SomeGuidlines For Thesis
SomeGuidlines For Thesis
SomeGuidlines For Thesis
The method defines your approach to the subject. This part may differ significantly depending on your actual subject: In mathematics, the methods you employ may be straightforward and well-known and require only a few sentences to say what you are doing and why. In techno-economics (or economics and other soft sciences), the method is often significant part of the science (and your thesis) and your chosen approach (as well as the alternatives) may not be obvious so that it becomes crucial to extensively elaborate on your method. Engineering theses fall somewhere in-between. Your measure should beagainthat your thesis can be understood by others while reading. The solution describes what you have done and why, possibly what you have not done (and why not). This is the meat of your thesis, i.e. your own contribution to the field. Finally, the validation critically reviews what you have done and demonstrates that it achieves the intended goals (i.e., solves the problem). This also points out what could still be improved and could be subject to next steps in the future (there will always be something!).
3. Headlines The basic rule is: headlines are for structuring but the text (at least within a chapter) should be readable and understandable if you delete all the headlines. No headline should follow immediately on another. That is, there must always be text between them to motivate, introduce, etc. Each headline should fit on a single line (and this should also hold for the table of contents). Use meaningful headlines that describe the contents of the following section. Propose a meaningful title for your thesis (that can be understood also by those not involved). The title should not contain abbreviations beyond those that are well known by the general public. 4. Writing in general The usual rules for scientific writing (proper citations, references, etc.) apply. Define the key terms and concepts in your subject area. A definition is a sentence that has the term, the verb is and then the meaning of the term. Another verb such as means produces an explanation rather than a definition. Always define terms first and then use them. It is better to define the terms as you need them rather than in a separate section or chapter unless the terms form an abstract model. Separate thoughts by using different paragraphs (1 thought = 1 paragraph). Do not make paragraphs too long (maybe your thought has more structure). Write down what you mean (and make sure it says so). Avoid sentences without meaning (just because something sounds or reads nicely does not imply that it has a purpose). Never have an unnecessary paragraph in a chapter, or an unnecessary sentence in a paragraph, or an unnecessary word in a sentence. And, say everything essential. Write complete English sentences (do not forget the articles where needed). Preserve proper punctuation also in or across bullet lists. Write in a scientific and strict fashion. Do not use colloquial English or magazine-style of writing (unless there is a good reason to do so). For readability, avoid complex sentences. Try to phrase your thoughts as simple as possible. Write to the point (and do not fill pages just for the sake of filling them). 5. Proof-reading (for yourself or for others) Do not imply meaning. Only evaluate what is really written (the prof will do the same). Be most critical and ask yourself what the text really says (otherwise, there is no point in proof-reading in the first place). If in doubt about language ask a dictionary or a grammar book. Taking a step back and allowing a day or a week to pass before re-reading helps to spot issues. 6. If you use English language Take a conscious decision whether to use British or American English (and stick to it). Avoid first person singular (I); use we instead or write from a neutral standpoint. Do not use short forms in written language (dont => do not, cant => cannot, etc.). Avoid too much passive language. Write in present tense unless you really have to express temporal relationships. 2/3
An English grammar can be very helpful to find the right prepositions. Commas: If in doubt, leave it out. Relative clauses following the main clause are usually not separated by a comma unless specific semantics shall be expressed. Leading phrase such as In this thesis, or Today, or In networking, are separated by a comma from the rest of the sentence. A relative clause ahead of the main clause is separated from it by a comma. Differentiate knowingly between -, , , etc. Avoid abbreviations. Surely allowed are i.e., e.g. (that are followed by a comma), and etc. (which is preceded by a comma). Use proper spacing if supported by your text tool: the previous bullet shows i.e. without a space, but that should be half a space. After a full stop (period), there should be 1.5 spaces before the first word of the next sentence (using two spaces is usually better than one). The quality of the text must be comparable to native language. Besides the abstract in English, you must have the abstract also in Finnish. On the Finnish abstract, you must provide the Finnish title for the thesis.
7. Figure, Tables, Equations Particularly figures help making the text more readable and keep the reader from falling into despair (or, at least, asleep) because of 60 pages of pure text, text, and text. But dont write a comic. Use only meaningful figures or tables that really add value. Reference explicitly and explain every figure, table, and equation. E.g. one writes: Figure 1.2 shows . Note that all figures and tables are for illustration purposes. Finally, it is the text that matters, i.e. your text should carry all the thoughts that you wish to convey to the reader. Use a coherent numbering and labeling scheme for all of them. 8. Formatting Use a readable serif font (e.g., Time-New-Roman). Make reasonable use of the space on an A4 page and avoid too wide margins. Use 11 or 12 point font and at least 1.5 line spacing for copies to the thesis supervisor so that is possible to write between the lines with a pen. You may reformat to one line spacing for the final bound version (preferred). Use coloring, shading, or other forms of emphasis, typesetting rules, etc. consistently. Make sure that your thesis looks like a final product and not like an early prototype o Page breaks are in the proper locations (no orphans or widows). o Proper graphics embedded in a scalable format (no bitmaps except for photographs) so that the results do not look like from a dot matrix printer. o Graphics use sans-serif fonts. o Text margins aligned with tables and figures. o Start each chapter on a new page and leave some white space on the first page of the chapter. If you use colors in figures or graphs, remember that your thesis should also be readable and understandable when printed on a black and white printer. For the title page, follow the department guidelines. Do not forget to a serial number from the Lab before submission. Finally: form follows function: while a proper presentation is important the contents is even more.