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Policies - Child Protection

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St Thomas Becket Catholic College CHILD PROTECTION POLICY

Person/s Responsible: Tim Whitney (Assistant Headteacher & Designated Senior Person), John Firth (Assistant head teacher & Deputy Designated Senior Person) & Paddy Kiernan (Senior Teacher & Child Protection Officer), Karen Jones (Child Protection Officer) and Carol Tattersfield (Child Protection Officer).

April 2012

MISSION STATEMENT To develop the potential of every individual by providing the best education through experience of a Catholic Christian Community within which all members may grow in faith. AIMS To develop the faith of every member of the College Community by making prayer, worship, and liturgy meaningful educational experiences. To be open and welcoming, and to build close working relationships with parents, parishes, primary colleges and other partners in the education of our pupils. To ensure that our curriculum provides a Catholic, Christian framework within which every individual is encouraged to realise her or his full potential in preparation for adult life. To ensure that all relationships in the college provide each individual with experience of his or her dignity, value and uniqueness. To provide pastoral care for all members of the College Community based on Christs example. To raise standards of individual pupil, and whole-college, achievement. Growing together in Christ. Living and Learning in Gods Love.


Contents 1. Introduction 2. College commitment 3. Framework 4. Roles and responsibilities 5. Procedures 6. Allegations against members of staff 7. Training and support 8. Confidentiality and recording 9. Supporting children at risk 10. Safe College, safe staff

1.1 1.2 This Policy represents a commitment by the Governing Body and Staff team to the safeguarding and protection of children, throughout the College. The policy also extends to outside agencies that use the College, and it is expected that they have their own Child Protection policy or they adopt the Colleges policy. St Thomas Becket Catholic College fully recognises the contribution it can make in protecting, supporting and promoting the welfare of children in the College. The Governing Body and staff team are committed to ensuring that children are safe to learn and develop in our College setting, that child protection practice is effective and that procedures are followed. The College staff will make every attempt possible to ensure that children are safe from abuse or harm during their time at the College, and will be vigilant in their observations of children who may be exhibiting signs or symptoms of harm and take appropriate action with the aim of making sure they are kept safe both at home and in our College setting. This policy is in line with and complies with the following legislation, statutory guidance, and local safeguarding children board procedures. These are as follows: Education Act 2002 Children Act 2004 Working Together to Safeguard Children (2010) What to do if you are worried a child is being abused (2006) West Yorkshire Consortium Procedures It is recognised that children can be at risk from abuse in their own home by people they know well, in institutions and from strangers. The principles contained in this Policy promote the five Every Child Matters, priority outcomes for children, reflecting the understanding that children are less likely to achieve these outcomes if they are experiencing abuse: Being Healthy Staying Safe Enjoying and Achieving Making a Positive Contribution Achieving Economic Well Being There are three main elements to the Colleges Child Protection Policy: 1. Prevention This applies to a positive atmosphere in the College, the curriculum and support and awareness raising for children and parents through, amongst other things, lessons and assemblies. 2. Protection By following agreed procedures, ensuring that the recruitment and selection of staff is thorough and appropriate and staff are trained and supported to respond appropriately and sensitively to child protection concerns. 3. Support This applies to the effective supervision and management of staff and the support given to staff, children and parents in situations of abuse.


1.4 1.5


2.1 2.2 The College staff recognise that, for young children, high self-esteem, confidence, trusted adults and positive behaviour approaches, aids prevention. The College will therefore: Establish and maintain an ethos where children feel secure and are listened to and encouraged to talk. Provide a curriculum, which is appropriate to the childrens understanding and addresses issues of assertiveness, self-esteem and positive behaviour, and promotes the ECM outcomes for children. Ensure that the environment welcomes the contributions of parents and establishes open and effective working relationships and partnerships. Ensure that every effort will be made to establish effective working relationships with other agencies and professionals, in line with the national framework, Working Together to Safeguard Children revised 2010 .

3. FRAMEWORK 3.1 The College does not operate in isolation; child protection is the responsibility of all adults and especially those working with children.

3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

The development of appropriate procedures and the monitoring of good practice are the responsibilities of the Wakefield & District Safeguarding Children Board (WDSCB) See flowchart at the end of policy. The WDSCB has a membership of multi-agency representatives whose task is to develop policy and procedure for all the agencies involved in the protection of children, i.e. Health, Family Services (Social care), Education, Police, Probation, NSPCC, and Legal services. The policy and procedures, which relates to each Department, can be found online at West Yorkshire Interagency Safeguarding Procedures (see 4.6 of this policy). The Colleges policy has been written in accordance with the local and national framework. Children may attend the College who are subject to a formal Child Protection Plan because they are at risk of significant harm; that is where the child can be shown to have suffered ill-treatment or impairment of health or development as a result of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect, and professional judgement is that further illtreatment or impairment are likely; or Professional judgement, substantiated by the findings of enquiries in this individual case or by research evidence, is that the child is likely to suffer ill-treatment or the impairment of health or development as a result of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect.


4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 All adults working with, or on behalf of children have a responsibility to protect them. There are, however, key people within the College and the Local Authority Family Services, who have specific responsibilities under Safeguarding Children procedures. Where possible the College works in a preventive way to assist families to protect children. Where children are subject to a Child Protection Plan, the College staff will be pro-active in their efforts to work alongside families in order to ensure a safe environment for those children. The Head teacher has overall responsibility for Child Protection. The heads role is to liaise with parents and the Family Services (Social Care) on matters of abuse, develop in-house policies and support staff in their development relating to child protection issues. (Names of designated workers can be found separately at the back of this policy). The Designated Senior person has a responsibility for attending or selecting someone to attend Child Protection Conferences. The Governing Body will also appoint designated Child Protection Governors who will have an overview of Policy & Procedure, although this person/s may not be involved with individual cases. The College is not an investigating agency and anyone who has a suspicion or knowledge that a child is suffering significant harm or is at risk of significant harm should refer his or her concerns to the designated worker, who will then refer to an investigating agency. (Social Care Direct or Police) The WDSCB procedures set out the appropriate action and procedures to be followed by any agency or individual who has concerns about the welfare of a child. All staff must be aware of these procedures and understand their role. The Procedures are only available on-line as they are continually updated, view at: http://www.proceduresonline.com/westyorkscb (copy and paste link web address) For reasons of confidentiality, details of individual child protection issues will not be shared with the Governing Body or parent representatives, or discussed in any forum at which parent representatives are in attendance.


5. PROCEDURES 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 The College staff will follow the procedures set out in the West Yorkshire Consortium Procedures (WYCP) online version August 2011 All Staff will be made aware of these procedures from the time that they commence employment at the College, they will also be required to familiarise themselves with the Colleges CP policy. Any students or other adults who are in a position to identify concerns will be required to refer to the Colleges and online procedures; child protection will also be on the agenda for discussion as part of their training and supervision. Parents will be informed of Staff responsibilities in relation to child protection and promoting the welfare of children through access to this policy, information contained in the College and college booklets and at new parents meetings.

6. ALLEGATIONS AGAINST STAFF OR OTHER ADULTS WORKING IN THE COLLEGE IN RELATION TO A CHILD. 6.1 6.2 It must be recognised that the abuse of children does occur in environments such as nurseries, schools and residential childrens establishments. It is essential that everyone who works with children must be aware of this and ensure that procedures and policies are followed and good practice established, in order to protect children. For children to be safe from abuse of any kind during their time at the College, it will be necessary to develop and maintain a culture of openness; this will involve leadership, which places an emphasis on clarity and approachability. Staff and parents should be aware of what is and isnt acceptable behaviour and, therefore, aware of negative practice (see 10 Safe College, Safe Staff). The framework for managing cases of allegations of abuse against people who work with children is set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children - Appendix 5: (HM Government 2010) and Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education Chapter 5 (DfES January 2007). The College operates safe recruitment procedures in line with these and LA guidelines and will ensure that all appropriate checks are carried out on new staff and volunteers who work with children; this includes Criminal Bureau checks. Anyone who is not prepared to co-operate with these procedures will not be considered for employment.


No person will be allowed to start work at the College until all appropriate checks are undertaken and are satisfactory. In all cases the paramount consideration is the protection of the child. All Childcare organisations have a statutory duty under the Protection of Children Act 1999 for the following: To refer names to the Secretary of State in certain specified circumstances for possible inclusion on the PoCA List. When recruiting, checks must be made through the Criminal records Bureau to check whether an individual is included on the PoCA List or List 99. Not to employ a person in a childcare position if that person is included on either of the above lists. To cease to employ someone in a child care position if it is discovered that the individual is included in either of the above Lists.




This section is about managing cases of allegations that might indicate that a person is unsuitable to continue to work with children in their present position, or in any capacity. It should be used in respect of all cases in which it is alleged that any member of staff (including volunteers) in the College has: behaved in a way that has harmed a child; possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; or behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates s/he is unsuitable to work with children. There may be up to three strands in the consideration of an allegation: a police investigation of a possible criminal offence; enquiries and assessment by childrens social care about whether a child is in need of protection or in need of services; consideration by the College of disciplinary action in respect of the individual. It may be necessary in some cases to report to the DfE for consideration of including the person on List 99 or consideration by the General Teaching Council about possible sanctions against an individual. It is recognised that anyone who has a complaint made against them will have a range of difficult feelings and anxieties; however, staff members understand that the childs welfare must come first.

PROCEDURES 6.7 It is crucial that any person working at the College feels confident that any concerns that they may report about another member of staffs conduct towards a child, will be dealt with fairly, consistently and robustly and that they will be taken seriously. 6.8 Allegations must be immediately reported either to a Child Protection Officer or directly to the Head teacher. CPOs receiving any reports from staff must report to the Head teacher, who, depending on the nature of the allegation, will decide on the next course of action. In cases of serious allegations the Head teacher will take advice from a Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) and Human Resources Personnel. The Head teacher will also inform the Chair of Governors. 6.9 Allegations against CPOs or Head teacher The same principles apply in these cases; the child/rens welfare is paramount. Allegations against a CPO must be reported directly to the Head teacher and the above will apply. Where an allegation is against the Head teacher, the person making the allegation must contact the Chair of the Governing Body (they may need support from the Deputy Head to do this) but the Deputy Head must ensure that any investigation is led by the Chair of Governors, who will seek external advice from those named in 6.8. 6.10 Supporting those involved Depending upon the nature of the allegation and discussion/ preliminary investigation, with the Local Authority Designated Officer, Richard Fawcett, to establish whether it is not demonstrably false or unfounded, the parents of the child/ren should be informed. However, in some instances, the parents must be informed straight away, for example, if the child has been injured and requires medical attention. Parents/carers should be kept informed about the progress of the case and told of any outcomes, e.g. court proceedings or outcome of disciplinary hearings. If the parents are happy for the child to remain in College during any investigation, the College staff must not discuss the case with parents, only the best way to support the child. In cases where a child may have suffered significant harm, or there is a criminal prosecution, Social Care Direct or the Police, as appropriate, should consider what support may be needed. 6.11 Record Keeping A clear and comprehensive summary of any allegations must be made, including details of how it was followed up and resolved, who was involved and any decisions made. This record should be kept on the persons confidential personnel file, with a copy to the person concerned. The record should be retained on file until normal retirement age or for a period of 10 years from the date of allegation if that is longer. 6.12 Information Sharing Where there is an allegation that an offence has been committed, in the initial consideration, a strategy discussion should take place with the agencies involved and the employer; all relevant information about the person who is the subject of the allegation and the alleged victim, should be shared. Wherever possible, the police should obtain consent from the individuals concerned to share statements and evidence they obtain with the employer and/or regulatory bodies, for disciplinary purposes; this should be done as the investigation proceeds rather than after it is concluded, to enable the police and CPS to share relevant information without delay at the conclusion of their investigation, or any court case. 6.13 Timescales Every effort will be made to resolve cases as quickly as possible, consistent with a fair and thorough investigation. Guidelines suggest that it is reasonable to expect that 80% of cases should be resolved within one month, 90% within three months, and all but the most exceptional cases should be completed within 12 months. Suspension The possible risk of harm to children posed by an accused person will be evaluated by the Head teacher /Governing Body and the advisors mentioned above. In some cases consideration will be given to an immediate suspension until the case is resolved; however, alternative arrangements may also be considered. Monitoring progress The Local Authority Designated Officer will regularly monitor the progress of the case, in liaison with the Head teacher/Governing Body and other social care colleagues/police, as appropriate. Action on conclusion of a case At the conclusion of a case in which the allegation is substantiated the college will co-operate with any Local Authority review of the case and the circumstances surrounding it, to determine whether any improvements could be made to procedures or practice. If the allegation is determined to be false the College will need to consider its actions against the person making the allegation. If the allegation is made by a child, consideration will be given to the childs well being and the reasons why they may have made the allegation and what support they may need, as it could be that they are being abused by someone else.


6.14 6.15

In cases where it is decided that the person who has been suspended can return to work, the Head teacher and persons line manager will discuss the best way to facilitate this. In all cases consideration will be given to the possibility of a phased return to work and mentoring support. Discussions with the suspended person and a senior personnel officer will take place about the next steps. 7. TRAINING AND SUPPORT 7.1 7.2 All Staff members have access to training about child protection issues, relevant to their role. All Staff will be required to attend basic child protection training and undertake the on-line test: Wakefield District Safeguarding Children Board (WDSCB) Awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect Core. A record of Child Protection, Staff development and training will be used to ensure that this has been, or is being undertaken and is held on the School Central Record. Professional supervision will identify where further relevant training needs to be undertaken.

8. CONFIDENTIALITY AND RECORDING 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Staff and other adults who work with the children in the College need to fully understand and respect issues of confidentiality, particularly in the context of child protection. The only purpose of confidentiality in this respect is to protect the child. Children must not be given a guarantee that disclosures will be kept confidential this is misleading and dishonest, as any disclosure or suspicion of harm must be referred to the relevant people. Similarly parents should be made aware of the issues, which cannot be kept confidential, e.g. which have implications of harm to a child Child protection information will be kept in a locked filing cabinet and if information is held on a computer it will be password protected. (See data protection policy) Where a child is the subject of a Child Protection Plan, daily recording will be kept about relevant facts. These recording notes will be kept in a locked filing cabinet and the childs parents will be informed about them. The Social Workers will complete an initial front sheet advising Staff of the reasons for the CP Plan and what kind of information should be recorded; this information will not be shared with any other parent. Information must only be shared with others on a need to know basis; however, the overriding principle is the safety of children, It is assumed that in all instances where there are concerns about a childs safety it is better to share the information than not (WMDC working together to safeguard children). It is the responsibility of the College CP Team to monitor the recording of concerns, review its purpose and amend/update information. When a child leaves the College the records are kept securely until the child reaches the age of 25. Where identical child protection records are kept by two agencies, e.g. Social Care and the College, the College will destroy their copies. Students who are on placement at the College for very short periods or who are work experience students, will not be directly involved in the daily recording; however, they will be encouraged to share comments about any relevant observations they have made. Any reports compiled in relation to a child or family will be shared only on a need to know basis (See 8.4) Parent representatives will be given information about the importance of confidentiality when they are appointed to the role. Parents in general are made aware of issues around confidentiality and child protection at new parents meetings. Staff will be made aware that any breaches of confidentiality would be viewed very seriously and dealt with through the departmental disciplinary procedures, (apart from cases where any breaches represent a legitimate attempt to safeguard a child).

8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10




The College Staff recognise that children who have been abused or have witnessed violence may find it difficult to develop a sense of self worth or to view the world in a positive way. Whilst in college their behaviour may be challenging and difficult to handle or they may exhibit other behaviours, such as sexualised behaviour, which the adults around them may feel uncomfortable with and struggle to understand. It is recognised that all children need to experience a sensitive and consistent approach; this is even more crucial in cases where children are having difficulties and struggling to understand traumatic events.


9.4 9.5 9.6

The College Staff will support these children through: a curriculum which encourages self-esteem and confidence; promoting a positive, supportive and secure environment, which demonstrates a respect and value for children and their rights; a consistent approach, which recognises and separates the cause of behaviour from that which the child displays; a commitment to develop productive, supportive relationships with parents, whenever it is in the childs interests to do so. It is recognised that, statistically, children with behavioural difficulties and disabilities are most vulnerable to abuse. Staff who work in any capacity, with children with profound and multiple disabilities, sensory impairment and/or emotional and behaviour problems will need to be particularly sensitive to signs of abuse. It must also be recognised that in a home environment where there is domestic violence, drug or alcohol abuse, children may also be vulnerable and in need of support or protection. This policy should be considered alongside the other related College policies. For example: St Thomas a Becket Thresholds for Referral Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Code of Conduct Behaviour and Discipline Policy Bullying Policy SEN Policy Health and Safety Policy Risk Assessment Policy Educational Visits Policy E Safety Policy


10.1 The abuse of children can arouse many difficult feelings for staff and it should be recognised that staff can be at different stages in their understanding and awareness. The Leadership Team of the College will ensure that members of staff are supported through any difficulties they may have, by providing both regular formal supervision and informal support if required, and training and development opportunities. The staff team is aware that young children will need physical comfort at times. It would be inappropriate to deny young children this if they require it. However, any physical contact should be child led and appropriate to the childs needs, e.g. a child seeking comfort after a fall, distressed on separation from parent, ill or distressed over some other incident. No member of staff should ever seek comfort from a child to meet their own needs. Comfort should be in the form of an arm around the shoulder. For a variety of reasons, some children may find being touched uncomfortable or distressing. It is important for staff to be sensitive to a childs physical reaction and to act appropriately. Staff members need to be aware that where children have been sexually abused, they may exhibit sexualised forms of behaviour, e.g. seeking overly familiar physical contact with children and adults, excessive masturbation. Staff will need to be very sensitive to the needs of all the children in this situation and will receive training and support in order to handle any incident appropriately.



In respect of the above, staff need to ensure that they do not place themselves in vulnerable situations. It must also be recognised that children are abused in institutions, e.g. schools, nurseries, residential establishments etc. To address both the vulnerability of staff and children, the College will operate the following procedures: (See 6) Staff should never be left alone in a room with a closed door with just one child. When children need their clothes changing due to them soiling, wetting or becoming wet or dirty through falling or being involved in messy play, the staff will ensure that another member of staff knows that they are about to undertake the task, and if possible the other member of staff will also be present during the changing. The door to the bathroom/ toilet will not be locked and should be kept slightly ajar, whilst preserving the childs privacy. Parents/carers will be informed when a child has had to be changed. Where staff are involved with a child who needs regular changing they will sign a copy of the policy to promote personal development. If a member of staff discovers marks or bruising on a child, they should refer this to the designated child protection officer, so that appropriate action can be taken.

Both Governors and Volunteers in the college will be CRB checked. They will also be made aware of their role and responsibilities in relation to the children, i.e. they will not take sole charge of individual children and this includes taking the children out of the College or into rooms on their own. Volunteers will not have access to childrens personal information or files. In line with departmental policy, all staff will be CRB checked. The recruitment process will include the checking of PoCA List and List 99, references and qualifications, and the new Independent Safeguarding Authority.

Signed Chair of Governors Cllr Mrs O Rowley also Designated Safeguarding Governor Signed Head teacher John Rooney Signed: ..................................................... Designated Senior Person Tim Whitney Signed: ..................................................... Deputy Designated Senior Person John Firth Signed: . .Senior Child Protection Officer Paddy Kiernan Signed: . Child Protection Officer Karen Jones Signed: . Child Protection Officer Carol Tattersfield

All staff members will be expected to read this policy and discuss it with their line manager if they do not fully understand any part of it.
IMPORTANT CONTACTS St Thomas Becket Catholic College: Social Care Direct: Police Tel: 01924 303545 Tel: 0845 8503503 (24 hour number) Tel: 0845 6060606 (child protection) John Rooney Tim Whitney John Firth Paddy Kiernan Carol Tattersfield and Karen Jones Lorraine Martin-Speight Cllr Olivia Rowley

Designated College Child Protection Workers: Head teacher: Assistant Head teacher / Designated Senior Person: Assistant Head teacher / Deputy Designated Senior Person Senior Child Protection Officer: Child Protection Officers: College Learning Mentor: Named CP Governor:

Designated local authority CP contact: Safeguarding Co-ordinator & LADO Richard Fawcett 01977 727037 email: rfawcett@wakefield.gov.uk


HM GOVERNMENT WORKING TOGETHER TO SAFEGUARD CHILDREN 2010 A national guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children Provides a clear and detailed procedural guide, which contains statutory guidance for organisations and agencies to adopt

WEST YORKSHIRE CONSORTIUM PROCEDURES (WYCP) August 2011 Within the Governments framework (above) Procedures developed by this consortium set out the safeguarding procedures as they apply to the West Yorkshire area


Ensures that the WYCP procedures are implemented and monitored locally, across the districts organisations and agencies.


Sets out the procedures specifically for the College (flowchart attached)

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