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Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move


Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

Australian Supplement to

Edition 1
Edition 1

Edition 1 Published October 2011

The use of this Australian Supplement does not affect the responsibility of the ship operator and master to operate safely and to observe statutory requirements, or to prevent any person exercising their normal duty of care. This document is not intended to conflict with or replace any applicable legislated requirements or contractual obligations.
Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

Background Purpose Application Review process Declared vessels Interaction with offshore facilities Abbreviations The reason for the Australian Supplement
Numbering aligns with applicable sections of the NWEA Guidelines Version 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3

3 Operations 4 Bulk Cargo Operations 6 Rig Moving 7 Risk Management 9 Training, Competency & Manning 10 Emergencies 11 Security Annex F Cargo Segregation Table Annex O Bulk Cargo Hazard Overview Annex P Hand Signals for Crane Operations Annex Q References Additional Guidance Notes Additional Supplementary advice NOPSA

4 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 13 14


Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations


Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

The Australian Offshore Supply Vessel (OSV) sector has identified that the NWEA (North West European Area) Guidelines could, in principle, apply in the Australian OSV context. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), through a process of consultation with industry, concluded that the NWEA Guidelines along with an Australian Supplement could replace the Australian Offshore Support Vessel Code of Safe Working Practice.

This Australian Supplement is provided for guidance to owners, managers, marine superintendents, masters and crew of offshore support vessels when operating within the Australian exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in order to meet their obligations under Marine Orders Part 59, Issue 2 (Off-shore industry vessel operations). It is recommended that relevant parts of the NWEA Guidelines and this Australian Supplement be incorporated into vessel safety management systems. This issue of the Australian Supplement is to be used in conjunction with Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines.

The NWEA Guidelines in conjunction with this Australian Supplement can be used in relation to all OSVs engaged in the carriage of cargo, towing and in anchor handling operations related to offshore support and supply operations carried out under application of the Navigation Act 1912.

Review process
This Australian Supplement reflects particular requirements of the Australian offshore industry and, to keep pace with these requirements, this supplement will be periodically reviewed and amended in accordance with AMSA procedures.

Declared vessels
Australian registered and foreign flag OSVs can elect to declare under Section 8A of the Navigation Act 1912. This declaration brings an off-shore industry vessel under AMSA jurisdiction for all interstate and intrastate voyages. A declared vessel will be subject to the full application of the Occupational Health and Safety (Maritime Industry) Act 1993 when on voyages that fall under the jurisdiction of the Navigation Act 1912.

Interaction with offshore facilities

It is recommended that installation operators accommodate complementary arrangements in their respective management systems and plans to enable safe operations with off-shore industry vessels operating under AMSA jurisdiction.

Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

AHV AMSA AQIS DAFF DNV EEZ E/R IMCA IMO IMDG IPIECA ISM Code ISPS JSA NOPSA MN MO MOU MSC MSF NAV Act NMD NSA NWEA OGP OHS OLF OSV OTS PCP PPE RCC SOLAS STCW UKOOA UKCS Anchor Handling Vessel Australian Maritime Safety Authority Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service a department of DAFF Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry Det Norske Veritas (Australian) Exclusive Economic Zone Engine Room International Marine Contractors Association International Maritime Organization International Maritime Dangerous Goods International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association International Safety Management Code International Ship and Ports Facility Security Code Job Safety Analysis or Assessment National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority Marine Notices Marine Orders Part issued by AMSA under the Navigation Act 1912, as amended Mobile Offshore Unit Maritime Safety Committee a committee of the IMO Marine Safety Forum Navigation Act 1912, as amended Norwegian Maritime Directorate Norwegian Shipowners Association North West European Area International Association of Oil and Gas Producers Occupational Health and Safety Oljeindustriens Landsforening (Norwegian Oil Industry Association) Offshore supply vessel Office of Transport Security Permanent Chaser Pendant Personal Protective Equipment Rescue Coordination Centre International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea International Convention on Standards of Training and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association United Kingdom Continental Shelf

OH&S(MI) Act Occupational Health and Safety (Maritime Industry) Act 1993

Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

The reason for the Australian Supplement

In general the Australian Supplement applies to clauses in the NWEA Guidelines that are vessel specific. The Australian Supplement identifies clauses within the NWEA Guidelines that require clarification, interpretation or reference to further information. The relevant clause in the Australian Supplement will be either supplementary to, or a replacement for, the clause in the NWEA Guidelines.

Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

3 Operations
Australian Supplement clauses for the NWEA Guidelines Chapter 3 are: NWEA Clause 3.1.2 Replacement Replacement Clause heading Shipboard Lifting Operations in Port Radio Communication (including mobile phones) Australian Supplement guidance note Compliance with Marine Orders Part 32 Cargo Handling Equipment is required. Personal mobile phones must not be used by any person when: The vessel is inside the safety zone. During anchor handling operations. Entering or leaving port. Ensure a JSA has been undertaken to minimise risk to crew on deck. Risk is to be as low as reasonably practicable. Personnel cradles and their use should be in accordance with Appendix 3 of Marine Orders Part 32 Cargo Handling Equipment. Guidance is also provided at Section 10 of Marine Orders Part 60 Floating Offshore Facilities. Supplementary 3.3.7 Supplementary

Backload Vessel Responsibilities (2) Personnel Transfers

4 Bulk Cargo Operations

Australian Supplement clauses for the NWEA Guidelines Chapter 4 are: NWEA Clause 4.4.2 Replacement Clause heading Bulk Transfers of Particular Concern Australian Supplement guidance note Compliance with Marine Orders Part 93 Marine Pollution Prevention - Noxious Liquid Substances is required.

Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

6 Rig Moving
Australian Supplement clauses for the NWEA Guidelines Chapter 6 are: NWEA Clause 6.3 Supplementary 6.6.3 Supplementary Pendant Return to MOU Clause heading Rig Move Plan Australian Supplement guidance note The agreed Rig Move Plan should be provided in an agreed timeframe to allow OSV crews adequate time to prepare for Rig Move Operations. To reduce shock loads on the installation crane when passing PCP back, the use of tugger wires should be considered to pay the PCP out to the stern roller before releasing the weight to the installation crane. For further notes see NWEA v2 Annex N.

7 Risk Management
Australian Supplement clauses for the NWEA Guidelines Chapter 7 are: NWEA Clause 7.3.3 Supplementary 7.5 Supplementary PPE Clause heading Permit to Work Australian Supplement guidance note Supplementary permit-to-work systems guidance is provided by the Code of Safe Working Practice for Australian Seafarers. Details can be found on AMSAs website (www.amsa.gov.au) PPE Guidance is provided in Code of Safe Working Practice for the Australian Seafarer.

Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

Training, Competency and Manning

Clause heading Supply Vessels within the Safety Zone Australian Supplement guidance note Guidance is provided in Marine Orders Part 58 International Safety Management Code (ISM). The ISM Code requires a company to ensure that its vessels are manned with qualified, certificated and medically fit seafarers in accordance with national and international requirements. Guidance provided in Marine Orders Part 28 Operations Standards and Procedures, requires that companies, masters, chief engineers and all persons engaged on watch keeping duties must observe both the standards and the guidance regarding watch keeping and fitness for duty set out in Chapter VIII of the Standards of Training Certification and Watch keeping Code. Additional Guidance is provided in Marine Orders Part 58 International Safety Management Code, and Marine Notice 18/2010. A company is responsible for ensuring that a vessel is manned to meet operational requirements and importantly to address the risk of fatigue. Fatigue is a hazard to personnel within the offshore industry and a threat to offshore safety. In view of this and to minimize the possibility of fatigue the following should be taken into account: the necessity for onboard relief for Master and crew in case of prolonged operations; the effects of bad weather during offshore operations; the level of onboard automation (bridge; E/R; deck machinery); the need for proper onboard victualling arrangements; voyage patterns and repairs/husbandry support; crew training and competence; and the nature and extent of the work to be undertaken including special needs of the installation.

Australian Supplement clauses for the NWEA Guidelines Chapter 9 are: NWEA Clause 9.2.2 Replacement

9.2.3 Replacement

Anchor Handling Vessels

9.1.4 (8) Supplementary

Crane Operators (Installation)

Installation Crane Operators should be trained and competent with the requirements for the transfer of persons or goods between a ship and a facility. See also MO 59, 5 Application (Note 2).

Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

10 Emergencies
Australian Supplement clauses for the NWEA Guidelines Chapter 10 are: NWEA Clause 10.1.2 Supplementary 10.1.2 Supplementary Clause heading Installation Emergencies Australian Supplement guidance note Crews on standby vessels should consider all risks associated with operations inside an installations Safety Zone including those identified in the NWEA Guidelines. Ships shall prepare to respond to installation emergencies as per installation / project emergency plans. As a minimum the installation emergencies to be considered should include: Capsize of installation. Fire or explosion on the installation. Collision, grounding or wreck of installation. An accident involving helicopters on installation. Cyclone. Maritime rescue operations within Australias EEZ are coordinated by the AMSA operated Rescue Coordination Centre - Australian (RCC-Australia). The RCC is responsible for coordinating maritime and aviation search and rescue over sections of the Indian, Southern and Pacific Oceans. Also see www.amsa.gov.au and Marine Orders Part 63 AUSREP. 10.4 Replacement Search and Rescue Contacts The 24 hour emergency contact details for the RCC are: Maritime Tel: 1800 641 792 or +61 2 6230 6811 Aviation Tel: 1800 815 257 or +61 2 6230 6899 Facsimile: 1800 622 153 1800 643 586 Web: www.amsa.gov.au AMSA has emergency towage arrangements within the Australian EEZ. www.amsa.gov.au/Marine_Environment_Protection/ National_Maritime_Emergency_Response_ Arrangements Marine Notice 8/2009 National Maritime Emergency Response Arrangement.

Installation Emergencies

10.3 Replacement

Operators Cooperative Emergency Service

10.5 Supplementary

Emergency Towage Arrangements

(new heading)

Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

11 Security
Australian Supplement clauses for the NWEA Guidelines Chapter 11 are: NWEA Clause 11.1.2 Replacement Clause heading Security Australian Supplement guidance note The Office of Transport Security (OTS) under the Department of Infrastructure and Transport is the Australian federal government agency responsible for maritime security and the International Ship and Ports Facility Security Code (ISPS). Seafarers on Australian regulated ships and people who work on and/or supply offshore oil and gas facilities require a Maritime Security Identification Card (MSIC) issued by the Department of Infrastructure and Transport to gain access to port facilities. www.infrastructure.gov.au To report a maritime transport security incident contact OTS (24-hour emergency contact): 1300 307 288

Annex F Cargo Segregation Table

Australian Supplement Clauses for the NWEA Guidelines Annex F are: NWEA Clause Annex F1 & F2 Replacement Clause heading Cargo Segregation Table Australian Supplement guidance note The carriage of packaged dangerous goods is required to be conducted in accordance with Marine Orders Part 41 Carriage of Dangerous Goods. This Order implements the requirements of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code. Due to the nature of their operations OSVs may apply for an exemption related to notification and segregation requirements by applying to AMSA. www.dangerousgoods@amsa.gov.au Also see www.amsa.gov.au

Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

Annex O Bulk Cargo Hazard Overview

Australian Supplement clauses for the NWEA Guidelines Annex O are: NWEA Clause Annex O Supplementary Clause heading Bulk Cargo Hazard Overview Australian Supplement guidance note Refer to Marine Orders Part 41 Carriage of Dangerous Goods, MN 20/2008 Amendments to Marine Orders Part 41 and the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code. Both documents are available at www.amsa.gov.au Guidance is provided by OGP report Number 396, IPIECA Drilling Fluids and Health Risk Management - A guide for drilling personnel, managers and health professionals in the oil and gas industry.


Hazard Drilling Fluids

(new heading)

Annex P
NWEA Clause Annex P Replacement

Hand Signals for Crane Operations

Clause heading Hand Signals for Crane Operations Australian Supplement guidance note Where hand signals are to be used they should be agreed between the OSV and facility or shore based before any crane operation commences. The hand signals for crane operations illustrated in Annex P of the Guidelines can be used.

Australian Supplement clauses for the NWEA Guidelines Annex P are:

Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

Annex Q References
Note: The following replaces Annex Q of the NWEA Guidelines in its entirety. Australian Supplement references for the NWEA Guidelines Annex Q are: No. General Anchor Handling & Towing 1 2 3 4 OLF/NSA Guidelines for Safety and Emergency Preparedness Training OLF/ NSA Acceptance Criteria for Offshore Service Vessels UKOOA Guidelines for Anchor Handling in the Vicinity of UKCS Installations, Pipelines and Their Subsea Equipment Marine Orders Part 12 Construction Subdivision and Stability, Machinery and Electrical Installations Marine Orders Part 14 Accommodation Marine Orders Part 15 Construction Fire Protection, Fire Detection and Fire Extinction Marine Orders Part 16 Load Lines Marine Orders Part 31 Ship Surveys and Certification Marine Orders Part 49 High Speed Craft Marine Orders Part 47 Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Marine Orders Part 58 International Safety Management Code OLF/NSA 061 Guidelines for Safe Operation of Offshore Service Vessels DNV Rules for Planning and Execution of Marine Operations MSF Template for Data for AHVs MSF Guidelines for the content of Rig move procedures MSF Anchor Handling Manual Template Accident Reporting 12 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Section 268 of the Navigation Act 1912 Marine Notice 25/2007 OH&S Incident Report Analysis www.amsa.gov.au/Shipping_Safety/Incident_Reporting/index.asp Occupational Health and Safety (Maritime Industry) Act 1993 Bulk Transfers 14 IMO Resolution A.673(16) (as amended) Guidelines for the Transport and Handling of Limited Amounts of Hazardous and Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk in Offshore Support Vessels Cargoes 15 Marine Orders Part 32 Cargo Handling Equipment Marine Orders Part 41 Carriage of Dangerous Goods Cargo carrying units / Containers 10
Edition 1


5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

No. 16 17 & 18

Reference IMO Circular MSC/Circ.860 - Guidelines for the Approval of Containers Handled in Open Seas. Marine Orders Part 44 Safe Containers Marine Orders Part 42 Cargo Stowage and Securing Dangerous Goods


Marine Orders Part 41 Carriage of Dangerous Goods Drilling Fluids and Health Risk Management - A guide for drilling personnel, managers & health professionals in the oil & gas industry OGP report Number 396, IPIECA www.ipieca.org Gangways etc


Marine Orders Part 32 Cargo Handling Equipment Health and Safety

29-32 33 34 35 & 36 37 38 39 40

Occupational Health and Safety (Maritime Industry) Act 1993 Navigation Act 1912 Marine Orders Part 32 Cargo Handling Equipment Code of Safe Working Practice for Australian Seafarers Marine Orders Part 32 Cargo Handling Equipment Marine Orders Part 21 Safety of Navigation and Emergency Procedures OLF Guidelines for Safety and Emergency Preparedness Training Marine Orders Part 21 Safety of Navigation and Emergency Procedures DNV-RP-H101 Risk Management in Marine and Subsea operations Hours of Work/STCW

41 & 42

Marine Orders Part 28 Operations Standards and Procedures Interface between installation and vessel


Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 Marine Orders Part 47 Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Marine Orders Part 60 Floating Offshore Facilities UKOOA Guidance on Ship/ Installation Collision Avoidance Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 Marine Orders Part 47 Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Marine Orders Part 60 Floating Offshore Facilities International

44 45


IMO Resolution MSC.235 (82) - Adoption of the guidelines for the design and construction of offshore supply vessels, 2006 supersedes IMO Assembly resolution A.469(XII)


Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

No. 47

Reference IMO Resolution A.741(18) (as amended) - International management code for the safe operation of ships and for pollution prevention (International Safety Management (ISM) Code). IMO Resolution A.863(20) (as amended) - Code of safe practices for the carriage of cargoes and person by offshore supply vessels (OSV Code). IMO circular MSC/Circ.645 - Guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning systems Manning

48 49


Marine Orders Part 28 Operations Standards and Procedures Masters Responsibility


Marine Orders Part 28 Operations Standards and Procedures Merchant Shipping Legislation General


Navigation Act 1912 Pollution Prevention

53 & 54

Marine Orders Part 91 Marine Pollution Prevention - Oil Marine Orders Part 93 Marine Pollution Prevention - Noxious Liquid Substances Marine Orders Part 94 Marine Pollution Prevention - Packaged Harmful Substances Marine Orders Part 95 Marine Pollution Prevention - Garbage Marine Orders Part 96 Marine Pollution Prevention - Sewage Marine Orders Part 97 Marine Pollution Prevention - Air Pollution Marine Orders Part 98 Marine Pollution Prevention - Anti Fouling Systems Regulatory Authorities Demarcation


Marine Orders Part 47 Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Marine Orders Part 60 Floating Offshore Facilities Stowage and Securing

56 & 57

Marine Orders Part 42 Cargo Stowage and Securing Technical


OLF Guidelines for Acceptance Criteria for Offshore Service Vessels (No. 072) Training

59 60

Marine Orders Part 61 Safe Working on Board Ships IMCA M182 Guidelines for Safe Operation of Dynamically positioned Offshore Supply Vessels Transfer and Towing


NMD Regulations of 17 December 1986 relating to transfer and towing of mobile installation as well as towing arrangement and mooring of supply vessels on such installations (w/ associated guidelines and notices). 12
Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

Additional Guidance Notes

Issue Asbestos Comment Asbestos is prohibited for use on all Australian ships under the OH&S (MI) Act and associated regulations. Guidance of the Prohibition on the use of Asbestos in the Australian Maritime Industry Workplace is available from the Seacare website at www.seacare.gov.au Also refer to AMSA Marine Notice MN19/2008 Ballast water management Biofouling Ballast water management for ships arriving in Australia need to comply with the requirements of AQIS and DAFF. www.marinepests.gov.au/australian_ballast_water_management Biofouling requirements for ships in Australian waters may need to comply with the requirements of AQIS and DAFF. www.marinepests.gov.au Cyclones and extreme weather Methanol OSV involvement in the evacuation of an installation Rescue craft Contingency plans for cyclones must be considered to minimise risk to OSV crews, vessels and the marine environment. A hazardous cargo, to be used in line with Marine Orders Part 41 Carriage of Dangerous Goods and the IMDG Code. Consideration for the evacuation of an offshore facility to an OSV should be considered in agreements with offshore facilities. (West Atlas evacuation establishes precedent). Rescue craft crew must be competent and ready for immediate use of rescue craft. The rescue craft must be of a type approved fit for purpose and properly maintained.


Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

Additional Supplementary advice NOPSA

Provided by National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority re: Offshore Petroleum Facilities and the NWEA Guidelines
This note is prepared in the context of activities performed at offshore petroleum facilities in relation to supply and anchor handling operations. Offshore petroleum OHS regulatory regime: Occupational Health and Safety on offshore petroleum facilities in Commonwealth waters is regulated by the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006. (OPGGSA 2006). Through the administration of Schedule 3 of the OPGGSA 2006 and associated regulations, the National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority (NOPSA) has jurisdiction over OHS regulation at or near offshore facilities. The OHS regime is largely performance based with the primary obligation for safe operation of an offshore facility being the responsibility of its operator. Offshore petroleum facilities are defined in Schedule 3 of OPGGSA 2006. Fixed production platforms, Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU), Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels and pipe laying vessels/barges are some examples of facilities. Supply vessels and anchor handling tugs are excluded from being facilities or associated offshore places (part of a facility). The operator of a facility has a duty to ensure that all activities on a facility are carried out in a manner that is safe and without risk to the health of any person at or near the facility. Activities that offshore supply vessels and anchor handling tugs are likely to be involved in at an offshore facility are loading and unloading, bunkering, personnel transfer preparations for towing and anchor handling. (This is not an exhaustive list). Vessels used for supplying facilities or otherwise traveling between facility and the shore and anchor handling tugs are specifically excluded from the definition of a facility and the provisions of the OPGGSA 2006. Safety case: Regulations under the OPGGSA 2006 require each offshore petroleum facility to have a safety case accepted by NOPSA. The safety management system described in this safety case must provide for all activities that take place at or in connection with a facility, including the activities in connection with vessels. The safety case must include a description of the system that ensures the safe performance of operations that involve vessels. An operator is required to comply with the accepted facility safety case that is in force. Standards: Standards must also be specified by the operator as part of the facility safety case. The industry developed NWEA Guidelines are standards of performance that have been developed to eliminate or reduce hazards and risks during supply or rig moving operations. In adopting this guidance on good practice an operator will be able to assure itself that it will achieve the safety goals set out in the OPGGSA 2006. The Australian Supplement and the NWEA Guidelines are not prescribed codes of practice under the provisions of the OPGGSA 2006.


Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

Edition 1

Australian Supplement to Version 2 of the NWEA Guidelines for the Safe Management of Offshore Supply and Rig Move Operations

AMSA 145 (10/11) Edition 1

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