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qxd:Layout 1 1/19/09 2:24 PM Page 237

completed the following work on the Renovating the intake tower is a big
Croton Falls Dam: job, France says, because they extend to PROJECT PARTICIPANTS
■ Installation of 49 200-foot-long, 36- the bottom of the dam. The structures Owner: New York City Department of
strand post-tensioning cable anchors into are built in the water and house all Environmental Protection
Designer: MWH
the dam crest that tie the main dam to mechanical means for the water to exit
Construction manager: Earth-Tek
the underlying rock; into the river, he adds. Construction and HAKS
■ Installation of a 700-linear foot coffer- “One of the big challenges is working
dam to perform spillway weir rehabilita- with the varying water levels and work- 20 to 30 million gallons per day to main-
tion; ing with water, period,” France states. tain downstream rivers and wildlife.
■ Demolition of the downstream gate “Keeping the water levels constant Working with the city’s department
chamber and reconstruction of a larger, required coordination with the New of environmental protection required
subterranean valve chamber that hous- York City Department of Environ- YCC/Dragados to take extra care in
es new valving; mental Protection at additional upstate ensuring water and the job site
■ Construction of intake and outtake struc- reservoirs.” remained clean. “Keeping the water
tures, where water enters and leaves the The department requires water conserva- clean is a top priority for us,” France
reservoirs at the Diverting and Croton sites; tion at all times, including maintenance of says.
■ Installation of sluice gates, which are minimum flows so downstream rivers To ensure water quality and cleanli-
devices that slide up and down to cover don’t dry up and so downstream reser- ness, YCC/Dragados says it employed
openings to block and open the flow of voirs receive an inflow of water. various means of protection, such as
water; Water was diverted from the dams via the use of water curtains, double con-
■ Installation of a stainless steel, 84-inch siphoning. Typical siphons were construct- tainment on all chemicals, settling
diameter manifold pipe that connects the ed out of 18- to 30-inch high-density poly- ponds, tanks for sedimentation control,
downstream gate chamber and the new ethylene piping (HDPE) in runs of 300 to as well as sand filtration devices on
valve chamber; 500 feet, allowing YCC/Dragados to siphon pumps. ■
■ Replacement of all valves and major
pipes; and Freyssinet shares the corporate values of innovation and efficiency with the Yonkers/Dragados Joint Venture as evi-
■ Rehabilitation of existing instake gate denced in the development and supply of a precast concrete dam refacing alternative for the Cross River and Croton
Falls Dams. The companies worked together toward developing a solution that meets functional, structural and aesthetic
house. requirements while reducing site activity and impact on the sensitive site environment.


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