1 John Bible Study
1 John Bible Study
1 John Bible Study
1 John
Understanding it
What would it be like, actually knowing Jesus? What do you think He
looked like? How tall was he? What color was His hair? Did He have a
good sense of humor?
If you have accepted Jesus as Lord, how has it given you joy?
The Bible says we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of
God (Romans 3:23). God cannot stand sin, and when we sin, we separate
How do we receive eternal life? ourselves from God (Romans 6:23). Only Jesus can bring us back to God
(Romans 10:9). He died on the cross and took the punishment we
deserved upon Himself. By admitting that we have sinned and that we
need Jesus; we can have eternal life and experience the joy of heaven.
If you have never accepted Jesus before – do it today!
Qualities of a True Believer #1
• Admit that you have sinned and deserve hell (1 John 1:9)
• Believe that Jesus died for your sins (Romans 10:9) Admitting that you’ve sinned and are in need of forgiveness
• Commit to live for Jesus (Romans 12:1)
When you think of light, what comes to mind? A light bulb? The
Sun? Headlights on a car? God says that He is light and in Him there is
no darkness at all. What does that mean? Light is pure, bright, and clean.
God is saying that He is pure. Darkness is often seen as dirty and
something to be scared of. In the Bible darkness usually refers to sin. In
Can we intentionally sin and be close to God? Why or why not? (1:6)
God there is not even a hint of sin. He is perfect and holy [separated from
If we say we are a Christian and continue to commit ‘intentional
sin’ God says we’re only lying to ourselves. As Christians we will
continue to sin throughout our lives, but we should stop intentionally
sinning. What is the difference between sin and intentional sin? When
you intentionally sin, you want to sin and you feel no guilt after you sin.
When a Christian sins, they feel sorry for what they did and confess their
Will God forgive any sin if we confess it to Him? How many times will
sin to God. If we confess our sins, Jesus promises to forgive us from our
He forgive us? (1:9)
sin and bring us back into the light [into a relationship with Him]. As
Christians we must try and walk in the light on a daily basis. True
believers admit that they have sinned and need Christ’s forgiveness.
Chapter 2
What is the first characteristic of true believers? (1:8-9)
Jesus is Our Defender (1
(1 John 2:1-
Jesus protects his children every time they sin. Whenever we sin,
Satan is telling God what a horrible person we are and how we deserve
hell (Revelation 12:10). But Jesus, like a true friend, is right there
defending us – telling God how He died for our sins and took the penalty
Living it for us. He saved us and gave us His righteousness [goodness]. We do not
If you were a light bulb, what would be the brightest part of your life? need to be ashamed of who we are. We have Christ’s righteousness
What would be the dimmest? within us. We are in Christ and nothing can separate us from Him
(Romans 8:38-39).
In this passage of 1 John, John tells gives us another quality of
true Christians. We can have assurance of our salvation if we desire to
obey God’s commandments. We will never perfectly follow them, but
true believers have a desire to do what God wants them to do. If we
follow the Bible and obey His commands, God says that his love is made
complete in us. What does that mean? It doesn’t mean He loves us more.
As a Christian, what hope do you have if you do sin? (1:9) It means that God’s love is being lived out in our lives and it’s more
evident that God’s love is within us and we are a true believer. If we say
we’re a Christian, we must walk like Jesus walked.
This leads into another quality of true believers. A true believer
gradually becomes more and more like Jesus. Take a moment and look
over the past six months of your life. Would you say you are more or less
like Jesus than you were six months ago? Don’t focus on bad days, but
God doesn’t want any of His children to be stuck in sin. He wants all of overall would you say you’re becoming more like Jesus? If you have a
us to walk in the light and He will always be there to bring us out of the bad day, that’s ok, it doesn’t mean you’re not saved, it just means you had
darkness. a bad day. But if we look at the overall past six months we should be able
to see that we’re more like Jesus. True believers have a desire to grow in
Write a prayer to God thanking Him that He forgives any sin and helps us their faith and become more like Jesus.
walk in the light as He is in the light. Also, take time to confess any sin
that may be keeping you from the light:
Advocate: What does it mean that God’s love is made complete in us if we obey the
What gradually happens to true believers? (2:6)
How is Jesus an advocate for us? And how is He the atoning sacrifice for
our sins? Living it
On a scale of 1 to 10, how well are you obeying God’s Word? (Circle
your answer)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
If your answer was lower than a 10, where is there room for improvement
in your life?
If we do sin, who defends us? (2:1)
Do you have a desire to obey the Bible? How would you explain your little farther. He loved sacrificially. In other words, He not only loved
desire? others like He loved Himself, but He put others before Himself. The Old
Testament told us to love our neighbors like we love ourselves, but Jesus
wants us to love others more than we love ourselves, because that’s how
he loved. So the command to love one another is old, but it’s also new
because it’s taken a step further – put others first.
If we claim to love God, but do not love our brothers and sisters
What command do you find easy to obey? What command is hard to (other Christians), how can God’s love be in us? If we love our brothers
obey? we are walking in the light and we are not allowing any bitterness or
anger trip us up as we walk closer to God. If you’re finding it hard to love
another Christian, love them by praying that God will help you love them.
If you’re willing to pray for God’s help; that shows within you there is a
love for your Christian brothers and sisters. A true believer has the desire
to love other Christians.
In the next set of verses, John speaks to all Christians (“dear
How have you become more like Jesus in the past six months? children”) and then he breaks them up into two categories – those who are
growing as Christians and facing battles (“young men”) and mature,
strong believers that have been around for a long time (“fathers”). All
Christians have been forgiven of their sins and know Jesus as their Lord
and Savior. But young men are in battle with the darkness and are striving
to overcome sin. Fathers are mature and have overcome many battles
with the darkness. Most of us fit into the ‘young men’ category. But that’s
ok, everyone has to grow in their faith. Thankfully, whether we’re
Write a prayer to God thanking Him for His commandments and ask for fighting battles or walking in victory, we all have been saved by Jesus.
help to obey His commands and become more like Jesus:
Understanding it
The New Commandment (1 John 2:7-
2:14) What is the old command? (Leviticus 19:18)
This section of 1 John can get a little tricky, but if we take it slow,
I’m confident you’ll get it. John presents what seem to be opposing
thoughts. First he says that he’s not writing a new command, but an old What is the new command? (2:10)
one. Then he says he’s writing a new command. So which is it? I think
it’s both. If you’re confused, read on. The command to love one another
is from way back in the Old Testament, when God gave Moses the Law
(Leviticus 19:18). But in the New Testament, Jesus took the command a
How is the old commandment and the new commandment the same? What are some things you are currently doing to love other Christians?
How are they different?
What is true of all believers? (2:10) Who is the hardest for you to love? Are you willing to pray that God
would help you love that person?
How would loving our Christian brothers and sisters keep you from
stumbling as you walk closer to Jesus? (2:10-11)
Write a prayer asking God to help you love Christian brothers and sisters
that are hard to love:
Living it
Give some examples of how you have loved other Christians in the past.
Do Not Love the World (1 John 2:15-
2:17) Look up envy, lust, and pride. Write your own definition. (2:16)
If you only had one more hour to live, what would you do? Go
skydiving? Eat a fancy meal? John tells us it is our last hour. He is
speaking symbolically, saying that it is almost time for Jesus to come
back and take us to heaven. And since it’s so close to the end, there are
many false teachers (antichrists) trying to get us to follow the wrong
thing. Many people claim to be Christians, but they are teaching things
To one degree or another we all love the things of this world a little too that are false, things that are against the teachings of the Bible. We are
much. What are some steps you can take to love the world less? warned to stay away from these people.
If we truly believe in Jesus and rely on Him we have the Holy
Spirit (the third part of God) within us that tells us what is true and what
we should do. John says we have an anointing, that is the Holy Spirit
given by God. Any man that denies that Jesus is the Christ (or the Savior
of the world) is a false teacher. Do not be led the wrong way by these
false teachers. Jesus is the Son of God! Don’t even listen to these false
teachers. Rely on the Holy Spirit to tell you what is true. Stick close to
God and you will always know what is true.
Understanding it
What does it mean that it is the last hour? (2:18)
Write a prayer asking God to help you love only Him and not this world:
Who do we have that tells us what is true? Where is this person? (2:20) Children of God (1 John 2:28-
How can we ensure that we are close to God? (2:24) Qualities of a True Believer #6
Understanding it
Write a prayer asking the Holy Spirit to always lead you in truth: What should we be doing until Jesus returns? (2:28)
Write a prayer asking Jesus to destroy the devil’s work in your life:
Why can’t a child of God go on sinning? (3:9) We must love our Christian brothers and sisters. The first brothers
in the Bible were Cain and Abel; they were sons of Adam and Eve. One
time, they both brought sacrifices before God. God accepted Abel’s
sacrifice, but not Cain’s. It wasn’t so much what they sacrificed that was
important, it was their heart. Abel loved God and Cain did not. Cain was
angry with Abel because God accepted Abel’s sacrifice, so he murdered
his brother. We must love our brothers and sisters or else we run the risk
of murdering a brother. That’s right – murder! We may not kill them
Living it physically, but God says if we do not love our Christian brothers and
How many of your sins did Jesus take away on the cross? sisters, it is the same as murdering them in God’s eyes.
Jesus is our greatest example of love. He died for our sins, nailed
to a cross. Jesus asks us to do the same for others. He doesn’t want us to
die physically for them, but He does want us to put their needs before
ours. If we see a brother in need and do not help him, how can God’s love
be in us? God’s love helps those in need. If we don’t help, that kind of
love cannot be in us. Our love must be more than words; it must be acted
out toward others.
Have you ever questioned your salvation? We all have. Why do What gives us confidence in our salvation? (3:21-22)
we question it? Because Satan plants doubt in our minds. But God is
greater than our doubts and that’s why He had John write this letter. 1
John is not meant for us to question our faith. It is meant to give us
confidence and stir up our hearts to live more fully for God. If you lack
confidence in your salvation, ask God for confidence and He will give it.
God doesn’t want us doubting our salvation, that’s why He’s given us 1
John to show us who a true believer is. What must a true believer believe? (3:23)
In this section, we are given another important quality that helps
us identify a true believer. A true child of God believes in the name of the
Son of God, Jesus Christ. In other words, we must believe that Jesus died
for our sins to save us. If we trust in Jesus to save us, then we can have
assurance of our salvation (Romans 10:9).
Understanding it
What is the same as murder in God’s eyes? (3:15)
Who shows us what true love is? What is true love? (3:16)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you that if you died today you’d
go to heaven? (Circle your answer)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Living it
If we don’t know if something is from God or not, what should we do?
Allowing God to give you his love If we love others, what will they see in us? (4:12)
True believers have what within them? (4:13) Write a prayer to God asking Him to help others see your love for God
and others:
Living it
How have you let the Holy Spirit control you? Overcoming the World (1
(1 John 5:1-
How do we know if we truly love God and others? John says that
we can know that we love God and others, if we obey God’s
commandments. Does that sound overwhelming? There are so many, how
can I keep them, much less know them all. God says His commands are
not burdensome [difficult]. He’s not saying they’re hard to do – they are.
He’s saying that God’s children want to obey His commands. When we
love God, we want to do what He tells us to do. When you tell a new
Give some examples of when you loved with God’s love. mother to take care of her baby, you are only telling her what she loves to
do. The commands of God are the best thing for us and by following them
we will experience true joy.
As we follow God and obey His commands, we overcome the
things of this world. What are the things of this world? Remember that
John said in 1 John 2:15-17 that the things of this world come from envy,
lust, and pride. Our faith grows as we seek God and increasingly obey
God’s commands. And our faith gives us victory over the things of this
This thought of overcoming the things of this world, brings us to
Rewrite 1 John 4:20 in your own words and give an example our next mark of a true believer. A true believer overcomes the world. As
our faith grows, we should find it easier to trust God and overcome the
things of this world.
What does it mean that His commands are not burdensome? (5:3)
What battles are you currently having with the world that are hard to
Write a prayer to God asking Him to help you increase your faith in Him
and overcome this world:
Understanding it
What does “water” refer to in this passage? What does “blood” refer to?
Who testifies that Jesus was God? (5:6-8)
Living it
Can God lie? Should we believe what He says? Do you believe that Jesus was fully God and fully human? How do you
How would you explain that Jesus was God and human at the same time Christian brother or sister sinning, we should pray for them and God will
to a non-Christian? help that person confess their sin and be forgiven.
As Christians our sinning should become less and less over time.
When we place our faith in Jesus, He gives us help to not sin. We are
given the Holy Spirit. He protects us from Satan and Satan is not allowed
to touch us. What a great promise! When we place our faith in Jesus, we
are given the Holy Spirit to protect us from Satan.
John closes his letter in a very powerful way. In 1 John 5:20, John
says that we know Him who is true and more than that, “we are in Him
who is true.” When God looks at us guess what He sees? He doesn’t see
our sin or our shortcomings. He sees Jesus! When we believe in Jesus, we
Write a prayer to God thanking Him that He cannot lie and Jesus does in are placed in Jesus. And nothing can separate us from Jesus (Romans
fact offer us eternal life: 8:38-39). We can have confidence in our salvation, not because of what
we do, but because of who we believe in. Amen!
Understanding it
Why did John write his letter? (5:13)
Why did John write this letter to Christians? So that all Christians If we see a Christian brother or sister in sin, what should we do? (5:16)
may have confidence in their salvation. If we truly believe that Jesus is
the Son of God, then we can ask God for anything in His will and He
promises that it will happen. Does this mean that we can pray for a
million dollars? Sure you can, but it doesn’t mean you’ll get it. But if you
pray for strength, an increased trust in God, or the salvation of a friend –
God will answer it. Anything in His will He answers, if we ask for it.
One specific thing we should pray for is friends that are doing
things they shouldn’t be doing – getting involved in sin. If we see a
Who protects us from evil? How does He protect us? (5:18) What does it mean to you to be ‘in Christ’?
Write a prayer to God thanking Him that you have assurance of your
salvation, not because of your good works, but because of Jesus’ good
work on the cross:
Living it
What is in God’s will that you should be praying for?
Do you have any friends in sin that you should be praying for? Who?
Glossary Faith: Believing in God and that what He says is true.
Holy Spirit: When we place our faith in Jesus, He puts the Holy Spirit
Anoint: To pour or rub oil on. A symbolic representation of God giving (God) within us to guide us, teach us, and strengthen us.
us the Holy Spirit.
Lust: Seeing something and desiring more than you desire God.
Antichrist: An opponent of Jesus. One who denies that Jesus is the Son
of God.
Pride: Thinking higher of yourself than you should.
Salvation: Being rescued from hell and given eternal life in heaven.
Brother: Other Christians. All Christians are God’s children, so
Christians are spiritual brothers and sisters.
Sin: To break one of God’s commandments.
Burdensome: Difficult
Envy: Wanting something that belongs to someone else so bad that you’ll
do anything to get it.
Qualities of a True Believer 8. Believing in Jesus as Lord and Savior of
your life – 1 John 3:23; 4:15; 5:1, 10
3 Genesis 50 Exodus 1-4 Exodus 5-7 Exodus 8-10 Exodus 11-15 Exodus 16-19 Exodus 20-23 Proverbs 27- Proverbs 30- Ecclesiastes 1- Ecclesiastes 5- Song of Sol. 1- Song of Sol. 5-
28 Eccles. 9-12
29 31 4 8 4 8
4 Exodus 24 Exodus 25-27 Exodus 28-30 Exodus 31-33 Exodus 34-36 Exodus 37-40 Leviticus 1-3
29 Isaiah 1-3 Isaiah 4-8 Isaiah 9-11 Isaiah 12-14 Isaiah 15-19 Isaiah 20-24 Isaiah 25-28
Leviticus 19- Leviticus 22- Leviticus 25- Isaiah 29-31 Isaiah 32-34 Isaiah 35-37 Isaiah 38-40 Isaiah 41-43 Isaiah 44-46 Isaiah 47-49
5 Leviticus 4-8 Leviticus 9-12 Leviticus 13-15 Leviticus 16-18 30
21 24 27
31 Isaiah 50-52 Isaiah 53-56 Isaiah 57-59 Isaiah 60-63 Isaiah 64-66 Jeremiah 1-3 Jeremiah 4-5
Numbers 11- Numbers 13-
6 Numbers 1-2 Numbers 3-4 Numbers 5-6 Numbers 7-8 Numbers 9-10
12 15 Jeremiah 12- Jeremiah 18- Jeremiah 22- Jeremiah 25-
32 Jeremiah 6-8 Jeremiah 9-11 Jeremiah 15-17
14 21 24 27
Numbers 17- Numbers 25- Numbers 27-
7 Numbers 16 Numbers 19-20 Numbers 21-22 Numbers 23-24
18 26 31 Jeremiah 28- Jeremiah 31- Jeremiah 33- Jeremiah 40- Jeremiah 44- Jeremiah 47-
33 Jeremiah 37-39
30 32 36 43 46 48
Numbers 33-
8 Numbers 32 Deuteronomy 1 Deut. 2-6 Deut. 7-11 Deut. 12-15 Deut. 16-19 Jeremiah 51-
36 34 Jeremiah 49 Jeremiah 50 Lamentations 1 Lament. 2-5 Ezekiel 1-4 Ezekiel 5-8
9 Deut. 20-22 Deut. 23-25 Deut. 26-27 Deut. 28-29 Deut. 30-31 Deut. 32-33 Deut. 34
35 Ezekiel 9-12 Ezekiel 13-15 Ezekiel 16-17 Ezekiel 18-20 Ezekiel 21-22 Ezekiel 23-24 Ezekiel 25-27
10 Joshua 1-5 Joshua 6-10 Joshua 11-13 Joshua 14-17 Joshua 18-20 Joshua 21-22 Joshua 23-24
Ezekiel 28-
36 Ezekiel 31-32 Ezekiel 33-35 Ezekiel 36-38 Ezekiel 39-40 Ezekiel 41-43 Ezekiel 44-46
11 Judges 1-3 Judges 4-5 Judges 6-8 Judges 9-10 Judges 11-13 Judges 14-16 Judges 17-19 30
38 Hosea 10-14 Joel 1-3 Amos 1-4 Amos 5-9 Obadiah Jonah Micah 1-7
1 Samuel 17- 1 Samuel 19- 1 Samuel 28-
13 1 Samuel 22-24 1 Samuel 25-27 2 Samuel 1-3 2 Samuel 4-7
18 21 31 Zechariah 11-
39 Nahum 1-3 Habakkuk 1-3 Zephaniah 1-3 Haggai Zechariah 1-5 Zechariah 6-10
2 Samuel 12- 2 Samuel 20- 2 Samuel 23-
14 2 Samuel 8-11 2 Samuel 14-16 2 Samuel 17-19 1 Kings 1-2
13 22 24 Matthew 12-
40 Malachi 1-4 Matthew 1-4 Matthew 5-6 Matthew 6-9 Matt. 10-11 Matthew 14-17
15 1 Kings 3-5 1 Kings 6-7 1 Kings 8-9 1 Kings 10-12 1 Kings 13-15 1 Kings 16-18 1 Kings 19-20
Matthew 18- Matthew 21- Matthew 23-
16 1 Kings 21-22 2 Kings 1-3 2 Kings 4-5 2 Kings 6-8 2 Kings 9-10 2 Kings 11-13 2 Kings 14-16 41 Matthew 25-26 Matt. 27-28 Mark 1-3 Mark 4-5
20 22 24
1 Chronicles 1- 42 Mark 6-7 Mark 8-9 Mark 10-11 Mark 12-13 Mark 14 Mark 15-16 Luke 1-2
17 2 Kings 17-18 2 Kings 19-21 2 Kings 22-23 2 Kings 24-25 1 Chron. 3-4 1 Chron. 5-6
43 Luke 3-4 Luke 5-6 Luke 7-8 Luke 9-10 Luke 11-12 Luke 13-15 Luke 16-18
1 Chron. 10- 1 Chron. 24- 1 Chron. 27-
18 1 Chron. 7-9 1 Chron. 13-16 1 Chron. 17-19 1 Chron. 20-23 44 Luke 19-20 Luke 21-22 Luke 23-24 John 1-2 John 3-4 John 5-6 John 7-8
12 26 29
45 John 9-10 John 11-12 John 13-15 John 16-17 John 18-19 John 20-21 Acts 1-3
2 Chronicles 1- 2 Chron. 21- 2 Chron. 25-
19 2 Chron. 5-7 2 Chron. 8-11 2 Chron. 12-16 2 Chron. 17-20
4 24 28 46 Acts 4-5 Acts 6-7 Acts 8-9 Acts 10-11 Acts 12-13 Acts 14-15 Acts 16-17
2 Chron. 32- 47 Acts 18-19 Acts 20-21 Acts 22-23 Acts 24-26 Acts 27-28 Romans 1-3 Romans 4-7
20 2 Chron. 29-31 2 Chron. 35-36 Ezra 1-4 Ezra 5-7 Ezra 8-10 Nehemiah 1-3
48 Romans 8-10 Romans 11-14 Romans 15-16 1 Cor. 1-4 1 Cor. 5-9 1 Cor. 10-13 1 Cor. 14-16
Nehemiah 10- Nehemiah 12-
21 Nehemiah 4-7 Nehemiah 8-9 Esther 1-3 Esther 4-7 Esther 8-10 49 2 Cor. 1-4 2 Cor. 5-9 2 Cor. 10-13 Galatians 1-6 Ephesians 1-6 Philipp. 1-4 Colossians 1-4
11 13
22 Job 1-4 Job 5-8 Job 9-12 Job 13-16 Job 17-20 Job 21-24 Job 25-30 50 1 Thess. 1-5 2 Thess. 1-3 1 Timothy 1-6 2 Timothy 1-4 Titus Philemon Hebrews 1-4
23 Job 31-34 Job 35-38 Job 39-42 Psalms 1-8 Psalms 9-17 Psalms 18-21 Psalms 22-27 51 Hebrews 5-8 Hebrews 9-13 James 1-5 1 Peter 1-5 2 Peter 1-3 1 John 1-5 2 John
Psalms 28-33 Psalms 34-37 Psalms 38-42 Psalms 43-49 Psalms 50-55 Psalms 56-61 Psalms 62-68 52 3 John Jude Rev. 1-4 Rev. 6-10 Rev. 11-14 Rev. 15-17 Rev. 18-22