2002-05-17 WTR Heat Calcs
2002-05-17 WTR Heat Calcs
2002-05-17 WTR Heat Calcs
Description Benefits Environmental Impact Type of Change Technology Measures Performance Verification Cost Effectiveness Analysis Tools Relationship to Other Measures Acknowledgments
Copyright 2002 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved. Reproduction or distribution of the whole or any part of the contents of this document without the express written permission of PG&E is prohibited. Neither PG&E nor any of its employees makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability of responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any data, information, method, policy, product or process disclosed in this document, or represents that its use will not infringe any privately-owned rights, including but not limited to patents, trademarks or copyrights..
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Methodology Results
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Modifying the Load Dependent Energy Factor Method 4 Hourly Adjusted Recovery Load (HARL) 6 Define the Standard Water Heating Systems 13 Example Calculations 13
Proposed Standards Language
Water heating energy is regulated by the California building energy efficiency standards along with energy for space conditioning (heating and cooling). The energy budget is the sum of water heating and space conditioning energy, so that tradeoffs can be made between the two energy components [151(b)]. Energy use in the standard design and the proposed building is currently reported in source Btu per square foot per year. There is no consideration of when the energy is used. As time dependent valuation (TDV) is used for assessing building energy performance, it is necessary to calculate water heating energy for each hour, like heating and cooling loads. This proposed code change introduces a calculation procedure for estimating hourly water heating energy.
This proposed code change will modify the calculation procedure for estimating water heating energy so that it produces results on an hourly basis, which is consistent with TDV. The change requires that a custom budget approach be used to develop the water heating budget. Movement to a custom budget approach is directly related to TDV, as the current method of determining the water heating budget (Equation 1-N in 151(b)) produces only an annual budget, which is incompatible with TDV. The custom budget procedure is similar to the procedure currently used for residential space conditioning and involves the following: The basecase water heating system will be separately defined in 151 of the standard for systems serving individual dwelling units and for systems serving multiple dwelling units. The standard design for systems serving individual dwellings is a storage type gas water heater with a standard distribution system. The standard design for systems serving multiple dwelling units is a central system with recirculation and controls to turn off the pump when it is not needed. Defining the standard design separately for systems serving multiple units addresses a loophole in the standards1. The ACM approval manual will specify the modeling assumptions to be used for calculating water heating use for both the proposed design and the standard design, including the hourly schedules, inlet temperatures, and other modeling assumptions. The recommended modeling assumptions are consistent with the current assumptions, but address the needs of hourly calculations and TDV. The ACM approval manual specifies the hourly calculation method to be used in calculating TDV energy for both the proposed and standard design water heating system. The proposed hourly calculation method is not new but is a simple modification of the current methodology. The calculation method includes a modified procedure for accounting for distribution system losses multipliers, which is proposed in a separate code change proposal2.
This code change proposal applies to all residential occupancies, including single family homes, low-rise multifamily buildings and high-rise multi-family buildings. However, the definition of the standard design is proposed to be different for water heating systems serving individual dwelling units and multiple dwelling units. While most water heaters in California are gas and TDV is less of an issue for gas consumption, the tradeoff procedure for water heating must permit electric or propane water heaters, and for these water heater types, TDV is quite significant. Even though most water heaters are gas, the need for tradeoffs requires this code change.
See Code Change Proposal for Multifamily Water Heating, PG&E/HMG, Draft April 26, 2002.
See the chapter on Hot Water Distribution Systems in Part I, Measure Analysis and Life Cycle Cost, Eley Associates, April 11, 2002.
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There are a number of benefits associated with this code change proposal and the related code change proposals on distribution systems and multifamily systems. These are summarized below: Simplicity. Assuming the need to move to an hourly water heating method because of TDV, the proposed custom budget approach is simpler to develop than the current method of determining the water heating budget (see 151(b) and Equation 1-N). While this equation works for annual energy calculations, it could only work with TDV if there were a separate equation or set of equation coefficients for each climate zone, each fuel type (propane or gas) and for each defined standard design (central system vs. individual). The complexity of developing such equations is daunting. Consistency. More consistency is gained when the energy budget and energy for the proposed design are calculated with the same methods, assumptions and techniques. This is inherently the case with a custom budget approach, while more difficult with the current approach. Modeling rules can also be updated more easily. Accuracy. The proposed method is more accurate, especially with regard to distribution systems (see related code change proposal). More accuracy saves energy by assuring that tradeoffs are made fairly and result in equal or better energy savings. Closes Loopholes. The custom budget recommendation closes a significant loophole in the standards where multifamily buildings with central water heaters get an unjustified credit because the standard design is defined as individual water heaters for each dwelling unit. Peak Loads. The proposed hourly method is needed to assess the impact of measures on peak demand for electricity. TDV. The proposed calculations work with the proposal for time dependent valuation of energy.
Environmental Impact
There is no environmental impact associated with this proposed code change.
Type of Change
There are several components of this proposed change. Using the new hourly water heating calculation procedures and adopting the revised procedures for distribution systems are modeling changes. The shift to a custom budget approach for water heating is also a modeling change, necessary in order to simplify implementation of TDV. The related proposal to change the definition of the standard design for the systems serving multiple dwelling units changes the stringency of the standard for such systems and is a modification to the prescriptive requirements.
Technology Measures
This proposed code change does not require any water heating equipment, systems or technologies that are not already well established in the marketplace.
Performance Verification
There are no new performance verification needs related to this code change, since the change is not expected to significantly affect the types of water heating systems or equipment currently being installed.
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Cost Effectiveness
The modeling changes (hourly calculations and custom budget approach) do not require life cycle cost analysis since they do not affect the underlying stringency of the standard. Neither the mandatory measures nor the prescriptive requirements are affected by these changes. The cost effectiveness of the PG&E/HMG proposal to change the definition of the standard design for systems serving multiple dwelling units is addressed in a separate document.
Analysis Tools
The recommended modeling changes will require that MICROPAS and EnergyPro be updated. The algorithms and assumptions for the revisions are specified in this document and would be implemented in the residential and nonresidential3 ACM manuals.
This work is completed by Eley Associates under contract to PG&E. Charles Eley was the project manager. Tianzhen Hong and Alexandra Pligavko assisted in the development of the hourly calculation procedure. Significant contributions were made by Dave Springer and Marc Hochelle at Davis Energy Group, Nehemiah Stone at HMG, and members of the CEC standards team, including Bill Pennington, Bryan Alcorn, Rob Hudler, and Elaine Hebert.
The approach is to use the existing equation for load dependent energy factor, but to adapt it for use with hourly calculations. The average daily consumption, hourly schedules of hot water use, and temperature rise are back calculated to maintain consistency.
The goal of this proposed code change is to develop an hourly calculation method that:
The nonresidential ACM has calculation procedures for high-rise residential buildings which are affected by this proposal.
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Works with TDV energy and produces hourly results. Is consistent with the current modeling assumptions. Accommodates the proposed definitions of the standard design water heating systems for systems serving individual dwelling units and systems serving multiple dwelling units. Implements the revised distribution loss procedures.
In pursuing these goals, several tasks are performed, including: Modifying the LDEF calculation methods to work on an hourly basis. Modifying the calculation procedures to result in an hourly adjusted recovery load (HARL). This requires that we implement the recommended distribution system credits developed under another standards research project. This involves agreeing to an hourly schedule of hot water use that is consistent with the current modeling assumptions and defining other inputs such as the temperature rise between the inlet and supply. Defining the standard design water heating systems, which are the basis of the water heating energy budgets using the proposed custom budget approach. Most of this work on multi-family water heating systems is documented in a separate research report.4
Code Change Proposal for Multifamily Water Heating, Draft April 26, 2002, PG&E and HMG.
An energy factor (EF) of 0.58 is consistent with the new federal appliance efficiency requirements which are scheduled to take effect in 2004.
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0.60 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 Gallons/day 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00
) (
The independent variables are the energy factor (EF) of the water heater and the adjusted recovery load ARL, which is expressed in millions Btu/year. Both LDEF and EF are unitless. The ARL is in millions Btu/year, so the term in brackets following the natural log is in units of thousands Btu/day as converted by the 1000/365 term. The coefficients a, b, c and d depend on the type of water heater and are taken from Table 1.
Water heating energy use (WHEU) is calculated by dividing the adjusted recover load (ARL) by the load dependent energy factor (LDEF), using the following equation. In the current method the ARL includes both loads at the fixture and the
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standard distribution system losses. Under the current standards, the standard distribution system is a conventional main and branch distribution system using copper pipe. Equation 2
For storage electric and gas water heaters, the calculation procedures are simple and rather straightforward. For large storage water heaters (not covered by NAECA federal appliance standards), another calculation procedure is used, based on recovery efficiency and percent standby. The existing procedure for non-NAECA water heaters already works for hourly loads and no change is recommended. Likewise, the current procedure for instantaneous water heaters works for hourly loads and no changes are recommended.
Hourly Modification
The current LDEF method may be easily modified to work for hourly rather than annual loads. The modification is only needed for storage type gas, electric and heat pump water heaters; no changes are needed for large storage water heaters or instantaneous water heaters, since the procedure for these types of equipment already work for hourly calculations. The only term in Equation 1 that must be modified is the portion in brackets after the logarithm. The current equation has the term (ARL*1000/365). The units of ARL are millions Btu/year and the units of the total expression are kBtu/day6. If the hourly recovery load (HARL) is expressed in Btu/h, then this value is simply multiplied times 24 and divided by 1000 to get equal units. This relationship is shown in the equation below, where the units of ARL are millions Btu/y and the units of HARL are Btu/h. The resulting units on both sides of the expression are kBtu/day. Equation 3
ARL 1000 HARL 24 = 365 1000
The modified LDEF equation is as follows, where HARL is the hourly adjusted recovery load in Btu/h. Equation 4
HARL j 24 a EFj + b + c EFj + d LDEFj = ln 1000
) (
The 1000 term converts this to kBtu/year, and the /365 term converts it to kBtu/day.
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Equation 6
SRL k =
+ 6.036
This equation gives thermal load for each hour. The hourly load (HARL) is the heat content of the water delivered at the fixture (HSEU) times the distribution loss multiplier (DLM). The DLM will generally be a value greater than one, which means that heat is wasted as water flows from the water heater to the fixture. The DLM is constant for all hours. This equation is based on engineering principals and gives the load for each hour at the fixtures (HSEU). The heat content of the water delivered at the fixture is the volume of the draw in gallons (GPH) times the temperature rise (difference between the cold water inlet and the supply temperature) times the heat required to elevate a gallon of water one degree F (the 8.3 constant). Assumptions for GPH and T are recommended in a manner that provides consistency with the existing method (see below).
Equation 8
HSEUK = (GPHk 8.3 T )
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Equation 9
DLMK = 1 + ((SDLMK 1) DSMK )
This is the equation for the distribution loss multiplier. It combines two terms: the standard distribution loss multiplier (SDLM), which depends on the size of the house and the number of stories, and the distribution system multiplier, which is taken from Figure 2. For point-of-use (POU) distribution systems, where the water heater is located near the draw or fixture, DLM can be assumed to be equal to one, e.g. there are no distribution losses. This equation gives the standard distribution loss multiplier (SDLM) for one story dwelling units. Results from this equation are plotted in Figure 2. See also Equation 11 for two and three-story dwelling units. This equation gives the standard distribution loss multiplier (SDLM) for two and three story dwelling units. Results from this equation are plotted in Figure 2.
Equation 10
SDLMK = 1 + 0.074 + 0.00010 CFA
Equation 11
SDLMK = 1 0.007 + 0.00008 CFA
The development of Equation 7, Equation 9, Equation 10, and Equation 11 is documented win the research report developed by Davis Energy Group. where HARLK HSEUK Hourly adjusted recovery load (Btu). Hourly standard energy use (Btu). This is the amount of heat contained in the water that is delivered at the hot water fixtures. Distribution loss multiplier (unitless). Hourly hot water consumption (gallons). Assumptions on hourly hot water use are provided later which are consistent with the current method. The heat in Btu that must be added to one gallon of water to elevate the temperature by one degree F. Temperature difference between cold water inlet and supply temperature (F). Assumptions are recommended later in this research report that provide consistency with the current procedure. Standard distribution loss multiplier (unitless). This is calculated using Equation 10 for single story buildings and from Equation 11 for residences with two or more stories. Distribution system multiplier (unitless). These values are taken from Table 3.
8.3 T
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DL% of Hot Water End Use 1 story: % = 7.45 + 0.0103 x FA 2 story: % = -0.70 + 0.0080 x FA
Table 3 shows the recommended distribution loss multipliers. These values are used in Equation 9 to determine the overall distribution loss multiplier (DLM). For systems serving individual dwelling units, there are two columns. The one labeled Mandatory Kitchen Pipe Insulation assumes that pipe insulation to the kitchen is a mandatory requirement and therefore part of the basecase. The one labeled Basecase is Standard Main and Branch assumes that mandatory pipe insulation to the kitchen fixtures is not mandatory. In the first case, there is no credit for insulating the kitchen lines since they are required and mandatory. In the second case a credit is offered.
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Distribution losses for the standard system are 22%. This is equivalent to multiplying the SRL by 0.82 to remove the distribution losses to get the load from the fixture draws. Hot water consumption varies with the conditioned floor area of each dwelling unit, but does not vary by dwelling unit type, e.g. multifamily vs. single family.
Based on these assumptions, Equation 6 can be solved for the gallons per day of average hot water consumption. The hot water use is a constant 24 gallons/day plus an additional 16 gallons per day for each 1,000 ft of conditioned floor area. Consumption is about 35 gallons/day for a small 700 ft apartment, about 65 gallons/day for a 2,500 ft dwelling unit. SRL is capped at 2,500 ft so all dwelling units above this size are assume to have an average daily consumption of 65 gallons/day. The equation for hot water consumptions can be expressed as follows: Equation 12 where GPD CFA Average daily hot water consumption (gallons/day). Conditioned floor area (ft). CFA is capped at 2,500 ft in the current method. This constraint will be retained for consistency.
GPD = 24 + 0.016 CFA
Figure 3 shows the relationship between floor area and water consumption that is built into the existing water heating methodology.
55 Gallons/Day
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Inlet Temperature
The SRL equation used in the current standards is based on a constant lift of 65 F, which can be considered a constant supply temperature of 120 F and a constant inlet temperature of 55 F. Other combinations of supply temperature and inlet temperature are possible as long as the temperature difference is 65 F. To be consistent with the existing water heating methodology, a delta-T of 65 F would be specified as a fixed input to the procedure. An alternative would be to assume that the inlet temperature varies by climate and by month and is equal to the assumed ground temperature used for modified slab loss model. Table 4 shows the temperatures used for the slab loss model. Using these values would provide more accuracy and would result in greater loads in the winter.
Hourly Schedules
Equation 12 gives the average daily hot water consumption. It is necessary to convert this to hourly consumption using a schedule. The approach for developing hourly schedules is to collect data from as many sources as are available, to analyze these data and to recommend an hourly schedule for use with the standards. The following sources of data were considered. 1. 2. James D. Lutz, et. al. Modeling patterns of hot water use in households, LBNL-37805 Rev. November 1996. PG&E Regulatory Cost of Service Department, Appliance Metering Project, Figure 3-20 Average Water heater Load Shapes by Type of Day and Season. Goldner, Fred, and Norine H. Karins. DHW Modeling: System Sizing and Selection Criteria A Study of Baseloads and Seasonal Efficiency: Final Report 99-2. New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. 1999. Perlman, M., and N.H. Milligan. Hot Water and Energy Use in Apartment Buildings. ASHRAE Transactions. 1988.
Based on these data, an hourly schedule is recommended based on the PG&E data. This data is specific to California and when compared to the other data, it seems the most reasonable. There are significant variations between weekdays and weekends and it is recommended that these be respected in the schedules. These data are shown in Table 5 and plotted in Figure 4. The data indicate that the patterns of water heating consumption vary between weekdays and weekends and also between summer and winter. There is a larger and earlier spike on weekdays. The spike is later and flatter on the weekends.
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Weekday Schedule
Weekend Schedule
0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Example Calculations
An example is provided of hourly water heating calculations using the recommended procedure.. The example assumes a gas storage water heater with an EF of 0.58. The dwelling unit has an area of 2,100 ft. The ARL is 14.0 million Btu/y. For a single day, the ARL is 38,358 Btu. Table 6 shows the hourly loads, the calculated LDEF for each hour and the water heating energy use (WHEU). As expected, the LDEF is very low at night when there is no load and higher in the morning when hourly loads are high. The results of the hourly calculation are 64,608 Btu, which is very close to 65,870 Btu, the calculated value for the whole day, not using the hourly method.
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Descriptions for New Buildings, (July 1995), which shall contain a precise description of the metes and bounds for climate zone boundaries depicted in Figure 1-A and a list of the communities in each zone. 4. For other provisions applicable to new low-rise residential buildings, refer to Section 100 (c).
(b) Performance Standards. A building complies with the performance standard if its combined calculated TDV energy use for water heating [Section 151 (b) 1] and space conditioning [Section 151 (b) 2] is less than or equal to the combined maximum allowable TDV energy use for both water heating and space conditioning, even if the building fails to meet either the water heating or space conditioning budget alone. 1. Water-heating budgets. The budgets for water-heating systems are budget for each climate zone shall be the calculated TDV energy required for water heating in buildings in which the basic requirements of Section 151 (a) and the measures in Alternative Component Package D are installed. To determine the space-conditioning budget, use an approved calculation method. those calculated from Equation (1-N).
CFA = The building's conditioned floor area in square feet. The annual water-heating budget calculated from Equation (1-N) may be met by either: A. Calculating the energy consumption of the proposed water-heating system using an approved calculation method without an external insulation wrap; or B. Installing any gas storage-type nonrecirculating water-heating system that does not exceed 50 gallons of capacity, and that meets the minimum standards specified in the Appliance Efficiency Standards. NOTE: Storage gas water heaters with an energy factor of less than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater in accordance with Section 150 (j). 2. Space-conditioning budgets. The space-conditioning budgets for each climate zone shall be the calculated consumption of energy from depletable sources required for space conditioning in buildings in which the basic requirements of Section 151 (a) and the measures in Alternative Component Package D are installed. To determine the space-conditioning budget, use an approved calculation method.
(c) Compliance Demonstration Requirements for Performance Standards. The application for a building permit shall include documentation which demonstrates, using an approved calculation method, that the new building has been designed so that its TDV energy use from depletable energy sources does not exceed the combined water-heating and space-conditioning energy budgets for the appropriate climate zone. 1. To demonstrate compliance, the applicant's documentation shall: A. Determine the combined TDV energy budget for the proposed building by adding the following:
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The annual water-heating budget calculated from Equation (1-N) (kBtu/yr.-ft.) as determined pursuant to Section 151 (b) 1 and
ii. The annual space-conditioning budget (kBtu/yr.-ft.) as determined pursuant to Section 151 (b) 2. B. Calculate the source TDV energy consumption total of the proposed building, using the proposed building's actual glazing area, orientation, and distribution, and its actual energy conservation and other features, including the actual water-heating, space-conditioning equipment and duct conditions and locations. Include in the calculation the energy required for building cooling even if the building plans do not indicate that air conditioning will be installed. 2. The proposed building design complies if the energy consumption calculated pursuant to Section 151 (c) 1 B is equal to or less than the combined energy budget established in Section 151 (c) 1 A.
MULTIPLE ORIENTATION ALTERNATIVE to Section 151 (c): A permit applicant may demonstrate compliance with the energy budget requirements of Section 151 (a) and (b) for any orientation of the same building model if the documentation demonstrates that the building model with its proposed designs and features would comply in each of the four cardinal orientations. (d) Compliance Methods for Performance Standards. Compliance with the energy budget requirements of Section 151 (a) 3 and 151 (b) must be demonstrated by using the compliance version of the commission's Public Domain Computer Program or any alternative calculation method approved by the commission for use in complying with Section 151 (a) and 151 (b). NOTE: Compliance with the water-heating budget need not be demonstrated using any of the calculation methods referred to in Section 151 (d), if all the requirements of Section 151 (b) 1 B are met. (e) Required Calculation Assumptions. The commission shall publish the assumptions and calculation methods it used to develop the standards for low-rise residential buildings, including those specified in Section 151. In determining the water-heating and space-conditioning budgets and calculating the energy use of the proposed building design, the applicant shall use only these assumptions and calculation methods (or alternative assumptions and methods approved by the commission or its executive director). 1. Such assumptions shall include, but not be limited to, the following: A. The operating conditions regarding indoor temperature; occupancy loads and schedules; equipment loads and operation schedules, including lighting, HVAC, and miscellaneous electrical; and outdoor weather conditions; B. The physical characteristics of building pressurization, interior heat transfer, film coefficients, solar heat gain coefficient and operation of installed shading devices, ground temperatures, and the method of determining slab heat loss; C. The applicable modeling procedures for the assumptions, design conditions, and physical characteristics described in Section 151 (e) 1. D. Water heating use schedules, cold water inlet temperatures, and average outdoor temperatures for calculating water heating loads. EXCEPTION to Section 151 (e) 1: The commission may approve alternative schedules, assumptions, and performance modeling procedures that may be used in lieu of those described in Section 151 (e) 1, provided such alternatives do not alter the efficiency level required by these standards. 2. 3. The total calculated annual energy consumption shall include all energy used for comfort heating, comfort cooling, ventilation for the health and comfort of occupants, and service water heating. Heat transfers within the same building to adjacent spaces that are not covered by the permit and that are independently provided with space conditioning may be considered to be zero. Heat transfers to spaces not yet provided with space conditioning may be modeled as separate unconditioned zones, or as outdoor conditions. The total calculated annual energy consumption need not include energy from any nondepletable sources, regardless of the purpose of the energy consumed.
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The U-factor of installed manufactured fenestration products shall be those certified by an approved independent certification organization in accordance with Section 116. The U-factor of field-fabricated fenestration products shall be those values from Section 116, Table 1-D, based on an approved method that determines the area weighted average U-factor for generic types of products. Solar heat gain coefficients for interior shading devices used with fenestration products shall be 0.68 for vertical fenestration products and 1.0 for non-vertical fenestration products. No other solar heat gain coefficients shall be used for interior shading. The calculations for vertical fenestration products include the effects of draperies and insect screens without installation being verified at the time of final inspection.
(f) Prescriptive Standards/Alternative Component Packages. Buildings that comply with the prescriptive standards shall be designed, constructed, and equipped to meet all of the requirements of one of the alternative packages of components shown in Tables 1-Z1 through 1-Z16 for the appropriate climate zone shown in Figure 1-A. Installed components shall meet the following requirements: NO CHANGES TO 1 THROUGH 7. 8. Water-heating systems. Water heating systems shall meet the requirements of either A or B. All water-heating systems must meet the water-heating budgets calculated from Equation (1-N). A. NOTE to Section 151 (f) 8: Any For systems serving individual dwelling units, a single gas storage type water heater shall be installed that has a tank capacity -type domestic water heater of 50 gallons or less, and no recirculation pumps, which is certified as meeting the Appliance Efficiency Standards, and which meets tank insulation requirements of Section 150 (j) may be assumed to meet the water heating budget. B. For systems serving multiple dwelling units, a central recirculating water heating system shall be installed with a single water heater that meets the minimum efficiency requirements of Section 113 and distribution system controls capable of automatically turning off the circulating pump when hot water is not required. Distribution system piping shall be insulated in accordance with Section 123, Table 1-G for re-circulating sections of service water heating systems.
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