● Nose
– Nares/nostrils – opening of the nose
– Nasal septum – separates the right and left
sections of the nose
– Vibrissae – hair follicles that filters the inspired air
● Oral Cavity
– An alternative portal of entry for air into the respiratory tract.
– Main function: to move food from the mouth into the esophagus
in the process of swallowing.
– Vestibule – the outer portion of the oral cavity that consists of the
lips, gums and teeth.
– Hard and soft palate
– Tonsils – play a role in immune defense and protection from
foreign matter.
– Uvula – fleshy appendage that hangs down from the soft palate.
● Pharynx
– Nasopharynx
– Oropharynx
– Laryngopharynx
● Serves as a conduit to the lower airways
Lower Airway and Lungs
● Inspiratory Muscles
– Diaphragm– the major muscle in the act of
● Able to facilitate lung expansion by moving downward
during inspiration.
– External intercostal muscles – located between the
● Able to further enlarge the thorax during inspiration by
creating an upward and outward motion of the lower
● Scalene and sternocleidomastoid muscles
– Used during labored breathing to raise the first two
ribs and sternum in an effort to increase the size of
the thoracic cavity.
-provides the body with a means of gas exchange
a. Ventilation
b. Perfusion
c. Diffusion
-movement of air between the atmosphere and
respiratory portion of the lungs
Control of breathing:
1. Central Receptors
*medulla oblongata
2. Chemoreceptors
3. Lung Receptors
Lung Receptors
a. Stretch receptors
-respond to changes in pressure in the walls of
the airways.
-location: smooth muscle layers
Inflation reflex
Hering-Breuer reflex – serves to regulate the
depth of breathing by limiting lung inflation.
b. Irritant receptors
Stimulation leads to airway constriction
Location: airway epithelial cells
c. Juxtacapillary or J receptors
-serves as a transport vehicle for oxygen.
-it binds oxygen in the pulmonary capillaries and
release it in the tissue capillaries.
- 1gm of hemoglobin= 1.34ml of oxygen
a. headache
b. generalized malaise
c. fever
d. exhaustion
-inflammation of paranasal sinuses
-classified as:
a. acute- lasts from 1day to 3weeks
b. sub acute- 3weeks to 3 months
c. chronic- 3 months and beyond
a. facial pain
b. headache
c. purulent nasal discharges
d. fever
e. decrease sense of smell
-viral (influenza A and B) infection that can affect both the
upper and lower respiratory tracts.
-incubation period: 1-4days; 2 days being the average
-period of communicability: 1st day to 5th day of illness
a. abrupt onset of fever and chills
b. malaise and muscle aching
d. profuse,watery nasal discharges
e. non productive cough
f. sore throat
-inflammation of parenchymal structure of the lung, such
as the alveoli and bronchioles
-can be atypical (viral) and typical (bacterial)
-classified as: CAP and HAP
a. chills
b. fever
c. severe malaise
d. purulent sputum
e. elevated WBC
f. patchy or lobar infiltrates
-infectious disease caused by the M. Tuberculosis
a. M. Tuberculosis hominis (human
b. M. Tuberculosis Bovis (bovine tuberculosis)
-acquired by drinking milk from infected
a. low grade fever
b. night sweats
c. dyspnea/orthopnea
d. easy fatigability
e. f. weight loss
g. cough initially dry
but later become productive
with purulent/blood tinged
Disorders of Lung
Pleural Effusion
-abnormal collection of fluid in the pleural cavity
-the fluid may be a transudate (hydrothorax), exudate,
purulent drainage, blood (hemothorax), emphyema (pus).
*normally, only a thin layer (<10ml-20ml) of serous fluid
separates the visceral and parietal layers of the pleural
S/S of Pleural Effusion:
a. Spontaneous Pneumothorax
-occurs when an air-filled bleb
or blister in the lung surface
b. Traumatic Pneumothorax
c. Tension Pneumothorax
a. chest pain
b. increase RR
c. dyspnea
d. increase HR
e. asymmetry of the chest
f. hyprresonant sound
g. hypoxemia
-refers to the incomplete expansion of the lung or portion
of a lung.
a. tachypnea
b. tachycardia
c. dyspnea
d. cyanosis
e. hypoxemia
f. diminished chest expansion
Obstructive airway
Bronchial Asthma
-Causes: smoking
Antitrypsin deficiency
2. chronic Bronchitis (blue bloaters)
a. dyspnea
b. increased ventilatory effort
c. barrel chest
d. pursed lip breathing noted
e. weight loss
Blue Bloaters
a. hypoxemia
b. cyanosis
c. shortness of breath
d. prolonged expiratory respiration
e. pulmonary hypertension
f. cor pulmonale
g. clubbing of fingers
3. Bronchiectasis
-abnormal dilation of the large bronchial associated with
infection and destruction of the bronchial walls.
4. Cystic Fibrosis
Ms. Obenza