Internet Scavenger Hunt
Internet Scavenger Hunt
Internet Scavenger Hunt
Searching this computer hunt could make you more knowledgeable about the computer than your teacher. Go for it! Use the links to navigate to a site that has the answer. ** Remember you will be working with your assigned group on this and will not be completing all of the questions by yourself. As you do this bookmark the website using Diigo, type a description that is at least two sentences, and use the following course tags: student, technology, leadership, and at least two of your own. If a link is broken, use your online searching skills to find information that will help you answer the question. Type your answers in this document and save for a future assignment. 1. Describe the 4 components all computers have in common.
Enter the home page address (URL) of your school or your local government's web site.
Which can hold more information - a CD, a DVD, a USB thumb drive, a portable media player?
5. The ARPANET 's development began in 1966. It was an experiment to connect universities so they could share information. What do we call this network of computers today?
6. In what year was the first World-Wide Web software created by Tim Berners-Lee? (Hint: Use the Find command to making searching this page easier. Go Edit ...Find. Enter a keyword for what you are looking for (a name, or the word "web" for example). Click Find. To repeat the process go Edit ... Find again.) Which is older? You or the World Wide Web?
8. Douglas Engelbart was a computer visionary of the 1960's. What did he invent that you find handy?
10. What is spyware? What does it do? How does a computer user often get it in their computer?
11. In a building, a firewall prevents the spread of fire within the structure. They often surround staircases with a firewall to protect the escape route. Savvy computer users on networks also have firewalls. What is a computer firewall? (Look it up)
12. You want to connect to a site you have bookmarked. But instead you get a 404 message. Enter two reasons for getting the message.
13. What can you try, before leaving the site, to try to relocate your page?
14. FYI - Do you have a computer acronym you would like to understand? Find it at The Acronym Database. What do the following acronyms mean? FAQ LOL IM IMHO 15. Why should you "Post to be Private" in social networking sites?