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StoreGPU: Exploiting Graphics Processing Units

to Accelerate Distributed Storage Systems

Samer Al-Kiswany, Abdullah Gharaibeh, Elizeu Santos-Neto, George Yuan,
Matei Ripeanu
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada
{samera, abdullah, elizeus, gyuan, matei}@ece.ubc.ca

ABSTRACT NVIDIA 8800 GTX priced at about $300, have up to 128

Today Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are a largely processors running at 575MHz and 768MB of memory. With
underexploited resource on existing desktops and a possible cost- these characteristics, GPUs are often underutilized in
effective enhancement to high-performance systems. To date, corporate/educational desktops (as they are generally provisioned
most applications that exploit GPUs are specialized scientific for graphics-intensive workloads such as high-definition video)
applications. Little attention has been paid to harnessing these and may be cost-effective enhancements to high-end server
highly-parallel devices to support more generic functionality at the systems
operating system or middleware level. This study starts from the However, the constraints introduced by a GPU programming
hypothesis that generic middleware-level techniques that improve model which, until recently, specialized in supporting only
distributed system reliability or performance (such as content graphical processing, have led past efforts aimed at harnessing this
addressing, erasure coding, or data similarity detection) can be resource to focus exclusively on computationally intensive
significantly accelerated using GPU support. scientific applications [33]. While these efforts have confirmed
We take a first step towards validating this hypothesis, focusing that significant speedup is achievable, the development cost for
on distributed storage systems. As a proof of concept, we design this specialized platform is often prohibitive. Recently, however,
StoreGPU, a library that accelerates a number of hashing based the introduction of general-purpose programming models (e.g.,
primitives popular in distributed storage system implementations. NVIDIA’s CUDA [7]) has lowered the development cost and
Our evaluation shows that StoreGPU enables up to eight-fold opened this resource to a new set of applications.
performance gains on synthetic benchmarks as well as on a high- This study starts from the observation that a number of techniques
level application: the online similarity detection between large that enhance distributed system reliability and/or performance
data files. (e.g., content addressability in data storage [8, 34], erasure codes
[39], on-the-fly data similarity detection [32]) incur computational
Categories and Subject Descriptors overheads that often preclude their effective usage with today’s
D.4.3 [Operating Systems]: File Systems Management - commodity hardware. We study the viability of offloading these
Distributed file systems. D.4.8 [Operating Systems]: data-processing intensive operations to the GPU. We demonstrate
Performance - Measurements, Modeling and Prediction. I.3.1 that GPUs offer up to 8x speedup compared to traditional CPU-
[Computer Graphics]: Hardware Architecture – Graphics based processing. This brings in a new overhead tradeoff balance
processors, Parallel Processing. point where the above techniques can be effectively used to
support high-performance computing system middleware.
General Terms While the approach we explore can be employed to support a wide
Performance, Design, Experimentation. range of distributed systems, we focus on distributed storage. The
reason is the increasing performance gap between the storage
Keywords system and the processor, memory, and network subsystems. This
Middleware, Storage System, Graphics Processing Unit, GPU
performance gap has made the cost-effective engineering of a
hashing, StoreGPU.
distributed storage system capable of keeping up with the other
components of a distributed system (e.g., data-processing,
1. INTRODUCTION visualization) an increasingly challenging task.
Recent advances in processor technology [31] have resulted in a
wide availability of massively parallel Graphics Processing Units This project proposes StoreGPU, a library that enables transparent
(GPUs) in commodity desktop systems. For example, commodity use of a GPU’s computational power to support data- and
GPUs like NVIDIA’s GeForce 8600 priced at about $100 have 32 compute-intensive primitives used in distributed storage systems.
processors and 256 MB of memory while high-end GPUs, like the In particular, we focus on specialized use of hashing to support
content addressability, on-the-fly similarity detection, data
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for integrity, and load balancing. By building the StoreGPU library
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are and making it available to the community, we open the possibility
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies of efficiently incorporating these mechanisms into distributed
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise,
storage systems, thereby unleashing a valuable set of optimization
or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior
specific permission and/or a fee. techniques. Furthermore, we present evidence that this approach
HPDC’08, June 23–27, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Copyright 2008 ACM 978-1-59593-997-5/08/06...$5.00.
can be extended to other routines that support today’s distributed balancing, data similarity detection, and compact set
systems like erasure coding [14], compact dataset representation representation are all middleware primitives with best
using Bloom filters [11], data compression [25], and data filtering. implementations based on various uses of hashing. Yet the
For instance, in the digital fountain approach for data computational overheads of these implementations sets them apart
dissemination [13], the data source continuously generates erasure as potential bottlenecks [34] in today’s high-performance
codes of the original data blocks. A library that transparently distributed systems that commonly employ multi-Gbps optical
outsources the computationally demanding encoding operation to links.
the GPU will dramatically reduce the load of the source CPU and This section briefly details some of these hashing-based primitives
enhance overall system performance. with two goals in mind: First, we support the argument that their
The contribution of this work is threefold: computational overheads prevent their use in conventional
ƒ First, this project explores a new territory: the use of GPUs to high-performance systems. Second, we present the usage
support general purpose computing middleware (as opposed to scenarios that inform the design of StoreGPU.
specialized scientific applications). We show that exploiting
GPU in this context brings valuable performance gains.
2.1.1 Content Addressable Storage
In systems that support content addressability [34], data blocks are
Moreover, we present evidence that GPUs can enhance the
named based on their content. In this context, hashing is used as a
performance of storage systems, a usage scenario where the
naming technique: data-block names are simply the hash value of
challenge lays in the data-intensive nature of system
the data [8, 34, 38]. There are multiple advantages to this
operations. In this scenario, large volumes of data need to be
approach: it provides a flat namespace for data-block identifiers
sequentially processed; an operational case outside the scope of
and a naming system which, in turn, simplifies the separation of
the original GPU design. To the best of our knowledge, no
file-metadata from data-block metadata. However, the overhead
previous studies have attempted to use the GPUs to enhance
required to compute block hashes may limit performance in
the performance of this category of applications.
workloads that have frequent updates.
ƒ Second, we present a performance model that allows the
estimation of a data-processing application’s performance on a 2.1.2 Data-similarity detection
given GPU model. The performance model can be used to Content addressability enables tradeoffs between computation and
evaluate whether modifying an application to exploit GPUs is storage space overheads. Consider a versioning file system [32]:
worth the effort. We also present a detailed analysis of the When a client saves a new version of a file, the file system divides
factors that influence performance for a subset of applications the file into blocks, computes their identifiers (often hashes of the
and quantitatively evaluate their effect. block), and sends these identifiers to the storage system. The
ƒ Finally, we make the StoreGPU library available to the storage system, in turn, compares the identifiers received with the
community. This library can be used to harness the identifiers of blocks of previous versions of the file to detect
computational power of GPUs with minimal modifications to which blocks have changed and need to be persistently stored. The
current systems1. Depending on its configuration and the target client, informed of the presence of similar blocks, will not store
application’s data usage patterns, StoreGPU enables significant them again, saving considerable storage space and network
performance gains. When comparing the performance enabled bandwidth. Experience shows space savings can be as high as
by a low-end GPU (the NVIDIA 8600GTS) and a commodity 60% in production [34] and research systems [9].
CPU (Intel Core2 Duo 6600), StoreGPU achieves up to eight-
fold performance gains on not only synthetic benchmarks but 2.1.3 Data Integrity
also when supporting a high-level application. In an untrustworthy environment, hashing is used to support data
integrity and non-repudiability guarantees. For example, in
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next section accountable storage systems [40], Samsara [15], SFS [21], and
justifies our choice of optimizing hash-based operations through a SafeStore [27], integrity of the stored data is protected using
survey of hashing use in storage systems (Section 2.1) and digital signatures. To keep the overhead of signing and verifying
describes the GPU programming model and the main factors integrity manageable, only the hash of the data is signed and
influencing application performance when using GPUs (Section stored together with the data and the public credentials of the
2.2). Section 3 details the design of StoreGPU library. Section 4 signing entity.
presents our experimental results, section 0 surveys the related
work, and section 6 presents a discussion of our approach. We 2.1.4 Load Balancing
Hashing is used to load-balance a distributed storage system. For
conclude in section 7.
instance, hashing is used in systems based on consistent-hashing
2. BACKGROUND techniques [26, 35, 36] to assign loads to nodes [16, 19]. A good
This section surveys the use of hashing techniques to support hashing function that minimizes collisions leads to an efficient
efficiency and reliability in data storage systems (whether data distribution technique since blocks are distributed evenly
distributed or not) and presents the architecture and programming between the storage nodes.
model of the used GPU. 2.1.5 Computing Block Boundaries
2.1 Hashing in Storage Systems To implement the aforementioned techniques, storage systems
Hash-based primitives are commonly used by data-oriented need to divide files into multiple blocks. To this end, two
system middleware. Content addressability, data integrity, load approaches are possible: fixed- or variable-size blocks. In the first
approach, the file is divided into a set of equally-sized blocks. In
the second approach, block boundaries (i.e., markers for block
StoreGPU is an open source project, the code can be found at: start and end) are defined based on file content. For instance, the
Low-Bandwidth File System (LBFS) [32] and JumboStore [20] 2.2.1 GPU Architecture
both detect block boundaries by passing all successive 48 byte Figure 1 presents a high-level view of NVIDIA’s GPU
‘windows’ of the file through a hash function and declaring a architecture. The device is composed of a number of SIMD
block boundary if the last 20 bits of the hash value are all zero. multiprocessors. Each multiprocessor incorporates a small (16KB
The advantage of this approach is that, unlike fixed-blocks, the in the GeForce 8600GTS) but fast memory, shared by all
ability to detect block similarities is preserved even in the processors in the multiprocessor. All multiprocessors have access
presence of data insertion and deletion. However, this technique is to three other device-level memory modules: global (a.k.a. device
computationally intensive since a large number of hashes need to memory), texture, and constant. These memories are also
be computed to determine the block boundaries, therefore accessible from the host machine. The global memory supports
imposing a high overhead and making usage in the context of read and write operations and it is the largest memory in the GPU
general-purpose data storage systems difficult. In fact, the low (with size ranging from 256 to 768 MB). In comparison, the
throughput provided by this technique is the main reason its texture and constant memories are much smaller and have
proponents recommend its use in storage systems supported by restricted access policies. Apart from size, the critical
low-bandwidth networks [32]. characteristic of the various GPU memory modules is their access
latencies. While accessing an entry in the shared memory takes up
2.1.6 Summary of Usage Scenarios to four cycles, it takes 400 to 600 cycles to access the global
We can reduce the use cases presented to two uses of hashing: memory [7].
ƒ Direct Hashing, where the hash for an entire data block is Typically, a general purpose application will first transfer the
computed (to support content addressability, data integrity, or application data from host (CPU) memory to the GPU global
fixed-block similarity detection), and memory and then try to maximize the usage of the shared memory
ƒ Sliding Window Hashing, where a large number of possibly throughout the computation.
overlapping windows in a large data block are computed (to
support similarity detection based on variable-block sizes).
Finally, we note that the aforementioned techniques require a
collision-resistant hash function, such as MD5 or SHA, which are
more computationally intensive than simple hashing functions
(e.g., CRC codes).

2.2 GPU Programming

This section presents an overview of the latest GPU models’
architecture, main performance factors, and the programming
model. We focus on NVIDIA’s architecture and programming
environment: the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA)
[7]. Other vendors (e.g., AMD) have also developed similar
architectures and programming environments [1]. We have
selected the NVIDIA cards for two reasons. First, it has the largest
market share [5, 6] and second, the CUDA programming model is Figure 1. GPU Architecture.
more suitable for general purpose computing. Unlike AMD’s
Close To Metal (CTM) programming model [1], which provides a Programming efficient applications to exploit GPUs implies
low-level assembly language for GPU programming, CUDA extracting the target application’s parallelism and employing
supports the use of C programming language for application efficient memory and thread management techniques. Improper
programming. task decomposition, memory allocation, or memory transfers can
lead to dramatic performance degradation. Particularly, efficient
The GPU has a Single-Instruction Multiple-Data (SIMD) use of the shared memory is a challenging task for three reasons.
architecture. It offers a number of SIMD multiprocessors and four First, the shared memory is often small compared to the volume of
different memories each with their own performance data being processed. Second, the shared memory is divided into
characteristics (detailed in the next subsection). The CUDA 16 banks and all read and write operations that access the same
programming model extends the C language with directives and bank are serialized, hence, reducing concurrency. Consequently,
libraries to abstract the GPU architecture. CUDA allows the to maximize the performance, an application should schedule
programmer to control application variables’ allocation (e.g., the concurrent threads to access data on different banks. The fact that
memory type in which the variable resides), and provides an API a single bank does not represent a contiguous memory space
for GPU specific functions, such as device properties querying, increases the complexity of efficient memory utilization. Finally,
timing, memory management, and per multiprocessor thread increasing the number of threads per multiprocessor does not
synchronization. directly lead to a linear performance gain although it may help
Although using C as the programming language lowers the hide global memory access latency. The reason is that increasing
barriers to developing general purpose code on GPUs, the the number of threads decreases the amount of shared memory
programming model requires that the application fits the Single- available per thread. Obviously, the optimal resource usage
Instruction Multiple-Data (SIMD) model. Moreover, despite the configuration is tightly coupled with the application
abstractions provided by the CUDA API, it is still challenging to characteristics (e.g., the data access patterns) and GPU hardware
make efficient use of the GPU memory. As our performance specifications (the number of registers in the multiprocessor or the
analysis (Section 4) shows, poor memory management may size of shared memory available).
critically impair performance.
2.2.2 GPU Performance Factors to the GPU is limited at 4GB/s, the theoretical maximum
When using the GPU, an application passes through five main bandwidth of PCIe 16x interface.
stages: preprocessing, host-to-GPU data transfer, processing, To give the reader an intuition of how the various overheads
GPU-to-host results transfer, and post-processing. Table 1 interplay, we present the time breakdown to hash a 96MB data
describes these stages, identifies the main performance factors for block: transferring the data to the GPU takes 37.4ms (for an
each stage, and introduces the notation used throughout the rest of achieved throughput of 2.5GBps), hashing takes 41.8ms( using the
this paper to model performance. (We note that not all four GT8600 multiprocessors), and copying the results back takes
applications will have the preprocessing or post-processing 1.0ms. Overall, in this configuration, the memory transfers
stages.) represent over 48% of the execution time.
Table 1. Application processing stages and performance factors.
Stage Sub-stages Operations performed 3. StoreGPU Design
1.1.GPU initialization GPU initialization The design of StoreGPU is driven by storage systems’ use of
(TGPUInit) hashing as presented in section 2.1. This section presents
(1) 1.2.Memory allocation Memory allocation at the host StoreGPU’s application programming interface (API) and a high-
Preprocessing (TMemAlloc) and the GPU level design overview. We present a number of performance-
1.3.Pre-processing Application-specific data oriented design improvements in the evaluation section.
(TPreProc) preprocessing on the CPU
(2) Data Data transfer to GPU Data transfer from host’s SHA1 (RFC 3174) and MD5 (RFC 1321), as well as most widely
Transfer In (TDataHtoG) memory to GPU global memory used hash functions, follow the sequential Merkle-Damgård
3.1.Data transfer to shared Data transfer from global GPU construction approach [18, 30]. In this sequential approach, at
memory (TDataGtoS) memory to shared memories. each stage, one chunk of data is processed to produce a fixed size
(3) 3.2.Processing (TGPUProc) Application ‘kernel’ processing output. The output of each stage is used as an input to the
Processing 3.3.Data transfer to device Result transfer from shared following stage together with a new data chunk. This sequential
global memory memory to global memory construction does not allow multiple threads to operate
(TDataStoG) concurrently in hashing the data. To exploit the highly parallel
(4) Data 4.1.Output data transfer Transfer the results to the host
GPU architecture, our design uses the original hash functions as a
Transfer Out (TDataGtoH) system RAM.
5.1.Post-processing Application-specific post
building block to process multiple chunks of data in parallel. The
(5) Post- discussion section presents evidence that the hash function we
(TPostProc) processing on CPU resource
processing build is as strong as the original, sequentially built, hash function.
For a data-parallel application, the processing step is usually 3.1 StoreGPU API
repeated multiple times until all input data is processed. During We designed StoreGPU API to correspond to the two main use
each iteration, parts of the data are copied from global memory to cases presented in Section 2.1.
each multiprocessor’s shared memory and processed by the
application ‘kernel’ before the results are then transferred back to Direct Hashing, i.e., hashing large blocks of data, with size
the global memory. Thus, the runtime of a data parallel ranging from kilobytes to megabytes or more. To address this
application can be modeled as: scenario, the library provides the following interface:
char* SHA(char* DataBuffer,int DataBufferSize)
TTotal = TPreprocesing+ TDataHtoG + TProcessing + TDataGtoH + TPostProcH char* MD5(char* DataBuffer,int DataBufferSize)
= TGPUInit + TMemAlloct + TPreProc + TDataHtoG +
Sliding Window Hashing. As opposed to the first case, content-
DataSize (T
× DataGtoS + TProc + TDataStoG) + based detection of block boundaries requires hashing numerous
N × SMSize small data blocks (sized from tens to hundreds of bytes). To
TDataGtoH + TPostProc (1) address this usage pattern, the library provides the following
where DataSize is the size of an application data set, N is the interface:
number of multiprocessors, and SMSize is the size of the char* SHA(char* DataBuffer,
multiprocessor’s shared memory. The parameters that influence int DataBufferSize,int WinSize,int Offset)
the formula above (e.g., host-to-memory transfer throughput, char* MD5(char* DataBuffer,
device global-to-shared memory throughput, initialization int DataBufferSize,int WinSize,int Offset)
overheads) can be either benchmarked or found in the GPU data This API returns an array of hashes, where each entry of this array
sheets. is the result of hashing a window of data of size WinSize at
Equation 1 allows system designers to estimate the benefits of shifting offset Offset.
offloading processing to the GPU and to identify parts of the The rest of this section presents the two main modules of
application that need optimization. GPUs are known for their StoreGPU with a focus on parallelizing hash computations.
ability to accelerate number-crunching applications, but are less
efficient when hashing large volumes of data. This is due not only 3.2 Design of the Direct Hashing Module
to the overheads incurred when transferring large amounts of data Figure 2 presents StoreGPU’s direct hashing module design. Once
to and from the device, but also to the fact that the various floating input data is transferred from the CPU, it is divided into smaller
point units are not used. In fact, trivial data processing, such as a blocks and, every small block is hashed. The result is placed in a
simple XOR between two data blocks, even on a large amount of single output buffer and, finally, the output buffer is hashed to
data, is faster on the CPU than on the GPU. While the GPU can produce the final hash value.
perform computations at a huge theoretical sustained instruction- Two aspects are worth mentioning. First, there are no
per-second peak rate (46.4 GIPS -Giga Instruction Per Second for dependencies between the intermediate hashing computations in
the NVIDIA 8600 GTS card), the data transfer from the machine Step 2 (Figure 2). Consequently, each computation can be
executed in a separate thread. Second, this design uses the CPU to the global memory to its shared memory workspace, hence
aggregate the intermediary hashes (Step 3). The reason is that avoiding subsequent accesses to the slower global memory.
synchronization of GPU threads across the blocks inside the GPU Second, it abstracts the shared memory to allow the thread to
is not possible. access its workspace as a contiguous address space. Effectively
the shared memory management mechanism serves to increase the
shared memory performance through avoiding bank conflicts
while providing a contiguous memory address abstraction.

3.5 Other Optimizations

In addition to optimizing the shared memory usage, we considered
two other optimizations: the use of pinned memory, and reducing
the size of the output hash.
Allocating and initializing the input data in host’s pinned memory
(i.e., non-pageable memory) saves the GPU driver from an extra
memory copy to an internal pinned memory buffer. In fact, the
GPU driver always uses DMA (Direct Memory Access) from its
internal pinned memory buffer when copying data from the host
Figure 2: Direct hashing module architecture. The blocks with memory to the GPU global memory. Therefore, if the application
circular arrows represent the standard hashing kernel. Stages allocates the input data in pinned memory from the beginning, it
numbers correspond to Table 1. saves the driver from performing the extra copy to its internal
buffer. However, allocating pinned memory adds some overhead
3.3 The Sliding Window Hashing Module since the kernel is involved in finding and preparing a contiguous
To parallelize the computation of a large number of small hashes set of pages before locking it. Our performance numbers do not
drawn from a large data block, we hash in parallel all the small show a pronounced effect for this overhead, since pinned memory
blocks and aggregate the result in a buffer. This module’s buffers can be reused over subsequent library calls and thus this
architecture is presented in Figure 3. overhead is amortized.
Additionally, we allow users to specify the size of the desired
output hash. The rationale behind this feature is that, some
applications such as block boundary for similarity detection only
need the first few bytes of the hash value.

We evaluate StoreGPU both with synthetic benchmarks (Section
4.1) and an application driven benchmark: we estimate the
performance gain of an application using StoreGPU to compare
similarities between multiple versions of the same checkpoint
image (Section 4.2).
Figure 3: Sliding window hashing module architecture. The
blocks with circular arrows represent the standard hashing 4.1 Synthetic Benchmarks
kernel. Stage numbers correspond to Table 1. This section presents the performance speedup delivered by
Each of the hash functions in Figure 3 can be executed in a StoreGPU under a synthetic workload. We first compare GPU-
separate thread since there are no dependencies between supported performance with the performance of the same
computations. The challenge in implementing this module lies in workload running on a commodity CPU. Next, this section
the memory management to extract maximum performance. Note investigates the factors that determine the observed performance.
that the input data is not divided into smaller blocks as the 4.1.1 Experiment Design
previous case. The reason is that the input data for each thread The experiments are divided into two parts, each corresponding to
may overlap with the neighboring threads. the evaluation of one of the two uses of hashing described in
3.4 Optimized Memory Management Section 3 (i.e. Direct Hashing and Sliding Window Hashing). The
Although the design of the two modules presented here are performance metric of interest is execution speedup.
relatively simple, optimizing their performance for GPU Table 2 summarizes the factors that influence performance.
deployment is a challenging task. For example, one aspect that Currently, StoreGPU provides the implementation of two hashing
induces additional complexity is maximizing the number of algorithms: MD5 and SHA1. The data size variation is intended to
threads to extract maximal parallelism (around 100K threads are expose the impact of memory copy between the host and the GPU.
created for large blocks) while avoiding multiple threads Additionally the sliding-window hashing module has two specific
accessing the same shared memory bank and maximizing the use parameters: window and offset size.
of each processors’ registers. To this end, we have implemented
our own shared memory management mechanism with two main Additionally, we explore the impact of the three performance
functions. First, it allocates a fixed space for every thread in a optimizations presented in section 3 : i) the optimized use of
single shared memory bank and avoids assigning workspaces shared memory; ii) memory pinning; and iii) reduced output size.
allocated on the same memory bank to concurrent threads in the
same multiprocessor. When a thread starts, it copies its data from
Table 2: Factors considered in the experiments and their
respective levels. Note that the sliding-window hashing module
has extra parameters.
Direct and Sliding Window Hashing
Factors Levels
Algorithm MD5 & SHA1
Data Size 8KB to 96MB
Shared Memory Enabled or Disabled
Pinned Memory Enabled or Disabled
Sliding-Window Hashing only
Window Size 20 or 52 bytes
Offset 4, 20 or 52 bytes
Reduced Hash Size Enabled or Disabled

The devices used in the performance analysis are: an Intel Core2 Figure 4: StoreGPU speedup for MD5 implementations for
direct hashing. SHA1 performs similarly.
Duo 6600 processor (released late 2006) and an NVIDIA GeForce
8600 GTS GPU (released early 2007). We note that, in both cases, Sliding window hashing introduces two extra parameters that
our implementation uses out-of-the-box hash function influence performance: the window size and the offset. The
implementations. These implementations are single-threaded and window size determines how much data is hashed while the offset
use only one core of the Intel processor. We defer the discussion determines by how many bytes the window is advanced after each
on the impact of the experiment platform choices to Section 6. hash operation. The experiments explore four combinations for
For all performance data points, we report averages over multiple these two factors with values chosen to match those used by
experiments. The number of experiments is adjusted to guarantee storage systems like LBFS [32], Jumbostore [20], and stdchk [9].
90% confidence intervals. We applied a full factorial experimental Figure 5 shows the results for a configuration that leads to intense
design to evaluate the impact of each combination of factors computational overheads: a window size of 20 bytes and an offset
presented in Table 2. The following sections present a summary of 4 bytes. In this configuration (in fact suggested by LBFS),
of these experiments. StoreGPU hashes the input data up to 9x faster for MD5 and up to
5x faster for SHA1. For slightly larger chunks (56 bytes),
4.1.2 Experimental Results StoreGPU performs a little slower when compared to the previous
The first question addressed by our experiments is: What is the scenario. The speedup offered is over 7x for the MD5 algorithm
execution time speedup offered by StoreGPU compared to a CPU and about 4.8x for SHA1. The same trend is also observed for
implementation? To answer this question, we determine the ratio experiments where the offset is increased to 20 bytes, as shown in
between the execution time on the GPU and the CPU for both Figure 6 .
MD5 and SHA1 hashing algorithms.
Figure 4 shows the speedup achieved by StoreGPU for MD5 and
SHA1 respectively for the Direct Hashing module. Values larger
than one indicate performance improvements, while values lower
than one indicate a slow down. The results show that the
optimized (pinned and shared memory optimizations enabled)
StoreGPU starts to offer speedups for blocks larger than 300KB
and offer up to 4x speedup for large data blocks (>5MB).
Note that as the data size increases, the performance improvement
reaches a saturation point. It is also important to observe that non-
optimized GPU implementations may perform much worse than
its CPU counterpart. When memory accesses are not optimized,
the performance can decrease up to 30x for small blocks (8KB
and MD5). This fact highlights two aspects: first, efficient
memory management is paramount to achieving maximum Figure 5: StoreGPU sliding-window hashing module speedup
performance in data-intensive applications running on GPUs; for MD5. Window size=20 bytes, offset=4 bytes.
second, as the data size grows, the impact of the overhead in
The sliding window hashing achieves higher speedup compared to
moving the data from the host to the device lowers compared to
direct hashing module for two reasons: First, the CPU
the processing cost. We discuss the latter point in more detail in
implementation of the sliding window hashing will pay an
the next section.
additional overhead of a function call to hash each window, while
Figure 5 and Figure 6 present the results of experiments for the StoreGPU spawns one thread per window that can execute in
sliding-window hashing module. Qualitatively, the observed parallel. Second, since the window size is usually less than 64
behavior is similar to the direct hashing module. Quantitatively, bytes (the input size for SHA or MD5), every window is padded
however, the speedup delivered by StoreGPU is much higher. The to complete the 64 bytes. This translates to hashing considerably
figures show the results for MD5 sliding window hashing module. larger amounts of data for the same given input data, making this
Other parameter choices and choosing SHA1 lead to similar module more computationally intensive and thus a better fit for
patterns. Hence we do not include these results here. We direct the GPU processing. This is also the reason we observe larger
reader to our technical report. speedups with smaller window sizes and offsets.
Finally, we observed that the speedup achieved for MD5 is better
than SHA1. Although we do not have a precise understanding of
the reasons for this performance disparity, our intuition is that this
is due to the intrinsic characteristics of the algorithms.

Figure 7: Stage 1 duration with and w/o pinned memory.

Figure 6: StoreGPU sliding-window hashing module speedup

for MD5 Window size=56 bytes. Offset=56 bytes.
4.1.3 Dissecting the Overheads
The execution time of a particular computation on the GPU can be
divided into the five stages outlined in section 2.2.2.:
preprocessing, host-to-GPU data transfer, code execution, GPU-
to-host result transfer, and finally post-processing operations on
CPU (e.g., result aggregation, release of resources).
This section analyzes how the execution time of each of these
stages is affected by the three optimization features available:
Figure 8: Stage 2: Input transfer time.
pinned memory, shared memory and reduced hash size. Due to
space constraints, we limit our analysis to the direct hashing
module and MD5 algorithm implementation. Although not
reported here, the sliding-window module and the SHA1
implementations present the same characteristics.
Stage 1: Preprocessing. Our application does not have a special
data preprocessing operation, consequently this stage is effectively
reduces to memory allocation only. The allocation of memory
buffers (host and GPU) and the allocation of the buffer for
returned results on the host main memory take between 0.3ms and
14ms depending on the data size and whether the pinned memory
optimization is enabled (Figure 7). The initialization takes longer
with pinned memory and larger data sizes as it is costly to find
contiguous pages to accommodate larger data sizes. However, the
proportional overhead implied by the initialization time follows is
negligible (Step 1 in Figure 10 to Figure 11). Figure 9: Stage 3: Time spent on kernel execution
with/without shared memory optimization enabled.
Stage 2: Data transfer In. The host-to-device transfer time varies
depending on the data size and whether Pinned Memory Stage 4: Data Transfer Out. Transferring the output causes
optimization is used. As expected, although using pinned memory proportionally less impact on the overall execution than transferring
slows down Step I, it significantly improves transfer performance the input (Figure 10 to Figure 11). The reason is that, for direct
(Figure 8). Compared to the theoretical 4GBps peak throughput hashing, the output size is several orders of magnitude smaller than
of the PCIe 16x bus, we obtain, for large blocks, 2.5GB/s with the input. Moreover, the output buffers are always pinned; therefore,
pinning and 1.7GB/s without. this step always benefits from the high throughput achieved by
Stage 3: Data processing. The performance of kernel execution is using pinned memory pages. As a result, we do not observe any
highly dependent on the utilization of shared GPU memory and its major difference in terms of the impact caused by the output transfer
across tested configurations.
optimized use (i.e. avoiding bank conflicts - Figure 9). For large
data volumes, without the optimized memory management, the Stage 5: Post-processing. Finally, the aggregation of the kernel
kernel contributes up to 80% to the overall operation time (Figure output into one hash value takes only up to a few milliseconds and
10). When all optimizations are enabled, efficient use of shared has a minor impact on the overall execution time. Enabling GPU
memory reduces the kernel execution impact to about 40% of the optimizations do not influence the performance of the last stage
total execution time (Figure 11). (hash aggregation), since the execution is performed on the CPU.
Table 3. Online similarity detection throughput (in MBps) and
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
speedup using SHA1.
Throughput (MBps) Similarity
80% StoreGPU Standard ratio detected
Runtime Percentage

Fixed block size (using 460.2 126.3

60% 23.4%
direct hashing) Speedup: 3.6x
40% Variable block size 51.9 9.7
(LBFS technique using 82.0%
20% sliding window hashing) Speedup: 5.4x
0% Table 4. Online similarity detection throughput (in MBps) and







speedup using MD5.
Data Size (KB)
Throughput (MBps) Similarity
Figure 10: Percentage of total execution time spent on each StoreGPU Standard ratio detected
stage when none of the optimizations are enabled.
Fixed block size (using 840 193
Figure 10 and Figure 11 illustrate the proportion of total execution direct hashing) Speedup: 4.3x
time that corresponds to each execution stage. These results show Variable block size 114 13.5
the major impact of pinned and shared memory optimizations on the (LBFS technique using 80%
contribution of each stage to the total runtime Using pinned sliding window hashing) Speedup: 8.4x
memory reduces the impact of data transfer (compare Stage 2 in
Figure 10 to Figure 11), while using the shared memory reduces Table 3 and Table 4 compare the throughput of online similarity
kernel execution impact (compare Stage 2 in Figure 10 to Figure detection between using standard hashing functions running on
11). Finally, enabling both optimizations increases the impact of the CPU and using StoreGPU. These results show dramatic
copy operation, since pinning memory demands a higher overhead improvement in the throughput of online similarity detection with
during the allocation stage (Stage 1 in Figure 11). both fixed and variable size blocks. Despite the fact that we are
using a lower-end GPU, the results indicate that fixed-block
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 similarity detection can be used even on 10Gbps systems while the
100% variable block size technique can be used for systems connected
Runtime Percentage

with 1Gbps networks without introducing a performance bottleneck.

We anticipate that using high-end graphical cards, e.g., NVIDIA
60% GeForce 8800 series, will significantly enhance performance even


Exploiting GPUs for general purpose computing has recently gained
popularity particularly as a mean to increase the performance of








scientific applications. We refer the reader to Owens et al. [33]for a

Data Size (KB)
comprehensive survey.
Figure 11: Percentage of total execution time spent on each A number of science-oriented applications stand out. Liu et al. [29]
stage with pinned and shared memory optimizations enabled. implemented the Smith-Waterman algorithm, which compares two
biological sequences by computing the number of steps required to
4.2 Application Level Performance transfer one sequence to the other, for a GPU platform and reported
This section complements the synthetic benchmarks presented so an 16x speedup in some cases. The algorithm is often used by
far. We evaluate the application-level gains achieved by using bioinformatics applications to compare an unknown sequence with a
StoreGPU. Concretely, we evaluate the speedup offered by using database of known sequences.
StoreGPU to detect similarities between successive checkpoint Thompson et al. [37] compared GPU with CPU implementations for
images of the same application. a variety of programs, such as matrix multiplications and a solver
Checkpointing is an indispensable fault tolerance technique adopted for the 3-SAT problem. They also suggest minor extensions to
by long-running applications. These applications periodically write current GPU architectures to improve their effectiveness in solving
large volumes of snapshot data to persistent storage in an attempt to general purpose problems. Following this trend, Buck et al. [12]
capture their current state. In the event of a failure, applications proposed a programming environment for general-purpose
recover by rolling-back their execution state to a previously saved computations on GPUs that provides developers with a view of the
checkpoint. Consecutive checkpoint images have often a high GPU as a streaming coprocessor. Kruger et al. [28] implemented
degree of similarity (for instance, Al-Kiswany et al. [9] detect up to linear algebra operators for GPUs and demonstrated the feasibility
82% similarity). of offloading a number of matrix and vector operations to GPUs.
We have collected the checkpoint images using BLCR More related to our infrastructural focus, Govindaraju et al. [23]
checkpointing library [24] from 24 hour-long runs of BLAST, a have implemented a number of database operations for GPUs,
popular bioinformatics application [10]. The interval between the including conjecture selection, aggregation, and semi-linear queries
checkpoints is 5min. The average image size is 279MB. operations.
Our study is different from the above studies in three ways. First, we
employ the latest GPU generation and the CUDA programming
modes which are more suitable for general purpose programming. that may benefit from GPU support. Currently, we are
Unlike most of the previous studies [37], this relieves us from experimenting with a GPU-optimized Bloom filter implementation.
having to retrofit the problem that we solve into a graphics problem. In general, we believe that GPUs can be used by any data-parallel
Second, unlike the previous studies, we focus on primitive storage application to provide significant performance improvements,
system operations and place them in a library, thus providing provided that the number of operations performed per byte being
infrastructure for a broad set of applications. Finally, we focus on processed is sufficiently high to amortize the additional overheads
data-intensive processing applications with a ratio of computation to due to host-device memory transfers.
input data of at least one order of magnitude lower than previous 4) How does StoreGPU perform against the theoretical peak?
studies. Since StoreGPU is a data-intensive application as opposed to a
compute-intensive one, we first consider memory access
6. DISCUSSION throughput. While the memory bandwidth listed in NVIDIA’s
This section focuses on a number of interrelated questions: GeForce 8600 specification is as a high 32GB/s [3], the real
1.) Are StoreGPU hash function implementations strong? Is the memory access bottleneck is the PCI-Express bus, listed at 4GB/s in
system backward compatible? each direction. This is congruent to our experiments, which show
Most of today’s hash functions are designed using the Merkle- that pinned memory transfers achieve up to 2.48GB/s. Furthermore,
Damgard construction [18]. Merkle and Damgard show that we estimate NVIDIA’s GeForce 8600 theoretical non floating point
collision-free hash functions can divide data into fixed-sized blocks instruction exaction peak rate at to 46.4 GIPS (Giga Instruction Per
to be processed either sequentially, using the output of each stage as Second). Our StoreGPU kernel performs at up to 19.54 GIPS, a
the input to the next, or in parallel and then concatenating and slowdown compared to the peak rate mainly due to internal memory
hashing the intermediate hash results to produce a single final hash copy operations inside the GPU.
value. Most hash functions such as MD5 and SHA adopt the 5) Is the comparison fair?
iterative model because it does not require extra memory to store the We have used two low-end devices, an Intel Core2 Duo 6600
intermediate hash results. processor and an NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS GPU, for our
Our approach for the direct-hashing module is based on the parallel comparison. In both cases, we used the unmodified hashing
construction. This choice has two implications. First, as a direct functions (with best compiler options). On the CPU-side, two
implication of the Merkle and Damgard argument, the resulting additional optimizations may also be considered: first, using a multi-
hash function will still have the same strength as the original threaded implementation to exploit all CPU cores, and second,
sequential construction. Second, while our sliding-window module using Intel’s Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE).
is still backward-compatible, hashing only small data windows, our We believe that not exploring these optimizations does not impact
direct-hashing technique produces different hash values compared the validity of our argument that GPUs can effectively be used to
to the sequential MD5 or SHA versions. This does not have an accelerate distributed system middleware for three reasons. First, in
impact on the StoreGPU usability as long as all entities in the most deployments, CPUs are shared by multiple applications. We
storage system use the same library. While we are still investigating demonstrate that CPU-intensive middleware primitives can be
alternatives to maintain backward-compatibility, one way to reduce effectively offloaded to a GPU to reduce the load of the main
the migration burden is to provide CPU implementations of processor. Second, to use the SSE computational units the
StoreGPU that implement the same algorithm. application needs to be transformed into vector processing
2.) What are the implications of newer GPU cards (e.g., NVIDIA operations, an operation that complicates the development if done
GeForce 9800 priced at $300) and of the new programming model manually and for which compiler support has just begun to emerge.
(CUDA 1.1)?
Two enhancements in the newer GPU cards have the potential to 7. CONCLUSIONS
increase GPU-supported application performance: First, high-end This study demonstrates the feasibility of harvesting GPU
cards are much more powerful. For example the GF9800 GTX has computational power to support distributed systems middleware.
four times as many processors (128 cores), two times higher We focus on accelerating compute- and data-intensive primitives of
memory bandwidth (70.4 GB/s), and two times higher host-to-GPU distributed storage systems. We implemented StoreGPU, a library
bandwidth (due to using PCIe 2 16x interface) [4] than the card we which enables distributed storage system designers to offload
use. This additional capacity should speed up the GPU-supported hashing-based operations to GPUs, demonstrating 8x speedup when
execution. Second, our work is based on CUDA v1.0. NVIDIA has comparing StoreGPU performance to a standard CPU
recently released CUDA v1.1 which supports, among other features, implementation. Additionally, we show that applications that
an API which allows asynchronous memory copies for pinned depend on hashing computations to effectively identify similarity
memory and kernel launches [2]. This introduces the possibility to among large volumes of data, such as comparing two checkpoint
overlap GPU kernel execution and memory transfers. We estimate images, benefit from the throughput boost enabled by StoreGPU.
that by exploiting these features, we will be able to provide Despite the positive outcome of our study, it is important to
additional speedups. highlight the challenges involved in the process. As pointed out by
3.) Can other middleware benefit from this idea? our experiments and discussion section, careful optimization of
We believe that a host of other popular primitives used in memory access patterns is paramount to achieving such levels of
distributed systems can benefit from GPU support, such as erasure performance. Nevertheless, we expect that, as offloading
coding, compressed set representation using Bloom filters, and data computations to GPU becomes mainstream, hardware vendors will
compression among others. For example, different parallel offer better support for memory access optimizations in the form of
algorithms for Reed-Solomon coding exist [17] and can be deployed compilers, profilers, etc.
on GPUs; on the other hand, Gilchrist [22] proposes a parallel An immediate future exploration is a deeper performance analysis
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