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Exploring the 584286 Correlation between the Maya and European Calendars

University of Pennsylvania Museum


Precolumbia Mesoweb Press

As a matter of fact, the whole problem of the proper correlation of Maya and Christian chronology may be reduced to precisely this: the correct engagement of the Mayan and Julian Periods at any single point; for if it were possible to establish a single point of contact between the two, every date in Maya chronology could be transcribed into its corresponding Julian or Gregorian equivalent, and the dates on the Maya monuments would suddenly become more accurately fixed in our own chronology than any event of Old World history prior to the birth of Christ... (Morley 1920:465)

In this paper we return to a topic that has vexed and intrigued Mayanists for well over a centurya precise correlation between the chronology described in Classic Maya inscriptions and the modern European calendar. A great many solutions to the problem have been proposed in this time, although none has succeeded in resolving all the inconsistencies in the data and thereby gained universal support. In this further exploration of the problem, we have been inspired by the only single-day astronomical event in the ancient texts to have gained any wide currency among epigraphers. This event was recorded in both the Maya and European calendars and therefore provides a direct correlation between the two. We have sought to explain how this can be reconciled with the evidence left to us by Diego de Landa and the Maya chroniclers of the early Colonial Period. At the heart of this analysis lie certain idiosyncrasies of the Maya calendar revealed by previous researchers that we believe to have more telling implications than hitherto realized. When we speak of correlating the calendars, it is important to bear in mind that there are actually two different scales of magnitude at issuethe distinction between a precise correlation and what might be termed a general one that dates the events of Maya recorded history to within a decade or even a century. How do we know that a great Maya king like Kinich Janaab Pakal was born around ad 600 (according to the Goodman-Martnez-Thompson correlation) rather than ad 1100 (per the Vaillant) or ad 100 (per the Bowditch)?1 Roughly aligning the two calendars to within a matter of months makes it possible to say, and such a correlation
The PARI Journal 13(2), 2012, pp. 3-16.

had been achieved by the middle of the last century with the result that the Goodman-Martnez-Thompson correlation has been almost universally accepted and corroborated to a significant extent by radiocarbon dating.2 But such acceptance must still remain somewhat provisional until such time as a single point of contact (Morley 1920:465) links the two calendars with absolute precision. This correlation-to-the-day is what it will take to prove the broader correspondence once and for all. Therefore debate has been ongoing over correlations expressed as numbers that differ by at most a few digits, these digits representing days in one direction or another. The two most widely accepted correlations are 584285 and 584283. These numbers are correlation constants that express the base date of the Maya calendar as its Julian Day Number. The system of assigning a Julian Day Number to every day that has elapsed since January 1, 4713 bce, is used by astronomers to record celestial events.3 Thus the Maya base date of 4 Ajaw 8 Kumku is Julian Day Number 584285 in one of the popular correlationsthat is, it fell 584,285 days after January 1, 4713. As we shall see, it is not necessary to understand or even use Julian Day Numbers in the correlation, but it is customary. Thompson (1927, 1935, 1950) arrived at 584285 by means of a line of reasoning initiated by Goodman (1905) and revived by Martnez Hernndez (1926). This begins with a proposition derived from Colonial-era
1 The Goodman-Martnez-Thompson (GMT) correlation is actually a family of correlations ranging from 584280 to 584285 (Lounsbury 1978:808), while the 394483 correlation is modified Bowditch and 774083 is Vaillant, second preference (Kelley 1976:31). See Kelley (1976:31) for a compendium of some three dozen correlations that have been proposed. For a comprehensive treatment of the correlation topic, see Bricker and Bricker (2011:7799); also see Aveni (1980:204-210). 2 On the basis of Colonial-era ethnohistorical documents, Bricker and Bricker (2011:79-87) make a compelling case for its correctness. 3 Because astronomers employ a year zero, the base date is also written as January 1, -4712. Note that the Julian Day Number system of astronomical reckoning is not to be confused with the Julian calendar, which preceded the Gregorian calendar that we currently use.

Martin and Skidmore

Maya chronicles and Diego de Landas Relacin de las cosas de Yucatn, that the Maya date 13 Ajaw 7 Xul fell in the year 1539 ce. Added to this was the fact that Landa had recorded that 12 Kan 1 Pop (New Years Day in the Colonial Maya calendar) coincided with July 16 in his own, with that date apparently falling in 1553. Since 13 Ajaw 7 Xul and 12 Kan 1 Pop were deemed impossible dates in the Classic-period Maya calendar, Thompson (1935) began by assuming that at some point after the Classic there had been a break of a day and that the Landa date expressed in the Classic system would be 12 Kan 2 Pop. We will return to this point later. By following the regular pattern of the Maya Calendar Round and counting the days between the corrected 13 Ajaw 8 Xul and the subsequent 12 Kan 2 Pop, one arrives at a Long Count date of (the Long Count had fallen out of use, but like Thompson we retain it for calculation purposes). A Long Count date is similar to a Julian Day Number in that both record the number of days elapsed from a base date. The Long Count records what has been termed a Maya Day Number of 1,704,204 days since 4 Ajaw 8 Kumku, as follows: 11 Baktuns 16 Katuns 13 Tuns 16 Winals 4 Kins = = = = = 1,584,000 days 115,000 days 4,680 days 320 days 4 days 1,704,204 days Given that the Julian Day Number for July 16, 1553, is 2288488, Thompsons initial calculation arrived at the following result: 2288488 Julian Day Number - 1704204 Maya Day Number 584284 Accounting for the break of a day brought Thompson to 584285. Subsequently (see Proskouriakoff and Thompson 1947), Thompson found dates like Landas in the Classic-period inscriptions, where the numerical coefficient of the month position was one less than expected. Due to their concentration in the Puuc sites of the northern lowlands, this system was eventually dubbed

Puuc-style dating. Accordingly, Thompson decided that there had been no break of a day after all between the Classic and Landas time, which brought him back to 584284. By that time surviving 260-day calendars had been identified in some parts of the Maya highlands and shown to be in close accord with the system recorded for Central Mexico. Since this was a further day removed, Thompson (1950:304) took up an argument first put forward by Martnez Hernndez (1926) that it was some years earlier than 1553 when Landa had collected the information that the Maya New Year fell on July 16 and that Landa had failed to account for an intervening leap year. This led Thompson to 584283, a correlation constant popular with many scholars today, particularly those who hold that the count kept by day keepers in the Guatemalan highlands is part of an unbroken tradition (see Bricker and Bricker 2011:90-93; Prager and Sachse 2009). What Thompson did not have the benefit of understanding came in a breakthrough by Peter Mathews. Discussing the inscription on the back of Dos Pilas Stela 8, Mathews (2001[1979]:404-406) suggested that the inscribed date 3 Kan 1 Kankina date like Landas, where the coefficient of the month position was one less than expectedwas neither a scribal error nor an early example of a system that had become the norm by Landas time. Instead it recorded a nighttime event. In order to illustrate his point, Figure 1 gives a graphic representation of the Long Count, tzolkin, and haab aligned in the manner assumed by previous researchers, each in lockstep with the other. At whatever point the transition took placeand here we have set it at sunrisea date such as 2 Akbal 1 Kankin would be followed by with a tzolkin of 3 Kan and a haab of 2 Kankin. While the appearance of 3 Kan 1 Kankin in the midst of conventional combinations on Stela 8 could have been attributed to a scribes mistake, Mathews focused attention on the preceding glyph. This was a head with an infixed sun sign and cross-hatching prefixed by a preposition, a form that also introduces a misaligned date at Yaxchilan, and he conjectured that it meant in the night or at night. The unusual alignment of the tzolkin and haab implied that the former changed at a different time of day than the latter, for example at 6 pm, and that if an event took place in


Long Count tzolkin 2 Akbal haab 1 Kankin 2 Akbal 1 Kankin 3 Kan 2 Kankin 3 Kan 2 Kankin

Figure 1. 2 Akbal 1 Kankin and the following day.

Exploring the 584286 Correlation

SUNRISE NOON SUNSET MIDNIGHT SUNRISE NOON SUNSET MIDNIGHT SUNRISE 2 Akbal 1 Kankin 2 Akbal 1 Kankin 3 Kan 1 Kankin 3 Kan 4 Chikchan 2 Kankin 3 Kan 2 Kankin

Figure 2. The tzolkin changing at a different time than the haab.

the middle of the night, then the tzolkin date would be one position advanced with respect to the haab date (Mathews (2001[1979]:406). Figure 2 shows the effect of the tzolkin changing at a different time of day than the haab. Since most events happen in the daytime, the calendrics of most inscriptions are of the expected form. But since some events would have happened at night, a minority of inscriptions display a date like Landas, thereby revealing the otherwise hidden workings of the Maya calendar. It should be noted that a date of this type would have resulted if the tzolkin customarily changed at midnight rather than the 6 pm of the example, as long as the recorded event happened between midnight and dawn. But it seems more likely that the change in the tzolkin would have been tied to an observable event such as sunset. In fact there are good ethnographic parallels from the Guatemalan highlands for the tzolkin day being construed to begin with the setting of the sun (La Farge 1947; Lincoln 1942). In like manner, the most probable point of transition for the haab would be at sunrise. The offset of tzolkin and haab raises a further question: at which of the two transition points did the Long Count change? While this question cannot be answered with certainty based on the Dos Pilas inscription,4 strong support for a haab transitionand the nighttime system as a wholecomes from Copan Altar H. Here the opening date is a distinctly unusual *8 Muluk 9 Ok 17 Mol (Morley 1920:186-189).5 The provision of two tzolkin positions evidently describes an event that spanned both; that is, one that took place not only during the day but into the evening or night as well. With both positions covered by a single Long Count it is clear that the latter cannot be shifting at the tzolkin. Supporting evidence for the Long Count changing with the haab also comes from the inscription of the recently discovered hieroglyphic stairway of El Palmar, Quintana Roo.6 David Stuart (2004a) has confirmed the finding by Mathews and contributed to our understanding of the nighttime system with his analysis of an unprovenanced inscription now in the Hecelchakan regional museum. This describes the tzolkin 4 Muluk as entering the haab 16 Mak, one day in advance of its conventional partner 17 Mak. Hecelchakan is adjacent to the Puuc region, and Stuart drew the inference from this that Puuc-style dates

are not a distinct system, but simply accounts of nighttime events, which may have been of special interest to the cities of this area. Stuart suggested that this practice was later fossilized to become the new norm, producing Calendar Rounds of the kind seen in Landas time lasting for a full 24-hour period.7 To return to Thompsons study of the correlation together with that of a great many other expertsarguments from historical documents had gone as far as they could without achieving an incontrovertible result (which remains the case to this day). Therefore
4 On Stela 8 a Distance Number connects a daytime event on 11 Kawak 17 Mak to our nighttime event on 3 Kan 1 Kankin, a figure that should be five days if Kawak is counted to Kan, but only four days if 17 Mak is counted to 1 Kankin. In fact, it gives three days, which must be a mistake. Nevertheless, for Mathews (2001[1979]:402-403, 406) this implied that the Long Count advances in step with the haab, since this requires only a one-day error whereas a setting to the tzolkin would require an error of two. 5 The date is securely placed by a Distance Number of 1.14.11 that connects to the Period Ending Although today the haab more resembles 18 Mol, Morley expressed no reservations that 17 Mol was writtenpresumably because the central dot was visibly a space-filler in his day. We thank David Stuart (personal communication 2011) for drawing this passage to our attention. 6 We are grateful to Kenichiro Tsukamoto and Octavio Esparza Olgun (personal communications 2012) for sharing this inscription. 7 That such a fossilization took place is the best explanation of the change in year bearers that occurred between the Classic and Landas time. Though the point is tangential to our purposes here, it might be mentioned in passing that a Katun-ending like that of in full on Edzna Stela 18being set at 10 Ajaw 7 Yaxkin (with 8 Yaxkin expected) implies that the Long Count has lost its tether to the haab and is instead locked to the tzolkin. Period Endings may be the key to this development. The perpetual arrival of the tzolkin ahead of the haab means that the required day of all Period Endings, Ajaw, must begin the evening before its conventional month partner. Outside the Puuc area the Katunending was celebrated the next day when the haab had advanced to 8 Yaxkin and the Long Count turned to However, in the Puuc region they seem to have preferred to mark this event the evening before, linking the Katun-ending directly to the arrival of Ajaw and in the process moving the transition point of the Long Count. A further shift permanently aligning all three components of Long Count, haab, and tzolkin would have entailed a one-day displacement of the Classic-period year bearersIk, Manik, Eb, and Kaban (D. Stuart 2004b)to Akbal, Lamat, Ben, and Etznab. And when New Years Day came to be celebrated on 1 Pop rather than 0 Pop this would have caused a further shift to Kan, Muluk, Ix, and Kawak, the year bearers of Landas time.

Martin and Skidmore

Figure 3. (a) Teeples drawing of a possible eclipse glyph (Teeple 1931:Fig. 19); (b) Postclassic eclipse glyph (drawing by Simon Martin); (c) Copan block (photograph by Linda Schele, courtesy of David Schele); eclipse glyph from K5359 (detail of drawing by Simon Martin from Miller and Martin 2004:Fig. 21, based on photograph K5359 by Justin Kerr).

arguments from astronomy were mustered in an attempt to settle the issue. But the problems facing this approach proved to be daunting, given the lack of clarity about precisely what celestial events the Maya were recording in their inscriptions and whether observation or calculation was the presiding principle. The Julian Day Numbers of any number of solstices, risings of Venus, or phases of the moon were available from astronomy. Where such events were thought to be recorded in the inscriptions, their Maya Day Numbers yielded correlation constants that were only off by a matter of digits from 584285 or some competing correlation. But near misses were hardly sufficient to prove a point. There was one inscription, however, that might have made a tremendous difference, and Thompson was even aware of it; he wrote: It has been claimed that Stela 1 at Poco Uinic records an eclipse[...] According to the Oppolzer tables the eclipse, which was total in Central America, occurred on [Julian Day Number] 2009802 (Thompson 1935:74). Since the subtraction of the relevant Long Count from this number results in a correlation constant of 584286one more than Thompsons then-preferred 584285he did not find the Poco Uinic stela at all useful for his purposes, except in using it to dismiss the 584281 correlation advocated by Martnez Hernndez. But lets look at this inscription for ourselves with fresh eyes. The hieroglyph at issue was first noted on Poco Uinic Stela 3 (Thompsons Stela 1) by John Teeple (1931:115), where it follows a Calendar Round of 5 Kib 14 Chen that is unambiguously fixed to the Long Count at (Figure 3a).8 It shows a central sun sign with two flanking motifs, a reasonable match to the eclipse

signs that appear in the Postclassic codices (Figure 3b). There, signs for the sun and moon are flanked by lobes painted black and white, representing solar and lunar eclipses respectively. The closest Classic-period analogues for these appear on a loose block at Copan (Figure 3c), probably from an iconographic scene rather than a text, and on a polychrome vessel K5359 (Figure 3d), which by comparison with Madrid Codex page 67b, shows a clear lunar eclipse (Hull 2000:6; Martin 2005). The flanking lobes on the Poco Uinic version differ in having crossed bands within them. Teeple compared them to a similar-looking sign in Glyph B of the Lunar Series, which he thought could represent a house but which we now read as part of the logogram KABA name. The Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions at the Peabody Museum of Harvard University holds photographs of Stela 3, but the relevant glyph is now considerably more eroded than it was Teeples time. As it stands, his sketch could suggest that we are actually looking at the crossed bands of twin sky signs. Moreover, there is an item of iconography that lends strong weight to the eclipse interpretation for this device. The Kerr database includes a carved vessel, K5197, which shows a clawed beast together with sun and moon signs surrounded by very similar lobes with what could be the crossed bands of a single, tilted sky sign within and the same fringed base seen at Poco Uinic (Figure 4).
The context is the tzolkin anniversary of a royal accession some eight years earlier on 5 Kib 14 Keh. To place the eclipse on any other dayas would be demanded by the 584285 or 584283 correlationsis to ignore that it was only recorded at all due to the coincidence of it also falling on 5 Kib.

Figure 4. Vessel K5197 in Justin Kerrs MayaVase database at www.mayavase.com (photograph K5197 Justin Kerr).

Exploring the 584286 Correlation


July 16 (JDN 2009802) (MDN 1425516)

Figure 5. The Poco Uinic eclipse, which occurred on European calendar day July 16, 790 ce and Maya Day

Greenwich: MIDNIGHT Poco Uinic: SUNSET







July 16 (JDN 2009802) 5 Kib 13 Chen (MDN 1425516) 2009802-1425516 = 584286 5 Kib 14 Chen (MDN 1425516)

July 17 (JDN 2009803)

Figure 6. The situation at Poco Uinic showing the Long Count changing at sunset with the tzolkin, such that the entire Maya day overlaps with the European calendar day July 16.

Greenwich: MIDNIGHT Poco Uinic: SUNSET







July 16 (JDN 2009802) 5 Kib 14 Chen (MDN 1425516) 2009802-1425516 = 584286

July 17 (JDN 2009803) 6 Kaban 14 Chen (MDN 1425516) 2009803-1425516 = 584287

Figure 7. The situation at Poco Uinic showing the first half of the Maya day correlating with the European calendar day between noon and midnight GMT while the second half correlates with a new European calendar day.

According to the astronomer Oppolzer, the eclipse began shortly after sunset Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) on July 16, 790 ce.9 This was shortly after noon at the longitude of Poco Uinic. The Julian Day Number (JDN) assigned to July 16, 790, is 2009802. The Maya Day Number (MDN) of the Long Count is 1425516. Figure 5 shows the situation in graphical form. Subtracting the Maya Day Number from the Julian Day Number in effect at the time of the eclipse yields a correlation constant of 584286: 2009802 Julian Day Number - 1425516 Maya Day Number 584286 Now lets look at the situation in more detail armed with our current understanding of the Classic calendar. The Long Count changes either with the tzolkin at

sunset or (as we consider more likely) with the haab at sunrise. Figure 6 illustrates the first of these possibilities. Here the entirety of the Maya day overlaps with July 16 such that the two calendars correlate unambiguously day-for-day. Expressing this in Julian Day Numbers, the correlation is 584286. Figure 7 shows the scenario where the Long Count changes with the haab at sunrise. In this case, the Maya day correlates to two different European calendar days, July 16, 790 and July 17, 790. Expressing this with Julian Day Numbers yields two different correlation constants: 584286 and 584287.
Although Oppolzers nineteenth-century eclipse tables are cited in the correlation literature (e.g., Thompson 1935:74), greater accuracy in eclipse modeling has been achieved in the computer era (see for example NASA 2012).

Martin and Skidmore

At first it might seem strange that there are two different correlations possible for a single Maya day, but the strangeness is largely owing to the fact that Thompson and his fellow scholars never talked about the possibility.10 Those of us who use a calendar calculator might also be taken aback because we are used to setting it to one correlation or another and there is no way to set it to two at the same time. But that technical limitation can be coped with in the following manner. If a Maya inscription records an event that happened in the daytime, then a calculator set to the 584286 correlation will return the appropriate date in the Julian or Gregorian calendar. If the inscription records one of the rare events that happened after dark, then we must add one European calendar day. We must keep in mind that all of the unambiguous celestial events recorded in the inscriptionsand here one thinks specifically of lunar data included in the Initial Seriesare there only in reference to daytime events for which they are deemed to have some relevance. It follows that there are no currently-known astronomical events described with a nighttime Calendar Round notation. Though it has long been held that celestial events were a special concern of the ancient Maya, monumental inscriptions focus on the ritual and political affairs of the elite, with astronomical information playing only an incidental role. Of course, this emphasis may well have been reversed in many of the once-legion screenfold books, which were doubtless used to keep celestial records. The idea of deriving two different correlations from a single Maya day was previously proposed by Vincent Malmstrm (1999), who used the Poco Uinic inscription to illustrate his point. Malmstrms analysis is based on a number of cogent insights, among them the postulate that the Maya day was considered to begin and end at sunset. As we have seen, this is almost certainly true as regards the changing of the tzolkin, and although the evidence from the Classic suggests that the Long Count advanced at sunrise with the haab, we do not discount the possibility that it changed at sunset. Also essential to Malmstrms argument is the fact that Julian Day Numbers increment at noon GMT. This particular idiosyncrasy of the Julian Day Number system can be said to have introduced the potential for confusion into the discussion of the correlation, although the confusion actually enters into it with the perceived necessity of using Julian Day Numbers at all. In fact, it is quite possible to arrive at the correlation without them. It bears pointing out that the system of assigning Julian Day Numbers, as well as a related concept called the Julian Date, is intended for precise recording of astronomical events and not as a means of correlating calendars. The Julian Date of any moment in time is the Julian Day Number for the preceding noon plus the 8

fraction of 24 hours that has expired since then, with that fraction expressed as a decimal. For example, the Poco Uinic eclipse was at its maximum on the Julian Date 2009802.33 (John Justeson, personal communication 2012). Thus astronomers tell us precisely when the eclipse began at the meridian of Poco Uinic. They express this using Julian Day Numbers, but that is simply one scale of measurement. We should not lose sight of the fact that the goal of the correlation is to be able to convert a given date in Maya chronology into its European calendar equivalent (Morley 1920:465). Thus it is equally correct to say that the eclipse began at the meridian of Poco Uinic shortly after sunset GMT on the calendar day July 16, 790 ce. The Stela 3 inscription tells us that the eclipse happened on Maya day Therefore the Maya day correlates to the European calendar day July 16, 790. The following day in the European calendar correlates to, while the previous Maya day correlates to July 15, 790.11 Anchored thus, we can extend the correlation in either direction by writing it out on a great many sheets of paper (taking care to account for leap years) or we can have a calculator do it for us. But we do not need Julian Day Numbers. After all, the correlation itself is between the Maya calendar and the European calendar, not between the Maya Calendar and the Julian Day Number system. So why use Julian Day Numbers? Simply for convenience of reference and calculation. Astronomers assign one (and only one) Julian Day Number to a given European calendar date, so the JDN is a convenient identifier and computational referent, while correlation constants make use of the convenient JDN base date. For this reason scholars have talked of the correlation in terms
10 Thompson seems to have had something of a blind spot about it. Although he was aware of the possibility that the tzolkin changed at one time of day and the haab at anotheranticipating Mathews in this regardhe deemed it likely that the Long Count changed with the haab at sunrise during the Classic (Thompson 1935:103). As we have seen, this means that the Long Count correlates with two different European calendar days (see for example Figure 7). Perhaps Thompsons reason for disregarding this consideration may be glimpsed in his candid reaction to ethnographic data from the Guatemalan highlands that the tzolkin begins on one European calendar day and continues onto the next: As this double dating is confusing [...] I shall not refer in future to the positions in our calendar on which a day may have entered, but that on which it was current (Thompson 1950:303). 11 This assumes that the Long Count changes with the tzolkin, such that the correlation is exactly day-for-day. If, as is more likely during the Classic, it changed with the haab, the daytime portion of the Maya day correlates to one European calendar day while the nighttime portion correlates to the following one, as discussed above. This can be adjusted for without recourse to Julian Day Numbers.

Exploring the 584286 Correlation


July 16 ....JDN 2009801 (MDN 1425516) 2009801-1425516 = 584285 2009802-1425516 = 584286 JDN 2009802

Figure 8. The Poco Uinic eclipse with the Long Count changing at sunset and the change of the Julian Day Number at noon represented, with the calculations arrived at by Malmstrm (1999).

of Julian Day Numbers and continue to do so. Hence we are obligated to understand them, particularly when they enter into a provocative analysis. Malmstrm (1999) derives his two simultaneous correlations from the mathematics illustrated in Figure 8. This shows the Julian Day Number changing at noon such that (according to Malmstrm) Maya Day Number 1425516 can be subtracted from 2009801, the Julian Day Number of the previous day. This yields a correlation constant of 584285 for the portion of the Maya day between sunset and sunrise, while subtracting the same Maya Day Number from JDN 2009802 yields 584286 for the second half of the Maya day. Malmstrm concludes that both Thompsons initial value (i.e., 584,285) and that implied by the inscription at Santa Elena Poco Uinic (584,286) are perfectly correct. But as Figure 8 makes clear, if the Long Count changes at sunset as Malmstrm would have it, then any event that happened on it between sunset and sunrise or sunrise and sunsethappened on July 16 in the European calendar. It is only if the Long Count changes with the haab at sunrise that two correlations are possible (see Figure 7) and then the lesser of the two correlations applies to the daylight hours and the greater to the nighttime (the opposite of Malmstrms scenario). So here at Poco Uinic we have what would appear to be the ideal situation: a correlation derived unambiguously from the inscriptions rather than postconquest historical documents. Yet as we have seen, Thompson rejected it because it was at variance with what he had already concluded from those postconquest documents. This was in the context of correlations derived from other inscriptions that also seemed to cluster within a few days of Thompsons 584285 or 584283. The fact that none of these was an exact match permitted Thompson to dismiss Poco Uinics 584286 rather than revisit the assumptions underlying his own correlation.12 A fundamental assumption of Thompsons correlations is that Goodman (1905) was correct that the Long Count would have reached in 1539 had it not fallen out of use by the time of the Spanish

conquest. Extending this forward to the next 12 Kan 2 Pop (deemed equivalent to the 12 Kan 1 Pop given by Landa) reaches in the year 1553. A related assumption is that it was in 1553 that, as recorded by Landa without specifying the year, 12 Kan 1 Pop coincided with July 16. By way of background, the surviving manuscript of Diego de Landas Relacin de las cosas de Yucatn is an abridged version copied by unknown hands from a longer and now-vanished original (Gates 1937:69; Pagden 1975:18-19; G. Stuart 1988a, 1988b, 2007; Tozzer 1941:vii-viii). In it Landa sets out a description of the Maya months and their observances, accompanying this with a Roman and Yucatec Calendar (Figure 9). This juxtaposition (or correlation) of the European and Maya calendars starts out with New Years Day in the European, which is partway through the month of Chen in the Maya, and advances day by day through the Maya months from that point until it reaches the tzolkin before 12 Kan 1 Pop. This is numbered as 12 (Lamat), which cannot be the tzolkin before 12 Kan but would in fact be the last day of a year beginning 12 Kan 1 Pop. Evidently what happened is that Landa started out with a Maya calendar created for him by one of his informants that began quite properly on Maya New Years Day 12 Kan 1 Pop, in the first month of the Maya year. This would have fallen in a given July in the European calendar. Then it continued through until the last day of the Maya year, which would have reached the following July. Probably from a different informant Landa had determined that Maya New Years Day was July 16 in his own calendar, so when he decided to start his juxtaposed calendars with January 1, he transposed that portion of the Maya calendar corresponding to
12 On the other hand, Lounsbury (1978:809) at one time felt that 584285, preferably increased by yet another dayto 584286was more consistent with the interpretation of moon ages and of dates in the eclipse table of the Dresden Codex than any other correlation in the Goodman-Martnez-Thompson family.

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Figure 9. Underneath the heading Comienca el kalendario Romano y Yucatanense, Here begins the Roman and Yucatec calendar, the first word on the left is Ianuarius, January, indicating that the correlation of calendars starts with January 1 in the European calendar, which is partway through the month of Chen in the Maya. The next month after Chen is Yax, and the word Yax and its glyph can be seen partway down the column headed Meses de los Indios, Months of the Indians. The other column headings are for trees, thirteens (for the thirteen coefficients of the Maya tzolkin calendar) and dias (for the days of the tzolkin and their glyphs). The first row under the column headings starts with a letter representing the day of the week in the European calendar (a repeating series of seven, Ag), then 12 of Ben, i.e., 12 Ben 10 Chen. Photograph by George Stuart of folio 34r of the original document in the Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid.


Exploring the 584286 Correlation

January 1 through July 15 and put it in front of 12 Kan 1 Pop (Gates 1937:69; Spinden 1924:86; Tozzer 1941:151). Landa had some familiarity with the workings of the Maya calendar but obviously not enough to know that its interlocking mechanics do not permit treating successive years as identical. Clearly there were times when he was operating on his own without benefit of advice from his informants. It is the repeating series of letters A through g in the left column of Figure 9 that led to the conclusion that 12 Kan 1 Pop fell on July 16 in the year 1553. Spinden (1924:85-86) writes:
In connection with the orderly presentation of the days in the Maya tzolkin occupying stated positions in Mayan and European months, Landa gives a cycle of seven letters which correspond to the days of the week, Sunday being marked with a capital A and the other days by the lower case letters bg. The year-bearer 12 Kan has the letter A and therefore corresponds to Sunday, July 16, 1553.

However, in an appendix to Thompsons own Maya Chronology (Thompson 1935), R. C. E. Long wrote:
I think that there is no doubt that the year of Landas calendar was 1553, having regard to the sequence of year bearers given in the Books of Chilam Balam and the Chronicle of Oxkutzcab, but Spindens supposed demonstration that it must be 1553, because the first of January is marked with the letter A, proves nothing. In the Church Calendar every first January is marked A, the first of the series of seven ferial letters. If Sunday falls on A, the first of January, then the dominical letter for that year is said to be A, but this has nothing to do with the invariable series of seven ferial letters, which is all that Landa gives. (Long 1935:97)

Spinden goes on to describe the manipulation by which Landa started with a Maya calendar running from July 16, 1553 to July 15, 1554 and rearranged it by a cutting and patching process so that it ran from January 1 to December 31, 1553. He concludes that the week day letters disclose the fact that a Mayan year 12 Kan, July 15, 1553 to July 15, 1554, was set over against an almanac of the current European year 1553 (Spinden 1924:86). Tozzer (1941:151) in turn quotes a letter from Martnez Hernndez to Jean Genet:
[...] Landa, in editing his typical year, began it January 1 with the Christian dominical letter A which means Sunday. At the time of the conquest the years 1525, 1553 and 1581 alone could have begun with Sunday. The Christian solar cycle is composed of twenty-eight years. During the first Landa was not in Yucatan and in the last he was already dead. It is, then, the year 1553 which he had in mind when it drew it up.

More recent analysis of this topic by Baaijens (1995:51) concludes that Landas Calendar need not be made in 1553, and that if 1553 is right it must be proven from other sources. Like Long in the quotation above, Thompson had little doubt that 1553 was the year of Landas calendar. Although it does not rise to the level of a proof, there was confidence to be gained from the fact that Goodmans (1905) argument for placing in 1539 accorded so well with Landas date. But Thompson was well aware of the need to justify the assumptions on which his correlation was based. In the absence of confirmation from astronomy, he sought corroboration by aligning the correlation to the count of days kept into modern times in the Guatemalan highlands. He arrived at this alignment by the following steps, as illustrated in Figure 10. Thompson followed Goodman in associating 12 Kan 1 Pop with a Long Count of (Maya Day Number 1704204), a position that corresponds to 12 Kan 2 Pop in the Classic system. He subtracted this from 2288488, the Julian Day Number of July 16, 1553 to arrive at a correlation constant of 584284. (This was a mistake, as we will see; he should have arrived at 584285.)


July 16 (Greenwich) JDN 2288488 July 17 (Greenwich) JDN 2288489 July 16 (Merida) July 17 (Merida) 12 Kan 1 Pop (MDN 1704204) JDN 2288488 - MDN 1704204 = 584284

Figure 10. Maya New Years Day in Merida, as conceived of by Thompson. (July 16 in Merida is offset from July 16 in Greenwich because midnight in Merida is six hours later.)


Martin and Skidmore

Having arrived in this fashion at 584284, Thompson decided that this had to be adjusted by one digit in order to account for the month coefficient of 12 Kan 1 Pop being one less than in any inscription then known from the Classic. This suggested to Thompson that there had been a break of a day which had to be added back in. Then when he and Proskouriakoff encountered Calendar Rounds like 12 Kan 1 Pop in the Classic (Proskouriakoff and Thompson 1947), he was able to discard the break of a day hypothesis and with it the astronomically unprovable 584285.13 He believed that he was now only one day away from a correlation that could be corroborated by something other than Colonial sources. Lincoln (1942) and La Farge (1947) had collected data from twentiethcentury daykeepers in the Guatemalan highlands that supported a correlation of 584283, and La Farge had also suggested that the Aztec almanac aligned with this (Thompson 1950:304). Previously Martnez Hernndez (1926) had realized that the leap years of the European calendar could affect its correlation with the Maya sequence of Calendar Rounds. Thompson did not agree with the correlation that Martnez Hernndez arrived at by invoking leap years, but he saw how the concept could be used to gain the necessary one-day adjustment of his own.
There is a possible explanation of this one-day difference: Landa reached Yucatan in 1549; his calendar is securely dated as 1553, but it is extremely doubtful that Landas native informant had enough knowledge of the European calendar to make the correlation of the two systems. It is possible, even probable, that Landa acquired before 1553 the information that the year bearers fell on July 16 (O.S.), and when he came to set his data against the European calendar, he utilized the information that he had gathered two or three years earlier, unaware of the fact that, because of the leap day in 1552, the position 1 Pop had moved from July 16 (O.S.) to July 15. (Thompson 1950:304)14

3 Kawak 4 Kan 5 Muluk 6 Ix 7 Kawak 8 Kan 9 Muluk 10 Ix 11 Kawak 12 Kan 13 Muluk 1 Ix

1 Pop 1 Pop 1 Pop 1 Pop 1 Pop 1 Pop 1 Pop 1 Pop 1 Pop 1 Pop 1 Pop 1 Pop

(17 July 1544) (17 July 1545) (17 July 1546) (17 July 1547) (16 July 1548) (16 July 1549) (16 July 1550) (16 July 1551) (15 July 1552) (15 July 1553) (15 July 1554) (15 July 1555)

Figure 11. The effect of leap years (in 1544, 1548, and 1552) on New Years Day (1 Pop) in the Colonial-era Maya calendar. The European calendar dates are per the 584283 correlation. The Long Counts are in accordance with Thompsons (erroneous) assumption that the Long Count of 12 Kan 1 Pop was equivalent to that of 12 Kan 2 Pop in the Classic system.

The table in Figure 11 shows how, based on a 584283 correlation, New Years Day would have fallen on July 16 for the four years beginning with the leap year in 1548, then moved to July 15 with the leap year of 1552. Thompsons idea is that Landas informant prepared a Maya calendar for the year in which 12 Kan 1 Pop fell in 1553, but he did not provide any European calendar equivalents to his dates (probably because he did not know them). Landa supplied these himself by simply correlating 12 Kan 1 Pop to July 16 and extrapolating the rest of the dates. According to Thompsons theory, Landa chose July 16 because it was in 1549, 1550, or 1551 that he asked a more knowledgeable native informant, On what day of the Christian calendar does your New Year fall? Implicitly or explicitly, the majority of scholars have 12

accepted Thompsons leap-year argument (see, for instance, Bricker and Bricker 2011:91). That is why the idea has entered into the popular consciousness that the thirteenth Baktun will end on December 21, 2012, which is the date in the 584283 correlation, as opposed to December 23 in the 584285 correlation (or Christmas Eve, December 24, according to 584286). Figure 12 illustrates 12 Kan 1 Pop falling on July 15, 1553, in accordance with Thompsons reasoning. Because he had discarded the break of a day but still did not understand the nature of a Calendar Round like 12 Kan 1 Pop, he continued to believe that it was equivalent to 12 Kan 2 Pop in the Classic system. Thus he associated the Long Count of with the daylight hours of July 15 and arrived at a correlation of 584283. However, with our better understanding of the Classic system we know that 12 Kan 1 Pop is the type of Calendar Round that falls at sunset (or at any rate after dark). That the tzolkin changed at sunsetand by Landas time the entire 24-hour day did so as wellis born out by the findings of Lincoln (1942) and La Farge
Bricker and Bricker (2011:94-99) discredit Lounsburys attempt to test 584285 against the eclipse tables of the Dresden Codex. They conclude that the 584285 correlation cannot, in fact, be justified on epigraphic, ethnohistoric, or astronomical grounds (Bricker and Bricker 2011:99). 14 The abbreviation O.S. (Old System) refers to the Julian calendar used in Landas time. Except as noted, Thompson gives his dates in the Julian calendars successor, our current Gregorian, which can be adjusted to the Julian by adding ten days (thus the Landa date is July 26 in the Gregorian calendar).

Exploring the 584286 Correlation


July 15 (Greenwich) JDN 2288487 July 16 (Greenwich) JDN 2288488 July 15 (Merida) July 16 (Merida) 12 Kan 1 Pop (MDN 1704204) JDN 2288487 - MDN 1704204 = 584283

Figure 12. Maya New Years Day in Merida falling on July 15, 1553, as conceived of by Thompson.

July 15 (Greenwich) JDN 2288487 July 16 (Greenwich) JDN 2288488 July 15 (Merida) July 16 (Merida) 11 Akbal 0 Pop 11 Akbal 1 Pop
(MDN 1704203) 12 Kan 1 Pop

(MDN 1704204)

12 Kan 2 Pop

JDN 2288488 - MDN 1704204 = 584284

Figure 13. The Classic system (with the Long Count changing at sunset) extended to July 15, 1553.

July 15 (Greenwich) JDN 2288487 July 16 (Greenwich) JDN 2288488 July 15 (Merida) July 16 (Merida) 11 Akbal 0 Pop 11 Akbal 1 Pop 12 Kan 1 Pop
(MDN 1704203) 12 Kan 2 Pop

(MDN 1704204)

2288487 - 1704203 = 584284

2288488 - 1704203 = 584285

Figure 14. The Classic system (with the Long Count changing at sunrise) extended to July 15, 1553.

(1947) that the day begins at sunset in the continuing Maya tradition of the modern highlands (see Thompson 1935:103). Sunset in the Maya region is midnight in Greenwich. Thus when we extend the Classic system to July 15, 1553 and show the Long Count changing with the tzolkin (one of the two possibilities), 12 Kan 1 Pop corresponds to the next European calendar day, July 16, as illustrated in Figure 13. Here the entire day numbered

by the Long Count of overlaps with July 16 in Greenwich, such that only a single correlation can be derived: 584284. Figure 14 shows the other, more likely possibility for the Classic system, where the Long Count changes with the haab at sunrise. As we saw at Poco Uinic, two correlations are possible: in this case, 584284 for the hours between sunrise and sunset and 584285 for the hours 13

Martin and Skidmore

between sunset and sunrise the following day.15 Thus 584283 cannot be reached even in Thompsons leap-year scenario. The correlation is still one day off from the highland calendars.16 And without corroboration from the highland data, even Goodmans basic correlation remains unproven after more than a century. Fortunately there is a way forward out of this impasse. While astronomy has not confirmed Thompsons correlations derived from the Landas information, it does support 584286, and this correlation can be shown to be consistent with Landa. Following Thompson (1950:304) as quoted above, we believe that it was Landa himself who juxtaposed the European calendar with the Maya calendar that had been set down for him in 1553 by one of his informants. We have seen for ourselves that Landa manipulated the Maya calendar on his own, without benefit of a native informant to tell him that Maya years are not identical (except on a 52-year cycle). The informant who created the Maya calendar for Landa was not asked to tie the European calendar to itThompson doubts that he would have been able to
15 Bricker and Bricker (2011:77-99), who support the 584283 correlation, hold that 12 Kan 1 Pop is equivalent to 12 Kan 2 Pop in an alternative calendar system (that of Mayapan), and both are to be associated with the Long Count Adhering to Thompsons leap-year argument, they hold that 12 Kan 1 Pop fell on July 15, 1553. Bricker and Bricker present evidence that the Classic system of counting tzolkins has been preserved unchanged in the modern-day Maya highlands of Guatemala. In that living tradition, as we have seen, the day begins at sunset (La Farge 1947; Lincoln 1942). It follows that the Maya New Years Day recorded by Landa began at sunset in Merida, which is midnight in Greenwich and the beginning of a new European calendar day. Thus the Long Count must be subtracted from a Julian Day Number one digit higher to yield a correlation of 584284 rather than 584283. 16 Nor is it possible to invoke a second leap year to bring them into alignment. To say that Landa got his New Year date before the leap year in 1548 is not tenable because Landa did not arrive in Yucatan until 1549.

11 Kawak 12 Kan 13 Muluk 1 Ix 2 Kawak 3 Kan 4 Muluk 5 Ix

1 Pop 1 Pop 1 Pop 1 Pop 1 Pop 1 Pop 1 Pop 1 Pop

(17 July 1552) (17 July 1553) (17 July 1554) (17 July 1555) (16 July 1556) (16 July 1557) (16 July 1558) (16 July 1559)

Figure 15. The effect of the leap years in 1556 on New Years Day (1 Pop) in the Colonial-era Maya calendar. The European calendar dates are per the 584286 correlation. The Long Counts are based on the assumption that the Long Count changed with the haab in the Classic period.

do so. We follow Thompson in finding it plausible that it was another informant at another time who answered Landas question, On what day of the Christian calendar does your New Year fall? We suggest that the other time in question was any of the years 1556, 1557, 1558, or 1559, when the answer would have been the 16th of July. Figure 15 shows that Maya New Years Day would have fallen on July 16 in all four of those years in the 584286 correlation. In the previous four, including 1553, it had fallen on July 17. Figure 16 shows the effect of extending the Maya Long Count forward from the date of the eclipse at Poco Uinic to July 17, 1553. This results in a correlation of 584286 in the scenario where the Long Count aligns with the tzolkin. Figure 17 shows it aligning instead with the haab, in which case two correlations are possible: 584286 for the hours between sunrise and sunset, and 584287 for the hours between sunset and sunrise. That Maya New Years Day fell on July 17 in the year 1553 is attested by another important Colonial-era source. Pedro Snchez de Aguilar, grandson of one of the first Spanish colonists of Yucatan, wrote a book arguing for the legal rights of the priesthood in the suppression

Greenwich: MIDNIGHT Merida: SUNSET



July 17 (Greenwich) JDN 2288489 July 18 (Greenwich) JDN 2288490 July 17 (Merida) July 18 (Merida) 11 Akbal 0 Pop 11 Akbal 1 Pop
(MDN 1704203) 12 Kan 1 Pop

(MDN 1704204)

12 Kan 2 Pop

JDN 2288490 - MDN 1704204 = 584286

Figure 16. The Classic system (with the Long Count changing at sunset) extended to July 17, 1553.


Exploring the 584286 Correlation


July 17 (Greenwich) JDN 2288489 July 18 (Greenwich) JDN 2288490 July 17 (Merida) July 18 (Merida) 11 Akbal 0 Pop 11 Akbal 1 Pop 12 Kan 1 Pop
(MDN 1704203) 12 Kan 2 Pop

(MDN 1704204)

2288489 - 1704203 = 584286

2288490 - 1704203 = 584287

Figure 17. The Classic system (with the Long Count changing at sunrise) extended to July 17, 1553.

of idolatry in which he interspersed observations on native customs (Houston et al. 2001:39). Thompson (1950:307) considered him to be an independent source for the Maya years having started with the first of Pop in mid-July. Snchez de Aguilar was more specific than that: he wrote that the first of Pop corresponded to 17th of July (Snchez de Aguilar 2001[1639]:39). The premise motivating this paper is that if a solar eclipse is set to 5 Kib 14 Chen on Poco Uinic Stela 3and we hope to have bolstered the epigraphic case for that interpretationthen neither of the currently favored 584283 or 584285 correlations can be correct. The only value that would connect the Classic Maya and European calendars would be 584286. This much has been appreciated since the 1930s, but the idea has failed to gain any support because it seemed consistent neither with modern-day highland calendars nor the evidence left to us by Landa. What we suggest here is that the modern highland count of days cannot be made to correlate with the Classic inscriptions and that Landa can be understood within a 584286 correlation. If we have successfully demonstrated a proper understanding of Classic Period calendrics in this study then only a 584286 correlation is possible and there is no discrepancy between the Classic and Colonial sequence of days.

Baaijens, Thijs 1995 The Typical Landa Year as the First Step in the Correlation of the Maya and the Christian Calendar. Mexicon 17(3):50-51. Bricker, Harvey M., and Victoria R. Bricker 2011 Astronomy in the Maya Codices. Memoirs 265. American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. Gates, William, trans. and ed. 1937 Yucatan Before and After the Conquest by Friar Diego de Landa, with Other Related Documents, Maps and Illustrations. Translated with notes by William Gates. Maya Society, Baltimore. Goodman, Joseph T. 1905 Maya Dates. American Anthropologist 7(4):642-647. Washington, D.C. Houston, Stephen, Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos, and David Stuart, eds. 2001 The Decipherment of Ancient Maya Writing. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. Hull, Kerry 2000 Cosmological and Ritual Language in Chorti. Report to the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. Available: www.famsi. org/reports/99036/index. Kelley, David Humiston 1976 Deciphering the Maya Script. University of Texas Press, Austin. La Farge, Oliver 1947 Santa Eulalia: The Religion of a Cuchumatn Indian Town. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Lincoln, J. Steward 1942 The Maya Calendar of the Ixil of Guatemala. Contributions to American Anthropology and History 7(38):97-128. Publication 528. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C.


The authors wish to express their gratitude for the assistance and suggestions of Anthony Aveni, Barbara Fash, John Justeson, Barbara MacLeod, Stephen Houston, Peter Mathews, David Stuart, George Stuart, and Marc Zender. Any errors or misinterpretations are, of course, our own.


Aveni, Anthony F. 1980 Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico. University of Texas Press, Austin.


Martin and Skidmore

Lounsbury, Floyd 1978 Maya Numeration, Computation, and Calendrical Astronomy. In Dictionary of Scientific Biography 15, edited by Charles C. Gillispie, pp. 759-818. Charles Scribners Sons, New York. Malmstrm, Vincent 1999 An Observation on Correlating the Mesoamerican and European Calendars. Electronic document, available: www.dartmouth.edu/~izapa/correlation.html. Martin, Simon 2005 The Mesoamerican Flood: Myth and Metaphor. Paper presented at the 10th European Maya Conference, The Maya and their Neighbors, University of Leiden. Martnez Hernndez, Juan 1926 Paralelismo entre los calendarios maya y azteca. Su correlacin con el calendario juliano. Compana Tipogrfica Yucateca, Merida. Mathews, Peter 2001[1979] Notes on the Inscriptions on the Back of Dos Pilas Stela 8. In The Decipherment of Ancient Maya Writing, edited by Stephen Houston, Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos, and David Stuart, pp. 394-418. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. Miller, Mary, and Simon Martin 2004 Courtly Art of the Ancient Maya. Thames and Hudson, New York. Morley, Sylvanus Griswold 1920 The Inscriptions at Copan. Publication 219. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C NASA 2012 Total Solar Eclipse of 790 July 16. eclipse.gsfc.nasa. gov/SEsearch/SEsearchmap.php?Ecl=07900716. Pagden, A. R., ed. and trans. 1975 The Maya: Diego de Landas Account of the Affairs of Yucatn. J. Philip OHara, Chicago. Prager, Christian M., and Frauke Sachse 2009 Appendix 2: Notes on the Correlation of Maya and Gregorian Calendars. In Maya Daykeeping: Three Calendars From Highland Guatemala, by John M. Weeks, Frauke Sachse, and Christian M. Prager, pp. 176-184. University Press of Colorado, Boulder. Proskouriakoff, Tatiana, and J. Eric S. Thompson 1947 Maya Calendar Round Dates Such as 9 Ahau 17 Mol. Notes on Middle American Archaeology and Ethnology 79. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Cambridge, MA.

Snchez de Aguilar, Pedro 2001[1979] Informe contra indolorum cultores del obispado de Yucatn (excerpt). In The Decipherment of Ancient Maya Writing, edited by Stephen Houston, Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos, and David Stuart, pp. 39-40. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. Stuart, David 2004a The Entering of the Day: An Unusual Date from Northern Campeche. Mesoweb: www.mesoweb.com/ stuart/notes/EnteringDay.pdf. 2004b New Year Records in Classic Maya Inscriptions. The PARI Journal 5(2):1-6. Available: www.mesoweb.com/ pari/journal.html Stuart, George 1988a Glyph Drawings from Landas Relacin: A Caveat to the Investigator. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 19:23-28. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C. Available: www.mesoweb.com/bearc/cmr/19.html. 1988b A Landa Bibliography. In Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 18-19:29-32. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C. Available: www.mesoweb.com/ bearc/cmr/19.html. 2007 Landa, Diego de. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilizations of Mexico and Central America, edited by Davd Carrasco, v. 2, pp. 99100. Oxford University Press, New York. Teeple, John E. 1930 Maya Astronomy. Preprint of Contributions to American Archaeology 1(2):29-115. Publication 403. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C. 1931 Maya Astronomy. Contributions to American Archaeology 1(2):29-115. Publication 403. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C. Available: www. mesoweb.com/publications/CAA/02.html. Thompson, J. Eric S. 1927 A Correlation of the Mayan and European Calendars. Anthropological Series 17(1). Publication 241. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. Available: www.mesoweb.com/publications/Thompson/ Thompson1927.html. 1935 Maya Chronology: The Correlation Question. Contributions to American Archaeology 3(14):51-104. Publication 456. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C. Available: www.mesoweb.com/ publications/CAA_14/index.html. 1950 Maya Hieroglyphic Writing: Introduction. Publication 589. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C. Available: www.mesoweb.com/publications/ Thompson/Thompson1950.html.


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