Report On Compression
Report On Compression
Report On Compression
Compression is the process of applying pressure to a material. In pharmaceutical tableting an appropriate volume of granules in a die cavity is compressed between an upper and a lower punch to consolidate the material into a single solid matrix, which is subsequently ejected from the die cavity as an intact tablet. Compaction of powders is the general term used to describe the situation in which these materials are subjected to some level of mechanical force. In the pharmaceutical industry, the effects of such forces are particularly important in manufacture of tablets and granules, in the filling of hard-shell gelatin capsules, and in powder handling in general. The physics of compaction may be simply stated as the compression and consolidation of two phases (particulate solid and gas) systems due to the applied forces. Consolidation is an increase in mechanical strength of the material resulting from particleparticle interaction.
Fig 1
2. Angle of Repose:
It is the maximum angle that can be obtained between freestanding surface of a powder heap and the horizontal plane.
Such measurements give at least a qualitative assessment of the internal cohesive and frictional effects under low levels of external loading, as might apply in powder mixing, or in tablet die or capsule shell filling operations. Angle of Repose <25 25-30 30-40 >40 Type of Flow Excellent Good Passable Very Poor
3. Flow Rates:
A simple indication of the ease with which a material can be induced to flow is given by application of a compressibility index (I) given by the equation: [ ]
Where, v is the volume occupied by a sample of the powder after being subjected to a standardized tapping procedure, and vo is the volume before tapping.
Flow Excellent Good Fair to passable Poor Very Poor Very very Poor
The relative volume decreases and tends toward unity as all the air is eliminated from the mass. This phenomenon occurs in compressional processed such as tableting. Porosity is the another parameter which is often selected to monitor the progress of compression. [ Methods to measure the volume of powder Helium Pycometer Liquid displacement method (Specific gravity bottle method) ]
The ratio of mass to volume is known as the density of the material. Three different densities for powdered solids, based on the following ratios, may be defined. 1. 2. 3. Where M is the mass of the sample. Relative density is given as During compressional processes, relative density increases to a maximum of unity when all air spaces have been eliminated.
When external mechanical forces are applied to a powder mass, there is normally a reduction in its bulk volume as a result of one or more of the following effects. a. Repacking: the onset of loading is usually accompanied by closer repacking of the powder particles. It is the main mechanism of initial volume reduction as shown in the figure below. b. Particle Deformation: As the load increases, rearrangement becomes more difficult and further compression involves particle deformation. Elastic Deformation: if on removal of the load, the deformation is to a large extent spontaneously reversible then the deformation is said to be elastic. For e,g, Acetylsalicylic acid, MCC etc Plastic Deformation: if an elastic limit or yield point is reached and load above this level result in deformation not easily reversible on removal of applied force, then such deformation is said to be plastic. c. Brittle Fracture: when the shear strength is greater, particles may be preferentially fractured, and the smaller fragments then help to fill up any adjacent air space. This is known as Brittle fracture and it occurs in hard, brittle particles. For e.g Sucrose. d. Microsquashing: Irrespective of the behavior of large particles of the material, small particles may deform plastically. This process is known as Microsquashing. Hence the proportion of fine powder in a sample may be significant.
When the surface of two particles approach each other closely enough (e.g at a separation of less than 50 nm , their free surface energies result in strong attractive force, which is known as Cold welding. This is supposed to be a reason for increasing the mechanical strength of a bed of powder when subjected to rising compressive forces. Fusion bonding is caused due to generation of considerable frictional heat when any applied load to the bed is transmitted through the particle contacts. This fusion bonding also increases the mechanical strength of the mass. In both cold and fusion welding, the process is influenced by several factors, including, The chemical nature of the materials The extent of the available surface The presence of surface contaminants The intersurface distances
Fig 4: The effect of increasing compressional force on specific surface area of powder. When a powder mass is subjected to increasing compressional force there is initial particle fracture, which gives rise to increase in surface area (from O to A). At point A, particle rebonding occurs, causing decrease in surface area
Role of Moisture:
Moisture concentration well below the 1% level can dramatically affect the behavior of the feed materials and that of the finished products. As little as 0.02% moisture can affect the proportion of the applied force transmitted to the lower punch, and at 0.55% moisture, the behavior is actually the reverse of that for totally dry material.
III. Decompression:
As the applied force is removed, a new set of stresses within the tablet gets generated as a result of elastic recovery. The tablet must be mechanically strong enough to accommodate these stress, otherwise the structure failures occur. The degree and rate of relaxation within the tablet is the characteristic of a particular blend. Recording of this phase provides insights into tableting problems. For example, if the degree and rate of elastic recovery are high, the tablet may cap or laminate. If the tablet undergoes brittle fracture during decompression, the compact may form failure planes as a result of fracturing of surfaces. Tablets that do not cap or laminate are able to
relieve the stresses by plastic deformation. Since the plastic deformation is time dependant,stress relaxation is also time dependant. The tablet failure is affected by rate of decompression (machine speed). Addition of a plastically deforming agent (e.g., PVP, MCC) is advisable to reduce the risk of such structure failures.
IV. Ejection:
The last stage in compression cycle is ejection from die. Ejection phase also requires force to break the adhesion between die wall and compact surface and other forces needed to complete ejection of tablet. Radial die wall forces and die wall friction also affect the ease with which the compressed tablet can be removed from the die. The force necessary to eject a tablet involves the distinctive peak force required to initiate ejection, by breaking of die walltablet adhesion. The second stage involves the force required to push the tablet up the die wall, and the last force is required for ejection. Variation in this process are sometimes found when lubrication is inadequate and a slip-stick condition occurs between the tablets and die wall, with continuing formation and breakage of tablet diewall adhesion. Heat is generated during ejection as a result of friction from shear between the compact and the die wall, and absorption of this heat can aid in bond formation. The shear forces during ejection can produce additional plastic flow and afford consolidation not achieved during the compaction event. Lubrication usually assists in reducing the ejection forces, however it also has the negative effect on compact strength because of reduction in cohesion characteristics. The unequal stress exerted on the compact during ejection can cause stress planes that break bonds and result in compact capping or laminating.
iii. iv. v.
Work that is required to induce elastic or plastic deformation Work required to cause brittle fracture within the material Work associated with mechanical operation of various machine parts.
Then, Where,
WF = workdone in overcoming the friction depends upon properties of tablet mass WN = Net mechanical energy actually required to form the tablet WD = Elastic deformation energy that is stored in the tablet.
Fig 6: Multi station Tablet Press It is also called multi station tablet press. The steps involved are: Over fill Corrected Fill Compression Ejection
Multi station presses are termed rotary because the head of the machine that holds the upper punches, dies and lower punches in place rotates. As the head rotates the tablet granulation runs from the hopper through the feed frame into the dies. Feed frame promotes a uniform fill of the
die. Compression takes place as the upper and lower punches pass between a pair of rollers. The up and down movement of the punches are guided by fixed cam tracks. The portion of the head that holds the upper and lower punches are called upper and lower turrets and the portion holding the dies is called the die table. At the start of a compression cycle, granulation from the hopper empties into the feed frame (A), which has several interconnected compartments. These compartments spread the granulation over a large area to provide time for the dies (B). Pull down cam (C) guides the lower punches to bottom of their vertical travel, allowing the die to the cam (E), which reduces the fill in the dies to the desired amount. A wipe-off blade (D) at the end of the feed frame removes the excess granulation and backs it into the front of the feed frame. Next, the lower punch travels over the lower compression roll (F) and upper punches rides below the upper compression roll (G) The upper punch enters a fixed distance into the dies, while the lower punches are raised and hence compacts the granulation within the dies. To regulate the upward movement of the lower punches, the height of the pressure roll is changed. After compression, the upper punches are withdrawn by upper punch raising cam (H) and lower punch ride up by the cam (I), which brings the tablet above the surface of the dies. The tablets strike a sweep off blade attached at the front of the feed frame and slide down to the receiver. At the same time, the lower punch re-enters the pull down cam (C) and cycle is repeated.
compress well. Lamination could also occur due to defects in the machinery, such as deep concave punches, claw formation in the punch, ring formation in the die wall. These problems could be remedied by precompression, by slowing the tabletting rate, or by using flat punches. Adding a taper into the die will also help eliminate lamination. Punch head flat diameter is often overlooked. As punches wear, the punch head flat usually becomes smaller and smaller and worn. Dies (dies with a wear ring) will make the tablet split during ejection which gives the tablet the appearance that capping has occurred (replace the dies). Cams are made of Phosphor Bronze, Teflon and OHNS. This Phosphor Bronze is a special grade PB2 with excel lent lubricating characteristics, longer life and more acoustic absorbency, when compared with the normally available PB2 Grade bronze. Constant Amount Feeder has special paddles to take up greater volume with better powder traction ability.
compression. With the old tooling, air escapes more quickly so particle to- particle bonding is more likely. Sticking occurs when granules attach themselves to the faces of tablet press punches. Picking is a more specific term that describes product sticking only within the letters, logos, or designs on the punch faces. Regardless whether it's sticking or picking, the result is a defective tablet. Sticking and picking can be prevented by appropriate use of lubricants and binders.
3. Mottling:
It is an unequal distribution of colors on a tablet with light and dark areas on tablet surface. This could be due to use of a drug whose color differs from that of the tablet excipients, or use of a drug whose dehydration products are colored. Colorants or dry colour additives could be added to remedy the problem. Alternately, the solvent system could also be changed if necessary.
4. Hardness Variation:
Hardness depends on the weight of materials and space between upper and lower punch at the moment of compression. If the volume of materials and distance between the punches varies, hardness also alters.
5. Double Impression:
This involves only punches that have monogram or engraving. If the monogram is present in upper punch, slight rotation of punch after precompression produces double impression. If monogram present in lower punch after compression is over lowered punch moves slightly downward to free the tablet and produces double impression. This problem can be overcome by using non-rotating cam track.
6. Weight Variation:
Variation of tablet weight also causes variation of active medicament which changes the bioavailability.
Causes: (a) Granule size & size distribution: Variations in the ratio of small to large granules and difference in granule size determines how the void spaces between particles are filled. Since volume of die cavity remains same, different proportions of large and small particles may change the weight of fill in each die. (b) Poor Flow: The die fill process is based on a continuous and uniform flow of granules from the hopper through the feed frame. When the granulation does not flow uniformly some dies are incompletely filled. Dies are also not filled properly when machine speed is in excess of granulations flow capability. With poor flow the addition of a glidant such as talcum or colloidal silica may be helpful. Cams are made of Phosphor Bronze, Teflon and OHNS. This Material of Construction of various cams are carefully chosen to take into consideration the forces acting on the punch head.
1. Exchangeable Turret:
Initial emphasis of innovation was on reducing the amount of time for machine cleaning and product changeover. The first significant change was the exchangeable turret introduced to the market by Fette in the early 1990s. The entire turret, including punches and dies, can be easily removed from the machine and replaced with a duplicate turret. Benefits of Exchangeable turret: Offers great flexibility with regard to tooling types that can be used in the same machine
Limitations: The complex inside of the tablet press still needed to be cleaned.
Therefore, openness of structure and accessibility were further improved by Korsch in its XL ranges.
IX. Recommendations:
Pharmaceutical Industry can achieve increase in operational efficiency through higher speeds, faster cleaning and product changeover, and fully automatic unmanned operation. Flexibility should also be developed further as the complexity of tablets increases, with the emergence of special tablets, such as multiple-layer tablets and core-coated tablets. But most of all, future developments should focus on advanced process control to guarantee improved and constant tablet quality. This is one of the basic requirements to help realise two crucially important new concepts, which will shape the future of solid dosage production: continuous processing and real-time release. The implementation of new control strategies and the implementation of new types of sensors into tablet presses are vital means to this end. All the advancements in tablet compression machine should result in tablet of high quality, desired hardness, friability, weight, disintegration and finally dissolution. With the advent of promising new devices such as NIR sensors, progress is being made, but these are just the early stages of the new developments that are required.
X. Summary:
Compaction is an integral step for the manufacture of tablets, and it is pertinent to understand the underlying physics of compaction. Complete understanding of compaction physics still eludes us, many variables such as inherent deformation behavior of drugs/excipients, solid-state properties, and process parameters are known to affect the final attributes of tablets. A due consideration to the variables of compaction process, can aid a pharmaceutical scientist to design optimum formulation devoid of problems such as capping, lamination, picking, and sticking. Availability of sophisticated tableting instrumentations has catalyzed the understanding of process, and the generation of compaction profiles such as force-time profile, force-displacement profile, and pressure porosity relationships can help in deciphering the dynamics of the process. The compactibility of the drugs, especially in case of high dose systems, is critical for successful manufacturing of tablets. An appreciation of the contribution of tableting excipients to the compaction behavior of the tablet-matrix can enable science-based selection of excipients. Similarly, optimization of process parameters such as granulation, moisture content, and rate and magnitude of force transfer, can help in achieving satisfactory tensile strength and desired biopharmaceutical properties in tablet drug products.
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