Logistics Legacy Modernization
Logistics Legacy Modernization
Logistics Legacy Modernization
Abstract Over the years, Logistics Service Providers (LSPs) have carried out business operations on systems which are largely home-grown or were acquired through mergers and acquisitions. Today's tighter operating margins,increased competition and rapidly evolving business environment requires improved agility, making it a business necessity to effectively modernize these legacy systems. However, the legacy modernization process is riddled with challenges. One of the most important challenges is the answer to the question "What are we trying to migrate?" Even with a clear answer, the modernization process itself can be painstaking and costly, often without a well-defined business case. This Infosys paper provides a well-defined legacy modernization methodology to help logistics service providers in their migration journey.
May 2007
A modern logistics service provider (LSP) depends on information systems not only to support day-to-day business operations, but to also aid management in decision making. However, these information systems face the challenge of adapting to dynamic business needs and keeping costs down. LSPs, over time, have made limited investments in technology and enhancements, which has resulted in large monolithic legacy systems. Further, consolidation in the LSP industry has contributed to an increase in the portfolio of applications to work with. As today's dynamic business need for accessibility, integration, scalability, flexibility and maintainability grows, legacy systems struggle to keep pace. Organizations are struggling to make legacy applications integrate with new enterprise systems and making the legacy data available for management decision making. Meeting the challenge of seamless integrating across vendors, suppliers, distributors and customers, is also not easy. Thus the problems and costs associated with legacy systems is fast outweighing their value to the organization. Realizing this, LSPs are trying to modernize legacy systems by migrating them to newer technologies, with minimum cost and time-to-market. However, in enabling this they face challenges around undocumented business knowledge, personnel change management and business continuity.
Why Modernize?
The decision to modernize legacy systems is influenced by five key factors. Business agility - Customer driven demand in the areas of visibility, exception management, RFID-enabled services and other areas are driving LSPs to extract more out of their existing applications. However the cost of enabling this with existing systems is high. Business necessities - Integration between various partners, vendors and customers in the supply chain is critical for seamless information flow. Process & IT integration between partners, if done successfully, can ensure real-time visibility to critical data and for faster response to exceptions in the supply chain. However legacy systems limit the possibilities of integration. Impedance mismatch - As LSP customers began outsourcing large parts of the supply chain to logistics enterprises, new process areas like Warehouse Management, Purchase Order Management, Visibility management etc., driven by the customer, came into existence. These new process areas have seen products and solutions built on modern platforms as compared to the core processes of Booking, Documentation, Pricing & Contracts etc. which are legacy. The ability to deliver these new services from an awkward mix of technologies, legacy and modern, is not easy. With most of the applications talking to each other either via batch updates or data triggers, there is often the risk of the data integrity & timeliness impacting the service delivery. This co-existence has lead to higher cost and increased complexity. IT support - There is a serious shortage of support personnel capable of supporting legacy technologies. This resource pool is constantly dwindling. Further, the operating costs of licenses and infrastructure to support legacy technologies are also significantly higher. Environmental changes - Enabling existing legacy systems for the modern day information system environment of open web based is difficult and costly. Most legacy systems were developed and maintained before well defined software engineering processes became a practice. Owing to this, these systems are in a state of entropy. System entropy has a telling effect on all the factors discussed above.
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Improved exibility, with better design guidelines and software segmentation enabling separate presentation, business logic and data layers
Legacy Modernization
Improved support for automation of business processes Reduced costs for maintenance, licenses and system hardware Simpler connectivity and faster technology integration using current technologies Creation of a service-oriented architecture based on open standards Better support for prototype-driven, agile development methodologies due to modern developer productivity tools
Lack of mature automation tools which extract business rules from code Non-availability of usage information for applications Spaghetti information exchange mechanisms across different legacy applications Business logic and rules being embedded in code; there is no external documentation which can be used for defining Incremental changes in the code of legacy systems not being documented. Most of the additions are exceptions which
don't comply with the generic business rules High risk of business rules being missed at the time of gathering requirements afresh through business user interviews business requirements
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Bene ts of
Reverse Engineering
Reverse engineering entails assessing the legacy system with two approaches Business Process Analysis - Legacy systems cannot be understood only by sifting through codes and screens. A lot of information can be collected through interviews with business and application subject matter experts. A top-down business process analysis of the legacy systems, through a systematic divide-and-conquer strategy, is essential to requirements gathering. First, the value chain of the business is analyzed and documented. This takes into account all value-adding systems that exist in the organization, the flow of information through these systems, and the scope of the legacy modernization across these systems. The core systems which need to be migrated are identified along with the interfaces with other systems. The system context and business process flows within the core systems are documented. External third party systems which need to be interfaced and peripheral hardware which needs to be integrated are identified. The top down business process analysis defines the current system context in the business. This is refined to create the new system context and enterprise architecture. Legacy systems might have similar functionality in disparate business process functionality. Such common functionality is culled out to create support systems. Legacy Asset Analysis - Not all information regarding legacy systems can be gathered by top down analysis. A bottom up analysis of legacy assets is necessary to complement the top down business process analysis. Use case lists with use case elaboration of the core systems are needed to understand legacy functionality as well as to define new functionality. Existing code inventory and complexity metrics are captured. This is one of the main inputs for effort estimation. Complex metrics which are captured span across lines of code, product quality metrics like cyclomatic complexity and Halstead measures, number of database calls per unit of code, number of business rules, and number of interfaces in the existing system context. Existing code is analyzed to extract business rules. Use cases are enriched to capture the business rules. An important result of legacy asset analysis is elimination of duplicate functionality in the form of duplicate use cases and duplicate business rules. Use cases should be distributed across the new systems to optimize functionality and have minimal duplications. Finally, mapping of business process to legacy assets is done. This ensures that there are no gaps between the information collected through interviews and the information as existing in code.
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Develop HL Business Benefits
Solution Definition
Develop Modernization Strategy
Define Future State Architecture Business / IT Architecture (FSA)
Release 1
Detail key User Interaction/ Develop UI Prototypes Refine UI Scenarios, apply Standards/ Frameworks
Requireme Develop/ nts/Design Test Deploy/ Support
Prioritize Evaluate Moderniz ation Options based on Investments Benefits & Risks Establish Governance Structure
Elaborate Critical Aspects of FSA Refine FSA as per PoCs
Release 2
Requireme Develop/ nts/Design Test Deploy/ Support
Release 3
Design / Build Arch Framework component s Arch Sandbox, Deploy Framework / Execute PoCs
Requireme Develop/ nts/Design Test Deploy/ Support
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Organizations with vast legacy systems and a need to modernize them face a plethora of challenges and issues. These challenges and issues range across cost, time-to-market, lack of current system knowledge and most importantly, lack of a proven framework for modernization and experience in implementing the framework. Legacy modernization requires meticulous planning and program management. While the effort and complexity involved in shifting workloads out of legacy systems should not be underestimated, significant benefits are available to those companies who are able to successfully make the transition. Each organization's legacy system evolution took them down slightly different paths, and different options may need to be chosen depending on that organization's objectives. The key parameters that affect the decision need to be evaluated and measured in a business case. Infosys' Legacy Modernization framework enables modernization at a low cost and accelerated time-to-market. Our framework helps in requirements gathering and follows a phased approach through implementation. Our experience in legacy modernization within the Logistics industry is based on multiple client experiences, and helps facilitate Logistics organizations' transition towards a more agile information technology platform.
1. Legacy Modernization, Karthik Venkatachalam, http://www.infosys.com/Technology/Legacy- Modernization.pdf, accessed 10-Apr-2007
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Case Study
Bekins Van Lines "Moves" to modernize their Legacy Applications
Company Profile - Bekins Van Lines, founded in 1891, provides quality household goods and tradeshow relocation services for corporate accounts and private relocation customers. Bekins is one of the largest North American integrated networks that provides house hold and high value product services. The company operates through a network of 375 agents in more than 400 locations nationwide.
Bekins' information systems comprised of COBOL applications executing on an IBM mainframe. IMS and DB2 were used for data storage. Bekins envisioned complete migration of mainframe systems to a Java and Unix based environment. The factors influencing this migration were: Existing infrastructure and software license costs
Corporate re-structuring that had occurred. This lead to the creation of Bekins Van Lines and the sale of
HomeDirect. These newly separated companies shared the same information systems
Business agility and changing technology integration practices in their partner and customer community Extend the scope and reach of service offering by utilizing the web for marketing and lead generation
Bekins needed 100% of the functionality modernized and in an accelerated timeframe. The legacy systems have been in existence for 20+ years and have had extensive changes made to them. Business rules and logic were embedded in code, and there was no extensive documentation available on current systems. The documentation that did exist was often out of sync with the changes that the systems had undergone over time. Bekins chose Infosys as their partner in this legacy modernization exercise.
The objectives of the modernization exercise were not limited to migration of mainframe to J2EE. The main objectives in addition to the actual modernization exercise were: Assess current technical & business functionality of mainframe applications and their interfaces, addressed by the application portfolio in scope Document the existing business value chain, business process and technology landscape
Provide the future technology landscape along with the modernization roadmap taking into consideration
current shortcomings, pain points, data migration and business continuity
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Infosys Solution
Infosys' Legacy Modernization framework was used to define the modernization and solution roadmap at Bekins. The framework helped to analyze the existing legacy applications and provide a solution which could be implemented in an accelerated timeframe. This was possible as a clear migration path with sequential as well as parallel phases was created. Infosys' Global Delivery Model ensured that the whole migration exercise could use an extended day with an onsite team conducting interviews and designing the solution. The off-shore team focused on analyzing existing code in order to document requirements and implement the solution. Salient features of the solution:
Defining logical application groupings considering functional and data coherence. For this system and COBOL code was analyzed to create business and system use cases. Business rules were extracted from legacy
code reverse engineering. Around 2 million effective lines of COBOL code were analyzed. Mainframe logs were analyzed to extract non-functional performance requirements. Analyzed the feasibility of implementing a pure SOA model verses an evolutionary hybrid SOA model. A hybrid architectural option was chosen. Reference architecture for all the applications under the aegis of the modernization scope was created. This helped in standardization across multiple systems. Guidelines for categorizing logic related to data flow across applications and end-user reporting were created. This categorization ensured that report related offline jobs were converted to reports and not jobs. Infosys designed common shared components to optimize and ensure re-use of business rules across applications. technical landscape of existing applications were documented.