OOAD Lab Record
OOAD Lab Record
OOAD Lab Record
Problem Statement
Here our main intention is to design a prototype of the ATM Management System. For this we need to collect all the requirements related to the system. After collecting all the requirements we develop a Use Case Diagram for the ATM Management System.
The above use case diagram depicts that the customers of the ATM System can have saving and current accounts. The ATM System allows customers to withdraw cash after it validates the ATM card and PIN of customers. The ATM system also enables the customers to change PIN and obtain a transaction summary.
After designing the Use Case Diagram we have to design Sequence Diagram for all the use cases.
After designing Sequence Diagram we will develop Collaboration diagram for all the use cases:
After all this diagram we to model the static view of the prototype, the manager needs to create the following diagrams:
To model the static view of the prototype of the ATM System, we need to perform the following steps. 1. Identify the classes for prototype. 2. Identify the attribute of classes and their visibility to other classes. 3. Identify the operations and their visibility to the other classes. 4. Identify the relationship among the classes. 5. Identify the interface and their relationship. 6. Create a class diagram in Jude. 7. Create an object diagram in Jude.
Identify Classes
ATMCard BankCustomer Transaction Account SavingAccount CurrentAccount
PIN CardNumber AccountNo
Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private
SavingAccount CurrentAccount
InterestRate InterestRate
Identify Operations
ATMCard BankCustomer
SetPIN WithdrawCash ChangePIN
Update the PIN For withdrawing cash Invokes the PIN change request. Enters the new PIN. Select a transaction from a list of transactions. Request for a transaction summary.
To calculate the balance of the account after transaction. To calculate the interest of account. To update the account after the transaction.
VerifyWithdrawlAmo unt
To verify the withdrawl amount To calculate the interest of account. To calculate the interest of account.
SavingAccount CurrentAccount
CalculateIntrest CalculateIntrest
Typically, the operations of classes are assigned public visibility to enable the generalization and association relationship among classes. The classes of the ATM System need to interact with each other to achieve the functions. Therefore, all the operations of the Bank ATM System classes have been assigned public visibility.
After designing Class Diagram for the system we have to develop design template in VB.
Prototype for the User Interface of the ATM Management System User interface for MDI Form: