Bodea Chapter One
Bodea Chapter One
Bodea Chapter One
Pricing Segmentation and Analytics Copyright Business Expert Press, LLC, 2012. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other except for brief quotations, not to exceed 400 words, without the prior permission of the publisher. First published in 2012 by Business Expert Press, LLC 222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017 ISBN-13: 978-1-60649-257-4 (paperback) ISBN-13: 978-1-60649-258-1 (e-book) DOI 10.4128/9781606492581 A publication in the Business Expert Press Marketing Strategy collection Collection ISSN: 2150-9654 (print) Collection ISSN: 2150-9662 (electronic) Cover design by Jonathan Pennell Interior design by Scribe Inc. First edition: January 2012 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in the United States of America.
Pricing analytics uses historical sales data with mathematical optimization to set and update prices offered through various channels in order to maximize profit. A familiar example is the passenger airline industry, where a carrier may sell seats on the same flight at many different prices. Pricing analytics practices have transformed the transportation and hospitality industries and are increasingly important in industries as diverse as retail, telecommunications, banking, health care, and manufacturing. The aim of this book is to guide students and professionals on how to identify and exploit pricing opportunities in different business contexts. The first chapter looks at pricing from an economists viewpoint, beginning with the basic concept of pricing analytics and what type of data are needed to use this powerful science. Next, the common assumptions regarding the customer populations willingness-to-pay are discussed along with the price-response functions that result from this assumption. From the price-response functions, we show how to estimate price elasticity and how it differs at the product, firm, and industry levels as well as in the short term versus long term. Basic price optimization techniques are then explored. The second chapter looks at these same topics but from a more practical standpoint, with examples provided from several industries and organizations. The third chapter is on dynamic pricing, with a special emphasis on the most common application: markdown pricing. Similar to the first two chapters, both the theory and the application aspects will be covered. The fourth chapter covers the new field of customized pricing analytics, where a firm responds to a request-for-bids or request-for-proposals with a customized price response. In this situation, the firm only has historical win/loss data, and traditional methods involving price elasticity do not apply. The pricing analytics methodology is described in a step-bystep process from an actual application. The final chapter covers the relevant aspects of behavioral science to pricing. Examples include the asymmetry of joy/pain that customers feel in response to price decreases/increases. A set of best pricing practices are provided based on these behavioral responses. Finally, the appendices
contain more details on the commonly used tool of logistic regression and the open source statistical software environment R.
Segmentation, revenue management, price optimization, price elasticity, promotions, pricing
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Theory of Pricing Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 The Practice of Pricing Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Dynamic Pricing and Markdown Optimization . . . . . . 61 Pricing in Business-to-Business Environments . . . . . . . 85 Customer Behavior Aspects of Pricing . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Appendix A Dichotomous Logistic Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Appendix B Pricing Analytics Using R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
I would like to thank my coauthors, colleagues, and students who have helped me learn and explore this exciting topic. Special thanks goes to my wife Kathy, and daughters Grace and Tate, for their love, encouragement, and support. Mark Ferguson I would like to thank my coauthors and former colleagues at InterContinental Hotels Group and Predictix for offering me the opportunity to work with them. I would also like to acknowledge the debt I owe to my familyI have become who I am because of them. Tudor Bodea
To all those who inspired and believed in us we are grateful for all your support.
ChAPTer 1
sold through a retail store. We cover more specific applications of pricing analytics such as dynamic pricing, markdown pricing, and customized B2B pricing in later chapters. We also save our discussion of the important topic of behavioral responses to pricing for a later chapter. While it is often difficult to apply the techniques described in this chapter directly, a good understanding of the theory behind pricing analytics is crucial to successful applications of the techniques described later in the book.
or prices are available at other locations or through other channels. In the previous example, we assumed that the consumer will purchase one of the brands of soda from the store she is currently in. Suppose, however, that the consumer knows that the store across the street sells cans of Pepsi for $0.40. Will the consumer delay the purchase of a can of soda and cross the street to save an extra $0.10? To answer this question, economists have defined a search cost to represent the hassle of searching and purchasing the product from another location or source. Thus the consumer will still purchase the can of Pepsi from the store as long as ($0.90 $0.50) > ($0.90 $0.40 search cost). What makes pricing challenging is that a particular customers utility for products may change over time depending on factors such as the season, the weather, the overall economic climate, or the current competitive environment in our industry. In addition, different consumers typically have different WTPs and different search costs (termed heterogeneous customers in the economics literature), and we seldom have the capability to set a personalized price for each specific consumer. Even if we did have the capability to set customized prices for each specific consumer, they do not make it a practice to tell us what their utilities are for our products. This is rational; consumers recognize that firms that know their maximum WTP for a product can set a specific price for each consumer equal to that consumers maximum WTP. Thus the practice of pricing analytics has evolved to improve upon historical pricing performance while taking into account the realities mentioned earlier.
the trade-offs among prices, costs, and customer response. An overview of this process is shown in Figure 1.1. The approach behind pricing analytics is to formulate pricing problems as constrained optimization problems that can be solved by standard techniques. The following elements are required: A price-response function that describes how customers are expected to respond to our pricing actions An objective function that specifies what we are trying to achieve (maximize profits, meet a market share target, etc.) A set of constraints that limit what we can do (capacity, capital, margin, etc.) The goal of pricing analytics is to provide the right price for every product, for every customer segment, through every channel. For example, it may be better to set a different price for a large-revenue customer in the Northwest who orders from the firm directly than for a smaller customer in the Northeast who orders through a distributor. Some banks will even quote different interest rates to the same customer if she arrives via an online search versus in person at the local branch office. The first step before determining a profit-maximizing price, however, is to determine how customers will react to a price change. This involves the estimation of price-response functions from historical price/demand data.
HistoricalPrice/DemandData The data typically used in a pricing analytics process is historical transaction data that shows how much demand occurred for a given time period, a given location, and a given price. Care must be taken to ensure the accuracy of this dataset before beginning the pricing analytics process. For example, the dataset should be tested for outliers (data points that appear to be statistical anomalies) and each identified outlier should be investigated to determine if it should remain in the dataset. In addition, there is often an issue with incomplete dataset or missing values. There is a long history of research on how to test for outliers and how to handle missing values in statistical estimation projects. Finally, the price/ demand data that most firms have available is sales data, not demand data. This happens when the product is out of stock and demand for the product during the time it is out of stock is not recorded. In such cases, the demand data must be unconstrained before it can be used to estimate price-response functions. Since data integrity is not a focus of this book, we simply offer a warning to the reader to plan on spending a significant portion of the project duration simply extracting, cleaning, and unconstraining the datasets. Additional types of data used for pricing analytics are detailed in Table 2.1. EstimatingandChoosingtheBestPrice- esponseModels R After the historical price/demand data has been extracted and evaluated as a good representation of past consumer demand, it can be used to estimate alternative price-response functions. The reason for estimating alternative functions is because we do not know, a priori, which priceresponse function provides the best representation of consumer demand. The estimation and evaluation of price-response functions is a major component of this book. SetObjectiveFunctionandConstraintsandOptimizethePrice Once a price-response function has been estimated and an objective function and constraints are set, the optimization of the price for each specific market segment is typically straightforward. An optimal price is defined as the price (or set of prices) that results in the best value of
the objective function while the required resources needed to achieve the objective function value remain within the limits specified by the model constraints. A common example of an objective function with constraints is when a firm seeks to find the price that maximizes profits (objective function) given a specific amount of inventory available (constraint). ExecutePricing While it may appear that price execution is a trivial piece of the pricing analytics process, it is often the step where pricing projects break down in practice. A firm may perform exceptionally well on each of the other steps in the process, but if the right prices are not presented to the right set of consumers in the right way, then the entire pricing analytics process will fail to deliver its projected value. While price execution is not a focus of this book, its importance cannot be overestimated. MonitorandEvaluatePerformance As the figure shows, market feedback occurs at two levels. The most immediate feedback is the analysis of alternatives. Here, the effects of the most recent actions should be monitored so that immediate action can be taken if necessary. The second level of feedback updates the parameters of the price-response functions. If the sales of some products are slower than expected, it may indicate that the market is more price responsive than expected and the future market-response curve for that product should be adjusted accordingly. Now that we have briefly explained each of the steps in the pricing analytics process, we next take a deeper look at the price-response functions that serve as the backbone of the price optimization endeavor.
seller as a function of the price offered by that seller (Figure 1.2). This contrasts with the concept of a market demand curve, which specifies how an entire market will respond to changing prices. The distinction is critical because different firms competing in the same market face different price-response functions that are the result of many factors, such as the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns, customer-perceived differences in quality, product differences, and location. Hence, the price-response function may be different even for the same product if the product is sold through different channels or outlets. In a perfectly competitive market, the price response faced by an individual seller is a vertical line at the market price. If the seller prices above the market price, her demand drops to zero. If the seller prices below the market price, her demand is equal to the entire market. In a perfectly competitive market, the seller has no pricing decisionthe price is set by the operation of the larger market. The price-response functions that most companies face are not necessarily linear over the entire price range as shown in Figure 1.2, but they do demonstrate some degree of smooth price response over the entire range of possible prices. As price increases, demand declines until it reaches zero at some satiating price. As price decreases, the demand approaches the maximum market size for that product and location.
Figure1.2.Linearprice- esponsefunction. r
ChoosingtheBestPrice- esponseFunction R When choosing a price-response function to fit to the historical price/ demand data, you are implicitly making assumptions about customer behavior. It is worthwhile to understand these assumptions so that we can judge which candidate price-response function is appropriate for the application. The most important of these assumptions involves the distribution of the consumers WTP. For pricing analytics, we assume that consumers WTP has a known distribution, w(p), across the entire population of consumers. Exactly how consumers WTP is distributed across the potential customer population is an important decision in the pricing analytics process. Figure 1.3 shows a distribution of WTP where consumers are evenly distributed across the entire range of possible prices. Here, P is the maximum price consumers are willing to pay for the product/ service they are requesting. Note that 0 w(p) 1 for all nonnegative values of p. Let D = d(0) be the maximum demand achievable. In concrete terms, D is the sales expected to materialize at a price of zero and reflects the market size. We can derive the price-response function, d(p), from the WTP distribution via d(k) = the demand expected to materialize at a price p = k = the number of people who have WTP greater than price p = k
= D . the area of the WTP distribution to the right of price p = k = D w ( p )dp. For the uniform WTP distribution shown in Figure 1.3, the fraction of the population with WTP p is (P p)/P, or, 1 p/P (see Figure 1.4). Thus the total population with WTP p is d(p) = D D . p/P. It is important to understand what an assumption about the underlying consumer WTP distribution implies. For the uniform WTP distribution depicted in Figure 1.3 and Figure 1.4, this choice of distribution requires that an equal percentage of the total consumer population is willing to purchase a product at every possible price point. If we used this distribution for our Coca-Cola example, and the maximum that anyone is willing to pay for a can of Coke is $5, then a uniform distribution implies that there are just as many consumers who are willing to pay but will pay no more than $5 for a can of Coke as there are consumers who will pay but will pay no more than $1. This is probably not the case for the general population. Most of us would fall in some middle range of WTP rather than be evenly distributed over a broad range of possible prices. Thus perhaps a more plausible WTP distribution assumption is one that groups the largest percentage of the consumers around some mean value, placing very small probabilities at the low- and high-end extremes. Such a distribution is often called a bell-curve distribution as
P k
Figure1.4.DensityofdemandatpricekfromauniformWTP distribution.
shown in Figure 1.5. The reason it is called a bell-curve distribution is because the graph of its probability density function looks like a bell. The normal distribution is the most common of the bell-shaped distributions. If P and k were $20 and $10, respectively, one could interpret the WTP distribution shown in Figure 1.5 as saying that there are few consumers with a maximum WTP of $15 or more for the product represented. On the other hand, there is a large percentage of the consumer population with a maximum WTP between $5 and $15. Now that we have explored a few WTP distribution assumptions, we can explain how the choice of a WTP distribution results in different price-response functions. CommonPrice- esponseFunctions R Choosing and estimating the right price-response function is arguably the most difficult part of any pricing analytics project. In this chapter, we present four commonly used functions. We save for the next chapter a discussion of exactly how to estimate the functions and how to choose the best function.
Figure1.5.DensityofdemandatpricekfromanormalWTP distribution.
Linear Price-response Function The linear price-response function shown in Figure 1.6 can be represented by the same familiar equation used for linear regression: d(p) = D + m . p, (1.1)
where D represents the intercept term, p is the independent variable, and m = D/P is the slope for 0 < p < P. It is commonly used in practice mainly because it is easy to estimate by applying simple linear regression on the historical price/demand data. Constant-Elasticity Price-response Function A second commonly used price-response function is the constantelasticity function, which has a point elasticity (defined in the next section) that is the same at all prices. It is based on exponential WTP distribution. The price-response function is d(p) = C . p, (1.2)
where C > 0 and are parameter values that are estimated by fitting equation (1.2) to the price/demand data. Some sample constant-elasticity price-response functions are shown in Figure 1.7.
Figure1.6.Linearprice- esponsefunction. r
Both linear and constant-elasticity price-response functions are useful for local demand estimation but are often not realistic global priceresponse models. When global demand estimation over the entire range of prices is needed, we need a function that is based on the bell-curve WTP distribution shown in Figure 1.5. The price-response function that results from a bell-curve WTP distribution has a reverse S shape, as shown in Figure 1.8. For price-response curves with a reverse S shape, there are diminishing returns when making large price decreases, as can be seen by the flatness of the curve in Figure 1.8 for prices on the left side of the graph. Similarly, the curve is flat for relatively high prices. Changes in price in the middle range, however, often results in significant changes in demand. One way to think about this is to imagine the population of Coca-Cola and Pepsi drinkers. There is a small segment of very loyal Pepsi or CocaCola drinkers that will not consider the other brand for any difference in price (the extreme left or right parts of the curve), while there is a larger segment of consumers that will change their purchase decision between the two if the price difference is large enough (the middle section of the curve). We will cover two of these reverse S-shaped functions here, the power and the logit functions.
Power Price-response Function The power price-response function is one function with the reverse S shape: d(p) = . D/(p + ), (1.3)
where D > 0, , and are parameter values estimated by fitting equation (1.3) to the price/demand data. The power price-response function is shown for different values of in Figure 1.9. Higher values of represent more price-sensitive markets. As grows larger, the market approaches
Figure1.9.Powerprice- esponsefunctions. r
the perfectly competitive price-response function. Different values of shift the curves left and right along the horizontal price-axis. Logit Price-response Function The second common price-response curve that has a reverse S shape functional form is the logit function: d ( p) = C e a +b p , (1.4)
1 + e a +b p
where C > 0, a, and b are parameter values that are estimated by fitting equation (1.4) to the price/demand data. The shape of the logit function is similar to the shape of the power functions shown in Figure 1.9. One advantage the logit function has over the power function is that it can be estimated using logistics regression, a methodology that is commonly available in most statistical software packages. Table 1.1 summarizes the commonly used price-response functions. The most useful feature of price-response functions is that, once estimated, they can be used to determine the price sensitivity of a product or how demand will change in response to a change in price. In the next section, we look at some ways that price sensitivity is measured.
WTP distribution
Uniform Exponential
d(p) = D + m . p d(p) = C . p
d ( p) =
d ( p) =
D p +
1 + e a +b p
C e a +b p
Figure1.10.Nonlinearprice- esponsecurve. r
While the slope of the price-response function provides a useful measure of price sensitivity, it has a major drawback. The slope of the price-response function depends on the units of measurement being used for both price and demand. Thus slope expressed in gallons/dollar will not be the same as in liters/euro. For this reason, the most common measure of price sensitivity used today is price elasticity. Price elasticity is defined as the ratio of the percentage change in demand to a percentage change in price. Formally, we can write (p1,p2) = (p1 . (d(p2) d(p1)))/((p2 p1) . d(p1)). (1.5)
Here, (p1, p2) is called the arc elasticity as it requires two prices to calculate. Thus the result will depend on both the old price and the new price. An elasticity of 2 means that a 10% increase in price will result in a 20% decrease in demand and an elasticity of 0.6 means that a 10% decrease in price will result in a 6% increase in demand. We can also derive a point elasticity at price p by taking the limit of equation (1.5) as p2 approaches p1: (p) = p . d ' (p)/d(p). (1.6)
The point elasticity is useful as a local estimate of the change in demand resulting from a small change in price.
PropertiesofElasticity Always < 0. The downward-sloping property (the slope of price-response functions is always negative) guarantees that demand always changes in the opposite direction from price. Thus the minus sign on the right-hand side of equation (1.5) guarantees that (p1,p2) < 0. Independent of units. Elasticity of gasoline will be the same measured in gallons/$ or liters/euro. Depends on the price at which it is measured. Low elasticity. || < 1 means consumers are price insensitive. High elasticity. || > 1 means consumers are price sensitive. Depends on time period of measurement. For most products, short-run elasticity is lower than long-run elasticity because buyers have more flexibility to adjust to higher prices in the long run. Depends on level of measurement (see Table 1.2). Industry elasticity may be low but individual product elasticity is always higher. Table 1.3 and Figure 1.11 show some elasticities that have been estimated for various goods and services at the industry level. Some products are very inelasticsalt, for example, is a relatively cheap commodity-type product and customers do not change the amount of salt they purchase very much in response to market price changes. Price elasticities will be different for different market segments. For example, price elasticities are generally higher for the same type of products for coupon users than that for nonusers.
0.80 to 1.00 3.80 4.40
Mountain Dew
Product Petrol4 Residential electricity5 Mean
0.25 0.35 0.41 0.51 0.46 0.48 0.28 0.35 0.35 0.4 0.44 0.64 0.72 0.74 0.85 1.76 0.58 0.68 0.81
Number of observations
46 123 314 124 139 523 368 155 51 141 136 125 337
Length of run
Short run Short run
Residential electricity12
Branded products
Long run
Figure1.11.Estimatedpriceelasticitiesforvariousgoods(absolute values).
The elasticity of the linear price-response function is m . p/(D + m . p), which ranges from 0 at p = 0 and approaches negative infinity as p approaches P. The elasticity of the constant-elasticity price-response function is, wait for it, constant for every price within the range of the function. The elasticity of the logit price-response function is b . p/(1 + e a + b . p). TheImpactofElasticityonRevenue Knowing the elasticity of a product around a certain price point tells us something about how the revenue from the sales of that product will change with small price changes. In particular, if || < 1 (inelastic), raising price will increase revenue; || = 1, revenue is independent of price; || > 1 (elastic), raising price will decrease revenue. Now that we have chosen a WTP distribution, estimated the corresponding price-response function, and estimated the price elasticity, it is finally time to return to our original objectiveto optimize the price so as to maximize profit.
Price Optimization
TheObjectiveFunction Before determining the optimal price, firms must establish their strategic goals, one that specifies what they are trying to accomplish in the market. Examples include maximizing the total profit, maximizing the revenue, meeting some predetermined market share target, or some combination of these three. Normally, we assume that the objective is to maximize total profit: Max Profit ( p ) = Max
p p
( p c ) d ( p).
The total profit as a function of price is hill-shaped, with a single peak, as shown in Figure 1.12. Let p* represent the price that maximizes the total profit. Not surprisingly, the firms profit is negative when the price is below its unit cost of $5.
ThePriceOptimizationProblem A widget-making company sells widgets through a single channel. The unit costs are constant at $5 per widget and the demand is governed by the linear price-response function represented in Figure 1.2: d(p) = 1,000 50 . p. The firms profit as a function of price is Max Profit ( p ) = ( p 5 ) (1, 000 50 p )
= 50 p + 1, 250 p 5, 000. The profit maximizing price is found by taking the derivative of the profit function and setting it to zero. To understand why, refer back to the curve in Figure 1.12. The curve in the graph represents the profit function and the highest point in the curve is where the slope changes from positive to negative. The slope of the curve is found by taking the
derivative of it with respect to price, thus we take the derivative of the profit function and set it equal to zero. Applying this technique to equation (1.8) gives 100p + 1250 = 0, p* = $12.50. Solving equation (1.7), we find p* such that profit(p*) = d(p*)(p* c) + d(p*) = 0. By rearranging the formula, we get the classic economics result: p*d(p*) + d(p*) = cd(p*), marginal revenue = marginal cost. ElasticityandOptimization In the last section, we saw how elasticity can be used to determine if a price change will increase or decrease revenue. Elasticity can also provide guidance on when to lower or raise prices so as to maximize profits. By combining the equation of point elasticity with the condition that the derivative of the profit function should be set equal to zero, we get (p* c)/p* = 1/(p*). (1.9)
The left side of the equation is the margin per unit expressed as a fraction of price, also known as the gross margin ratio. To help illustrate the usefulness of this formulation, consider a seller seeking to maximize her total profit. Under what relative values of her current price, her cost c, and her point elasticity (p) should she raise her price to increase her profit? Under what conditions should she lower her price or keep her price the same? The answers are provided by the following set of rules: (p c)/p = 1/(p) p is optimal (dont change price). (p c)/p < 1/(p) p is too lowprofit can be increased by raising price (gain in per-unit margin > loss in sales). This will always be true when |(p)| < 1.
(p c)/p > 1/(p) p is too highcontribution can be increased by lowering price (gain in sales will outweigh loss in per-unit margin). Note that all rules are local since (p) changes as the price changes. Example A two-liter bottle of Coca-Cola has a short-run elasticity of 3.8. The optimal price is one that provides a margin of (1/3.8) = 26%. The short run elasticity of heroin in Norway has been estimated to be approximately 1.25. The optimal price for dealers should provide a margin of (1/1.25) = 80%. With equation (1.9), we can get the formula for the optimal price of
p* =
( p *) c. 1 + ( p *)
CustomerSegmentationandPriceOptimization Up to this point, we have assumed that the population of consumers differs in its willingness-to-pay but not in its price sensitivities. This assumption is implied when we use only one price-response function to represent all the consumer population. The real value in price optimization, however, often comes from identifying microsegments of consumers who have different price sensitivities (coupon users versus noncoupon users, for example). To find these microsegments, the historical price demand dataset is divided up into possible different segments based on some customer attributes other than price. For example, a dataset may be divided into two groups based on the attribute that a customer belongs to the firms loyalty program or not. Once the dataset is divided into different segments, the data from each segment can then be fit to different price-response functions. There are various ways to test whether the resulting fits of the microsegments to different price-response functions are better than the fit of the entire dataset to a single price-response function. If dividing the dataset into the microsegments does result in better
fits, then prices can be optimized for each segment using their specific price-response function. One example of using price segmentation in the price analytics process has been applied at a grocery store chain. Previous studies have shown that consumers who shop at a grocery store after 5 p.m. on weekdays are generally less price sensitive than consumers who shop on weekdays before 5 p.m. This finding is intuitive as the consumers who are shopping after 5 p.m. are generally working professionals who are on their way home from work and do not bother to comparison shop, while consumers who shop before 5 p.m. consist of homemakers and retired individuals who, conceivably, are more price conscious and have more time to comparison shop. To take advantage of this knowledge, there is a grocery store chain in Texas that raises the prices of almost all items after 5 p.m. on weekdays and lowers them again before opening the next morning. In the rest of this book, we will frequently return to how price segmentation plays a critical part in the pricing analytics process.
Chapter Summary
To summarize this chapter, we began with the ultimate goal: to be able to determine different segments of customers based on their price sensitivities and to optimally set a different price for each segment. To accomplish this objective, pricing analytics theory states that we use historical price/ demand data to measure and test the price elasticity of different segments. Price elasticity is the percentage change in demand for a percentage change in price. Thus larger (negative) values of price elasticity represent price-sensitive segments while smaller (negative) values represent priceinsensitive segments. Once the price elasticity for each customer segment is known, optimizing the price for each segment is straightforward. To estimate price elasticities from historical price/demand data, we must make assumptions about how the maximum willingness-to-pay for a product is distributed over the entire set of potential customers. Different assumptions about the willingness-to-pay distribution result in different price-response functions that will be estimated using the price/demand data. Some price-response functions are simpler and easier to estimate than others, but care must be taken that we are accurately modeling true
buying behavior. Thus it is common to evaluate several potential priceresponse functions on the same set of estimation data (a subset, but not all, of the historical price/demand dataset) to determine which function provides the best fit for the remaining holdout sample. Once a priceresponse function has been selected, price elasticities for each segment can be calculated, statistical significance tests can be performed, and price optimization can be performed for each significant segment.
A additive promotion models, promotion effects estimation, 4752 Agrawal, V., 8992 airline industry, dynamic pricing in, 6366 Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), price elasticity estimation using, 3242 AMR research, markdown optimization by, 71 Analytical Modeling, promotion effects estimation, 4452 anchoring. See reference pricing, customer behavior and Ariely, Dan, 105 automatic markdown system, markdown optimization and, 7083 B bargaining, dynamic pricing and, 6166 Bates, D. M., 111 bell-curve distribution, willingness-topay and, 910 Bernoulli random variable, dichotomous logistic regression model, 112116 bid-response probability functions business-to-business pricing and, 8688 dichotomous logistic regression and, 111 Bloomingdales dynamic pricing practices of, 6466 linear programming and price markdowns and, 7783, linear programming and price markdowns and, 7783 Boyd, D., 8992 business-to-business (B2B) market customer segmentation and historical price/demand data, pricing practices and, 9295 performance measurement of pricing in, 9697 price optimization and, 8889 pricing analytics and, 13, 8599 probability function estimation, pricing analysis, 8992 business-to-consumer (B2C) market one-size-fits-all pricing in, 6266 pricing analytics and, 13, 8588 buyer regret, fairness of pricing perceptions and, 107109 C Carlson Hotels Worldwide, dynamic pricing practices, 6366 clearance events, markdown optimization and, 7083 coefficient estimations, customer segmentation and historical price/ demand data, 9395 confounding problems, promotion effects estimation, 4352 constant-elasticity price-response function, 1112 price elasticity estimation using, 3742 constraints linear programming and price markdowns and, 8183 in pricing analytics, 56
consumer-purchasing decisions, microeconomics view of, 23 consumer search cost, pricing analytics and, 23 consumer utility defined, 23 prospect theory and, 106107 control issues, in pricing initiatives, 42 CoreMatrix LLC, dynamic pricing practices and, 65 critical ratio calculations, economically viable price markdowns, 7476 customer behavior business-to-business pricing and, 8688 fairness of pricing perceptions and, 107109 pricing analytics and, 101110 prospect theory concerning, 105107 reference pricing and, 102105 customer segmentation historical price behavior and, 9295 linear programming and price markdowns and, 7683 markdown optimization and, 6883 price optimization and, 2223 customer surveys, price elasticity estimation using, 3142 customized newsletter campaigns, linear programming and price markdowns and, 8183 customized pricing business-to-business market, 8588 business-to-business price optimization, 9192 demand plot for, 8889 optimization equation and customer segmentation, 9295 optimization package implementation, 9798 D database management systems, R software handling of, 135138
demand multipliers, linear programming and price markdowns and, 8083 demand process, linear programming and price markdowns and, 7883 density of demand, willingness-to-pay and, 910 department store markdowns, markdown optimization and, 6883 dichotomous logistic regression Bernoulli random variable and, 112 estimation techniques, 116118 logit link function and odds ratio, 118119 price analytics and, 111120 quality of fit in, 120 response variables, 113116 discount effects, promotion effects estimation and, 5052 domain expertise, in pricing initiative design, 41 Dominicks Finer Foods case study, promotion effects estimation, 5257 dual entitlement, fairness of pricing perceptions and, 108109 dynamic pricing limitations of, 6566 research background concerning, 6166 E e-businesses dynamic pricing practices and, 6466 markdown optimization by, 7083 economically viable price markdowns, calculation of, 7376 elasticity estimation of, in pricing analytics, 2942 price optimization and, 2122 price sensitivity measurements, 1619 properties of, 1719 revenue impact of, 19
end-of-season percentage inventory, price markdowns on slowmoving items and, 7276 estimation set, performance monitoring of business-to-business (B2B) pricing and, 9697 execution phase, in pricing initiatives, 42 expected profit vs. unit price, customized business-to-business pricing, 9192 expert opinions, price elasticity estimation using, 3142 exponential demand models, linear programming and price markdowns and, 7883 F fairness of pricing, consumer perceptions concerning, 107109 fashion retailers, price markdowns and linear programming for, 7683 Ferguson, M. E., 8992 Filenes Basement, 70 financial services, customized pricing in, 8588 Foekens, E. W., 5253 forecasting techniques, price markdowns on slow-moving items and, 7276 Fox, J., 111 G gains increases, prospect theory and, 106107 goodness-of-fit parameters, probability function estimation, businessto-business pricing, 9092 group-level demand models, linear programming and price markdowns and, 8083 Gymboree, dynamic pricing practices of, 6466 H heterogeneous customers, consumer search cost and, 23
historical price/demand data customer segmentation and, 9295 customized pricing and, 8889 pricing analytics and, 5 holdout set, performance monitoring of business-to-business (B2B) pricing and, 9697 hotel industry, dynamic pricing in, 6366 I incremental sales data, price markdowns on slow-moving items and, 7476 information technology dynamic pricing practices and, 6466 pricing analytics using, 2829 in-season markdown policies, retailers experiments with, 7083 in-store price experiments, price elasticity estimation using, 3542 InterContinental Hotels Group, dynamic pricing practices, 6366 interpersonal comparisons, fairness of pricing perceptions and, 107109 introductory price periods, price markdowns on slow-moving items and, 7176 inventory management markdown optimization and, 6783 price markdowns on slow-moving items and, 7176 inventory proportionality factor, price markdowns on slow-moving items and, 7276 iterative methods, dichotomous logistic regression estimation, 117118 K Kadet, A., 93 Kahneman, Daniel, 105107, 108109 Kamakura, W., 9495
L leftover merchandise, consolidation of, 70 likelihood estimation techniques, dichotomous logistic regression model, 116118 linear price-response function, 6, 11 price elasticity estimation using, 3442 linear programming, price markdowns and, 7683 linear regression techniques dichotomous logistic regression model and, 113116 Dominicks Finer Foods promotion effects case study and, 5557 logistic regression analysis, customer segmentation and historical price/demand data, 9495 logit link function, dichotomous logistic regression, 118119 logit price-response function, 14 business-to-business pricing and, 8688 customer segmentation and historical price/demand data, 9395 dichotomous logistic regression and, 111 performance monitoring of business-to-business (B2B) pricing and, 9697 price elasticity estimation using, 3942 probability function estimation, business-to-business pricing, 8992 log-likelihood function, dichotomous logistic regression model, 117118 log transformation, Dominicks Finer Foods promotion effects case study and, 5560 M Macys, linear programming and price markdowns and, 7683
marginal deal contribution vs. unit price, customized business-tobusiness pricing, 9192 markdown optimization basic principles of, 6783 examples of, 7183 linear programming and, 7683 slow-moving items, 7176 market data, price elasticity estimation using, 3142 market demand curve, price-response function and, 67 market feedback, pricing analytics and, 6 market price, reference price vs., 104105 markups, customer behavior and price optimization and, 102105 maximum likelihood estimation, dichotomous logistic regression model, 116118 microeconomics customer behavior and pricing and, 101102 pricing analytics and, 23 model fit, promotion effects estimation, 5052 multiplicative promotion models Dominicks Finer Foods promotion effects case study and, 5760 promotion effects estimation, 4752 N National Retail Federation, 69 natural log estimations, promotion effects, 4752 nonlinear least square estimation, dichotomous logistic regression and, 111 nonlinear price-response curve, price sensitivity measurements, 16 O objective functions price optimization, 19 pricing analytics and, 56
odds ratio, dichotomous logistic regression, 118119 one-size-fits-all pricing, emergence of, 6266 online price experiments dynamic pricing practices and, 6466 linear programming and price markdowns and, 8083 markdown optimization and, 7083 price elasticity estimation using, 3342 Oracle software, markdown optimization by, 71 out-of-stock (OOS) situations Dominicks Finer Foods case study of promotion effects, 5257 dynamic pricing practices and, 6466 promotion effects estimation errors and, 4352 overperforming items, price markdowns and, 7176 P percent improvement in profits, performance monitoring of business-to-business (B2B) pricing and, 9697 perfectly competitive markets, priceresponse function and, 67 performance monitoring and evaluation business-to-business (B2B) pricing and, 9697 dichotomous logistic regression, 120 markdown optimization and, 7083 pricing analytics and, 6 period-to-period inventory, price markdowns on slow-moving items and, 7276 Phillips, R. L., 8992 point elasticity, price sensitivity measurements, 1619
power price-response function, 13 business-to-business pricing and, 8688 preseason optimal markdown policies, linear programming and price markdowns and, 8283 price decreases, Dominicks Finer Foods promotion effects case study, 5357 price-dependent demand profiles, linear programming and price markdowns and, 8183 price elasticity, estimation of, 2942 price elasticity of demand, estimation of, 3042 price execution, pricing analytics and, 6 price experiments, price elasticity estimation and, 3142, dynamic pricing practices and, 65 price optimization business-to-business pricing and, 8889 customer segmentation and, 2223 customized business-to-business pricing, 9192 defined, 3 elasticity and, 2122 objective function in, 19 procedures for, 56 sample problem, 2021 price plots, Dominicks Finer Foods promotion effects case study, 5357 price-response function basic principles of, 67 business-to-business pricing and, 8688 common models of, 1014 constant-elasticity model, 1112 elasticity estimation and, 3042 linear model, 11 logit model, 14 model estimation and selection, 5 power model, 1314 price elasticity estimation using, 3142
158 Index
price- esponsefunction (continued) r promotioneffectsestimationand, 42 2 5 Rsoftwareapplicationsfor, 141 42 1 1 selectioncriteriafor,8 0 pricesegments,business- o- usiness t b pricingand,86 8 8 pricesensitivitymeasurements,15 9 1 pricinganalytics microeconomicstheoryand,2 3 practicalapplicationof,25 0 6 pricingdecisiondata,25 6 2 proceduresin,3 6 theoreticalbackground,1 4 2 pricingcapabilities,developmentof, 25 8 2 2 pricingdecisiondata,25 6 pricinginitiatives designof,41 motivationandscope,41 testingof,41 2 4 privatelabelbrands,linearprogrammingandpricemarkdownsand, 77 3 8 probabilitydensityfunction, willingness- o- ayand,9 0 t p 1 probabilityfunctionestimation, business- o- usinesspricing, t b 89 2 9 productcustomization business- o- usinesspricingand, t b 87 8 8 markdownoptimizationand,69 3 8 product- roupidentification,linear g programmingandpricemark8 downsand,78 3 product-evelpriceoptimizationand l expectedprofits,Rsoftware applicationsfor,141 42 1 productmodeling,linearprogrammingandpricemarkdownsand, 78 3 8 productrangeflexibility,markdown optimizationand,69 3 8 profitdata,performancemonitoring ofbusiness- o- usiness(B2B) t b pricingand,96 7 9
promotioneffects DominicksFinerFoodscasestudy of,52 7 5 estimationof,42 2 5 referencepricingand,103 05 1 promotionevents,promotioneffects estimationsand,48 2 5 promotionhistory,promotioneffects estimationand,48 2 5 promotionplanningandoptimization (PPO),promotioneffectsestimation,44 2 5 prospecttheory,customerbehavior and,105 07 1 Q quantity,incustomersegmentation andhistoricalprice/demanddata, 95 R rationality,economicmodelsof,prospecttheoryand,105 07 1 referencepricing,customerbehavior and,102 05 1 Refinementprocess,promotioneffects estimation,44 2 5 requests- or- roposals(RFPs), f p business- o- usiness(B2B)mart b 8 ketpricing,85 8 residualplots,dichotomouslogistic regressionmodel,116 responsevariables,dichotomouslogisticregression,113 16 1 retailindustry,markdownoptimizationpracticesin,68 3 8 revenue,elasticitysimpacton,19 revenuemaximizationproblem,linear programmingandpricemark8 downsand,81 3 reverseS- hapedprice- esponsefuncs r tion,13 business- o- usinesspricing,89 2 t b 9 priceelasticityestimationusing, 39 2 4 roadmapmodelofpricinganalytics, 26 9 2
R software package common objects in, 127132 external file handling guidelines, 135138 installation guidelines, 122124 language and environment with, 121122 price elasticity estimation and, 3042 pricing analytics applications, 121, 140142 script operations, 138139 technical support for, 126127 user guidelines for, 124126 writing functions in, 132135 R-squared index, price elasticity estimation using, 3242 S Safeway, dynamic pricing practices and, 6466 Saks Fifth Avenue, linear programming and price markdowns and, 7783 sales force customization, business-tobusiness pricing and, 8788 sales plots, Dominicks Finer Foods promotion effects case study, 5357 SAS software, price elasticity estimation and, 3042 scope creep, in pricing initiatives, 41 screen-scraping, reference pricing and, 104105 Sears Holdings Corporation, 69 seasonal goods retailers, markdown optimization and, 6783 seasonal targeting Dominicks Finer Foods promotion effects case study, 5457 promotion effects estimation and, 4352, linear programming and price markdowns and, 7783 slow-moving items, price markdowns and, 7176
special events, Dominicks Finer Foods promotion effects case study and, 5457 Stata software, price elasticity estimation and, 3042 static pricing, modern shift to, 6266 statistical software, price elasticity estimation and, 3042 style retailers, markdown optimization and, 6783 summary statistics, promotion effects estimation, 5052 T Tealeaf Technology Inc., dynamic pricing practices and, 65 technology, pricing analytics using, 2629 testing methods, in pricing initiatives, 4142 test statistic, dichotomous logistic regression quality of fit, 120 time-dependent attributes, markdown optimization and, 6883 time-series forecasting, probability function estimation, business-tobusiness pricing, 9092 timing effects, promotion effects estimation, 4452 Tversky, Amos, 105107 U underperforming items, price markdowns and, 7176 unit prices customized business-to-business pricing, 9192 Dominicks Finer Foods promotion effects case study, 5357 price markdowns on slow-moving items and, 7476 unoptimized actual profit, performance monitoring of business-to-business (B2B) pricing and, 9697 unoptimized expected profit, performance monitoring of businessto-business (B2B) pricing and, 9697
160 Index
UPS, customized pricing practices of, 85 V Validation process, promotion effects estimation, 4452 variable pricing, history of, 6162 W Walker, J., 72 Wal-Mart, dynamic pricing practices and, 6466 Watts, D. G., 111 Wedel, M., 9495 weekly sales rates, linear programming and price markdowns and, 8083
willingness-to-pay (WTP) consumer-purchasing decisions and, 2 consumer search cost and, 3 price-response function selection and, 810 price sensitivity measurements, 1519 win/loss data, probability function estimation, business-to-business pricing, 9092 within-group product identification, linear programming and price markdowns and, 7883 Wolfe, H. B., 73