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Healthy Bodies: Doctors Without Borders

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Healthy bodies

De pa r tm e nt of E duca t ion a nd E a r ly Ch i ldhood Deve lopm e n t

Doctors Without Borders

For our project this term we were given a company that helps either their own or another community for free. We got into groups and my group was given Doctors Without Borders which is a service that provides care and health to overseas countries. That was all I knew about the service so I decided to send an email. Heres what I wrote: To whom it may concern, Hello my name is Declan and I am a year 4 student at Moonee Ponds Central School. This term as part of our integrated unit, I have been researching the Doctors without borders service and I have a few questions. Which government may not let you inside their Country? When would you not go somewhere to save someone? Which countries in future do you think will need more help in future? Declan. Unfortunately, I did not get a reply from the email and I havent found the answers to my questions.

29/11/2012 Volume 1, Issue 1

Inside this issue:

Doctors Without 1 Borders Healthy eating menu planner Interview you: week #001 1 2

Healthy bodies: 2 Calve stretches Healthy bodies: 2 arm circles Healthy bodies 3 sideways turns Healthy bodies: 6 fun run.

Healthy eating menu planner

Breakfast: bowl of cereal, piece of fruit, glass of water. Snack: Yoghurt, piece of fruit, glass of water. Lunch: Salad sandwich, glass of water. Snack: Banana smoothie, piece of fruit. Dinner: Pasta, glass of water, Beans and carrots. Glasses of water to be drunk; 7 Exercise: run around block, sport game, jump on trampoline.

Interview you: Week #001

This week for interview you, we interviewed Halima, a six year old child from Tanzania. Heres what happened. Q. Is your house safe? A. My house is made of mud bricks and straw. Its not very safe but its the only thing that we have. Q. Do you have enough food and water? A. For our food we grow ,maize beans and for our water we just walk to the town square, were world vision have recently placed a pump. Q. Do your parents have jobs? A. My parents sell maize beans and we get sponsored. Q. what are your hobbies? A.I really enjoy drawing because its fun and I am creative person. Look out for next weeks copy of interview you. Aim: to loosen up your calf muscles so you dont pull a muscle.
People in third world countries have to grow, hunt or steal for their food and everyday resources.

Healthy bodys: calf stretches

Equipment: lots of space Steps: 1. stand up straight with you legs apart, one facing forwards and one facing backwards. 2. Bend your front leg but keep your back leg straight. Hold for 30 seconds. 3. then you do the same thing with the opposite leg.

Caption describing picture or graphic.

Healthy bodys: arm circles

Aim: to get our arms moving freely, ready for running exercises. Equipment: lots of space. Steps: 1. find a wide space to work with( you will need to stand clear of any other people). 2. if you are doing this stretch with a partner or group, make sure they are all aware that you are doing it. 3.Move arms in forward circles ten times 4. repeat backwards ten times.

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Newsletter Title

Healthy bodys: side ways turns Aim: to get your waist and hips prepared. Equipment: Lots of space. Steps 1. Stand up straight. 2. Put your arms above your head. 3. put your palms facing the sky. 4. twist you waist from side to side.
Caption describing picture or graphic.

Healthy bodys: fun run

Aim: to improve your running, dodging and footwork skills. Equipment: four cardboard boxes, two fences and a wide open area. Steps: 1. Set up the boxes in a line with the fences at both ends. 2. Weave through the boxes and when you get to the fence do ten push ups against it. 3. run back around the boxes and do another ten push ups.
Caption describing picture or graphic.

Healthie bodies

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Be sure to look out for the second copy of Healthy bodies and remember to take into mind all of the facts, ideas, and activities into your life. They will all help you to get fit and strong and If you want any more information, you can look at any online site or ask someone who knows.

Caption describing picture or graphic.

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