CV of Res Eng
CV of Res Eng
CV of Res Eng
CURRICULUM VITAE FOR TODD RICHARD HERRING Profession: Date of Birth: Nationality: Email: Reservoir Engineer December 2, 1963 U.S.A.
More than 15 years experience in conventional and advanced reservoir engineering and other petroleum related activities. Expertise in fractured and clastic reservoir performance / simulation, reservoir model development, improved and enhanced oil recovery, reservoir fluid characterization, and field developments. Experience in modelling various Middle East fields with thinly bedded sandstone and petrophysical evaluations. 8 years of multidiscipline team leadership, mentoring and supervising geology, reservoir, facility, and economic disciplines. Participation in, and completion of, many integrated 3D modelling studies integrating geostatistics, stochastic modelling, production analysis, and reservoir simulation.
Education: 1985-1989; M.Sc. Petroleum Technology, Rogaland College, Norway. Employment Record: 2001-Present, ResMod Ltd.:
2003-Present: Reservoir Engineering Consultant, Talisman Ltd. , Aberdeen, Scotland Senior Studies engineer for the Piper Area which included the Piper, Saltire and Iona fields. Duties and responsibilities were general reservoir engineering with a focus on project oriented study work. Activities mainly centred around construction, history matching, and general maintenance of the areas 3D simulation models. Other activities include: Well Test Interpretation Well Inflow Performance Evaluation Hydraulic Lift curve generation Material Balance studies Streamline Simulation Production optimisation and Infill evaluations
2001-2003 Reservoir Engineering Consultant, Repsol Exploration, Maracaibo, Venezuela Participated in the evaluation and development of both primary infill drilling campaign and secondary recovery projects for the Mene Grande Field. Activities include: Reservoir Simulation / History matching Well test Interpretation Well deliverability Analysis Material Balance Studies Petrophycical Analysis 3D Geostatistical Modelling Decline Analysis using material balance time type curves Development Planning and Economic analysis Software Development using both Visual Basic and Fortran
1998 2001, Roxar Ltd. Consulting Manager, Aberdeen Responsible for all subsurface consulting services in the European, Middle East and African regions while maintaining an active role in engineering evaluations. Reservoir model construction and history matching of large Middle Eastern fields Reservoir model construction and history matching of heavy oil field in Oman Economic analysis and optimisation of various IOR methods in Oman Petrophysical interpretation of two thinly bedded oil fields Fractured Reservoir Simulation of Gas-condensate field in Japan
Advanced decline curve analysis of thinly bedded heavy oil field in Venezuela Reservoir Characterization and modeling of North Sea Turbidite reservoir Petrophysical Interpretation and reservoir evaluation of a Southern European Turbidite system Reservoir simulation and history matching of North Sea fracture Chalk field. 1997, Smedvig Technologies (now Roxar a.s.), Manager Reservoir and Well Optimisation, Norway. Responsible for the reservoir engineering consulting team. Project work included: Thin oil column development study on the Sleipner Vest field. Supervision of various Reservoir studies including upscaling and 3D modelling. Development of a backpressure analysis system for the Sleipner Field 1993-1997, Norsk Agip, Engineering Project Leader, Norway. Responsible for all company engineering activity within PL 018 fields. Project planning and supervision of all studies. Training and guidance for reservoir engineering staff. Extensive IOR evaluation studies including Water, Gas and WAG injection. Maintain PL 018 reservoir simulation models involving building and history matching complex chalk reservoirs with extensive well coverage. Performed various reservoir fluid characterisation projects. Development of Economic analysis software directly connected to reservoir simulator Developed both risk evaluation routines and asset optimization procedures, which significantly increased the overall value of the fields. Responsible for maintaining company interests in the unitization of the Oseberg South unit. 1992-1993, Norsk Agip, Senior Reservoir Engineer, Norway. Mainly involved in Production License 018 (Ekofisk Area North Sea). Duties included the following: Responsible for Ekofisk / Eldfisk reservoir engineering follow-up. Build and history match the Ekofisk Full field 3D model. Build and history match the Eldfisk Full field 3D models. Advise on Ekofisk Complex Evaluation study performed in-house. Fracture Reservoir Simulation for various gas fields in the north sea. Horizontal well evaluation. Advise and perform PVT Characterization Studies.
Perform various IOR evaluations on Ekofisk / Eldfisk fields including Water & Gas injection, WAG injection, and surfactant injection. Perform various mechanistic models to investigate small scale effects of gas injection using compositional modelling, upscaling using pseudo curves from 2D cross sections. Representative in the Reservoir Development Committee 1989-1992, Fina Exploration Norway, Reservoir Engineer. Mainly concentrated on reservoir simulation. Assisted in the building of the Ekofisk and Eldfisk models History matching and production forecasting including various IOR scenarios PVT studies using EOS packages Prospect analysis for license round applications Decline curve analysis and correlation procedures for simulation parameters. Simulation of Double porosity chalk fields and the small scale mechanics process. Thin oil zone evaluation of the Troll Gas field. During the period 01.06.91 - 01.12.91, I was temporarily stationed at Phillips Petroleum Co. Norway as a field engineer on Ekofisk. My duties included preparation and performing production logging, acid stimulation and pressure testing. This included offshore supervision of the above operations and interpretation of results. Software Familiarization Software Roxar RMS Roxar Nextwell Roxar MORE Roxar- PVTx Roxar Resview ECLIPSE 100-200 Frontsim Streamline Simulator Eclipse Office FloGrid FloViz Schedule Prosper Workbench COMP IV Geolog 6 Interactive Petrophysics VIP ECLIPSE 300
TELEPHONE: +44 (0)1224 279926
Proficiency User User Expert Expert Expert Expert User User User User Expert User Familiar User Expert Expert Familiar User
Interpret II SIMBEST II Kappa Saphir MBAL OFM Graf,Grid,VIPf Languages: Norwegian English Publications: Level Fluent Native
Simultaneous Coning in Horizontal Wells, SPE 19822, (1989), P. Papatzacos, S.M. Skjveland, R. Martinsen, T. Herring Field Development Optimization using Linear Programming coupled with Reservoir Simulation Ekofisk Field., SPE 36874, (1996), R. Nesvold, J. Currie, T. Herring Combining Linear Programming and Reservoir Simulation to Optimize Asset Value. SPE 37446, (1997), O. Eeg, T. Herring Survival of the Fittest an Optimised Well Location Algorithm for Simulation. SPE 39754, (1998), G. Santellani, B. Hansen, T. Herring Stochastic Fracture Modelling of the Yufutsu Field, SPE 59400, (2000), T. Anraku, T. Namikawa, T. Herring, I. Jenkins, N. Price, R. Trythall Mene Grande Field Geostatistic Inetegrated Study, SPE 69542, (2000), T.G. Blanco, J. Aluja, J. Prieto, T. Herring, S. Rae Discoverying the Elusive Source of Water in the Mene Grande Field, SPE 83484, (2003), T. Herring, SPE, ResMod Ltd.; H. Gomez; G. Oriozabala; D. Masaccese RepsolYPF