay very high price for it. You know it always amazed me when people used to comment on my incredible self-discipline when I was a squash player. It always amazed me because I don't see myself as a person ve chocolate chip with self-discipline. You know we don't ha

cookies at home. And if we do, Tommy hides them. Because if there were, they wou ld disappear two minutes later. Zero self-discipline when it comes to these things. And yet, with squash, I did have, well people thought and what I thought for many ye arsself-discipline. n. I would Because I would get up in the morning and go for my ru

then go to school and after school, straight to the court have a session with my coachregular session with my coach, then play games, matches, and then as ee, went to the gym ent home, did my and worked out. Every single day. you can s And I w

homework and went to bed. It was a ritual. That is what athletes do: they have r ituals, which is why they are able to maintain what seems from the outside, such high le vels of discipline, at times super humans. It's not. Its rituals. ing Jim Loehr and very precise Tony Schwartz: them at "Building very rituals requires times defin Let me

behaviors and performing give you some


personal examples. Physical exercise deeply held value for me. Has always been, and especially now when I know the research, the data on physical exercise. So I hav

e a ritual: three times a week, for 30 and 40 minutes, I run. After that, after that , do my stretching. I know how important yoga and meditation is for me. I have a ritual and I do it. First thing when I wake up in the morning, a few deep breaths- We'll talk about it more after break. It's a ritual. Every time when I teach here, every time whe n I get 617 ----------------------- 308----------------------up in front of the audience, I run before. This morning, I ran. On Tuesday, I ra n twice as hard. Why? Because obally, generally and specifically or me: my for the class. wife- our it releases Another anxiety. very It helps me. value Gl f


relationship. See the movie? Hitch? Fantastic movie. lue for

It's a very important va

me. And therefore, my wife and I have rituals. And we have two ritual dates a we ek. Now when people hear it, spontaneity of love?" they say, "Come on! where is the

Well, there is a lot of spontaneity in terms of what we do during these dates. B ut the dates are set in stone. And if I'm travelling or my wife is travelling, we miss the date, we make up for it after. Why? Because if we didn't have this ritual, then we hav e two dates a decade, as opposed to a week. ld, And a deeply held value for both of us is our relationship. In our modern wor

there are so many conflicting demands in our time. Rituals are not just importan t- they are absolutely necessary. If we are to do the things that are important for us, that we care about. Other examples of rituals: writing a thank you note. Once a week, on ce a month. Making a gratitude visit. Once a month, once a month, once every two mont

hs. Doing the gratitude exercise on a daily basis. These are rituals that we can int roduce and can actually make an important difference. We also have ritual dinners with the family as a er, we have whole. So together every shabbat dinner, Friday night dinn

with the family. It's a ritual. Its a wonderful ritual. During the week, we als o have dates when we are value to us. Now together, because family is an important

sometimes, for example, because of travel or other reasons, rituals are broken. Then you can make rituals. Three up for it later. hour of not They can also be negative

checking email. I know it's hard. But it's an important ritual. And we'll talk a bout the effect of having our email on constantly Because when we are constantly connecte d to technology, we are often in our lives. We'll talk about that after break. 618 ----------------------- 309----------------------Rituals. Introduce rituals. One of the fears that people have when they hear about rituals is they oductivity. And say "well if not that will take away from my pr disconnected from the important things

productivity, creativity." Not so. In fact, the exact opposite is the case. If y ou look,yeah, this is a historical research- if great artists, whether it's you look at all the

writers, the Hemingways, whether it's the Davincis- they had a ritual in their l ife. And the ritual was, for example, "from 7 to 10 am in the morning, I write, no matter what", "6 to 10 at night- if I am more of a night person, I paint". They had rituals. A nd it's because of these rituals that they were able to be creative. Because then they c

ould think about their subject materials as opposed to million other things: "Well, m aybe I should be doing something s"- no! There was a else and there are other distraction

ritual. That's what I did now. Almost mindless getting there- just like we brush our teeth. But when they were there, there were space, openness to be creative. Now the key is to give You see, maintaining a yourself time to create the ritual.

ritual, requires some self-discipline, but not a lot. Creating a ritual requires a lot of self-discipline. Once again, its. Let's do a quick because we go back to our old hab

exercise. So I want you to just take your hands and just fold them. Fold your ha nds for a minute. Alright. Now continue folding your hands- only this time, in the oppos ite direction, meaning this hand below and this hand above. Yeah. Yeah. I see especi ally the men are not does that feel? really Not getting it. But it's OK. Now how

comfortable right? Now this is such a simple movement. You know, folding hands! And back make yet we feel very uncomfortable- something is wrong here. And we want to go to our folding our habits and before. Much more comfortable. We first

then our habits make us. OK. So the key is, here we are talking about a very sim ple change- folding hands. How much more difficult is it when we have had habits tha t we t cultivated for many years in our lives? Very and are much more significan

difficult to go...to change them. It takes time. 619 ----------------------- 310----------------------ys William James, as I mentioned to change a habit. before, says it takes 21 da

Loehr and Schwartz in their book, The Power of Full Engagement, talk about 30 da ys to change it. And of course it depends on what habit. So give ourselves 30 days to start the gratitude. Give ritual of exercising ourselves 30 days to build the new

regularly. And the key is to give yourself no more than one or two rituals each 30 days. Why? Because as we mentioned lf-discipline to create a earlier, it takes a lot of se

ritual and we don't have much self-discipline, which is why when we have a list of 10 changes that we want to introduce in our lives today, we end up doing none. We e nd up doing none. Because we are over-extending our self-discipline and we break do wn. It takes a lot of discipline to start a ritual, but once we start it, after a mo nth when it's habituated, when it's grooved in, when the neural pathway has begun to form, the n we can move onto the next ritual and introduce it, if we are ready. re No more than two. Ideally one ritual. Next week in your response paper, you a

going to choose a ritual, two rituals for this month that hopefully you will, yo u will also introduce. Because there cannot be change without behavioral change. Loehr and Schwartz: "Incremental Success feeds on change is better than ambitious failure.

itself." We see it on individual level. We see it on organizational level. John Carter from the business school does a lot of work on change in organizations in the re alm of leadership. What he talks about a lot is how you need small successes and then b uild them these successes. The Dalai Lama: DThere isn't anything that isn't made easier through constant familiarity an change; we can transform ourselves." and training. Through training we c

You know, one an undergraduate.

thing It



to me


I was

happened in my sophomore year. I didn't...I played at the Varsity team. Didn't h ave a good season. My sophomore year was burned out- got injured. And couldn't wait fo r the 1st of March. March 1 is the last, and March 2 sometimes, is the last day of the 620 ----------------------- 311----------------------season. And I couldn't wait, because after that I could stop playing squash and focus on my studies. Then I could get a lot of work done- because with squash, we were at the tal courts, you three hours know trained a day. physically for two hours but to

Weekends- we were travelling mostly or had matches at home. Mornings- at least t wo mornings a week we were lifting weights was rough. A lot of or in the gym. So it

work and I said I can't wait to have the freedom without squash, especially givi ng that I wasn't enjoying that much at that point. Can't wait. Not to do anymore and ju st to focus on my classes. Catch ngs and stuff. March 1 came. I stopped playing re productive. I became far less productive. y? Now I see a lot of you nodding. The athletes know what I am talking about. Wh more, or rather less productive? up on all And the readings of and becoming writi mo



Why did I become Procrastinationwow!

Skyrocketed. Why? Because for years I've been told I'm a person with self-discip line. And I started to believe it. Yeah, I have a lot of self-discipline. Look at me! I trained so hard. I worked, you know, when I played on the circus six hours a day. That's a lot

of self-discipline! And suddenly, the squash season ended. And I said, "alright, let's see this discipline done. Why? Because at I work!" And I wasn't getting any work

gave up my rituals. You see, during the season, those of y or

you who played varsit

very involved in music or club know that- when you are investing a lot in a cert ain organization, your time has to be ritualized. So you know you are in practice th en or you are ? in these hours, or you are having meetings at these hours. And after t hat you have to go back and work. Because you only have two hours to do. And you want to get an OK night sleep. You have rituals. And you are productive and you are crea tive. And suddenly the rituals go away. You said, "OK now The I'm gonna work more".

exact opposite happens. Because we have a limited amount... It was only when I c ame to terms of fact that I have a limits amount of self-discipline. It's only when I came to terms with the human nature- nature should be commanded must be obeyed. It was 621 ----------------------- 312----------------------only then that I actually became productive. Because I created new rituals in my life after that. Rituals- very important and significant. The only way for lasting ch ange. Let me talk about cognition now. The C. So we talked about behavior how about affect- the emotions; we talked

important that is both acute and gradual. Let's talk about cognition. We'll talk again about nging cognitive reconstruction about change. which is the gradual way of bri

And then we'll talk about the fast way of bringing about change, which is the Eu reka

experience, . As we

the ah ha mentioned






before, an interpretation is a neural pathway. If I interpret the world as a fau lt finder, the fortified neural pathway in my brain are the negative ones, these in experie nce and I go immediately to the negative interpretation and that gets reinforced over ti me. If I'm a merit finder, I would look the exact same experiences and interpret them v ery differently. the brain. Because I have Of course, to very how we different interpret neural our pathways experiences. in No

there are consequences t necessarily that

things happen for the best, but as a merit, as a benefit finder- sorry, I change that. As a benefit finder, looking more at the, at the positive with each experienc e. Now remember the study on the identical twins and how much genes actually matter. Th at only account for 55% of the variance. So here is the story that's told in many i ntro to psych textbooks And it's about twins who were raised in a same home and their fa ther was abusive toward them, toward their mother. He was very often drunk, very ofte n on drugs, and really an awful, awful childhood- the worst you can imagine. And t hese twins grow up in that home with that father. And they go off. They leave their h ome, run away from home later on in life and they reach the age of 30. And then at th e age of 30,a psychologist who is doing research on twins goes and visits them. And he goes to the first twin. And what he sees there: the twin is in a relationship. He's a busing his family, very often drunk, very often on drugs. Then the psychologist is able to find 622 ----------------------- 313-----------------------

him in a moment of soberness and says to the twin, "what's going on? What are y ou doing? What's happening he psychologist is here?" And the twin who knows that t

doing research on the effect of genes and the effect of upbringing, says, "you k now my father. You know the kind of childhood that I endured. How do you expect me t o be any other way?" And the psychologist who knows the effect of upbringing shrug s. And then he goes to the second twin. The second twin happens to be at the exact same age as years the first one. He old, walks into the goes to the second twin- also 30

house and cannot believe his eyes. Such peace. Such equanimity. Such love. Betwe en him and his wife, and the areer, doing well with his kids. He's doing well in his c

family. He comes back again after a while- see maybe there was a fluke; maybe he 's putting on a show, but family life. Phenomenal no- it's the real thing. Phenomenal

professional life. And he goes to him and says, in disbelief, how?" Now the twin a lso knows that he's doing research and he says, "what do you mean 'how'? You know my father. You know how I was raised. You know what he did to us. How do you expect me to be any other way? I know how much he hurt us. How do you expect me to be any other way like him?" Same experiences. Radically different Monozygotic twins. Same genes.

interpretation: one continuing the hell that he endured as a child; the other cr eating a heaven. All because of interpretation. What do you do with it? Well, I have no c hoice. This is the way I was The other- I'm not raised. This is the model- passive victim.

going to be like that. I'm not going to be like my father- active agent. So much

of it is a matter of interpretation. Happiness, wellbeing, as we mentioned many times bef ore, is not so much contingent on external circumstances, not so much contingent on o ur status or the status of our bank account. It's contingent on our state of mind. The thing that you'll remember though is that there are no shortcuts unfortunately. There are no quick fixes unfortunately. If there were, I promise you I would've told you. If I find out next week about a shortcut, even if it's over spring break, youll get an email from 623 ----------------------- 314----------------------me. But I don't think there are. And very often, the hope of finding a quick fix leads to more unhappiness. He re are some examples of cognitive reconstruction. This is work done by Tomaka on whethe r we perceive activity as a challenge or as a threat. Because we can perceive the exact same activity and cognitively reconstruct our understanding of it. So let me giv e you an example. I applied When for PHD I, after being thrown out of Cambridge,

programs. One of the programs I applied to is here. I was hoping to get in. And when I got in, I wanted to come back, because overall, I had a very good experience her e as an undergrad, with all the difficulties and hardship, I was glad, wanting to be back. And when I got in, you know suddenly I became a little bit concerned. Because I saidyou lot know I experienced a of anxiety as an lot of anxiety as an undergrad. A

undergrad. And I said, I don't want to relive that again. Maybe I should go else where. And then I turned around and I said, "OK. Instead of looking at Harvard as a thr

eat, to me, to my calm. I'm going to look at it as a challenge." And my challenge became explicitly- I mean I wrote it in my journal, wrote about it, thought about it ex plicitly. My goal over the six years that I got my PHD was to maintain calm Because I said to myself, if I can maintain calm at Harvard, I can maintain calm anywher e." And I worked on it. I really worked on it. And it became a challenge and just that cha nge helped me get so much more out of my experience here as a graduate student. Even through the hardships, the anxiety. But overall- a much better experience. Recently I just did it. So fter class. So you know, once in a while I travel right a generals and the failures, and the

three weeks ago, I travelled to Florida. And I have a very important talk there with the company that I really wanted to work with. It was my first event there. Company that I cared about. And really want it to do that talk. And I think it is doing fantastic things around the world and I well. And I I cognitively felt a lot 624 ----------------------- 315----------------------reconstructed it. I said, "OK. It's anxiety inducing, permission to be human exp erience, but let's look at it as a challenge." That I have this wonderful opportunity to speak to such a great company, such wonderful people. I'm going to make the best of it. T urned it from a threat into a challenge, into opportunity. And that made a big differe nce in my approach to it. Think about as in your life. What is it? Is it a play you want to try out fo r? Is it of anxiety before

someone you want to ask out? Is it speaking up in section? This is a study those who take Psych 1 or Psych 15 have encountered that, the work of Schachter & Singer, back in early 60s.Today it would never be able to get this past the ethics committee. Just like Mailgram wouldn't be able to get his study passed. Here was what they did. So they brought people with epinephrine. Epinephrine arouses thought it was into the experiment of and injected But them they

the body. just



vitamin C. They didn't know it's epinephrine. And then they were gain for the "real" sitting in the experiment, waiting a

experiment. They were sitting in the waiting room. And while they were sitting t hey were asked to fill out a questionnaire. just got a shot of Now remember, they

adrenaline, but they didn't know they got a shot of adrenaline. So they were sit ting, filling in a questionnaire. tionnaire had very And in the first condition, the ques

provocative questions, to say the least. as so

For example, one of these questions w

"how many men did your mom sleep with before she got married to your dad?" That' s one of the que...You know they would never be able to get away with this study t oday, but you know, back in the 60s.So they were answering this. Now next to them, nex t to them, there is a confederate- someone who they don't know is part of the study. And this guy is going ballistic. "How dare they" You know...Really getting angry. An d you get angry too. And you get even angrier than the control group who went through the exact same thing, except for the fact that they didn't get the injection. So wha t they

625 ----------------------- 316----------------------did was they looked, they saw their bodies is getting very aroused and they inte rpreted this arousal as "oh I must be really angry". And they really did get, even angri er than they would have. They got angry in the control group as well but less angry than those who were injected the epinephrine. ive Now second condition. Also injected. Had a questionnaire without any provocat

questions. And next to them there was again a confederate, whom they thought was also doing the experiment. And that confederate found by happenstance, a hula ho op on the floor and started to shake it. You know, dance and... You know it was goi ng crazy- they are happy and laughing. And the person who was just injected epineph rine went wild. So happy and joyous- much more happy than the control group, who were in the room with a person dancing with a hula hoop, but did not get the injectio n. In other words, he interpreted the raising in adrenaline "Oh I must be really happy now. And they were really happier. In other words, very often it's the interpretation - in this case, of a physical symptom that determines what we will feel. Joy or anger. Bec ause they are quite aline rush. So similar. how do In we both of them, there is an adren

interpret a situation as an arousal or, as euphoria or as anger? Here's another study. colleagues. They asked This is done by Lee Ross and his

people, college students- he's from Stanford- college students to volunteer thei r most generous, benevolent titive, cut-throat friends to name them and their most compe

friends and tell them who they are. And they contacted them to be part of the st

udy. And what they wanted to see was their behavior in a situation in a game where yo u can cooperate or you that these students, randomly divided re were people were very into who can two be competitive. And in The the who intervention two groups, were was the


deemed very competitive generous and And in the were very second half

or people group, of same

deemed of very, t

benevolent. he people

thing- half were

generous and benevolent; very competitive and

the people 626

----------------------- 317----------------------cut-throat, as perceived by their friends. And in the first group, they got a ga me and the game was called "the community game". And the second group got the exact sam e game, the game where you te or to compete. have the opportunity either to coopera

But instead of a community game, even though it was the exact same game, it was called "Wall Street game". And they wanted to see how many people cooperate vers us how many people compete. And they wanted to see what predicts it. Well, whether the kids, the participants, were deemed cooperative or competit ive, predicted nothing. Nothing. Whether or not they would compete or cooperate. What predicted everything was whether they were in the "community game" or in the "Wa ll Street game". If they were in the "community game", they were much more likely t o cooperate. If they ey were generous, were in the "Wall Street game", they were much whether th

benevolent, or cut-throat, to be cut-throat


more likely

and competitive. In other words, how we frame a situation- community, Wall Stree t-

can make all the difference. Threat, opportunity- maybe the exact same thing. Ho w we done frame by it can make one...(part all the difference. This is a study

missing)...the quest. A very important question which is how can we raise the le vel of volunteerism, at Harvard hat she came up and beyond And the wonderful answer t

with is let's get students as well as people in society at large to reframe how we look at volunteering, rather than as duty, something I have to do. Why don't I look a t it as a privilege? I have the privilege of helping. And it is a real privilege. Remember the study on kindness? One of the best interventions for wellbeing. It is a real privilege to give, to help. And when people reframe this, they are much m ore likely to volunteer. This has implications for child rearing. This has implicati ons, of course, for education. It has implications for society as a whole. This is a top ic I am going to talk about me when we discuss relationships. But just transformed, literally a lot. I am very briefly, going this 627 ----------------------- 318----------------------transformed my relationship is transforming my with my wife. It transformed... It to dedicate understanding much for me ti

relationship with my friends, as well as students and colleagues. You see, we go into a relationship. Most people think that important thing about relationship is that we are validated, as we get pads on our back. Now that's important in our relationship. Surely important to be validated with students/teacher, in any relationship, whether it's

whether it's with friends, certainly in romantic relationship.


However, what David Schaech talks about is that primarily if we want long-ter

successful, thriving, passionate relationships, the first objective, the primary objective is to go into relationship r than to be validated, to be known. To be known, rathe

meaning going in there and saying "OK so how can my partner get to know me even better?" Doing it gradually of course. On the first date, you don't want to reve al all your secrets. Doing it more gradually. You know, thinking about it, but opening up

and more. And couples who over time open up more and more are able to sustain th e relationship as well as their passion, over time. And again, I am going to talk about much more... I am going to devote two classes at least to relationships. This is going to be one of the central pillars of successful long-term relationships. Also with the students, the same applies. You know when I initially started t o teach, I I really wanted the validation have my students from the students. So how can

perceive me as a good teacher? I want them to like me. And you kno w, thats important for everyone. We all like to be liked. However, when I switched my foc usand yeah, I still want to be liked- but my main focus is I want my students to k now me. I want them to know the topic that I'm most passionate about in the world. That really changed a lot. Its no longer to be validated, i.e. to appear perfect, but it was to be known as And that a human actually being, of course- permission to be human.

improved my teaching a great deal and I enjoyed it so much more. Because there i s so much less pressure on us in a relationship, any relationship, when we go in with the 628

----------------------- 319----------------------intention of being known of expressing rather than impressing. We can feel so mu ch lighter. And the relationship so healthier. o But again, much important topic. more We on it- because do we it is so important. failure, as S wonderful much thing is, that it also makes the

talked about a stumbling

this a lot. How block? A


catastrophe? Or as an opportunity? As a growth experience? And that can make all the difference. We'll talk about it after spring break when we discuss perfectionism and the fear of failure. And finally, the study that you read by Ali Crum and Ellen Langer. So just gi ve you a little bit background about the study and I will briefly mention it, hopefully you've read it already. Ali Crum was my student for, since her freshman year. I was her TF when I taught with Phil Stone. And then I was her thesis advisor with Ellen Lan ger. And this was the topic of her thesis. When Ellen Langer came up with the idea fo r the thesis, and she told Ali and me "this is what I think would be a very interestin g study", I took Ellen aside after the study- after the meeting, after Ali went away. And I told her Ali "Ellen I don't will do her think it's fair. thesis on it." I don't it's fair that

Because the thesis is a very tough experiment- you'll hear about it if you haven 't read about it in a minute. "If we take she's not going to get any a lot of time from her,

results." Now you can write your senior thesis with getting no result, without g etting a result, thats OK. But I said, why waste her time, her senior year?" And she said to

me, will work." I said to her, nit won't." And boy, did it work! hat Now I've learned since not to argue with Ellen Langer because she has ideas t

you would never think would work, but they do like the study we mentioned with t he 1979 "I'm going g simply in the simulator ic, but back to flying 1959" or Again, with ideas the eye that this test, seem study. bein fantast The s

improves your she proves

eyesight. happened

them right. So the same tudy was Ali went to

here with 629

----------------------- 320----------------------hotels and worked with the ladies who were cleaning the hotels. And she went to them to two groups and told both groups the importance of physical exercise. And she said, "this just is, you to show know, something brought you how And then she to you by them your on hotel, all thes

important exercise is." e physical measures,


whether it was body fat, blood sample- how much fat they had in their blood, wei ght, psychological measures- depression, anxiety, and so on and so on. And what she d id was... to the one group, she just left them after all these tests. The second gr oup, she said work to them, and this you are doing is was the intervention, "you know the

actually physical exercise." And she calculated how much calories it takes to pi ck up sheets, to go like this and then ow much calories it takes to to put it on a bed, h

actually vacuum. She estimated all those things and then she gave them the stati stics of how many calories you should expend a day doing exercise. And she says, what you are doing is working out actually." This was the intervention. And she went back 8 weeks later.

8 weeks later, she ran the exact same tests again. And some of the results th at she found- some of them are od pressure decreased significantly. The fat in y weight, after the 8 in the the article, others are not. Blo Bod




weeks, for the intervention group, not for the control group. Control group: no change over that period! f-esteem went up. Body weight decreased significantly. Their sel

Depression levels went down. Anxiety levels went down. And energy levels went up . All, as a result. Now, she asked, did you do anything differently? O r you are exercising more than you did before?" No difference between the control group an d the intervention group. they may have The only difference was perception. Now

worked harder. We don't know. It may be just the mind over body. We don't know. But the fact is because they reframed, they reconstructed their experience from a ch ore- "I have to, you know, clean 30 rooms a day" to "this is an exercise; this is good f or me". That made logically. all the difference. Here is an Physically 630 ----------------------- 321----------------------example of acute change. This is the change that happens like a sledgehammer. An d this is the Eureka experience. There's a lot of talk, a lot of research, a lot o f interest in this area of the Eureka insight- so valuable, so important. And there's eople think we much experience, the ah ha moment, it. the p as well as psycho




suddenly have this insight, not so. There's a whole process involved. And the pr ocess begins with immersion. This is when we prepare for the insig

ht. learn.





Howard Gardner has done a lot of work on extraordinary individuals throughout the world. And what he found is that generally for people to become the experts in a field, to become Creative in a field, they have to have invested at least ten of very years

hard work. This is the preparation. This is when you immerse yourself in the mat erial. Look for the example of Beethoven. Those of you who listen to his music and know his trajectory: Symphony imilar to Mozart. 3rd 1 and 2- Mozart. Sounds very s

Symphony, Eroica- it's Beethoven. He immersed himself a great deal in the music of the day- studied it and learned ars, was able to become it. and then, after many ye

Beethoven and creative, and transformed the whole field of music. Being the firs t of the Romantics. Second stage, after we prepare- and it takes, again, a lot of har d work, whether it's preparation that was done by Bill Gates when he was skipping class or whether it's Bill Clinton. A lot of preparation before you become an expert in t he field and are able nsight. Second to introduce stage: Creativity- have that eureka, the i

incubation. And you see all the creative individuals: after you immerse yourself in an area, you do nothing. example, theres no You just allow it to marinate. For

coincidence that we get some of our best ideas in a shower. It's no coincidence that Archimedes got his end hours a day, best just idea in the bath Mozart used to sp

driving around Salzburg and then suddenly he would have the ah ha experience, th e eureka. He said, I could hear the symphony in a second." In a second, he could hea r

just about everything. OK. So that's Mozart. But you hear Shakespeare would spen d 631 ----------------------- 322----------------------hours driving around in his carriage and suddenly would have the insight, "OK, t his is what the story it. Incubation important. J.P.Morgan: "I can do a year's work in nine months, but not in twelve." J.P.M organ understood, you know, country has ever seen, understood the off. Today, business arguably importance be for the greatest of entrepreneur taking this time is about." is so And then he would go and write


people, leaders don't take enough time off. Because we think it's a waste of tim e. We think that if we just sit there and do nothing, we are really doing nothing. Wel l, no. The mind works. The mind works and the mind needs it for the creative insight. I n fact, leaders- and many of you will go into leadership positions- need time off more than anyone else. Because they need to be creative. They need to think about the next thing for the company, for the organization. Taking time in- invaluable. Not jus t for memory, also for creativity. One of the things I do when I work with, as a consu ltant in organizations is I just take the management on a retreat with no agenda. We a re just going to hang out. And very often, within as little as half an hour or an hour, ideas begin to come out. Why? Because as the first time, they have time, no coincidenc e that we often wake up cause subconscious with a solution to a problem we had. Be

mind is making connections then.


Joseph Campbell: "You must have a room, or a certain hour or so a day, when y in the newspapers that morning, you don'

don't know what was t know who your friends nybody are,

you don't know what

you owe anybody,

you don't know what a

owes you. This is a place where you can simply experience and bring forth what y ou are and what you might be. This is the place of creative incubation. At first, y ou may find that nothing happens there. But if it, it's you have such a sacred place and use

during this incubation times, its during these time-ins, during the time when you have the opportunity to reflect, , or just hang out and whether it's on 632 ----------------------- 323----------------------listen to music. That's comes. The eureka very often when the ah ha moment the response paper

experience. The one second "I see the symphony". u You know, in some way, you can think about an analogy of how this happens. Yo

can think about stage one. Or you can think about in a context of a sexual inter course. Of nt making love. to foreplay. Preparation The orgasm. to go and Now incubation the can be the to equivale under

eureka experience- the stand about this process to get is you have to the eureka

important preparation,




experience. In other words, you need the foreplay. Did you hear that man? You ne ed the foreplay to get to the next level. It's important. Its part of the creative pr ocess. It's significant. Its very significant for love. It's significant also for this process . And then afterwards, after you've come up with the eureka, thats when you evaluate. You ask

yourself, is this a good idea? Does it work? Or is it just something that you know women and..." Most ideas, most eureka experiences actually end up not working. And therefore, evaluation is important. Is this really a good piece? Is this really a good idea for a story?a good idea for a Shakespeare asked. Is this really

philosophical treatise?- Descartes who spent a lot of time on his own reflecting . Is this a really good idea for a philosophical treatise? Is this a good business plan? I s this the next Facebook? Or is this just something that I had, you know, the idea that I h ad at 3 in the work? morning and someone Evaluation is has already done it or it won't

important. There are many idea out there- not all of them work. Or to go back to our analogy replay. of making love. You have the So you have the first stage- the fo

orgasm and afterwards, here's the question that you may be asking when you evalu ate it. Song: Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow (Sung by The Shirelles): Is this a las ting treasure Or just a moment of pleasure Can I believe the magic of your eyes Will you still love me tomorrow So tell me now, and I won't ask again, darling Will you s till love me tomorrow Will you still love me tomorrow Will you still love me tomorrow 633 ----------------------- 324----------------------Dr.Tal Ben-Shahar ts, So do do you know who you recognize they are? Not the parents. The studen

them? The Shirelles. The Shirelles. Actually my favorite group. Really. My daugh ter's name, some of you know, is Shebelle. And we were looking for a name that would make sense in Hebrew as well as in English. And my wife came up with the name

Shebelle, which means in Hebrew "song of God" and you have the Shirelles. So it was just, when we found out, which was just the perfect name. You know what I lo ve so much about it? You can see the navy tame the dance. I love that era! Just lov e it! Just love it. Anyway, go in YouTube and sign and do the Shirelles, other songs by them. So this is when you evaluate. We are almost done. This is when you evaluate it. Is this something that will last? Is this good something that is relationship? For real? A really good idea? A really you'll see

example. After that, and this doesn't have a parallel to love-making- You elabor ate. You the elaborate on the symphony. This ideas. is So you write out, you write out

when you write out the treatise. This is when you make the business plan. When I put together this course, I went through this process. so I started off by preparing . So even though I had very good preparation before, you know I studied for the generals t wice, teaching with Professor Philip ce. TF. Even though I studied social off, where I psychology immersed for Stone many as... years I and... was I his took TA, time twi

myself in positive psychology material. I read the handbook of positive psycholo gy which is you can a very good weapon just throw at to use. If anyone comes close,

them. It's about this big. But very good. I read hundreds of academic journal articles. And then I took time off. And d uring that time idn't work off, I talked in positive about positive psychology, but I d

psychology. I had conversation with my wife, with Phil Stone, with my brother ab out this. And that's when the eurekas came. Thats when the insights came. I said, DOK s o

634 ----------------------- 325----------------------this is how the course is going to be built. This is the spiral." Then I had the idea of PPEO, Post Peak Experience Order, as an idea, an ah ha moment. And afterwards, I evaluated it. I evaluated myself. I evaluated by talking to other people about i t to see if it works and then I sat down and spent hours and hours and hours, writing out the lectures. All my read them. But lectures in are written out. Obviously I don't

preparation, when I prepare for the lectures, I do read them a few times. That w as the elaboration. That is the together a class, or putting together a great or creating a great creative process, of whether writing a it's putting book



relationship. I'll see you next week. Have a wonderful weekend. POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 12 Student: Hi. Good, morning. My name is Dana. I'm a freshman. Um, I'd like to tell you about a social My grandfather, program happening here at Harvard next week.

who's Holocaust survivor, is coming to give an account of his experiences. I thi nk it'll be a really special opportunity to hear a moving account, a personal account of history. He has spoken at other universities, at the UN. His story is quite incredible. T he event will take place at 730 in the Memorial Church, a week from today - Tuesday, Marc h 18. For more information, you can find on the Facebook event. It's called "Survi ving Auschwitz: A You could Holocaust just survivor story". You could just Google...

check Holocaust under the Harvard network. And it'll be great if you could come.

So any questions, please find me. My name is Dana. I always send I you the message.

was the creator of the event. Thank you. Thank you, Tal.(Applause) 635 ----------------------- 326----------------------ish Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar: Hi. Good morning. So today what we are going to do is fin

up the lecture on change, sum it up the ABCs- the affect, the behavior, the cogn ition, and then move on to a related topic which is setting goals, which will be the la st topic that I'll address before we go on break. The... Last time I ended up by talking about the acute change that comes with a Eureka experience, with an ah hah, with an in sight. And we talked about these five stages. And a couple of you contacted me after ab out this and ly right. said, "well, It's not This is a theory. that smooth" and it's absolute

This is an outline. When you write, when you come up with ideas, when you genera te course, when you write a paper or write a thesis. ve Some of you are thesis writers, what you do is very often mix them. So you ha

preparation. Then you write a little bit. And then you take a break. You have an insight. Then you go back to more preparation and on and on. This is just a general outli ne, which is useful in a few ways. First of all, it is useful in that we can underst and by looking at it. There's tive artists, scientists, no quick fix. None of the great crea

business people in history, created in a vacuum. Initially they became experts i n their fields. They worked hard. rial. So that's the first important element o apply ourselves. to They immersed No themselves short in the have mate t


cuts. We

Remember the secret of success? so has to

It's not just think, imagine, believe.

It al

have the component of hard work as well as passion. So all the successful people ... Again, the best self-help books are biographies, good biographies that show you the process, not the "five easy steps". The second important thing beyond the import ance of immersion of the preparation is the significance of taking time off. One of t he first thing that leaders of today, e today is time. It's the thing that they need to metaphorically, or most. one of Time off the things they don't o hav

to incubate,


literally, sit in the bath and think. That incubation, the idle time stage. Reme mber J. P. Morgan's quote: And that's when the Eureka comes. That's when the good ideas com e. It's actually after a good night's sleep. It's after "we do nothing for a while" . It's when 636 ----------------------- 327----------------------we in the shower. The next important thing, component of this model is the evalu ation part. You know, there are many good ideas, but very few ideas come to fruition a nd actually become a good idea for a business, or a good idea for a scientific pape r, or a book, or whatever it may be. That's when the evaluation comes and that's when th e elaboration comes. And these are no less important parts of the creative process . It really is about 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. No shor t cuts. So to summarize: the ABCs- the (action), and the (the thought). techniquethat has affect I want (the emotion), the behavior

cognition a simple journaling

to talk about

a technique, Just get







how many people keep a journal or have kept a journal for significant amount of time? OK. That's great. That's great to see. We know from, from this course and resear ch you encountered before how difficult change is. Sometimes programs that have bee n around for 5 years don't help. Very often interventions were millions and billio ns. It's about-100-billion-dollars-a and organizations. year industry that change industries

Most of the interventions don't work. We know how difficult it is to change. And yet journaling? dy. Very solid research showing how much it helps. So let me share with you a stu

This was done by the person who really brought journaling into the scientific re alm. So there'd been people been talking about like Ira Progoff and others who had

journaling for a very long time, but it was Jamie Pennebaker from University of Texas, Austin, who brought this idea to the scientific realm and really researched it. And here is what he did. What he did was bringing participants and have them do the follo wing: on 4 consecutive days uld spend 15 minutesthat they came in, each day, they wo

that's all, 15 minutes, times for writing about the most difficult experiences. Now they knew that no one would see it. Or if they would see it, it would be without a na mecompletely confidential. So they were really able to treat it as their own journ al. 637 ----------------------- 328----------------------And here was the instructions that these participants got. It's a little long but worth, I think, worth reading. "Write continuously about the most ups



traumatic life. In your writing, I want you

experience of your entire to discuss your deepest

thoughts and feelings about the experience. You can write about anything you wa nt. But whatever you choose, it should be something that has affected you very deepl y. Ideally, it should be about something you have not talked about with others in d etail. It is critical, however, that you let yourself go and touch those deepest emotio ns and thoughts that you have. In other words, write about what happened and how you fe lt about it, and how you feel about it now. Finally, you can write on different tra umas during each session or the same one over the entire study. Your choice of trauma for each session is entirely up to you." Simple instructions. Pretty straight-forwar d. write If you about notice, you see what happened", the ABCs in it. So it says "

which is the behavior essentially. Write about your deepest feelings- your affec t, your emotions. And write about your thought and analyze it. The ABCs in journaling. So when he did this study, because one of the first initially the results came in-

things he looked at was the anxiety level, so when the results came in, disappoi ntment. In fact, thinking of stopping the study, because this is what he found. So if we have this graph ,this would be anxiety level. This would be time. He had a control gr oup and the control group just wrote about anything that they wanted to write about. Show no change over time. So lly, straight line. The they started here, and they essentia

intervention group, the experimental group, after 4 days of writing about their most traumatic, most difficult point. They were experiences. They started at the same

randomly divided. And then a rise in their anxiety. After each of the days and d uring the 4 days- rise in their levels of anxiety. At this point, he was thinking term inating the study- very - he knew disappointed. that Because knew he got other from personal who experience talk abo

journaling helps him and ut it, who swear by

people 638

----------------------- 329----------------------journaling. But then, once the 4 days are over, during the fifth, especially sta rting 6th, 7th ety and on days, this levels went down. is what starts to happen. Their anxi

Learning that they reach the same level as before, they continue to go down. And the most important thing is that they stabilized below the previous level. They stab ilized below the previous levels participants over a of anxiety, when he followed these

longer period of time up to a year. 4 times, 15 minutes- that's total of an hour . That's very little. And long lasting results. Think about it: this is also what we saw before. Sometimes, brief about the shyness interventions are extremely effective. Think

study that I spoke about last week after 12 sessions of 12 minutes with women wh o were interested in them, these shy heterosexual men change radically. So change can come in a relatively brief period of time if we know how to intervene. And journ aling is one of these interventions. Now this is not going to be one of your response paperit's too personal. it, but I certainly I don't do think it's appropriate to assign

recommend that you do it. Follow specifically Pennebaker's instructions. Doesn't take that long. Do it on 4 days, 15 minutes,20 minutes each tim





comes to mind. So it was reducing anxiety over time. Other results of the study- and if has a wonderful book ebaker. They called "Opening the you want to read much more about it, he Up". "Opening year of Up", by the study, Jamie they Penn vis

became healthier. So over ited the doctor's office, compared to a control ir immune system, not physiological

group, far less.

In other words, it strengthened the immune system, their

just their immune


system. Generally they were in a better mood. They were happier, more jovial, mo re benefit finders, after writing about their deepest traumas. They became more out going, less repressed, less suppressed. d about it often that positive ipeline. emotions And if and we painful Now why flow is that? through which the We talke same p

emotions stop

suppress something, if we l, we are very often

something, 639

is painfu

----------------------- 330----------------------indirectly, inadvertently whereas here they also suppressing the positive emotions,

open up, quite literally open up and allow these emotions to flow through them. They are essentially opening nnel through which emotions, painful as nd they experience well up as a clogged positive channelemotions a clogged cha A

normally flow.

higher levels of happiness. They are more open, more generous, as we saw also wh en you do the gratitude exercise. Very similar results. There were gender differences, which is interesting. Now both sexes benefited from it. However, men benefited more than women. Think about it. Why do you think tha t

is? It makes sense, if you think about it. Women benefited significantly got bet ter, but men benefited eaking- again, even more. Why? Because women have, generally sp

this is brush stroke stereotype- but generally speaking, women open up more. Th ey speak more with their girl friends. They have closer friends and they talk about issues. Men still in our culture today are much closer because it's not cool to open up. It's not cool to give yourself the permission to be human, especially when others are lis tening. so women generally in have strong supports their lives But still, even women who

systems still benefit from this exercise, which reminds me of another result of a study I mentioned months ago, the beginning of the course, which said women generally, again these are all averages, but in general, women- or rather men benefit more from marriage than women. For similar reason. Because women already have the supports system in place. Men, very often, for the first time they are with someone, who they feel comfortable enough opening up to. Again, both males and females benefit fro m a long-term relationship, but men generally tend to benefit more than women. For t he same res. reason that he found This is done in gender difference United here. States Across cultu

China, in Japan, Mexico, Europe- replicated


of course,

across cultures. In all cultures, people benefit from this study. was Here is another study, which took the exact opposite approach. So Laura King 640 ----------------------- 331----------------------a student of said, "let's Pennebaker, study... took the exact opposite approach and

(inaudible)... to see what rite about their most intensive ing the positive experience. instructions work on

happens What peak she

when did


individuals was are

w tak

specifically And here

from Abraham Maslow's the instructions.


Once again, this was three times, 15 minutes, so 45 minutes total on three conse cutive days. "Think of the most wonderful experience or experiences in your life, happi est moments, ecstatic g in love, by moments, a moments of rapture, perhaps from bein

book or painting or from some great creative moment. Choose one such experience or moment. Try to imagine all the feelings and yourself at that moment, including

emotions associated with the experience. Now write about the experience in as much detail as possible trying to includ e the feelings, thoughts, and emotions that were present at the time. Please try your best to re-experience the emotions involved." Essentially the exact opposite of Pennebak er. Results? periences, Identical. Those their best who wrote about their peak ex

experiences, visited the doctor's office less time- in other words, it strengthe ned their physiological immune system and experienced more happiness. So both psychologica l and physiological results. Now when you look at this, some of you may be thinkin g that "well, what about the Lyubomirsky study?" Remember the Lyubomirsky study? That said when you write about positive emotions. Actually you feel worse. Where as you write about negative emotions, you do feel better as Pennebaker suggested. H ere's the difference. The instructions that Laura King gave were mostly, were mostly a bout describing and re-experiencing, replaying your experience. It wasn't about analy

zing "why did it happen", "how happen- in other words, replaying it. When dy- were the instructionsanalyze the and this is the Lyubomirsky stu did it"... It was rather how it

experience: why it happened, how did you get there and so on and so on. That's w hy it 641 ----------------------- 332----------------------had the negative consequences g the experience, just writing about how at that was- that wonderful it over is, time, but just replayin emotionally wh


actually let you benefit. Now the interesting emarkable benefits to question the of is why. Why the things are there such So r ther with

journaling? Let's understand e are a few things that are positive

process, the

mechanism. for

at play here. One emotions is that


when you are replaying it, you are simply, you are fortifying the neural pathway s. You replay, st like you imagine it again and you make it more likely to happen again. Ju

when you have a river, remember the analogy from two weeks ago,you have a river, and the more water go through it, then the wider it becomes, and then the more w ater is likely to go into it. That's self-reinforcing nature of change. So the first thing, the first but reason not why writing just painful it especially helps is about because painful of emotions We

emotions, the reason why talked about ironic


processing- Daniel Wegner's work from here And what he talks about is that when we suppress unnatural phenomenon, it thinking about a pink it often intensifies. Be

elephant or be it give ourselves the







permission to be human, we are much more likely to release it,to let go, which i s why therapy helps, helps, which is which is why why sharing with friends, opening up

journaling helps. This is the whole idea of suppression or repression. The second thing that Pennebaker talks about is coherence. One of the things that he he finds is that the individuals analyzes the test, who benefit most, and

confidentially of course, but he analyzes the test. Individuals who benefit most from the study are once introduced a lot of insight words, or insight phrases, meanin g by the third day, they are all writing "now or "it just dawned y of on me that" or these words or "I I see that" or that". "I understand that" who have man



phrases in their writings are the ones who benefited the most. In other words, t hey've 642 ----------------------- 333----------------------created a sense of coherence out of the experience. They make sense out of somet hing perhaps before that was senseless. In other words, they created a story around t heir experiences. data. Now It's no longer it is a dispersed, disjointed, disconnected

coherent whole. It's a story. Now I can deal with it. And if you think about it, what do people Why? mostly Because remember? you People mostly remember stories. you now a col

remember a story, because it's one unit- it's a whole. If I give lection

of ,you know,100 random words, it'll take you a very long time to commit to memo ry. I mean we all know, we all took the SATs. But if I tell you a story, you are muc h more

likely to remember it. y, the general ideas.








Because we can hold it, we can grasp it. Because it has a sense of coherence. I can deal with it. I can handle it, as opposed to some dispersed ideas, disjointed wo rds. The exact same here. We want to feel that our lives have a sense of coherence that w e can make sense of them. and unpredictable world is erstanding the anxiety a simple Pennebaker: of not "An artifact of our and ambiguous not und



cause-and-effect explanation for traumatic disturbances. Alas, we naturally search for meaning and the completion of events; it gives us a sense of control and 's why therapy helps, because there we was predictability over our lives." Again, This after that is why there w

create coherence far less

out of experience. after the Holocaust

post-traumatic stress disorder as the Vietnam War.

Because after the Holocaust, they spoke about these experiences. They created a story around it, a tragic one, but still there was a sense of coherence, as opposed to Vietnam where there was just random giving themselves flashes of experiences without

permission, or without society, in many ways, giving them the permission to open up and to create a story out of it that they could hand, they could grasp. The work of Pennebaker to a great extent relies on the work of a psychologist who we mentioned on the very first day of Aaron class. And that is Aaron Antonovsky. 643 ----------------------- 334----------------------Antonovsky whom I consider to be one of the fathers of positive psychology, if y ou

remember, alternative

came up to the

with pathogenic

the notion model,

of the

"salutogenesis", model that

an focuse

pathogenic models on pathology,on

sickness,on illness, where what Antonovsky said is we need to focus on the origi ns of health. Salute- health; genesis- origin. And what he did specifically was the fo llowing. So he was a sociologist and he said the following- he said: look, life is tough. People go through hardship. They go through difficulties- whether we like it or not, we all in life encountered hardships. chever In relationship, in school, at work- whatever, whi

domain, there are hardships, there are difficulties. Life is hard. Period. We kn ow that. However, there are some people who are able to better deal with the hardship, wi th the difficulties, who still, despite- they don't do away these hardships- despit e these hardships and difficulties are still able to lead a full, fulfilling and overall , happy life not the constant high- that's reserved for psychopaths and dead people. With the same ups and downs, but at a higher level of wellbeing, or of a lower level of anxiet y. And he said we need to study those. We shouldn't just study the sick people, whether the sick people who are physically ill- which is mostly the pathogenic model of medi cine, or the people who are unwell psychologically- schizophrenia, depression, and anx iety as psychology have mostly studied. He said we need to look at the healthy people and study them, which is exactly the model that led to asking the question in 1980s with at-risk despite population: unfavorable "What makes some individuals succeed

circumstances?" It was his question that made all the difference. So he did the same in

his research the people

and who

asked are







healthy? And what is the origin of that health? What distinguishes them from oth er people?" he And he came up with the notion of the sense of coherence that people have t lives. and What that means The is tha

sense of coherence about their t, he said it has three components omponent: that he sense of researched

identified. 644

first c

----------------------- 335----------------------comprehensibility- I understand the world. It makes sense to me. I see. I realiz e. I get it. The world and event, difficulties and hardships, highs and lows make sense t o me mostly. Second, sense of manageability. I can deal with it. I can handle it. I h ave the internal as well as external resources to deal with it as opposed to being helpl ess. This is a sense of efficacy, of confidence- being able to deal with the hardships tha t arise. So that's the second component. The third and the final component that makes up the sense of coherence, according to Antonovsky, is a sense of meaningfulness. This was not in vain- this difficulty. This disagreement thing, with my partner was not for no

because we understand one another better now. And we are even close, more intima te. This failure was not in vain. I have learned from it. And I have grown from it. This mistake has reason- again, ut learning how to not necessarily happen for the best, b

make the best of what happens. These three components are what he identified an d replicated in later research as the source of mental health. To quote Pennebaker - to

quote Antonovsky, a that expresses the







external- the extent to which one has a pervasive, enduring though dynamic feeli ng of confidence that and ing are structured, external environments in the course of liv

predictable and explicable (comprehensible, in other words); (2) the resources are available to one to meet the demands posed by these stimuli (internal resources and external resources: I can (3) these demands are deal with it, I can manage); and

challenges, worthy of investment and engagement (it's meaningful)." Look at these three. For all those who write a journal, I bet you can identif y these three in your writings. This is what a journal does to a great extent. When we w rite and when we really write about our experiences, our difficult experiences, this is very often what comes up - have sense of coherence. I see. I understand. Make sense. I can deal with it. I can handle it. I have just found a path of how to do it. Even if dealing with it and handling it is writing it makes sense to me. It's meaningful if you to me now, whereas don't have a before, a it journal, didn't 645 ----------------------- 336----------------------journal, you don't journal, it is certainly something that I highly, highly reco mmend. Let me summarize the and C. The three are whole change want is to like create lecture: the to And habit. A, B come it's Because and as finally, much. So

interconnected. In fact, if we about, they have to be interconnected. Why? not enough if we Because habit just trying

real change a a flood. new

create a small? Cranny flood would wash it

away. What we need is the A, the B and the C. Implement these changes in our liv es. And they are interconnected .So let me give you an example. Let's say someone wh o has n't low self-esteem. Low think highly of self-esteem, When the you C- cognition: don't think they do

themselves. Poor self f yourself, you are


highly o

more likely to be innervated, to feel down, not to be motivated, and as a result of that, that is the Affect, the emotion that you experience- not good feelings; as a res ult of that, we are much more likely to do nothing- in other words, the B is do nothing . Now through self-perception my cognition on doing theory, the behavior then affects

nothing: I'm not dealing. I'm not coping. I'm avoiding. And that lowers my self esteem, even more my evaluation of myself, the C. And that leads to even worse emotions and so on and so on and so in some cases, we reach resignation, ssness. Now or in Martin think of on, in a downward words, spiral, learned until helple


someone who has high self-esteem, high level of self-confidence. I believe in my self. I think I can do well. That leads to high level of motivation. , Remember what Marva Collins does? The model that we talked about under belief leads to high levels of motivatio

self-fulfilling prophecies- that ns, strong emotions.

I'm energized. And that in turn leads to more action- the B, the behaviors. Beca use I act more, I do more, I cope more. I put myself on the line more. I'm much more l ikely to have more positive evaluation positive emotions of myself, which leads to more

and on and on and on, in an upward spiral. The spiral that Barbara Fredrickson t alks about in the Broaden-and-build, the spiral that Bandura talks about when he disc

usses 646 ----------------------- 337----------------------self-efficacy. When we intervene, it's important to introduce, if possible, all three. And we can with start anywhere. social phobia, So let's take an examplesomeone

someone who is afraid to be out there, in front of people. One way to deal with it- let's begin with the A, the deal with it is through Affect, to the emotion. our emotions. One Another way way to of

medication that goes directly dealing with it is

meditation, which also affects our emotions directly. Some people benefit more f rom one, or from the other- depends on how extreme the situation is. But that's the A, the Affect. One way of dealing t's called in cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure i that create that with which it, is behavior, gradual is through to wha stimul


phobia. So initially I'll walk, you know,10 yards out of my home. Initially expo sure through the imagination and I include it under behavior, because the mind does k now the difference between the imaginary and the real. So gradually being exposed to it. Over time being out to a mall exposed more and not and more, a And until year ago. I So you can go that's can

experience the same anxiety that through behavior. Very effectivethe also intervene exposure through

I did



cognition in therapy, in dealing with irrational thoughts, psychological traps, the three M's- "Am I magnifying? The extent. Am I minimizing something? For example, my successes in working ry scenarios. My with people. Or am I making up? Imagina

catastrophizing events when I can have a more realistic view." So that's my thin

king about it, the cognition. Let me show you a personal example of something that I dealt with So as you know, born through genes- high levels of anxiety. Very prone to it. Startle very easily- still, less today, but still to some e xtent today. Used to get very nervous in squash matches. Used to choke often, when I was play ing important games. speaking in front And that's something of an that in front of,

audience, got very nervous and anxious. And this is something that I decided tha t I really wanted to deal with. More than any other things that I was facing. The th ing anxiety. So what did I do? Cognition. What I did- I Let me begin 647 ----------------------- 338----------------------analyzed the situation in my journal. I used the Bureau of Study Counsel. I lear ned and studied about fying, minimizing, the three M's, And the irrational thoughts- magni it helped first with the C,

making up, catastrophizing. a lot. That wasn't



enough. After the C,I went to the A, the Affect. ng, And the Affect was for me physical exercise. You know, even today, this morni I exercise because it significantly lowers anyone's levels

at home, I ran. of anxiety.

And I can tell a significant difference in my talks if I don't exercise. So even three or four weeks ago, David, my son was unwell and I had to take him to the doctor fir st thing Tuesday morning. Didn't have time to exercise. Actually felt it in the lec ture. I was more nervous, more anxious. Makes a big difference. As we'll talk about, aft er break, it literally has the same effect as taking an anti-anxiety pill. So exerc ise was

certainly there, work tremendously in








dealing with anxiety and lowering that level. So this was the emotional. eed The other thing, music. Relaxing music. You know my taste in music. I don't n

to repeat it again. So actually when Tammy and I got married, we moved in togeth er. She couldn't believe my collection look that anxious". Because r of CDs. She said "you don't

I had, um, "The Most Relaxing Classical Music in the World", "Music fo

Relaxation"," Music for Dealing with Anxiety", silent quiet music- I mean, a who le shelf of the relax... But they relax me! They really help me. And finally, behavior. exposure .Initially Introducing behavior. So it is through

giving a talk. Because I want to be a teacher. Giving a talk to my squash team. Giving a talk to my family. Places that were safe for me. Giving a talk to anyone who w ould listen. xposure Initially through small groups the again, the that and gradually imaginary for me was building thing very and it up. E over ti as

imagination. me becoming

Once more

confident. Another thing an undergrad here-


speaking up in section. I was terrified of speaking up. And when I decided to do that, I 648 ----------------------- 339----------------------had no doubt in my mind that everyone in section could hear my heart beat. Becau se it was in my head. And yet, gradually, I spoke up a little bit more and a little bit more, and then through and better and self-perception better. theory, it actually got better

And I still do all these things. I still do yoga. I still do exercise regularly. I still engage

in the CBT approach, the 3 M's. I keep a journal, which combines very often all three. And I listen to relaxing music. And it works. It works. Now change is not easy. It is hard. It takes time. However, cess itself cannot be enjoyable. It's not OK when The process itself is extremely, tentially, potentially, very extremely that I've doesn't changed mean then Sometimes that I'll be the pro happy. Po o

rewarding. well as

difficult. The

rewarding. The journey as ther important thing to

the destination.

remember about change- this is taken from the work of, really the person who too k the psycho-analysis and transformed it into a more positive approach. Karen about Horney, who neurosis is that I mentioned before. What she says

neurosis never go away completely. And when she says neurosis, she means it in t he most, in the broadest sense. So for example, if I am a perfectionist, I'll alwa ys have some perfectionism in me. And break. If I am prone to we'll talk about it after the

anxiety, I'll never be, you know, the Dalai Lama, unlikely. It'll always be ther e. And it'll always says "that's be potentially OK. That's triggered by any event. And she

natural. That's human." And we need to accept it. Because if we don't accept it, then we'll be constantly frustrated. Because we want to change completely, or expect our partner to change completely. Very difficult. Unrealistic. It takes time. It's g radual. We need to also Henry David learn. And Thoreau, we can learn to enjoy the process.

1840s: "I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of ma n to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor. It is something to be able to paint a particular picture, or to carve a statu e, and so to

make a few objects beautiful; but it is far more glorious to carve and paint the very 649 ----------------------- 340----------------------atmosphere and medium through which we look, which morally we can do. To affect the quality of the day,that is the highest of arts." Again, it's the process; it 's not the outcome that matters more. The outcome will lead to a spike but will very quickl y to go back to our base level. It's the process of actually doing those activities, the ant he Bs, and the Cs that will lead to a happier- not perfect, not happiest, but happi er life. Over time, It takes time to carve out live statue, chipping away the excess ston e, the limitations and building a beautiful life. It is not only the highest of art, it is also- I would argue a high science. And that is the science of psychology. nt I want to move on now. Move on and talk about... One second. Here we go. I wa

to talk about a topic that is related to, very much related to the whole change, to the whole for change process. you: how many And that is goal setting. you- do Now, question

people here- put e more

your hand up if this applies to

you want to becom

efficient and procrastinate less? If it's true for you, put your hand up. One, t wo, three, four, five, six...OK. Put your hand up now if you want to experience less stress and be calmer, whether it's during an exam period or not. OK. One, two...OK. Now if you put your hand up for one of these questions, you should stay. If you put up your han d for both questions, you should not only stay, you should stay awake. Because what we are going to talk about of the next two classes is the importance of goals and how t hey

can help us deal with stress, how they can help us deal with procrastination, ho w we can become more efficient- not perfectly so. re By the end of the two weeks, you are not going to a well-oiled machine. You a

just going to be a happier human being- just think is a lot. So first of all, th e topic that we'll talk about under goal setting- first, understand the theory and the practi ce of goal setting: the Ivory tower and the Main Street of it; second, how do we deal with stresswe'll talk about this in the next class; and finally, I don't think we have time for this, but I'm still leaving up the u can look at it, and I power points 650 ----------------------- 341----------------------elaborate on it in the book. Moving from material perception to happiness percep tion, which is essentially about what I talked about in the last meditation of the boo k, The Happiness Revolution and place. I know you the internal revolution that can take there just so yo

don't have time for before break, but you still have the material on it. So let' s begin with theory and practice. What I want to do now is convince you, very simply, to set goals, convince you that it ing to do it for, your is important and yet you are go

response papers. You have already started doing it, but I really want to convinc e you, as a way of life, business, whether in setting your goals to regularly, do and the it by whether it's in showin goals as we

personal life. First, I'm g you the research on


convince, setting Currency,

setting goals and performance and happinesshow it contribute to our success ll as in the ultimate in



currency. Quite simply, people who set goals are generally, controlling for othe r things, more successful. Why? One t goals do is they of the main reasons is because wha

focus us Very often, we are all over the place; we are not sure where we are goi ng. And if we don't know where we are going, we are unlikely to get there .And the f ocus gets us directed. It brings nal resources- that are necessary on a to get there. task produces forth Abraham resources- external Maslow: "Being and inter focused

organization for efficiency both within the organism and in the environment." Qu ite remarkable how goals actually work. When we set goals, when we enter something, whether it's privately but happen inside us as even better- publicly, things begin to

well as around us. Also, goals contribute to performance and well-being because they strengthen our resilience. Remember the second class when we talked about resili ence? One of the things that sful, despite difficult external circumstances, ilient, and one of the distinguishing themselves. They extinguish was the was those fact they kids who were were for succes res

that they set goals

characteristics were

future-oriented. Not only thinking about the past, being "learned helpless"- lea rning to be helpless, but focusing on the future. 651 ----------------------- 342----------------------how Nietzsche once wrote becomes possible. what that for, if we have a what for, every And we

When we have the are much more

every how



likely to overcome difficulties and hardships, if we have a goal, a mission, som ething that we care about, something that we want to attain. Goals make us more success

ful for the exact same reason that positive beliefs do. What we are doing with goals with declaring that we believe we are going to get something. Roger Bannister declare d, said that he would break the 4 minute barrier. Thomas Edison said that by the 31 of December, 1879, he would generate light from electricity. Setting goals makes it more likely to come true. Because our mind does not ncy between what is inside to be match. And if and I what is like when the reason inconsiste outside. It wants there

believe in a goal and I declare a goal, the outside is likely to match that. Aga in, not 100 percent correlation as we've discussed, but certainly making it much more li kely to happen, making us much more likely to be successful. ou Now what is the knapsack? Imagine the following: you go on a road trip. And y

have a knapsack on your back. And you reach a wall, a barrier. What do you do? W ell, there are many things that you can do when you reach that wall. And the wall is long and high. One way is to say, "OK, pity" and turn around. In other words, avoid t hat wall. Another thing we can do is take out our sledgehammer and try to break it d own. Another thing that we can er things is take our do before we do any of the oth

knapsack and throw it over the wall. Take our knapsack and simply throw it over the wall. Why? Because the necessity is the mother of inventions. I need my knapsack to continue. I need my knapsack. I want it. And now it's over the wall. I have no c hoice. But to get over that wall, whether it's by breaking it down, whether it's by fin ding a way around it, under it or over it. But suddenly, I will come up with solutions that I

have not seen before and this is how it works. It's remarkable- how it works- fo r the exact same reason that when you declare a goal such as "I want to buy a computer ". Suddenly efore you you see computer didn't see ads all around 652 ----------------------- 343----------------------computer ads. Or let's say you want to buy specific car. Suddenly you see that s pecific car all around you while ause we co-create our you to didn't a see great it before. Why? Bec the you, whereas b

reality through our questions children on the bus



were there all along, but you didn't see them until I presented a goal to you wh ich was to count the number of children on the bus And then suddenly it was so clear tha t it was right in front your eyes. Before, they didn't exist for you. That's what a g oal does. If I declare that I have to get over the wall, and my question is "how do I get over this wall". It's not thinking about "is it possible or is it not possible". It's rath er "how can I get over this wall". This question opens up opportunities, many of which I have not seen before. Suddenly the children on the bus are right in front of me. Suddenly a hole in the wall is right in front of me. Suddenly I see a sledgehammer that I didn' t see before, right next to me. ns. If we ask the right Necessity is the mother of inventio

questions, it opens up opportunities. The other thing that's at work here is the power of the word: words create wo rlds. Let there as light. be light. We've seen Words create the it in religion. And there w

world. Book of John: in the beginning was the word. But it's not just in religio n. Look

at this great country. istence. Words have



States was




power. They have meaning, especially when the words are meaningful to us when th e goals that we declare are meaningful to us, they are much more likely to come tr ue. The connection between ical, it is also metaphysical. It is ng, when we save concept also real. and conceive when is we not just declare etymolog somethi


something, it is much more likely to become a reality. What words do is essentia lly create an image in our goal. It creates an minds, especially when we imagine the

image in our mind and the mind doesn't know the difference between the imaginary and als the do. real. And the mind They help us to wants read consistency- that you an excerpt is what that, I go

create consistency. I want talk about many of these

things in the book so for some of you, this may be a repetition. 653 ----------------------- 344----------------------who But led I want to read the Scottish you an one excerpt of those from W. H. Murray, accomplishe

expedition to the Himalayas, d climbers of all


time, climbed the Everest. Here's what he says, in his writing about the expedit ions that he took: "Concerning elementary truth, the all acts of creation there is one

ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. ve All sorts otherwise of things occur occurred. A to help one that would




whole stream of events issues from the decision, and meetings and material assis tance

which no man would have dreamed would come his way. 'Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it!' Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it." Why it w orks, how it works- we are not really sure, but it works. Just like when you declare y ou are looking ities, for computer, the same with When we to identify suddenly commit, as internal you see all these begin opportun

commitments. We begin


to happen. Things that

external resources as well we didn't see before.


Because my question becomes "how can I succeed". And then children on the bus or the time on the clock suddenly become visible to us. And we are able to succeed ... Much So more this likely to is about succeed than before. Words create worlds.

success. Very well documented. Some of your readings are related to this. People who set goals generally, controlling from other factors, are more successful, whethe r it's in business, whether They don't just though timate it's in matter other personal They also lives. matter Goals for matter. the "ul

for the "hard currency"- the


currency of happiness. Goals properly understood, goals properly understood, lea d to happiness. And e know that I emphasize "properly understood". Why? Because w

attaining goals, the attainment of goals does not in and of itself lead to happi ness. Yes, getting tenure will lead to a spike of my well being, but very quickly I'll go b ack to my base level. Winning a lottery or making a lot of money, or tting getting a, or ge

promoted at work will lead to a spike in my well being but it will not lead to l ong 654 ----------------------- 345-----------------------

lasting happiness. So that's temporary- we know that. So we know that attainment of goals does not s? Understanding lead the to happiness. What does lead to happines

proper role of goals. And understanding that it's not the attaining of a goal th at leads to happiness, but the having of a goal that leads to happiness. ok So two years ago, when came out by very I taught positive psychology, Lama's a bo

important scholar in the area of happiness, and man.

who's the Dalai

right h

He's translator, Ricardo Mathieu. Wonderful book on happiness came out. And we, in Williams James Hall 1,engaged in a debate- was an event for Harvard students and faculty. And we engaged in a debate- "Happiness: East and West". And we agreed o n many things- as you know, I meditate regularly, and certainly believe in the pow er of a lot of the Buddhist psychology. However, the one thing that we disagreed on wa s goals. That's the one thing we disagree. Because in Buddhism, according to many of the interpretations- not all, many of the interpretations, the state we want to reach is a state of non-attachment. A state where we will not have something external that we want, that we desire, that we will be completely present in the here and now. No w I think it's a wonderful ideal perhaps, but what I argued and what I still argue i s that it's unrealistic As human beings, I do not believe- maybe after 30 years of meditatin g for 8 hours a day, possible- but I do not believe that we can reach a state where we are not attached. And setting goals is an example of attachment. Because when I say I wa nt to win this championship or I want to get ant to get a job \Nan A- in this course or I w

in this bank, this is a goal which means by definition that I'm attached to the

outcome. If I wasn't attached, if I didn't care then, it wouldn't matter. And I think it' s not only important for success, it is also important for happiness. So that's where I dif fer to a great extent from some of the Buddhist interpretations on non-attachment of bein g in a desire-less state. However, where we are similar in our understanding is the f ocus on the present. Goals properly understood their role is to liberate us to enjoy the present. What does this mean? Let's say you go off on a road trip. And you have no idea w here 655 ----------------------- 346----------------------you are going. You don't have a goal. You don't have a destination in mind. You are less likely rather e journey. Because than more every likely, less likely to enjoy th

minute you'll look left or right or ahead to see if you are not falling over the stage; whereas if you know where of direction. You are you are going, you have a sense

liberated. You are much more likely to enjoy the process, the flower on the side as well. Think about your lives- periods that you have no idea, or for many of you, I know, it's happening right now. You have no idea where you are going next year. Now fo r a while, for most people, it's OK. It's fine. But after a while, you want to know where you are ou have sense which many going. Because a clearer when are you much are more immersed likely in to less something, be happy, even y

of direction. You explains why so


people, when they they've been

retire, become


dreaming of being retired for many years. When they actually retire, they become

less happy. The ones who are happier when they retire are the ones who actually set g oals for themselves, learning something whether new, it's taking time with a class, family and whether friends, it's but

whether it's spending more they have a goal, as

opposed to "let's just enjoy ourselves; let's just be". We need that goal- this outcome, this future orientation, so that we can enjoy the present more. The goals libera te us to enjoy the it, he actually e end here role means. are the and now. of goals They present In is other words, toward themselves, as if an we you think end, said, and as about th

are means in

experiences. Again, the goals we discussed, will not

make us happier, whether attaining of the goal or failing to attain the goal. We 'll be on the ups and downs, the vicissitudes. But if we want the base level- the base lev el is the here and now. The present. It's the process. It's the journey that we're living mostly, not the outcome. When I start the book, I talk about thinking this rally championship would ma ke me 656 ----------------------- 347----------------------happy And it did. For 4 hours .And then back again to base level. Professors who get tenures think that is what est of their lives- the would make them happy for the r

attainment of that goal. It doesn't. They go back to base level of happiness, wh ether they get it, or don't get it. The key is to learn, to enjoy the process. And one of the roles of the goals is to liberate us so that we can enjoy the process. Goals are means toward the present end, which is taking a lot of goal theory and turning it arou

nd. This explains why so many high achievers are unhappy. This explains why so many high achievers turn to drugs and to alcohol. By the way, today even more so than in t he past- maybe today we know about it more than in the past. Going into rehab cente rs constantly. Coming out and going back. And we ask ourselves, "why? How could it be?" Those people who ave it all? Fame. Fortune. Beauty. Anyone in the world dream seemingly they want. have The it all. life Who that seemingly most people h

about. How come they end up in a rehab center? How come they are unhappy? hey Here's the how come. You see, for years, when they climb up the ranks, when t a person who is admired, revere

have the dream of becoming a famous person, d, a

person who can get anything or anyone almost they want, when they dream about it , they may be unhappy. But they say to themselves, "OK. I'm unhappy now, but I'll be happy when I get there." realize that there's no And then they get there. And they

"there" there. They think it would make them happy, but it doesn't. And that's w hen the real problems begin. Because that's when they begin to experience helplessne ss. That's when they n the Hamburger become resigned. go into That's the when learned they go into- o and

model, that's when they resignation and the


nihilism. Because everyone has told them that once they make it then they'll be happy. And they told themselves, "once I make it then I'll be happy". And they are not any happier for it. Yeah, initially when the fame begins, and when they start having things in their way as they always dream, of course they are happier. But then they go back to their base level. And when they go to their base level, they are suppressed,

they are 657 ----------------------- 348----------------------upset, they are disappointed, and more than anything, they are scared. Because w hat now? Until that point, they when they get there, were sustained by their hope that

they'll be happy, but they are not happier. And they are scared .And they are lo st. And they look for solutions, periences, outside of very often that? outside That very of the is normal with ex d

ordinary life. And where is rugs and with alcohol


Because that takes us out of our normal day-to-day, ordinary lives. For good and ill. This misunderstanding prevalent and most people live that way. And they think- a nd this is why so many people go through mid-life crisis for example. It's not the only reason. But it's one of the reasons. Because there are many people who are pretty accomplished, who have nailed it, and then they say, "What now? I s this all the raise to it?" Yes, this is all the raise to it. And the challenge i s to identify the treasure of happiness that are embedded, that are there in the it and that a re there all around us. Again, happiness is not contingent on our status or the state of our bank account. It's contingent lity, of on on our state of mind, of how we interpret our rea

what we choose to focus on And to be happier is the present that matters much mo re. Quote from my book: "Happiness is not about making it to the peak of the mountai n, nor is it about climbing aimlessly around the mountain; happiness is the experie nce of climbing toward the peak." It is about having a goal. It is about having a desti nation in mind, and then letting go and enjoying the process. You know there are many peop

le who talk to me about it, and again I went through the exact same experience. So OK "what is going to be the next job that h that I I take?" "What is going to be the pat

take?" And once they take a path, it is very often they regret, "I should've tak en the other path." Should've taken this job. Should've gone there. And my response to it is it doesn't matter. It doesn't, 't matter. Because, yeah, in the ultimate currency, it doesn

let's say I am at a job that I should have taken and I would be very successful there. Fine. I would enjoy a high when I became very successful. But that in and of its elf would not make me happy. e key is to have the The key is to 658 ----------------------- 349----------------------commitment to whatever it is that I'm doing. Now that commitment may change ever y three days and that's that commitment that OK. It's the having the goals. Having have the goal. Th

matters. So if you chose certain path and now you regret it, remember, it really doesn't matter. You can are committed. be as Because happy that's in when both we paths can as enjoy long the as you

when we are committed, Doesn't matter as


much what it is that we are committed to, provided of course that is moral and i t's not about hurting others, which ultimately doesn't just hurt others- it also hurts o urselves. David gy": Watson in "Contemporary "The Handbook of Positive Psycholo

researchers emphasize that it is the process of striving after goals rather than g oal attainment per se that is crucial for happiness and positive affectivity." And fin ally,

two of the leading researchers in the field, David Myers and Ed Diener: "Happine ss grows less rcumstances from than the passive from activities and experience progress of desirable toward one ci goal."

involvement in valued Here is a beautiful

poem that I think captures by Gwendolyn Brooks: "Live not for battles won / Live not for the-end-of-the-song / Live for the along." It's not any goals that matter. I t's not any goals that...Not all goals are created equal. And here's what we do get to a pla ce where it's important to think about your goals. Yes, the commitment is the most import ant, but there are certain goals f-concordant goals, very that are better than others: sel

briefly, because -it's in your readings- are essentially goals that are aligned with your personal Doing interests and values- things things that are that you care about.

important to you. So for example, doing premed because what you really really wa nt to be is a doctor and treat people. Studying economics because the market fascin ates you. And you want to engage in work that relates to it. You are passionate abou t it. Joining ission. a student organization, Aligned with because you believe in their m

your personal interests, with your values, with your passion. These are goals th at you choose freely, not someone goals that are imposed from the outside whether it's by or by abstract 659 ----------------------- 350----------------------obligation or duty. It's to do things that you care about deeply from within. In other words, these are things that you want to do, or that you feel, that you perceive that you society. And doing

specific or specific people, it out of a sense of

want to do, rather than things that you have to do. I My was teacher Ohad Kamin, debating- I when to I go, graduated said to from me college, the and

didn't know which direction he said: "here is the


advice from a 50 year old." - He was 50 at the time. He said, "Identify the thin gs that you can do. And then out of those, identify the things that you want to do. And list them down. Make a list- long or short, whatever it is. Now out of the things you want to do, identify those things that you really want to do. And then look at them, and out of those things, identify those that you really really want to do and then do th em." One of the best advices that I got. Very simple. But so important. Again it's to take time aside and self-concordant to think goals? about me? those What is things. valuable So to what me? are What my

What is the interest of am I passionate about?

What do I want to rather than feel that I have to do? And sometimes the answers are not easy answers. Sometimes the answers are not answers that I want to hear. And the implications, the? That be as pleasant initially, are following that path may not

because it made me going against the grain. It made me doing something that yiel ds difficulties from other people or from the environment. It may not be the most p opular choice. I think it's such spirituality. Now the dictionary is the significance icant, as an important component is- one I see of of happiness, the is

definition of spirituality real sense of of something. So important, as if

definitions as signif


meaningful, I'm having a spiritual experience engaging in it. So what is signifi

cant to me? What is important to me? And the thing to keep in mind is that it doesn't ma tter what I choose, what direction I go in. If I choose something that is self-concor dant, that is aligned with my personal goals and mission, I will lead a spiritual life . In fact, 660 ----------------------- 351----------------------an investment banker who goes into investment banking for the right reasons, bec ause he/she cares about this work. Because they think it's important, because they en joy it. Because they love dealing ne rush. And yes, with numbers and having the adrenali

they are people who truly enjoy it. If they go in for the right reasons, they wi ll lead a much more spiritual life than a monk who goes into the order for the wrong reaso ns. and And of course, vice versa. Whatever we choose, the self-concordant I goals-

truly believe it, that the world will become a better place, not just individual ized will become a better place, self-concordant goals. Easier said than done. ng both if people pursue their passions, their

"Becoming self concordant is a difficult skill, requiri and the ability And to we resist need soc to

accurate self-perceptual abilities ial pressures that may sometimes push one in engage in these inappropriate


activities. Why? Because life is short. Life is short. Life is...Sorry. "Life is too short to do what I have to do; The sooner we start on the want-to, the better. This does not mean sion that you can't say is starting my own to yourself get the like, "well I my real pas

business. And in order to as a consultant or an


will work

investment banker for fectly fine. Even








though it's not your passion working 80 hours a week in front of an Excel sheet. That's OK. Sometimes we need that we enter this to delay gratification. The danger is

delayed gratification state for our entire lives. And that becomes the red-race (?) path. And that is what we need to be aware of. This is what we need to keep in back of our mind. I want to show of my favorite movies, you a quick video excerpt from one

Dead Poet Society, where Robin Williams talks about the importance of identifyin g what it is that we were meant to do with our lives, in other words, our self-con cordant goals. (Video clips from the screen) Dr. Tal Dead Poet Society with captions on

Ben-Shahar: So carpe diem (seize the day).Do what you want. 661 ----------------------- 352----------------------To Be Continued 662

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