Knowledge Check
Knowledge Check
Knowledge Check
Questions 1. Which are the main legal document of the European Union? Which are the major EU documents that introduced or developed tasks, policies and institutions related to the external action? 2. Which are the main landmark documents and events that marked the development of EUs external action? 3. Which are the main EU institutions specifically designed for external action issues?
4. Which are the main tasks of the European Commission in matters relevant for external action?
------5. Which are the main tasks of the European Council in matters relevant for external action?
6. Which are the main tasks of the Council of the European Union in matters relevant for external action?
7. Which are the main tasks of the European Parliament in matters relevant for external action? 8. Which are the main tasks of the European Court of Justice in matters relevant for external action? 9. What is the difference between a Delegation and a Representation of the European Commission? 10. Which are the types of competence sharing within the European Union? Which types of competence are there in matters related to external action? 11. What is the difference between External Action and Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)? 12 .What is the difference between European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) and Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)? 13. Which are the principles upon which the European Union has been created? Have they evolved from Maastricht to Lisbon? Are there specific principles related to external action? Are there specific principles related to CFSP?
Tasks 1. Compare the following documents European Council (2003), A secure Europe Europe in a Secure World: European Security Strategy, Brussels, December 12, available at Council of the European Union (2010), Towards a European Security Model: Internal Security Strategy for the European Union, Brussels, February 23, available at Which are the major similarities and differences between the two perspectives on European security?
2. Check the list of EU military and civilian mission at;lang=en Are there more ongoing or completed missions? Have there been more civilian or military missions? Which were the most expensive missions? Which were the most costeffective missions?