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1 Program for swapping using Parameter Passing Methods Aim : To write a C++ program for various parameters passing methods.a) Pass by value b) Pass by address (or) pointer c) Pass by reference Algorithm(a): Step1:START the program Step2:Include the header files. Step3:Declare two data members a and b. Step4:Get the values of a and b. Step5:Call the functions by passing the values. Step6:Declare a temporary data member inside the function. Step7:Swap the values of a and b. Step8:Print the output. Step9:STOP the program. Algorithm(b): Step1:START the program Step2:Include the header files. Step3:Declare two data members a and b. Step4:Get the values of a and b. Step5:Call the functions by passing their addresses with the use of pointers. Step6:Declare a temporary data member inside the function. Step7:Swap the values of a and b. Step8:Print the output. Step9:STOP the program.

Algorithm(c): Step1:START the program Step2:Include the header files. Step3:Declare two data members a and b. Step4:Get the values of a and b. Step5:Call the functions by passing the values with the use of reference variables. Step6:Declare a temporary data member inside the function. Step7:Swap the values of a and b. Step8:Print the output. Step9:STOP the program.

Programs: (a).pass by value: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int swap(int x,int y); void main() { int alb; clrscr(); cout>>Enter the two numbers\n; cin>>a>>b; swap(a,b); getch(); } int swap(int x,int y) { int t; t=x; x=y; y=t; cout<<The interchanged values are\n<<x<<and <<y; return 0; } (b) Pass By Address #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int swap(int *x, int *y); void main() { int a,b; clrscr(); cout<<Enter the two numbers\n; cin>>a>>b; swap(&a,&b); cout<<The interchanged values:\n<<a<<and<<b; getch(); } int swap(int *x, int *y) { int t;

t=*x; *x=*y; *y=t; return 0; } (c) Pass By Reference: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int swap(int &x, int &y); void main() { int a,b; clrscr(); cout<<Enter the two numbers\n; cin>>a>>b; swap(a,b); cout<<The interchanged values:\n<<a<<and<<b; getch(); } int swap(int &x,int &y) { int t; t=x; x=y; y=t; return 0; }

Expt.No: 2 Date :

Program for Default Arguments

Aim: To write a C++ program to implement the usage of default arguments. Algorithm: Step1: START the program Step2: Include the header files. Step3: Declare the function with character and integer arguments. Step4: Call the function without passing any arguments. Step5: So the function will take the arguments from function prototype. Step6: Call the function again by passing some arguments. Step7: Print the output. Step8: STOP the program. Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void defaultarg(char x, char *, int 3); void main() { defaultarg(); defaultarg($,#); defaultarg(@,^,2); getch(); } void defaultarg(char ch, char ch1,int rep_count) { for(int i=0;i<rep_count;i++) cout<<ch<<ch1; cout<<\n; getch();


Program for Creating A Simple Class

Aim: To write a program for creating a simple class program. Algorithm: Step1:START the program. Step2:Include the header files. Step3:Create a class whose name is record. Step4:Create the private attributes inside the class. Step5:Create public member functions inside the class. Step6:Create a object for the class. Step7:Access the member functions using the object. Step8:Print the output. Step9:STOP the program.

Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> class record { char name[20]; int m1,m2; float tot,avg; public: void getdata(int a, int b, char n[20]) { m1=a;

m2=b; strcpy(name,n); } void cal() { tot=m1+m2; avg=tot/2; } void disp() { cout<<Enter the name:<<name; cout<<\nMark1:<<m1<<\nMark2:<<m2<<endl; cout<<Total:<<tot<<endl<<Average:<<avg; } }; void main() { clrscr(); record r; r.getdata(99.98,Ram); r.cal(); r.diap(); getch(); }

Expt.No.4 Program for Pointer Data Member within a class

Aim: To write a C++ program using a pointer variable to allocate and deallocate the memory. Algorithm: Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 :START the program. :Include the header files. :Create a class whose name is vector. :Declare a pointer data member and a integer data member inside it. Step5 :Create public member functions inside the class. Step6 :One of the function is to allocate memory for a specific datatype and for given size. Step7 :Another member function created in order to deallocate the allocated memory in the previous step. Step8 :Create a object for the class inside the main. Step9 :Access the member functions using the objects. Step10:Print the output. Step11:STOP the program. Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class vector { int *v; int sz; public: void vectorsize(int size) { sz=size; v=new int[size]; } void read() { cout<<"Enter the numbers"; int i; for(i=0;i<sz;i++) cin>>v[i]; } void showsum() { int sum=0;

for(int i=0;i<sz;i++) { sum=sum+v[i]; } cout<<"\nThe sum is"; cout<<sum; } void release() { delete v; } }; void main() { clrscr(); vector v1; int count; cout<<"\n Enter the number of elements"; cin>>count; v1.vectorsize(count); v1.read(); v1.showsum(); v1.release(); getch(); }

Expt.No.5(a) Program Using Static Data Member Aim: To write a C++ program using a static data member. Algorithm: Step1:START the program. Step2:Include the header files.

Step3:Create a class whose name is item. Step4:Declare a static data member and a normal integer data member in the class. Step5:Define the static data member outside the class. Step6:Create a object for the class inside the main. Step7:Access the member functions using the objects. Step8:Print the output. Step9:STOP the program. Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class item { static int count; int number; public: void getdata(int a) { number=a; count++; } void getcount() { cout<<"\nThe count is"<<count; } } ; int item::count; void main() { clrscr(); item a,b,c; a.getcount(); b.getcount(); c.getcount(); a.getdata(100); b.getdata(200); c.getdata(300); cout<<"\nAfter reading"; a.getcount(); b.getcount(); c.getcount(); getch(); }

Expt.No.5(b) Program Using Static Member Function Aim: To write a C++ program using static member function. Algorithm: Step1:START the program. Step2:Include the header files. Step3:Create a class name is student. Step4:Declare the data members for the class. Step5:Also create a static member function inside the class. Step6:Create the object for the class inside the main. Step7:Access the member function using the object and access the static member function using the class name. Step8:Print the output. Step9:STOP the program. Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> class student { char name[20],grade; int mark1,mark2,mark3,total; float avg; public: void getdata(char n[20], int a,int b,int c) { strcpy(name,n); mark1=a;

mark2=b; mark3=c; } void find() { total=mark1+mark2+mark3; avg=total/3; } void display() { cout<<"The name is:"<<name; cout<<"The marks:"<<mark1<<endl<<mark2<<endl<<mark3; cout<<"\nThe total is"<<total; cout<<"\nThe average is"<<avg; if(avg>=85) cout<<"\nOutstanding"; else if(avg>=75) cout<<"Distinction"; else if(avg>=60) cout<<"\nFirst class"; } static void menu() { cout<<"Student register containing marklist"; } }; void main() { clrscr(); student s; student::menu(); s.getdata("HI",100,100,100); s.find(); s.display(); getch(); }


Program Using Friend Function

Aim: To write C++ program using friend function. Algorithm: Step1:START the program. Step2:Include the header files. Step3:Create a class whose name is One. Step4:Declare the data members for the class. Step5:Make a non-member function as a friend to the class. Step6:Declare the data members for the class. Step7:Make the non-member function as a friend to that class. Step8:Create objects for both the classes. Step9:Access the non member function by passing the objects. Step10:Print the output. Step11:STOP the program. Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class two; class one { int data1; public: void setdata(int init) { data1=init; } friend int addboth(one a,two b); }; class two { int data2; public: void setdata(int init) { data2=init;

} friend int addboth(one a,two b); }; int addboth(one a1, two b1) { return a1.data1+b1.data2; } void main() { clrscr(); one a; two b; a.setdata(5); b.setdata(10); cout<<"Sum"<<addboth(a,b); getch(); }

Expt.No.6(b) Bridging Between Two Classes using Friend Aim: To write a C++ program for making a bridge between two classes. Algorithm: Step1:START the program. Step2:Include the header files. Step3:Declare the class prototype. Step4:Create a class whose name is boy.. Step5:Declare the data members for the class. Step6:Create member functions for that class.

Step7:Make the class boy as a friend to the class girl. Step8:Create a class whose name is girl. Step9:Declare the data members for the class. Step10:Create member functions using the data members of class boy. Step11:Create the object and access the member function using the object. Step12:Print the output. Step13:STOP the program. Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class girl; class boy { int income1; int income2; public: void setdata(int no1, int no2) { income1=no1; income2=no2; } friend class girl; }; class girl { int income; public: int girlfunc(boy b1) { return b1.income1+b1.income2; } void setdata(int in) { income=in; } void show() { boy b1; b1.setdata(100,200); cout<<"\nBoys income"<<b1.income1; cout<<"\ngirl income"<<b1.income2; }

}; void main() { clrscr(); boy b1; girl g1; b1.setdata(500,1000); g1.setdata(300); cout<<"\nBoy total income:"<<g1.girlfunc(b1); g1.show(); getch(); }


Program for Constructor overloading using Friend Function

Aim: To write a constructor overloading program using friend function. Algorithm: Step1:START the program Step2:Include the header files. Step3:Create a class whose name is complex. Step4:Create private data members for the class. Step5:Create one default constructor for that class. Step6:Create a constructor with one argument and with two arguments for same class. Step7:Create a member function for this class. Step8:Also create non member function return type is complex and make it as friend. Step9:Create objects for the class and pass the values to the constructor. Step10:Access the member function using the class. Step11:Print the output. Step12:STOP the program.

Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class complex { float real,imag; public: complex() { } complex(float a) { real=a; imag=a; } complex(float a,float b) [ real=a; imag=b; } void disp() { cout<<real<<"+i"<<imag; } friend complex sum(complex c1,complex c2); }; complex sum(complex c1,complex c2) { complex c3; c3.real=c1.real+c2.real; c3.imag=c1.imag+c2.imag; return c3; } void main() { complex a,b,c; a=complex(1,5); cout<<"Complex num for object 'a' is:"; a.disp(); b=complex(2.5,3.5); cout<<"Complex num for object 'b'is:"; b.disp(); c=sum(a,b); cout<<"Addition value is"; c.disp(); getch();


Program for Function Overloading

Aim: To write a C++ program to implement function overloading. Algorithm: Step1:START the program. Step2:Declare the prototypes of functions of same name but with different return type an arguments Step3:Define the functions. Step4:Get the values of different datatype values. Step5:Call the functions. Step6:Print the output. Step7:STOP Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h>] int sum(int a,int b); float sum(float a,float b); double sum(double a,double b); void main() { clrscr(); int a,b,intsum; float x,y,floatsum; double x1,y1,doublesum; cout<<"Enter the integers"; cin>>a>>b; intsum=sum(a,b); cout<<"The value is"<<intsum; cout<<"Enter the float values";

cin>>x>>y; floatsum=sum(x,y); cout<<"The value is"<<floatsum; cout<<"Enter the double values"; cin>>x1>>y1; doublesum=(x1,y1); cout<<"The value is"<<doublesum; getch(); } int sum(int a,int b) { return(a+b); } float sum(float a,float b) { return(a+b); } double sum(double a,double b) { return(a+b); }

Expt.No.9(a) Program for Unary Operator Overloading Aim: To write a C++ program to implement unary operator overloading. Algorithm:

Step1:START the program. Step2:Include the header files. Step3:Create a class whose name is space. Step4:Declare the private data members for the class. Step5:Create member functions inside the public. Step6:Also create a member function with the operator -. Step7:Create a object for this class inside the main(). Step8:Call the function using the object. Steo9:Print the output. Step10:STOP. Program: include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class space { int x,y,z; public: void read(int a,int b,int c) { x=a; y=b; z=c; } void disp() { cout<<"\nx="<<x<<"\ny="<<y<<"\nz="<<z; } void operator -() { x=-x; y=-y; z=-z; } }; void main() { clrscr(); space s; s.read(1,2,-3); cout<<"Values before applying minus"; s.disp(); -s; cout<<"\nValues after applying minus"; s.disp();

getch(); }


Program for Increment And Decrement Operator Overloading

Aim: To write a C++ program to implement increment and decrement operator overloading. Algorithm: Step1:START the program. Step2:Include the header files. Step3:Create a class whose name is simple. Step4: Declare the private data members for the class. Step5:Create member functions inside the public. Step6:Also create a member function which performs increment and decrement operation with the operators and ++. Step7:Create a object for the class. Step8:Call the member functions using the objects. Step9:Print the output. Step10:STOP. Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class space { int x,y,z;

public: void read(int a,int b,int c) { x=a; y=b; z=c; } void disp() { cout<<"\nx="<<x<<"\ny="<<y<<"\nz="<<z; } void operator ++() { x=++x; y=++y; z=++z; } void operator --() { x=--x; y=--y; z=--z; } }; void main() { clrscr(); space s; s.read(1,2,-3); cout<<"Values before icrementing"; s.disp(); ++s; cout<<"\nValues after incrementing"; s.disp(); --s; cout<<"\nValues after decrementing"; s.disp(); getch(); }


Program for Binary Operator Overloading

Aim: To write a C++ program to implement binary operator overloading. Algorithm: Step1:START the program. Step2:Include the header files. Step3:Create a class whose name is complex. Step4:Create a default constructor. Step4:Create two parameterized constructors with one argument and two arguments. Step5:Create the member functions inside the class. Step6:Declare a member functions for the operators +,-,*,/. Step7:Define the member functions with the return type complex. Return the object. Step8:Create objects for the class. Step9:Perform the operations with two objects and assign to another object. Step10:Print the output. Step11:STOP. Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> class complex { float real,img; public: complex() { } complex(float a) { real=a; img=a; } complex(float a,float b) { real=a; img=b;

} void disp() { cout<<real; if(img<0) cout<<"-i"<<fabs(img); else cout<<"+i"<<fabs(img); cout<<"\n"; } complex operator +(complex c2); complex operator -(complex c2); complex operator *(complex c2); complex operator /(complex c2); }; complex complex::operator +(complex c2) { complex c3; c3.real=real+c2.real; c3.img=img+c2.img; return(c3); } complex complex::operator -(complex c2) { complex c3; c3.real=real-c2.real; c3.img=img-c2.img; return(c3); } complex complex::operator *(complex c2) { complex c3; c3.real=real*c2.real; c3.img=img*c2.img; return(c3); } complex complex::operator /(complex c2) { complex c3; c3.real=real/c2.real; c3.img=img/c2.img; return(c3); } void main() { clrscr();

complex c1,c2,c3; c1=complex(2,5); c2=complex(2.5,3.5); c3=c1+c2; c3.disp(); c3=c1-c2; c3.disp(); c3=c1*c2; c3.disp(); c3=c1/c2; c3.disp(); getch(); }


Program for Multiple Inheritance

Aim: To write a C++ program to implement multiple inheritance. Algorithm: Step1:START the program. Step2:Include the header files. Step3:Create a class whose name is college. Step4:Declare the data members for the class. Step5:Create public member functions for the class. Step6:Create a class whose name is univ. Step7: Declare the data members for the class. Step8: Create public member functions for the class. Step9: Create a class whose name is student. Step10:Inherit the properties of class college and univ to the class student with visibility mode public Step11:Create the object for the derived class. Step12:Call the member function using the objects. Step13:Print the output. Step14:STOP.

Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class college { char name[20],dept[20][20]; int girls[20],boys[20],studno[20],deptno,tot; public: void getcol() { cout<<"Enter the college name and no. of department"; cin>>name>>deptno; } void putcol() { cout<<"\nThe college name is:"<<name; cout<<"The no of dept is:"<<deptno; } void department() { for(int i=0;i<deptno;i++) { cout<<"\nThe dept is: "; cin>>dept[i]; cout<<"\nThe no. of girls: "; cin>>girls[i]; cout<<"\nThe no. of boys: "; cin>>boys[i]; } } void student1() { for(int i=0;i<deptno;i++) { int s=0; cout<<"\nThe dept is: "; cout<<dept[i]; cout<<"\nThe no. girls: "<<girls[i]; cout<<"\nThe no. of boys present: "<<boys[i]; studno[i]=boys[i]+girls[i]; tot=s+studno[i]; cout<<"\nTotal no of students present: "<<tot; } }

}; class univ { protected: char name[20],loc[20]; public: void getuniv() { cout<<"\nEnter the univ name & location: "; cin>>name>>loc; } void putuniv() { cout<<"\nThe university is: "; cout<<name; cout<<"\nThe location is: "<<loc; } }; class student:public college,public univ { char name[20]; int rollno; public: void getstud() { cout<<"\nEnter the student name and rollno.: "; cin>>name>>rollno; } void putstud() { cout<<"\nThe student is: "<<name; cout<<"\nThe roll no: "<<rollno; } }; main() { clrscr(); student s; s.getstud(); s.getcol(); s.getuniv(); s.department(); s.putstud(); s.putcol(); s.putuniv(); s.student1();

getch(); return 0; }


Program for Virtual Base Class

Aim: To write a C++ program to implement virtual base class. Algorithm: Step1:START the program. Step2:Include the header files. Step3:Create a base class whose name is company. Step4:Declare and define data members and member functions of the class. Step5:Create the derived class such as manager and employee with company as its base Class. Step6:Make the base class company as virtual to the derived lass manager and employee. Step7: Declare and define data members and member functions of the derived class. Step8:Derive a class whose name is department with manager and employee as its base class. Step9: Declare and define data members and member functions of the derived class. Step10:create a object for department inside the main(). Step11:Acccess the member functions using the objects. Step12:Print the output. Step13:STOP. Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> class company { protected: char name[20],loc[20]; public: void getcompany() { cout<<"\n Enter the name and location"; cin>>name>>loc;

} void putcompany() { cout<<"\n The name of the comapany is"<<name<<"\nLocation"<<loc; } }; class manager:virtual public company { public: char mname[20],dept[20]; int age; float sal; void getman() { cout<<"\nEnter the manager's name,Department,Age,Salary"; cin>>mname>>dept>>age>>sal; } void putman() { cout<<"\nManager name:"<<mname<<"\nAge"<<age<<"\nDepartment"<<dept<<"\nSalary:"<<sal; } }; class employee:virtual public company { public: char ename[20],eename[20],depart[20]; float salary; void getemp() { cout<<"\nEnter the employee name,Salary,Department"; cin >>ename>>salary>>depart; strcpy(eename,ename); } void putemp() { cout<<"\nEmployee name:"<<eename<<"\nSalary:"<<salary<<"\nDepartment"<<depart; } }; class department:public manager,public employee { public: void getdepartm() { getman();

getemp(); } void find() { char *s1,*s2; strcpy(s1,dept); strcpy(s2,depart); if(strcmp(s1,s2)==0) { cout<<"\n\n\n The employee"<<eename<<"is working under manager"<<mname; } else cout<<"\n\n\n The employee "<<eename<<"is not working under manager"<<mname; } }; void main() { clrscr(); department d; d.getcompany(); d.getdepartm(); d.find(); d.putcompany(); d.putman(); d.putemp(); getch(); }


Program for Virtual Functions

Aim: To write a C++ program to implement virtual functions. Algorithm: Step1:START the program. Step2:Include the header files. Step3:Create a class whose name is university. Step4: Declare and define data members and member functions of the class.

Step5:Create a class with university as its base class. Step6: Declare and define data members and member functions of the derived class. Step7:Also create a member function which has same name in both Base lass and derived class. Step8:Declare the member function which is inside the base class As virtual. Step9:Create an object pointer for the base class and a normal Object for the derived class. Step10:Assign the normal object to the pointer object. Step11:Access the member function using the member access Operator. Step12:STOP Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class univ { char name[20],loc[20]; public: virtual void getdata() { cout<<"Enter the university name and location"; cin>>name>>loc; } virtual void display() { cout<<name<<endl<<loc; } }; class college:public univ { char name[20],loc[20]; public: void getdata() { cout<<"Enter the college name and location"; cin>>name>>loc; } void display() { cout<<name<<endl<<loc; } }; void main() {

clrscr(); univ *u; college c; u=&c; u->getdata(); u->display(); getch(); }


Program for Templates

Aim: To write a C++ program to create templates. Algorithm: Step1:START the program. Step2:Include the header files. Step3:Create a template class t. Step4:Create a function with objects as its arguments. Step5:Define the body of the function. Step6:Declare data members inside the main(). Step7:The data members should be of various data types. Step8:Pass the data members to the functions while calling. Step9:Print the output. Step10:STOP Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> template<class t> void swap(t a,t b) { t temp; temp=a; a=b; b=temp; cout<<"after interchanging the values are"<<a<<"and"<<b;

} void main() { clrscr(); int g,h; float m,n; double i,j; cout<<"Enter the int"; cin>>g>>h; swap(g,h); cout<<"Enter the float values"; cin>>m>>n; swap(m,n); cout<<"Enter the double values"; cin>>i>>j; swap(i,j); getch(); }

Expt.No.15(a) Program for Sequential Accessing (A) Aim: To write a c++ program for sequential accessing. Algorithm: Step1: fstream class is implemented in the main program Step2: Two files "std .in", "std.out" are created Step3: Connect file object to file Step4: "std.in" file is fail not opened or error Step5: Discard the file finally Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> void main() { clrscr(); fstream infile;

fstream outfile; int i,count,per; char name[30]; infile.open("student.in",ios::in); if(infile.fail()) { cout<<"\nError:cannot open the file in read mode:"; exit(1); } outfile.open("student.out",ios::out); if(outfile.fail()) { cout<<"\nerror:unable to open the file:"; exit(1); } infile>>count; outfile<<"students information processing"<<endl<<endl; cout<<"-----------------------------------"<<endl; for(i=0;i<count;i++) { infile>>name>>per; outfile<<"\n name:"<<name<<endl; outfile<<"\nPercentage:"<<per<<endl; outfile<<"Passed in:"; if(per>=70) outfile<<"\nFirst class with distinction"; else if(per>=45) outfile<<"\nSecond class"; else outfile<<"\nSorry,failed"; } infile.close(); outfile.close(); } getch(); } Expt.No.15(b) Program for Sequential Accessing (B) Aim: To write a c++ program for sequential accessing. Algorithm: Step1:Start the program.

Step2:Include the header file. Step3:Get the required information from the user. Step4:Create an object for the class ifstream. Step5:Open a file explicitly using that object. Step6:Also create an object for the class ofstream. Step7:Open a file explicitly for the object. Step8:Perform the required operations in that file using the objects. Step9:Print the output. Step10:Stop. Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); char name[20]; char branch[20]; int age; cout<<"enter the name of the student:"; cin>>name; cout<<"enter the branch of the student:"; cin>>branch; cout<<"enter the age of the student:"; cin>>age; ofstream out("student.dat",ios::out|ios::app); out<<name<<" "<<branch<<" "<<age<<endl; out.close(); ifstream in("student.dat",ios::in); while(!in.eof()) { in>>name>>branch>>age; cout<<name<<branch<<age; } in.close(); getch(); } Expt.No.16 Program for Random Acessing Aim: To write a c++ program for random accessing for file.

Algorithm: Step1: In fstream binary mode is declared is main function Step2: Assign number 0 to 9 in the file Step3: Set the write (put) pointer Step4: Set the read (get) pointer Step5: End of file Step6: Finally the result is displayed. Program: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<fstream.h> #define READSIZE 6 Void main() { clrscr(); char reader[READSIZE+1]; fstream fstr(tst.txt,ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); for(int i=0;i<0;i++) fstr<<i; fstr.seekp(2); fstr<<Hello; fstr.seekg(4); fstr.reader(reader,READSIZE); reader[READSIZE]=0; count.width(10); count.fill(*); cout<<reader; getch(); } Expt.No.17 Program for Constructor Overloading Aim: To write a java program for constructor overloading. Algorithm: Step1:Start the program Step2:Define the class box Step3:Declare the member variables and default constructor Step4:Declare and define the constructor with three and one parameter. Step5:Define the method volume for allocating the volume. Step6:Create another class for main.

Step7:Create objects for passing the values. Step8:Print the volume for each value passed to the constructor. Stop9:Stop the program. Program: class Box { float height,width,depth; Box() { System.out.println("Default constructor invoked for class box"); } Box(float w,float h,float d) { width=w; height=h; depth=d; } Box(float x) { width=height=depth=x; } public float volume() { return width*height*depth; } } class Boxdemo { public static void main(String args[]) { Box b=new Box(); Box b1=new Box(3,4,5); Box b2=new Box(5); float vol; vol=b1.volume(); System.out.println("The volume of box b1 is:"+vol); vol=b2.volume(); System.out.println("The volume of box b2 is:"+vol); } } Expt.No.18 Aim: Program for String Manipulation in java

To write a program for string manipulation in java. Algorithm: Step1: Include a class is created when a name strectraction, strcompare, string modify Step2: String extraction containing the operation to find a character a set. Step3: Strcompare contains the operation to perform that two strings are equal Step4: Str searching is used to find the index of and last index of a particular character Step5: Str modify is used to concatenate and to replace Step6: object are created based on their condition provided each function is invoked. Program: class stringmanip { public void stringextraction() { String str1=new String(); int start=5,end=9,origin=0; char str2[]=new char[end-start]; str1="Welcome to India"; System.out.println("The string is"+str1); System.out.println("to find character at the specified place 3 in str1 is:"); System.out.println(str1.charAt(3)); System.out.println("To extract one or more characters"); str1.getChars(start,end,str2,0); System.out.println(str2); System.out.println("To convert characters in string objects to characters array:"); System.out.println(str1.toCharArray()); } public void strcompare() { String s1="hello welcome"; String s2="hello Goodmorning"; String s3="hello WELCOME"; String ss=new String(s1); String sss=new String(s1); System.out.println("To Check for equal:"+s1.equals(s2)); System.out.println("To Chaeck for equal ignore case:"+s1.equalsIgnoreCase(s3)); System.out.println("To Check for starts with:"+s1.startsWith("hello")); System.out.println("To check for ends with:"+s1.endsWith("come")); System.out.println("To check for'=='is:"+(ss==sss)); } public void strsearching() { String s5="This is a simple test program";

System.out.println("To find first occurance of given characters:"+s5.indexOf('a')); System.out.println("To find last occurance of given characters:"+s5.lastIndexOf('a')); } public void strmodify() { String s6="Hai! How are you"; System.out.println("To concat:"+s6.concat("all")); System.out.println("To repalce:"+s6.replace('H','G')); System.out.println("Hello world".trim()); } public static void main(String args[]) { stringmanip sm=new stringmanip(); int l; l=Integer.parseInt(args[0]); System.out.println(l); if(l==1) { System.out.println("Yes it is one"); sm.stringextraction(); } else if(l==2) { sm.strcompare(); } else if(l==3) { sm.strsearching(); } else if(l==4) { sm.strmodify();}}} Expt.No.19 Aim: To write a program for multiple inheritance using interface concepts. Algorithm: Step1: Interface is same like class where only declaration of function Step2: class can implement from that interface Step3: object for created in each class that is created Step4: function are invoked by using the object Program: Program for Multiple Inheritance using interface

import java.io.*; interface Area { public final static float pi=3.14f; public float compute(float x,float y); } class rectangle implements Area { public float compute(float x,float y) { return(x*y); } } class circle implements Area { public float compute(float x,float y) { return(pi*x*y); } } public class InterfaceArea { public static void main(String args[]) { rectangle r=new rectangle(); circle c=new circle(); Area a; a=r; System.out.println("Area of the Rectangle"+a.compute(10,20)); a=c; System.out.println("Area of the circle"+a.compute(10,12)); } } Expt.No.20 Program for Handling Pre-defined Exceptions Aim: To write a program for handling predefined exception Algorithm: Step1: Create a new class exception and package include the file Step2: The operation that are used are try, catch, throw Step3: Two object are created void arithmetic void are exception

Step4: The package included with that file Program: class excep { void arithexception() { int a=10,b=15,R; R=b-a; try { if(R!=0) { System.out.println("The Output is:"+R); } else throw new ArithmeticException("l"); } catch(ArithmeticException e) { System.out.println("The arithmetic exception 'division by zero"is caught"); } } void arrexception() { char c[]={'a'}; try { while(c[10]==3) { System.out.println("no problem"); } } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out.println("The Array index ob:"+e); } finally { System.out.println("thus the exception is caught"); } } public static void main(String a[]) { excep e1=new excep();

e1.arithexception(); e1.arrexception(); } } Expt.No.21 Program for User-defined Exception Aim: To write a program for user define Exception in java. Algorithm: Step1: Include all the package that are present in java Step2: Create a class, function are involved Step3: The result is printed , until package we can display and data Step4: objects are created for that are defined exception. Program: class IllegalValueAcessException extends Exception { public IllegalValueAcessException(String a) { } } class Usertrial { int val1,val2; public Usertrial(int a,int b) { val1=a; val2=b; } void check()throws IllegalValueAcessException { if((val1<0)||(val2>0)) throw new IllegalValueAcessException("2"); System.out.println("Tha val1 is:"+val1); System.out.println("The value2 is:"+val2); } } class Throwexcep

{ public static void main(String a[]) { Usertrial use=new Usertrial(-1,4); try { use.check(); } catch(IllegalValueAcessException e) { System.out.println("Illegal values are caught"+e); } } } Expt.No.22 Aim: To write a program predefined package in java Algorithm: Step1: Include all the packages that are present in java Step2: Create the class Step3: The value of a & b are get from the user Step4: object are created for predefined package Step5: Function are invoked Program:
package pack; public class Display { public Display() { System.out.println("This is a constructor"); } public String Displaytext() { return"Displayingtext"; } } \\program for userdefined package import pack.Display; public class simple { public static void main(String args[]) { Display disp=new Display(); String str=disp.Displaytext(); System.out.println(str);

Program for creating User-defined Package

System.out.println("Hai"); } }

Expt.No.23 Program for Multi-Threading Aim: To write a program for Multithreading. Algorithm: Step1: To create one class called new thread implement runnable. Step2: Create constructor for the class Step3: Point " child" thread Step4: Assign thread sleep. Step5: Print child thread Step6: Create another class Step7: Print main thread Program:
class NewThread implements Runnable { Thread t; NewThread() { t=new Thread(this,"demo thread"); System.out.println("child thread"+t); t.start(); } public void run() { try { for(int i=5;i>0;i--) { System.out.println("child thread"+i); Thread.sleep(1000); } } catch(InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("childInterrupped"); } System.out.println("exiting child thread"); } } class Threaddemo { public static void main(String a[]) { new NewThread(); try {

for(int i=5;i>0;i--) { System.out.println("mainthread:"+i); Thread.sleep(2000); } } catch(InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("mainthread interrupted"); } System.out.println("mainthreading exiting"); } }

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