Toufique Arefin
Toufique Arefin
Toufique Arefin
Toufique Arefin
H-29,Road-4,Block-C,Banosree, Rampura,Dhaka-1219 Email: Cell no. :01718-065267
OBJECTIVE: Seeking for Customer Care level Job, where I will able to show my potentials and utilize my efficiencies of my experience and as well as education. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION:
B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering East West University, Dhaka CGPA: 3.43 on a scale of 4.0 Passing Year: 2010 Major in Telecommunication Eng. H.S.C in Science College: Dhaka Residential Model College Passing Year: 2005 GPA: 5.0 on a scale of 5.0 S.S.C in Science School: Tikerbila Higher Secondary School Passing Year: 2003 GPA: 4.63 on a scale of 5.0
Design an Arithmetic Logic Unit. Integrated Traffic Management System for the Mohakhali Area. Digital Clock Design in Verilog Software. Design a Transmission Line in ADS. Impedance Matching with smith_v191. Design an Electrical Appliance and Conduct layout of residence in Visio Software.
FINAL PROJECT: Performance analysis of a p-i-n solar cell by using different types of materials.
General Computer skill Programming Languages: Basic C, assembly language for 8086 Microprocessor. Application Package: Microsoft Power point, Excel, word, adobe Photoshop.
EXPERIENCE: Worked as Drive Test Engineer at Metro Global Telecom Services Pvt. Ltd. Major responsibilities of this job is related with collecting the data for designing the radio network with suitable software such as TEMS, GENEX PROBE etc. PROFESSIONAL INTEREST:
I got position in inter-university mathematics competition in 2010. I got position in circuit making competition which is organized by IEEE in 2009
PERSONAL INFORMATION: Name Fathers Name Mothers Name Date of Birth Nationality Religion Marital Status Blood Group REFERENCE: Academic Reference Dr. Anisul Haque Chairperson & Professor, Department of EEE East West University Home Page: Email: ahaque@ Address: 43 Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh : : : : : : : : Md.Toufique Arefin Md.Abdul Jabbar Hasiba Khatun 24 t h May, 1988 Bangladeshi Muslim Single O+ Tel: +880-2-8811381, +880-2-9882308 Ext294 Present Employer Reference Md. Atikul Islam RF & DT coordinator Metro Global Telecom Services Pvt. Ltd Email: