HighCourt Clerk HRY
HighCourt Clerk HRY
HighCourt Clerk HRY
Applicants can apply online from Last date/time for Registration Step I Last date/time for Registration Step II Last date for deposit of Fee Last date for editing of Application
: 1.12.2012 : 19.12.2012 11:59 P.M. : 21.12.2012 11:59 P.M. : 21.12.2012 (within Banking hours) : 21.12.2012
The Central Recruitment Agency, on behalf of the District and Sessions Judges of the various Sessions Divisions of the State of Haryana, invites online applications at www.recruitmenthighcourtchd.com for filling up vacant posts of Stenographer Grade III in Subordinate Courts of Haryana.
Name of Post
Pay scale
The reservation for different categories will be regulated as per the provisions of the Haryana Subordinate Courts Establishment (Recruitment and General Conditions of Service) Rules 1997 as amended from time to time. AGE:Age limit for the post of Stenographer Grade III category wise, as on 01.01.2012 will be as under:-. Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Category General SC of Haryana BC of Haryana In Service Employees Minimum Age Limit 18 18 18 18 Maximum Age Limit 40 45 45 45 Remarks ----
Ex-servicemen of Haryana
In the case of persons already in the employment of the Punjab/Haryana Govt., other State Govt. or the Govt. of India, High Court, other Subordinate Courts and U.T. Chandigarh. 40+number of years rendered in military service + 3 years
QUALIFICATION The applicant should possess a degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science or equivalent thereto from a recognized university and must have proficiency in operation of computers (word processing and spread sheets).
MODE OF SELECTION The applicant shall have to pass a test at the speed of 80 W.P.M. in English shorthand and 20 W.P.M. in Transcription of the same on computer. He/she shall also have to qualify computer proficiency test (Word Processing and Spread Sheets). Marks of proficiency test would not be counted towards the final merit as it is of qualifying in nature. The applicants who qualify the shorthand test as well as computer proficiency test will be called for interaction and checking of original testimonials. Select List will be prepared on the basis of merit. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:The authorities may shortlist the applicants for the shorthand test on the basis of a rational criteria to be adopted by the Honble Committee. The decision of the Honble Central Recruitment Committee in all matters relating to acceptance or rejection of an application, eligibility/suitability of the applicants, mode/criteria for selection etc. shall be final and binding on the applicants. No inquiry or correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
HOW TO APPLY ONLINE The online registration/filling of application forms by the applicants will consist of two steps. 1. Registration Step I: Applicant will get his Registration ID and Password and will print 'Cash Deposit Receipt' for deposit of Fee in the designated bank (State Bank of India). 2. Registration Step 2: Applicant to fill the remaining particulars, fee payment details in the form and then to LOCK & SUBMIT the application form. The detailed steps for Registration are given below:
Pre-Requisites for Step I: Applicants are required to have a valid personal active E-mail ID as all the information regarding recruitment process will be sent on their recorded E-mail ID. In case an applicant does not have a valid personal E-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new E-mail ID before applying online and must maintain that Email account, throughout the selection process. Applicants must give a valid Mobile number, as all the SMSes during the process will be sent on that number. Candidates are advised not to give mobile number of unknown person/stranger to avoid any future complication.
Step I:
1 Applicant can apply online from anywhere at home, at any place where there is an access to the internet. 2 Open the registration form available on the site www.recruitmenthighcourtchd.com by clicking at the button for the State he/she wants to apply. 2
3 4
Fill the registration form with all the required details. Every successful registration will be allotted a unique Registration ID and Password, which will be intimated to the applicant by way of SMS on mobile phone as well as on e-mail ID. Applicants should ensure that Registration ID and Password has been delivered on mobile phone as well as on given E-mail ID. In case of non receipt of SMS/Email for some time, applicants should immediately contact on the technical helpline numbers; 8283825221, 8283826221, 8283827221. After getting the Registration ID and Password, take a printout of the Cash Deposit Receipt. Applicant should take printout in Landscape orientation. Applicant should also save the 'Cash Deposit Receipt' as PDF file for future reference.
6 Applicant has to take this printed 'Cash Deposit Receipt' to any branch of State Bank of India for payment of fee in cash only. The 'Cash Deposit Receipt' will contain the amount of fee to be deposited by the applicant, depending upon his/her category. Applicant approaching the State Bank of India Branch will ask for depositing the fee under Screen 8888 (Fee Type-21). No other mode of payment of fee is admissible. 7 The applicant who completes Registration Step I, should go to bank for deposit of fee only after 4 hours from the time of Registration Step I. 8 After depositing the fee in the bank, applicant will get a unique Transaction No./ Journal No. from the Bank, which is required to be updated by applicant on website at the time of Registration Step II. 9 In case an applicant failed to deposit the requisite fee, his/her application shall stand automatically cancelled/rejected and shall not be considered for further processing. Pre-Requisites for Step II: Before proceeding to Step II, applicant must ensure that he/she has the scanned image files of his/her photo & signature in PC/Pendrive/other soft media and application fee remittance/deposit details (Transaction details such as Unique Transaction No./Journal No., Branch Name and Code etc.) for immediate uploading it to the website along with application data. For details please see Guidelines for Uploading Photographs and Signature available on the website
www.recruitmenthighcourtchd.com. Any application without proper photo and signature upload will be summarily rejected.
Step II:
1 After depositing the fee in the Bank, applicant will Login on the website again by making use of Registration ID and Password as provided in first step for online Registration. Applicant should fill in the Fee payment details i.e. Transaction No./Journal No., bank & branch name, branch code, date of payment. The TRANSACTION NO./JOURNAL NO. given by the BANK is to be a SEVEN OR EIGHT DIGIT NUMERIC CHARACTER, which is to be filled in the Transaction No./Journal No. field. Considering the All India spread of the SBI, there is a possibility of writing of Transaction No./ Journal No. on the Cash Deposit Receipt by the bank staff variously as TID-0012121212 OR J-0012121212 OR 0012121212 etc. (if in eight digits) OR as TId-001212121 OR J3
001212121 OR 001212121 etc. (if in seven digits) APPLICANTS SHOULD FILL IN ONLY THE LAST 7 OR 8 DIGITS AS THE CASE MAY BE, DROPPING OUT ANY ALPHABET, SPECIAL CHARACTER OR PREFIXED ZEROES. In the above two cases, fill the Transaction No./Journal No. as 12121212 OR 1212121. 2. Upload his/her photograph, signature and NOC (if Govt. employee) and all other information as required in the online form. 3. After doing so, applicant will have the preview of the filled form . Applicant can edit/correct the information filled in step 2, at that time. Before pressing the button LOCK & SUBMIT, candidates are advised to check the information filled by them carefully. If the information entered is correct, applicant should click on LOCK & SUBMIT button to complete his Registration process and to view his/her online application form. Applicant will receive a Email/SMS in this regard. Applicant should take a printout of his/her Online Application form page for future use and record. 4 After successful reconciliation of fee with the bank, applicant will receive Email/SMS on his/her mobile phone. 5. The list of the applicants whose fee is reconciled will be available on website www.recruitmenthighcourtchd.com for reference of the applicants after closure of Advertisement. Thereafter, scrutiny of application will be done and eligibility of applicants shall be determined by the CRA. 6. Thereafter, admit cards of provisionally eligible applicants will be uploaded on the website and the applicants will also receive Email/SMS in this regard. The applicants are to download and print their admit cards by visiting the website www.recruitmenthighcourtchd.com again by entering their registration ID and password. Admit Cards shall not be sent by post. 7. Applicants are advised to visit the website www.recruitmenthighcourtchd.com and check their E-mail accounts regularly for updates and important information. Unnecessary correspondence with Central Recruitment Agency should be avoided.
(i) General Category (ii) SC/ST/BC/ESM of the State of Haryana (iii) Reserved categories of the other States Rs.500/Rs.125/Rs.500/-
The necessary fee must be deposited on or before the last date and time fixed for the purpose. The applicants have to deposit the requisite fee by way of 'Cash Deposit Receipt', printed after completion of Step 1 of registration, in any Branch of State Bank of India only. The Cash Deposit Receipt will contain the amount of fee to be deposited by the applicant, depending upon his/her category. Applicant approaching the State Bank of India Branch will ask for depositing the fee under Screen 8888 (Fee Type-21). No other mode of payment of fee is admissible. The fee once paid will not be refunded in any case. The applicant must retain the Cash Deposit Receipt in original for future use.
The shorthand test/ computer proficiency test is likely to be conducted in the month of January/February, 2013. The exact date will be notified on the website of Central Recruitment Agency (www.recruitmenthighcourtchd.com) and candidates are advised to regularly visit the website.
The applicant who fulfills the prescribed educational qualification and other eligibility conditions may register for Step- I from 01.12.2012 upto 19.12.2012 by 11.59 P.M. Thereafter Step-I Registration will be closed. The applicant who completes Step 1 registration, should go to Bank for deposit of fee after 4 hours from the time of registration step I. However, the requisite fee can be deposited within Banking Hours only. Last date / time for completing the Registration StepII is 21.12.2012 upto 11:59 P.M. Applicants are advised in their own interest to apply online much before the closing dates and not to wait till the last date for depositing the fee and completion of Registration Step-II to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability/failure to log on the website on account of heavy load on internet/website jam. Central Recruitment Agency shall not be responsible, if any applicant failed to apply or complete the Registrationj Process due to aforementioned reasons.
same together with the application form. In case the applicant is not in a position to submit the No Objection Certificate with application, he/she must send hard copy (Downloaded from Website) of his/her application to the Central Recruitment Agency (CRA), Punjab and Haryana High Court through proper channel otherwise his/her candidature is liable to be rejected. Such application must reach CRA not later than 26.12.2012 till 5:00 P.M. VIII. The applicant should fulfil the condition of qualification on the last date of receipt of applications i.e. 19.12.2012 by Registration Step-I. IX. The admission of applicants at all stages of the test will be purely provisional and subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions by way of furnishing documentary evidence in support thereof. If on verification at any time before or after the said test, it is found that an applicant does not fulfil any of the eligibility condition, his/her candidature shall stand cancelled without any notice. X. Application submitted through online Form and mere issuance of provisional Admit Card does not imply that applicant has fulfilled all the eligibility conditions given in the advertisement and application is subject to subsequent scrutiny and the application can be rejected, if the applicant is found to be not fulfilling the eligibility conditions at any point of time. XI. The applicants must retain three copies of the photograph uploaded with the application form, with them as the same will be required at the time of test at later stage. XII. No TA/DA shall be paid to the applicants for appearing in the test/interaction and checking of documents. OTHER IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1. Applicants will bring downloaded printouts of admit cards at the time of test. No separate admit cards will be sent to the applicants for appearing in the test. 2. For any technical help regarding the filling of the online application form, the applicant can call at Helpline number 8283827221, 8283826221, 8283825221 from 1.12.2012 to 21.12.2012 between 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. For any other query regarding terms and conditions of Advertisement, applicants can call at Phone No.0172-6607239 of Central Recruitment Agency on all working days between 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 3. If by mistake an applicant had filled in wrong data in the application form, then there is a provision to modify/edit certain information in the application form only once by entering his/her registration ID and Password. Thereafter, no modification will be permitted and the applicant will not be having the option to edit his/her data again. 4. An online application which is incomplete in any respect, such as without the valid photograph and signature uploaded in the online application form, shall be liable to be rejected. 5. Any person trying to upload irrelevant photographs or any other material would be proceeded against as per Law. IP address of the computer system accessing the online application form shall be noted for security purposes. 6. Any information submitted by an applicant in his/her application will bind the applicant personally and if found to be false, he/she shall be liable for criminal prosecution apart from consequences in civil law as may be deemed proper. 6
The applicant must check the information before locking and submitting the same. An applicant will be responsible for any mistake made by him/her in the online application form and Central Recruitment Agency shall not be responsible or liable in any way.
The venue, date and time of the test of the applicants will be informed on the website www.recruitmenthighcourtchd.com