MM - T Code Wings - Dev
MM - T Code Wings - Dev
MM - T Code Wings - Dev
vendor master: Transaction MK01 MK02 MK03 XK01 XK02 XK03 XK05 MK05 Info Record: Description Create(purchasing) Change(purchasing) Display(purchasing) Create(centrally) Change(centrally) Display(centrally) Block(centrally) Block(purchasing) Autorizations Z:mm_vm_create01 Z:mm_vm_change02 Z:mm_vm_disp03 Z:mm_vm_central_create01 Z:MM_VM_CENTRAL_chang e02 Z:MM_VM_CENTRAL_DISP 03 Z:MM_VM_CENTRAL_block Z:MM_VM_block
Transaction ME11 ME12 ME13 ME1L ME1M ME1W Source list: Transaction MMME01 ME02 ME03 Request for quotation:
Description Create Change Display Info record per vendor Info record per material Info record per materialgroup
Quotation: Transaction ME47 ME48 ME49 ME1E Description Maintain Display Price comparision QuotationPrice histroy Autorizations Z:mm_quation_maintain Z:mm_quation_disp03 Z:MM_QUATION_PRICE_DI SP03 Z:MM_QUATION_PRICE_DI SP03
Purchase Requistion: Transaction ME51N ME52N ME53N MEMASSRQ ME54N ME55 ME5F Description Create Change Display Mass maintenanace-disp Individual Release-chg Collective Release-chg Release Reminder-disp Z:mm_pr_micr_create01 Z:mm_pr_micr_change02 Z:mm_pr_micr_display03 Autorizations Z:mm_pr_create01 Z:mm_pr_change02 Z:mm_pr_display03
Purchase Order:
Display Mass maintenanace Individual Release Collective Release Automatically via purchase requistion Purchasing reporting: RFQ Purchasing reporting:Outline agreement Purchasing reporting:puchase order Purchase order price history
Goods Recipt: Transaction MIGO MB31 MB1C MB1A MB1B Description GR for purchase order For Order Other GR Goods issue Transfer Posting Authorizations Z:MM_GR_DISPLAY03 Z:MM_GR_change02 Z:MM_GR_create01
Material Document: Transaction MB02 MB03 MBSL MBST MBRL Description Change Display Copy Cancel/Reverse Return delivery Authorizations Z:mm_mat.doc_change02 Z:mm_mat.doc_display03 Z:MM_M_DOC_COPY_CANCEL_ RETUN_D Z:MM_M_DOC_COPY_CANCEL_ RETUN_2 Z:MM_M_DOC_COPY_CANCEL_ RETUN_1 Z:MM_M_DOC_X_DISP03 Z:MM_M_DOC_X_change02
Place in storage Material document list Archived Material documents Cancelled Material documents
Special stock:
Stock overview Close period Allow posting to previous period Extend material views Enter storage locations Materials list
Reservation: Transaction MB21 MB22 MB23 MB25 Description Create Change Display Reservation list Authorizations Z:MM_R_CREATE01 Z:MM_R_CHANGE02 Z:MM_R_DISPLAY03
Invoice: Transaction MIRO MIR7 MIRA MIR4 MR8M MRBR MIR5 MIR6 MR90 MRRL Description Enter invoice Park invoice Enter invoice for invoice verification in background Display invoice document Cancel invoice document Release blocked invoices Display list of invoice documents invoice Overview Output messages Evaluated receipt settlement Authorizations Z:mm_iv_create01 Z:mm_iv_change02 Z:mm_iv_display03
(ERS) MRDC MRKO MRIS MRNB Automatic delivery cost settlement Consignment and pipeline settlement Invoicing plan settlement Revaluation
Physical Inventory:UDAY_SB Physical Inventory document: Transaction MI01 MI02 MI03 MI11 Description Create Change Display Recount Z:MM_PID_CREATE01 Z:MM_PID_CHANGE02 Z:MM_PID_DISPLAY03 Authorizations
Inventory count: Transaction MI04 MI09 MI05 MI06 Inventory Difference: Transaction MI07 MI08 MI10 MI20 Description Enter Enter w/o document reference Change ********Display Z:MM_IC_CREATE01 Z:MM_IC_CHANGE02 Z:MM_IC_DISPLAY03 Authorizations
Service master:TILL HERE UDAY_SB Transaction AC03 AC06 Description Service master Service list Authorizations Z:MM_SM_CREATE01 Z:MM_SM_CHANGE02
List of classes
Standard service Catalog. Transaction ML01 ML02 ML03 MLS6 MLS5 Description Create Change Display List display Import file Authorizations Z:MM_SSC_CREATE01 Z:MM_SSC_CHANGE02v Z:MM_SSC_DISPLAY03
List analyses: MODIFIED BY UDAY_SB Transaction MSRV6 ML84 Description For sevice For purchase order Authorizations Z:MM_LA_CREATE01 Z:MM_LA_CHANGE02 Z:MM_LA_DISPLAY03
Scheduling Agreement: Transaction ME31L ME37 ME32L ME33L ME34L ME35L MEMASSSA Delivery Schedule: Transaction ME38 ME39 ME9E ME84 Description Maintain Display Print/transmit Create SA release Z:MM_DS_CREATE01 Authorizations Z:MM_DS_CHANGE02 Z:MM_DS_DISPLAY03 Description Create Stock transport SA Change Display Maintain supplement Release Mass maintenance Z:MM_SA_CHANGE02 Z:MM_SA_DISPLAY03 Authorizations Z:MM_SA_CREATE01
List: CHANGED BY UDAY_SB Transaction ME3L ME3M ME3C ME3B ME3N MELB Description By vendor By material By materialgroup By tracking number By agreement number Transections per tracking number Z:MM_LIST_CREATE01 Z:MM_LIST_CHANGE02 Z:MM_LIST_DISPLAY03 Authorizations
External services:CHANGED BY UDAY_SB Transaction MSRV5 ME3S Description By service By contract Authorizations Z:MM_ES_CREATE01 Z:MM_ES_CHANGE02 Z:MM_ES_DISPLAY03